l)c iDcckln tgutcrprise. TOW.V axd corxTV, Captuked QvKri:.-On Wednesday last officer McCoy, of Portland, arrived on the morning train, hi search of a Celestial who was sent to the lVuithiry. from Jack son conntv, about two years ago. for ten years, Inn who had escaped s. iiie months since. Mac. went directly to a wash house oa Main street, where he found five Chi namen, one of whom asked what tie want ed. He replied that he wanted his wash ing'. At this juncture, the? convict ap proached (whom the oCieer immediately recognized, from the description), and de manded a ticket. Surveying the stalwart form of McCoy for a moment, he seemed to smell a mlee,:' and dropping some bundles he held in his hands, essayed to rim : but the officer was too quick lor him. and caught him by the queue. In an instant three ot the other Chinamen flew at McCcy. one bestriding Lis neck, and began biting, scratching and pulling his hair. Finding it impossible to rid himself of these "insects'7 without letting go of Lis prisoner, he drew his revolver, and attempted to fire, but the hammer fell up on a discharged chamber, and it failed to go off. It was sufficient, however, for he immediately found himself alone with his prisoner, whom he locked in the county jail until the afternoon train came up. when he proceeded to Salem, where his protege was turned over to the State Pris on authorities. Lkctckks. It was announced last week that Prof. Rogers, of Salem, would deliver the second of the course of lectures for the benefit of the Good Templars" Libra ry, of this city, on last Friday evening. From some cause that gentlaman failed to arrive, and his appointment was filled by Ilev. E. (Jerry, of this city. hi a very en tertaining manner. Aaother lecture was delivered in the Methodic Church, on Wednesday evening, by Judge Shattuck, of Portland, which was well attended. Lkap Ykak P.u.t.. The young ladies of this city propose giving a Leap Year Pail! for the benefit of Cataract Hose Com par y No. 2. orfo.rlo. evening of February 14th. It is to be "ottfii up on strictly Leap Year principles." the lair damselr issuing the invitations, cal'ing fur their partners, ami managing the ali'iir throughout. It is mre to be a success, for in such hands a failure would be impossible. The object is a worthy one. Fkhsox.vi.. J. L. Ferguson, of Yamhill county, called upon us yerterday. Our sanctum was also brightened bv the smil- ing countenance of that oleaginous speed men of rotundity, our typographical friend (liu. Schwatka. of Salem, lie informs us that, he has been over in Yamhill county for the past few weeks, ''getting a start." Corporally speaking, lu-'s got it. IIkavv Mail. On Saturday over four hundred letters were received at the post office in this city, and on Sunday a very heavy paper mail arrived the first Eist era mail of any consequence for several weeks. J. II. Uj'tox, late proprietor of the Sa lem Mercury, paid us a visit on Sunday last. He informed us that he would con tinue the job printing business at Salem. We wish him success. New Ukstai'kaxt. A restaurant is soon to be opened in the building lately occu pied by Messrs. Kent. & Milne, as a furni ture store, who have removed to the Ma sonic Iluiiding. Ueskixkp. llev. John F. Damon, for merly of Albany, has resigned the pastor ship of Plym )th Church,. -Seattle, and will devote himself to mi.-sion iry work along the Sound. Rei.ksioi's. For the past two weeks a protracted meeting has been held in the Baptist Church, with what success we could not learn. Lai'SE.s' Sewing Society will meet -at Mis. Sell wood's, on Tuesday afternoon, at two o'clock. The Senator resumed her trips between hero and Portland yesterday. A MfSic.vi, Tkkat. ' Peters' Musical Monthly "' for January comes to us this week in a new dress. It is printed on thick paper, and is in every respect supe rior to its many predecessors. The selec tions are evidently made with great care, ind it is really wonderful how few poor pieces appear among the hundreds that are given. Volume IX commences with the January number. Price 30 cents ; or S3 per year. The publisher otters six back numbers for $1, and we advise ail our musical readers to take advantage of the offer. Address J. L. Peters, C'J'J Broad way, New York. Daniel 11. Samfi.k. the late business manager of the Sacramento Record, held a life policy of oae thousand dollars in the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, ot Poston. At the time of his deatti the renewal payment on his policy Was over due more than four ir.onths. The (Jeneral Agent' of the Company at San Francisco. Mr. Wallace K vers on. paid the widow the full amount insured, less the unpaid premium. This case practically demonstrates the benefit of the Massachu setts nonfoi leiture law. Pali.ol's Mauazixk. l'h is periodical land some years ago. for January contains such a complete col- $ntn(t rAc9 PCamp, hnv(t Wn roh lection of stories, romances, poems, en- ; bing the pantry of Rev. Dr. Lindsley of gravings. and real useful information, we I Foriland. Robbing a minister is the low do not wonder it is so popular with all ; csl tyn of moral depravity. Year's "orv t' J) W" i Tb Grande Ronde Reserva- w . p .M i' I ,! UUJ yarn and so tion suffered severely, dorin- the late l -) n..p ve.,- i- m1-"R ,: onl fl.-mr twelve miles, on his back. o p, r eai . or l. cen ts per copy, and is tor sale at all the news depots in the i The Chemeketa Hotel was closed on country. j Tuesday last, by Messrs. Walter Pros., of . j Portland, removing the furniture there- The man Cam:, bell who Lor W, ti,., from, upon which ttiey hold a mnrtno-o mans lor uie Dalles. n the 2Sih Decem ber, reached there all right, so far as hi i p person is concerned. lie lost his horse ....... -in,, in n . i ohm. nun suuered much himself in trying to reach a house where on arriral lie w is tk--i sick. This is about the slowest speed on record, as the distance is only llo miles, and it took him twenty dys to perform the journey. A dispatch from Oakland, dated on Monday last says: On the railroad gral- eight miles north of this place, a rock weighing one hundred pounds was thrown by a blast over three hundred feet, crush ing through the roof ot G 'org Smith's dwelling house, striking Thorn is Morris s5y on the head, killing him instantly. Mr. Morn Mr. Morrissey was up stairs at the time, ".-m t s iv niif ami Liiiiuieu. j iih. ii ue u.ni suor. it is supposed , : i th,u h'? W:ls 5n the act of loading his gun nder the head of -Coos c nnfy;" the When it went off. h Jacksonville SenUnel of the 6tb inst.. p ab- i lrsbes this : "The s'eamer Senator, while ' The I mpqun Ensign comes to us this on way to Portland on the UOrh ult.. s ink ! week, loosing fre-di and new. It jt me. just below the mouth of the Clackamas ! ch-mically. a-i improvement on its unfor river." There is Republican inteii'Veaee I tnnale predecessor. No improvement no and enterprise tor Vo;i. j ticable in its politics. i A youth'.. i Oregon couple were uit 1 Th English hark Metis was spoken bv about to hive the hymeneal knot tied by Fa1kinb,ir? 1 ,st week, int outside the a Vancouver Just ce when a telegram Cnlnmb'a bar. She was loaded with rail from cruel parient ia Webloot put a"s oD road iron, an! a-kel for provisions, her to further proceedings. p ; stock being totally exhausted. State News. Portland is infested with chicken thieves Col. David Taggart has gone to Ala-ka. They have '"desperately" bad boys in Salem. The west-side mail is now carried on sulkies. There is a calf with wing3 in Lane county. Yamhill county has paid herState taxes 37,083 SO. Engine has six eating houses and tea drinking houses. New mines have been discovered in the Goose Lake country. The weather east of the mountains has materially moderated. The real esta'e market at East Portland is said to be looking up. Charles Raybnrn. of Corvallis, had his wrist dislocated recently. The railroad is to be completed to Oak land by the 18th of May. The reads in the vicinity of Roseburg are said to be bottomless. The Oregonian wants the city prisoners boarded on a "reform" plan. A branch house of Cray's music store is to be opened at Walla Walla. The loss of the Live Yankee, with all on board, is no longer doubted. The Democrats of Linn county are or ganizing clubs in every precinct. Mr. John Cogswell offers for sale two large stock ranches near Eugene. The people of Coos Pay demand that that Pay be made a port of entry. There has been a great revival ef re ligion at Philonioth, Benton county. The Salem Flouring Mills have ceased operations on account ot high water. One hundred sacks of newspaper mail arrived at Portland on Saturday lust. Mr. Savage and his wife have again un ited forces and are living at home as usual The Columbia is now open to the Cas cules; and supposed to be to the Dalles. A land slide occurred at the Cascades, early i:i the week, damaging the railroad. It is rumored that S. C. Simpson. Esq. is to be the editor of the Salem Mercury. A nugget of gold, weighing a half pound, was lately found in Rogue river. J. S. Palmer has been appointed Mar shal of Corvallis. vice W. F. Ray burn, re signed. The new court boue at Salem is to be on 1'ne Corinthian order, and is to cost $100,001). A small boat now ferries passengers during the night between East and West Portland. Corv.iliis students now have one column of the Benton Democrat to run on their "osvu hook." A nun named McCortnick shot himself accidentally, while hunting near Astoria, the other day. A new political organization called the 'Independent Legion" has been organ ized in Portland. The wife of John Orth. of Jackson county, who has been insane, has com pletely recovered. A railroad employe named Scamraon, was tried last week at Portland tor the embezzlement of $2,100. The ice gorge in the Columbia, near Vancouver, has taken a "new departure," and the river is "passive." A Long Tom man wants to know the origin of the names ' Jump off-Joe' "Wil lamette''' and "Long Tom." Registered letters have been found un der a tree, near Canyonville. Underwood has startel after the robbers. The wool clip of Oregon for the year ending Jane. 1871. as returned by the Census, was 1.08').2t;0 pounds. A burglar's depot has been discovered in the north end of Portland, containing a large amount of stolen property. The whole farm products of Oregon for the year ending June. 1870. as shown by the census, were valued at $7,122,790. W. C Myers, of Jackson county, writes from St. Louis, that he will soon return to Oregon with a lot of blooded stock. Gen. A. Edes. Esq.. lately appointed Collector of Customs for Sitka, sailed for that locality in the Telfair, last Sunday. George P. Ilolman, agent of the Salem oil mills, is offering to contract for the next crop of flax seed at $1 70 per bushel. The press of the old "West-Side was lost in the Yamhill river the other day. having been accidently run off the landing at Dayton. An old ngress. well and favorably known to SalemiU's. as -'Aunt Polly." died iu the Insane Asylum at East Portland last week. The Umprpia Ensign publishes a death notice, and adds : "When children of pious people die. it is for their good." Who's good? Seio Democrats have declared against New Departure and Passivism ; also in I'lViir nf -1 Criiut.lir i-nnnil rF f twt f f t ! n r. .1 ...... ... it .-fn vilj lljJVai Ul L LJ 13 illll UU loth amendments. Julia Perk, of Syracus. N. Y.. writes to Mayor Washerman making Inquiries about Charles Perk, a mason, who lived in Port- The Grand" Ronde Indians are about to rebel against the Radical policy of con- stantly changing their Agent. Thev siv can run the machine better without any bo-s. A young man has been arrested in Port land for carrying on a systematic course of stealing from a variety store, by means of a key which unlocked the establish ment. According to censns tables just pnb j Mshed the number of male citizen in Ore- goa over 21 j ears of age in 1870 was 1 i ..)S. The vote for Congressman the same year was 22.833. A Mr. Henry, living on Chehale i tains, was found dead bv the si,t, rf m moiin- General News Items. Alexis is at Denver. Small pox in Philadelphia is decreas ing. California wheat is quoted in Liverpool at 13s. Minister Washburn has gone to Nice for his health. The health of the Trince of Wales is improving lai idly. The year's revenue from the Alaska post oftice was Hi (. Preparations are about to commence for war with Spain. Vermonters are petitioning Congress to repeal the duty on salt. Theopilus Houghton, a veteran journ alist, died on the 8th inst. Kouoers and desperadoes, of kind, abound in Salt Lake City. every Erie stocK wext up in London on re ceipt of the news of Fisk's death. The treasury shipments from California during 1S71. aggregated $17,111.3'J7. It is believed that Tweed will be thrown out ot his seat in the New York Assembly. Elisha Cook, a prominent leading law yer of San Francisco, died on New'Vear's day. The rupture in the Louisiana Legisla tore is waxing hot. Serious trouble is feared. The Post Office Department has agreed to receive mutilated currency in payment for stamps. J. Rcilly, foreign mail superintendent, at New York, has been arrested for steal ing money letters. General Emery has again been instruct ed not to interfere with the State authori ties of Louisiana. Horace Greeley has declined to serve as Chairman of the Republican General Committee o( 1S72. The Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives was eleeted by a Dem ocrat voting for him. The negro Howard, who ravished the young girl at Rochester, was sent to the Penitentiary for 20 years. A bill has been introduced in Congress to provide a currency and coin circulat ing medium of equal value. Paltimore papers announce Archbishop Spauiding's illness. It is feared he is be yond the hope of recovery. The New York Sun (Rep.) hoists the names of Lyman Trumbull for President, and Samuel J. Tilden for Vice President. The Grand Duke Alexis before leaving Chicago handed Mayor Medill a check for $5 ,UUl) lor the relief of the poor of the city. There is a rumor that Alexis has mar ried a Russian lady, while in this country to which consumatiou his father was op posed. Latest advices from Albany. N. Y.. re specting W. II. Seward, state that he was dangerously ill. His death is likely to oc cur any day. The through train from San Francisco, w hich had been snowed in for fifteen days on the Union Pacific Railroad, arrived at Chicago on the 7th inst. It is stated that Fisk's estate is not worth more than $100. U0U, after the pay ment of his debts; also that the Grand Central Hotel sent in a bill for $2,500 for rooms, which Fisk owes. A Washington special says the result of the imp, iry ol the Committee of Ways and Means into the Syndicate ti ansaction. is the discovery that the Governin-nt has lost interest on one hundred and th.rty millions for three months, during which time this money was in the hands of the Syndicate, and lhat the Government had no security for it whatever. In answer to inquiries by Cox, Coutwell said the debt had increased to one hundred and thirty millions. Poulwell says he considered the law justified him. The Benton Democrat man has been pre sented with a calculi or stone taken from the kidney of a fat cow, which shows in its composition sulphur, iron, lime and copper ; but appears to be composed chiefly of snlphurett of iron. This cal culi is one of several taken from the same kidney and is about the size of a patridge A young Roseburg gent stood on the corner, his looks were full of woe he was minus his last cent in a game they call faro. He looked penitent, tears trin kled down his face, as he exclaimed in deep remorse, "why didn't 1 copper the ace V Superintendent Watkinds advertises for bids fr furnishing wood. beef, flour, and staple groceries to the Penitentiary, for the year beginning Feb. 1st. 1872. Rids will be received until the 29th ult. I51EJD. At Northampton, X. Y., on Thursday, De cember 7th, 1871, Caroline M. (r! iunell w-te of James O'Xeil, formerly of Portland, Ore gon, and daughter of the'lale C. S. Griniieil, of Xoriban pton. Religious Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Selhvood, rector. Services on Sunday at lo a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Pible class at 2 p. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, 10. Sabbath School 12 o'clock M. Evening Services 7 o'clock. Hi-:v. E. (Jerry, Acting Pastor PUAYEK MEETINGS. Sunday evening, 5 o'clock Tuesday evening, 7 o'clock. o M. E. Church Seats Free. Morning Services, 10.30, Evening Services, 7 o'clock. social meetings. Class Meeting following Mnininsr Servces. Praver Meeting Thursd;) v eveninsr 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Pi;. Sage's Catap.hh Remeuy is no Pat nit le l'tchic humbug gotten up to dupe the i rnorant and credulous, nor is it represented as beinx "composed of rure and prectous substances, brought from the four cners of t ie earth, carried seven times acro-s the Great, Desert of SaharaU. on the backs of fourteen camels, and brought a-ross the At lantic Ocean in two ships." It is a mild, southing. tlea-nnt Remedy, a perfect S pa cific for Chronic, Nasal Catarrh. "Cold in the Ileal ." and kinured diseases. The pro prietor, K. V. Pierc, M. D.. Buffalo, X. Y.. (wh';se private Goverment stamp is on every package of the Genuine,) offers a reward of 500 for a ca-e of Catarrh he cannot cure. For sale by dniy:ists. Sent by mtil, post paid, for six'y cents. Address the proprie tor as above. Venus herself would not have been beau tiful if her complexion had been bad. If beauty is skin deep, it is necessary to secure and retain that part of it ; and ladies, in stead of resorting to paints and powders, should remember that an impure, blotchy, or sillow skin is the poof of feeble digestion, torpid I iver, or v tia'ed bioo J. tor 11 w hie i l'i( Walker's Cvi i.-'rma Vib jar Bitte.;s is a safe, mre, an 1 e'Je t.ia' rem dy. F'orty Years Experience have tested the virtues ot Dr. Wixtar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and the result is th.it it is the bent remedy extant for pulmonary and la ig dis eases; embracing the whole range from a slight cold to a settled consumption. Were it not for its merits, it would long since have "di 1. and made no sign." decSw4 The Troy. X. Y.. Tim s s.ivs the -prightly look of nianv of r u- c tiz s is o v ng Ww'y to the use of Hail's Vegetable Sisi i n Hair Heaewer. ABjilj'aiid Mind llease. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the one to suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. It may be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invariably accompanied by irritation of the temper. The invigorating and tranqnilizing opera tion of Hostetter's bitters is most power fully developed in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agreeable tonic is comfort ing and encouraging. A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic uneasiness in the re gion of the stomach is lessened, and the dctvous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated- This improvement is not transient. It is not succeeded by the return ot the old symptoms with superadded force, as is always the case whoa uninedi cated stimulants are given for the complaint. Each dos seems to impart a peimaii'M.t ac cession cf healthful in vigoration. Put this is not all. The apariei.t and anti-biiious properties of the preparation are scarcely secondary in importauce to iis tonic virtues. If there is an overflow of bile, the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the bilary organ is inert and torpid . it is toned and regulated. The effect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary, aud in cases of constipation the cathartic action is just sufficient to produce the desired re sult gradually and without pain. The Bit ters also promote healthy evaporation trom the surface, vh eh is particultrly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw, unpleasant weather are apt to check the natural perspiration and produce congestion of the liver, c aighs, and colds. 'Ihe oexb safeguard agut-nxt all disease is buddy vigor, and this the great Vegetable Restorative es pecially promotes. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Gi lVont Street, OREGON. PORTLAND, REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities. consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE lor SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Corresnondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS HOUSES find STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 15571. Oregon L.o!g; 'o. 3, I. O. r O. V.-- Meets every Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's "w Hall, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. .V. - .IHit It iioinsi !i IoliCC TVo. 1, A. I". u ii (1 iS A. JI. Holds its regular communica tions on the "Vr. io! Third Xatur ffdiy in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 20th of September to the 2othof March, and 7A o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 'Joth of September. Brcth ren m good standing are invited to attend. Dec. 23.1 S7o, By order of W. M. Ktbrrca Degree Lodge IV'o. J4, 1. O. D. F Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXIXGS, of eacli month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree ai e invited to attend. The King of Mineral Springs is the Ger man Sel: zer ; and Tarrant's KflVrvcsrent Seltzer Apt-ritnt Is its duplicate. Letters attesting its won derful Tonic Aperient ;md anti -Bilious qualities swarm in from every source. The question has beet! s-tt'cd whe lu r artificial medicated wateis may not be equal to those which burst sparkling from the earth itselt. They cm ; and genuine, proves the fact. Be cautious Accept none other. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Especla! Notice. YTE HAVE IN OUR HANDS FOR COL V V lection the notes ind accounts of J. R. Ralsfon, alsc of the late firm of Wortman & Fields, and Joseph K iffca. l'ers ms knowmg them-elves indebted eith r of the above persons will please and settle at an early day. We are instructed to collect without delay. WAR REN & FORBES. Jan. 12,ls72,tf WANTED TWO GOOD TWO HORSE TEAMS with drivers, for permanent wirk on the Willamette Falls Canal and Locks. Apply, statin jt terms per day, to Isaac W. Smith, Edgineer of the works. Jan. 12,72:tf Administratrix's Notice. NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersiinied ha lir-on appointed Administra trix of tlio "estate of Hank-l H. Good, deceased, late of Clwkamas count v. Oregon. All person knowing thfnuelves indebted to the said doceaed are requested to make imm?diate payment of the same : an 1 all persons haviui? bills against the aforesaid deeciel, mast present the same, with the neeessavv vouchors, to me, at my resi dence, in Oretron City, within six month from the date of this publication. MARY E. GOOD, Oregon Citv. Jan. 3, 1372. Administratrix. Johnson & McCown, Att'ys. jan.5w4 A. G. VALLIXGS Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner or Front nl Alder Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. A. NOLTNER, NOT ARY PU iLTC E ii ERPB1S 3 OFF O.-egou City, Jati H:tl PACIFIC BOOT AKD SHOE HOUSE! Fall and Winter Trade. II AVIXG RECENTLY FILLED UP OUPv assortment, of Imported Styles in Ladies' and Gents' Hoots so&ci Csititci's, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the puoiic generally. We have received from New York a few pair of the Olebiated ELPRAT OPERA BUTTON FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can be turned into a beautiiul Button Gaiter Will take ordt rs for the same at any time. We have the Best and Latest Styles in Mioses' und Children's Button Gai ers aud IS llmorals that are impOiUd, bat for goid substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirelv New Styles of Ladies' and Misses' RUBUKRS. The Nillson. Congress. Mara; Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Front and Ala.-ka. Light, ylish Durable and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring on your feet. TO YVORKSIE1V. COME AXD SEE QOR CHAMPION B0 0TL Respectfully, PR0TZMAN, GILL I AN k CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, PORTLAND, REG ON. Dec. 1. 1671 :tf TO YOMG MES t T O YOU BELONG THE FUTUF.E OF our beautiful and fast crowing State. Soon the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, i!S he comes urioking across this yreat con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth aud Industry, will announce the " GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to till the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great chancres have been made in the com mercial affairs of Ore iron in a few years. What the developenients d' our State will be in the future, is a (jut-stion which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now tilling high and lucrative po sitions in the Banks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men hnve been frequently compelled to send East lor as-istance. No enterprising, studi'ins Young Man who has passed ttirm.gh the pre.-ciibed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at g.iod salary, too. Every faciliy is here afforded acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have au ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing loin with all the minutue of real business. The c ourse of study embraces Double and Sin trie Entry Hook-Keeping, Commerci 1 Arithmetic, "Commercial L;iw, Correspon -enee. Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc., combining theory with practice. AT.SO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSIII P, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the Colle.sre Of free, in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE & JAMES, TCRTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. lS71:yl. Citation. In the Count- Court of Clackamas County, Ore gon. In the tnnttor of the Guardianship of 31. E. Flover, E. A. Slover, C. T. Stover, and A. J. Slover. minor children of Enos fslover.deceased. rg Til K NEXT OF KIN OF SAID WARDS, -- and all others interested in their Estate: Whereas, T.J. Taylor, Guardian of said Minor's Estate, has tiled in said Court his petition, show ing that it is necessary, and would be beneficial to his Wards, that their interest in lots I, 2, ."i, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 62, in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, should be sold according to law. You and each of you are, therefore, directed to appear before said Court, at the Court House, in Oregon City, t Ireyon, on the first Monday in February, A. I)., 1S72, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, then and there to show cause, if any you have, why license should not Vie granted for the sale of such Estate. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published for three successive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper, published in Oregon City, Oregon. Witness the Hon. J. K. Wait, County Judge of i said Court, and sole Judireof said Court ' L.S. j in the transaction of all except county ( ) business, and the Seal of said County Court, attixed Jan. 3, 1x72. J. M. ERAZF.R, County Clerk. JOHNSON & McCOWX, janawS Att'ys for Petitioner. SHADES SALOON, C. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- o Bet BILLIARD TABLES in. OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention ot the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAB IS S UPPEIE D With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. At s", a xo. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is c n e ted wit theS&lm. Oretea Citv, Jan. 1, 137r;tf HOLIDAY PRESENTS. T1IE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN PORTLAND, OP FINE WHTCHES, RICH JEWELRY AND Silverware. B. H,. STOaSnE. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IX WATCHES ami JEWELRY So. 107 Front st PORTLAND, Would invite attention of his friends and the public to his Large and Choice Assort ment of j FlE WATCHES, From the most Celebrated Makers of E. Howard & Co., Boston ; Apelton t Tnicv, P. S. Rartlett, Waltham, Mas-.; Elgin atches; J;icot Self-windina Watches: English Watches and others. Also, the best selected STOCK of LADIES' WATCHES, of all description and styles, which fie would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. AGENT FOR CIIAS.E. JACOT WATCHES. Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Silver Watches, of different makers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger-rings. Gold Bracelets. Gold Ctnitelaiu Guards and Watch-chaina. Gold Necklaces, Armlets, Crosses, Lockets. Gold Bicast- ins, Ear-rings, Finger-rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and Dohmes' Pat ent Buckcls. Opera 'Jhains. Moss Agate Setts, Rings and Cuff Buttons. Wedding Rings, made of pure gold, ex pressly for that purpose. Gold and Silver Ttiimb'es. Opera and Marine Glasses. Pebble Spectacles and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives. Solid Siler Table and Tea Spoons. Regulators Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Gallery Clocks, Ac. All the ab ve articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to re-pairin and adjusting o C hrouometers, Duplex an A erican Uatchs. B. L. STONE, nov24tf 107 Front st. Portland, Oregon. IMPROVED BA&DSAWS Molding ItXuclLi ne, M0RTISERS, A"rl every description 0ot' Wood-working Ma chinery and I'larnng Mill supplies. Address BERRY & PLACE, Machinery Depot, 112 California St. San Francisco novSleowOnr REAL ESTATE EXGHANG PORTLAND, OREGON- GEO. Tdm Fitit,if, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS- Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei llowed Lands. Faim Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined iind determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. 14 Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front stieets. Feb. 3, 70:tf SEW HARDWARE STORE, CORNET FRONT & STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. JOHN IS. .FOSTER Is now receiving and offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Mechanics' Tools, Table and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS SMaiis, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites 1 uyersto call and examine before purchasing el-ewhere. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Rudders' Hardware and House Trim mings, either a: WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 20, !S71:m3 JOHN R. FOSTER. Xcw Boot and Shoe Store. rpnE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE JL pectfully call the a ntion of the pub lic to his splendid fctock CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies' and Gent's wear, just opened, one door nerth of the Lincoln Rakery, Ore gon f.'itv. All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES kept consianily on hand, at CHEAP RATES, and ordeis taken for the same, to be made m the latet style, at the PACIFIC ROOT and SHOE MAN UFACTUR V, Portland, Oregon. COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rates. AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nov. 17, 1S71. HOGS! MOGJS! THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL the attention of everyboflr that is fat tening Hogs to sell, which will make bac n that they will find it to tl eir advantage to ca!I at the old corner at Albright' fluicher Shop. We are buyi'i" Pork and PAVING THE HIGHEST PRICE of any one else. Call and see. ALBRIGHT & LOG US. Nov. 24, lS71.:tf Notice. TOHN MYERS, ESQ., 18 M Y DULY AU o ff y n Ci'v. and also Airent for the Es ate Dani I Hury. Je- j ceased. MUS. E. HARVEY, October 1, 1S71 m3 I AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. 15. Richardson, AUCTIONEERJo Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland, AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, GeneralMerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. RicnARDsoN, Auctiontsi0 AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Frj -pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer TIME TIUDEB- O AND FIRH TESTED o to Oae Night of NOVEMBER 24, 1871, CHICAGO BOSSES 0 TO THE AMOUNT OF Q O HAD KEEN ADJUSTED o o I3Y THE ALWAYS RELIABLE0 IP H CE N IX INSURANCE COMPANY OF Hartford, Conn. The Best is the Cheapest. Application for Insurance IX THE "OLD RELIABLE PHtZMX OF HARTFORD, Should be made to its Agents, to be found at all prominent points in Oregon and Washing ton Territory, who are authorized to issue Policies direct. PACIFBC BRANCH, R. II. MAGILL, Manager, 424 California Street, SAX FKAXCISCO. W. P. BUKNS, Agent At OEEGOXCITy,OREGOST. X. 1. Parties holding poli cies in the Pacifie and other sus pended Insurance Companies, can have the same cancelled with out expense, and obtain Beliable Indemnity, by applying to the Agents of the PI1CEXIX, OF IlAItTFOPD. Dec. 22:ml WILLIAM SBNCER Has Established O FOR HIE MANUFACTORY OF FURNITURE, SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. y They will also do TURNING, of ev ry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch! o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Constantly on hand PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS', Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Sed- Fteads, &c- . O Sales Room-In Dr. Thessing s Prick, Mam street. Jacob Stitzel. James B. Uptok STITZEL & UPTON, Heal Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets PORTLAND, OREGON. XW attend to the sale and parebnse of Real Estate in all parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale 6$ East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 42, Portland. Oregtoi. STITZEL k UPTON. 9tf. Real Estate Brokers. o o 0 o O S o o o o o o o 0 0 Q o O G