( if o G o o o o V0 0 o o o G O O o O o .CP. l)ci)ccklij aSntcrprtsc. ""OFFICIAL -PAPER FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Oregon City, Oregon Friday 9. 1 "IJjjl Dec, 8, 1871. The Passive Policy. With the solitary exception of the ad- QVice given by the New York World to the Democratic parly, just on the ere of the Clast Presidential election, to the effect that one of the candidates nominated by its regular convention should be thrown ov erboard, there has never before been so euicidal a policy recommended by any t)re outside of a madhouse as that recent ly advised by the St. Louis Republican, to eO the effect that the Democratic party should disband its organization and make no Cnommation in tbe ensuing Presidential Canvass. What would be thought of a General, if, on the day just before an en gagement was unavoidable with the foe, be would order the old guard of veterans that had seen the smoke and borne the q brunt of a hundred battles, to disband and to fall in as the rear guard of a mot ley crowd of disorganized militia, gather ed together from among the camp-follow ers and discharged mule-drivers of the enemy ? Would not any man with even a lady's thimble full of brain3 vote him either a fool or a madman ? And yet that is precisely the policy advised to the Democracy by the St. Louis Republican. G It recommends that the Democratic party, venerable in years, honored in tradition, Ocompact in organization, and parental in its existence, an organization which has been victorious on many well contested fields, and svbich, though often defeated by force, fraud and corruption, still pre serves intact, its rank and file of veterans, beneath the same old flag, '-torn but fly ing," which it has ever borne, shall now prove alike false to its past history and recreant to its high duties ; disband its forces and fall in behind a lot of sore headed Republicans, who never have had honor enough to frankly condemn ihe faults of their own party, nor the courage to openly leave it ; who do not at present possess even the semblance of an organiza tion in a single State of the Union, and who neither have the tact, ability or cour age to form one. even if the Democratic oparty should be big enough fool to dis band its organization and betake itself to the most humiliating task of patting these sore-heads on the back while they should make the attempt. The policy which every dictate of pru dence and ol reason would point out to ns, is the very reverse of that advised by the Republican. Strict political organiza tions have become a necessity 'n this country and have arisen only in obi die ice to that necessity, and now when the ex perience of long years has taught us their use ; now when we find in our front a foe possessed of the National Treasury, which it mainly uses to strengthen its organiza tion, it is our imperative duty to attend to the strengthening and inspiriting of our own instead of disbanding its ranks, and thus demoralizing; the entire host. Instead of counseling the Democrac' to disband and await the action cf the Lord only knows whom who will hold a nominat ing convention, the Lord only knows when, and where, it is the duty of every Democratic journal in the land to urge a more thorough organization of the old guard and demand of the National Demo cratic Committee an early nominating convention, so that we could have plenty of time to harmonize and drill our furces, and arouse the necessary enthusiasm by which the Democracy of the w hole Union, from the lakes to the gulf, and from Maine to Oregon, can stand shoulder to shoulder, and thereby be enabled to drive from place and power the entire army of Radical thieves and treasury plunderers Tbo are growing fat and saucy from the hard earnings of the people. Instead of disbanding, we want to more closely close up tho ranks. Instead of waiting for something to turn up. we want an early nomination by which we will ourselves be enabled to turn something up. Instead of lowering the old flag, we want it hung on the outer wall. Instead of falling in be bind the weak-kneed and white-livered Republicans, we mast rather let them fall in our rear and give them arms and am munition by making a judicious nomina tion and platform, and by making the fight mainly on the rascality and corrup tion of Grant's Administration. This is the course that should be advised by Dem ocratic journals. It is the only safe course. After Varro had been terribly defeated at Canna., like a true soldier, he gathered up the fragments of his army, and hasten ed to the defence of Rome, at the gate of which city he was met by the SeDate and thanked because be had n t despaired of the Republic. And so after our recent defeat, if all the Democratic journals of the land will but imitate his courage and wisdom, ttey will deserve the thanks of tho entire party. And as Rome wag sav 'ed by his unyielding heroism, so can the liberties of our country be saved, if un daunted by defeat, the old guard shall with unyielding spirit continue the strug gle. l'or Freedom's battle once begun, bequeathed from bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft is ever won. President's Message. We have not yet received the President's message, not withstanding it reached San Francisco last Tuesday. The three Portland paper? pay an enormous sum of money weekly for the dispatches, yet the San Francisco op erator or news compiler, gives them just as much as he wants to, and is geuerally very prolific in giving such matter as the people of Oregon have no earthly interest in. That fellow needs reconstrueting and we hope the Portland papers will do it. We shall probably have it ia full next week. Resources of Eastern- Oregon. We are indebted to E. S. McComas, Esq., of La Grand, for a handsome pb.ampb.Iet in regard to the resources, climate and wealth of Eastern Oregon. It is an inter esting document, aid we shall trj aDd gad room for some extracts from its page Grant's Programme. The Northern people have sustained Grant in trampling upon the liberties of the South. There are no Constitutions, no laws in that section superior to the will of the President. The turn of the other section will come after awhile. The Courier-Journal thus sketches f.be plan of the Would be Kaiser's campaign for the future. Let reflecting men ponder well what it says, for they are words cf truth and soberness : 'His object is to keep the South in a disturbed condition until he can raise a disturbance in the North, when the ma chinery now provided for the one section can be applied to the other. Then, when he has bioken down the spirit of freedom at the South, it is as like as not that he will make terms with us and engage us as agents to help him conpner the North. pre cisely as we have been conquered. Andy Johnson tried this and failed, and as far as the South was concerned, succeeded in bringing to his support men who hated him worse than anybody hates Grant. But Grant will have more power and he will use it to better purpose than Johnson. If he is re-elected President, we expect to see him hand and glove with such adven turous spirits as he can find in the disor dered and ruined South, who are ready to serve in a crusade against the Northern people, who are blind to their danger.and especially against New England, which will be withered and blighted before the advancing legions of imperialism, pleas antly dubbed' Free Trade. The Northern people will do just as they please about it. In the South we have lost our liber ties. There is no longer any freedom at the South. When the combustion comes we shall take our chance. We are pow erless to avert it. Bat when it comes and it will come if Giant is given four ad ditional years in oflice the North will ex perience what the South is familiar with martial law, provost marshals, prisons, bayonets, and what not. If the honest Republican, who now pooh-poohs this, raises up his voice against it, he will be arrested and put out of the way. Grant will make quick and easy work of that sort of cattle. He means business, and he knows very well how far it is safe for him to go. Just now it is not safe, nor is it necessary f .r him to go further than he is going. But his is a progressive scheme, and if it succeeds, the idiots who swear there is nothing in all this but idle news paper talk will have to thank themselves for it. Moreover, they and not we. will be its first victims. We shall be able to make our peace with the conqueror, for by that time we shall be thoroughly sub jugated. But they will have to make a tight for which they will not be prepared a fight against, awell-pei fected military machine, a fight against a power reinforc ed by all the mercenaries of the country, and all the malcontents and all the adven turers, a power which at this timo com mands both houses of Congress aud the Republican party, and four or eight years hence will be irresistible.7' Lock and Dam Swindle. '"Out of their own months shall they be condemned.'' The Oregon City Enterprise, a leading Democratic paper of the State, which as a matter of course, favored the "school fund steal" of the last Legislature and ap proved the ''Lock ami Dam Swindle' in a recent issue says. The above is from the Corvallis Gazelle. and following it is "the notice made by us of Mr. Jordan leaving this place rather mysteriously. Now if the editor of the Gazette had any sense, he could not see any "swindle"' in the transaction ; what Mr. Jordan's leaving has to do with the matter is something no one but a Radical editor could discover. Mr. Jordan and two others took the contract from the com pany to complete the works, and if the contractors fail, it does not follow that the Company will not iu good faith carry out their contract with the State. The trouble is, he does not know the difference between the Company and contractors. As for endorsing the "Lock and Dam Swindle,7' if the editor of that moral and truth ful sheet had any knowledge of the past, he would not accuse us of en dorsing anything of the kind. The En terprise opposed the bill before its pas sage and since. But let us state here that our opposition to the Dill was not owing to the fact that it "took school money from the children." It was because we believ ed the interests of the State would be equally as well guarded by the construc tion of the locks on the east side, and this could have been done much less than pro vided on the west side. But we certainly favored, for the benefit of such counties as Benton and others, isolated from trans portation, and which are subject to steam boat monopolies, that some 1)111 should pass by which competition could be cre ated in the transportation of their prod ucts. Since we failed in getting our choice, we shall give our encouragement to the Company which has the subsidy. It will be worth more to the State when completed than the $200,000 advanced by it, and the amount the Company will pay to the State during the twenty vears. will , more than re-eraburse her for the amount advanced. The Gazette man and a'.l per sons on the west hide of Ihe river should feel grateful that the other parts of the State were generous enough to make this appropriation for their especial benefit, and should, instead of abusing the Com pany who have this matter in hand, give them every encouragement for a speedy completion of the work. A Mistake. The Bulletin or the 5th insh. says : "The Oregon City Enterprise calls at tention to the fact that the Church to which Governor Woods belongs in this State has not hauled him over the coals for certain reasons which it states, and censures the Church therefor." The editor of the Bulletin is certainly mistaken in the declaration that we have found fault with the Church to which Gov. Woods belongs for "not hauling him over the couls We have simply stated that the Church to which Secretary May be longed took notice of his bad conduct while in office, and suspended him there for. As to the matter ol our belon-in- to the same Order of which both Gov.Woods and Secretary May are members, and it being our duty to have them brought be fore the Order and ' hauled over the coals if we believed what we published about them is a matter with which the public has nothing to do. If such were done, or even had been done, the editor cf the Bulletin would not be any better inform ed on the subject than he is at present. It is no more the business of the public than the last canfession made by parties be longicg to the same Church of which the editor of the Bulletin is a member. Guess Again. Sister Duniway is under the impression that Rev, Mr. Gerry wrote the communication which appeared in the Enterprise two weeks ago. You are badly mistaken, slater. Salem Correspondence- Salem, Nov., 27, 1S71. Editor Enterprise : As it will not be Ions before the sovereign people of Ore gon, as well as the people of all the States will be called upon to exercise that once proud privilege, the right of franchise, would it not be well in view of the great importance attached to the coming elec tion, to take a review of the past, a3 well as a glance into the future, and bjn to marshal our hosts preparatory to the storm that will doubtless ensue, the fate of w hich w ill to some extent decide wheth er or not we as a people are capable of maintaining a republican form of govern ment, or w helher we intend to erect in stead of "the best government the world ever saw," the worst kind of a mongrel ized despotism. That the Radical party should be hurled from power,no man who loves the pure simplicity of our once proud and cherished form of government, will for a moment deny. How to bring about this long wished for change, and redeem our unfortunate country from the chaos and confusion in which it is involv ed, is a question upon which Democrats seem to be divided. There is a disposition on the part of a formidable portion of our leaders, to ob tain control of the government by sacri ficing every manly principle, by tamely submitting, and accepting as finalities the unconstitutional usurpations of the dom inant party. The past history for the last eight or ten years, of these fellows, is but a miser able history of cowards, and cringing syc ophants. They regai das fie most effect ual way to obtain power, by either plac ing before the people renegade Black Re publicans, or submitting milk and cider platforms. The nomination of McClellan. Seymour and Blair and the adoption of the Ohio platform, will, beyond a doubt, verily this assertion. Is it a crime to have been a life long Democrat"? It is so regarded by these men. lodging them by their past conduct, for if they entertain a hope that they can proselyte a Black Republican, they are willing to acknowledge to the world that Democracy was wrong during the war. It Democracy is right now it has always been right, and where let me ask would our organization be if it had not been for those (earless, honest, life long Democrats who dared breast the storm, during the dark d.'ys. White it is our duty to "for get and forgive" the past, this however is impossible, it 5s contrary to our natures. Never, never, while memory' retains her sway and reason shall assert her superior ity, can Democrats forget how their news papers were throttled for daring to crit icise the inh'iman acts of the dominant party, and how, for opinion's sake. Demo crats were plunged into filthy bastile.-. without any charges being preferred against them and denied tho poor privil ege of a fair trial at the hands of their countrymen. Are men who, by their ac tions sanctioned these outrages, to be placed on our tickets as standard bearers, soliciting the suffrages of Democrats and are men whose unflinching devotion to, and whose acknowledged ability ranks them among the first statesmen of the age, to be ignored, for no othei reason than that they have always been consistent Democrats to give room for some un principled political reprobates. May Heaven forbid. We of Oregon, however. have no reason to complain, but upon the cr ntrary we have every reason to be proud of our Slate officials, for with Gov. Grover, Col. Kelly, and James II. Slater, there can be no douDt but that they will guard with jealous eyes against any encroachments upon the lights ol the people. Now Mr. Editor, is it not high time to do away with this policy doctrine, principle dodging, which has characterized these self-constituted leaders of the Democratic party for the last eight or ten years? And is it not time to consult the wishes of the rank and file of our parly, by placing before them honest, consistent, unflinching Democrats, with a fearless platform, proclaiming to the world tho sincerity of our intentions. The principles o! Democracy are coirect. and a candid world will sooner or later acknowledge it. That the. bone and sinew of Democracy can reach a point beyond which forbearance ceases to be a virtue, was clearly demonstrated b7 rejecting th new departure humbug. Then as Oregon is the first Stale in the Union that will hold an election in "72. let her set a noble, example by adopting an honest plalfoim. and by rewarding faithful nun, let the nominations be made fairl' and squarely, and not as tho result of bargain, sab and intrigue, and it is safe to predict that we will obtain a victory that we will be proud of. The opposition of Ben Ilolladay and the Bulletin to the contrary notwithstand ing. Respectfully, Esro. XTotes on School MiUers, SCHOOL-HOUSES. One effective method of enabling a sys tem of free schools to accomplish the ob ject designed in its organization, is to pro vide pleasant and comfortable school rooms for the children. There is a too prevalent impression that almost any kind of a building will answer the purpose of a school-room, the main object being to corral the children. In the first settle ment of a country, cheap structures are a necessity, but the moment comfortable homes can be provided, some of the ener gy and thought of the people should be directed to the object of securing pleasant school rooms which are to be th homes of the children, much of the time while re ceiving an education. There can be no doubt that the quality of the homes of a people indicate their degree of advance ment in wealth and refinement. Do not the kind of school -houses they build, or suffer to be used, indicate the degree of interest they take in the education of their children? Taking the affirmative answer to this question, which we believe to be the coirect one. as the basis upon which to rest a judgment, there are some dis tricts in this county where the interest is almost at the lowest ebb. There are buildings in this county.erect ed as school-houses and used for school purposes, which if used as shelter for the stock in some of the older States, the own ers thereof would subject themselves to a penalty under the law for the prevention of cruelty to animals. I have in mind one school-bouse in particular, which is not used at all in the winter season, and could not be so used with any degree of com-fo-t, and in the summer season it is much pleasanter under the neighboring trees. And in some of the other districts, teach ers and children, are iu the habit of aban doning the school-house and retiring to the woods. And yet. the people, a great majority of them, at least, have comforta ble homes, ana could, if they would, pro vide pleasant places for their children to meet and study in. Log school-houses, vvith narrow openings between the los tor windows, wnh narrow benches for ats without backhand so high the fee. and legs of the smaller children ha' dangling in mid air as they sit upon them' wuh desks made of boards laid upon .:. driven into the logs, so that children are obliged to sit close up to, and facing a uiaiin.nau.ua) ai lei Uiy, are Certabilv not pleasant adjuncts to a' useful eca- j 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT tion. It is not strange that children un der such circumstances, should pilfer to study nature rather than books. Ibere are just such school-houses with just such internal arrangements now in use m tuc county. I would not believe it had I not seen them. In the first place there never was a m cessitv for such torture-pens, and if child ren acquire an education of any value to them, under such circumstances, their zeal is worthy of commendation. e say there is no necessity for such, for the same amount of time, labor and expense, or a very little additional could have been ex pended much more judiciously. In the second place.wbatever the neces sities of those who built these houses, they no longer exist, and the houses should be removed out of the way and their places occupied by better ones, more suited to the present condition of the people, aud the requirements of the times, in the mat ter of education. Withiu the last year or two, there have been some changes for the better. Three or four school-hou.es have been built, that are really a credit to the districts building them. In dis trict No. 43, they have taken a Jong stride in the right direction. In district No. 17, for a long time without a school-house, a new building has recently been erected. In one or two districts the work has been commenced, but through lack of energy, or from some other cause, it has not been carried through. In other districts the people are beginning to feel their need, and to talk about the matter. The difti enliy is they talk too much and act too little. It is true, there must be some talk before a thing can be acted upon, but in the matter of building school-houses, the less the better, only that the ways and means he clearly understood, then push the enterprise along before opposition has time to gather force ami break it down. It may require some sacrifices, but let them be made. We have nothing in this world of any worth, that does riot cost a sacrifice, and the proper education of our children stands among the; most worthy objects for which we should be willing to make all needful sacrifices. A suggestion or two in reference to school-houses may not be out of place. First, iu regard to locality. Do not be too strenuous about placing them in the exact geographical center of a district, for the boundaries are continually changing, and it may eventually be k-U at one side. Do not locate on some spot of worthless ground because some man is ready (ogive it. Better consult general, rather than individual interests, and if necessary, pay for a site. Do not locate a school-house in the brush, at the end of some half-cou-cealed trail, where a stranger will need an experienced guide to find it. Better place it upon a traveled road, where oc casionally the sight of a passing team will relieve the monotony of studv. In the second place a school-house, should be finished and furnished in a stvle that will render it as attractive as home, and even more so. if possible. And in seeking for a model, the best, and not the poorest homes in the district should be selected. There should be that in Ihe place of study itself and its surroundings which should have a tendency to draw the children thither with willing feet and hold them with interest and zeal to their allotted tasks. The pas-ion for study among children as a rule, is not. so great as to lead them to become oblivious of disagreeable surroundings. If patent desks and seats Cannot be procured, let those wfiich are made, be made with a view to the greatest ease and comfort of the children. I! the parents were com pelled to sit d ay after day, as many of their children are, in a constrained and unnatural position, there would be a com plete revolution in His style of school fur niture. The walls of a school room should be embellished with maps, pictures and mottoes, anything that may be instructive as well as attractive and pleasing. The best school-rooms in the country are fit ted up as nicely as parlors, with carpeted floors and cushioned seats, and money ex pended in this way is by no mms " lost. I know il is sometimes said that children are so destructive in their tendencies, that nothing of this kind could be kept nice. But there is no danger when they are pro perly trained at home, and placed under the care of a proper teacher. They easily learn to respeot their surroundings when worthy of respect. 1 am well aware that those who are determined to secure an ed ucation will make Ihe most of Iheir oppor tunities and overcome all obstacles. But for the pu'oiic good, education must not be limited to such. All must have a share and while a tew may not require a strong stimulus, the great majority must be en couraged by a variety of methods. And pleasant school rooms are among the most effective of these. Wild such, one of the difficulties in securing regularity of attend ance will be tar;. n out ol the way. Child ren will take delight in attending school, and every day will find them in their places. Inasmuch as district quarrels often pre vent the erection of school-houses when much needed, it seems to me that it would be well to give the County Court Ihe pow er to locate and build them where and when required, at the expense of the county. In this, way ground, for local jealousies will be removed, and so far as taxation is concerned, what is for tho in terest of one part of the county in the matter of education, is for the interest of all parts, and besides, in such a case. Ihe county would own the school property A similar law, limited to townships, is in force in at lea-it one State, with good re sults. E. Gkrry. Too Bao kor East Portland. Two street con'ruclors at. East Portland left 1 st week very suddeiilj, and failed to pay their bills. According to the Orego nian and other Radical sheets, the city government of that place is -busted." We are sorry for that prosperous little place. The Radical papers all said when a certain contractor left this place, that busted" the lock and canal all to pieces, and If contractors have such strong rela relations to a place, of course, East Tort land is "gone in." A Chance. On the first inst. the Herald changed bunds, Messrs. Semple it Patter sou selling out to the "Herald Publishing Company.'' The change will not elfect the business of the paper whatever, nor its political tone, Col. Taylor, thy editor, is one of the firm, and we w ish him and all connected, the best of prosperity in their undertaking. The Col. is making the Herald a good paper,. What is the Matter. We received last Tuesday the Oregonian of Monday and Tuesday, in the afternoon mail, also the Herald and Bulletin. On Wednesday we received the Oregonian in the morning.but neither the Bulletin nor Herald made their appearance. The subscribers to these pa pers are in anything but a pleasant hu. mor in consequence of this irregularity. We can forgive Mrs. Dunhyay for many of her hard sayings against us for the "manly" manner she overhauls the Tam many clique of Multnomah county Rad icals. Go it, sister ; we are with you in all such endeavors at reform. Mrs. Duniway is lecturing on the sub ject of " Women's duty as citizens." She had better give them a sensible lecture (if she can) about "women's duty as mothers" and quit making herself the D - ughing stock of the country. LIBRARY, STAT13 SEWS. Dallas is going to have a brass band. The Corvallis Gazette has begun its ninth year. A bear was killed last week within a mile of Roseburg. Portland has a steam sausage factory. A bad place lor dogs. Ben Ilolladay, Jr., is about to erect a fine hotel at Portland. The Orifiamme is advertised to sail from Portland to-day. Thtre were thirteen marriages in Linn county last month. It is said that an extensive carriage fac tory will be erected at Albany. The Gazette szjs that Mr. Green B Smith has fixed his residence iu line style. A man named Collins got slightly stab bed at Albany last Monday night. Col. A. G. Enos has been appointed Light House keeper at Yaquina Bay. Sullivan, the forger, who escaped from the Eugene jail, has been recaptured. The cook belonging to the dreger, at Portland has mysteriously disappeared. Nine persons united with the Presby terian Church last Sunday, at Portland. Another vessel is on the ways at Goose Bay. Over twenty have been built there. A dry dock is to be constructed at Empire city (Coos Bay) by II. LI. Luse. Sheriff Bills, of Multnomah county, is very sick with inflammatory rheumatism. A line of telegraph is being erected along the route of the west-side railroad. The Ball on Thanksgiving evening at the Chemeketa Hotel, was a graud success. Hon. Jesse Appleg.ate, who has been, abseut iu California, has returned home. John Wilson has been seit to Salem to make brick for a year from Multncmiah county. Sam Vowels was found guilty of may hem in the Circuit Court for Multnomah county. The hurdy-gurdy girls have cea-ed to attract at Eugene, have departed for other regions. Ex-Senator Nesmilh lately killed 112 fat hogs, and has a lew more of the same sort left. Eugene City contains less than twelve hundred inhabitants aud has twelve saloons. Real estate transactions for the past two weeks in Linn county foot up $09, 23.3 -Li. Sunday and Monday of last week theC ol umbia river at The Dalles rose about eight feet. A gravel train run off the track about ten miles below damage done. Eugene. Not much The famous Caruthers estate suit has been postponed until the next, term of the Circuit Court. Judge Deady sentenced John W. Savage to the penitentiary for selling loquor to Indians. The stage company now put on six horses to drag their vehicles through the Cnipqua mud. The dwelling house of J. Angell. on the Coquiile, was destroyed by lite on Tuesday 2$'.t tilt. A man named Ileiple stabbed W. D. Taylor last Tuesd ly at Eas; Portland. Not supposed to be fatal. Marion, a station on the roilroad be tween Salem and the Sautiani, now Las twenty live houses. The river is so high at Salem, and is running with so strong a current that the ferry boat cannot cross. Daniel Gaby. Esq.. had a very narrow escape from drowning on the 0th inst., while crossing Ihe Sau.iaiu. The Radicals elected thiir entire city ticket at Salem last Monday. The Demo crats had no ticket in the field. The wagaa roal from Roseburg to Coos Bay is nearly completed. It will be ready lor travel next S pring. A lot of apples. 400 boxes, has been shipped from Coos Bay to San Eranclsco. Something new for that quarter, Portland has a sewing school. A good institution, far butter th i:i the agitatiuu oj woman s suffrage. Some excitement h is been orjated at Portland by the disappearance of one R:s!ey, who was in debt. Boats are still running on the upper Columbia as far as Wallula, and will con tinue as long as navigation rem lins ope.i. A. A. Williams was elected Chief En gineer of the Portland Eire Department last Tuesday ; A- Weuett, First Assistant, and Win. Deitz, Second Assistant. A man named Canult, four miles from Oakland. Douglas county, who has just arrived from Indiana, has the small pox. A tornado passed over Pocahontas, Baker county, last week, unroofing build ings, scattering fences aud destroying trees. T. J. Right has recovered $200 damages from the city of Corvsllis for injuries re ceived by falling through a defective side walk. Edward Reif has been employed, by order of Ihe Marion county Circuit Court, to make brick at the penitentiary for two years. The jury in the badge case at Salem. having been out the whole of Saturday night, brought in a verdict lor Pumpelly for $75. Secretary Chadwick has received a summons from Roseburg to attend h's mother, who is believed to be on her death bed. Clias. II. Parker has been sent to the penitentiary for one year from Multnomah county. Also J. C. Spencer for the same length of time. Judge Thayer of Benton county has rendered a decision to the effect that there is no law forbidding the keeping open of a beer saloon on Sunday. Mr. Wilson, who in June last killed a mau in Polk couny and was sent to the peni tentiary for lite, has been pardoned and returned to his family. Charley, Scott and George, three noble red men, were convicted of larceny at Corvallis, last week, and sent to the peni tentiary for two years each. The house of Mr. .Matthews, in Lost Valley, was ransacked by a burglar re cently, while the family were absent at tending the funeral of a relat.yj. Andrew Wiley, sentenced last March in the United fetates District Court to an im prisonment of one year in the penitentiary, has been pardoned by the President. Two street contractors at Portland, named Abbott and Lamb, have adscond ed. and left creditors to the amount of $10,000 to mourn their abrupt departure. T. B. Merry, Esq., is editing the Yreka Union during the absence of lis editor at tending the Legislature. Tom will keep up the high reputation of that paper. The Union is one of the best exchanges we receive. On Sunday, December 10th. a new church, built by the Methodist at Marsh field, will be dedicated. Revs. Diiver and Roberts will conduct the ceremonies. Mr. B. F. Brown, who has long been con nected with the telegraph oflice at Salem, has resigned. We doubt if the Company can supply his place with a more popular and obliging person. The Statesman favors the purchase of the Opera House for a Court House. The claimants to the property ought to be able to sell it cheap, as the State furnish ed the brick and never got a cent for them. The Oregonian says: It is wanted to know where is Wm. Warner. There is a pension certificate in the Oregon City Agency lor him. Any one knowing bis whereabouts will please communicate with this office. The city election at Albany last Mon day, resulted in the election of the Demo cratic candidates for Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer, and three out of the six Coun cilmeu. Last year the Radicals elected their whole ticket with the exception o! the Mayor. Good tor Albany. The ship Hattie C. Bessie was driven ashore twenty-five miles south of Cape Flattery on the 30th ult., during the pre valence of a tarrific storm, and is a total loss. She was bound to Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, for a load of lumber. The officers and crew were saved, and only one sailor was injured, and he had a leg broken. From the Corvallis Gazette : The Ya qniua railroad is not a "myth." or a thing existing only in the over-heated imagina-H tion of a few friends. W e have good reasons for believing that the scheme is assuming a decisive and difinite form, and that within ninety days developments will be made public that will be astonishing to all interested in this much needed aud too long neglected enterprise. A Fearless Heart and a Level Head The Missouri Republican of the 17th in stant, has a well-considered article on Governor Palmer's Message." We cull the following extract, to which all who are not in favor of obliterating State lines will say '-Ameu:" The message. then, is precisely such a document us might have been anticipated from such a man under such circumstances. It alters no excuse for his previous course, ttt on the contrary, reit era ted with greater care and emphasis the charges preferred in the Bushnel letter, substantiates them with the clearest and most satisfactory evidence, and then sup plements the whole with a dUtiuct and perfectly unanswerable enunciation of those organic principles which underlie the constitutional relations ot the State and Federal Government. There is not in this noble message, from beginning to end. a single trace of time-serving timidi ty or apologetic quibbling which would lead the harshest critic to suppose mac the author had anv reirrets for views ex pressed in the nast. or was not ready to follow those views to their logical conclu sion, whatever personal sacrifice might be required. It breathes in every calm con viction, purity of purpose and firm de lerminatitiu : and no reader, we care not what his oxinioti miv be. can rise from the perusal of Governor Palmer's messagt without feeling a profound respect for tin man. and a thorough belief in his fearless and incorruotible honesty. We are satis fied that thsse Republicans who have suf fered themselves to be unduly prejudiced by the unscrupulous misrepresentations of a partisan press, will find here a sufficient vindication of ftie Executive of Illinois, and be compelled to acknowledge that were there more of the same stamp the liberties of the people would rest on se curer foundations than thev now do. The Rising Wwe. Iu order that the meaning of the recent election in New York might not be missunderstood the following explanation is given: Lei the full meaning of this verdict be realized. The people ot New York have not pronounced against Democratic thieves; only but against all thieves. Thev have decided that there shall be a speedy end ot all purchase and sale- of legislation, of all ibbery and corruption in otliee. of ail Kings" for the promotion of personal interests and mercenary schemes at ihe expense of the public good. It means that there shall speedily be in augurated a new era of uprightness in government, and of frugality in adminis tration. It means that there shall hence forth bo diminished expenditures, reduced taxes, and steadily decreasing public debts. It means that speculators and plunderers, whether of high or low degree, whether of this party or of that, shah be exposed, prosecuted, and subjected to condign punishment. Woe to that party which shall fail to comprehend and head the lesson I A Villainous Scheme. A special Washington dispatch of the 30th ult. says: "There is now another explanation o'Tered for the recent proclamation of maitial law in South Carolina. The nine counths which are placed under the control of un licensed, irresponsible soldiery, are tie wealthiest, most populous, and the largest cotton-producing districts of the State. Of the latter staple a tremendous yield was promised the present season. Spocu. lators from civil life in high official posi tions were induced to use their in fluence to have these counties mule war on, in order that the value of property might be depreciated, the citizens driven from their homes, and forced to sell the growing crops at the lowest figures to pro vide for their necessities. Thus far the plan is said to be working successfully. and speculators are reaping rich rewards from the calamities of the unfortunate people of the prescribed section.', -Southern Misrule." Under this head - inr, the Bulletin. referring to the fraudulent issuance ol oonos iu comn Carolina by the Radical Governor and his thieving fs sociat.es, says: -It is fully as bad as the practice of Tammany in New York, over which the whole counti-y is indignant.-' No doubt of this fact, but mark the differ ence The Radical press, from one end of the Union to the other, with one voice de nounced the Tammany thieves and the people at the polls repudiated them. Iu regard to South Carolina that same press are dumb as clams, and instead of aiding the people of that oppressed, plundered section to shake off the thieving crew, the Administiation backs them up with Fed eral bayonets, declares the people in a state of rebellionn against the Government because they reb,el against being robbed, and visits upon them all the ciueities ar.d annoyances of war. Such is Radic il hon esty and justice. A 4 trooly loil"' theif is a very different character from a thieving Democrat. Examiner. At a meeting of fish and salt dealers of New England at Loston, it was stated that the annual value of our ocean fisheries is $50,000,000; that 20,000,000 bushels cf salt are used in the United States every year, and that the average duty on salt is now 224 per cent, advalorum. making the average cost per bushel to the consumer fifty cents, whereas, without duty it would be but twenty -five cents. Telegraphic Clippings. New Yokl. Nov. 29. Judge Biad y granted an order for the arrest of May r Hall on a similar complaint to those against 1 weed and Connolly. The fact becoming known at the City Hall during the fore noon Hall soon disappeared, and is sup posed to have secured bondsmen to save the annoyance of remaining in custody, but. he is to be arrested at 1 o'clock New York. Dec. 1. The 7n6u,estated that Connolly yesterday prepared a full confession of all transactions of the Ring and that three of Tweed's bondsmen in cluding Hugh Hastings and the Comrner- 0 ciul Advertiser, have signified their inten tion to withdraw. Mayor Hall has not been arrested. Till-: BIG A MIST A GAIX Charleston, Dec. 2. In the Douse of Representatives at Columbia, to-day, C.C. Powen presented his credentials asa'inem ber from Charleston Objections were made that he had been convicted of an infamous crime. He was finally admitted by 311 to 32. ,tSS SPEAKS. fcr. L.ouis, -Nov. 2U. John Quincy Adams has written a letter, which will appear in the Republican to morrow, in which he firmly indorses the jio-calhd Passive Policy" for the Democrats in the next Presidential election. j i a si img Toy SUITS. Washington. Dec. 1. The report of the Secretary of the Jsavy will recommend more liberal appropriations bv Congress.- those of the last year having been insuffi cient ror edective force, no more thatt thirty or foity vessels being now atloaC out of the one hundred on the list, exclu sive of fifty Ironclads, nearly all of which are laid up-and out of service. The Sec retary read the proof-slips of his report to day. The Postmaster General is sending to distant points copies of his annual report He inclo.-es a note to the publishers, de pending on their honor not to pririt the report in advance of delivery to Congress. He will again recommend the abolition of the franking privilege, and ask for legislation to relieve the Department from delay and embarrassment in re-advertising proposals for carrying the mails iu cases where there have been deceptions and failures by "straw bids," to make provision fov giving contracts to. the low est responsible bidders. Washington, Dec. 2. Among the ap pointments yesterday was that of Geo. A. Hart as Collector of Customs at, San Fr n. isco. Washington, Dec. 2. The report of the Commissioner f Internal Revenue states that the aggregate receipts from all sources exclusive of direct taxes upon lands and duty upon circulation and de posits of National Banks, for the liscaV year 1S71, is $1 1-4.0ll.17U. This sum in cludes the amounts refunded and allowed? on drawbacks, amounting to tfti lO.-Ki.S. The Commissioner's cstiiate of the re ceipts lor the current year, under the present law, is $l2a,tlu0,ii0U. Receipt from, spirits for the fi.-cal year were $40, 283.12.S. Amount of tax received m lermented liquors, $7. lot) .740. Total re-r ceipts from tobaccos, .'J:3.."S;$.0'J7 an iu-crear-o of $2.2."0 000 over last year. The total amount of manufactured tobacco represented by the amount of collection is lo."),.S2sj.9(;:i pounds. The total number of cigars, cheroots, etc.. on which taxes were collected was l.D.'l.b I i .5 f. t" he increase is d;.e to the recent changes in the mode of collecting. The Comm is:ouetL favors the consolidation of the t.. buccS tax at the rate of 21 cents1, if it can he' done without loss to the Government, suid expresses the opinion that the present system of export b nd;'d warehouses can be entirely abolished to the in'erest both of Government and manufacturers. The report concludes by stating that 230 accounts of ex-Collectors are still open. 115 of which have been placed itv tl;e hands of attorneys for suits against bondsmen of delinqglnts. The total amount received from compromised reve nue cases for the year is tfti IS:-J'J7. Total value of seizures. f'Jlo.S it). Washington, Dee. 3. The Secretary of War's report is issued, main facts relative Q to which were printed two weeks ago. Bureau reports show that the aimy on July 1st has been reduced to 30.0tX.'are expenses yearly were about forty millions, including nearly $400,000 for " river and harbor improvements. Estimates for military purposes for the fiscal year end ing dune 30. 1S72 are $32.41.".472.. Til Treasury realizes thus far in the present fiscal year $21,706.-103 from the sale of arms and other sources. Washington, Dec. -1. Sneaker Blainn called the Douse to order at noon. There was a large number of spectators present. After prayer the roll was called, which' was responded to by 201 members. After appointing a Committee to wait on the President the Speaker announced tin? Standing Committees. Dawes is Chair-- 0 man of Ways and .Means. A dispatch from Washington says corres pondence in the case of Caticaxy. the Iafe Russian Minister, will be called "for i tb'V Senate to-morrow. It is also stated la Washington dispatches that an effort will soon be made to put Summer back on the Foreign Relations Committee. The members from the Pacific ccA.i have p'aces on the following Committeesr Pacifio Rai'ro d, Ilovghtor, of fa ifo r i Si tter, Oregon ; Postcffi.es and Post Roads, Coghlan. California ; Mines aud Mining, Sargent. California. Washington, Dec. 4. In the House various resolutions were introduced and referred to appropriate Committees. The President's message was received and leul. and the House adjourned, j The Senate met at noon. There is near ly a full attendance. Several resolutions were introduced and referred. The Pres ident's message was read and ordered printed. The Supreme Court met at noon, and fo-'ii thereafter adjournfd and called up on the President to pay- lheir respects. The Presi ene "s message is well receiv ed by both parties. The following are the leading points in the report of the Secrelary of the Treasu ry : The pubi c finances shared a measura ble prosperity during the year now clos ing. The reduction of the public debt for the year ending June 30th w;is $91 327.704. TI e total decrease from March I 18C9 was $277,211,892 10. During the same period the annual interest has been reduced $1(5.741 430. The revenues show that the time has arrived when consider able further reduction can be myde. and leave in possession of $50,000,000 annual ly offiu inci.il debt, including the amonni pledged through the sinking fund. He adverts to this opinion in his last airnual report that the country required a reve nue sufficient to m,eet the ordinary expen ses of the Government aud pay the inter est of the public debt, and $50,0000,000 to $CO:000.000 of the principal. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia. Dec. 3. -The health re port shows 233 deaths from small-pox during the past week. What a Pity. Mrs. Duniway says that the Enterprise is so dirty that sho opens it with a ''pair of tongs." We are - i 5 I I sorry tor ner, ana nope sae is equaiiy cautious m all thing3 she tonciies. ana never handles anything dirtier without tongs. How is this tor high 7 f .. ui : --q-j; -i-i-M iTTiKLimni Fortv Yiiiii Experience have tested the virtues of Dr. JVistar'n Tiaham of JVild Cherrv. cud the result is that it is the be.t remedy extant for pulmonary and lung dis eases; embracing the whole ranje from a shgiit cold to a settled consumption. ere it not for its mri, it would long since hare "d.ed, and made vi sign." dec3w4 G O o v o o o (4 O: o o o m O o V