0 o fe.. o o o o o o o o o o I. o O 0 Sljc iUcdiln i5utcrpvi.sc. T.It.lVi:it OK Till: IHiSil. There, is a cry u;o:i t!io ar h, A cry of want and vvoi. ; It rises from our ci-irs v.if. From li.im:et.s Ln-' an 1 low ; Where roll our cimimeree-laden w ves, Where fields of verdure spread. Ascends the still unanswered prayer Give tis our daily bread. Tli" voice c.X w i-rel youth i- there, Of G childhood early chilled ; Of famine, ruined linni. and hopes. Which time can nevr rebuild ; Of ae. upon who-e downward way, Xo genial lights aie shed ; All. ail are blended in the pr;.yer Give us our daily bread. Ob ! fair and fresh the early Spring Her budding wreath di-pbiys. To all the. wide earth iiro!i;iinj The joys of barve.-t days ; Yet many a waste of wavy gold Haib bent above the dead ; Then let the living share it ujd Give us onr daily bread. THE LIXTLK PEOPIjK. liv joiin' ii. wnrrriEit. A dreary place would be this earth, Were there no little people in it, : The song of life would lose iis mirth, Were there no children, to begin it ; N little forms like buds, to grow, And make the admiring heart surrender; No little hand, on breast and brow. To keep the thrilling love cords tender. The sterner soul would grow more stern, Unfeeling nature more inhuman ; And man to sioie coldness turn. And woman would be less than woman. Life's song, indeed, would lose its charm Were there no babies to begin it ; A doleful place this world would be, Were there no little people in it. Qxeen Victoria as a Spiritualist from t'.ie Golden Age. A great deal has been said about Queen Victoria's indisposition, which assumes one form and now another, ranging all the way from an ordinary soro throat to insanity, lint the truth is that, aside from the ordinary ills that common flesh is heir to, and of which she lias her share, she is a .Spiritualist; and the eminent, respectable and thoroughly stupid English public contemplate such a belief with re pugnance bordering on dismay. The thing seems to those material istic, mattor-of fact people so utter ly incredible, that the only wav they can account for it is by sup posing that her mind is laboring un der a hallucination, if, indeed, it is not permanently disordered. She has a firm conviction that Prince Albert is always present with her, and that she can hold communion with him. Her private rooms are arranged as they were when he was alive. His chair is placed op posite to her own in the library, ami the books which he delight eel to read to her are arranged lovingly, bi order, upon the table. In some of her moods she will con Terse with him lor an hour togeth er, conducting her own share of the conversation aloud, and with the vigor and interest of old times, lie had tauhgt her by his example the success of his business enter prises especially by his manage ment of the duty of Cornwall to superintend, as much as possible, all her private affairs herself; to reduce all unnecessary expendi tures, and to forbid extravagance. Hence the greatest simplicity is observed at the Queen's table, ami she imagines that her husband looks on well pleased. At times, when she is more than ordinarily impsesscd with a sense of his pres ence, it is said site will order a knife and fork to be placed on the dinner table for him, ami cause the attendants to place every course before the empty chair as if the master still occupied it. Every morning a pair of boots arc clean ed and set down against the door of the chamber which he once oc cupied ; ami at breakfast, when in Scotland, she will often sit a long time in Prince. silence. waiting for the A Bankrupt State. A special dispatch to the Charleston JVetcs, from Columbia, says : The State is perfectly bankrupt, and a el raft of one dollar on the State Treasury to-d;Cy was dishonored. Judges, school teachers, ami other State appointees, are clamoring for pay ment, and selling their warrants at ten and fifteen per cent, discount. The worst feature of the situation is the absence of financial officers of the State, ami the stiulious sup pression of facts by those who re main, lhc largest tax-payers and the lcaeling bankers of this city are wholly ignorant of the State finances, and the securities of the State are offered at ridiculously- low figures, and no takers. The interest of the State bonds, due on the first of October, has not vet Wen paid, ami the bankers of this city, at their last meeting, agreed to have no further dealings in the State securities. Ai.exts at the "Hit,." Our readers maytranslate the following. It is good sentiment. Alexis was so overcome at the Boston com mittee's invitation that he replied in his native Kussian as follows: " Ori toldb ustah, yuken sormi le gorf, butti tellu ile bloski hilar Boston. Gittyur ro manwiski an lotcer citti bomerz redi, anian ole- catucazv wilbe uinviiDinu itvea; neskemo onat allakandle." T "" 7" A pious Louisville editor trusts that when 11. O., in a recent arri- cultural address, alluded to the Al mighty as the author of all things," he did not mean to " in- i;-- ATr,!-... unc iw.- A.irvei in auv responsi- bility for the book about farming" I The Farm and Kiteiieii. HOW MUCH II AY A HOUSE EATS. An acre of ground retained ex pressly for hay yields on average not more than one and a half tons of vegetable food ; an equal space planted with carrots or rutabagas will yield from ten to twentytons save fifteen tons which is by no means a high average, and has of ten been attained without any ex traordinary, attention. It has 'been ascertained by careful experiment that three working horses, fifteen and h.ilf hands high, consume hay at the rate of 200 pounds a week, or live tons and 1,049 pounds per annum; beside one and a half bushels of oats per week, 78 bush els per annum. ly a repetition of the same experiment it is found that unworked horses consume hay at the rate of lour and a quarter tons per -annum. The produce, therefore ( t iinii'l r iv nproi i A' ', V . 111 (LI 1 A . V 111. I V. .J KJ L necessary to support a laud is - working horse for one year : but half an acre of carrots, 000 bush els per acre, with the addition of choppeel straw, while the season of feeding them lasts, will do as well if not better. These things do not admit of doubt, for they have been the subjects of exact trials, as some of your agricultural friends will testify. It has also been proved that the value of one Imshel of corn, together with the fodder upon which it grew, will keep a horse in good order for a week. An acre planted in eern and yielding sixty bushels will be ample to keep a working horse in order one. year. Let the farmer then consider whether it is better to maintain a horse on the product of half an acre of rutabagas or carrots, or upon the produce of an acre of corn ; or on the other hand, the hay and grain, as above. The same reasoning might be made use of in the feeding of cattle and sheen. A- SHEEP ON" A POOH FA UK. Some farmers feel an antipathy to sheep, for the reason that they " bite close." We consider this their recommendation. They can only bite close where the pasture is short, and the pasture is short only on a poor farm. A poor farm will necessarily be encumbered with briers, weeds, and brush in the fence corners. Under such condi tions we would say to the farmer who has twenty dollars or upward in cash (or credit for it, and then let him borrow the amount arid pay one per cent, per montli for the use of it), invest it in as many ewes, not over three years, as you can get for that money. Put them in such a field as we have described, and give them, in addition to what they can pick up, a pint of wheat bran and oat meal daily, with free access to salt and water. They will first go for the briers, and l.i ... clean tnem out ; every portion of tiiat field will be trodden over and over arain. and the weeds will have no chance. Fold them on that fielel during the winter, and carry to them sufficient feed to keep them thriving. Get the use of a good buck in season South Down would be preferable and in the spring, if you ha-ve good luck (that means if you give them proper attention, and feed regular ly), you will raise more lambs than you have ewes, the money will be more than doubled, and the wool and manure will pay for their feed and interest. In the spring you may put that field in grain, with a cer tainty of reaping a good crop. welsh rareiht. Put into a frying-pan a quarter of a pound of cheese, cut into thin slices : pour on it half a pint of sweco muiv : siirm an e-rg mat was .. :n ..- r . already beaten up, and add one fourth of a teaspoouful of mustard. 4 7 a little less red pepper, already ground, and a teaspoonful of nice butter. Stir this mixture all the time. Then add, lastly, a few crackers, well broken up, and after thoroughly incorporating them in to the mixture, turn it all into a heated dish and cover it. a men DESSEKT. Boil one pound of rice to a thick pulp ; add a little salt to a pint of sweet milk. Take ripe peaches, pare, halve, and sugar well, spread the rice on white muslin, size of a common dumpling, place in each a poach, wrap and secure each dumpling with a few stitches ; put into a pot of hot water, boil from three-quarters of an hour to an hour, then remove the cloths and eat, while hot, with sweet cream and sugar. TO COOK AX OLD FOWL. Dress and stuff, as for roasting ; then boil three hours in a covered pot, with one quart of water, to which add two table-spoonsful of vinegar; then take it from the wa ter, rub over with a little butter, sprinkle over some flour, put the fowl into a bake-pan, and bake it in a hot oven one hour. Use the liquor in the pot for gravy and to baste with. This vinegar makes it very tender, but does not taste at all. SPICED APPLES. Eight pounds of apples, pared, four pounds of sugar, one quart of vinegar, one ounce of stick cinna mon, half ounce of cloves. Boil the sugar, vinegar and spices to- I w-ii ii, rr 0,1. 1 Lt " .. ! tender - about twenty minutes. ! Take them out and put them in a j jar. Boil down the syrup until it j is thick, and nom- it nvm- th, Energetic efforts are at work in St. Louis to rebuild the Landed Hotel. It is thought thpv- 5tl 1-.. successful. B&jKZj fa 12 Lai Q ( 00K OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! S. AN & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE stock oi SPROO & SIDDIER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER CSseaper tlmn 1Iie CSseapesf. Wp wouM s;iv, come an I convince yair f iAC bet" ire pin-chasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CIIOTHIXU, II ATS, ROOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a reat many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Gla-s and Rutty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. t ALSO, WOOL ivant.-d, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACHEIilrl&H & CO. Oregon City, April -Jl, lS71:tt' mtkh GUM it r j f oveu osB iiuximic; pace?, Printed in Two t'-.lrs, On superb Tixteu "Pa pkii. lani: iliiMiltttl Ztli2j;rJi v liii;s cf Fiywtis, rlantaml Vti;itabie-, with iloscripti in, and TWO COLO TIED FLATE3- Dnec ions and !l;u;s for making Walk Law; is, t;ni-Ien-. Sir.. Ti;s handsomest and i'st riIIi:, (,i;U)K in ,ht-World. All t..r TK CEM'S, to those who think of huyiiiff Seeds. Not a garter the cost. 2oe,Ouu sold of l7l. Address, .TA3IK VJCIv. itot-iicter, t. V. OLlfF HOUSE, MAIN STREET, gox City, Okkoox. rpiIIS POPULAR HOUSE II.VYTNC. Ren JL lately WEFI f TED and FURNISH ED, the Proprietor.s arc now readv t noccoimno date iheir cu: toiners with 1L iii )-FI N IS i IED d ;iilde or i,iirlc ro -nis. Tln v invite all those fond of a GOOD ME.L and a GOOD RED. to call ai il give the;n a trial, for tliev ate eonlidetit they c.ir jnease everybody, because they '- know how to keep a Hotel. Pi-ic--. to stut the times and Eveiivbodt, ac -ordi: g t ) the rooms ecupied. Attached to tim House is a For the accommoaatlon of c.sutomers. .M EltRIAM & FOUR.M ER, Jurie Di. Is7l:tf Propiiclors. JEW WAGON AM) G 0 rr 2 &3 c o zz. n L5 v ory ! The nndersiiined, having inereased the Ii inensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City . . . . . Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as mativ now ones as may be pleaded to call, that he is no-.v prepared, with Minp'e room, good, materials, and the very b 'sl of mechani.-s, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Riacksmitiiing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and reneral jobbing neat I v, fpncklv and cheap ly done. DAVID sMI ffl. Opposite Excelsior Market Eye, Ear, Threat & Lunge. JOHN b. piLinrjGTorj, m. d., I ATE OF SAN FRANCI.SCO, HAS LO i ca'ed in Portia nd . Oregon . Ollice : In 11 dme-.' Ihiililing. First street (thret doors from Lad 1 & Tilt n"s Rank). -where he may be con.-ulted daily, and will treat diseases of the ab ive named org ins as specialties. All op. ra t ion upon the Eve and Eat per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ART I FICI A L EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natnral eye, inserted. Refers bv permission, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. I)., Professor of Saigery, and Edwin Kontiev, M. D., Profes sor of An it. miy. University of the Pacific. San Francico; and for his success in the treatment of caes, to over l,5oo cases tieat ed bv him, in San Fiancisc ; a!o, to Levi Est -s. Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Win. H. Did. m, E-(t., Vancouver, W. T. ; and ma iy others Oregon aud 'ahinu:ton Ter ritory. ani;2"):m'5 J.MPKRIAL MILLS. Savier, LaKoqtte & Co., o in: gox city. tiuXeep constantly on hand fo sale Midlines. 15ran and Chicken Feed. Parties u rcha-iri'r feed mut furnish the sacks. OREGON CITY EREWESY ! JvpIlKNItY HUJJBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of I A GE Ft BEER, As arood as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited a nd promptly tilled. 'Live and Let Live." JPIELDS & STRICKLEK, DEALERS IX P3QYISI3NS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ac. CIIOI0L WINES AND LIQUORS. Main -Street, Oregon CitT, one door north of the'City Bakery. G. W. POPS. & CO., PEALKK3 IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA IE!' V COPPEU, LEAD I'll L, . IK A J'ii E AND FiTlTNO. hb ' HOSE. FOKCE AND Lit T PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, liRASS AND IRON WIRE. . Also a generaUssoitment ol Hous nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet iron Ware. ROOFING ANDjOP.BING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOIIE you will lind HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND 11NVVAUE, LA NTEKNS, LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NIOHT LAMPS. ALSO PERA.M DELATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPE & CO. Oregon City Oregon. ll:ly g HADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MM X STREET Onon City. STAFFORDSHIRE ON rdJAUGHT. HIT Families supplied. J. BUCHTEL'8 . NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 01 First Street, (Second door south of his old staud), l'ortland, Oregon. AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in niv line in a superior manner, with all the hit -st improvements in the ait. Nothing but lirs: class work done sit my new and mag idiceut rooms, at low prices. AMINE SPECIM mMMMM T'rit'.f r : ??sirsiiii Snri, v.hc : i "illious n flections and Fevers of various descriptions .-o generally prevail, Tariimt's nfTcrvesccjit ltxcr Al'"I-sit lias ben successful beyond all parallel. Hence the physicians of the tropics give it tin ir emphatic sanction, prescribing it in preference to every other aperient in use. The patients, of course, gladly acquiesce, for this preparation is one of the most de lightful, as wei! as mild and cooling cathar tics, eliemi-try has yet devised, and posses ses every medical virtue of the far-famed Cerman Seltzer Spa. Vt is a powder that onli requires the addition 'if water to pro duce in au instant a delicious effervescent beverage, as we'd as an invaluable medicine. A.slt for at lid ixcccjpt none but (lie geiuiiiic. SOLD BT ALL PKCGGIST?. i.vj.n vi X -TiV.--SR--SLE..L A01-:.TS FOll TUK JO . TIZ Ii PRISE . The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the ExEEnrnisK : J. M. Baltimore. Portland, Oregon. Thomas 15oce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, Hudwm a Men( t,41 Pas k Row, New York, (ieo. P. Powell A Cc, 10 Park Row, New York. Abbott & Co., No. 82 & 81 Nassau street, New York. Hudson, Menet A Co. , Chicago, Illinois. Coe. Wetherill Co., (,i)7 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 33.K3SrTJjM HESTAO R A KIT, LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MIX STREET, ORKOOX CITV, OREGON'. nllE UNDERSIGNED R E Jl spec! fully announces to his friends and the D ave'inir public, that lie has re-opened the above named Restaurant. "' Tlui proprietor knows how to serve csntomers with Ovsteis Pio's PVet. a i his good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. LEON DeLOUEY" Oregon City, Jan. '27, lS71:ft Lest, , BOUT TJTE 1ST OF APRIL, near , Xli. t)ivir,1T1 .'ity, a bay thorou:;;h-lired '- Amen". -an ei ars old, anoul 14 hands hijrh, a small white f-tritie on the near lore toot, and the hoot black and white, no brands or other marks. Any one returning said mare or leaving information of where she may In-found, at the ootftee, in Oreg-on City, will be libcrallv rewarded. SAMUEL ll-AMSDEX. Orejron City, July 14, 1871. JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, IfAEiVESS, etc., etc., Main Sl'-t(f, Oregon ('ity, R Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the larsest establishment in Die State. He particularly request that nn examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. VOID QUACKS. A victim . f early in 11. discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. &c , having tried in vain every advertised remedy, t, as a simple means of self-cure, which tie w-11 send free to his fellow, snflerers. .Address J. 11. REEVES, 73 Nassau st., New'York Sept. l:ly Take Notice. Y ROOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE IN the hands of John Mvers. Eso . fr col lection. All persons k owing themselves indebted to me, will p'e se call on h ni and rmike immediate payment. After the expi ration of thirty davs from this date, all un settled accounts will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Those who wish to save costs will please t ike not:ee. J. R. RALSTON. Oregon City. Oct, 12. lS71.ml Dissolution Notice. JOIIS STE JE. HAVING LEFT THE country without any notice to me, I hereby notify all concerned, that the part nership of H umbel & S g- is dissolved, and will not be rtsp uisible lor any delts of hi s ontructing. HENRY HUM BEL. Oregon City, Nov. 1, 1871. nolo ASM-. LINCOLN BAKERY. BAILEY a HARDIKG, Successors uf L. Dillku in the Lincoln Rakery, Tr.G LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI- zens of Orecron Citv and surrounding j try, that they keep constautly oa hand i couniry, tnat ttiev Kcei and for sale, all kinds of BREAD, ( R CKEi;S, CAKES, PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deli ver- f ed at the residence uf the put chaser when ! desired. j The highest prices paid fir Butter, Eggs j and Vegetables. . A liberal share of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 23, l7t':ly FA .L AND W T2 CLODS JUST RECEIVED AT dealer IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. MAIN STREET, OHEGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pa- the highest market price. If you desire stood Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, TS71:tf R. F. GAU FIELD, CORNER MAIN' AN'D SEVtXTn STREETS, OREG-OII CITY, OHSGOIT, e:i!ci' in CROCilEZY and GLASSVA233- Also, a full assortment of Millinery anil Fancy GcmkI.s OF THE LATEST STYLES, . jug: n iz c e i v z d. COUNTRY" PRODUCE A CEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. O t. 6, lb7l:tt OREGON CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IX . . J I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. I 'r'"l will also pay the highest prices for Cutter, Er.s, and a'i kinds of good country produce. I will sell as iow as any house in Oregon, for Cash c its equivalent in good mere ban I able produce. JfjT Give me a call and satisfy yourselves JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13.1S71 tf Agents Wanted for SATAN IN SOCIETY. THY AN EMINENT PIIVSICIAN AND ) Professor in one of our lirge Medical Colleges. It deals fearlessly, but chastely, with evils from which spring physical and moral degradation, and domestic felicity. It is being reviewed praised and cnticised, by all the leading religious and secular pa pers and maiiziiies in the U. S., and the ver, diet of the nr.ST and most discriminating is that it is a t-fiwirkalile- Honk; that it is timi l;l ; that it is nested; that it will muke its m"rk, and t!o r.nod. It is of vital importance to every man and woman in the land, and is having a wonder ful sale. Agents will find this a rare opportunity to make money. Circulars, givimr full par tieuhirs, with numerous notices of the press, sent free. A- L. BAIICTOFT & CO , SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TO STOCK DHOYEUS. THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known as the "Old Emijriant Road," is ivw incomplete order fer the ac ciirmnodation of the traveling public. The biidues on the road have all been tlioroughly repaired, and stock drovers will have no trouble in crossing- t he mountains by this route. There is plenty ot good jjrass and water on this route, and the distance across is orly o0 miles, being the shortest as well as the best road across the Cascades. Stock drovers and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this road. Tolls reasonable. JOSEPH VOUNO, President. ClackamasCounty, June lfi, l71;tf HOUSE AHDJLOTS FOB SALE rTMIE UNDERSIGNED OFFFRS FOR 1 sale his residence in Oregon City. 7 here are four lots, a good house ana barn, with a fine cellar and a good well of water. There is ptentvof land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. I art payment may be made in stock. Eor pariicnlars eP ply to - GKORGE CLAI1K. Ore on City Juna 2 l?7Ptf GREAT WINTER TONIC. liegeman's Coraistl Elixir of Ciilisaya. Bsirk, a pleasant Cordial which s'reng'hens and improves the Digestion, an exi client preventive of Fevers, Fever and Aene, Ac, ana a great neno- ;iui anu ionic lor mva- i lids and debilitated persons. IIegemax & Co , New York, Sole Manufacturers. Sold i by all Druggists. Blanks-. All kinds of blanks can be ' hail at this office Job 1'rinting of everv , deseripfioQ neatly executed, at short notice. j VINEGAR BITTERS, h Iiimdrod3 cf Tlioneands - Bcai' testimcr to ttieir YVon.icr i'ul Curi:li o liiterts. 1.VI4 -T A f?'? T'IFV C c"- -3 5Vl T s ' .j H. !! FANG V D R i rJ IC Made of Vnc.r K:u::, hi: I-l-O. t Spirits n s! II1 I.iijttur.i 1 1-:cc i an I SWCCtCICCi t- l-h;:,s;e t:.. t:;-!e, C-.K-'a " i i-!I- ics,"" Asrr ctlsi vs."' K.-.-S; ';ev," c, t'.at load V:io tippler on to ilr-i'.cniiei: a ; t r;:i::, t;v.t r.ro a true Medicine, made fro-n U.c ;a;ivs Kooi.? cad Hcrhs of CalU'crnic, t'vvv JV:T5S si! I Ah-c5:iic iu::i i iKiJ i viz iuvisa 'sin's- CIPI.i: a) r. ct !: : ---h: !r a; ' tllC ?yt.,m, C.il-1-vi;- o;V .:U ;'..- -;n:o::S I .r iiii-1 resforiii!.' f.:e l.:-od t.. a !:eal:!.y ciiditlon. No person ran tac f'.c-e fi: :.ccwriii. to .:".ic tiou aa.l remuiali;: v. :.w. 11. For Sni2nni:a:t. ';- " ;- 1 "-:r;;" mat is t:i r.5i'.t ttoi'.L Cy;!-i ' 1 gfHtunu JlllUn'.y, i I f:::i t S , :it a n d inti--miSlcnt Fever-, I) i sen i t'Tlh:' ISI::;-.-'-, l.i ver, Ki.hieys, ir.:i.i.icr. tii-s-2 5?u- tcrs hare been ju.s-. .-.cc.-t.4ui;. S"-h ti-i-caws a:-Q c:u;,el iy ViihUc-.l ;'"o;,U w,:.cl. is treaeriy S r ! l y ..V.-. -u..;.;:.ei:t ol i... Ditrcisi i vc Orsraii---. DVSIT.rlA oh iND:G":-rr::?N. Itcadadie. I'ain in thi r-iiouliiev;, Coc. !.?, T:.-'it-ncss of the Chest, Duzines-, iSeur Kruc.a:io:;.5 of the Stomach, Bad te.-?U: ia V.v.i "o.itu tacks, ralpitation of Hie. K..v.rr, I'.-'- i:. e. e'- tUe Lnns.I'ain in the rvrfMt.ss of the. i-.K:.:ey:-,:iiiu a hundred other painful is-vl-,.u:, arc the oa springs of Dy?.p-j!Si:i. Tlieyiayigoratc t!:e. Stoir.uch and s'im;;!:.!3 V.io torpid liver ami bowels, xv:,:o'i i e: .n-r t 'ie.:i ofui equalled efficacy in cicansir:- V.-.a U-n,-X of all impurities, anct iuii artin z new !ii'.J aad v:'or to the whole system. FOR SiilS DrSA.F.S.Kriirtion.s .Tetter. Salt Iiheum, Blotclie?. Snots, I inipl. , Pu-sfale. Bolls, Carbnnclcs, Rhig-VorKS, fcald-TIca.l, i-'ore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itcli, Scurf;, l:c-ioratlons cf the Kkia", Humors and Diseases of fae Skin, of whatever nams or nature, ar liter: ily drg r.p and carried out of tiro pysteni in a rh rt rime hy tlie tie of thesfi Bitters. One 'u"tl'e hi sucli cases will convince the most increnrtoiSs of tUeir curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you Cud .Its impurities bnrstinj? tUrer..-!i the kin la I-tuples, Eruptions or Sores ;-cleanse it yleea yon find it obstructed and slusf::n la the vc .!-.?; cleanse it when it is f ml, and your fc-liag. will tell you -when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other CO!J3IS, InrTrintrin the system of so many thousand-, are e.Tec: ually destroyed and removed. For fall ''Irections, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J.AYAl-XI-Pv, Proprietor. P.. TT. MrDON'AI.O & CO., Druirtfsts and Oca. Agents. Pan rrancisco, Cal and S3 and St Corrune ce Street , i.'cw York. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS -VXD DEALERS. l eb. 17: lv ( r . Q,iiicli Cnws nnrt rCsuIci ati Ctsis rges ' J ii Pi-ivitt'' ?JeilsciiI K-.-rgital f rstif nte IIo. 519 Sacramento Sivsct, corner cf Leidesdoriii (;l leu' u;s the Wbat Cb.'er Ilemsc.) (Priyate entrance on Leidr-s loif!' street.) Established Exjres$dy to Ati'ord the AlUicted Soiind and Scientilie Medical Aid, in the TreatTiient and Cure of all Private and Chronic Discuses, Cases of Secrecy and all Sexual Jisorders. To tin- AHliftcf!. T)R. Y. K. DOHERTY returns his pirere thanks to hit nntnerons patients for their patronage, and would take this opj-ortnnity to remind them that he. continues to consult at his Institute f r the cute of ehrorie dis eases of the Luniks, Diver, Kidney?, Dicrtss tive and Genito-Urinarv Organs, and al private diseases, viz : Syphilis in all its forms and stages, Seminal Weakness ani all the horrid consequences of .self-abuse. Conorr hcoa, f!h et. Strictures, Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions. Sexual Debility, Diseases of he Re.ck and Loins, inflammation of the Ill idder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopes that his lonr experience rind successful prac tice wii! continue to insure him a share of public patronaire. I'v the practice of many vears in Europe and the United States, lie enabled to apply the m efficient and suc cessful remedies siiraiiist diseases of all kinds He uses no mercury, d m ites moderate, treats his patients in a cmrci t and hoi orabie wav, and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability and hiirti standing in socetv. Allliarties ron- sultinsr him bv letter or otherwise, w ill re ceive the best and irentlest treatme it ar.d implicit secitcy. To Fc initios. When a female ism trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, diioness of si;;ht, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritibritv, nervousness, extreme ur inary diilieulties. derangement oi Ji.e-tivc func'lions, general debility, vagi runs, a I! dis eases of the womb, hysteria, eternity and all other diseases peculiar to It nuiles.sbesliouid o-,, or wn'e at i.n.-c t the c b loated female doctor, XV. K. DoHI IiTY, at hisMedicd In stitute, and consult him about her ttouhlc-s and diseases. The Doctor is ( fleeting more cures than anv other physician in the State of California. Let no false delicacy prevent ou. but anplv immediately and save yourself from painful sufietincs and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate hf aith or other circumstances prevent an increase ;n their families -lmuld write or call at DR. W . K. ROIIKRTY'S Medical Insti'iite, and they will receive everv possible relief and help. The Doctor 's oflices are so arraner d that be can be consulted without fear 3f observation. To forrfspoixhats. Patients residing in any part of the Sf ate however distant, who mav desire 1he opinion and advice of DR. DOHERTY iu their respec tive cases, and who thinK jiroper to sunmii s written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectful ly assuted that their eommunieaf 'ons will be held sacred and confidential. If the case be fully and candidly described, personal com munication will lie unneeessary, as instruc tions for diet , regimen and lhc general treat ment of tne ca-e itself Oncludinir the reme d'es), will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner as to convey no idea of the purport of the letter or parcel. f TrConsuItat ion by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Sperm a t orrlnra. DR. DOIIERTY has ju-t published n im portant pamphlet, embodying his own view? and experiences in relation to Impotence cr Virility; licing a Short Treaties on Sperm a torriicea or Seminal AYeikness, Nervous and Physical I)ebilit- consequent on this a flee Con, and other diseases of tlw Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value to all, whether married or si nede and will tie sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cents ii postage stamps for return post age. Address. AY. K. DOIIERTY.M. D.. julyS'dy s;an Franci-co Cal 1 Hot ico IS HEREBY GIVEN TAT MY WIFE, Julia A., his left my be and board w;th out provocation, and that 1 will pay no debts that she may contract MICHAEL PENDLETON. Oregon City, Sept. 20 ISTo'wi fVH a TTTTT'y APT1 VAT A 1-TT C.--. ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly rrrowinjr rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re- markable cures. Jio mild as to De saie anu beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities,, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful 0 cures, many of which are publicly known,, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases,. Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis- 0 orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches ISoils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St Anthony's Pire, Kose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Kheum, Sealrt Head, King-worm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Iropsy, Iyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Iisease, Female Weakness, Iebility, and Eeueorrhoea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, v it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED B T Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE : S A h Z i. Everv yetn in crex'-e llie populat ity of this valuable ITi.'ir lreparatim ; wliicli due to mei-it alone. We cr.n assure oar olil pntrotts tlitit it is kept fully up to its sf arwlarcl ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, inline: it soft, lustrous, and pi! ken. Tlie calp, by its use, become white, and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents tlie hair from fjl'ing out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, tlie hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical IIaip. Dressing ever used, as it requires? fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. ir.ayes, 3J.I)., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, " The constituents arc pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold b-j all Drugrj'nl, and Dealers in Zfcdicincs. Price One Dollar. Biickin.srliaiii's Dye FOR TEE WHISKERS. As our Ivcnev.'er in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash oTF. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., NASHUA, N.H. . nitsluf Sj-jh;ii, The FLORENCE is the best Fewing Ma chine lor Family use, because it so seldom gets emt of Order. 11 there is one in Ore gon not woiUing well, if informed of it. I will fix it without expense of any kind to the owner. 19 Montgomry St., South Grand Hctel EmMIng, SAK FRANCISCO. CALIFORKIA SESI) FOR CIIICULARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IX EVEJty PLACE. - March 31, lSTltmlO o o 0 o o o o o o x v " - 1 . f . : C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, m;ivERSiTr of California,