Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, December 08, 1871, Image 1

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    - i
VOL. 6.
NO. 5.
nn v
U):ckly (Enterprise.
CSusinessIVJan, tho Farmer
And the FA MIT. Y CIU CLE.
t Ft ICE In Dr. ThesSing's Brick Building
Single Copy oue year, in advance, 2 50
Transient ad vertisernents, including a!l
leal notice, ii s). of 12 lines, 1 w .$ 2 50
I' or each subsequent insertion 1 00
One Column, one year $120 00
Half " " o
Ui.irter " " 40
!usiness Card, 1 square one year 12
t!3 Remittance be made thr risk o
Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents.
eg The Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod
em MAClilN i; L'KKSrtKS, which will enable
t :e I'ropt ietor to do Job Printing at all times
Xea?, Q tick and Cheap!
CW VVork solicited.
A' I Ji iiine. trans tctians ttpnn a Specie 6tJ.
Gi'ant and the G A- IL
Grant's office-holders, remarks
the ((fi'sou iffifer1 are not slow
:it doing their masters work.
While hi opponents are sleeping
hey are 1 us y. O u e o f t h e e v i d e n -ces
of their craft has come under
nur observation in the shape of two
n i eel y - p ri n t e d c i r c u 1 a rs, e v i d e n 1 1 y
printed on the government press.
One of these, neatly adorned with
emblematic illustrations of com
mercial and agricultural progress,
contains the following: "Xational
S t a n d ard t h e r e p re se 1 1 1 a t i v e o f t h e
G. A. R. The Soldier's friend
Gen. U. S. Grant for 1S72. Lent.
Wither F. Cogswell, General
.Agent, P. (). Box 50, Washington,
IXC, Decrease of Public Debt
since 31 arch 1st, 1800, to October
it, 1ST1, e205,7C0,:520. Union
and Grant." The other circular
consists of laudations of Grant
declaring him "the only man in
I he Republican party that can with
safety be nominated to the Presi
dency for the next term, "and much
of the same sort.
We have been frequently assur
ed that the Grand Army of the
Republic is not a political organisa
tion; but these documents do not
confirm it. Gen. Grant's renorni
nation is urged as he is "the repre
sentative" of that wide-spread
body, and the support of its mem
bers is pledged to that ronomina
tiou. The existence of such an or
ganization bodes no good to the
Republican party, and still less to
the country. There are thousands
of honest and independent Repub
licans who will not care to figure
on tho outside merely as instru
nients in the hands of a secret so
ciety, to work and vote for nomi
nations which they have no band
in making. If the Republican
party is to be in the interest or a
select tew- a sort ot political aris
tocracy behind the scenes the
mass of Republican voters have
but little real interest in it. They
become merely political serfs, to
spend their money, and do the dirty
work of a cabal with whom they
are not adjudged worthy of per
s nal association. Worse than
this, a countrj which is ruled by
the decrees of a secret military or
ganization must soon become a
Republic only in name.
Same Color ix Til k Dark. Cer
tainty cannot be always attained
in the bury of every day life.
Blunders often follow on the heels
of haste, as Mas illustrated by an
infatuated youth, Sunday night,
lie had taken his dulcina home
lrom church, and was lingering in
the doorway for a moment's dalli
ance. The little lady bad gone
inside and partially closed the door.
Tl i rough tho little space, made hv
lie door left ajar, he was toying
vith the kisses that she gave him
sweet. So interested was he that
the approaching iootstcp of the
servant escaped him. Not so the
lady. She heard it and jerked
away her head just as the African's
wooly crown was in its place. The
frmack that he gave the sable Abi
gail resounded like the crack of a
wagon whip, while the sound of her
explosive "gorra mighty what
dat V" mingled with the fleeting
foot-falls of his lady-love, as she
retreated up the stairs. The youth
soys the African's kiss was'nt good,
after what he had tasted. lie says
he wont kiss in the dark any more.
x a t
The Washington Chronicle
shouts out to the Radical party;
"Back to the first principles !" It
lias had its back to them for a loner
time. A: T. Times.
Broke Him Ix. A Chicago la
dy has broken in her husband to
carry the baby, play the nurse and
make, lrom cream baking powder,
he nicest and sweetest buscuits.
laa Resident SelMudged aid
fFrom the Washingtoa Pa!riot, Novembers
am uie iuuumn ot 18G6, there
was, it will be remembered n. swi.
ous disturbance threatened in Bal
timore, and a riot Was apprehended
in the event of the removal of the
Police Commissioners bv the Gov.
ernor. President Johnson u-i vn,
quested to send United St:ite
troops to Maryland to mantain or
der, and Lien. Can by was directed
to proceed to Baltimore and inves
tigate the condition of affairs and
report. General Grant, then Com-
U T . .-. ' "
manaer-in-uiiier, was consulted by
the President and directed to make
a report on the suhiect. which l..
Old on the 24th of October, 1800
.vnei uetaitingtiiecirciimstanees of
the case, ho proceeds to discuss the
question as to the propriety of us
ing military lorce m the local affairs
ot a State, and anions: other things
"The conviction is forced on my
mind that no reason now exists for
giving or promising the military
'id of tho Government to support
the laws of Maryland. The tend
ency of giving such aid or promise
would be to produce the very result
intended to be averted. So far
there seems to be merely a very
bitter contest for political ascend
ency in the State. Military inter
ference would be. interpreted as
giving aid lo one of the factions, no
matter how pure the intentions, or
how guarded and just the instruc
tions. It is a contino-onev T linn??
never to sec arise in "this count rv
while I occupy the position of Gen
eral-in-Chief of the armv, to have
to send troops into a State in full
relations with the General Govern
ment, on the eve of an election, to
preserve the peace, it insurrection
does come, the law provides the
method of calling out the forces to
suppress it."
This was five years ago: the writ
er was then Commander-in-Chief,
and is now President. He did not
expect that in five years the nation
would be centralized like Rusia or
France, and dreams of empire had
not dazded and bewildered him.
It was then believed by every one
that a State should be permitted to
protect the peace of its own citi
zens; that if any attempt was made
by the Federal Government to con
trol the affairs of local government,
it would be met with force, and
the authors of the treson be hurled
from power, tried, convicted and
punished; that unauthorized use of
the arm' is a crime; that the mili
tary force, illegally employed, is a
mob, and its commander leading it,
a criminal. Now, without the
faintest shadow of insurrection or
rebellion in the state of South Caro
lina no effort to obstruct the Gov
ernment, or denial of the binding
force of existing laws, or the forms
of established government in the
State with the whole State ma
chinery in full operation no one
questioning its ligitimaey execu
tive, judicial and ministerial officers
in the regular and peaceable dis
charge of their duties without the
solicitation or consent of the Exe
cutive or the Legislature, the Fed
eral army is hurled upon this de
fenseless State, and the dragonades
of Louis XIV. reproduced in what
is still called, by courtesy "our
Ciiakles A. Dana and U. S.
Giiaxt. The Louisville Commer
cial is generally a sensible paper;
but falls into ridiculous nonsense
when it says that "the editor of The
Sttji, has a bitter hostility toward
General Grant." We have no
more personal hostility against Gen.
Grant now than we had in 1803,
when at Vicksburg we saved him
from being relieved lrom his com
mand and sent back to sell sole
leather at Galena on a salary of
6'800 a year. Supporting him then
did not grow out of personal rea
sons, neither does opposing him
now. He was a good General: but
he is a very bad President, and his
continuance in office would be an
unmixed evil to the country. That
is the whole story. ---AT IT Sun.
Pkogukss of Voudooism. The
introduction of schools among the
emancipated negroes in the South
has not had the effect of checking
the popular belief in Voudooism,
which on the contrary, is spread
ing to regions where "it was form
erly unknown. One reason of this
is the removal of all restrictions as
to travel, thus permitting the
agents of the superstitious to roam
about in all directions. Any old
rough looking negro witii a bag of
lizard heads, old bones, and other
traps calculated to excite the Afri
can imagination, can tramp from
one plantation to another, living
on the best the country affords,
without troubling himself about
work at all. The negroes will all
fear him, and the' will many of
them be ready to pay him liberally
for exerting his supernatural pow
ers in their behalf. Some of these
fellows are very cunning.
Joel Parker.
The Trenton (X. J) Gazette, a
Radical paper, in commenting on
the brilliant success of Joel Parker
while the Radicals secured a ma
jorit y in both branches of the Leg
islature, declares that his great vic
tory places "that gentleman at the
very head and front of the Demo
cratic politicians of the country as
an available Presidential candidate
next year," and says it would not
he greatly surprised "n Mr. Parker
should head the Democratic Xa
tional ticket next year."
The Xew York Iferahl notices
the article in the Trenton paper,
ami says its suggestion is not
uai one. ine dicroia declares
with some force that "as the defeat
of theDmocrats in Connecticut laid
out Governor English as a candi
date for the Democratic nomina
tion, so has their defeat in Pennsyl
vania shelved Hancock, in Ohio
laid out Pendleton, in Indiana
squelched Hendricks, and in Xew
York put a quietus, for the present
at least, upon the Presidential as
pirations ot Governor Hoffman.
Besides, little Jersey has never en
joyed the honor of having a hand
in any Presidential race, with the
exception of the time when Freling-
uiysen ran for Vice President on
the Henry Clay ticket, and there
fore is entitled to some consider
We predicted that Parker's suc
cess would make him candidate for
President, and it is apparent now
that his chances for the Democratic
nomination are as good as. if not
)etter than those of any other man.
Although a statesman of positive
character and pronouced views, he
seems never to have given offense
to any portion of his party, and is
)oiuIar with all classes. He must
be a wonderful man if something
cannot, be brought against him, and
if he shall be his party's leader in
1872 the Radicals will not fail to
paint him very black. It is cer
tain, however, that he is universally
beloved by the Democracy of the
country, and they would delight
to follow 1 dm in the coming con
ffict. He is a strong man, truly.
The entire party could and would
unite on him as the Presidential
nominee. Besides, his nomination
would be a well-merited compli
ment to the "Lone Star of Xorth
thern Democracy."
The Party Eesponcible.
The Sacramento
mences a leader in
ljilo?) corn
its issue of
Thursday, thus :
"The Republican leaders in Tex
as and South Carolina have been
misleading their party, and have
got it in each State into a disgrace
ful position. In South Carolina
they have been in a coalition with
railway and other thieves to plun
der the State, and have actually
plundered it to the amount of -$20,
000,000. This is driving South
Carolina to the desperate act of re
pudiation, and the worst of the
business is that this appears to be
about the only remedy left. In
Texas they have not don? much
better for tfie last three years they
have been in power, and the result
is that the Democrats elect the
whole Congressional ticket. The
majority of the people are staunch
Union men, but they find it less
dangerous to throw themselves in
to the hands of the Democracy
than to risk the further rule of a
Republican party that lias fallen
among rohbers and unscrupulous
What is here said of South Car
olina and Texas may be said of
every Southern State where the
Radicals have had full sway.
Wholesale robbery and unblush
ing profligacy have distinguished
their administrations. 3Iore than
two hundred millions of indebted
ness have been saddled upon the
people of the South since the work
of reconstruction commenced. And
this by men placed in power and
kept there by grossest frauds and
Federal baj-onets. Radical Con
gresses and administrations are re
sponsible for this shameful condi
tion of things. The best men of
the South have been ostracised by
the party in power at Washington
and thieving, unprincipled adven
turers from other States and worth
less native scalawags have been
given the control of public affairs.
The result has been as every sensi
ble man might have foreseen.
But these graceless scoundrels are
not the parties really responsible.
As we said, the authorities at
Washington arc the guilty ones.
The whole policy of the Govern
ment towards the South has been
to place and keep these creatures
in office. So long as Federal bay
onets are used to control elections it
is useless to look for better things.
Nothing is so disgusting to all
respectable auditors as to spe a
bony old maid with a concave
stomach and a neck like a chicken
get up in a suffrage meeting and
preach free love.
Phenomena, of the Northern Tire-
From tbe Green Bay Advocate.
There arc some phases of the
great calamity which fell upon the
region last week worthy of scien
tific investigation. The testimony
of the cooler-headed survivors of
the fires at Peshtigo and Sugar
Bush and Williamsvillc is united
as to the one phenomenon: They
say that the fire did not come up
on them gradually from burning
trees and other objects to the
windward, but the first notice
they had of it was
a whiulwind of flames,
in great clouds, fron above the
tops of the trees, which fell upon
and enveloped everything. The
atmosphere seemed one of fire.
The poor people inhaled it, or the
intensely hot air, and fell down
dead. This is verified by the ap
pearance of many of the corpses.
They were found in the roads and
open spaces where there were no
visible marks of fire near by, with
not a trace of burning upon their
bodies or clothing. At the Sugar
Bush, which is an extended clear
ing, in some places four miles in
width, corpses were found in the
road, between fences, which were
only slightly burned. Xo mark of
fire was upon them, but they laid
there as if asleep. This phenome
non seems to explain the fact that
so many were killed in compact
masses. They seemed to have
huddled together in what were
evidently regarded at the moment
as the safest places, away from
buildings, trees, or other Inflam
mable material, and there to have
died together. Fences around
cleared fields were burned in spots
of only a few rods in length, and
elsewhere not touched. Fish were
killed in the streams as at Pesh
We hear the universal testimony
that the prevailing idea among the
terror-stricken people of those
places M as that
riioy needed not to be terror-
stricken for such imaginings. What
other explanation could be driven
to that imminent time, when there
was an ominous warnintr and
sound coming from the distance;
when tbe sky, so dark just before,
burst into great clouds of fire, the
beasts of the forest came running
for succor, into the midst of the
settlements, and the great, red,
consuming roaring hell of fire fell
upon all around. The dreadful
cene lacked nothing but the sound
ing of the last trump and indeed
the approach of the awful roaring,
and the premonitions from the dis
tance, supplied even that to the
appalled imaginings of the people.
we think it is, that continued and
widespread fires will bring on rain,
seems to be exploded m this in
stance. These fires had lasted
nearly or quite four weeks ravag
ing forests over a great area, and
still not a drop of rain. The rain
only came with a change of wind
to the northward, and several days
itter the worst burnings were over
Catechism for Woman-Sulfrasists.
In view of the demand for
female suffrage it is proposed that
the following political catechism
for ladies desirous of entering the
arena of politics be propounded,
for answers, to all candidates :
What is the best
ballot-box stuffing?
seasoning for
In opening a marking list would
you use silk or worsted ?
Do you consider the election
eering the jewelry of the cam
paign ?
Would you measure the canvass
of a ward by the yard ?
Is it "measures not men" that
you desire ?
Do you consider caucusses Irish
men from Cork ?
Would you stand up to vote a
motion down ?
Would you propose musk or
cologne when the scents of the
meeting was called for?
Ought a chip hat to be worn in
log-rolling for an election ?
Are you too modest to press the
question ?
Arc you familiar with the music
of political organs ?
What sort of a vehicle is a po
litical hack ?
I low old must a woman be to
be entitled to the right to suffer
Are good teeth
ctnmn cnoAlioc
requisite for
Do you believe in the doctrine
"to the victors belong the spoils,"
and if so, do you consider a man
spoils in political life ?
Would vou sit on a standing
committee ?
Wouk you insist on having
VQur weigh when the vote was
declared to be a light one ?
Regularly. Boarders in Chi
cago are now regularly rising from
their hashes.
Kneeling alone in the stillness.
Down by the white-corered boil,
Softly the tear drops were foiling.
Uowod was my young, tired head.
Stealing so soft through the chamber,
The moon wilh its mystical lijrht.
Tbe words kept so silently corning
Nobody ki?sed me good night.
Home, with Us gentle caresses.
Loved ones, with faces f-o true,
Oh. I can see them so plainly !
Darlings. I am praying for yon !
Here the soft good night, so "loving,
And the bright smile to my sight,
Would be a blessing. Ah I sadly
I wait for the loving good night.
Love, what a charm yon have given
To this strange pathway of ours!
You have adorned it so brightly.
With your most beautiful (lower?.
And. in the silence, while kneeling
Here, in this so-f't, changing ligLt.
How can I help but remember
Nobody kissed me good night?
But there's a thought that will cheer me
And 1 am glad when I say
Some one will miss me a little,
Some one will earnestly pray.
M'.iy be that some one is thinking
Ofone'neath this soft, fading light.
And wonders, so silently dreaminsr.
If somebody kissed me good night.
And in the dear little circle,
Gathered so huppily there,
They may be thinking and wondering
O! it looks peaceful and fair !
And when they kiss all the others,
They "11 wait ere they put out the
And say as they think, perhaps fond'y :
'I wonder who kissed her good night..7
Well, well, little heart, are you foolish
To linger so long o'er a kiss 1
You have grown soused to its sweetness
No wonder its sunshine you miss.
O ! how many are wretchedly starving
For the love of a heart true and bright.
I'll not mourn, for I know there are
dear ones
Who would eagerly kiss me good
Eules of Health for Harried Ladies
Get up at three o'clock in the
morning, clean out the stove, take
up the ashes, sweep the front side
walk and scrub the front steps,
nurse the baby put the mackerel
to soak, build a lire, grind the cof
fee, get your husband's garments
to warm, see the shirts aired, boil
the mackerel, settle the coffee, set
the table, rouse the house, carry
up some hot water for shaving to
that brute of a lazy husband. By
this time you will have an appetite
for breakfast, hot.
After breakfast, wash the dishes,
nurse the baby, dust everything,
wash the windows, wash and dress
the baby, (that pantry wants clean
ing out and scrubbing,) nurse the
baby, draw the baby in the wagon
for his health, put on the potatoes
and cabbage, nurse the babv
sweep everything, take up the
dinner, set the table, fill up the
castors, change the table-cloth
there that baby wants nursing.
Eat your dinner, cold again, and
nurse the baby.
After dinner wash the dishes,
gather up all the dirty clothes and
put them in soak, nurse the baby
every half hour, receive a dozen
calls interspersed with nursing the
baby. Make some tea for babv's
internal disarrangements, hold the
baby for an hour or two to quiet
him, tea ready, take yours cold, as
After tea, wash up the dishes,
chop some hash, go for some su
gar (good gracious ! how the sugar
does go, and thirteen cents a
pound,) get down thestockens and
darn them keep on nursing the
baby sit up till twelve o'clock
nursing the baby, till husband
comes home with double shuffle on
the steps, a decided difficulty in
finding the stairway, and a deter
mination to sleep in" the backyard.
Drag him up stairs to bed, then
nurse the baby and go to sleep.
Women in delicate health will
find that the above practice will
either kill or cure them.
Some Bap Piiaottces. To at
tempt to fatten three hogs into
1,200 pounds of pork on just as
much feed as will keep two nicely
To estimate agricultural fairs ar
rant humbugs
days every
month saving the
country at political meetings.
To depend upon boi rowing your
neighbors' rakes, mowers, "and
all sorts of implements in hay
ing and harvest lime.
To house a thousand bushels of
grain waiting for a rise, till one
tenth has gone to feed rats and
mice, and the remainder smells
like the essence of rat, and the
price is reduced forty per cent.
To plant out a big orchard of
fruit trees with a first thought of
money-making, and then leave
them to do or die.
To think it smart to stop vour
paper because all the ideas publish
ed do not agree with your own.
Queries. Is it murder to drown
your sorrows, or to kill time? Did
the horseman who scoured the
plain use soap ?
The Democratic majority on the
State ticket of Maryland is 12,000.
Stubborn Pacts.
The infamous usurpation of the
authorities in Texas in connection
with the recent election there were
not confined to the illegal intimi
dation, or to fraudulent returns of
the voting, but extended to actual
murder, robbery, and to other acts
of oppression which would be
considered frightful in a country
by an absolute despot.
The people of Limentone and
Freestone counties were known to
be strongly against the Grant can
didate for congress; and only by
throwing out their votes could the
returns be made to elect him. This
was done by a somewhat, compli-
caieu process. old man m
Groesbcek was shot down in the
streets by a squad of negro police,
and when the local authorities en
deavored to arrest the murderers
they resisted. On this pretext
Gov. Davis proclaimed martial
law, not only in the county where
this disturbance occured, but also
in the adjoining county, throwing
out the votes of both"; and, as a
punishment for their political opin
ions, one of his Ma jor-Generals has
levied upon the inhabitants of the
former county a war tax of $40,000,
payable in three days, under the
penalty of ten per cent, additional
and an immediate sale of their
property I This ma- seem incred
ible, but it is true. Here is the
order issued by a subaltern of the
the State standing army maintain
ed in Texas in flagrant violations of
the Constitution of the United
States. It bears date October 24,
"Pursuant to orders received
from Major-General A. G. Malloy,
commanding State forces in Lime
stone county, I am ordered to
assess and levy a special military
tax of forty thousand dollars (40
000,) to be paid by the citizens of
Limestone county, to defray the
expenses of military commission
State troops now on duty in said
county. I therefore levy a tax of
tnree per cent, on the hundred
dollars of taxable property situat
ed in said count', as per assess-
uieni rons oi itw i. jn persons
owning property in Limestone
county are notified to appear at
my office, in the city of Groesbeck,
immediately, and "pay the same.
All persons refusing or failing to
pay said tax within three (3) days
from above date, ten (10) per cent,
will be added, and their property
levied upon and sold to satisfy
said tax."
These measures are taken
against the numerous Republicans
who refuse to support the thieving
corpet-bag officials who have rob
bed t'ne State in every conceivable
manner, as well as against the
Democrats; and the State authori
ties excitingly proclaim that they
are acting in concert with the Ad
ministration at Washington, and
that they have the whole power
of the Federal Government to
back them. The efforts so sed
ulously made in Washington to
mislead public opinion in regard
to the true situation of affairs in
Texas afford confirmation for the
truth of this boast.
If Grant docs these things in
Texas now, what may we expect
here in the Xorth in 1872 should
he receive the nomination of the
Republican party ? AT Y. Sun.
"Cheep 1 1 u max Laijor. I de
spise the word. It signifies squal
or, degradation, ignorance and
vice. Arc not laborers men our
fellow -men ? They have bodies to
clothe, and stomachs to feed, and
minds to educate and spirits to ele
vate, and old age Hi provide for.
They have homes which they love,
wives whom they cherish, and
children whom they hope to make
worthy citizens the honest fathers
and virtuous mothers of a succeed
ing generation. And can you re
member these duties and see these
aspirations; can you contemplate
the patient hopefulness and cheerful
and contented, because fairly com
pensated industry, and talk of
cheap labor. Labor is too cheap
now. Labor does not receive .its
just reward. Geo. JL Pendleton.
-oo -e-
Xew Dkpakteee. The Mis
souri JUpHolican, one of the ablest
Democratic papers in the country,
proposes that the Xational Demo
cratic party shall take the action
of the Democratic party in Mis
souri last year as an example, and
put in nomination no candidate for
the Presidency in 1872, but to
unite on any man who shall be
nominated by the bolting or dis
satisfied Republicans in opposition
to General Grant. So far the
proposition has been received with
little favor, and nearly all the
organs of public opinion hayo
already stamped it with their dis
approbation. t
It is very dangerous for any man
to find any spot that is sweeter to
him than his own home.
Some hearts, like prim-roses,
open most beautifully in the
shadows of life.
' "
Ax Uxiieard-of Affliction.
In the town of Rochester, Ulster
county, Penn., resides a young0
woman who, when four years of
age, lost the use of her limbs, and
has been confined to her bed for
twenty years, being now over
twenty-four years old. Report
has it that there are no bones in
her arms, that they gradually. kept
diminishing, and the nails on her
fingers and toes protruding, being
lined by an extension of flesh that
prevents their being pared, until
some of the largest of them are
between three and four inches in
length. There are bones in the
arms, however, but none in the
thumbs, and they are very small
in the arms. The nails, likewise.
are full as long as reported, arid
bear no resemblance to ordinary
finger nails, but appear more like
bony excrescences than otherwise.
Another remarkable condition
of this child of affliction is that it
is claimed she cannot bear the ap
plication of water, as wherever it
is applied immediately swells, and
becomes inflamed and painful. She
has also within the past two
months been smitten with blind
ness. She says she has very little
pain except when they attempt to
move her. Though entirely help
less, the organs of speech1 seem
strong and clear. She can remem
ber perfectly well when she as a
sprightly little girl, able to run
about and enjoy henself at plar.
A Beautiful Thought. When
the summer of youth is slowly
wasting away in the nightfall of
age, and the past becomes deeper
and deeper, and life wears to its
close, it is pleasant to look through
the vista of time upon the sorrows
and felicities of our earlier years.
If we have a home to shelter, and
hearts to rejoice with us, and
friends have been gathered togeth
er around our firesides, and rough
1 daces warfaring will have been
worn and smothered away, iifthe
twilight of life, while many dark
spots we have passed through will
grow brighter and more beautiful.0
Happy indeed are those whose
intercourse with the world has not
changed the tone of their Jiolier
feelings, or broken those musical
chords of the heart, whose vibra
tions are so melodiouspso tender
and so touching in the evening of
Rather Wixdy. On one oc
cassion Ciawford, the guide, was
ascending the White Mountains
with a party from Philadelphia.
The day was very windy, and it
was with the greatest difficulty
that the gentlemen could keep
their hats upon their heads after
they had emerged from the forest
to the bare rocks. One of the
party asked Crawford if lie had
ever experienced a more windy
day. "Yes," was the reply.
"And did you go on to the sum
mit ?" "Yes ; and it blew so hard
that the first one that stepped
thereon had to get the one behind
him to hold his hair on for him.
"And what did he do ? "Why, he
got the one that came next to do
the same for him." But what did
the last one do when he came
beside them ?" Why, gentlemen,
he was bald-headed." The gentle
man, from Philadelphia hgd no
more questions to ask.
A Xew Phase of the Woman
Questiox. The Iowa State Iieg
ister puis it thus :
"Miss Jennie Sweney was postmis
tress at Blairstown. But the other
day she got married, and then
there was no Jennie Sweney any
more. Losing her name she lost
her office, and a widow ldy,.nam
ed French, has been appointed in
her place. This suggests an inqui
ry : Supposing some of the young
unmarried women elected County
Superintendents in Iowa this fall
should get married during their
official term, would they marryo
themselves out of office"? If the
people of a county elected Miss
Mary Smith Superintendent, would
she, as Mrs. Mary Jones John
Jones' wife be competent to con
tinue in the position? If so, and
she should sign her new name, how
would it be legalized? It would
look as though Mary, when she
said yes to John and the minister,
would have to say good -by, office.
It may be we shall have a practical
ftest whether a girl will love an
office best or a man.
A Boston lady remonstrated
with the colored servant forbusing
his wife, upbraiding him after this
manner : "Jack what a pretty little
smart wife you have. If I were
you I would try to make 0ray self
more agreeable to her. I would
fill the coal-scuttle, feed the pig,
gather the vegetables for her, and
and I would not strike her."
The only answer from Jack was :
''Why I'se done marrid Lou-1
isn't courtin her?"
We rarely repent of having kept
silent, ; we oiten repent Oi havin