STijc llltdiin OJnierprbc. published bv request. Oregon I we love thee so glorious anil grand. As lliy beauty shows forth on Pacific's strand. Though young are thy people, old are thy C hills. And the music is sweet of thy mum-: tir ing rills. The rivers flow proudly on, on, fo Hie sea ; Thy mountains are decked with an ever green tree ; The valleys are lovely, teeming with flowers Made bright bv Msy's golden showers. On tby lakes scarce a i !;ip!- is seen, fjave when sweet zephyrs disturb the sil- S-ery sheen ; Thy orchards are as fragrant when blos soming Ullt A3 the lovely magnolia ; the pride of the south. ft- The middle. States of boast ; Miss;Hs;j)d may Then to noble Columbia will be the next e t(t , Yv'hetj people say Sarotoga will do inva lids good. ; w "Wo will shout, far mat near, thei ia no pi. ice like Mt. Hood. Your farmers are hones!, thev work with a will; They ve tit thing to do with t lie last Con gressional bill They Lave a home of their own. a liitle haven on earth. "Where they po.-sess peace and plenty, in 0 termiiigled with mirth. Here the fields are as green and the skies are as blue As the ladies are pretly and the gentle- men true The birds sing as sweetly and the rose is red As the fir tree is graceful that towers o'er head. n. .1. . i ii in i L - . m M,,. O CiUXCKD. My love she wore a simple dress. Her hair in waving curls : They called her lovely black-eyed Eess, Queen rose among the girls. I left her, far away to roam, She vow'd she'd ne'er forget. ; I ut everything, alas! had changed lieore again we met. !dy love she had become a 'blonde" W hen next 1 saw her I' ice ; And where thecuis once graced her head, ltats, frizzes, chignons, lace : She was the belle of sk ding rinks. The my of a fast set ; I sih'd. "Do you remember me?" She winked and cried. 'You bet I" Old-Fashioned Mother. Thank God sonic of us have an ol d-fashioned mother. Xot a wo man of the period, enamelled and painted, with lier great chignon, and her culls and hustles, whose white jeweled hand never felt the clasp of tiny lingers; but a dear, old-fashioned, sweet-voiced mother, with eyes in whose clear depths the love-light shone, and brown hair, just threaded with silver, lying smooth on her faded cheek. Tiioso dear hands, worn with toil, gentlv guided our tottering steps in child hood, and smoothed our pillow in sickness, even reached out to us in yearning tendernesswhen her sweet spirit was baptised in the pearly spray of the river. Blessed is the memory of the old-fashioned mo ther. It iioats to us in the beatiti iul perfume from woodland blos soms. The music of other voices may be lost, but herV echoes to our souls forever. Other faces may fade away and be forgotten, but hei's shall shine on until the light from Heaven's portals shall glorify our own. When the fitful pauses of busy feet wander back to the old homestead, and crossing the well known threshold, stand once more in the iow, quaint room, so hallow ed by her presence, how the feel ings of childish innocence and de pendenee come over us, and we kneel down in the molten sunshine streaming in the western window, just where, long years ago, we knelt by our mother's knee, and lisped "Our "Father." How many times, when the tempter lures, us on, has the memory of those sacred hours, that mother's faith and her prayers, saved us from plunging into the deep abyss of sin. Years have filled great drifts between her and us, but they have not hidden from our sight the glory of her pure, unsellish love. - o- Happy Ihaoux. Avery happy retort was that of a badgered wit ness to a lawyer named .Missing, who was tormenting him. The lawyer was defending a prisoner o charged with stealing a donkey. Tne prosecutor had left the annual tied up to a gate, and when lie re turned it was gone. Missing was 3 very severe in his examination of the witness. " Do you mean to say, witntss, the donkey was stolen from that gate?'' " I mean to say, 9ir," giving the Judge and then the iury a slv look, "the ass was miss- IJorr.ii ox Tin: Fi.u:. At last the pestiferous house liies are to meet the fate they o richly de serve. Titusviile, Pa., lias invent ed a reliable sort of fly-paper. It is covered with nitro-giyeerine, glue and molasses. The flies, attracted by the molasses, alight, and are stuck fast by the glue. Should any get away, they proceed to rub their legs together in eestaey. when the friction of their own shins causes the nitro-glycerine adhering to their feet and limbs to explode, blowing them to atoms. o -o- . lFAyioKKKt.-A clergyman met a bewildered young' man out in Chicago Avenue, while the flames were licking up the north side, who ased in bewilderment : " Where ami?" On being informed, he said : " Well, Fve been married three weeks; I don't know where my wife is but if she's burned. ii, us- jjuivi c h in. let nor To and off he started. The Farm and Kcnic. HOW TO KEEP LAND IX GRASS PER MANENTLY. The propcf management of grass lands will be, before 1 oiiLT, if it is not now, the key to successful ag riculture in America. We find a difficulty in maintaining the pro ductiveness of our meadows and pastures, even with an annual top dressing of barn yard manure. There needs something more. Xot only abundant artificial manures are necessary to maintain peren nial vigor, but the mechanical pro cesses of harrowing and rolling are needed. 1 hese destroy moss, loos en and open the surface, admit the iertihzers to the loots, and prevent the formation of tufts, of herbage, which in lime would render the surface uneven. y these means grass lands have been kept produc tive for centuries in .European countries. STEAM EXGIXE.5 OR STEAMERS. Steaming feed for stock is now becoming a common practice, and many inquiries are arising as to the superiority of an engine oyer a steamer. Now this question de pends almost wholly on the length of a man's purse, and whether he can afford to do a great deal of work, by steam, that his horses might do, and keep them idle. 'litis won't pay for working farmers, who must economize in every way. Such a one will therefore find among the various excellent steamers a means of preparing his feed, and leave Ills richer neighbor to thrash, cut feed, saw wood and cook fodder with the boiler of his engine. I'KEIHXG STRAW. Straw, it properly managed, can be made to serve a more profitable purpose than mere littering, or to add bulk to the manure pile. In England, and amongst the Eng lish farmers in Canada-, most of the bullocks are fed and fattened on straw, with roots and meal. Xo hay is used, that being kept for the horses. a greater amount of stock can be fed. Straw cut, wet ted and sprinkled with ground feed or oil-meal, will carry cattle very well through a hard winter. Oat, barley, rye, and wheat straw are proportionately valuable in the or der in which they are placed. Pea straw is more valuable than oat straw. CLIPPING HORSES. It has been found that the prac tice of clipping the long, rough coat of horses in the winter season is a beneiit in more ways than one. They do not sweat so easily when at work, are less apt to take cold, consume less feed, are more easily kept clean, and in better condition. It is almost impossible, to keep a rough-coated horse in good condi tion constant and pro! use sweat ing prevents him from gaining flesh. Clipping is a remedy. The horse's appearance is also much improved. TO PREVENT TURNIPS FLAVORING MILK AND MEAT. When turnips and rutabagas are fed to milk cows and to fattening sheep and beeves, the milk and butter and meat will have a decid ed flavor of the roots. This may be prevented by feeding the cows only immediately after milking ; and by changing the feed of fat annuals from roots to hay ami meal for three or four days previ ous to slaughtering, there will be no unpleasant flavor in the meat. WASHING ROOTS. It is frequently asked if it is ne cessary to wash roots before feed ing them to stock. It is quite un necessary to take this trouble ; in fact it is injudicious to do so, as stock thrive better for the small portion of earth which adheres to the roots. It undoubtedly acts in a favorable manner on their appe tites. Stock may often be seen dur ing winter licking the earth where it is exposed on the sides of banks or ditches. . P.AKED APPLES. . Cure some Baldwins, Pippins, or any other fme llavored tart apple. Sprinkle suirar on the bottom of a deep dish, and set the tipples into the dh, with two or three on top. Fill the holes with sugar; cover the lower apples with water, and bake one hour. A little cinnamon, nutmeg or lemon will be an im provement for those who like fruit seasoned. TO MAKE COMMON HARD SOAP. Put into an iron kettle five pounds of uusl ached lime, five do. soda, and three gallons of soft water; let it soak over night ; in the morning pour off the water, then add three and a half pounds ol grease, boil till thick, turn into a par. until cool, and then cut into oars. TO DRY PUMPKIN Peel and cut, as for cooking; then siice them vervlhin nr.o,l . i - 1 on tm or oilier driers, and expose to a moderate heat in a stove oven. Thus dried the pumpkin will retain its natural flavor. To prepare it for cooking, soak it in hot water a few hours. TO MAKE CLOTH WATKK-rKOOr. In a pail of soft water put half a pound of alum ; stir at intervals until it becomes cool, then pour it into another pail and put the nar ment therein, and let it remain in twenty-four hours, and then hang it up to dry without wringing it. TO C LEANSE PLANK ETS. Put two table-spoonsful of boras and a pint of soap into a tub of cold water. When dissolved, put in a pair ot mauKets, ana let them ! remain over nirrht. -H'xt day rub out, and hang them out to drv. Do net wrimr them. To Make Soya Good i'ariners- The American Agriculturist says : Induce them to take an in terest in the farm, in the imple ments, and the stock ; tell them all your plans, your success, and your failures; give them a history of your life and what you did, and how you lived when a boy ; but do not harp too much on the de generate character of the young men of the present day. Praise them when you can, and encour age them to do still better. Let them dress up in the evening, and not sit in their dirt clothes in a dirty room. Provide plenty of light. Thanks to kerosene, our country homes can be as brilliant ly lighted as the gas-lit residence in the city. Encourage the neigh bors to drop in evenings. Talk agriculture, rather than politics; speak of the importance of large crops, of good stock, liberal feed ing, and the advantages of making animals comfortable, rather than of the hard times, low prices, and high wages. Above all, encourage the boys to read good agricultural books. Papers are well enough, but an intelligent boy needs some thing more. Get him some good agricultural book to study. Jiead it with him, and give him the ben eiit of your experience and criti cism. When he has mastered this, give him another. -In our own case, we owe our love for farming principally' to the fact that our father told us of everything he was doing on the farm ; answering all the questions, and encouraging rather than refusing our childlike desire of helping him to plow, to chop, to let off water and fire the brush heap. Signs. Whenever yu -see a flok uv gees all staudiu' on wun leg, except the old gamier, and he chawing his cud, lookout for a southwest wind tew-morrow, or the next day, or the day after, or at some fewter time. Whenever dons are .seen traveling around with nothin' to do, and old maids refuse their tea, and hop vines won't klimb, and grindstones won't grind, then yu may expekt a little crop uv oats, ami beans won't pay for harvesting. The following perrons are authorized to act as agents for the Exki:i:peise : J. M. LJultimnre. l'oiilaml, Oregon. Thomas iJo ,ee, .Saa Franc, sco. L. "P. Fish-.a-, Jhidson &, -Mtiict.41 Park How, New York. Geo. 1. kowcll & C'C ., T 1'ai k R ;v, New Yo.k. Abbott Ac, Co.. Xo. 82 & Si Xassau street, X e v V v i k . iltKi on, Meaet & Co.. 'lueaii, Illinois. Coe. Wet'.erill & C ., ;'.;7 Chest mit street, rhihi,ioip!.sa. SG, MA IX STiLL'FT, Okkuox City. Okkhox. T ;I!S POPULAR IIOU.K HAVING Re-n lately REFITTED iuiT FSJliXiSllKD, the ivojoaetoi s are now i .-; 1 - t ;incvooitu clute their custo hers with i I A KD-Fi MS! I till d ill hie I'V riiiirh-' SO li!S. 'i'h'V ii;Vito ail i'li.-,) t'ontl of (JOUl) MH.L anc'l a GOOD LF1. e call ai.i! give them a trial, for they art; confeletit tiii-y e , c please everyh-.!y, because they ' know how to keep a 11 mi!. I'riees to suit the tones ana Fv!::;yi;oi.y, ac 'oniiDg to the rooois t eeopie.!. Attached to the ilo-,te is a BATH For the accommodation of esutoiners. -iIFIIlLlAM & F:)UilM i-.It. Jane In. Is7i:tf 1'ropi lei o; s. Tr.W WAGON AN!) Carriage Manufactory I The undei signed, having increased" the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method -ro inform his old pat r..r.s, aad as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with a mple ro-m , od materials, and the very be.-t of meehuiih-s, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. lMack-mith:nr, Horse or Ox shot-in ir, and genera! jobbing nrat !v, quickly and cheap ly done." DAVID sMI ! IL Opposite Excelsior Market Eye, Ear, Throat k Lungs. joh:j b. PiLiniJG-Torjj m. d., LATE OF SAX FUANCL'.PO, HAS I.O eated in Portland. Or, e-on. )!!ic : In il lints' Uni'.dii'g. First direct 'three doers t'n-m Lad 1 & Tilt n's V, -.nki, wher e he may be con-ule d daily, and will treat diseases of the ab ve named ere; ins as specialties. All operation.? upon the live and !Iu per 'oru;e 1 in the most scientific and careful manner. A UTI FICIA L 1IYIIS, having all the beauty and mobility of the nat'.ral eye, inserted. Jte.'ers bv peiniis-ion, for Lis professional sstun.'.ini, to L. O. Lane, M,' 1)., I'nife-s r o.' Snrjxery, an i lldwin llentiey, M. D., Prohjs Mr of Anatomy, Uhiver.-ity of the 1'acisic. San Francisco ; and fur his success ia the treatment of ca-es, to over l.."oo cases tieat i d bv him, in San l anciCo ; also, to I.evi II.-ts. lis,., Hev T. L. Hiiot. For'tind ; V,' in. II. liil ii, K -,., Var-eouvi-r, W. T. : a-:d many others Ore'o:i aud V.'adunuton Ter ritory, aau.'au'j Agents Wanvecl for SATAN I'M SOCIETY. TV AX 1IJUXCXT rilVSICIAX A XI') J. i'r.ifeSr-or in one of our 1 ;rire Medical Ch iivtres. It deals fearlessly, but c!ia.-tcly, wiiii evds from whicii siuin": physical mo-a I degradation, and do estic felieitv. It is bein; reviewed praised and i-Mticised, by ail the h-aoine; re'.iirious and sectdar pa pers and matuizuics in the C S., and the ver, diet of the best and most discriminating is :t is a 7 ,iiarkiiili F--k ; that it is time ly; that it is netJeJ ; that it make its in .';.', and t!o It is of roW import'inct to every man and woman m the laud, acd is Laving a wouder iul sale. Aiient will find this a rare opportunity to maKe money, eircnlars. jrivincr ml! par ticnlars, with uumerotis notices of the press. seat free A- L. BANCTOFT & CO , SAX FRAXC1SCO, CAR GOOD PIEWS I 00K 0 UT FOE GOOD BARGAINS? S. ACICEIA & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of SFR1XG. SIiEMEIl 60DDS, V.'IIlCIi THEY OFFER We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND ST AIM. II DRY-GOODS, CHOTHIXG, II ATS, BJOTS AND S110II-. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, a?;d a jtrcat many articles too numerous to mention. AL0, Doors, Windows, G!a-s and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, Vi iiiKj wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. & CO. Oregon City, April 21, 171:tf t'lidcr a I3:aruisi Kn, where IVdlious a h' :' iois and Fevetsof v a rioas ue.-cii it ions so ,-r. !!,: aliy prevail, !I :i; rc'i (it's Kii'crvc-ircnt xizvr A p! ! iciit Has hep--! beyond all parallel. Hence the phv.-ician of the tiopics rive it tlo ir emoiiatie s-metion, p; esei'ibi n r ii. in preference to every other am ra nt. in use. t he p itients, of c n:se, i:!a,iiy acquiesce, for this preparation i- one of toe most de lightful, a-' well as mild and cooline; eithar iics, ehenii-try has yd devis (1. and jms-es-es ev.-ry uu-d ieal vi, t no of the far -lamed Gercoan Seitvcer S;oi. It is a t owd -r that onl' requires the a idition of wa'er to pro duce m an m Hnt a l lici'-us eilei veseent hr vera.ue, a wed as an inv.duable medi.- no. Aki iiiici ii! ;',J!t 1031S but tin: i'. fi .: I 51 e. soy.i) isy Ai.r. i Kr cnsr-"". 33AIiISTXJLl iESTAOH AMI latj-: of 'Tin: cliff jiousf .M MX nTUKHT, Oiii'.fiOX CITY, OKKOOX. IHK UXDERSIGX EI) R E- , A socci ui 1! v aniioiioces to his fiiend-i and the t . a ve' i n z nbi ic. that I e loss ve-nj-ei.ed tlms above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve Ids I'sntomers with Ovst'is, Fiji's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. LEON DiiLOUEYj Oregon CUy, -Tjn. 'IT, S71:tf r.ui i i i s i. ihi i if At i; it,, near Ore j on Citv, a b iv thoromrh-'ored J"--' Amei ii iiii MALL, ei-ht. veais old, about 1 t hands hL'l '., a siiiall wlnt' tl'ioe on the near tore toot, and the hoot Maek and while, no I i-.uid.s or other marks. Any one r.-i :irToim? said tiuire or leavio int'ortnation of where she may I'e i'on-el, ut the podoJKee, in Oregon ?"ity, v.ill be hi".-; ali v rewavOi'd. SAMUEL RAMSDEX. Oretron City, July H,1S71. JOHN II. SCIIIIAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in fp? SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., Mi In Orf-o-A f;iltj, ZIP Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the laruest establishment in the State. He i ai icuhu Ij-i ep;ests that an examination of his sto'.k 1-e made before buyinjr elsewhere. OUEGOiT CITY B 11 EWEET! flavi!i;( pnrchnsed the above Rrewery wish es to inform the pnblt'" that he is now picpar ed t: manuiaetur icture a Xo. 1 qn-ilitv of LA (ii:! I BEER. As jcrood as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. house a;:dl?js ran sale rpilR TTX D ERSIO.X ED OFFERS FOR X sa'e his red in Oregon City. There are four lots, a goud hou-e and barn, with a slice cellar and a go.ifl wi.51 of water. There is plenty of land, and it is will adapted for errly card injr , -.reposes. Part payment inttv be made ia stock. For part iciilars ep ply to G L( liG E CLAP K. Ore on City Juna2 lSTPtf GF.EA7 .VilTn TQNIO. IIi;cnian's Cordial rilixirof Calf saj-i-Uiii It, a pie sani Cordial which s'renMier -and improves the I.):j:etirtn, an excellent preventive of Fever.s Fever ai-d A rue, .Vc. and a meat Rrr.o' -.tor and Tonic for inva 1 ds and (hbil t itpd persons. IIkgemax & Co , Xew York, Sole Manufacturer. Sold by itll Prutrguts. VOID QUACKS. A victim of e i ly in XX. discretion, causing nervous debility, premature uTcav, &c , having tried in vain everv advertised remedy,! as a simjde means ot self-cure, which he w'll send ireeto fellow sn derers. Address J. II. REEVES, 7s Nassau st., Xew Ytrk Sept. l:ly fiflJliiifi C. W. POPE & CO., peali;i:s ix STOVES, TIX PLATE, SHEET IROX. BRA s; OPPEL, LEAD PI1UI, IR X Pli'E AXD FITTIX(;S, RFHU E HOSE. FOS.'OE AXD 1 1 FT PUMPS. ZIXC, COl'I'FR, BRASS AXD IROX WiRE. Also a jreneral cssoitment ol Ileus nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Shest iron Ware. ROOFIXG ANDoOlSRIXG of every DESCRIPTION D0X1-; x0 ORDER, AXD AT LOW PRICES. Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOIIE you will find HARDWARE AXD RASICETS, WOODEN WARE AXD 11NWAF.E. LAXTlilixS, ' RAMI'S AXD OIL, LUCIXE AXD NIGHT LAM ps. ALsO PERAM LULATORS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. XV. POPE C O. Orej ui City Oiey;!in, iLlyl LEKGCLNDAKEnY. BAILEY a MAFsDSf-iQ, Sucees-orsof L. Dillkii iu the Liucuin Rake ry, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI zens of Oregon City anil sui ronndin ji country, that they keep constantly on hand and tor sale, all kinds of DREAD. OR VCR E!;, CARES. PASTRY, CAM) i E s A N D NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly Idled, and goods deliver ed ut the residence ed' the purchaser when Ti -e highest prices paid for Putter, Eggs and Vegelahl'-s. A liherul 'hare of puhlic patronage is re spect In ! 1 solicited. April -Jt). l"7o:Iy FALL Mm WU-ITS GC0OS JUST RECEIVED AT OCCALER IN' DI1Y GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, 1 1 A R D V A R E , ( ; R 0 C E R I E ? , CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &.C. M.UN STREET, OIIEGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. if rou desire -jood Goods, at LOW Priors, c dl ut I. SELLIXG'S, aud examine his fresh s.oeU of (joods. GIVE ME A CALL AXD CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, CUICK SALES AND SMALL FLOFiTS. I. SELLING. April 14, IsTLtf COIiXKtl MAIN" AXI 5IV i;:,TI ST KELTS. GZISGON CIT Y, OSSGON, ory-soqbs a sneciaEs, C20CKEH.Y and GLAEEViillE Also, a full assortment of liiillncrj and Fancy Goods OF THE LATEST STYLES, JUST RECEIVED, COUNTITST phodijcu A , EN IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. o t, ii, ii:i:tf OREtlOX CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS I M F R K S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND RLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. Z"l will also pay the highest prices for Ratter, Eg-rs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o'- its equivalent in good mer, diantabie produce. ersr Give me a call and satisfy yourselves JOHN MYERS. Em. 13, 1871 tf "VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 3 072. , - OVEIl ONE IIOBnKD PACEt, Printed in Tivo Colors, On superb Tinted Papkk. Pour Iliniieil Kngravliigs of Flowers, Plants and A yttMljlf , with description, and TWO COLORED PLATES- Directions and plans fi.r making AValks Lawns. !arden-. &r- The I.aadso.nes. and best FLOlt Al. .I IDK in -, heV. i Id- All for TE - IESTS, to those who OonK ot buying Seed. Not a nat ter the cost. '2u0,ooo liothister, N. X . JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaUoqne & Co., On KG OX CITY. Keep constantly on hand fVu sale M diings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties nrchasing feed must furnish the sacks. The Great Mc&cal ViscoTn t Dr. Y7AL.III3 V1HEGAR BITTERS. c -J" Hundreds cf 'i-'housantls Beer t.esM-nor -r t" ihr--1 "V"o:;dcr- o- Cc;-r.i:ve i::;'ers. ': - WHAT ARE THEY?K tr . c - r C 1-' 21: THEY Alcn NOT A-YILE FANCY DHiN K8?Sf Ittn-'io cf Vni' II h -it, WLif-Iie r .d. ; ic-! . . : . -- t:.ut L .: .1 I ace i.-. X ..wuC-jr-t'd t 1 ie. .; t;. .. t.; ios,"" Aj'retfrer.-." " U. a-.-: t:ie tinkler on t t:;c.';- .-- a fi trn:: M.ruif.u-.c.u-.r.a-; f..c::a!ivo Luc. is cn l Ilor'os of Ca'.iiV-i r: :.ii A:eet;e.e HUlUuI-ncs. TliC r.i-t t"i.'- 1-. ci:.o;Ji v ,. t. r .r i, !(.-.:.i..r H..-.1 i cvhreratv r cf ' fa?, fyst .r.t. e..: ryi 1 ffr.-l po:ic,.;:.c-r.-- tcr cad reotoriuK f.-e - to .-. ccitl.y c ..Mi- .. I"rs:n ran ta'..e tic:- I'i :er-; ;-,ce'.r-.Ii:"..: t r. ; r.---tioa a;il rcnai'aUiu.; u:i'.v; '.I. For InSaHisniitory .'!trni!ie tthnn- i::al;s::2 :::;d io;ii, 5?;. Sicr-sLi. irr Jii.L uesitioti, i:i5!ii:, IZea-iiteut nail iater uiitlent Fi'vc-r--, l5-e.-:f-t-i .J" tins IJIoccjj!, Idver, IvLIj.c-yri, 1 Jh-x.LJer, tie-s-.t VAi tet'M l.av,: bec.i niO.;:l . .t.-r'a!. eases are caused hy 'l t Tf.". 2vt ; !, w::v:!i is tmcra:!y prodaeed i.y uei'i'..,.:,eiuve. l tao Digi'stivc Jrjrn.!is. DYSrEi'.i-sA Oil -irr.'TJN, Ilcndachc. I'aia Li :'n i-.tioui.'.::-.;, Cou::h, fi.v-V.t-ness of the fl.c-st, IKr.Si.i- s.-, y-.r.-.r P.-uc.'a!:o..s ot the Ftoi:ir.f,!i, tasi i t. ; l:.:o Ai- tr.cks, I'alpitetian of i'a . IL.-a.-t, '. . i d the;::s,I,-.iia ia fie r-vie'-.s .-rU;e i; i;;n. vs. aae a Iiuudvd other paintc! s-yuii.- .-ric, lUc ea 6r.riaj;sof I)ys;.ej:-sia. Th'V iavi-orate the aa.l rihroihi'o torph.l liver and bowels, v. UL-!i roin rih.-a ...f ua cqnrdled efficacy ia c'-ea:e. in-j: f i5-''d T imimrities, and i::;i:arti.;:j iiesv I if-- u v,r to tlic w'no'.a sv:-tem. FOH S l'I I N !)35KA'iS, T'.-r.rtior.r.,T-:-tt?r. Salt nheum.Klotches. ;at.;, I ii;i:-i s, lhist.iL'--. Boils, Carhnnefcs, Rii-S-Verrui, cuU-IIcad, i-or-j Fycs, r.rysip, las, 1 teli, Zenzd, InscLu-atious '--the Skin, Humors and ft'tho kir, o; whatever na.ii ; or nature, arj Ii'er.u'cy dit ur and carried out of f.ia system ia ch-Tt tiiuo tjy the use of these One h -t-'h- in such cases will convince tho mt ir.ercduluui of th.ur curative etreets. Cleanse the Vitiated rdood whenever you. find its impurities burstin;,' thr..-u-'h the.-!; in L 1'ini ples, Eruptions or gores ; it when you find it obstructed f.n 1 ia;;;r:.-h ia the veins; cleanse it when it Is foul, and your will tell you when. Keep the Mood pure r.d tha heal tli of the- system will f'dfiw. FIX, TA 1E and other V"-:!IiTri. l-ir'u-o- 5 the system cf so many thousaa are f.itVc.t:.uV,'iy destroyed and r.-nioved. For full directions, rciiO carefully the circular around each hi'.le. J. 'WALK EH, rropri.-tor. K. It. MnDON'AI.i) & CO., Drasfdsts and Gen. A,'coUm. Pao Frarici-eo, Cal and Z2 and 31 Comme.ic? ?trj- t, Kew Voile. c- p . "ALL DnKGGI.iTS AXB DS ALEXIS. . v j. : lv PRIVATE l&UMl AI2. i ti i K Can s an l XiJc-::te CIargc Br, "J. itTPcherty's 5?i-ivs5te ?Ieili-;il Mirrsii :1 Ii:sSi ue Ko. 513 Sacramento Street, corner cf Liidesdocii'i la 't w 'hiors Isclow i he w hut ( "r.ecr I louse. (Private enf ranee on heid, s,hu tV st I eet.) i;-t.;!,iiri., d. Ji; ! s-iy to A!l'-rd the AHl cted So ind and Scient ific 1 edieal Aid, in tlse Treatment and (hire rf all Private and Chrome Pi- eases, Ccisi'S of Secrecy aud ad Sexual Disorders. To 5 tie A KiU-t I-'.?. PP. K. l)OIli:::TY returns his sincere thanks to hi- r.usneious j.tieuts tor ther patronase. i n:! would lake this pj-orunity to ri-mind them that he cordmues to consilt at his institute for the cure of chrorh- dis eases of the Lnr.s, l.iver. Kidneys, li. res tive and (ienito-Urinr.i v Organs, aiul ai privale diseases, viz : Svph-ilis in all its forn.s and stasis, Setuinal Veakne-s aud al! the horrid eon-cf;r.e".iees of stdf-ahn-e, (i-nurr-liira, (! et, Strietun s, Neeturnal and Diur nal Emissions, Sexual Ikbd-ty, Diseases ol the Pack and Poius, iidiainmution of ti;e Pd older and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopes that his lonix experience and se.ccc-s-ful toac tice v, ili con! ii.ue to insure id.o a share of puhlic patronage. Py the practice of nuiny years in lharojie and the United States, he is enahic d to apply the most efficient in: d suc cessful remedies against diseases of kinds lie uses no mercury, ciaai-i'cs niodeiafe, tree t his patients in a eo'i rei t and hoi orahie way, and has referenees of uiopic.-tionahle veracr tv from men ot' known respectahihty and hi.rh stan.iinirin society. All parties con sul tins' him 'bv letter or otherwise, will re ceive the host ' and gentlest tieatme it find implicit seciccj-. Tn I'tiiirslcs-. "When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the luiek and limbs, pain in the head, di-uness of si cbt, loss of muscular power, palpitat'on of the heait. in it tt'.i'ity, nervousness, extreme v.r inarv dillictdties. det iinersx tit of di;.re live functions, general delulity. vaginitis, r.Il dis eases of the woiob, hysteria, steiility and all other diseases peculiar to ft males, .diesi:ou"d CO or v. ri'c nt oru o to the c It loated (( nude doctor, V. K. P'OnrilTV. at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her ttouhlrs and di-eas,"s. The Doctor is ih cf inir more cures than anv other p.h sii in the State of California." Let no talse delicacy prevent mi, hut apply i'nnsedii.tely arid save yeurstlf from i:nnfiil 'sui!'eiii;s and jrenuduic death. All married holies, whose d' iicate luallh er eircnmstitn es prevent an jnei-ase in their famiiios -honld write or cull at DP. W . TC. PD.'IIiPTY'S Medical Insti ide, ai d t hex will receive very po-sihle relief and ! ( !n. The Doctoi's o'lict-s are so ana need that l.e can be cousidted without fear jf observation. To Cori-!SiKUi(Unts. Patients residinir in any part of thef-'tale however dis'rnt, win max- d s:r." the opinion and advice of Dli.PO IIKPTY in their respec tive cases, and who think j;roper t snmiiit t wiitten stiiternent of such, in pit ft re nee to holding a personal interview, rre respectful ly assiiifd that 1 heir communient mis will lie held s-.u-red and eonfidentiah If the case, be fuilv and c andidlv described, personal com munication will i,e unnecessary, n instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general f eat metit of tne ca-e itself (inclndinir the tome d esi. will be f.rwa'ded without delav and in such a no'imcr as to convfy no idea.d the pun. ort of the letter or parcel. tcr r -n ?ul tat ion by letter or otherwise. Fi:KP. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. ; perm : t orrlxtr a . DU. DOIIKPTY has ju-t published an irn portant pamphlet, emh'-d vinir his own view? and experiences in relation to Impotence or Virility; being a Slmrt Treaties on Sperma torrhea or Seminal Weakness, Nerx-ous and Physical TVb'dity consequent on this a ll'ec Don, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contain in forma ti n of the utmost value to a!', whether married orsin'de ano will hp sent FPKE bv mail on rereiptof six cc '- in postage stamps for return post a"s. Address. W. IC. POIIF.RTY. M. P.. julvOi'lv San Francisco Cal 1 Pr.AXKs. All klnda of Plank? can he had nt lM office Job Printing of every description neatly executed, at short notice. 111 ill "- u;C j m m K m Ayer5s Ague Cure, For Fere? and Asrue, Intermittent Fever, Cluil Fever, llcruittent Fever, Kutnb ..pis, Periodical or Bilious ITever, &c, r-.rid iadooci all tlio asfoetions which, nrieo from, nialarl.-sus, inarch, or miasmatic liOiaonu. No one renirdr 13 Ton dor c .tiled for by the nee-ess-hiea of the Anierieaa i;eo;de than a and safe cure for Fever i-n I .,true. Such xre are novr t-.i ihie'd to o.Ter, with a perfect certaiuty that it will eradicate- ti-e disease, ami xvua :o-.--ur-ance, four.-!'' 1 on proof, tltat no harm caa arise I'i-ooi it - u-e ia anv ouantiiy. '1 h i: whicii oi '-.te. is 1'roin or prevents tnis dis-o,-der iiiu -t hi ol" immense st rviee in the com n a-ii; xv'e--n-e it. prevails. J:rcrfio7i is better to e cure, for the pat lent escapes the risk xvhieh io must run ia violent rutne,; -, ot tins mocKi! uis- t.-.uper. This "Cunt;-' cxpets tne nuasuiauo iio'c-oa oi" Fa-;vr::t and Aco k IVom the sy.leinr .'e d i.revcnts hue development of the disease, if i'U' a on the tirst a up roach of its premonitory s'v!iiroms. It is not only the best remedy ever 'et ,p- -over.--! for this class oi complaints, but also" the cheap ot. ihe hirce qiumtity we supr for a do'.tir trinjsu xviuim me ol , . , ..,.1 hi r,i ioits iiivrrieis. 1 h rvvvp ami Aot::: prevails, everyoody frliotild h Vve'it ami u -e it freely, both for cure and pro-p.'-t'-ri it is hop.ed this po ice will place it within th re i -h of ;-.; the poor as xvell as the rich, v". o't soerioritv of this remedy over any och'r ever discovered, for the speedy and certain cure of Informittonts is, that it contains no Qui nine ir mineral ; consequently it produces no rui-.iism or other injurious effects whatever upors tiie constitution.' 1'l.ose cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and A sue is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great x ariety of dis orders ari-e from its irritation, among xvhieh are Neuralgia. Phetimaiism, Gout, Headache IJlindnes-:, Tootlrtehe, Kiiraehe, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the- Dowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, all of xvhieh, xvhen ;rii-ina:ing in this cause, put on the in torinitteut tvp, r become periodical. Tliis "Ci'itt. " expels t he. poison from the blood, and cooseunontiv- cures them all alike. It is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temoorari'.v residing in the mala-i-ions districts. If taken occasionally or daily wi;ile exposed to the infection, that xvill be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate ia sufii 'ier.t (uuintity to ripen into disease i fence it- is even more valuable for protection. h-n cur'1: ami few xvill over suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedV afl'onls. - . For Lirrr (Unit ulaiufs. arising from torpid itv of the Fiver, it is an excellent remedy, stira v.iating the Diver into healthy activity, and pro ducing immy truly remarkable cures, xvhere other mediciues lull. rF-EPAKET) BT Dr. J. . A1rE5i& CO., Iexiii rIass. and Analytical Chemists, AND SOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD. FIIICE, $1.00 I'JSli JiOTTLE. Ayer's air igor, For restoring' to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing vkl licit is at once iigrceaLle, healthy, a n d efiectual for preserving the hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with tlte X ' gloss and fresJiness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair cheeked, and baldness often, though not always, cured ly its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed ; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a past. sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use xvill prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Tha restoration of vitality it gives to thes scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I'ractieal and Analytical Chemists, LOViTELL, MASS. s. us i ' i-' vis. ." t iiUitt, VixclPS:v -jf "5 til i i'ov Or i-gon , FLORENCE SexTins Msidtincs. The FJ.OKEXCE is the best Sexvin- Ma chine for Family use, because it so siddoro jrets out of Order. If there is one in Ore pon not working well, if informed of ii. I xvii! fix it xvithout' expense of any kind to the cwnc-r. J. TS- rZST 9 1 19 Montgomrv St,, South Grand Hotel Building, FCEIii SAIJ FHAUCISCO, CALI SEX!) FOR (IltClLAILS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IX EVERY I'LAtE. March 31, ISTltmlO i A