O o G ljc lUcdiln iittcrpris rowx AXO covxtv. Tin- T.Kf 'iTK. It IS unfortunate for us font circumstances have occurred by Mch u nVe been derived, ..ofthe great pw i . I- oi-V I'a-e afforded iw to hear Mrs. -tl, ,,.,,, present to bear her 1, have no t b 'med that she haul- SovrtL coullla-t Monday evening Very freelr. ad regretted very much that i J ... .".ViMit as sin desired to give us JlwTXns Low to becotihSa respecta ble editor. It was certaiuly unfortunate for us to bo absent vl,,n nch a U.sson had been mature! ou uv an i i'jri ij miij .iim the said that we were bbcenc and insinuate vu.ga. u m.. our leaders probably know whether our nsinnations are vulgar or whether they "ave their origin in vulgar mind Out Mde of her abuse of the editor of this pa per there Was. as we are informed, noth fn,r'r particular interest m the lecture, ami "it is generally pronounced a weak 1,1 o''Tue-d w evening Mrs. Miller was Announced to" lecture. .She had hardly commenced her lecture when a noise in be back part of the halt and in (font dis tracted her st that she could not proceed lai-jrc V .vijv . , . ,u: - 11 ..-.-nr.i'K'nr-e TV till un ui.ii"" , -ioniij.i iinri cave it up. e II.. i;llui tiir a nnnitier nl rave Known .uis..'""" veaK know her to be a lady of considera ble literary talent, and in a cause m Which tar noble and motherly heart could be enlisted, could not fail of meeting with success. Her every impulse is opposed to the masculine, and degenerate doctrine to which she has given her talents, and ve cannot see any future greatness in her efforts. The cause to which she has giv vn her talents is unpopular and sustained Only by a very lew he-women, and not by he "en tier and motherly portion of her sexand of which she has ability and tal ents enough to make her an ornament. We rincerclv regret that .-lie has espoused the cause of INC strrrig-tninded, knowing that her better, ho!ier, and honest instiucts of 'motherly affections will always prevent her from taking that bold and brazen po sition before the world so necessary for success. We should be pleased to aid nnd encourage .Mrs. M. in any undertaking Hint we regarded for the benefit of her sex. ami hope ere long to be able to r coidher renunciation of the pernicious mid unpopular doctrine of woman suffrage. Success will never attend her in that tause. ller nature is opposed to the dog ?ua and she may as well forsake a cause in which her heart cannot be enlisted, at first as at last. -She belongs to the better v'.enu-nt of her sex. Christ. m v.s fJoois. Our merchants arc rill well supplied with articles suitable for holiday presents, and their prices are f-uoh as not to make it necessary to go to Portland. We are satislied that goods can be obtained as cheap here as in any toW'U in Oregon, and it is a duty our citi zens owe to our town and county to give their support to those who aid in building up the town. Look over the advertising columns of this paper and go to those Svho have suuicieut enterprise to adver- ise. and you will find no trouble in pro curing as good bargains here as elsewhere. Cm; stmas Tkkk. On Saturday evening at the Episcopal Church, there will be a dntstnias Tree for the children of the Sunday School. The exercises will con sist of singing sweet carols by the children, an address by the Hector, and the distri bution of the presents. The parents and friends of the children who wish to place "presents on the tree are requested to bring them to the Church as early as convenient after 10 o'clock on Saturday, where a committee will be on hand to receive them. The public are cordially iuvi'.ed to btj present. 'Out Say. The year is drawing to a close, and with it We should, as far as in our power, settle our past year's debts, in order that we may commence anew at the beginning of the year. We shall be liappy to give all who are indebted to us n receipt in full drcring the coming week, so that our patrons will have the consola tion that, they are not indebt to the print vr. There is considerable due us and we V-pe. that much of it will be paid before Xew Year. CoMi-MMKXTAitv. We have received a Complimentary ticket to attend the ball to be given in this city, on Christmas night, by Cataract Hose Company No. 2. We ore informed th.t every effort is being rnnde to raak this the grand ball of the yeas.fl. and judging from the names of tire gentlemen on the various committees. It can cot fail to be a success. Good music lias been engaged and a line supper Will be served. Tiik Pikkmx Ix.sravxc:-; Comi'anv. -The attention of readers is invited to the ad vertisement of thrs Company. The Phoe nix is one of the few Companies which came out of the Chicago fire solvent and able to pay all its policies, and have a "large surplus on hand, and as it is one of theoldest Companies in the United States H is one of the most reliable ones. Mr. V. P.JBurns is agent at this place, who is authorized to issue risks o favorable terms. Tn-w Wi-.Tnt-,. Thi! weather for the Vast week has been rather wintry for this State. Snow fell to the depth of about two inches on Sunday night and Monday. At Salem the snow was about eight inches deep, while at Corvallis it was about eigh teen. The indications are now very favor able for the early disappearance of the white coat which the earth has had on for the past five days. Masonic. The following persons were e'ected officers of Multnomah Lodge No. 1. A. F- A. M., at the meeting held on the lGtb inst. : J. M. F razor. W. M.. Owen Y.'ade, S. W.: George Clark, J. W.; Dr. F. Barclay. Treasurer; J. T. Apperson. Sec retary:' C. McCue, Tyler. The installa tion, which is to be public for the families of the members, will take place on Wed nesday, the 27th inst. Oi t and 1!i'xm.m;.- The steamer Sena tor has been rescued from her threatened watery grave, repaired and commenced running again yesterday. It is probably the intention of the Company to run both their boats between here and Portland until they succeed in driving the Carrie oT the route, when the down morning boat will be laid up. Tkee. The children belonging lo the Congregational Sunday School will have ii Chrisknas Tree at the Church on Mon day evening. We are Informed that the Methodist and Baptist Schools have unit ed, and will have their Tree on Monday aveuing, e.t the Baptist Church. Remember that A. Levy, at the Express office, u selling out his entire stock of fancy goods regardless of cost. He wants them cut of the way to make room for his fine stock of clothing. Give him n call. Nick We notice that Messrs. Bailey & Harding, at 1he Lincoln Bakery, have on hind some very nice cakes, which are the thing for a Christmas dinner. Daily Mail To JiAiiurvv. We are in formed by Hon. J. D. Underwood, U; S. Mail Agent, that he has succeeded' in ef fecting arrangements whereby a daily mail wi'l be delivered- at Barlow Post Office, in Clackamas cotmtv, a Pboft d:s tance from Aurora, rin the Vine of the Ore gon and California Haihbad. Mr. Under wood also informs lis that he has 'entered into an arrangement With thy U S "NT Company, by which they will forward th mails now carried by them on their boats by land, should the river freeze 1o atch an extent as to stop navigation. Ihtkitin TyYMrs. llenriette Kelly, A. Levy and L. Shoncbtir'g, have a full supply of toys on hand for Christmas presents J M. Bacon, at the postoffice. and Mr. John' Homing, in Myers' brick, have on ham a fine lot of books and other fancy articles for holiday presents. Fi:i(oxAT.. We had a call last Monday from Mr. E. Everts, agent for 21ie West. We are pleased to learn that he is meet ing with good success, as the reaper is an excellent publication. Mr. J. M. Bacon has been appointed agent in this city. Not. as Ykt. We are informed by par ties who had freight damaged by the ac cident to the Senator, that the Company has not as yet signified any intention to pay the damages sustained. The I T. Company always paid such damages with out delay and trouble. Boats. At present, the Fannie Button. Success and Shoo-Fly are running on the upper Willamette, and the E. N. Cooke. Senator and Carrie on the lower. The Carrie is in opposition to the old line. Decokatixo. The Episcopal Church in this city, in accordance with custom, is being very handsomely decorated with evergreens for Christmas. Bki.mhoix. There will be service held at the Episcopal Church on Christmas morning Something New- The Elko Independent has the fol lowing : Judge C. H. Bryan, well known through out this coast as one of the ablest lawyers in the country, but whose habits of late years had rendered him unfit to be en trusted with, c.ny legal business, has struck it rich since he went to Oregon, by being employed in an important case with Holladay for a client. A heavy fee was the result, if he won the case, which he succeeded in doing, and now is the owner of one of the best farms in Polk county. Oregon, stocked with tome of the finest thoroughbreds In that State. Instead of being dead, as was reported at one time, he is still alive, and will doubtless drill his -Arizona guard'' fur many years to come. We are truly pleased to be informed of the brilliant success of Judge Bryan but it will be all news to the people of Oregon. What ooks it Mkax? The following is the letter of Attorney General Akernian to Grant : Dkpautmknt ok Ji srn-K. Washington-, December 13, 1871. ) To the l'resUlent Sir : I hereby resign the office of Attorney General of the Uni ted States : this resignation to take effect in accordance with the wish which you verbally expressed to me to day on the lOih of January next. (Signed) A. T. Akki:mn There appears to be some unpleasant ness between these two great men. The election of a Democratic Senator from Georgia probably had an influence on the President. Iukkgu'lai. The mails have become as irregular as the hens were a short time ago when dear Susan Anthony had them de moralized We have nut had an Atlantic mail for the last ten days, and it is proba ble that il will be ten days more. With two daily mails coming info our State and one tri -monthly, we certainly ought io nrvtftge to get one occasionally. Death ok a Good Man. Sheriff C. Bills, of Multnomah county, died last Sunday .ut j Portland. Mr. Bills was a man universal i ly esteemed by all who knew him. His funeral was very largely attended by the Odd Fellows, Masons, City and county of ! ficials and the fire Department. Peace be to his ashes. Comks. We have received the Jkd llock Democrat regularly for the past three weeks. TLere is tome trouble in the mail betwten this place and Baker City. A. A. Sargant has been nominated by the Badical Legislative caucus of Cali fornia for U. S. Senator, in place of Cor nelius Cole. Uatiiek Cool. After Grant had invited Akerman to resign, he sends hint a letter in which he lauds his integrity, ability ,&c. If half were true that Grant says of him whv did he invite him resign ? Xkw Diikss. The Seattle Dispatch conies to us with a new dress and bead this week. Mr. Brown is making a good paper out of the Dispatch. AkiIKSTkij. W". M. Tweed, the leader of the Tammany Ring, has been arrested and placed in the Tombs. On Tuesday the 12th inst., by Elder John JStipp, Mr. Raymond Dickey, and Miss Al wildy Kamsby, all of Clackamas county, Oregon, At the residence of the bride's father, in Clackamas count-, Dec. U'th, 171, by ller. E. Gerry, Nathaniel S. Kobins and M;ss Sarah A. Evans, all of Clackamas county. At the residence of J. H. Noyer, on the 10th inst., bvC. T. Howard, J. P., Mr. David Vinzant and phcebc li. Weed, both of Clack- Ore-rori. In this city, Dec. 15th, to the Wife of Mr. A. C. Bailey, a Sou. In this city. Dec. 17th, to the Wife of Rev. E. Gerry, a Daughter. Ax Okfek. We will give to any young lady who will get up a club of fifteen sub scribers to the Enterprise, before tha first of January, and pay in the sum of $37.50. 15 worth of Messrs. J. L. Peters' new music, the 3oung lady getting up the club having the privilege of making her own selections. Here is a chance lor some young lady to get enough music to last her for a tew years. We will also furnish Peters' Musical Monthly for six months to all who will send in three subscribers with the money, or for five subscribers we will furnish them the Magazine for one year. There is not a young lady in the county, that plays or sings that should be without this musical work, and they can easily get this number of f-iihsrihnr ! Send in the names at once, so you can j commence with the new year. IWery line of travel has its Mu crhv - .Turin' Hon, where travelers are 're fresh nien ted' and sent on their way uncomfertable. The foundations ot disease are often laid by the irregularities of eatirig, sdeepfng, ant! move ment of t he bowels experienced dtirino- trav eling. To prevent an irregular acli6li,aia a torpid condition of I he UigeMive aparatus use that wonderful regulator and blood puri fier Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitter-, h trfV1.er5 bI ir land, should fad to take it with hint. It may save his lite. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair llenewer is an excelent dressing and tonic for the hair and makes the hair grow thick. AND FIRE TESTED Ui to iUa IVilftt of NOVEMBER 4, 1871, CHICAGO BOSSES TO THE AMOUNT OF ,J01 Jl, HAD BE EX ADJUSTED BY THE ALWAYS RELIABLE PUCE NIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF The Best is the Cheapest. Application for Insurance IX THE "OLD RELIABLE" Of HARTFORD, Should be made to it Agents-, to be found at all prominent points in Oregon and Washing ton Territorv.who are authorized to issue Policies direct. PACIFIC BRANCH, R. II. MAGILL, Manager, 424 California Street, SAX ERAXCISCO. W. P. BURNS, Agent At OREGON OITY,OREGOX X. B. Parties holding poli cies in the Pacilic and other sus pended Insurance Companies, can have the same cancelled with out expense, and obtain Beliable Tndemnitv, bv applying to the Agents of the PIKEXLY, OF HARTFORD. Dec. 'il:m GRAND FIREMEN'S BALL, December 25, 1871, By Cataract Hose Co. o. 2. At Myers' IIttilv Oregon CHjr. HONORARY COMMITTEE : Mayor Thrs Charman. Chief Engineer J. L. Barlow, President, Y. L. White, First As istant, G. A. Harding. RECEPTION COMMITTEE : Chl?. E. Warren, Leon. Diller. Matt. Welch, Herman Katlar, F. M Albiight. FLOOR MANAGERS : Geo. A. Harding, L. Diller, A. G. White, A . C- Bailey, John Blackwell. .Music by Prof. John Ernest's Cotillion Band. Tickets, including Supphr, $t. TICK'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1872. OVJEIt OXE lU XDRIil) PAGE, Printed in Two C'olors.'On snperb Tinted Paper. Kour II n ml red Engraving of Flowers, Plant null Vt-getablca, with description , and TWO COLORED PLATES- Directions and plans for m iking Walks, Lawns. Gardens, "c. The handsomest and best FLORA I. Gl'IDE in theWoi ld. Ail for TK CEXTS, to those who think of buying Seeds, sold of 1S7I. Address, Not a qarter the cost. 200,000 TAMES VICIv, liochfsler, 5. EVENING WRITING SCHOOL THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spectfullv announce to the citizens of Oregon City.'that he will open an EVENING WRITING SCHOOL, Forvoung Lies and Gentlemen in the rooms now occupied by Mrs. A they s select School, (formerly by Mr. Popes Grammar School.) Commencing MONO A Y EVLWIXG, Uth IS ST. Scltool open four evenings each week, from 7 to S 'clock, during a term of ten weeks. Students to furnist their own stationery and light. RATES OF TUITION. ?3 00 ER TERM. J. ALLEN MACRUM, Dec. ?, lS7!f Instructor. New TofcJsiy. i S500,000 . . THE SOUTH CAROLINA Land anil Immigration ASSOOIATI O N , t-ott ttif Promotloh of Immigration TO THE SOUTH: BUTLER. CHADWICK; GARY k CO : AGENTS, CHAIil.ESTOX, S. C. A sc.des of Concbfts will le civtn tinker iiic uj:ces ii ine uuill -JAKOMNA STATE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHAN ICAL .SOCIETY at the ACADEMY OF MU-TC, CharleatCH, H. t';; tdrriinehfc ni; Jar.: uary Sth, 1S7J, at which thaw intra will take place aud distributions be made ro ticket holders. 1st Gift ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Char leston, S. C.t cost to build ?JJO,ooo, having an annual rental of about tiO.ooo, from Opera House, Stores and Halls ; the building beinij about Uao fct by 150 fee, and situated corner of King and Market streets, in the center of the city, and well kuown to be the finest building and mos-t valuable property in Chai les- lon, vai ueu at. . . 2nd Gilt Cash..;:..; T.rd Gift Cash 4th Gift Cash ; r.th Gift Cash 2j Gift Cash each tl,XX... 25 (tifts Cash each $500 350 Girts. .Cash each Kkt t-V.H other Gifts amounting to $-j-,)tOOO . . . 100, Oo 25,0oo . . . 1 0,000 f,000 . . . 25,0 n . . . 1 2,500 . . . 3.",O0O . . . 37,oOO . . . f 500,000 2405 Gift, amounting,. to. 150,000 Season Tickets of Admission at Five Dollars Eacli All Orders Strictly Cnnfidential- For full Particulars send for Circulars. Reference in New York City August Hel mont A- Co., Bankets: Hon. Charles O'Con or, Counselor at Law; 'Hon. Rosier Pryor, Counselor at Law ; T. A. Hoyt, Esq., Presi dent Gold Room ; Anderson, Starr & Co , Merchants; Hon. John E. Ward, Counselor at Liw , Colonel Richard Lathers ; Hunt, Thompson & C., Factors : t'ettus V Co., Merchants ; F. Zogbaiuu & Fairchild, Mer chants. References in South Carolina Gen. Wade Hampton, Hoj. B. F. Perry, Gov. M. L. Bon ham, Gen Johnson Hagood, Hon. Ariuisted Burt, Hen. James Chesnut, Gen. John S. I'rest n, Hon. W. 1. Simpson. Andrew Simonds, E.-q., Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Gov. J. I.. Manning, Hon. J. B. Campbell. To A s-ure Yourselves that our ntc-prise Is Honorable, let your Hanker write to any Bank Cashier in Charleston, S. C , before ordering Tickets Commissioners and Supervisors of Draw ing Gen. A. R. Wright, of Georgia; Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, of Virginia: Colonel 15. H. Rutledge, of South Carolina; Hon. Roger A. Piyor, New York. T"The drawing will positively take place January 6th, 1 672. INDUCEMENT TO CLUBS. 11 Tickets f. r 50 ) 2-'J TickeU for 1"0 Y United States 50 Tickets for 20o ) Currency. 100 Tickets for 375 Special rates will be given for 50o or loOO tickets if applied fur immediately. Remittances can be made to us, and the tickets will be sent by return mail by BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., Charleston. S. C. General M. C. I'.tri.ru, .Tons Chaiwick, General M. W. Gary. D. c. S:w4 II 13 A B AXD HAPPINESS! THE IIlTEST! SIMS Jason ! riMIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY I inncunces to the Public, that he AVILL CLOSE OUT HIS LARGE & WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP TOYS AN J FAN Y carst oc gcs nsrx 9 REGARDLRSS OF COST ! THE FINEST STOCK Custom-Made Clothing IX OREGON CITY. CALL AXD EXAMINE MY STOCK. A. LEVY, "M A N .STREET, OREGON CITY. Dec. 1, lS71:ml HOGS! HOGS! rTMIF. UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL JL the attention of everybody that is. fat-fpnino- II02S to sell, which will make bacon that they will find it to tl eir advantage to call at the old corner at Albright's Butcher chnn. We are buvinff Pork and PAYING ' THE HIGHEST I'KlLJb ot any one else Call and see. ALBRIGHT &. L0GUS Nov. 2i, 1871.:f PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Fall ami Winter Trade. look HERE! HAVING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles in Ladies' and Gents1 Hoots ;ttil Gaiters, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons ntld the public generally. AND HERE ! mm ii'iiiwiii 1 1 w FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! We have all Sthe Late Stvles of GENTS' TOILET SLIPPERS just the thins for pres ents LADIE.S' TOILET and PARLOR TIES and Slippers; LADIES' ULUE KROXZF. and WHITE! KID HAL.V four own make): Ladies' All Kid, Glove Kid. Ml Cloth. Kid Foxed Buttoned Gaiters. The BELL NAM P 11ALMOR.AL (a New Style of Kid Shoe ' .ADIES WHITE KID SLIPPERS (for Stated occasions.,) AND HERE! We have received from New York a few air tit the Ct-Iebiated Ef.l'U AT f IIT'Ii ltUTTON FIIONTs! In- hir-l. .. r o kM. - - - " -, - y u uiv,n 4k JAUjU 711 wt; can C lurried into a beautiful IHnton Gaiter ill take OHtt rs tor the same at any time. AND HERE! We have the Best and Latest Srvles in Misses' and Children's Button Gai crs and 15 il mora Is that are imported, but for good substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. e w arrant them in every respect. nH?7TW'iaB3 AND HERE! Seven entirelv New Styles of Ladies' and IIITiiUKt: Tin. VilUi.n IVmi.n.i!c Mi arie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet rout and Alaska. Liiiht. vlish. Durable Fr and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. 1 r i u r on vonr feet. AND HERE TO WOEKMEN. COME AN D SEE CUR CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, PROTZMAN, GILLI AN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts , PORTLAND, R EG ON. Dec. 1. lT;lf WILLIAM SINGER ictvry I. Illltlll i on i n j: ma .y cr. i c Ton v of FUK.VITITKE, SASHj BLINDS ANO OGORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. 3- They will also do TURNING, of f very description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch o all work "Warranted. Fhop on the River, back of Ackerman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Constantly on hand PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE) KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS, Lounges, Rocking Chairsv Whatnots, Red-f-lcads, fcc- S;des Room In Dr. Thessing's Brick, Main street. Iteligions Services. St. Pauls CEpcopal) Church, the Rev. Jrhu W. Selhvood, rector. Services on Sunday at lo3 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 r. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, 10. Sabbath School, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services, 7 o'clock. Rkv. E. Gkkry, Acting Pastor ritAYEK MEETING S. Sunday evening, 5 o'clock Tuesday evening, 7 o'clock. o M. E. Church, Seats Free. Morning Services, 1O.30, Evening Services, 7 o'clock. SOCIAL MEETrNOS. Class Meeting following Morning Servres. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Xcw Boot and Shoe Store. rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE JL peetfullv call the a ntion of the pub lic to his splendid stock f CUSTOM -A. VDE BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies and Gent's wear, just opened, one door uerth of the Lincoln Bakery, Ore gon Citv. Atl kinds of BOOTS and SHOES kept constantly on hand, at CHEAP KATES, and ordeis taken for the same, to be made in the latest stvle, at the PACIFIC BOOT and SHOE MAN UFACTURV, Portland, Oregon. COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rates. AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nov. 17 1871. v Rebecca Degree Lodge So. 2, 1. 0. O. P Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVENINGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Meuibers.yf the Degree aie invitea to attend. Ila? Established II. I Sii. I . i .'.i. iij.im: r -Z Q m HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN PORTLAND, OP FINE WHTCHES, RICH JEWELRY AK D " Silverware. 33. L. . S-TOISTE, whlLESAi.E AND HETAtL IIEAI-EK tN WATCHES and JEWELRY No-107 Front st PORTLAND, Wo'.ild invite attention of his friends nnd the public td his Large and Choice Assort ment of FIjVE WATCIttlES, From the most Celebrated Makers of E; Howard it Co., Boston ; Apelton it Tracv, P. S. Rartletti Waltharn; Mass-; Elgin Watches; J:!C0t Seifv.inding VaUhesj English Watches and others. Also, the best selected STUCK of LADIES' WATCHES, of all description and styles, which he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. AGENT FOR CHAS. E. JACOT WATCHES. Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Tahcy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Silver Watches, of different makers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger-rings. Gold Bracelets. Gold Chatclain Guards and Watch-chains. Gold Necklaces, Armletss Cresses, Locket. Gold Ui cast- ins, Ear-rings, Finger rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and Bchmesf Pat ent Buckelsi Opera 'Jhainf. Moss Agate Setts, Rings and Cuff Buttons. Wedding Rings, made of pure gold, ex pressly fur that purpo.-e. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Opera aud Murine Glasses. Pebble Spectacles and Eye-glasses. iSolid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives. S'did Sit.'er Table and Tea Spoons. Regulators, Set h Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Gallery Clocks, &c. All the abf.ve articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing and adjusting of Chronometers, Duplex and A eric an Watch s. T5. L. STONE, noviillt 107 Front st. Portland, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. TSY VIHTVl' OF AX KXlXUTlOX ISffUKI) out of the Circuit Court of the iState of Oroty-ni, fr the county of t.'laekaitiits, in favtr of I.. A. Heelv, -olairvtiif, and auainst Daniel Sebas tian, defendant, for the sum of two hundred and twenty-five 5S-100 dollars, $2-2t) 5. and twenty tive 10-100 dollars, 25 16, costs. 1 have levied up on and, on Saturday, the tith day of January, 1872, at one o'clock p. rn., at the Court House door, in Oregon City, m said county, 1 will sell ut public auction, to the highest bidder, to satis fy said execution, cost and accruing costs, all of the riirht, title and interest ot said Daniel Sebas tian in and to the followinar described real prop erty, situated in Clackamas county, to-wit : The north-east one-fourth of the south-east one fourth, of section 10, in township 3 south range 1 west, of the Wilkunette nieredian. ABT11UK WARNER, decSwl Sheriif of Clackamas county. FOB, STEAM ?IPE8 and BOILERS- Saves 2" per cent, of fuel an item wrth looking after. For Mile by BERRY t PLACE, 112 California street, San Francisco, who also keep in stock Mining and Eginecr's supplies. dccIeow'Om REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, PORTLAND, - - OEEGON. GM. Ii. CIJltBY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange foi real estate. Loahs negotiated oh property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. It Carter's Building corner of Alder ami Front streets. 1 Feb. 3, JS70';tf I , MAY HARDWARE STORE, CORNET FROXT tfc STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. JOHN It. FOSTER Is now receiving aud offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of SHELF1 IYX BUILDERS5 HARDWARE, fyiechanics' Tools, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS, Mails, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing el-ewheie. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Builders Haidware and House Trim mings, lither at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May '20, 1871:m3 JOHN R. FOSTER. CUAS. HODGE. .CHAS. E.CALEF. . GEO. W. 3NKI.L HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IS DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VAIIXISIIES, BEUSI1F.S. T A INTERS Materials, ana Dryggifts" Sundries. 07 Front Street, - . Portland, Oregon. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F.aml a A M. Holds its regular communica yCVw tions on the First and Third Satur JJrdJii in each month, at , o clock from x the "nth of September to the 20th of March and 7h o'clock from the 20th of March' to the 20th ot September. Breth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec. -23,1S70, Byorderof W. 31. HairFehmg J A UCTION AXD COMMISSION A. II Micltsii'clsoii, AUCTiONEER I Corner of Front and Oak streets, PcrtlakJ. A U CTI O N SALES ( Of Real Estate, Groceries; Generalllrfcani dise and HorseB, , ''" Every Wednesday 'dnd Saturday t A. B. Richarpso; AuCtioneaf AT PRIVATE SAE. - English refined Bar and Bundle Iron - ' English Square and Octagon Caststcei Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; ' 0 Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Irpn ; a i.so : . . , A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. 'Richardson, Auctioneer ADVERTISE M C ti T. PETEES'1 .J3 MUSICAL LIB EAETj CONSISTING OF G FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED With Choice Piano Music. VOCAL COLLECTIONS. Shining Iiglits. A choice Col- H lection of beautiful Sacred Songs. TTJ IIa.itli Home, Fireside 1 Echoes, and Sweet Sounds. Three s A Volumes of eas Songs by Webster, TTf Persley, etc. li Goldin heaves. Volumes I. and "VT"II. The two volumes contain all oFTr? 1 Wi l S. Hays' Songs. JJj Pric-liss ttt'iiis. A collection Tof beautiful Ballads by Wallace, s 'Thomas, Keller, etc. o S INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS. E F.-iirV it niters. ilaeij Circle. Oand Young Pianist,. . Three volumes"VT" of vei y easy Music for young players. !.- rl iroj)s, and Musical Ilecre-- Mations. Dance Music. Two cdllec-r" k tions of moderated difficulty. ' JL I'lcusuiit Mrinories. A collec- - IT of beautiful pieces by Wyman, Mack,! 1Dressler, etc, O O t-iilden C A coflectionrpf brilliant parlor Music by Charles Kinkel. i;i illiaii( Gems. A splendid coi tion, by Vilbre, Allard, Pitcher, Kin kel, etc. Prick, $3 50 per Volume, elegantly bound in clo: h, with gilt sides ; 8-4 in plian cloth $1 73 iu boards. Address, J.L.PETERS, 509 Broadway, New VMk. We would also call attention to The Opbra at Home, a collection of over one hundred beautiful opera songs. Price, S3 in cloth and gilt. Trade price, -. noviotdce TO . YOITN MEN ! g rpO YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OF JL our beautiful and fast growing State; Soon the shrill whistieof the IRON HORSE, as he comes tmoking ecross this great con tinent, drawing after hiin the rich products of the Nation's Wealth aud Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to till the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE Great changes have been made in the com' niercial affairs of Oregon in a few yearsj What the dcvelopements of our State will bd in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Writbin the past four years of continued prosperity, the . National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES, of joung men fully qualified, and many of whom are now filling high and lucrative pof sitions iii the Bunks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand for ' Good Accountants,0 that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for assistance. No enterprising, studious Young Man who his passed through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at good salary, too. w O Every faciliy.is here afforded to acquit SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE Every student will haT an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD Ot BUSINESS, which has the eflect of thoroughly familiarii ing him with all the minutiae of real business. The course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keeping, COmmerci I Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon -ence, Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc, combining theory with practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ;: ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP TELEGRAPHY, O PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the College Of fice. in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicuJar. Address DeFRANCE &. JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. 1871 ij I Perkixs' New School Book, ' Tub SSono Ecuo," is pronounced the heMX?' ,n.k- r,f its class for the followingJLli I I ? tlfl!" -"- - The Music is all AVtp and C trtth ; every piece is a wen Known I I tt WtAnAv sueh as ."Driv- - liAmo " Write me a Iet- VTter," '-Little Brown Church, etc.TT J It contains twice as many Songs asX 0 ran be found in other works. The G Music is selected from sixty four" authors, and not fdhd vp with oneJ author' e composition. I rice,75 cents each, or ?7 50 per dozen. Sample copies mailed to Teachers for 65 cents. Liberal arrangements for 0 introduction. Address, J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, N. Y. Q e t. 22:ml Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY Au thorized Agent in Oregon Citv, and also Agent for the Estate of Daniel llarvev, de ceased. MRS. E. HARVEY. October 1, 1 87 l.m3 Dissolution Notice. JOHN STEGE, HAVING LEFT THE-' country without any notice to me, f hereby notify all concerned, that the part nership of Humbel & Stege is dissolved, an will.not be responsible for any debts of his ontracting. G q " HENRY HUMBELv Oreron Cit.v, Not. 1, 1871. noil) o O o 0 o I i