Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, December 01, 1871, Image 2

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(SljciUcckln Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon ,
Friday : :
Dec, 1, 1871.
Wishes to Shirk the Responsibility.
'The move here in Oregon to disarm
these fearful facts of their force will be to
s-.cry "Stop thief7 against the last liepub
liican administrafion.and exaggerate what-
ever official defalcation may have occur
red in the late accounts of the Secretary
of State. We are not prepared to deny
'that such defalcation has been discovered,
.but if the State officers have really known
'Of it for a year past, they have laid them
selves liable to grave suspicion of having
preferred to keep the matter for use in a
political compaign in preference to mak
ing an attempt to secure the State from
loss. The late Secretary gave good and
sufficient bond and the State need not
lose a dollar by him. There is not a Re
publican in the State who will excuse or
defend any misconduct, so the act of an
official cannot afreet the party, nor will
the parly be justly chargeable with the
acta of an individual.
The above extract is from the Stales
man of the 2Cth ult. It is an effort to ex
onerate the Iladical party from the res
ponsibility to the people for the corrup
tion perpetrated by its leaders. The same
party attempts to hold the Democracy ot
the nation responsible for the corruption
of the Tammany thieves, yet they do not
wish to be responsible for the acts of their
State officials. A party is judged by its
leaders, and while all good men should
censure and condemn dishonesty in public-officers,
the parly which elects them is
responsible for their deeds, and is justly
entitled to all the creditable actions of
puch officers, and hence must alfo should
er the odium which the officials perpetrate
during their term of office. While the
Democracy of Oregon is in no way res
ponsible for the acts of the thieves in New
York, they will cheerfully assume the
responsibility of defending their State ad
ministration, and we know the Republic
ans will hold them to a strict account. We
have opposed measures which have emen
ated from our party, yet we cannot, if we
desired, avoid responsibility. That the
State was most shameful lv robbed during
Woods' administration, not even their
partisan papers dare longer deny. Some
of the thefts extended during the entire
term, and yot not one word of what was
going on was made known to the public,
jet they were often publicly charged with
corruption and dishonesty, and had the
Iladical ticket been successful in 1870, the
thefts which had been committed would
never have been exposed.
The State Executive is not trdy in bis
endeavors to bring the guilty to justice.
It is but a little over a year since Gov.
Grover was inaugurated, and he has been
busily engaged in ferreting out the rascal
ities of the Radical officials. The evi
dence of the frauds which had been per
petrated was in possession of Radicnls.
aad it has been difficult to obtain the nec
essary proof, the Radicals not desiring to
expose the guilt of their leaders, knowing
it would forever damn their party In Ore
gen. As far as the bond of the late Sec
retary of State is concerned, it will be
(Secured to the State, but. it will come no
where near the amount that has been
traced to him.
If the Radicals did uot endorse the uc
actions of their officials, they refused to
expose them. More than two years prior
to the expiration of Secretary May's term,
he was publicly charged with having ap
propriated to his own use a large sum of
encheated money. The charge was so true
and the evidence so plain, that the Church
lo which he belonged investigated the
matter, and suspended him for his crime.
But no move was made by the State au
thorities to bring him to justice, nor did
we hear anything from the Radical press
demanding that he be brought to the bar
for condemnation. The matter was very
quietly "hushed up"' in the Department of
State. The Radical party must be judged
by the acts of its leaders, and the Democ
racy will hold the party responsible for
tlu-ir maladministration, and they cannot
hirk the responsibility. The Democracy
are prepared to be responsible for the good
eonduct -of -their elected officers?, and
hould any one of them betray the trust
confided to lmn. while live parly would
not endorse him. they would expect to be
held responsible for his betrayal of trust.
Being willing to accept this position for
the Democracy, we propose to hold the
Radicals to the some rule. Had the Rad
ical officials left a good lecord. the partv
would have been anxious to avail itself
of the benefits thus bestowed upon the
voters who elected them ; it being a bad
record, they must suffer the consequences.
The people were aware that Woods and
May went into office through Radical
frauds, and ihey proved themselves a
fraud upon the State during their term of
Strang:. If the Democratic party is
s "dead"' a.s the Radical press tell its
Tender it is. why do they keep up such a
howl over the -corpse V The ghost of
the Democracy seems to be haunting them
in their dreams. They only wish it was
'dead.'' It is a torment to their expecta
tions. Don't get excited over the death
of the old party. You'll never live long
enough to write its obiiuiry notice, but
the Democracy will join in a grand pro
cession to your funeral nest JS'ovember.
The Radical -one-idea" has about run its
race, and fanaticism and prejudice will
not longer rule the people, consequently
ithe days of Radicalism are numbered.
Viit? The Radical organs are desper
ately disappointed because the State of
ificials are in no hurry to prosecute the
late Radical State defaulters, and declare
itbat the Radicals are in favor of such a
jsrosecution. One single instance wilt
prove the fabity of this declaration. It
was well ifcnown by the Radical State of
ficials, as w ell as the public, that the Sec
retary of fctate had appropriated about
$1,800 of the escheated fund as far back
a 1868. Thedmrch to which he belong
ed suspended lib for this theft, yet we
beard nothing on the part of the Radical
Tarty or officials looking towards a prose
cution. These are facts they cannot deny.
Why did they not prosecute him?
Still on Misrepresentations-
We omitted to refer to remarks in the
local column of the Oregonlan, on our
item on the departure of Mr. Jordan, one
of the contractors lor building of the
locks. When we saw the article in the
Oregonian we supposed It was simply a
copy of our3, and did not look to see if
any remarks were made by the editor.
Atter giving our article, that paper says:
'The Extkuphi.se forgot to mention the
rumor that the whole Lock Company had
'busted' out and that the State would be
swindled out of the $200,000 in bonds is
sued by the State to ;!he Company' The
editor of the Oregon ian tells a falsehood
when he wrote the above. The law au
thorizing the constiuction of the locks
provides that the Company shall file a
bond for the sum of $300,000, with good
and stiff dent security, to be approved by
the Governor, to be paid to the Slate in
case the locks are not built by the 1st of
January, 1S73. and that the Company
shall pass all boats and water cral'-.s
through the locks in the order in which
they arrive at either end of the locks. A
good and sufficient bond was filed in the
Secretary of State's office for the sum of
?:00 000, signed by parties worth over
$1,000,000. approved by the Governor
before the bonds were issued to the Com
pany. Should the Company 'forfeit the
bond, the State will make 100.300 in
stead of losing 200.000. Trv again.
The corruption of Tammany was never
made known until a leading Republican
paper ferreted-out the truth and publish
ed it to the world.
We had almost come to the conclusion
that the editor of the Statesman had again
regained his senses since the scare, but,
the above betrays still a weakness. lie
is certainly demented if he does not
know that the above is false. Pomeroy's
Democrat, ( and you don't call that a
leading Republican paper do yon ?) was
the first paper that ever spoke of the New
York frauds, and paved the way for the
discarded Tammany organ to make ;its
expose. The. Times, which the Statesman,
says is a leading Republican paper, was
formerly the official organ of the Tamma
ny thieves. It was not a desire for jus
tice or the rights of the people that the
Times came out against the thieves, but
because it could no longer get its share
of the plunder.
Rings of plunderers of the Tammany
stripe have been at -work in -several of the
Southern .States, sit is stated that the peo
ple will repudiate the debts which these
rings have contracted.
The above is from the Oregonian. It
took us three weeks to convince that pa
per that there were several thousand dol
lars stolen .tinder Wood's administration.
Five weeks ago we said that some of the
New York Tammany thieves were promi
nent Radicals. Then the Oregonian ridi
culed the idea. When it is taken into
-consideration that the South has been con
trolled by a set of Radical thieving carpet-baggers
for the past six years, it w ill
be evident that the Oregonlan is now con
vinced that there are Radicalsjn the Tam
many ring, or why the above declaration ?
We hardly expected that paper to make
such an open confession. Tlie idea of
South Carolina being ruled by anybody
else but Radicals.
Tin: Dii'i-'KKKNCK. The following ex
tract is from the Grand Jury's report for
Multnomah county. The difference be
tween the reign of Democracy and Radi
calism is plainly shown in this report :
An examination of the county books
showed that the total expenditures of the
countv lor
the fiscal year ending July.
51. 17.
a rui
1 t-'.-.it nf th
previous year, S 1 .3.5!2.2i. An item of
JG. 0315, (1 for keeping prisoners, and an
other of $7,480.02 for keeping paupers
were found. The Sheriff received $1 .;()!)
lor the extra expenses of jailor and janitor
and the County Clerk received SCUO per
annum for keeping the county books. both
of which expenditures were deemed prof
ligate and --unwarranted. The law stipu
lated the -fees of these officer-; without any
extra compensation, and this was espe
cially true of the Sheriff,wbose legal emol
uments were so great as to constitute a
struggle lor the office a fruitful source of
trickery and corruption. These expendi
tures were deemed unjust to the taxpay
ers. Anothku Diffeuknci;. In bStJ.S a fimi
lar bill to the one now in force to build
the locks on the west side of the river re
ceived the-siguature of Gov. Woods, while
at .the same time the I. T. Company were
ready to build the locks -on (he east side,
at a less subsidy, yet not one word of con
demnation did we hear of Woods from the
Radical press. Dave Thompson was the
principal mover of both the bills for the
west side, and he is a thorough Radical,
and one of the leaders. The present bill
H for $50. 000 more than the former, and
the work is to be done that much better.
Are not the Radica's estopped from find
ing fault with the last bill by their en
dorsement of the first? Most assuredly
they are.
Woodhull and Clafiin's Weekly, the or
gan and leaders of the female suffragists,
has the following. Comment is unneces
sary. How does Mrs. Duniway like such
leaders ?
' Chastity is not a virtue. It is rather a
crime against nature
Feeding life's flame with self substan
tial fuel.
Making a famine where abundance lies.
It is peevish, proud and made of self
love, the most inhibited sin in the canon.
It is either want of capacity or opportuni
ty, want of a heart or a bigoted prejudice,
or eh?e a .mere sham or pretense, a cover
for the grossest crimes against the body."
In a IIluuy. The Radical papers who
have sense enough to see what is coram"
to light of the corruption and stealing of
their last administration, are very clam
orous for a hasty prosecution, so thatlhev
may lie out of it. before the campaign of
ls-72. Don't be ia a hurry, gentlemen.
The record will be black enough when it
does come to doe .remembered for more
than six months. What you did when
you were in power, you would do a.gain
if the people were fools enough to trust
you. No danger of any such calamity.
In LrcK. Rev. Joel S. Edwards. a Meth
odist minister of Marshalltown, Wisconsin,
has been notified that an English estate,
worth $80,000,000, which Mr. Edward's
grandfather leased to the crown for 90
years in 1872. is now legally the property
of himself and 31 others.
Notes on School Matters,
The time has arrived for the commence
ment of schools in those districts where
there has not already been a three month's
school since the 'last distribution of the
Public School Fund the 1st Monday in
March, 1871 and where it is the inten
tion of school officers to secure a share in
the next distribution. Many have already
commenced. A few are yet behind. It
may not be improper, through the col
umns of our county paper, to offer a few
suggestions upon school matters just at
this time. There is reason to fear that
our countv, some portions of which were
among the earliest settled parts of the
State, has fallen behind some of the other
counties, in the matter of education. Oth
er causes may afford a partial explana
tion, but the real cause, it seems to me,
must be found in a lack of interest in the
proper education of children. In .-some
districts there has been no school during
the past two or thiee years. In some
cases s Jiool affairs have been placed in
the hands of men who have neglected
their duties, and there has not been suf
ficient interest in the district to displace
these men by others who would attend to
such matters more promptly. In one dis
trict, i have been told, that one or more
of the directors, were opposed to public
schools, and for this reason they have
failed to have a school. Some districts
have suffered so much from a change in
population, emigration. Ac, that they
have deemed Themselves, and perhaps,
with good reason, unable to support the
burden of a school. There are cases, and
some have come under my own observa
tion, where, a district being unv.illing to
act for the benefit of families that desire
to educate their children, the law should
give a Superintendent discretionary pow
er, to attach these families to edjoining
districts. As the matter now stands, there
are men in the county compelled to pay
taxes for the support, of public schools,
and yet forced to see their own children
grow up in ignorance around them, or as
sume an unusually heavy expense lor pri
vate instruction.
We do not propose in this connection,
to present at length, arguments in favor
of a system of free schools, though we be
lieve such a system to be of the highest
importance among a free people, but, in
asmuch as we already have this system,
we propose to consider how it may be
used to the best advantage. One method
is by seem ing regularity of attendance on
the part of the children. But J'e.w districts
in the county have more than three
month's school hi a year. The law pro
vides that all persons in a district between
the ages of lour and twenty years may
have a share in the Public fciiool Fund,
for the benefit of the dbt.ri.st in which they
reside, and consequently all such persons
are entitled to 'he benefits of a public ed
ucation, and it would seem as though they
ought, during the limbed
lime given tliem
make use of their rights. Three months
in a year, .during the few years w-hieh may
properly be termed the school-years'' of
.one's life, afford very limited facilities for
acquiring an education, and when even
.this brief period is partially, or wholly
neglected, a marked degree of ignorance,
Among an adult population must be ex
pected. We cannot, under tie most fa
vorable circumstances, require that the
number of persons on the lecord of aver
age attendance, should 1 xactly correspond
.with the number of persons having the
right to attend si-hool. Rut in looking
over the reports of district clerks, we find
that the difference between these two
records is very great. The number of
persons in average attendance upon
school will not equal one-half the number
d rawing public money. The clerk of one
district, in which there was only one term
of three months, reported forty-nine per
sons entitled to draw public mosey, while
the average attendance of scholars upon
the school, was only thirteen and a frac
tion. Without doubt, extraordinary causes
operate;! in s;-me measure to produce this
.result, but there can be no question but
that the greatest cause of the difference
between these two records, in this, as well
as in the other districts of the county, is
the extraordinary neglect of parents either
to send their children at all. or to keep
them regularly in school.
Children should be placed in school
npou the -first day of the term and kept
tlieiv ivory day. under ordinary circum
stances, until the lust day of the term. If
there are obstacles in the way, suih ui
distance from the school-house, -stormy
weather, &c, it 1
effort to overcom
worth while to make an
; Hie:
e ohs
tacles. It b
(rue. that in soiao -f the more sparse
ly settled portions -of the county, the dis
tance from the school-house presents quite
a hindrance to regular attendance. One
district, for instance, embraces twenty
eight square miles of territory, an amount
which, in some of the older Slates, .would
be divided into twelve or .fifteen
eon sctiool
districts. And yet, education is worth as
much to the children living there as to
those living in the towns. Jt is of as.iniich
importance to the Slate that, they -should
be educated, and extra efforts should be
made by those placed under the.-e disad
vantages, to overcome them as far as pos
sible. In the summer season most -of the
children can walk the distances required.
In the winter.it. often happens that parents
or older members of the family, have lit
tle else to do than provide means of trans
portation for those unable to walk. Pa
rents should make it. a .part of their busi
ness, to which they should at'ach the high
est importance to see that their children
are brought within reach of an education.
A child's interest in study, when once
awakened, is kept, stror.g and active, by
keeping it at its work steadily and with
out iircrruption. The absence of a schol
ar from school one or two daj's in a week
Jesuits not only in the loss of those days,
but in an impaired interest in (he studies
of every other day in the week. Tims
each day's absence from school, is not on
ly a pecuniary loss in that money is paid
for insiiuctioii not received. but it, is a loss
which results in demoralized habit? of
study and of mind, ieltall through life.
One reason why so many boys and girls,
as they advance in their teens, dislike to
attend school, is because in their earlier
school years the7 were not trained to hab
its of regularity. They should be taught
to feel tl at their presence in the s-.c'iool
room should be as regular as their morn
ing meal, and that no (rifling cause should
interrupt the one more than the other.
These habits of regularity are .not only
useful for the temporary purpose of se
curing a more perfect educatio i. but the'
act an essential part in thought and life,
in all coming years.
To secure the success of a free school
system, it is not only necessary to have
schools, .but to place the children in the
schools, not a pui t of the time, as suits the
children's convenience, but all the time
that the health and strength of the child
ren will allow. If we expect to secure an
intelligent population in the future, tak
ing; rank with other portions of our Com
monwealth, such defects as are now indi
cated by the reports of district clerks,
must be in a:measure. remedied.
In some of the older States, there ire
two methods employed to secure regular
ity in attendance w'hich aie worthy the
attention of our own legislators. One
a Jaw making education compulsory. It ;
is euio:ceu more particularly m the large
towns and cities, and is very efficient. In
securing the object designed.
The other is a law. by which the distri
bution of the Public School Fund is based
upon actual attendance. None but those
who attend school are entitled to a share,
and the amount drawn by each one de
pends upon the number of days actually
in school. In seems to that such a
law might be enacted iu this State with
good results. e, Gliu;y.
Telegraphic Clippings.
New Yoke, Nov. 23. A Raleigh dis
patch says nearly 200 Ku Klux will be
tried at the term of Court commencing on
the 27th inst. All confess and many make
conflicting and ridiculous statements. A
more demoralized set could scarcely be
found. One of them swears he was sworn
into the order by a Methodist preacher,
who informed him that Plato Dunham, de
feated candidate lor Congress, was Chief,
and 1 urner. editor of the Raleigh Sentinel.
Grand Chief in North Carolina.: Wade
Hampton Grand Chief in South Carolina,
N. B. Forest Grand Cyclops for the South
ern States and Frank I3!air for the United
States. It w ill be claimed at Court that the
order is purely political.
A dispatch from Raleigh says the Gov
ernor's message, sent in yesterday, shows
the debt of North Carolina to be $21,800
000. The people are unable to pay inter
est on this sura The Governor recommends
sales of the railroad iuterests of the State
to prevent repudiation, but at the same
time says no liiiatici aljpolicy should be de
termined upon until tacts connected with
the debt are acquired, in order that some
conclusion may be reached as lo the dis
position of the liabilities of the State. Af
ter the message was read a resolution was
offeied in tlullousj and referred, i ecbing
that as the debt was created by strangers
elected under bavonets, who voted mon
eys to railroads and by other means em
bezzled funds of the State, a provision
should, therefore, be made for repudia
tion. THE EX A C T 1 '$ TEA ".."
Washington, Nov. 22. The Second
Auditor was yesterday able to announce
the exact amoutit of the defalcation of
Major J. Ledyard Hodge, now serving a
sentence of ten years at the Albany peni
tentiary. Accounts of Paymasters are
many years behindhand, and Auditor
French in his annual report calls the at
tention of Secretary Doutweil to the par
simonious policy of the admistration in
limiting the clerical force to a minimum
number. The disbursements of Major
Hodge, Ex-Paymaster, here were $14,0.30
381 80 ; actual defalcation, $115,020 05.
Ihere are other accounts it is stated which
it would be profitable to the Government
to have promptly settled.
New Yokk, Nov. 2.3. It is stated that
the whole board of Auditors, tweuty-livt
in number including Mayor Hall, will be
arrested on Monday on a charge ot com
plicity in the city frauds.
Connolly's arrest to-day created quite a
Nlw Yokk, Nov. 27. Rumor says that
1 weed has resigned the office ol Commis
sioner of the Public works, and Francis
M. Bib-be-., a .aierchaut, is appointed suc
cessor by Mayor Hall.
Ten new cases and four deaths from
small-pox were reported today. There
were 1.32 deaths from this disease in -Phil
aililphia last week, and 12 new cases re
ported there yesterday.
New Yoittv. Nov. 20. It is still stated
that Hall. Sw eeney ami ot tiers will be
arrested shortly. .Many politicians say
that Mayor Hud will resign at ouee.. The
demand of the Committee of seventy for
his resignation was not unexpected. In
case Hall retires, Mr. Cowan, who has
been a Tammanyite, will take his place
for the present.
Washington officials state that Admiral
bee, with his Heel, is ordered 10 Cuban
waters, with instructions that if no satis
faction lor recent outrages is rendered, to
open his guns on the ciiy ol Havana.
Ni:w Yokk. Nov. 28. At Hunter's
Puut, bong bland, yesterday, forty Cath
olic children where expelled from the
public school, by direction of the Com
missioner because they objected to reading
the bible.
Kansas Citv, Nov. 27. The Sunday
Tinas, of this city, had el.jvei columns of
letters from prominent men i:i all parts of
Mbsouri ir.djtsli'.g the passive policy.'.
These indorsements are tro:a Senators.
Representatives, Generals, Judges and
Washington. Nov. 2ti. The President
has-fintfhed the draft of his annual mes
sage. I'nu-Ua! care is take ll to prevent its
premature publication, imr w ill he risk
printing it 111 advance
document to congress.
of dollverv of the
All copies will be
in manuscrj pt.
New Yo;:k. Nov. 27. A Jhrahl Wash
ington dispatch .-ay.s (he leading features
of the Pre.-ideut s message are internal
taxation, taruffvi and finauoe. treaty with
Indians and Ku-Jvlux dbturbanue.i South,
lie will recommend the abolition of all
internal taxes except on spirits, malt
liquors and tobacco in every form, and
tr.gent reconmiendati jn for a revision. ul
the tariff, a'; hough no ai tides are recom
mended fur reduction or abolition cf du
ty. It is. however, suggested that those
o"ii:!y w ould -lie touched which ,can .be .in
cluded in revision with the least injury to
the country. No material change in the
Indian polity will be recommended. The
message will allude but -briefly to the K11
ivittx. It wid be left to the Attorney
General to report at length. The result
of the labors of the High Joint Commis
sion will be a subject of congratulation.
What lurther measures will be taken re
specting the recent campaign in Corea
has not yet been definitely determined.
A strong policy, however, is indicated.
The punishment of Coreans lor the mur
der of wrecked American seamen is con
sidered com plete.
Lincoln's Emancipation Puoceamation.
A Washington letter-writer thus refers
to the burning of the emancipation proc
lamation of Lincoln :
It is announced that -the original copy
of Lincoln's proclamation, by which the
people of the South were robbed of four
hundred millions of dollars worth of
property, was consumed in the .Chicago
fire. It is further stated that this precious
document cost the people of Chicago
twenty-live thousand dollars. Now, can
any one teil how the people of Chicago
got pcssess.ian .of an original document,
which belongs to the archives of Govern
ment, and w ho got the twenty-live thous
and dollars?
Apropos to the burning of this procla
mation, it nriy be said that the news
of its destruction caused great alarm
among the intelligent (?) darkies congre
gated heie, who feared they might, in
conseqnence.be remanded back to slavery.
On, No. The Radical papers of Ore
gon, two in unmber the Oregonlon and
Statesman have acknowledged that the
last Radical administration in this State
stole the people's money, but deny that
the;party is responsible. Of course, not.
They attempt to bold the Democracy of
the nation responsible for the stealings
done by the New York thieves, yet do
not want to be responsible themselves
for the stealings of their State officers.
What they did when they had the power,
they will do agaiu, and the people w ill
hold the Radicals of Oregou responsible
for the act3 of their officials.
We see much ia the Radical papers in
regard to the swamp land act. It is a no
torious fact that more Radicals have taken
advantage of its provisions than Demo
crats. It it is a grab game, the Radicals
are 'on it.'
Linn county's new jail cost $9,950.
Portland has a paper bag factory.
Joaquin Hiller, the poet, is at Portland.
The banks at Portland -el osed up yestei-
Three churches in Corvallis are to have
Circuit Court is in session in Marion
The Insane Asylum contains now 150
The Corvallis Gazette haa closed Us eighth
The Good Templar's lodge at Eugene
City has -'gone up."
Mulvaney, of Douglas county, has killed
a dozen cougars this season.
The firemen's election takes place in
Portland next Wednesday.
Dr. W. F. Alexander has moved back
to Albany from his farm.
The Gazette says there are six monle
banks running in Corvallis.
Judge Deady is suffering quite severely
from an attack of erysipelas.
The track is laid on the West-Side road
a distance of about eighteen niiles.
Dr. T.Tyler, son of ex-President Tyler.,
arrived at Portland last Wednesday.
Frank Cooper has discovered a whole
mountain of mag noma on DuUe creek.
Carrie Moore, the ftmiale skater, arrived
on the steamship Ajax, last Wednesday.
It is stated that fifteen families of
immigrants .arrived by the steamer Ajax.
J. IJ. Nichols, a boot and thoe dealer, at
Eugene, left that place for parts unknown.
Thos. Ayers, of Marion count', has re
ceived 100 Leicester sheep from Australia.
A Vessel is now on its way from San
Francisco to Portland, with a cargo of
It is announced that Joaquin Miller Las
agreed to lecture for the Willamette So
ciety. Reabec-ate is advancing at Hillsbo.ro.
It it is wwth anything now it is an ad
The material for the Ensign has reached
Rosebarg,.;uid that paper w ill soon appear
The Reaver Hosiery Manufacturing
Company at Jefferson have commenced
S. D. Swanson was very badly hurt a
the saw mill in the Northern end of Port
land last Monday.
Madame Forrestel'.e. of Portland, took
a shot at her husband with a loaded re
volver last Saturday.
Win. O'Connor. Win. Stimson and John
Wilson, have been sent to the penitentiary
lor eighteen months each.
The l'.ri nt it-i h ire i,f,if Iwl :i new fhiirel
building at Springfield, Laue coiuitjr. It
w as ueuicatetl last Sunday.
M 1 1- 1 -i ..1 ( ( ,r m ! u-w ,,nt,,np,tl :t
Portland, last Friday, to eighteen .months
in the penitentiary tor larceny.
Rev. C. C. Stratton. agent of the Wil
lamette University, has gone East to labor
in behalf of that institution.
A true bill for murder was found by
the late Grand Jury of Jackson county
against Joseph Weils.
Patrick Waleh. who was .reported to be
misr-ing from Salem, lias been found at
work on the West-Side railroad.
The wife of a Methodist minister near
Corvallis kiiied deer with an ax last
week. Dogs first overhauled it.
Eugene City has decided to contract
with the Maxim Gas Company for the
lighting of the town I'm' ten ye trs.
Oliver Moore, a resident of Yamhill,
had bis collar-bone .broken a few days
ago, by being thrown from his burse.
Foster, the -sotlcer. w'a-5 -tent to the .pen
itentiary for three years. It is a pity the
law culd not give him a life time.
Eugene is agitated about the IJurdy
Gurdy establishment, recently started
there, but find- no 1 iw to help themselves
The fellow who seduced a girl in Polk
county, which we published last week,
has settled the m liter by marrying the
It is said that passenger trains will .be
running 011 the first twenty live mitas of
.the North Paeiiio Railroad !-y the 25. h. of
A largo number of young men from
Eugene are going to atiend the .Portland
JJirsiness College this winter. Tiiey could
not do teettel.
The Eugene City Guard declares (he
road leading east from that place to be in
a very bad condition and "an outrage on
the people."
There are ninety scholars attending the
Agricultural College at Corvallis. it is
a good institution and we are glad to
hear of its prosperity.
Hon. D. P. Thompson, of this city, has
been elected Secretary of the Radical
Association, for this coast. Da.ve will be ,
on hand to distribute the cash.
The grand jury of Portland refused to
indict James W. Davidson, ntias ''Wrest
ling Joe." on the charge of perj-'iry. Green
C. Davidson was also acquitted.
The grand jury of Jackson county ig
nored a, bill against Hon. J. D. Fay for
seduction. Thus ends a ease which caus
ed so much excitement last spring.
Magruder. better known as ' Old Mack,-"
who everybody in Lane county knew,
died at. Eugene City on the 46th ult.
Peace.be to the ashes of "Old Maok."
The Bulletin says, fo acquire real estate
it is only necessary to drink a few glasses
of Portland water '"and you'll soon ha,ve
a sand-bank in the intestcnal canal."
Robert U. Peake Lite .been indie'ed in
Denton county for taking away a female
child under the age ot ten years, for the
purpose of marriage, without the consent
of the father.
Roy. J. II. L'ahcock. recently from the
East, commences school at Cor.vallis.oi the
4th inst. in the new building erected by
itt. Rev. bishop Morris. Mr. lb comes
highly recommended.
Snow fell at .Umatilla all day Saturday.
The upper country is now probably pretty
well covered. Cattle are reported in
excellent condition and .can .stand a good
deal of severe weather.
Sam Clarke bas sued WJ. U. Watkins for
$10,000 damages, for simply shooting at
him. No jury would give $10,000 for
Clarke, bill Wat kinds, in tur-u. sues
Clarke for the modest -sura of $20,000 for
Sullivan, (he deserter from Fort Van
couver, w ho was arrested , at Eugene and
held to answer for forgery, escaped from
the jail a few nighu ago. Th it jail is a
good match tor the one belouguv to this
It appears that some fellow has been
playing "fits" on (he Salem people, and
claimed to be a "Chicago sufferer." got
their money and Vent to Portland and
spend it on lager beer girls. Bilks are
playing it pretty sharp uow-a-days
The work of clearing out the Calapooia
dtill goes steadily forward, and the enter
prising gentleicea conducting it have the
highest hopes of a. cnccessful venture.
The Grand Jury, of Jackson county has
. . . , 11...
the following to say 111 regard :o iue
connty jail. Clackamas can match it and
give Jackson odds-4 "Jail a disgrace-to
humanity, outrage upon the meanest crim
inal, and a burning shame to the county."
A silver led"-e. assaying $6,000 per ton.
has been discovered .'n Cow Creek, about
three miles from the military road lead
ing from Astoria. Thirteen claims were
located a few davs aro. and thfie is con
siderable furore raging in the neighbor
Messrs. T. Savier. Jas. N. Fisk and E, R-
Geary, have been appointed Commission
ers to examine and report upon the first
twenty mile section of the Oregon uonirai
Railroad. The same gentlemen are Com
missioners for the Oregon and California
It is reported that (he hens have become
demoralized in consequence of the evil
and demoralizing doctrines of Siisan lb
Anthomy tuwl tbey now positively
refuse to lay eggs enough to supply the
wants of the people. A sad st ile of af
fairs, We are ;r!ud she is gone.
The JJemocrat savs that liaise v has one
church, one school house, two stone doing
a good business, one kept by J. Thompson
& Son. the other tby Bridgefarmer & Dix
on : one harness shop, by II. L. Rudd ;
.one hotel, by Wui.boyse.; two warehouses.
one livery staole, one -grocery store, one
drug store in process of erection, ami
fourteen dwellings.
The trial of V. S. Ralls, for shooting at
James D. Fay in February last, was con
cluded in the Circuit Court on the 27th
ult., having occupied uearly three days.
Aftiu-an iUbsence of only half an hour the
jury came" into Court wich a verdict of
not guilty," which was received with
continued applause by the crowd lhat
occupied te Court room.
The Albany Democrat of the 21th. says:
We are informed that one of our Albany
clergymen last Sabbath walked into the
country two miles through the -mud to
marry a couple, but at the interesting
perio'd the father of the girl objected, and
l lie .chariot wheels of wedlock, were
brought to a "dead-lock." The would4e
bridegroom refused to pay a cent, alleg
ing that he had received no consideration,
and -bar pftstur .wentled his weary way
back lo town, his heart doubtless surcharg
ed with prayers foi the happiness of lhat
"cruel parieut" and all else concerned.
Regulations Jer the Governnisxit of
Swamp Lands Transactions.
At the regular meeting of the board of
Swamp band Commissioners, composed
of his Excellency, b- F. Grovi-r, lbm..S.
F. Chadwick. Secretary of S'ate ; Hon. L.
Fleischner. Treasury of State and Hon.
T. U. Cann,, Clerk.;" m November Kith,
the following proceedings were had :
On motion of lion. L. Fleischner, ii
was determined
1st. That all applicants must in order
to keep their applications valid within
luiueiy days after tiie dale of public .notice
as provided in Sec. 2 of an Act entitled an
Act providing for the selection and sale of
Swamp and Overflowed bands belonging
to the Slate of Oregon, approved Oct
2Cth. IS70, jay 20 per ceutnm of the
purchase money to the Clerk of ;he Board.
2d. In the ease of there being more
than one applicant for any tract or par
cel of Overflowed or Swamp Lamb ami
the first legal applicant shall fail to 111 ike
payment as by law required, then the
next applicant who has in every respect
complied with the requirements of the
law, !hall be iif. titled to the purchase of
that land.
3rd. If any or all applicants to any
tract or parcel of Swamp or Overflowed
Lands, should fail to comply .with the re
quirement of the lu'.v within the time
speeiiied, tlum any person can iu ike ap
plication for the same tract or parcel of
Swamp or Ovet flowed Lamb
4th. All applications mule after the
expiration of ninety days from the date
of pultlic notice, mast he accompanied
with 20 per ceatutu f the purchase
oth. In cases of conflict, where there
are more than tcie applicant to a tract or
parcel of "swamp or Oversowed Lands,
ai l claim m's iv ust deposit 20 per centum
of the purchase, money wi.h the Clerk of
the Board within ninety days tram the
dale of public iiice.
tit h. Tht: Board at the earliest corr
veni'Tice shall, by letters registered in
the United States Postoffice, giv.e notice
to such claim mis ol the day set fee trial
of such conflicts.
Tib. Jn case of any or all parties in
terested in any case or trial failing to ap
pear on the d iy of trial, as set forth in
official notice, or neglect to give notice to
UseJJoard ol their inability o appear on
the day cf triaJ. then the .Board hhall go
on with the trial.and decide the case.
Sth. On the decision of any case, the
Board shall order fhe Clerk of the Board
to inform the applicant to whom the land
has been awarded, and to return the sev
eral doposits to the respective contestants
found not to be entitled to hold as pur
chasers of the Swamp ami Ovei flowed
Land described.
0th. Wherever money is paid to the
Clerk of the Board o:t account of conflicts ,
he shall give the applicant a certificate of
deposit instead of a receipt.
101 h. The Clerk of the Board shall de
posit. with the Treasurer of State all mon
eys as received by him on account of con
flicts an I take the Treasurer of State's
certificate ct deposit lor the same, lo oe i
returned by the orderof the Board.
I lib. The Clerk of the board shall pay
all expanses arisimr fro pi the cle,ci,ion.
management aud sale of the Swamp and
Overflowed Lands, out of any funds aris
ing from the sales of such Swamp ami
Overflowed Lauds, after approval of bills
by the Biard and upon order of the Pres
ident of, the Board-
12th. "In case there should not be suf
ficient funds on hand to pay such approv
ed bills, the Clerk shall file the,:n, and
endorse thereon the date of presentation
and then pay the i-amo in rotation as the
money comes -in.
0:h. After all bills of expenses are
paid, all surplus moneys, if any. shall be
paid' by the Clerk of the Board to the
Tie s iror of St iq and hii receipt taken
for the same. Mercury.
Found at Last. Some German navi
gator claims to h-ve found the north pole
and an open polar sea, literally filled w ith
whales. This polar sea is at the mouth
of the Atlantic gulf stream where the .hot
waters of the tropics are driven into the
frigid zone. Now .let Livingstone discov
er the head waters of (he Nile and (he
curious of (hese subjects will .be happy.
Rich. In the "Gwiu mine," in Cala
veras county, they have found a streak cf
su'.phurets. a foot in width, that assays
$52.1-10 to the ton. The Calaveras Citron i-
ch says it is (he richest mine ia Ihe State.
Ex Senator Gwin. we believe, owns the
greater portion af the mine.
How IS this Foil Hiou? An exchange
says that Kate Field is a good pistol shot.
Miss Ilaz'ett swims like a duck, Elizabeth
Cady Stanton i-j a scientific angler, and
Susan B. Anthany plays a rattling game of
draw poker. And it might have added
lhat Mrs. Duniway is the nost accomplish
ed abuser in the-country.
Judge Upton, upon sentencing Foster,
the sedixcer, as we learn from the HuUe,
auuresseel the culprit as follows :
oh have oeen before this Court on
three or four previous occasions chared
with crimes, bnt you have heretofore beW
successful , escaping conviction. I am
aware that your previous liru should have
no influence in the sentence you are to re
ceive lor this crime and I shall endeavor
-to prevent.it from having any. The nf
fense of which yon have been convicted
is one that is regarded by all right-minded
and honorable men as second to the crime
of murder. Lor th? momentary Kratifi
cation of your baser passions yoi ha?e
been guilty of ruining the future life of
pure and innocent girl and bronrrhf ,ih
grace and distress upon a happy" house
hold. Language fails to adequately de
scribe in true colors (he characteristics uf
the crime of which you have been guilty.
The judgment of the Court is that you be"
confined in the State Prison for a period
of three years, and that you be kept a
hard labor during (hat period."
We have a statement (hat Miller, Gro
ver & Co.. dd valuable land to Rev. A.
Myers for the machine works at Saleui'
and then lent Mr. Myers school money to
pay themselves.
The Rev. Mr. Myers very emphatically
informs the Oregonlan that abovw
statement is a lie and its author a libeller,
and that he never lias bought a singl
piece of land from Miller. Grover Jt Co.,
or borrowed any of the school money.
That is what we should call "nailing the
lie." Rev , Mr. Myers is a good Republic?
m, and he may 3e able to see what lying
practices his party organs resort to for
political capital. Here is what he gays.:
-In the .first place -Miller, Grover Jt Co
have not -sold nie a particle of property,
In the second place Miller, Grover .v. Co.,
have not loaned me a cent or any other
sum of school money. The whole state
ment is false and libelous.
The Tkltu at Last. Wyoming, re
marks th Sacramento Importer, will have
to be transferred from the Radical to the
Democratic pyramid of 1S71. It wiu
proclaimed with rr.ncli noise that this Ter
ritory went Republican at the late ela
tion there. It has been a Ion time conW
ing but we have the truth at last. Wo
clipped the following dispatch from the
Omaha Herald :
Chkyknxk. November 7. 1 ST I.
To the Editor of the Herald: ihuk
Houses lem ocraiic. S. P. Nilekolb, Pres
ident of the Council ; Ben Sheeks. speaker
of the House. Good, working majority on
joint ballot. Jonny Campbell. so:iie;iijie
c l'.ed Governor." buin- his dispatcher
to b'lysses,
Both the Oregonlan ami Statesman dc
olare that the bonds of the bite Radical
State oilicia!s are sufficient to secure tho
State against any loss, if they are prose
cuted. The bond of .the Secretary of Stat
is l-fn thousand dollars, and the bond will
nrt ilspoil" by the lapse of tiaie. But w.!
'would inform these Radical organs thai
the bonds iclll not cover the li tie amount
missing. Probably twice this amount will
jiot cover the lat.e .Secretary" stealing
Nor Ykt. It took us four weeks to
make the Oregonlan alter it had denied
j it acknowledge lhat the last State Rinli-
eal Administration had stolen tin? people's
j money. Butiithad to come to it. It hm
been five weeks nvv ;ce we -wifIkvI .-Ft
' to in forts its reatie.r-s how much Wood
demanded. -and what he finally received,
j for accepting the Oregon Centra Miatry
i Road, bp to present writing it has failed
j to give the information. It was only $2.r
5 JO in stock.
Kx-Gov. Hamilton, of tex.is. says h
never saw any of the tF-,hers ?f ,
present State government steal any thing f;
bnt when we see a poor, miserable cti-i.
who .never hai Sii) in his life, come to
Anitin . 'borrov." money -to pay bis expen
ses, and presently find him losing a
thousand dollar; a night at faro, driving
ar-iund in a fancy- team, making liqnyr
bills, wine bills and all sorts of bills, and
buying a buggy and fine horses to g
home in. we know he is a thief as well a
if we had seen him steal.-'
Comfort Hku. Mrs. Duniway has been
over on the S( and for sonm lime, but w
hardly expected her to alvertise her con
dition to the world in the manner she did
on signing a letter to a friend in this city.
She deserves "comfort." Is that a 'good
word ?
Uvki.vo. The Eugene Guard of th
25lh. has ihe following very unkind cut
on Sister Duniway :
Mrs. Duniway says we can't lead hr,
If we were obliged "to lead the old gal wr
should first put a ring in her nose, as we
would serve a bull, and then lead her over
to East Portland and deliver her to Dr.
The Columbia (South Carolina) Phrrnix
learns that an effort is making to seenro
-eminent counsel from abroad to test, in
the -Court room, the constitutionality of
the indiscriminate arrests .made under (hf
Ku K!ux Act. It I; thought f.no to (heir
people that some masterly law.yer. -whose
toice will reach the vjw" cf the North,
should bemployed to test -the question,
whether there is or not any limit to milita
ry despotism set on foot in that State.
The late Grand Jury for Multnomah
-county reported lhat the State Insane As
ylum is a matter of pride te -the Stale.
That is the verdict of all who have visited
Dikp. Ex-Governor John Bigler, of
California, died at Sacramento on the 20th.
He was a noble, highiainded gentleman.,
and many warm friends will regret to
ilearn of his death.
The Oicgonlan has a grow l because the
Auditing Committee's Report is to be
printed at the expense of the State. It
don't like to see the black record of iU
party .in type, and would probably object
to having it printed at anybody's expense.
We don't blame it.
The dispatches of the 29th. from Saw
Francisco, state that it is feared I be back
Live 'Yankee, from Portland, was lost
with all on beard.
What has hkcomk of it,? We have net
seen the Bed Hock Democrat -iov the past
six weeks. Have you thrown off on us
or is our paper too insignificant for an
exchange ?
The Oregon City Enterprise conies to
us much impraved in appearance having
provided for itself a new head. Christian
Congress meets. next Monday.