'If ft 1 4 i IF j 2i)c lUtthln utcrpris. TOWS ASD t'Ot'ATY. Ybis day of rejoicing and merry nrji jiVT was observed by all our c'uizeus, in ' manner bt'st suited to their varied ia- vliaatjo The several Sunday Schools of this city bad thoir annual Christmas trees, laden w un U'.-auinui unu coMiy gins, vhicii ! will proceed to briefly notice. Till: TUKE AT ST. I'Al'lS CHUIICH, On Saturday evening, wag a superb affair, a;id attracted a very large audience. The Church was most tastefully decorated with festooning of cedar bough.', arranged in an artistic manner. Over the altar, in an n'reh 0f green letters, were the words : llosanna to the Son of David ! " beneaib which, and vesting upon the altar, stoodTi crucifix, and tit its head the initials " I. II. " (lesus Ilomhm Salvator). in bold re lief Over the baptismal font hung- a rep resentation of the Harp of David, sur mounted by that of the Star of Bethlehem. Aroufid the sides of the Church were ar ranged, in large capital?, the words " Glo ria hi excel-fi-s Deo " (Glory to God in the highest ! '"' and ' Unto us a child is born."' These tasteful adornments gave the Church a sylvan beauty, pleasing to the eyf, yet jn perfect harmony with the commemora tion of the birth of the Son of nature's God. The "tree' shaped into a beauti ful pyramid, was literally loaded with the gifts of the happy ones who sat before it. and when lighted, presented the appear ance of a fairy land. Before the distribu tiun of the gifts, the Pastor. Rev. John W Seilvvood. delivered an able address to 'parents, concerning their duty as guardi ans of immortal souls, dtirit.g which his plain, truthful asseverations sent convic tion to till present, and his tender, heart felt aj p ais brought tears to many a par ent's eves. During- the evening several Cbri'-invvs carols were rendered, in a h'ghly ere litable in inner, by the school, and that beautiful composition. The Star of Bethlehem." was sung by the Rev. Mr. Selhvood. Mis. J. V. Selhvood, and Mr. and Mrs. Ilarger. in an artistic degree at tainable only by tho highest order of vo cal talent. The distribution ot thegifs followed in a very pleasing mariner, and all seemed to feel the inspiration of th;; occasion--" On earth peace, good will to ward men." The celelitatloti will be one long remembered by the people of this city, and the " words that, breathe, and thoughts that burn." which fell Irom the lips of the Pastor on that, evening will have found an echo in many a heart, and have brought f'orih goo-l liuits in many hviivu places, ere another twelvemonth shall have rolled away. ON CHKIH TM.VS DAY Religious services were held in St. Paul's Church., where an able discourse, by the Pastor, was listened to by a large and at tentive congregation. Set vices were also held, as usual, in the Catholic Church. Tin'. ti:i::-: at the KAi-nsT ciilkcii. On Mondav evening, in the celebration o! w -i, ich the M. E. Sun, lay School Lad united wi.h the Baptist Sunday School, was a veiy beautiful one. possessing symmetri cal proportions, and was richly laden with handsome and valuable gifts. On the front of the tree were two banners, with the in scriptions : Peace on F.irth." and 'Wel come ;" the who'e surmounted by a large bright star. The exercises were opened by the Rev. Mr. Chandler, after which one or two songs were sung by the schools, when the Superintendent. Mr. Wm. Cary Johnson, m ule a few appropriate remarks to voting as well old. at the close of which the giits were disti ibuted to the anxious little ones. Ttii-; tkke at t;;k cox(it:kc,atoxai. cnrncir Was composed of two trees, linked togeth- ,,; V, j" a heavy garland of evergreens and flowers, and the whole bearing on its nu iii'Tons branches the gifts of 'generous and happy hearts. The exercises were opened with an anthem by the choir ; some read ings ana recitations by the younger mem bers of the school followed, when the -choir sang, ia a very fine manner, " Glory to Cod In the highest."' The distribution of the gifts eloped the evening's entertain ment. At both these Churches the at tendance was large, and all seemed to en joy the festivities in a truly Christian spirit. Tiio (in: ml K jil, Given on Monday evenin by Cataract Hose Company No. 2. was a complete suc cess. By nine o'clock, the hall began to (til rapidly with the beauty and chivalry lit' this city and Portland, and an hour bu rr. " when music arose with its voluptu ous swell' and '- soft eyes looked love to eyes that spake again." with blushing saii'.es. pleasing coquetries, and mazy mingling, the ball commenced. It were beyond our ability to give a full descrip tion oT the many elaborate and tasteful toilets of the company, and a few brief outlines must suftice. We will say of the gentlemen that they were gotten up. gen erally, in the highest stylo of Parisian art. anil not be invidious ; but, the ladies de serve a more extended notice. Among the most attractive toiiets we mention that of Miss A . who wore a dress of ashes of roses hue. with trail, and overskirt of the same, cut full, and looped at the sides by bands of lavender-colored ribbon ; the hair was worn back, with a few bewitch ing carls hanging from the centre. Miss M. wore a pink silk, cut short, with slashed sleeves and scalloped over-skirt, trimmed with a delicate bordering of ermine ; the hair was n. mass of jetty ringlets, fastened back with a. coronet of go'd'aud sprinkled with scintillating diamond. Mrs. 15. wore a gorgeous black gros grain, with slashed sleeves and full over skirt, trimmed with n band of orange-colored silk, over which bung a bordering of black thread lace. A Miss M. wore a brown silk, trimmed wt'n true notion, wan over s.urt ami waist of white tulle, low necked, iastened at the waist with a bow and streamers. Miss S. looked charming in a maroon em press cloth, cut plain, without trail, sleeves cut lull, and trim nod with pink ribbon, the co'ufure wa a lonu-d by a coaster o! delicate flowers. The Misses T. were chavmincl v attired in white alpaca, with trail. Hoor.es and over-skirt, trimmed with bh.ck velvet, ntol the latter looped at the sides ; the hai was worn in flowing curls. Mis E. S. looked well, attired in a pink alpaca, with white Swiss over-skirt. Miss I. S. v.'uro a white alpaca, ornamented wi-1: a scalloped over-skin and trimmed with pink alpaca. ly presented a yerv line appearance, robed in a pink silk, with white Jver-skirt. Many o'lteis we.v attractively attired, but our space forbids any further attemn's at description. Af half-past eleven supper was announced, when the gay assemblage repaired to the sum-tit room. Where those princes of caterers, Messrs. Bailev & Harding, seated them to arepa-0 which, for artistic beauty, snmptuousness. and delicacy, equalled anything which evt-r tempted the eye of Epicurus, or pleased the palue of his worshippers. Af ter a pleasant di-cus-ion of the l:i .Vi. all returned to the hall, where dancing was continued until the grey stre.ikirtg of the Orient warned the votaries of Terpsi chore to seek repose. This ball, although not a pecuniary benefit to the company, was a most agreeable affair. The hall was tastefully decorated, the music was excel lent, the company select, and ail enjoyed the festive ocea-ioa in the highe-r degree possible, which cleat Iv demonstrates that No. 2s boys know low to give a ball, as well to run with iht inaehine." TJte Cliriatmiis Tree at Otld fellows' On Tuesday evening, the members of the Decree of Rebecca. I. O. O. F.. had a Christinas tree in their ball, which was laJwi with some rich presents for friends, and presented a very attractive and beau tiful appearance. After the regular order of bu-dness was finished, the distribution of gift3 to k place, which excited consid erable merriment, each person receiving a present being required to expose it to general view, and some were very comical in their nature. Some one procured the Postmaster's cane, and hung it on the tree without name or address, but tied it piece of bacon carefully around it. There could be no mistake as for whom it was intend ed, as he is the original Bacon." Our friend S. D. Pope was generously remem bered by his friends, being the recipient of fifteen or more presents, which would probably aggregate in value to the sum of one dollar, consisting of a spool of thread, box of blacking, box of pills, and a num ber of other useful articles ; but the most appropriate was a piece of china, where he is represented as coming home at one o'clock in the morning, receiving his des serts." Some unknown friend had plaeed upon the tree a pair of gavels for Oregon Lodge No. 3. I. O. O. F. They are made of rosewood, highly polished, bound with a heavy band of silver, on which is in scribed To Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F.. from a Friend." They are the hand somest articles of the kind we have seen in the State, and the donor could not have made a more appropriate present. All who attended enjoyed themselves hugely. Miisoiilc Installation and Suiiier. On Wednesday evening, by invitation, we attended the installation of the officers cf Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. M. The hall was filled with lady friends and members of the order. The ceremo nies of installation were conducted by I). P.Thompson, E.-q, Past Master assisted by John Myers, E.-q.. Grand Marshal. The singing was conducted by a special choir, under charge of Rev. John W. Selhvood. Alter the installation was completed. Mr. Frazer, the Master installed, returned thanks to the officers and members for their courtesy toward him during the past year ; to the choir, for their music ; and to the lady friends of the Order, for their aid in supplying the table with a splendid supper ; after w hich he introduced Rev. I. D. Driver, who delivered a short, but in teresting address, which was listened to with marked attention. lie showed con clusively that, while the ladies were not allowed to become members of the Order, they were the ones who were directly benefited by the organization. He also sta ted that the Order of Masonry had its origin in. and relied unite existence, upon Holy Writ, and that Book of books con tained all that pertained to the Order. He said the Masonic Temple on earth was typ ical of the Temple above, and that the higher perfection a member attains in the Lodge here, the better he will be pre pared for the Lodge above. Our space will not admit of any extended notice of the address, and we must pass on to THE SLITKIi. At the close of the address, the order was given for all present to repair to the supper room, where a splendid repast had been prepared by the wives of the members. The tables were admirably ar ranged, under the supervision of that tasteful and courteous epicurean, Fiank Hill, who displayed his abilities on this occasion to parfection. After all had par taken sumptuously of the good things, it was announced that all who desired to enjoy themselves in a social dance could do so by repairing to Myers' Hull, and those who did not. could return to the Lodge-rocm, where music and singing could be. enjoyed. At half-past nine o'clock Myers' Hall was filled with young atid old and dancing was commenced, which was continued for about two hours, when all went to their homes, highly pleased with the varied and interesting exercises of the evening. Christmas, 1871, has passed, and we can truly say that our citizens, one and all, as they journey on down the river of time, will ever cherish in their memories the recollection of, and recur with pleasure to, the manner in which it was here cele brated. Wki.l Uk.memhkkki). From the number of presents on the Christmas Tree, at St.. Paul's Church, last Saturday evening, for lie v. John XV. Selhvood and wife, we should judge their many friends showed their high appreciation ot them in a very u u m i s. t a k a b 1 e m a n n e r . Crowns. Mr. A. Levy has our thanks for a box of fine cigars, which he present ed us on Chiistmas Day. We enjoyed them as they disappeared in smoke, and more than once our thoughts reverted to the generous donor. Miy Levy be happy all his life, and live uutil he is as old as he wants to be. Got IBs Max. On Saturday evening last Marshal S. D. Richardson, of this city, went up to Salem, in search of a half breed Indian, who wn.3 charged with the theft of a revolver. He found the party, returned with him on Sunday, and lodged him in the city jail. Pirn Bi'K.sr. The Fannie Patton left here yesterday, and got as far as Rock Island, when ehe was disabled by the bursting of one of her steam pipes, and was compelled to return for repairs. The damage was repaired, and she left for Cor vallis this morning. If. If you hear of somebody's stove beimr blown un with a charge of powder. ! . ! you may consider th.it it is our wood, in somebody rise- stove, that has caused the msseauoi. Some of our neighbors are en tirely too familiar with our woodshed. OrrteiAi, Visit. Deputy Grand Master J. T. Apperson, will visit the Odd Fellow Lodges at Dayton, McMinnville and La fayette, next week, on official business, am. conduct the ceremonies of install, mg the newly elected officers. .ouk isn:Nin;i). Work on the canal I and locks, opposite this city, has been temporarily suspended, on account of the inclemency of the weather.' Operations wid be resumed as soon as the sta! rr the weather will permit. j Pu'.Vi PrixuxG. We are under many ob- liga-ions to Mrs. T. V. Smith, for a good supply of English plum-pudding. We ; cannot, do it justice on paper, but we as sure -Mrs. J. that we did with a spoon. Dancixo School. Prof. Cardiaell has opened a dancing school in Myers" Hall, and gives lessons in the art each Friday evening- The Professor understands his business, and is a thoiongh gentleman. Ciikistm-vs Tkeu. We are informed that the Good Templars of this city propose to ! have a Christmas Tree, at their Hall, on next Monday evening. i . At It Again. Capt. J D. Milfer.an old and popular river Captain, has accepted the position of Captain of the E.N. Cooke, Resolution of Tliaiiki. At a meeting of the commitfee consti tuted by Cataract Hose Company No. 2. of this city, for the purpose of giving a Firemen?s Ball, on Christmas night, The following resolution was unanimously adopted in behalf of said Company : liesotved, That the thanks of Cataract Hose Company are hereby tendered to J Myers. J. S. McDonald, R. Jacob. C. Fried rich, T. Ilimler. S. D. Pope, C. Wicks, R. Burton and S. D. Richardson, for their vol untary and liberal donations in aid of said ball. W. L. WHITE, Chairman of Committee, President of C. II Co. No. 2. December 27, 1871. Officers; of the Hehecca Degkee Lodgk. At the regular meeting of Re becca Degree Lodge No. 2. I. O. O. F held last Tuesday evening, the following persons were elected officers for the ensu ing year : E. B. Fellows, N. G.; Mrs. Mary A. Chapman, V. G.: Mrs. S. D. Pope, Secretary; Mrs. S. Ackerman. P. S.; Mrs. Jas. Milne, Treasurer. The installation of the newly elected officers will take place on the second Tuesday in January. Named. At a preliminary meeting of the charter members, held last Tuesday evening, it was resolved to name the new Camp of I. O. O. F. to be instituted in this city, Falls Encampment." It U ex pected that the dispensation and other necessary arrangements will be completed so as lo effect an organization one week from next Monday. Fkuit Cake. Messrs. Bailey A Harding, of the Lincoln Bakery, have our thanks for a fine fruit cake. They understand their business, and are very clever gentle men. We wish them increased prosperity in their business during the new year, now so close at hand. A Change. The Senator has been changed on her route between here and Portland so as to leave that city in the morning, and return in the afternoon; the E. N. Cooke leaves here in the morning, and returns in the afternoou. Rei.igiols Sun vice. At the regular Morning Service on Sunday next, the Sac rament of Baptism will be administered in St. Paul's (Episcopal) Church, and a sermon preached to children. Handsome Fkesent. The friends of Rev. E. Gerry and wife presented them with a very handsome baby wagon, on Christmas? night. A most appropriate gift just at this time. Coi xcir.. In consequence of next Mon day being New Year's Day. the regular meeting ot the City Council will be held on Tuesday evening next. met). In Clackamas, county, l)ec. SGrd. 1871. Mrs. Rachel Jane Miller, wife of Samuel Miller, aged To years, 2 mos. and 3 days. lew To-laiy. AND Up to tlac Niglat o' II0VEMEH 24, 1871, CHICAGO liOSSES TO THE AMOUNT OF HAD BEEX ADJUSTED BY THE ALWAYS RELIABLE PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF MartforcL Conn. The Best is the Cheapest. Application for Insurance IX THE "OLD RELIABLE" phenix of Hartford, Should be made to its Agents, to be found at all prominent points in Oregon and Washing ton Territory, v.dio are authorized to issue Policies direct. PACIFIC BRAfJCH, IL II. HAGILL9 Manager, 424 California Street, SAX rHAXCISCO. W. P. BURNS, Agent At OREGOX CTTY,OItEGOX Parties holding poli cies in the Pacific and other sus pended Insurance Companies, can have the same cancelled with out expense, and obtain Beliable I de imt , b a pplyino; to the Agents ot the PIICEXIX OF HARTFORD. Dec. 22:ml Ifl 21, 8500,000. THE SOUTH CAROLINA Land and Immigration ASSOCSATI O FOR THE Promotion of Immigration TO THE -SOUTH. BUTLER, CIIADWICK, GARY & O AGEXTS, CIiAKLESTOX, S. C. A se.ies of Concerts will he given tinker the auspices of ihe .SOUTH CAROLINA STATE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHAN ICAL SOCIETY" at the ACADEMY OF MCbTC, Charleston, S. C commencing Jan uary tab, 172. at which diiiwiugs will take place and distributions be made 10 ticket holders. 1st Gift ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Char leston, S. C, cost to build ?-230,w;, having an annual rental of about t20,0, from Opera House, Stores and Halls; the building being about 230 fejt by 60 feet, and aituated corner of King and Market t-treets, in the center of the city, and well kuown to be the finest building and most valuable property in Charles ton, valued at. . $4O,000 2nd Gilt Cash 100, 00 3rd Gift Cash '25,000 4th Gift Cash 10,000 5th Gift Cash 5,00m '2 Gilts Cash each $1,000 2.",ooo 25 Gifts Cash each $5mo 12,"00 350 Gilts. .Cash each $100 35,000 '2,.'0O other Gifts amounting to 37,00o 2405 Gift.-', amounting to. . 500,000 150,000 Season Tickets of Admission at Five Dollars Each. All Orders Strictly CnnSdential- For full Particulars send for Circulars. Reference in New York City August Del moiit ,t Co., Rankers: Hon. Charles O'Con cr, Counselor at Law ; Hon. Roger I'ryor, Counselor at Law ; T. A. Hoyt, Esq., Presi dent Gold Room ; Anderson, Starr & Co , Merchants; Hon. John E. Ward, Counselor at Law , Colonel Richard Lathers; Hunt, Thompson & Co., Factors : Pettus & Co., Merchants ; F. Zogbaum & Fuirchi'd, Met chants. Relerencos in South Carolina Gen. Wade Hampton, Hon. P. F. Perry, Gov. M. L. lion ham, Gen Johnson llagood, Hon. Armisted Uurt, Hon. James Chesnut, Ge:i. John S. I'rest n, Hon. r. D. Simpson, Andrew Simonds, Esq., lion. G. A. Trenholm, Gov. J. L. Manning, lion. J. R. Campbell. To As-ure Yourselves that our nte-prise Is Honorable, let your Ranker write to any Bank Cashier in Charleston, S, C , before ordering Tickets Commissioners and .Supervisors of Draw ing Gen. A R. Wright, of Georgia; Gen. Rradley T. Johnson, of Virginia; Colonel H. 11. Rutledge, of buth Carolina; Hon. Roger A. I'ryor, New York. 257"l 'ie drawing will positively take place January 8th, 872. NDUCEM NT TO CLUBS. 11 Tickets for 50 1 '23 Tickets for loo V United .States 50 Tickets for 2o0 ) Currency. 100 Tickets for. . . .. 375 Special rates will be given for 5'J-i or 1000 tickets if applied for immediately. Remittances can be made to us, and the tickets will be sent by return mail by BUTLER, CIIADWICK, GARY & CO., Charleston. S. C. General M. C. Bctlkii, Johx Ciiadwick, General M. W. G.vuy. Dec, 8:4 it e a e AXD HAPPINESS! TIE latest: ilTfiJLlIOlf THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY" announces to the Public, that he WILL CLOSE OUT HIS LARGE. ft WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF TOYS AND FANCY r REGARDLESS OF COST ! THE FINEST STOCK Custom-Made Ciolhing IX OREGON CITY. CALL AND EXAMINE .MY STOCK. A. LETT, A N .STREET, OREGON CITY. Dec. 1, 1871:ml THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL the attention of everybody that is fat tening Hoes to sell, which will make bacon that they ill find it to Heir advantage to call at the old corner at Albright's Butcher Shop We are buvimr Pork and PAING THE HIGHEST PRICE of any one else. Call and Fee. . 'ALBRIGHT & LOGUS. N or. 24, 1871.:tr r.DTTPTY OF BANCROFT PACIF8C BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Fall and Winter Trade. LOOK IIEKE! H VYING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported StjKs in Ladies' and Gents' flools vlwCl Cr alters. We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the public generaily. AXD HERE ! FOR THE HOLIDAYS! We have all the Late Stvlos of GENTS TOILET SLIPPERS just the thin-T for pres et) LADIEV TOILET and PARLOR TIES and Slippers; LADIES' RLUE BRONZE and WHITE KID BAL.? four own make V, Ladies' All Kid, Glove Kid.' All Cloth, Kid Foxed Buttoned Gaiters. The BELL NAM P BALMORAL (a New Style of Kid Shoe ; LADIES WHITE KID "SLIPPERS (foi stated occasions.) AXD HERE! riXftS. .."...."It" .-53S5 WT li-lVf rocpivtwl Jrnm T r. 1.. "V..V ..... . .. .. ... ... . " I Ul u il ic- vv pair of the C Icbiated ELI'RAT OI'ER BUTTON FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can be turned into a uea utilul Button Gaiter Will take ordi rs fur the same at any time. AXD HERE! ess We have the Rest and Latest Stvles in Misses' and Children's Button Gai ers and Balmorals that are imported, hut. for rrood substantial wear there, are none that can come up to our own make. We Warrant uiem in e cry respect. AXD HERE ! Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and Misses' RUBBERS. The Nillson, Conjrress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet l-'ront and Alaska. Light, ylish, Durable and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot ot Children's Rubbers. Rring on your feet. AXD HERE! COME AXJJ SEE CUB CHAMPION BOOT!' Respectfully, PROTZIflAN, GILLI AN k CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts , TORTLAND, REGON. Dec. 1. ISTLtf HLLIAEH SSNGE Has JOstahlified FOR HIE MAX L'FACTOliY OF PUKIVITUISE, SASH, BLENDS AND DOORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. RjT They will also do TURNING, of every description to order, "With Neatness and Bispatcl 1 Q ALL WORK WA RRANTED. Bhop on the Rirei back of Ackerman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Constantly on hand PARLOR, REDR jk M, OFFICE, KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS, Lounges, Rocking Chairs Whatnots, Bed steads, &c- Siles Room In Dr. Thessing's Brick, Main street. YIOK5S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1872- OVKlt OXE HUXDRK!) PAGE , Printed in Two Colors, On Superb Tinted Paper.- F"our ",',. Engravings of Flowers, Plants ami VcgtnJ)!c, with descripti in, and TWO COLORED PLATES- Directions and plans for making Walkr, Lawns, Gardens, &c The handsomest and best FLOUAL (iCIDE in iheWorld. All for 'i'0 v t'ESTS, to those who think of Ui.ving Seeds. Not a qarterthe cost. 2X',000 sold of 1871. Address, .7A3IES VICTC. lloeliestcr, X. Y. Xew Boot and Shoe Store. rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD R E JL pec fully call t-ie a ntion of the pub lic to his splendid stock of CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies' and Gent's wear, just opened, one door nerth of the Lincoln Bakery, Ore gon Citv. All kinds of ROOTS and SHOES kept constantly on hand, at CHEAP RATES, and orJeis taken for the same, to be made in the latest stvle. at the PACIFIC ROOT and SHOE MANUFACTURV, Portland, Oregon. COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rate3. x- AL- WHITE. Oregon Ci , N r. 17 1S71. Ilelccc a Degree L,o.lSe So. JJ, 1. O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth i TUESDAf EVEXIXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. iy, r v LIBRARY HOLIDAY PRESENTS, THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN PORTLAND, OP FINE WHTCHES, RICH JEWELRY AED Silv 33. L. STOXE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK IS' WATCHES and JEWELRY 2f o-107 Front st- PORTLAND, Would invite attention of his friends and the public to his Large and Choice Assort ment of FINE ATCI2E5 From the most Celebrated Makers of F Howard & Co., Boston ; Apelton t Tracy, P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jacot Self-winding Washes; Lnglish Watches and others. Also, the hot selected STOCK of" LADIES' WATCHES, of all description and styles, which he would be pleased to show to all who may favor hint with a call. AGENT FOR CIIAS. E. JACOT WATCHES. Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS- Silver Watches, of different makers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger-rings. Gold liracelets. Gold Chateiam Guards and Watch-chains. Gold Necklaces, Armlets, Cresses, Lockets. Cold Breast- ins, Ear-rings, Finger rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and Rohmes' Pat ent Buckels. Opei a 'Jhains. Moss Agate Setts, Rings and Cull' Rutton?. Wedding Rings, made of pure gold, ex pressly for that purpose. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses. Pebble Spectacles and Eye-glasses. Vlid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives. Solid Sil.-or Table and Tea Spoons. Regulators Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Galieiy Clocks, Ac. All the abi.ve articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairin and adjusting of C hronomcters, Duplex an A erican W atchs. R. L. STONE, nov24tt 107 Front st. Poitiand, Oregon. Sheriff 's Sale. -H?Y VIllTUi: Or AX KXKCUTIOX ISSUED out of the Circuit Court of tlio State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, in favor of L. A. Seely, plamtitf, and against Daniel Sebas tian, defendant, lor the sum of two hundred and twenty-live .to-lOO dollars, .2Jd 55. and twenty live Hi-100 dollars, 2- Hi, costs, I have levied up on and, 011 Saturday, the fth day of January, 1872, at one o'clock p. in., at the Court House don', in Oregon City, m said county, I will sell at public unction, to the highest bidder, to satis fy said execution, cost and accruin'j costs, :ill of the riylit, title and interest ot said Daniel Scbas tian in and to the following described real prop erty, situated 111 Clackamas county, to-wit : The north-east one-fourth cf the south-oast one fourth, of section 10, in township 3 .south range 1 west, of the Willamette lnerodiau. A KTJ 1 1" it WAR NER, decSwt Shcritf of Clackamas county. FOE S AM FIFES and EG LEES- Saves 25 per cent, of fuel an item w rtli lOOnl 11 Si ul iei . A . fter. For sale by RERRY & PLACE, 112 CaTi for. ia Mrect, San Kiancisco, who also keep in slock Alining and Egineir's supplies. dccIeowGni REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, PORTLAND, - OREGON. DEALER IX REAL ESTATE AXD OTHER INVESTMEM'S. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei flcwed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for a!! kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. It CartetsTJuilding, corner of Alder and Front streets. Feb. 3, J.70:tf NEW HARDWARE STORE, CORNET FUOXT & STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. .1010 It. FOSTER Ts now receiving and offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of BUILDERS5 HARDWARE, llechanSco' Tools, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS eMails, fiopes, ShoveS Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites biryersto call and examine before purchasing cl-ewherc. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Rudders' Hardware and House Trim miners, cither at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 2o 1871:m3 .JOHN R. FOSTER. CI3AS. HODGE. . CIIAS. E.CALEF. .GEO. W.SXELL H0BGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IN DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAIXT6, OILS, AXD WINDOW GLASS, VAliXISTIES, BRUSI1SS. PAIXTERS Mauriaw, ana Drvgida" Sundries. t?7 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Multnoianh I.o.lge Xo. 1, A. V. ami A A. M .Holds its regular commumc a .f ;nn nn the !' intra- outu- in each niontl., at 7 o'clock Irom Xthe '"'th of September to the 2oth of March, and 7 o'clock from the 20th of March to the 2nth ot September. Ereth ren in -ood standing aie invited to attend. p..c3.1;70, Rv rJerof W. M. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. IS. KieliJirdsoiij AUCTIONEER o Corner of F'ront and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralAIria dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday I A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer 0 AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws Screw?, Fiy-pans, sheet Iron, RG. Iron also : A largeassortmentof Groceries and Liquor A. li. Richardson, Auctioor ADVERTISE m EE ft T PETERS' MUSICAL LIBEAET, CONSISTING OF FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED With ChoicD Piano Music. VOCAL COLLECTIONS. Shining Lights. A choice col- H lection of beautiful Sacred Songs. IlaitU amrt Home, Fireside JL Echoes, and Sweet Sounds. Three A Volumes of easy iSongs by Webster, T Persley, etc. XL t.oHWii leaves, volumes I. and "XTIf. The two volumes contain all ofT JL XVi 1 S. Hays' Songs. lt I'l'it'tlfsi Gems. A collection of beautiful Rallads by Wallace, s 1 nomas, Keller, etc. g INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS. Fairy Fingers, Magic Circle. Oand Young Pianist. Three voIumes"VT of very easy Music for young players. L Iejrl lirops, and Musical Ilecre- Mations. Dance Music. Two colleo-r"!" tions of moderate difficulty. JL I'leasAnt Mcmorit-8. A collec- ITof beautiful pieces by Wyman, Mack.O liDressler, etc, O lioltlei Chimes. A collection of brilliant parlor Music by Charles Kinkel. lit illinnt Cfins. A splendid col tion, by Vilbre, Allard, Pacher, Kin kel, etc. IV.ict, Q'i f0 per volume, elegantly bound in c!o h, with gilt sides; in plian cloth ; i 5 in boards. Address, J. L. PETERS, J3D9 Rroadway, New York. "We would also call attention to The Or-r.u. at Home, a collection of over one hundred bcautiiul opera songs. Price, $3 in cloth atid 0 gilt. Trade price, SI. novl0tdec23 TO YOUNG MEN! rpo YOU BELONG THE FUTURE Ot-' JL our beautiful and fast growing Stat. Soon the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, as he comes tmoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich product of tha Nation's Wealth and Industry, will o announce the "GOOD TIME COMING,"' when Oregon's own Sons and Daughter will be called to till the new avenues of Ru.i ness. Everyone should prepare for au ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oreiron in a few yearn. What the developements of our State will be in the future, is a question which depend upon the RUSIXESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now Idling high and lucrative'po sitions in the Ranks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand for Good Accountants, that Rusincss men have been frequently compelled to send East for assistance. No enterprising, studious Young Man wfio ha passed through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. Every faciliy is here afforded to acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE, Every student will have an ACTUAL RUSINEvSS PRACTICE! After having completed the Theorv. he it introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiarii. ing mm witn an the mmutia? ot real busineka. The course of study embraces Double and Sincrle Kntrv Ttook-TC ffriitirr PVmmr'i 1 - , -J " ' , V ...... . . . . Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspoa ence, Rusiness Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc. etc , combining theory with practice. AT.SO," Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the College Of fice.in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder Kli'ort land, Oregon, or send for cicular. AddreF DeFRANCE & JAMES, TORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. 1871:yl Pekkins' New Scl oo Pook, "The SSoNfi Echo," is pronounced the hert I work of its class for the foIIowingX- reasons : The Music is all AVi? and Otrexh ; evcrv piece is a well known Household Melody such as. "Driv- J en from Home." -Write me a 1 "XTtcr," "Little Rrown Church, etc. TT 1 It contains twice as many Songs alA can be found in other works. 1 he G Music is .elected from sixty fnfx authors, and not JilUd vp with ,f author's composition. I rice,7o centM each, or ?7 50 per dozen. Sample copies mailed to Teacher3 for ." cent-?. Liberal arrangements for introduction. Address, J. !. PETERS, 500 Rroadway, N. 1 . c-t. 22:ml Notice. yOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY AU fj thorized Agent in Oregon City, and also Agent for the Estate of Daniel Harvey, de ceased. JUK&. UAliEi. October 1, lS71.m3 Dissolution Notice. JOH.NT STEGE, HAVING LEFT TMJ country without any notice to me, hereby notify all corcerned, that the part nership of Humbel & Strge is dissolved, ud will not be responsible for anj' debts ofhTa ontracticg. HENRY HUMBEL, O.cjcn Ciiy, Nov.J!, 1371. nolo .; 5 J o G O o O O O