o 3l)c iHeckltj vJnilcrprist, TOWN AND COUNTY. There is no nrofessioa which JlLl'JV-'"' receives more respect and deserves more credit than that ot a physician, and there are none so destitute or deserve more con demnation tnan those who profess to un derstand their business, but in reality are but impostures. These ideas are suggest ed by a circumstance which occurred to i.nntvlHfl re in Portland ; a-born Ur n red very extensively that he r tr oi "ita honored profe Jon, and tf.le voot victims to call upon hiui. tfg? U Vnces and tells them he can core them in so many days or weeks and at the sametime, demands the Lvme'rft in advance. He baa the money Eml cures if he can, but as a general iSL i tie patient manages not to get gr-J before they them ibey are worse oil than bUyie iney Sent to him. fcice we gave his fellow our former notice, we have learned of several cases he has failed to cure and for which he received the money in hand. Man Kiu.ed.-TLo Statesman ot the lihi has the following : The down freight train on Tuesday afternoon, ran over a man near Canby, a railroad station thirty miles below .Salem, and killed him instant ly. How he came on the track was not known. He was supposed to have been drunk and attempting 10 cr-jyt the cattle guard got caught therein, wall no power To extricate himself. So there he lay uu concious that sudden dea.h was soon to overtake him. As it was growing dark the eti-ineer did not see him and ol course Lis body was dreadhilly mangled. His name was Fianuegan. Another victim oi intemperance. lltot'LAR. While we aie not in the se cret arrangement of the-W. T. Company's business, we see that our suggestions are pretty generally taken and acted upon. Lasl week we slated that the public were nut informed as to the lime ol the up riv er boats leaving this place. Lust Wednes day we find me Company unnouuces (lie price of fare and tned.ts of departure, 'lhe Fannie l'aliou will leave hereafter every Monday ami Thursday. Tne la re on ihe boats is a iiiiie less ilj;ui on the cars. We are giail, lor lhe convenience ol lhe people ou the west-eide ot ilie riv er mat litis ai raiigenieut has been made Died. Cns. Angel, a young man who has worked in this otiice, and who has fre quently set these very typo which now 'announce bis death, "Su;& a llm residence of his mother, in this place, !at Tuesday night, of consumption, lie has been sick for about six months, and his death has been anticipated lor several weeks past. He leU here a couple of weeks ago lor Victoria, with the Lope that a change ot -climate might be benthciai, but only went as lar as Asioiia. when ho resumed, his constitution having become loo low for hint to attempt the tie a voyage, i'eace to bia ashes. Gone East. Dy private letter from Sakm, we learn that Hon. II. 11. Giifiy. I'll vale bctleiaiy to the Governor, left on the 13th inst. lor a visit to Illinois, to the scenes of his young childhood, lie has been in Oregon since itv"2, and '.Lis is his tirsl visit out of mo Siaie. He will be absent about three months. A pleas ant journey to him and safe return. At the r.uUr monthly meeting of the Hoard of Directors ot the Willamette Falls Canal and Lock Company, which was held in the city of Portland, December oth lc71, lhe following named gentlemen were ceded olliceis lor the ensuing year: .Mr. 15. Goldsmith. President ; Mr. J no. F. Miller, Vice President ; Mr. Joseph Tea1. Treasurer. Peksonai.. We had a call last evening from Mr. G. Wr. Snyder, who left here this morning with the material lor the IWsl Nce. 'lhe paper is to be enlarged to the ize ot the lvn:i:rnt.E, and Mr, S. being a practical printer, will make it. present a new appearance. We wi-h him ami his associates success. fc'nooii.NG Match. A shooting match, lor geese, will take place at the McKmly house, adjoining town, next Friday, the 22d inst. The distance for shooting will be horn llo to lot) yards. Here is a good chance lor some expert to get a good supply of geese for Christmas. CoMn.iMt:MAi:v We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary ticket to a concert ball to be given alFortland hiAnu ory Hall on the 22d . by Baker Post No. 1 of the G. A. It. Judging from the names ol lhe gentlemen who constitute the eom imuee,it will be a very pleasant affair. Peksonai.. We had the pleasure of a i,tll lat Wednesday from W. i'. Laswell Esq., Prosecuting Attorney for ti e Filth Judicial District. Mr. L., though a young nia'a ranks among the first men in his profession, aud his genial and pleasant manners have gained him a host ot warm and true friends. Pesigned. Chs. I j. Warren. Es., wlio has been acting Prosecuting Attorney foi this county, has resigned his position, his increasing business preventing him Irom attending to it. We ureghd Charles is .getting along so well, and his energy and industry will gain for him an envia ble name before the bar. Dale. By reference to our advertising columns, it will be observed that Cataract Hose Company proposes to have a grand ball on lhe evening of the 25fn. Let all who desirl1 lo enjoy themselves be sure to attend. Tickets including supper, ouly $4. Called. We had t call last Monday from Mr. D. C. Irelaud. the founder of the EsTEiti'KisE. He looks hail and hearty, and it appears that Portland agrees with him. Orrosmox at Last. The Carrie last Thursday commenced running between this place and Portland, leaving here at 8 o'clock a. m. and returning, leaving Portland at 2 o'clock p. in. Ia our issue of last w eeK we omitted to publish the name of Mr. II. R. Thompson, as one of the Directors elect for the ensu ing year for the W F C & L Co. A Change. The E. N. Cooke leaves Portland now at six o'clock a. m. and re tarns in the afternoon. The fare has beeu raised to fifty cent?. CnuisrMAS. We uotice that m ,-,t of our merchants are preparing for the holidays. A. Levy Las a line stock of fancy goods, juat the thing for preceats. Financial Filibustering'. From the "Washington Paariot The public debt statement of Novem ber 1, 1871, alleges that the debt has beeu reduced since March 1, lSG'J, $273,749,811 .1)8, and that there is now in the Treasury $109. 33S. 331.78, which two amounts make an aggregate of $383.u8S,20G.7G. Dy this show ing, the Secretary of the Treasury notifies the country that he has collected from the taxpayers in two years and eight months nearly four hundred millions of money more than was requir ed to carry on the government. Of the $100,000,000, in the Treasury over $99,000,000 are in gold, and worth to-day more than 6110.000,000 in curren cy; add to this the currency in our Treas uryover $10.000,000 and the total arnonnt of lawful money lying idle in the Treasury Department is over $120,000, 000 a loss to the count jy m interest alone of over $7,200,000 per annum ; an amount equal to one-tenth of the entire expendi ture of the Government under the last Democratic Administration. The total ordinary expenses of Buchanan's Admin istration ranged from $G0 000,000 to $72,000,000 a yeir, but now. when over $400,000,000 are collected annually, the insignificant sum of $7,000,000 or $sj!oOO, 000 is not considered worth mentioning. The Secrecary of the Treasury havinir by an outrageous system of taxation ac cumulated in two years and eitrht months a surplus larger in amount than the entire expenditure of the Democrats for all pur poses in lour years from l8.37to 186T it would seem that the question would pre seut itself as to the best method of dispos ing of ih at surplus. What he actually did, he tells us in his debt statement ; what he might have done we will endavor to show. With three bundled and eighty-three millions in gold he re duced the principal of the public debt (no part of which will mattue until 1S.S1) about two hundred and seventy-three mil J.ons and locked -jp the balance in the Treasury. At the moment this policy was adopted the Government was indebted in the sum of three hundred and fifty-seven millions on account of its legal-tender notes a forced loan, which the exigency of war had exacted, and which notes, on account of the failure of the Government to re deem them according to its promise, are to-day seilmg in the market at eighty-nine cents on the dollar. Willi two hundred and sevenly-two millions which he invest ed in bonds, not due, and one hundred and ten millions locked up in the Treasu ry. ?.Ir. lioutwell goes to protest on three hundred and litly-seven millions of legal tender notes. With three hundred and eighty-three million dollars of gold col lected, he refuses to redeem three hun dred and lilty-sevcn million dollars of -law ful money,"' which would have added over forty-four million dollars to the pur chasing value of the notes in the hands of the taxpayers; for if the three hundred and fWty-seveu million dollars of legal tenders were worth one hundred cents on the dollar, instead of eighty-nine cents, their purchasing power would amount to over tour hundred and one million dol lars, instead of three hundred and fifty seven million dollars. In addition to this, the volume of currency would have been increased. The three hundred aud fifty seven millions of notes would then be equal to that amount of coin, and the coin which has beenseut out of the coun try to buy bonds would have remained as a p ai of the circulating medium of the country. The Fohce ok Habit. President Grant says the Ealrivt, attempted to write his Thanksgiving proclamation without con sulting any body, and of course. Z all know, he blundered. Iud, e 1, his mind was so warped by th'nkii g of the Kn Klux, that when tie fivii diaft of his Thanksgiving proclamation was placed in the hands of his private secretary for cor rection, i! was in substance very like his preliminary Kit Klnx proclamation. It commanded the people to peaceably as semble within five tlay from date and deliver up their prayers: and threatened a general suspension of lhe writ of haheun corpu.-i, a declaration of martial law. and the arrest of all who disobeyed the order if it was not universally observed. Of course it was eorreetei, and Grant never knew the difference. ' XkV. Matekial. The new material for the IVcsl Side passed through town yes terday. An Ori-Eit. We will give to any voting lady who will get up a club of fifteen sub scribers to the Enterprise, before ths first of January, and pay in the sum of $37.."). $1.3 worth of Messrs. J. L. Peters' new music, the young lady getting up the club having the privilege ot making her own "elections. Her; is a chance for some young lady to get enough music to last her for a lew years. We will also furnish Peters Musical Monthly for six months to all who will send in three subscribers with (he motley, or for five subscribers we will furnish them the Magazine for one year. There is not a 3oung lady in the county, that plays or sings that should be without this musical work, and they can easily get this number of subscribers. Send in the names at once, so you can commence with the new year. T!ie Grtut Pictorial Annual. Ilostc tter's United Stales Almanac for 187?, for dis'ribut on, rjretis, throughout the United States, and all civilized countries of the Western Hemisphere, will be publish ed a', out the lir.-t of January, in the English, German, French, Norwegian, A elsh, .Swed ish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish lan guges, and all who wish lo understand the true philosophy of health should read and ponder the valuable suggestions it contains. In addition to an admirable medical treaties on the causes, prevention and cure of a great variety of diseases, it embraces a large aaiouut of in formation interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the plante", and professional man ; and the calculations have been maJe for such meridians and latitudes as are most su'.tabte for a correct and comprehensive National Calendar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary sani tary, effects of Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, the staple tonic auil alterative of more than half the Chii-t.a i world, are iully set forth in its pages, winch are also interspersed with pietoi uil iilu-trations, valuable recipes for lhe household and farm, humorous anec dotes, original and selected. Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will be one of the most useful, aud ma j be ho 'I fur the a-iking. The proprietors, Messrs. Ilostetter & Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa.. on receipt of a two cent stamp, w ll forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure 'one lit bis neighborhood. The bit lets are sold in every city, town and village, and are extensively sed t.iroug hout the en tire civilized world. Poriy liars ICxprrxeiice have tested the vutucs of lh H' istir s Balsam f ll'ild Cu rrj, and the result is that it is the bt reiueuy extant for pulmonary and Jung dis eases; embracing the whole range trout a slight cold to a settled consumption. Were it not fur its merit, it would long since have "d.ed, aud made ii; sign." decSwl A. FOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFF Oic-ou C.ty,Ja!.jl3;tt Everv line Hon, where travelers are "refreshmected" and sent on their way uncomfertable. The foundations ot disease are often laid by . the irregularities of eating, sleeping, and move ment of the bowels experienced during trav eling. To prevent an irregular action,aand a torpid condition of the digestive apnratus, use that wonderful regulator and blood puri fier Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters. No traveler, by sea or land, should fail to take it with him. It may sure his life. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair He ne wer is an excelent dressing and tonic for the hair aud makes the hair grow thick. DIED. In Oregon City, Dec. 13, 1S71, Mr. Willard Angel, aged 21 years and 7 months. Oregon City Prices Current, The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar cicles are selling, in this market : WHEAT Whiter bushel, $1 25. OATS fl, bushel. 75 cts. POTATOES bushel. SI 00 cts. ONIONS bushel. $100$1 50. FLOUU y bbl. $7 00-SU 50. BEANS White, fb.. 4R..5 cts. DRIED FRUIT Apples. B.,5,G eta. Peaches. lb., lf.c: Plums, lb., 15 16 cts.; Currants. t.. 10020 cts. BUT T Ell -fi ft.. 3510cts. hi i Us dozen. 50 cts. CHICKEN'S dozen. $3. SUGAR Crushed, 3f) lb., '20 cts.; Island lb., 1012 cts.; N. O.. lb., 15 cts.; San Francisco refined. lb, 1 J cts. TEA Young Hyson, lb., $1 50 ; Ja pan. ), flt., y0c(r,$l 25 ; lllack. lb., 75c. $1 00. COFFEE ib.. 2323 cts. SALT ?)., li,2i cts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, ?gall., $1 00 ; hx. Heavy Unlden, p gall., Ss 1 2o BACON Hams. l lb 11 cts ; Sides, 11 cts. ft.: Shoulders, 7 cts LARD , 11)., 14 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene, gall., 75. Linseed oil. raw. gall.. $1 50 : Linseed oil. boiled. gall., $1 50. WOOI C1 lb., 35 cts. BEEF On foot, 7 (d,S els. ft fl. PORK On foot. "(Tracts, "fi lh. SHEEP Per head. $2 00 $2 50. HIDES Green, "ft IT).. 5c. ; Dry. 1? Ib.. 12J cU ; Salted. 8c WIIiLIAM DAVIDSOIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Office, ?."o. Ol Front Slrett, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LOTS, BALK1 BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES ; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TEKIM TORIKS. with great, care and on the most AD VAN TAG EO LIS T ERM S. HOUSED and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SI ATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1ST 1. Fre.-h Garden, Flower. Tree and Shrub, Evergreen, Fruit and Herb Seeds, Prepaid bv Mail. A complete and judicious assort ment. 25 sorts of either class l On. The six classes (150 packets) for $5 Oo. Also, an immense stock of one year grafted linit Trees, Small Fruits, Fruit Stocks, Young Fruit, Ornamental and Evergreen Seedlings, B dbs, Roses, Vines, House a id Boi'ier Plants, &c, Ac., the most, complete assort ment in America. Prepaid by mail. Priced Catalogues to any address, also trade list, gratis. Scecls on Commission, Agents wanted. R. M. Watson, O'd Colony Nurseries and Seed Wa ehou-ie, Plymouth, Mass. Estab lished 13-12. Nov. 10 4w. Oregon IjOrtge Xo. 3, I. O. or O. F. v&st.yifg. Meets every Thursday even p5 ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's wg- Han, Ja iu s feeV. Members of the Order arc invited to attend By order. lV lew To-l)ay. GRAND FIREMEN'S BALL, December 259 S871, By Cataract Hose Co. M. 2. At MytrV Hall, Orcgtm City. HONORARY COMMITTEE: Mavor Tims Chai man. Chief Engineer J. L. Barlow, President, W- L. White, First As istant, G. A. Harding. RECEPTION COMMITTEE : Chas. F-. Warren, Lenn. Dil'er. Matt. Welch, Herman Ketl-r, F. M Albright. FLOOR MANAGERS : Geo. A. Harding, L. Diller, A. G. White, A. G. Bailey, John B'ackwell. Music bv Prof. John Ernest's Cotillion Band. Tickets, including Supphr, ft. TICK'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR SS72. OVEIt OXE IIUMJIiKU PAGE, Printed in Two Colors, OA superb TJxted Paper. Finr Hundred Kngnii of Klotvers, IMwiits und Vegetables, with descriptions, and TWO COLORED PLATES- Directions and pfins for making Walk?, Lawns. Garden-!, The handsomest arm best FkOItAL. (HDE in theWorld. Ail forTK CBXTS, to those who think of buying Seeds. Not a qarter the cost. 20o,0'.'0 sold of 1ST 1. Address, JAMES VICK Itotlicster, . EVENING VRiTiNG SCHOOL rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE X snectfuUy announce to the citizeus of Oregon City, "that he will opett an EVEIJLTIG WRITING SCHOOL, For voung L ies and Gentlemen, in the rooms now occupied bv Mrs. Athey s eect School, (formerly by Mr. Pope's dammar School.) Commeujing MONDAY EVEXIXG, Uth EST. School open four evenings each week, from 7 to 8 'clock, during a term of ten weeks. Students to furnist their own stationery and light. RATES OF TUITION. $5 00 ER TERM. J. ALLEN MACRUM, Dec. ?, lS71,tf Instructor. S500,00fL THE SOUTH CAROLINA Land and Immigration ASSOCIATI o n , FOR THE Promotion of Immigration TO THE SOUTH. BUTLER, CUADWICK, GARY & CO. AGJEXTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. A se.-ies of Concerts will be given under the auspices of the .SOUTH CaKOLIN V STATE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHAN ICAL SOCIETY at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Charleston, S. C., commencing Jai uary Stu, 1872, at which dtawiutrs wiU take place and distributions be made to ticket holders. 1st Gift ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Char leston, S. C, cost to build $230,000, having an annual rental of about $20,000, from Opera House, Stores and Halls; the building being about 230 feet by 60 feet, and situated corner of King and Market streets, in the center of the city, and well known to be the finest building and most valuable property in Charles ton, valued at $2 50,000 2nd Gilt Cash loo, 00 3rd Gift Cash 25,0o0 4th Gift Cash lo.ooo 5th Gift Cash ,"),000 25 Gilts Cash each $1,000 25,000 25 Gifts Cash each $500 12,5oo 350 Gi ts. .Cash each $100 35,uh0 2,000 other Gifts amounting to 37,000 2405 Gifts, amounting to., $50o,000 150,000 Season Tickets of Admission at Five Dollars Each. All Orders Strictly Cnnfidential- For full Particulars send for Circulars. Reference in New York City August I!el inotit & Co., Bankers : Hon. Charles O'Con or, Counsel r at Law ; Hon. Roger Pryor, CouneIor at Law ; T. A. Iloyt, Esq., Presi dent Gold Room ; Anderson, Starr & Go , Merchants; Hon. John E. Ward, Counselor at Law , Col ncl Richard Lathers ; Hunt, Thompson fc Co., Factors : Pettus & Co., Merchants; F. Zogbauni & Fairchiid, Mer chants. References in South Carolina Gen. Wade Hampton, Hon. B. F. Perry, Gov. M. L. Bon ham, Gen. Johnson Hagood.Hon. Armistcd Burt, Hon. James Chesnut, Gen. John S. Prest it, Hon. W. D. Simpson, Andrew Simonds, Esq., Hou. G. A. TrenhoJm, Gov. J. L. Maiming, Hon. J. B. Campbell. To Assure Yourselves that our nteprise Is Honorable, let your Hanker write to any Hank Cashier in Charleston, S, C , before ordering Tickets Commissioners aud Supervisors of Draw ingGen. A R. Wright, of Georgia; Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, of Virginia; Colonel H. 11. Rutledge, of South Carolina; Hon. Roger A. Pryor, New York. t?"T'ie drawing will positively take place January 8th, 1872. NDU EM EXT TO CL S. 11 Tickets f i r $ 50 ) 23 Tickets for loo United States 50 Tickets lor 200 ) Currency. 100 Tickets Tor 375 Special rates will be given for 500 or 1000 tickets if annlied fir immediately. Remittances can be made to us, and the tickets will be sent by return mail by BUTLER, CI1ADWICK, GARY & CO.. .'harlestoa. S. C. General M. C. Bi'ti.eii, John Cii.vdwick, General M. W. Gary. Dec. S:wt FT Q AXI) HAPPINESS ! THE liATEST! sub Mimm i THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY suncunctjs to the public, th.U he WILL CLOSE OUT HIS LARGE & WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF rrnarct a w, a -r 41 r P.EGARDLRSS 0? COST ! THE FINEST STOCK Custom-Madc ClotMng ix oKEGoxcrrr CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. A. :lsty, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. Dec. 1, 1871:ml HOGS! MOG! THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL the attention of everybody that is fat tening Hogs to sell, which frill make bacon that they will find it to tl eir advantage to call at the old corner at Albright's Butcher hor. We are buvinsr Pork and PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICE of any one else. Call and see. ALBRIGHT & L0GUS. Nov. 24, lS71.:tf PAC1F5C BOOT Md SHOE HOUSE Fall and Winter Trade. LOOK HEPE! HAYING RECENTLY RILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles in Ladies' and Gents' ISoots .tsad. Gaiters, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the public generally. AND HERE ! FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! We have" nil the Late St vies of GENTS' TOILET SLIPPERS just the thing for pres ent,) LADIES' TOJLLT aud PARLOR TIES and Slippers ; LADIES' BLUE BROXZE and WHITER KID DAL.V (our own makel; Ladies' All Kid, Glove Kid, A. II Cloth, Kid Foxed P.uttoncd Gaiters. The BELL NAMP BALMORAL (a New Style ol Kid Shoe . LADIES WHITE KID SLIPPERS (for stated occasions.) AND HERE! We have received from New York a few pair of the Cilebrated ELPR AT OPER V BUT ION FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can Ite turned into a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take ordi rs for the same at any time. AND HERE! We have the Best and Latest Styles in Misses' and Children's button Gai ers and Balmorals that ate imported, but for good Siibtautial wear there are none ihat can come up to our own make. We Warrant them in every respect. AND HERE ! Seveu entirelv New Styles of Ladies' and Misses' RUBBERS. The Nillson, Congress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Fr.nt awe" Alaska. Light, ylisb, Durable and N eat Fitting. Also, a lot ot Children's Rabbets. Bring ou jour feet. 2932553!: AND HERE! TO WOIfJOlISN. COME AND SEE GOB CHAMPION B9&T! Resxjecttully, PROTSBIAN, GILLIHAN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts , PORTLAND, REG ON. Dec. 1. lS71:tf 3 3 I !A n& d H P1? lid $ Es tu h'izh sd A Iaclwry ECU Til E MAX UFA C TOL V OF SASH3 BLfflOS AND OOGliS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. erw They will also do TURNING, of evrry description to order, Yith Neatness and TJispatcl . o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackcrman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Constantly on hand PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Bed steads, ecc- Siles Room In Dr. Thcssing's Brick, Minn street. Iltlitr iotis Services. St. Pan's (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Sellwood, rector. Services on Sunday nt a.m. anil 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 p. m. 1st Congregational Church ..... .Scats Free Morning Services, 10. Sabbath School, . ........... .12 o'clock M. Evening Services-,.. 7 o'clock. Ri:v. E. Gi:r.KY, Acting Pastor l'KAYEil MKET1XUS. Sunday evening 5 o'clock Tuesday evening, 7 o'clock. o M. E. Church Scats Free. Morning Services, P.3o, Evening Set vices, 7 o'clock. SOCIAL S1KKTIKCS. CI as Meeting following Mouu'ni Servces. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening 7 co'clc k. Saybath School at 2 o'clock P. M. MewBot and Shoe Store. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD R E JL petfullv call the a n'ion of the pub lic to his i-plendid btock of CUSTOM -MA I)E BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies' and Gent's wear, just opened, one door nerth of the Lincoln Bakery, Ore gon Citv. All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES keut consiantly on hand, at CHEAP RATES, and ordeis taken for lhe s.nne. to be made in the latest stvle, at the PACIFIC BOOT and SHOE M A.N UFACTUR Y, Po t land, Oregon. country produce; Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rates. AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nov. 17 1571. Rebecca Degree Lodge o. 2, 1. O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y E I 'EXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Old Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN ;&f v Pfi!?? Awn FINE WHTOHES, PJCH JET7ELHY Ali D Silverwa; 33. l. sxoji;, WHOLESALE AND r.ETAIL DEALER IJt WATCHES and JEWELRY No-107 Front st- PORTLAND, Would invite attention of his frteuds and the public to his Large and Choice Assort ment of FIXE WATCHES, From the most Celebrated Makers of E. Howard fc Co., Boston ; Apelton & Tracv, P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mas-.; Elgin Watches; Jacot Self-winding Watches; English Watches and others. Also, the best selected STOCK of LADIES' WATCHES, of all description and styles, which he would be plex-ed to show to all who may favor him with a call. AGENT FOR CIIAS. E. JACOT WATCHES. fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Silver Watches, of oilferent makers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger rings. Gold Bracelets. Gold CluiteSam Guards and Watch-chains. Gold Necklaces, Armlets, Cresses, Lockets. Gold Bieast-pins, Ear-rings, Finger rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and Dohmes Pat ent Buckels. Opeia 'Jhains. Moss Agate Setts, Rings and Cuff Buttons. Wedding Rings, made of pure gold, ex pressly for that purpo.-e. Gold and Silver Tlmnb'es. Opera and Marine Glasses. Peblde Spectacles ami Eye-glasses. Aolid Silver Napkin Rinjrs. Silver Fruit and Butler Kuive. Solid Siler Table and Tea Spoons. Regulators Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Gallery Clocks, Ac. All the ab( ve articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing and adjusting of Chronometers, Duplex and Aiuerican Vi a'.chcs. . . B. L. STONE, nov'24tt 107 Front st. Portland, Oregon. Sheriff's Safe. H fY VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION ISSUED J-1 out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Chu-kamas. in i;ivor of I.. A. Seely, plaint iii',uvl against Dauiel Sebas tian, defendant, for the sum of two hundred and twenty-live f.'-100 dollars, $21h ft.1), and twenty ttve 1(-KMI dollars, 2 H, costs. 1 havelevieil nj n and, on Saturday, tlie (ith day of January, 1S72, at one o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, in Oregon City, m said county, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, to satis fy said execution, cost and aeerninsr costs, all of lhe rijilit, title and interest of said Daniel Sebas tian in and to the following- described real projt erty, situated in Clackamas county, to-wit: The iionh-eust one-fonrtlt of tlie south-east one fourth, of sectiou 10, in township 3 south range 1 west, of the Willamette meredian. ARTHUR WARNER, dceSwl Sheritf of Clackamas county. p. FOR STEAM PIPES and BOILERS- Saves 25 per cent, of fuel an item worth looking after. For sale by BERRY PLACE, 112 California street, San Francisco, who also keep in stock Mining and Eginct r's sunrdies. dccIeowCm REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, PORTLAND, - - 0REGIT. GEO. I. CUIiBY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovet llowed Lands. Faim Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity arid promptness. OFFICE No. 14 Cartel's Building, corner of Alder and Front sticets. Ft b. o, J.V7o:tf SEW HARDWARE STORE, COItXET FUQXT & STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. Is now receiving and offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of MELF AND BUsLGEBS' HARDWARE, felechariies' Tools, Table and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS, raslSy Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites Luyersto call and examine before purchasing el-twhcre. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Builders' Hardware and Bouse Trim mings, (ither a: WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 20, 1S7 Lin;; JOHN R. FOSTER. CI! AS. HODGE . .CUAS. E. CALEF..GEO. W.SXELL HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS tX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AKD WINDOW GLASS, VAEXISIIES, brushes, eaixters Harcri-ain, ana vrir-jgUW Sundric. 07 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Multnomah I.o.I-e No. 1, A. K. ami a A M.IIoIds its regular commnnica Vvtions on the First and Third Sutur )J,r in each month, at 7 o cock from ie ""th of Septf-mber to the 2'-th of March, and 7 o'clock from the 20tl, of March to the 2-.th ot September. Breth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dcc.0,lS7C, By order of W.J. AUCTION AND COMmssfoh AUCTIONEER! ., Comer bf Front and Oak streets, Pertla'ad; AUCTION SALES Of Real Eatate, Grocerf?5,GsncralHVrka dire nnd Horses, Every Wednesday arA Salurday-J A. B. RicHAitDsor, Auction AT PRIVATE GALE.0 Eng ish refined Bar and Bnndle Iron tnglish Square and Octagon Cast steal Horse shoes, Files, Rasp,, saws: Screws, I ry-patts, sheet iron, R. G. Iron . , ALSO : A large assortment of Xiroterfes ab'd Liquor A. 15. Richardson, Auctioir ADVERTISE M a H T. PETEE' MUSICAL LIBILAE Y, CONSISTING Oi FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED With Choice Piano Music; VOCAL COLLECTIONS. SiiiningLlghts. A choice col- H lection of beautiful Sacred Snngs. T HaitU ana Home, FiresidJLg Echoes, and Sweet oouuus. iniee A Volumes of easy Songs by Webster, T I'ersley, ec. Jt Gol,icn Leaves. Volumes I. and VTTL The two volumes contain all ofTT X WiT S. Hays' Song.. JJj Iricelts Gems. A collection Dof beautiful Ballads by Wallace, C Thomas, Keller, etc. Q INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS. JgJ Var' Fingers, Maj;ic Circle, Oand Young Pianist. Three Tolumes"VT of very easy Music for voung players. JLN Pe rl liropst and Musical Recre- Mations. Dance Music. Two collec-fT tions of moderate difficulty. JL l'ltusaiit Meiktorirat. A Collec- ITof beautiful pieces by Wyman, Mack, li I)ressipr eto, O tollen Chimes. A colleelion of c" brill-ant parlor Music by Charles Kinkel. liri Iliant Gems. A splendid coi tion, by Vi!bre, Allard, Bacher, Kin fcel, etc. Pkice, S'-3 50 per volume, elegantly bound in clot h, with gilt sides ; Sin plian cloth ; 1 3 3 in boards. Address, J. L. METERS, 599 Broadway, New York. We would also call attention to The Opera, at Home, a collection of over one hundred beaut i I u! operarsongs. Price, 95 in cloth, and gilt. Irade puce, ?'. novlotdec25 rpo YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OP JL our beautiful and fast growine State. Soon the shrill whistle of the IRON HOUSE, its be comes smoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of lhe Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to till the.ne.Vv avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE! BUSINESS LIFE'. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Orenon in a few years. What the developements of our State will be in the future, is a question . which0 depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Business College; of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of youajr men fully qualified, and many of whom are now filling high and lucrative po sitions in the Banks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand lor Good Accountants. that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for assistance. No eiiterprisin;;, studious Yountr Man who baa passed through the prescribed courstt cT studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at good salary, too. Every faeiliy is here afforded to acquir SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATIO0 in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE; Every student will hare aii ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICED After having completed the Theory, he Is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS; O which has the eflect of thoroughly familiaris ing hint with all the minutiae ot real bnsineis. The course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keeping, Commerci 1 Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon - k ence. Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory with practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough1 knowledge of OliNAM ENT A L PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, 0 FRENCH, SPANISH; . GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at 4he College Of fice. in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address EeFRANCE &, JAMES) PORTLAND, OREGON: Merch 31. lS71:yl Perkins' New School Book, '-TuiP SSovc. Echo," is pronounced the bestTT work of its class for the followingXli reasons : The Music is all Netc and Ofreh ; everv piece is a wJI known Household Melody such irs. "Dnr- J en from Home." -Write rne a Let- ""Vter " ' Little Brown Church, etc. XT f It contains twice as many Songs a? XX can be found in other works. The (-i Music is selected from sixty fourV Xautliors, and not filUd vp with ontf " author' composition. Frice.ents each, or 7 oO per doien. Pantple copies mailed to Teachers for 55 cents. Liberal arrangements for introduction. Address, J. L. PEI ERS, 599 Broadway, X. Y. t. 22: ml Notice. TOHN MYERS, ESQ., 18 MY DULYU fj thorized Agent in Oregon City, and also A cent for the Estate of Daniel Harvey, de ceased. MRS. E. HARVEY. October 1, lS71.m3 Dissolution Notice. JOHN STEGE. HAVING LEFT THE country without any notice to me, I hereby rotify all concerned, that the part nership of li umbel & Stege is dissolTed, and will not be responsible lor any debts of his ontruct inj;. HENRY HUMBEL. Oierjcn City, Nor. 1, 1371. bwWq o