G O o o o 0 o o G G o o o o o o o o o o o G O o O o O 0 O O O G 0 G o G TIIV ESDEATOK. It i3 ever ceaslcss striving That makes'life a noble thing Striving for the good of others, That doth blessings on us bring. If we feel for those that golfer, And can sympathize with pain, Stronger grows our better Nature, To endure and toil again. As the mist from off the ocean Comes to earth again in rain, Shall Nature's laws but show us That her seeming loss is gain. So that it years are spent in toiling, Making paths for other feet, Weary not, for soon or later. Thou thy rich reward shall meet. ' Then while earth is full of sorrow, And we know the stroke of woe, Be thine earnest, calm endeavor, Kindness, hope and love to show ; Help to raise the struggling spirit, Bound by want and misery fast, iill thy life with holy action, God will crown you at the last. 0 Miscellaneous Items. A romance of the middle aires e An old maid's love letters. Dors the color of the dress are the winter style for ladies. "When asmau is lantern-jawed, can he be called light-headed. Pretty necktie for a young man The arms of his sweet-heart. IIoV often do we find that a man's better half gives no juarter. The best person indeed, the only person to lill a vacuum, is a Odentist. Ladies and gentlemen dancing upon the green-sward are grass hoppers. The most suitable window for a single lady when on the look-out A bow. Counter-irritants People who examine the whole stock and buy nothiii: o Why are lawyers like ivy ? le o cause the greater the ruin the more they cling. To become the lion of a party, it is necessary to make a beast of one's self. Young people grow most when in love. It increases their sighs wonderfully. Some malignant slanderer savs "Woman needs no eulogist, for she speaks for herself." An exchange says that the de gree of LL1). conferred upon Ben JJutler, means 'licked like the d- k' An old 'settler' an old ladv who sent a farmer ten cents that had been due twenty-nine years. Young ladies at needle-work, are not always what they appear. They aresometimes seaming. Annopolis Benedicts excuse the scratches on their faces by saying that they have been fooling with the cat. : O Why is a pig in the parlor like a house on lire 'i Because the soon er you put it out the better. The coroner's jury at Cairo de cided that a deceased man "stulti fied himself to death with green trash." In revenge, a jilted Indiana girl ignited a dozen bunches of fire crackers under a rival's nuptial couch. A merchant of our acquaintance wonders why he is obliged to go so often after money that is coming to him. Not finding any money in the house, a disgusted Kentucky burg lar made the family get up and cook him supper. Mr. Eagan, of Wisconsin,thought he would feel of a circular saw to see if it was going, lie satisfied himself. o When Yincennes citizens meet they do not ask concerning each other's health. They simply Shake' and go directly to the nearest drug store for quinine. o - A maiden lady alluding to her youthful accompiishmentsjsaid that at six months of age she went alone. A malicious individual present re marked : "Yes, and you have been going alone ever .since." Be very careful of your promis es, and just in your performances, and remember it is better to do and notn-omise, than to promise and not perform. 31rs. Partington says the only way to prevent steamboat explo sions is to make the engineers "hiie . i5 t . i , mi-'ii liMioiv. m her OplU- ion, all bustiiv is caused by ing the steam" on board. 'cook- The editor of a Texas paper is exhorted by a s-mpatlietic sub scriber to "continue to pour red hot thunderbolts right into the G teeth of the leeches and sharks that are sucking the life-blood from the people." If the editor does it there will be work for a dentist down in I ex as. w ANTS TO iVXOAV. A VOHMPf married lady wants to kuosv" whether it is biirav for a marrioil mau to bocoiue woilded to his opinions. 0 Roastki. la Wisconsin tlipro is a ten acre lot of potatoes which ,uu ,u1 as niceiv as it dot ar oven. Pkopei: Sm ap. An iudicrnant Iveutnckye-ilb otlered to swan he bigamous husband for a sevin "macbitie. Flirtation BY ALCYONE. I lounged an hour along our streets last Sunday, and amid all the chaiming associations and the many bright and earnest faces that passed and repassed me, it was an hour of sadness. I feel I should be culpable and negligent, did I not dare to tell the girls and young men assembled there that the very flowers must have blush ed for the actions of some. I know I will be charged with a desire to deprive them of a "lit tle fun," but mothers, look to your daughters; fathers, look to your sons. The ambition is misdirected that can fill hours of recreation only with incentive and desires, that degrade our spiritual being into the mere gratification of passion. Allowing for the spirit and exuber ance of "youth, there is a demon of familiarity and ahandon possess ing the young that ought to be negatived at once, and this fact the parent cannot too easily im press upon the mind of the child. It an example is needed, go to any promiscious gathering, and see wontonness in its incipiency, which no false delicacy can conceal or charitable construction dispel. I tell you, gii'l-S the moment voti begin a flirtation, however you may deem the act in itself, vour are marked marked in this city at least. Do you suppose the mail you flirt with keeps his own counsel ? Oh, no ! It flies with the rapidity of lightning; and when he again meets you, perhaps with a companion, you are pointed out, "spotted," the "men call it, and the chase is but begun. While you would shrink from any undue familiarity, why tamper with this fertile cause for prompt ing the senses? The pleasure is unreal and deceptive ; and while you flatter yourself you have trilled with some giddy youth, you have really laid the stepping stone to solicitations as dishonor ing as they are un followed. They follow you, learn where you live ; they seek and And your associa tions, meet you at the soiree, at church, or on the street ; and if you blush on recognition, they are not repelled ; you have awakened a desire they deem reciprocated ; you venture "it's only a bit of fun." Your generosity and un selfishness are soon discovered ; your warm, fond heart finds its sympathies enlisted ; you listen and are betrayed ! Leave, I beg yen, to those who are wholly lost, such wiles and be gulling influences. Strive to be a true woman, elevated, refined, and your happiness will be increased in the ratio that you cultivate the graces which cluster around a pure heart. You will find one worthy of your love, some kindred soul whose heart itself is a sanctuary of affection ; and come what may, wealth or penury, you can learn the happiness of sharing life with one whose "Love through darkness' self can make a pathway bright and clear.-' FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT dealer IX DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, G ROCERIEs, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &c. MAIN STREET, Oil CO ON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If rou desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stotk of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 11, lS71:tf t . a A m if " i ZZ, Sr, L? ; 3 CORXKR MAIX AND SEVENTH STREETS, OHSGON CITY, OREGOIJ, Dealer in DRY-SQ3DS & GF.O0EP.SES, CROCKERY and GLASSVAHE- Also, a full assortment of Millinery and Fancy Gooils OF THE LATEST STYLES, J U 8 T R E i V E D. COUNTRY PRODUCE ACEN IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. O t. 6, 1S"1:U' Perkins Xew School Uoi.k. "T.u- ON; Echo," is pronounced th. i.t-in Ik. 1 Wi i-ork of its class for the followin.r 11 reasons : ilie Iusic is all Xic and OFrek ; every piece is a well known i Household Melody such as, "Driv- j ea from Home," "Write me a Let V"ter," ''Little Drown Church," etc. "If" 1 Ic contains twice as many Sons as 1 I can l? found m other works. The (" Music is selected from sixty f ur TTautliors, and not fitted vp with ou author composition. Price. T-" cents each, or 7 50 per dozen. Sample copies mailed to Teachers for tfo cents. Liberal arrangements for introducti m. Address, J. L. PEl EilS, ot'.t Broadway, N. Y. cpt. UtianL Notice. ! j yOHN MYERS, ESQ , IS MY DULY AU- ! fj thorized Atfi-nt in Oreg n CP v. and also i Acent tor ihe Estate of Dani 1 Harrev. de- cead. MiiS. E. HAliVET. I 1 October 1, 1:71.ei3 I BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN M. BACON, TiU V'h--Vr'ii IE33S CtE 33& IE2L 9 STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &c, &c, Oregon City, Oregon. At Charman ' Warner's old stand, lately oc cupied by S. Ackerman, Main, street. 10 tf JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONER IN MYERS' FIRE-PROOF BRICK, MAIX STREET, OREGOX CITT.. OREGON". R. J. WELCH, DENTIST. OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, cor r of First aud Alder Streets, Portland. T!ie patronage of those desiring superior operations is in special request. Nitrousox ide for the painless extract ion of teeth. ;5f"Ai tilicial teeth '-better than the best," and an cheap a tne cheapest. Will be in Oregon City o: r ity on Saturdays. Nov. 8:tf Dr. J, K. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring first Class Oj'i rations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. 1. Xitnm Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office In Woigant's new building, west side of First street, between Alder and ilor risou streets, Portland, Oregon. 11. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON, Potiri..vxi), Okkch n. OFFICE Fellows' Temple, corner First and Mder streets Residence corner of Main and Seventh streets. W. F. IIIGHFIELD, Established since 1841), at the old stand, Jlxin Street, Oregut, City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. llepairings done on short notice, and thankful for past favors. CLARK GHEEffMAU, 5S3g 01! EGO X CI T Y. RS- All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des criptioi!, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. jTEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthaus,) No. IT Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. H. H0THF03, J. J. WILXEN3, 1' It O P R I E T O R S . Board per Week $0 00 " " " with Lodging (, no " " Day 1 00 A. G. VALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner of JbVoul ami Aliler Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAI'ERS, lite, bound in every variety of stvle known to tiie trade. Orders from tha country promptly at tended to. f J.vcon Stitzkl. Jamhs P. Urrox i STITZEL U UPTON, Ileal Estate lirkrs ai l General Agents, Comer of Front and IT ash ing ton streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. Z? V'Till attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate in all parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale ot Last Portland ironert Address P. O. I!ox 4V2, Portland. Oregon. Ptf. Real Extatt IJ inkers. IMPERIAL MILLS. JL Savier, LaUoque & Co., OREGOX CITY. tf ?-, Keep constantly on hand foi sale Yhdhngs, Uran and Chicken Feed. Parties urcausmg teed must furnish the sacks. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! Having purchased the above Brewerv wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 quality ot EAGER BEER, As rrood as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Take notice. MY UOOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE IN the hnnds of John Mvers. Esi.. for col lection. All persons knowing themselves lnochieu to nie, will please call on li:m and mais.e ltnmeth.ite pavmtnt. After the expi rati n of tli rtv davs trom this date, all un settled aceouiits will be placed in the hands or an attorney tor collection, i lio.-e who wisli to save costs wilt pleaso take, notice. .J. 11. IiALSION. Oregon City, Oct. VI, ls71.nU CD AS. HODGE . .CUAS. E. CALEF . . GEO. W . SXELL HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAIXTS, OILS, AXD WINDOW GLASS, lARXSEES, RUSHES. TAIXTERS Jlaunaw, an JjrwjjliW Sundries. 07 Front Street, 3j--j Portland, Oregon. liegeman's Cordial Kliir of Calisay.t , . ' i""un.-uiuiaiwnicii sti-enn-jho,,, and improves the Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever and Arue A and a great Reno--tor and Tonic tlr 'inv-.'! I ds and dc-bihtatid persons. IIegemw flV,rw lo-r'i' 'e Manufacturers. S'd bjiail Druggut-:. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD 6v 1-1 8- ACKERMAN & CO. H WE JUST Stock of RECEIVED A LARGE SPIIIXG & SUM3IEII GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper than the Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CIIOTIIINO, HATS, HOOTS AND SHOES. N 0 T 1 0 X S, G R 0 C E R I ES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass aud Tutty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, V. 00 L, wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST TRICE. S. ACKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, April 'Jl, ls7i:tf r. a L-;i U MAIN STREET, Okkoox Citv, Okkuox. npiIIS POPULAR HOUSE HAYING Rei JL lately REFITTED and FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aoccom mo date their customers with HARD-FINISHED double or single, rooms. Thev invite all thosa fond of a GOOD MEAL and a GOOD RED. to call and give them a trial, for thev are confident tr.ry car. please e.voryb' dy, because they know how to keep a H t( 1 Prices to suit the times and Eveuvijody, according to the rooms 1 ccupied. Attached to the Hoiise is a El U a 7 For the accommodation of csuto t er-i. MER11IAM & FOURMKR, June It.. ISThtf Proj.rieto: s. AVA(iOX AND Carriage Fwanufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that be is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the verj" best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort o( a vehicle from a com mon cart to ;i concord coach. 1 ry me. P'acksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and genera! jobbing neatly, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMI I 11. Opposite Excelsior .Market Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. TflUrj "R TJTT .TTTWflT'mvr TV! T T ATE OF SAN FRANCISCO, HAS LO j cafed in Portland, Oregon. Oilice : In Holme- RuihPrig, First sO-eet (three doors from Ladd A Tilton's Rank"), where he may be con.-u'ted dail', and vyill treat diseases of the above named organs as specialties. All operation- upon ihe Eve and Eai per formed in the most scientific and careful murine r. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eve, inserted. Refers bv permission, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. 1)., Professor of Surgery, an 1 Edwin Pentlev, M. D., Profes sor of An ii. my, University of the Pacitic. San t ran Cisco ; and lor Ins success m the treatment of ca-es. to over I.00O cases tieat- ed bv him. in San Francisco : also, to Levi E.-t.'s. Esfi.. I?ev. T. L. Eliot. Portland ; Wm. H. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Wa.-hington Tcr- ri'o 3. ang2."):niG 1 mlfi a I.nritinxi Sun, where Rillioas aflcctions and IVvers of various descriptions so genei ally prevail, Ta.riiint's E.Ttrvcsrent llzcr Ajx ricnt Has been st ccessfnl beyond all parallel. iience 1 ne I'iiy-ici.ins of the tropica give it their emphatic sanction, prescribing it in preference to tverv other aperient in nse. The patient--, of course, pladlv acquiesce. or this preparation is one of the - most de lightful, as well as mild and cooling cathar tics, chemi.-try has vet devis d, and posses ses every medical virtue of the far-famed German Seltzer Spa. It is a powder that oufj requires the nidition of water to pro- ui.co hi an m-iant a delicious eirerve-cent beverage, as well as an invaluable medicine. -vsii lor ami ueceut none but the Sciiuinc. SOLD BY ACT rRCGGISTF. Final Settlement I robate.--In the Countv (Vnut of f hu kamai ouiiry. in tne matter of the Estate ot Ilar-ri-ni V. ri:r)if. dooensil. "Oy-E HAVE EI LED OUR ACCOUNTS AND " vouchers in sii ill Court and armlied tor a hnai settlemeut. The Court h:w apiK-inted the first day of the Term leuinnm5r on the rirst Mon day of December, A. 1., 1S71, for the examina tion, and s.-ttleim nt of the same, when ami where all interested can appear and file exceptions, if any tltey have. Jf)SEPII A. WRKJHT, EEI.A Pt.TU A. WRIGHT, noyiovi Administrators. mm POPE & CO., DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, BR A lERb' COPPER, LEAD PIPE, IR N PIPE AND FITTINGS, HDBBEa HOSE, FOECE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assortment of Hons nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Yare. ROOFING AN D JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTEP.NS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. W. POPE & CO. ll:ly Oregon City Oregon. gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIX STREET Oregon City. O Best BIT. El A III) TABLES in. OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T II E B A II 1 S S VPPEIEI) With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OX DRAUGHT. JO" Families supplied. NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 01 First Street, (Second door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the ait. Nothing but firstclass work done at my new and magnificent rooms, at low prices. AMINE SPECIMENS MIILLIA'EWY AjVS FANCY COODS Of THE Tsrse wzna ini c-n 1 E iLza l2m B FtfSRS. M. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAIRS. 711iLST THAN KINO THE LA dy V V luiblie. for their most liberal patron- ae in the pist, she would most respectfully invite their attention to her new styles of FASHION A RLE IIATS AND BONNETS, now on hand an 1 just received. Dress Making done in the very LATEST STVLE. April 11, lsTl.tf KIMKEAD'S SAOfc BRUSH HAio TGNIC, AXD CURE FOR DALDHES5. TIIE BEST TONIC DRESSING FGR THE HAIR EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Vne Sal4" at le EriigStores. July 's, lS71:if STEERS & HINDE, WhoicsaSo Dealers in FOREIGN AND DDI1ESTIG IVifi cs, Ji randies WiiscIcs, Use No. 40, Front Strket, Touti-ano, Orkoon. Constantly on liand a genuiue article ol Cutter Y isky4 AGEATS FOR TIIK EMEKPIUSE, The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Exekktrisk : J. M. Baltimore, Poitland, Oregon. Thomas Bojce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, Hudson & Menet,41 Park Row, New York. Geo. P. Rowcll & Cc, 40 Park Row, New York. Abbott & Co.. No. 82 & SI Nassau street, New York. Hudson, Menet &. Co.. Chicago, Illinois. Coe. YVetherill & Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. a r& u . LEONDeLOUEY, Prop'r? LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE maIX STREET, OKEfiO.V CITV, OKEGOX. THE UNDERSIGNED R E spectfullv announces to his friends and the traveling public, that lie has re-opened the ahovu named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve hi3 csutoniers with Ovsteis, Rig's Feet, a good cup ot Coii'ee or a SOU ARE MEAL. Lhti.N DkLUULI Oregon City, Jan. 27, lbThtf Lost, 1MIUT Til J-j 1SJ Ui Ai'IUli, near Oregon Citv, a bav thorougli-bred American MAKE, eight years old, ahout H hands hiirh, a srna 11 white stripe on the near lore foot, and the hoot black and white, no brands or other marks. Anv one returning said mare or leaving information of where she may be round, at tlio itottiee, m oregun cuj, will be liberally rewarded. . Oregon City, July li, 171. JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Mauufaclurer and ueaierin lM. etc., etc., Main St'-(tt, Oregon Cilr, iT3-VisIies to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of hissiock be made before buying elsewhere. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of earlv in discretioD. causing nervous ,h.i.;"i;n premature decay. &c., havinsr frie.l in v-' every advertised remedy, has a simple means of -eU-cure, which be will send free to his fellow-sutlerers. Addrps -l tt prrvro o Nassau st., New York.1 c. 1 m-rr-n n rsTi k rn x '';-;' 1 .'y I? o ft- An Infallible m.onn Ei:iiiFiEn. possess ing rare toic r.ud !-:aviK properties ft certain cure for kiiei-jiatism, uocr, .M.i:n i.c;iA. and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the pysteni when im paired by disease, revives the action of th kh.i:ys and ckvital ORG.txs, radi cally cures scnoni-i, salt iuievh and all i:3iunvi; n,a riTASEOt's Dis eases, gives iinmediate and permanent relie' in dyspepsia, ehysii"i::.as. Tumors, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradl cates from the system all traces of Mercuria'. Disease. It is i'I hely vEGETAiti.ii, leing made from an herb found indigenous in c-iiforsi-.. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for ue by Feiualcs and Children, as a iii.ooi pi:m. 1 IEIl nod JlEOVATOn. For Sale by all Druggitts. tNQTCjri, ttQSTETTER & C AGENT?, 529 and 31 Market Etreet, S:.u TranciscD. ect 291y LSNGCL iAKERY. BAILEY l HARDING, Successors of L. Dh.ler in the Lincoln Uakery, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM TIIE CITI zens of Oresron City and surrounding country, that they kcej) constantly 011 hand and for sale, all kinds or BREAD, Cll VCK. EP, CAKES, PASTI.'V, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptlj filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. Tlio highest prices paid fjr liutter, Eggs and Vegetables. A liberal ehare of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 23, 187l:Iy "Live and Let Live. i "SHIELDS & ST RICK LEU, i n T ,,tC3 TV. Pr$rt?f Situ.!? rtfnrirft dUioiyr3 UirUUbhlbS5 COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ac., CI! OI 01- WINKS AX1 I.I'JL'OUS. litfAt the old stand of Wortnian & Fields Oiegon CiP , Oregon. 13tf ST Eak" its The FLORENCE is the heat Sewing Ma chine tor Family v. -e, hecause it so seldom gets out of Order. J' there i.s one in Ore gon not working well, if informed of it. I will lix it without expense of any kind to the owner. SAJSIUEL HHIi, 19 Montgomry St., South Grand Hotel Euilding-, SAK FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA FOR CIRCULAR. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, lS71:mll TO STOCK JHIOVEIIS. THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known as the "Old Emigrant Road," is nw incomplete order for the ac commodation of the traveling public. The biidgcs on the road have all been thoroughly repaired, and stock drovers will have no trouble in crossii g the mountains by this route. There is plenty ot good rass and water on thig route, and they'd istance across is orly 50 miles, being the shortest as well as the best road across the Cascades. Stock drovers and emigrants will iind it to their advantage to travel over this road Tolls reasonable. JOSEiMI YOUNG, , President. Clackamas County, June 16, 1671 ;tf HOUSE AND LOTS FGR SALE T HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his residence in Oregon City. There 1 four lots, a good house and barn, with a ! are fine cellar and a 'ond well of water ' There 1 rhJS'cal Debility consequent on this aflec is plenty of land, and it is well adant. r.r- ! t on, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs early gardening purposes. Part payment . . i -w. miry ue mane in aioeK. 1 or particulars r.p Pl.v to GEORGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna2 ISTl tf Br,.vxKs-. All kinds of blanks can be had at this office Job Printing of everv description neatly notice. executed, at feLort A. KOLTER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFF Oregon City ,Jao. I3:1f . The Great Meelscal Discovery!0 Dr. 7ALKSIi'3 G A LIFOHIil A YINEGA.R BITTERS, 1Z . . liuaareaa ot ThriTtsnnris o: Bear testimony to their Wonder- . v a O o stsWHAT ARE 3;l FANCY D R I f J K Made of Poor .J!!' ?;il'itf and lief.t.-ie and sweetened t.- vde.is. ics."" Appetizers," " t'..- tinnier on t c! nm :, i .u.n :-;e-.if; tt 11. el- t!. f. r. iS'.orcr.-,'' ac, IvC'-.iiK i - a:-.. I 1'.. I'm.: tl,;icd led 1-X t'aat la : ; v. . a true Medicine, made from :.cN:il.v Herbs of California, Ivvv t: ::u all A! oaclis Stimulants. Taey are t!;e . A V.A'V PUItl FlEit an:! 1. 1 F Jl ( J ! V 2 X C ; PiUN CI i'i.E a periVct Keu.-v aii.-r a..l lavlorafor of the System, carrying vu all po-i.o::s ry.atter nni restoring tae blx-ii to ;. lu-ahhy e -.utit'.on. X6 person can take these LPtera aceurdiui.' to :irc tion and remain 1oii.lt unw. 11. Fv luff iiiii:nu! cry an i CMiror.ic IJ5ieu matisiii and C;c:l. DysiU'ia r Iiuli eesliou, IJtiiim.x, llmiJit.!ir. uad luiar millciit Frvrrs, Iisr'!i-;es of lio Hivod, Liver, Iviclsicys, a 11 J :Jia;i:lc-, I'usc Hii ters have been most siu-c ..-ssi'n'. S;u-h Di OBes are caused by Vitiated ISIood, whlen is g-eneraPy produced by deraiitrcmeut if tiio liir-sti vf Oi jra ns. DYSPEPSIA Oil 1 SI)iESTf!!N. Headache. Pain iatho f-aouMers, Co-anii. Tu; Tiesa of the Clicst, Dizziness, Sonr Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste i-i fa a Mouth B-.-.s AU tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, laflanr.ur.f.oa of the Lungs, Tain in the regions of the. Ki(!n--s,aud aliundred other painful symptoms, arv the oa" epringsof Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and Rlimula!'? iht t.-irnid liver and bowcis. wl.Ieii rend.-;- thera c-f n..- cqualled efficacy ia (.-ieansing th. rmmiritii. n:id iimiai ti.i new iii. blood of Ail n;ul viur to the whole systcni. FOIt SlilN" niS'SASF.S, r.rnptions.T-tt-rv Salt lihcnm, Blolciies. S; ts, I'imph-s, Pusi-iuX. Boils, Carbuncles, Uing-'.Vorms, Seal 1-Hcar'., Sons Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Uieohration.i of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Sk:a, of whatever name or n.iture, arc literally d"-x up and carried out of the system in a c!k.t tune by the use of these Biticis. One buttle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. , Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yr.u find its impurities bursting through the skin ia Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it r.hcn yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the rein'; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings wiil tell you when. Keep the blood pure nnd the health of the. system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WOU3IS, lurking in the system of so many thon-a ids, are etfectnally destroyed and removed. For full dirce.Uons, road carefully the circular around each bottle. J. "WALKER, rropri-tor. R. n. M'T'OXAT.B & CO., Druggists and Oen. Agents, San Francisco; Caland 32 and 31 Commerce Street, New York. SOLD BV ALL DHUGGISTS AXD DEALERS. Feb. 17: ly PRIVATE KEEICAL AID. Quick Cuks ami Ulctler ati I C li !irgcs' Dr. W. KOohertys Private Medical & Surgical Institute Ko.519 Saoramento Street, corner of JLeicksdcrif, 1 loors below the What Cheer IIoupc.) (Private entrance on Lcidpsdoifl'street.") Established Expressly to All'oid the Alliicte'd Sound and .Seiet.titic Jlcdical Aid, in the Treatnicot and Cure of all Pnvale nnd Chronic Pi.-cases, Cases of Secrecy aEd all Sexual Disorders. To t lie Aitlicfctlt DR. V. K. DOIIERTY returns hi. sii cere thfiuks to lii.s Kiimeious ntielils for tl:eir atronage, and would fake this opportunity to remind tLeni that he continues to consult at his Institute for the cm e of chronic dis eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges tive and Gcnito-Urinaiy Oman?, nnd al private di.-eases, viz : Syphilis in all itsfornis and stag!!?, Seminal AVeakncs and all the horrid onseqnences of self-abuse. (Jcnorr hra. (ih et, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions, Sexual Debihty, Diseases of the Rack nnd Loins, inflammation of the Eiadder and Kidneys, etc. and he Lopes that his long experience ami success-ful prac tice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. 15y the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, he 13 enabled to apply the most, efficient and suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kind He uses r.o mercury, cl-nijjes moderate, treats his patients in a correct and honorable way, and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability and high standing in society. All parties con sulting him bjr letter or othei wise, will re ceive Ihehe.'t and gentlest tieatme d j d. implicit secrecy. To Ftiuak'si When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme ur inary dilliculfies, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hysteiia, sterility and all other diseases peculiar to females, sheshould go or write at once to the celebrated female doctor, V. K. DOIFI- RT V, at hisMedical In. stitule, and consult him about her trouble and diseases. The Doctor is efecting more cures than any other physician in the Stato of California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful suflci ings and nremafure death. All married ladies, i hose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families should write or call at DIL, W. K. DOIIKRI Y'S Medical Institute, andlhev will receive every possible relief and help'. The Doctor's offices are so arranged that he can be consulted without fear of observation. To Correspondents. Patients residing ia any psut of the Rate however distant, who riiavdr-s:rp the opinioi and advice of DIl. DOIIERTY in their respec. tive cases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectful, ly assured that their communications will held sacred and confidential. If the case hi fully and candidly desciibed, personal coni munication will be unnecessarj', as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general treat, ment of the case itself (including the reme d:es will be forwarded without delay, and m such a rnnniier as to convey no idea of the purport of the letter or parcel. Consultation by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay, o Spcrtnatorrliot a, DR. DOIIERTY has just published an 1m portant pamphlet, embodying his own views and experiences in relation to Impotence cr V lnht' J ,,firig a ort '1 reatie 0,rrh:Ea 7 Peminal Weakness, Virility; bring a Short Treaties on Sperma- Nervocs and Tnia litf'w ut. T'L- PAnt'iina 1 n ' irm o i 1 1 n rtf t f i utmost value to all, whether married orsiugle and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. K. DOIIERTY, M. D., juIyoOly San Francyco Cat 1 notice IS HER FRY GH EN T AT 31 Y "WIFE, Julia A., hrs lert inybj-' and b .ard with out provocation, and that 1 will pay no debts that she may contract. M !CIIAEr PEN 1) LET( N. Cregcn City, Sept. 2?, ISTO.wi 1 5 "k If? C2 TnEY ABE NOT A VILE 03 2 f G o o o o o O O f V-