o zz..'- 5EI)C lUcchln (Enterprise. TOW-V A.VO COI XTV. Okkk-kks At the regular meeting of Oreeon Lclare. No- 3. I. O. O. F., h-ld on tjj0 vs:h lift., tl.rt following gtiuifhirij "elected officers fur the ensuing term: H P I'ope. X. J.; W. II. Marshall, V. G.; Chas. K- Warren, ii. S.; M. ('. Athey. 1'. S Jacob Wormian. Treasurer; A. J. Ap-p-rson, N. '.V. Kamhill and Ii. A. Hughes. Trustees. The newly elected officers were publicly installed lust evening by Deputy Grand Matter A. J. A p person. At the close of the installation, the Deputy Grand Master introduced Chas. E. Warren. Esq.. who delivered a very able addier-s. which did credit to his literary abilities. We regret that the lateness of the hour at which it was delivered ptevents as from publishing a summary of it. Lkctvrk. Rev. P. S. Knight, of talem, delivered (he first lecture of the course, under the auspices of the Good Templars, in the Methodist Church, last Wednesday evening. Subject "'The Cynicsv' L'ad weather and insufficient notice, resulted in there not being a very large audience present. Put the lecture and music were good, and those present appeared to be well entertained. The next lecture will be given on Friday evening of next week, Jan 12lh. by Prof. L. L. "Rogers, of the Willamette University. We do not know the subject, but from the Professor's repu tation, we are satisfied that those w ho will attend will hear something of interest. Let there be a full house. Cocxcii. P:oCi:i:iiNG.s. The following U a synopsis of the proceedings of the City Council at the meeting held last Tuesday evening : Fire ordinance Xf . 1H was passed, and ordinance Xo. li was re pealed. The time for completing the cut vert, on Main street, was extended. A petition for the position of night watch man was presented, but subsequently withdrawn by the petitioner. Complaint was made by L. Shoneburg agaist the bad conduct of certain buys, and the City Marshal was instructed to look after them. Land Si.iok. On Friday evening last, a heavy land-slide occurred at the railroad depot in this city. The rain during the day had formed a cataract, which poured over the cliff until it loosened the earth to such an extent that a huge quantity of it came down very suddenly, completely covering both tracks of the road to the depth of more than a foot. Information of the disaster was at once telegraphed both north a jd south; workmen ai rived !minr the niirht. and bv noon on Satur day the road was cleared of th bris. Postal M.vrnats. The following is a summary of the postoliice business in the Oregon City office for the year ending Jan. 1. 1S72 : Total number of orders issued . 700 Amounting to $13,S79 83 Xo. of orders paid, 'iff. Amount paid 3 S.olfi -17 Total number of stamps cancelled for six months ending Dec. 31, 171, l'J.to'.). Anion n t of stumps cancelled in money, MiNsri:i:t.s Co.UiXU. The celebrated Purdy !t Vincent Minstrel Troupe will give their first entertainment in Oiegon City, at the Court House, on Saturday evening. This Troupe has hid a long run in 'Portland and a successful tour up the valley, and is spoken of by the press everywhere as first-class, full of fun and entirely free of vulgarity. Give them a crowded house. AxoniKi: Gh.vxuk. Presto, change is now the order of the day. The accommo dation trains of the O. & C. II. II. are now making but three trips per week, going poulli on Mondays, Wednesdays and In uay: returning on the succeeding days. These trams run only to Albany, a freight ear attached to the express train carrying height to and from points farther south. Goon Tkmpi.aks" Fi:snv.r.. W'e liave been informed that the Good Templars' festival, held on Xew Year's night, was an agreeable affair. Having understood that il was designed specially for members of the Order, we weie not present, and can not speak more fully. 11et!iogi;auin;. When we had no rail road, the boat brought, us the daily papers from Portland at half-past six in the morning; now we get them by rairoad at three o'clock in the afternoon twelve hours alter they r.re printed. Progressive ! K.XC'AMrMKXT. A. L. Siiusotl, 11. W. D. G. P.. will institute Falls Kncaniprnent No. 4. I. O. O. P., in this city, mi Monday evening, January S. 1S72. Members of sister Lodges are requested to be present on the occasion. J.ArrrsM. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered last Sunday, at the Ppis C ipal Church, to a class of four girls. A very able and nppropriite sermon was delivered by the Hector suited, fcr ihe oc casion. Lit hat I'M. We overlooked an error in our notice of the Christmas Tree at St. Paul's Church, last week. Instead of a ' crucifix," we intended to say " cross." Kki.toiocs. Kev. J. W. Sellwood will preach a sermon ne;t Sunday morning, at the Episcopal Church, appropiiato to the New Year. WiTiinuAWX. The steamer Senator has been withdrawn from the trade between thb city and Portland. We now have but one boat per day. Tiik Carrie, after having been laid up for several days, resumed her trips to-day. A Bitter Hetort Hear what the Savannah. Ga., Aecs Bays, in reply to the remark of a Boston paper, that '-South Carolina now feels the first turn of the Executive thumb screw :' Fold your arms, gentlemen of New England Democrats of the Xorih. told your arms, and quietly look on. Vv'atch the turning of the "thumb-screw."' a :d ilmly witness the tortures ol the helpless Victims. Speculate ami theorize about the wrong and the right of the proceeding, the necessity or excuse for such measuns of oppression, persecution and barbarous despotism. Ae.piiesce in the usurpations of our tyrants Quietly submit to the overthrow of our Constituiional govern ment, for it is your bull and our ox. But do not expect to escape unscathed. His tory has demonstrated that the Union could not exist " half free and half slave.'' Time w ill prove that it cannot remain half Republican and half despotism. The time is uol far distant when you will look upon the lawless and oppressive acts of a re-ltmtle.-s and cruel despotism wiih less com placency. True I The despotism of this unprinci pled, tyrannical and corrupt Radical party cannot always remain. A day of fearful ! retribution awaits it. Democrats, the des tiny of this country is in your hands. You can, if true to your principles, wrest it from the iron giasn of despotism, by the potent medium of the ballot-box. Make no concessions to the siren voice of "pol icy ,"' but nobly tight for right, for justice, fo'r Constitutional liberty, and the victory is you"rs. hbcscsessts . . , Telegraphic Clippings. The telegraph wires having been down during the past fortnight, we clip the fol lowing news items from the latest changes at hand. Ed. livTEiU'iiisa ex- WASIILXG TOX XEll'S. Washington-, Dec. lit. The Commis sioner of Internal Revenue has notified ! I he .-isses.-ors of Government Revenue in each district of the United States that the commissions, of all surveyors of distiller ies will be revoked, to take effect on the 31st instant. The Commissioner will des ignate assistant assssois to perform all duties heretofore performed by surveyors. The President sent the following nom inations to the Senate to-day: T. Li. Ode neul. Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Oregon; Sinnot. Indian Agent for Grand Ronde, Oregon. Jesse Grant, the father of the President, was stricken with paralysis to-day at 2 p. in., in the Covington postoliice. lie fell to the lloor, aud was insensible tor some time, but is now convalescent. Washington. December 20. A resolu tion by Senator Rockingham was adopted authorizing ihe Connr.iuee on Retrench ment to sit at Xew York; the committee to administer oaths and take testimony, the expenses being provided by the pay ment of $o,0UU from the Contingent Fund. The Senate discussed the House Amnes ty bill, and agreed to vote on it to-morrow. Washington. December 21. The II use finished the debate on Hoar's bill, fur the appointment of a commission on the sub ject of labor, wages, etc. After voting down an amendment directing that the in vestigutiou be made by the Roard of Sta tistics, aud another providing for a joint Committee of the two Houses on the sub ject, and adopting a third, the bill passed bv a vote of Kit to oS. The bill provides for the appointment by the President, with the advice and con sent of the Senate, of a commission of thtee per.-ous. one of whom shall be prac tically identified wiih the laboring inter ests of the country, and all .shall be se lected from civil life, solely with refer ence to their character and capacity for a i honest, and impartial investigation, and irrespective of partial or political consid eration.- thev shall hold ofiice for one year, inle tlu purpose is sooner accom plished, and thev shall investigate the sub ject of wages, hoti's of labor, the division of the joint profits of labor and capite.l. and the social, educational and sanitary conditions of the laboring classes of the United States, ana how ihey are affected by the existing laws regulating commerce finance ami currency. The commissioners are to receive a salary of So.000 each, and are authorized to employ a clerk. The report is to be made to the President, and by him to be transmitted to Congress. E U 110 PEA X MATTERS. Lonhox. Pec. 1'J. The journals express admiration of t he manner in which the American pi ess supplied the news of the Prince's condition. Bulletins issued from ' Saudi inghum at ,! a. m. appeared in the morning editions of the American papers, which appear before daylight. The noon aud l p. m. bulletins appear in the early odiiiuns of the American papers. All con cur iu the opinion thai the rapid way in which the dispatches were transmitted, and their general accuracy, make one of the marvels of journalism. Thiers congratulates Queen Victoria on the recovery of the Prince of Wales. English journals, whiie expressing no opinion on the merits of the case, regret the diRicuIty into which Minister Schenck has fallen, and ciie as precedents the case of other Ambassadors, notably that of the Duke of Sukhumi, w ho, while Minister of L'ortug il to a foreign power, was permit ted to engage in private .speculations. OA Lira EX I A XEIVS. Sackamkxto, Dec. 2!). The commission of Aaron A. bargent. as U. b. benator, to succeed Cole, was issued this afternoon; also of Bolander. and Judges lihoades and .Niks, and of U . M. Lddy and IX. Pat ton, appointed Notaries iu Nevada couuty. JohnW. Craw lord, well known in sport ing circles, died to-day. M vitvsvuj.K. Dec. 2d. The Sutter coun ty Court House, at Yuba City, was totally des royed by fire last night. The records in the vault were saved. The fire is sup posed to be the work of an incendia-y Loss, $12.00!). Some of the California and Nevada pa pers are urging the nomination of Booth for Vice President. L. II. Poote has been appointed Major General ot the California militia. The Territoiis- Peal estate business atSteilacoom has a downward tendency. The Beliingham Bav was again on fire last week, and had to be flooded to put it out. Tlu re lias been move snow on Puget Sound this winter than for the last tea years. Although situa'ed in a foresf.Ol ympia is short of wood, t'lere being nobody to cut and haul it.. Speculation in real estate continues quite lively at Olympia. Town lots are going off rapidly. Bis'iop Morris writes to a gentleman at Olympia that he has secured a pastor for St. John.s Church, in that city. Idaho City has so much bogus gold dust in circulation that its business men are compelled to resort to a greenback cur rency. Passenger trains will be running on the NorthernPaciflc Railroad, from Pumph rev's Landing to Kalama, by the 10th of this month. Messrs Ward & Mitchell, of Tnmwater. near Olympia, W. T.. announce that, they are prepared to build to order all the freight cars required by the Northern Pa cific Railroad. It is rumored that Captain Finch in tends to place the steamers Olympia and Wm. Taber on the route between San Frartftisco and Victoria, nnder a subsidy from fie Dominion. Gen. James Tilton has been assigned to the duty of making a complete survey of both sides of Budd's Inlet, at Olympia. and the side possessing the greatest ad vantages will get the terminus. The mortality among Mormon children is said fo be very great. Of sixty deaths in Salt Lak". in one month, forty-four were children. Ileber Kimball is reported to h ive buried fortv-eight children out of a small familv of sixty-three. One Bishop had lost twenty children; another, twenty eight: another, seventeen. It seems from this that children of polygamists have but little vitality. The Northern Pacific Railroad Company publish in Olympia papers their accept ance of Olympia's offer of land for rail road purposes, and agree to locate the road connecting the Columbia river with the navigable waters of Budd's Inlet, on which Olympia is situated, before the first of Mav next. They require the people of Olvmpia to obtain "a free right of way for the road from Bush Prairie to the termiuus. A stage driver drove his equipnge info a stream near Co It age Grove, the other dav. to wash off his team. when, the cur rent catching the lenders, the stage, con taining five passengers, one a lady, was ewept rapidly down the stream. The pas sengers, driver, and three of the horses were with great tlifficnltv rescued by par- nlnnsro.l " n th. r'l.i? r , . . . n--u -l the unfortunate passengers. The m-xiU and express were recovered, though in a damped condition. -M.raraafefajyyijay Tor the Enterprise. TH: DEATH OLD YEAR. The cold wind shrieks, and the rain drops With an echo wild and drear And the clouds have spread a gloomy pall, lo euffhroud the dying year. Tenderly, mournfully breaks the knell On the quiet midnight air : 11..i..tt.. .1.. Ii ... ' i i.t.u.neiy. sj.liy ns so!t nu.es The death of the dear Old Year. Ah me ! Can it be ? The old year dead ! tione out to return no more, lis joys, its tears and its bright hopes fled, 0 1 ast, to thy lonely shore? Softly, come softly ; the pulse is stil', Like marble the silent form. Cold as the lips of the frozen rill, And still as the coming dawn. O Year now gone, in thy life so brief, I-nil many a joy had birth. Full many a heart swelled high with grief, 1 ull many wiih songs of mirth. Xow joyful, now sad. the lines we trace Of thy record clear and bold. Tales of terror, of shame, of disgrace, Of fire, of famine, of cold. Of sunny homes now shrouded in gloom, Pecause of a voice at rest ; Of precious hopes laid low in the tomb ; Pereaved ones, God knows best. Of beautiful, cloudless days of joy. Of life-paths strewn with flowers, Of Peace, untouched by earths alloy, Culled from celestial bovvers. Of Spring with her birds and glad green trees. Of Summer with rosy brow, Of Autumn, with fruits and fragrant breeze, Ot W inter, mantled in snow. All these, and a thousand relics dear, We'll lay in the dust with thee. And tenderly guard them year by year, Till our life shall cease to be. Then green be thy grave, and sweet thy rest. " Old friend so tried and true, Thy graces shall shine in Mem'rys crest, Like stars, in the silent blue. Sium.v. Oiegon City. Jan. 2, IS72, Dkckaskd. Bishop Osinan C. Baker, of fie Methodist Episcopal Church, died at Concord, X. II.. on the 21st of last month. Almost every thing has its parasite, which lives with it, and preys upon it. Man is no exception, for tape, pin, aud other worms lurk in the system, and often cause rreat dis turbance. They do not exist in healthy bod ies ; hence they are a sure proof of ill health. They arise in imperfect action of the Stomach and other vital organs, and lurk in vitiated blood ; no mere vermifuge can remove ?them. Dr. Walker's Califoknia Vixkoak PuriFus will not only expel the worms, but by restoring the blood and di gestive apparatus to u healthy condition, will remove the cause of the trouble. A CoRiiEsroxDEX'T, writing from Athens, curiously contrasts the mixtures to be ionnd there' et ancient and modern civilizations, lladioads spin their trains amid the tem ples of thiee thousand years; steamers dasii their swells upon the l'ircus, and the scream of their whistles resounds from Athos, Pen- tehcus and Cytheron to Oh'mpus and tee havens beyond t!e:r gods . J)r. Ayei sworld- renouned medicines, those consummations of modern science, are posted on the .Acro polis, the Parthenon, the Areopagus and the i hesion, while the modest cards ot Cherry Pectoral, Aver's Sarsaparilla, Ague Cine aud Pills look from the windows of the shops in the strceta of Athens, where they are sold. JN. 1 . Sunday (,!ube. Halls cgetablc Sicilian Hair renewer does not color, but restores the hair to its natural color. U ja.2- i BJOUS E. Immense Attraction. PURDY and VISMGEfaT'S WOE.LI) RENOWNED AND FAR FAMED MINSTRELS AND Burlesque Opera Troupe ! FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! Saturday Evening1, January 6, 1872 The Great Autocrats of Minstrelsy, Jill. S. S. PITRDY, CIIAS. VIXCEST, j- CumedsaiK. The Great Basso Vocalist, ME- AIXTSLY SCOTT- The Girl of the Period, THE WONDERFUL FOSTELLE Messrs. YANKR, ISA BORE FRANKE, GREfiG, STANWOOB, RILEY, WARD, MOORE, CASSIDY, and TWO SPLENDID BANDS- Admission, oO cents. Reserved seats 75 cents. Children under twelve, 25 cents. 1ST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN j the Postoflice at Oregon City, Jan. 1 ls-2 : Allison, Martha Miss, B;irton, W, Burbanks Jas T, Cameron, T C, Dav, Lot ser Hon, Davis, W A, Flynn, James, Bates, 8 A, Carlun, W Comorton, Mat, I'ickev, Eveline Miss, Evens', Patrick, 2, Gray, Myra Miss, ( Jrubapp, Mary Miss, Hamilton, Sam'l Hendricks W II, Kennej, Henry, Mason, Jas T. McOrmiman, Chas Patterson, Jas II, Pope, Wm, Patterson, James, Richards B, 2, Smith, M E Miss, Smith, D L, Taylor, W W, Walsh, John E, Welch, G J, Oreszir, Minnie Miss llarlen, Felica Miss Halstead, Jacob, Kostcr, Henry, Mai rs. Latayett e, McKenney, D M, Oswalt, J ulia L Miss Parrish, Bird, 2. Poplin, Frederick, Parker, II E, Stricklin Jack, Schweke, Thos, Smith. Michael, Tavlor, D, Williams. II O; Walla-e. Win M, Wise, Geo. WoPord. John. If called for, please sav " advertised." J. M. BACON, P. M. SHADES Bi9 C. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City. o B'e BILLIARD TABLES in. OEEGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cisrars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbou alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. also, a xo. 1 SHOOT2sQ GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oresren Citv, Jan. 1, lS72:tf I-Jctica to Stockholders Of Odd Fellow's Hall Association. rlvHE'ANXUAD MEETING OF THE O. F. A- II. Association will be held at the office, in i odd Fellow's Building, Main street, Oregon City, t I . i nV!;n'!.- A. in., on Ihur.sttay, a Hilary IHlh. n-i for tho cli-etiou of otiiccrs, and such other ce bctorc the meeting uu-lii - x. W. RANDALL i Oreoa City, Jaa. 5, 1S72. President, Citation. Iu the County Court of Clackamas County, Ore- In" the matter of the Guardianship of 31. e. Slaver, E. A. Slover, C. 1. Slover, and A.J. Slover. minor children of Enos Slover.tleceased. WO THE NEXT OF KIN OF SAID WAWlS, -3L and all others interest ad m their Estate: "Whereas, T.J. Tavlor, Guardian of said Minor's Estate, has filed in said Court his petition, show ins that it is necessary, and would be beneficial to "hi Wards, that their interest in lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 02, in Oreaon City, Clackamas count v, (.tern, should be sold according to law. You and each of von are, therefore, directed to appear before said Court, at the Court House, in Oregon City, Oregon, on the tir.st Monday in Fcbruarv, A. D.t 1S72, at '. o'clock a. m. of said day, theii and there to show cause, if any you have, whv license should not be granted lor the sale of such Estate. And it is farther ordered that a copv of this order be published for three successive weeks in the Omrou City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper, published in Oregon City, Oretron. Witness the Hon. J. K. Wait, County Jndjre of ( 1 said Court, and sole Judge of said Court I E.S. in the transaction of all except county ( - ) business, and the Sea.1 of said County Court, atfi-xed Jan. 3, 172. J. M. FRAZEIt, County Clerk. JOnNSON & MeCOWX, jau.'iwS Att'ys for I'etit toner. Administratrix's Notice. ftTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE midersismed has leii appointed Administra trix of the estate of Daniel II. Uood. deceased, ate of Clackamas county, Oregon. All persons knowincr themselves indebted to the said deceased ire requested to make immediate payment of the sumo: and all persons having bills against the aforesaid deceased, must present the same, with the necessary vouchers, to me, at my resi dence, in Oreaxm City, -within six months from the date of this publication. Oregon City. Jan. 3, 1872. Administratrix. Johnson ie'McCown, Att'ys. janawl JiairJl elxmg FOR STEAM PIFE3 and E01LERS- Saves 25 pf'r cent, of fuel an item worth ooking after. For side by BERRY k. 'LACE, 112 California street, San l-'rancisco, wfio also keep slock Mining and Egineir's supplies. dcclcowijm AND Up to 12a 5 NagfSat oi" NOVEMBER 24, 1871, CI3ECAGO SUSSES TO THE AMOUNT OF i I TAD BEEN ADJUSTED VY THE ALWAYS RELIABLE PHtENIX MSURAflCE COMPANY 01 Hartford, Gosin- The Best is the Cheapest. Application for Insurance IX THE "OLD RELIABLE" PHOENIX OF KARTFORO, Should le made to its Agents, to be found at all prominent points in Orugon and Washing ton Territory, who are authorized to issue Policies direct. PACIFIC BRAUOn, R. IL MAGILL9 Manager, 424 California Street, SAN FRANCISCO. W. P. BUENS, Agent At OREGON CITY.OIiEGOX. X. B. Parties holding poli cies in the Pacific and other sus pended Insurance Companies, can have the same cancelled with out expense, and obtain Peliahle Indemnity, bv applying to the A-cnts -of the PJKEXIX, OF Il'AIiTFOliJ), Dec. 22:ml A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner of Front and Alder Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL the attention of everybody that is fat tening Hogs to cll. which will make bacon that they will find it to tl eir advantage to call at the old corner at Albright's Butcher Simp. We are buvinir Pork aud PAYING THE HIGHEST VlUCE of any one else. Call and see. ALBRIGHT & LOGUS. Nor. 2t, 1571. :tf Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY Au thorized Airent in Oiegon City, and also Agent for the Estate of Danif-1 Harvey, de ceased. MRS. E. HARVEY, October 1, !S71.ra3 fllli 'fIRK TESTED I Si i PACIFIC BOOT AND iSHOE HOUSE ! Fall ami Winter Trade. LOOK HERE! HAVING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles in Ladies' and GeiUs' Hoots sisasl w salfes, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the public generally. AXD HERE ! FOR THE HOLIDAYS! We have all the Late Styles of GENTS' TOILET SLIPPERS f just the thins: for pres ents) LADIES' TOILET and PARLOR TIES and Simpers; LADIES' J5LUE BRONZE and WHITE HAL.? (our own make i; Ladies' All KID ove Kid. All Cloth, Kid Foxed Buttoned Gaiters. The BELL NAMP BALMORAL (a New Style of Kid Shoe ; LADIES WHITE KID SLIPPERS (for statcd occasions.) AND IIE1IE! Wc have received from New York a few pair of the Olebiated ELl'RAT OPEliA BUTTON FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can lie turned into a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take orders fjr the same at any time. AND HERE! We have the IJest and Latest Styles in Mioses and Children's Lutton Gai ers and ISilmorals th it are imported, but for good substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. We Warrant them in every respect. AND HERE ! Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and Misses' LUDliERS. The Nillson, Congress, .Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Front and Alaska. Light, ytisli Durable and Neat Fit ting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. .Bring on your feet. AND HERE! COilE AXD SEE CHAMP39N BOOT OUR Respectfully, PROTZMAN, GILL I AN h CO., Cor-, Front and Morrison Sis-, TORTLAND, R EG ON. Dec. 1. 1871 :tf 00,000. THE SOUTH CAROLINA Land and Immigration 3 ATI O N f FOR THE Promotion of Immigration TO TIIK SOUTH. BUTLER, CIIADWICK, GARY & O. AUEXTS, CIIARLESTOX, S. C. A se.ies of Concerts will he given under Ihe auspices of the NOUT1I CAROLINA .STATE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHAN ICAL SOCIETY ut the ACADEMY OF MUMC, Charleston, S. C, commencing Jan uary 8th, 1872, at which rtiawings will take place and distributions be made to ticket holders. 1st Gift ACADEMY OF MU.SIC, Char leston, S. C, cost to build $-2:10,000, having an annual rental of about $20,000, lrom Opera House, Stores and Halls; the building being about 2.'50 fcjt by 00 feet, and situated corner of King and Market streets, in the center of the city, and well known to be the finest building and most valuable pronertv in Charles ton, valued at $330,000 2nd Gilt Ca-ih. 100, 00 3rd Gift Cash 4th Gilt Cash 5th Gift Cash -25 oilts Cash each $1,000 '2. Gilts Cash eaeli $-oo ,550 Giits. .Cash each $100 ;mho other Gifts amounting to. 2405 Gifts, amounting '.to , . 25,000 . . 10,000 f,000 2."),0o0 . . l'J.ooo . . 3.",OH0 . . 37,000 . $-300,000 150,000 Season Tickets of Admission at Five Dollars Each. All Orders Strictly Confidential- For full Particulars send for Circulars. Reference in New York City August Bel-mo-it it Co., Banke rs i Hon. Charles O'Con or Counselor at Law; Hon. Roirer Pryor, Counselor ut Law ; T. A. Hoyt, Esq., Presi dent Gold Room ; Anderson, Starr & Co, Merchants; lion. John E. Ward, Counselor t Lw Colonel Richard Lathers; Hunt, Thompson & C',., Factors : Pettus & Co., Mercharos; F. ogbaurn & l airchild, Mer- References in South Carolina Gen. Wade H.unpton, Hon. B. F. Ferry, Gv. M L. bun ham, Gen. Johnson Hagood, Hon. Arnnsted Burt', ilon. James Ciiesnut, Gen. John S. Brest n, Hon. W. i. Simpson. Andrew iin'onds, Esi., Hon. G. A. Trcnhohii, Gov. j. L. Manning, Hon. J. B. Campbell. To Astire Yourselves that our nte-priio Is Honorable, let your Bankar write to any Bank Cashier in Charleston, S, C before ordering Tickets Commissioners and Supervisors of Draw i,rGen. A R. Wright, of Georgia; Gen. Bi'adiev T. Johnson, of Yirginia; Colonel B. 11. Rutledge, of .South Carolina; Hon. Roger A. Pryor, New York. ?The drawing will positively take place January Sth, lt"2. NDUCEM NT TO CLUBS. 11 Tickets for $ '(' ) '2-3 Tickets for 100 r United Mates 50 Tickets for 2o0 Currency. 100 Tickets for 375 Special rates will be given for 500 or 1000 tickets if applied for immediately. Remittances can be made to us, and the tickets will be s-ent by return mail by BUTLER, CIIADWICK. GARY & CO., Charleston. S. C. Geuerul M. ('. Butler, Jon.v Chadwice, General M. W. Gart. Dec. S;w4 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN PORTLAND, OF FIHE HTCHES, RICH JEWELRY AKp Silverware. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IN WATCHES anil JEWELRY No. 107 Front st- PORTLAND, , Would invite attention of his friends and the public to his Large and Choice Assort' nient of WATCHES, From the most Celebrated Makers of E. Howard & Co., Boston ; Apclton & Tracy, P. S. Rartlett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jucot Self-winding Watches ; English Watches and others. Also, the he.tselected STOCK of LADIES' WATCHES, of all description and styles, which he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. AGENT FOR CHAS. E. JACOT WATCHES. Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS- Silver Watches, of different makers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger-rings. Gold Bracelets. Gobi Chatelain Guards and Watch-chains. Gobi Necklaces, Armlets, Cresses, Lockets. Gold Bieast- ins, Ear-rings, Finger-riDgs. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and Bohmes' Pat ent Buckets. Opera 'Jhains. Moss Agate Setts, Rin.srs and CutFBattons. Wedding Rings, made of pure gold, ex pressly for that purpose. Gold anil Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses. Pebble Spectacles and Eye-glasses. NoPid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit and Uutter Knives. Solid Siler Table and Tea Spoons. Regulators Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Gallery Clocks, &c. All the above articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairin and adjusting of C hrouometers, Duplex an A erican Watch s. . B. L. STONr., ! novSltt 107 Front st. Portland, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. T??Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED out of the Cirer.it Court of the State of Oretron, for the county of Clackamas, in favor of la. A. Seely, plaintiff, and against Daniel Sebas tian, defendant, for the sum of two hundred and twenty-five a"j-lo dollars, 225 33. ami twenty rive l(i-100 dollars, 25 10, costs. I have levied up on and, on Saturday, the 0th day of January, 1872, at one o'clock p.m., at the Court House door, in Oreym City, in said county, 1 will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, to satis fy said execution, cost and accruing costs, all of the rfeht, title and interest ot said Daniel Sebas tian in and to the following described real prop erty, situated in Clackamas county, to-wit: The north-cast one-fourlH of the south-east one fourth, of section 10, in township 3 south range 1 west, of the Willamette meredian. AliTHUR WARNER, dec8w4 Sheriif of Clackamas county. IMPROVED BAND SAWS Moldins T'lacliine, M0KTISEES, s- And every description f Ssii o' Wood-working Ma chinery and Planing Mill supplies. Address BERRY & PLACE, Machinery Depot, 112 California St. San Francisco. nov2Ieow(Jm REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, F0RTLAND, - - 0REG0K. TL. CUBBY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. 14 Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front streets. Feb. 3, J70:tf XEW HARDWARE STORE, COUXET FIIOXT & STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. JTOHO IS. .FOSTER Is now receiving and offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a lull stock of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, rlechanics' Tools, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS PJaiSs, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing el-ewhere. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Builders' Hardware and House Trim mines, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 20, Ib71:rn3 JOHN Ii. FOSTER. Xew Boot and Slice Store. rpiiE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE I , pectfull v call the a .ntion of the pub lie to Lis splendid stock CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies and Cent's wear, just opened, one door nerth of the Lincoln Bakery, Ore gou Citv. All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES kept constantly on hand, at CHEAP RATES, and ordeis taken for the same, to be made in the latest stvle, at the PACIFIC BOOT and SHOE MAN UFACTURY, Portland, Oregon. COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rates. AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nov. 17, 1871. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. B. Riclmrclson, AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oai streets, Portland, Q AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMcreban . dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday J A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined liar and Bundle Iroo English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, sawsj Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. R. Richardsox, Auctioneer ADVERTISE MENT. PETEES' MUSICAL LIBRARY, CONSISTING OF FI TEEN VOLUMES FILLED With Choice Piano Music, o VOCAL C0LIECTI0NS. Shining r.lglts. A choice col- H lection of beautiful Sacred Songs. "JT) Haiti ami Home, FiresideJL Echoes, and Sweet Sounds. Three A Volumes of easy Songs by Webster, "r Persley, ec. X Golden Lrarrii, Volumes I. and "VfTL The two volumes contain all oPl 1 Wi l S. Hays' Songs, n Jjj Priceless Gents, A collection THof beautiful Ballads by Wallace, s JLJ 1 nomas, Keller, etc. g INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS. Fairy Fingers, Magic Circle. Oand Young Pianist. Three Tolumes"VJ" of very easy Music for young players. J. 1 Ptarl lii-ops, and Musical Itecre- Mations. Dance Music. Two collec-r I tions of moderate difficulty. JL Pleasant Jlcmoiics. A collec- ITof beautiful pieces by Wyman, Mack,0 li Dressier, etc, O Goitien. t'lilmfs. A collection of brilliant parlor Music by Charles Kiukel. Iirilliant Corns. A splendid coi tion, by Vilbre, Allard, Pacher, Kin kel, etc. Price, 50 per volume, elegantly hound in clo h, with gilt sides ; $ in plia.n cloth ; SI 53 iu boards. Address, J. L. PETERS, &yj Broadway, New 1 ork. We wouia .W oall attention to TpE Opera, at Home, a collection of i,tct one hundred bautilul opera songs. Price, S3 in cloth ayd gilt. Trade price, S4. covl0tdec25 TO YOUXG MEN! TO YOU HELONG THE FUTURE OF our beautiful and fast growing State. Soon the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, as he comes tmoking across this great con-: tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth ftud Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMIXG," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters wjll he called to fill the new avenues ot Bust" uess. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial a flairs of Oreuon in a few years. What the developements of our State will be in the future, is a question which depend upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS 9 of her Young Men. Wiibin the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qnalified, and many of whom are now filling high and lucrative po sitions in the Banks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for assistance. Nq enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. Every faciliy is here auarded aoqmr- O SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After having completed the Theory, he ii introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the eflect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the minutiie of real business. The course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keeping, Commerci 1 Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon -ence. Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory with practice. ALSO, Superior ad va ntages for securing a thorough knowledge of O RN A MENTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the College Of fice. in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address BeFRANCE & JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. lS71:yi; O Song Echo," is pronounced the best 1 . O work of its class for the followinei!i reasons : The Music is all AV10 and Olrexh ; every piece is a well known Household Melody such as. "Driv en from Home," "Write me a Let--VTter." -Little Brown Church," etcTT It contains twice as many Songs asJU. can be found n other works. The G Music is selected from sixty four" authors, and not filUd up with one J auifior's composition. Frice,75 cents each, or 7 50 per dozen. Sample copies mailed to Teachers for 65 cents. Liberal arrangements for introduction. Addresa, J. L, PETERS, 596 Broadway, N. Y. et. 12:ml Jacob Stitzel. James B, Upth STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front ayd Washington streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, "VVil 1 attend to the sale and purchase of Heal Estate in all parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 432, Portland. Oregon, isTITZEL & UPTON, EStf. Heal Estate Brokers. O