1 ' " o o G 00 O rrn 1 Jo o Q VOL. G. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1871. Q 3StO.4p - 1 4 3 O II)C Ukckin (Enterprise. a democratic paper, FOR THE business TsHan, the Farmer A tke FAMILY CIRCLE. EVERY FRIDAY. BY A. NOLTNER, EDITOR AND rUULISHEE. OFFICE In Dr. Thesslng's Buck Buiklifig -o TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: Stu "le Copy one year, in advance, 2 50 TERMS of A D VERTSING : Transient advertisements, including all ' :egal notices, ; sq. of 12 lin-es, 1 v.$ 2 50 For each subsequent insertion 1 00 One Column, one year $120 00 Half " " 60 ,hrtpr'" . " 40 business Card.'l square one year. ... . . 12 Kg" R'-m'itt'inre to be made at the risk o Subscribers, and at the expense of Agtnts. ROOK AND JOB PRINTING. KW The Enterprise office Is supplied with bo i'itifti!. approved stylos of type, and mod era MACHINE IMtKSiiES, which will enable the rropi ii tor tj do Job Punting at all times Neat, Quick and Cheap ! tsTT Work solicited. jjl h) trtns'icti(ns upon a Specie 6x. Tennessee Terrors SHOCKING; OL'TKAIil'S SWIFTLY AV KNCKD .V DOr SAVES HIS MIS 1 KKSS J 1ST LYNCH IMi. I'rcdn the K-asLv-illc Bjtuier, Oct. Ktli. Two of the most diabolical out rages ever perpetrate! in a civiliz ed community occurred last week near Shelbeyville. The victims were two of the most respectable white ladies of J led ford county, and the guilty parties two notori ous negro desperadoes named Sam uel (iilliland and Henry Williams. ."Miss Susan Patterson had gone a short distance from her dwelling, scarcely out of sight of it in fact, when she met Henry Williams, who addressed her in language, of the most insulting nature. Before she could utter a cry for aid, the villain seized her by the throat and threw her to the ground. She now shrieked for help at the top of her Voice. In the meantime her watch log, which had followed her, pounced upon Williams, and in his 'efforts to bite him tore a piece of cloth from the right leg of his pan taloons. The vavisher not being able to manage both, as his intend ed victim resisted with all the des peration of despair; while the dog was harrassing him with fierce and desperate attacks, he jumped up and attempted to make his escape, without having accomplished his brutal purpose. At this instant Miss Patterson's brother came up on the scene, immediately gave chase, and ran him into Sheibev yille. .where he was captured on Saturday, while hiding under the house ot John 1). Fuller. Williams was committed to jail, and was not only identified by Miss Patterson, but the piece of cloth which the faithful dog had torn from his pantaloons was found to 1 'match it exactly. A day or two after this attempt ed outrage, Samuel Gilliland went to the house of .Mrs. Rogers and ;nsked Iter if any one was at home beside herself. Frightened at his menacing manner, she replied that she thought there were others around the house, whereupon he told her that she lied; that he had been watching around the house for some time, ami that not a soul was there beside herself. He fur ther informed her that he had driv en the hearse in which her husband liad been conveyed to the grave, aifd that he had'his eye upon her ever since. Suspecting now what was his foul intention, Mrs. Kogers commenced to scream, when the tiend clutched her by the throat, threw her to the floor, pulled out a dirk and gave her to understand that if she made any noise it would e her death. Notwithstanding this murderous threat, she resisted him with all her unequal strength, and, in her struggles, scratched him on the nose with her finger-nails. After having satisfied his brutal iosires, (iilliland went to the door to see whether any one was ap proaching, returned and, with his dirk ready to murder his victim if he made "further resistance, again outraged her person and rushed out of the house. Her brother, John Johnson, a constable, happening to come up at the time, chased the negro down and brought him back. Mrs. Kogers immediately recogniz ed him b"y his peculiarly repulsive face, by the scratch upon his nose, and by the shoes which he wore, they having belonged to her deceased-husband. GiUihind was committed to jail at Shelbeyville, and was, with Wil liams, taken out last Saturday to the district where the outrages had been perpetrated, for examination befuro Joseph M. Ogsley, a Justice of the Peace. The magistrate not being at home, the prisoners were detained there by E. W. Kainey, the Deputy Sherit,in whose charge they were, until dark, when the of ficer started back with them to Shelbeyville. Xot long after dark, and about three miles and a half from Shel beyville, on the Tullahoma .road, they were met by about live him' dred men, none of whom, it is im portant to state here, were in dis guise. The prisoners were seized by the indignant citizens and huno to the limb of a treee. Upon their bodies were placed placards warn ing no one to remove them until the next evening unless by legal authority, on pain ot sharing The same fate. The Deputy Shenff, F. F. Fonvillc, to take a guard along and not allow the prisoners to be harmed or taken away from him, protested against the course of the' law being interfered with, but he and his guard had to yield to su perior numbers. The night was so dark and the execution so summary that not one of the avengers was recognized, though, as before stat ed, none of them were disguised. It is said that one of the negroes nad been connected with some cir cus, and was exceedingly supple and active. When his execution ers had hung him up, he turned a complete summersault, catching hold of the rope above with his feet. Some of the citizens, how ever, pulled his feet down and fin ished him by attaching to them several large stones. He never kicked again. The coroner of the countv had the bodies cut down on Sunday eveuing. An inquest was held, but no evidence was elicited as to the identity of the persons by whom such a swift vengeance had been visited upon the ravishers. Henry Williams was arraigned before the jury of the Circuit Court of 1 Jed ford county sometime ago, instance of several other negroes, on the charge of being aKu-KIux, and although some very positive i evidence was produced against him the testimony was so conflicting that the trial resulted in his acquit tal. (iilliland was for some time driv er of the Shelbeyville omnibus, but resided, at the time of the perpe tration of the crime above detailed, about seven miles from that town. It is said that on the very day he outraged Mrs. Kogers, he had gone to the house of another ladv with the same intent, but that she was fortunate enough to escape his clutches. This lady having told of his conduct to some of the neigh bors, one of them kept a watch over her house for fear he would return again.. Uoth "Williams and Gilliland were a terror to the whites and blocks of Bedford, and all rejoice at having been rid of their presence. A bill is now before the Legisla ture making rape a capital o flense. We hope that it or some similar measure will be speedily passed in to a law. The crime is one which has been committed with fearful frequency of late, and no offense against the law of God and man more richly merits the heaviest pen alt jr that can be inflicted. Pretexts for interfering with the due process of law can be no longer offered when the seventy of the law is made equal to the enormity of the crime. How is this fou High? How is this for a scene in church ? The place is a sacred edifice in Bath, Maine. The pew is crowded. The sermon is long. A respectable citizen goes to sleep. In close proximity to him is a lady. The preacher was in the midst of the closing prayer, when the slumberer astonished the congregation by grunting in a tone of complaint: "Come, come, Sarah! lay along; don't crowd so ! lay over ! lay over !" "Sarah," who was fortun ately in the pew also, never for a moment lost her presence of mind, but administered a timely poke with her parasol, which awakened her dormant lord, and prevented any further remarks on his part. A warning to sleep auditors or long-winded preachers no mat ter which. Love Best of All Blessings. A woman may b surrounded by all the luxuries that money can buy, and have the fawning friend ship of people whose smiles only live in prosperity ; but if she feels herself unloved and alone to her heart, the crown jewel in the dia dem of happiness is lost, things lose their value, and life becomes insufferably monotonous. The hon est, tender love of two brave hearts who have started out, and are struggling to get a home for their little ones, and money enough to feed, clothe and educate them, make life a thousand times more attrac tive and inspiring. 9 1 An Atlanta paper has the follow ing statistics; Of the sixty-nine young ladies who have tainted .away in Atlanta during the sum mer," fifty-seven fell into the arms of gentlemen, eleven fell on the floor, and one into a water bucket. AUTUJIY, Fading,-trembling"; fluttering leaves In rustling clouds go by. Bruisod and te-rn by the pitiless winds, And left on the ground to die. Alike the gorgeous robe that hung Upon the kingly oak. And the delicate hill of the daisy Have sunk beneath the stroke. No longer laughs the moeking bird Within the dreamy dell, "When through the Summer days He played the mimic well ; To warmer climes ami brighter skies The jocund warbler ft w, Before the envious frost betrayed The fairest buds that rew. Low-whistling quails still haunt the field Where late the waving grain Upreared its myriad golden spears, The glory of the plain. The dotard year row idly twines ' A crown ot yellow leaves, And laughs to see the shadows dance Among the sober sheaves. Before the blaze the farmer basks, From harvest toil set lree, And in the wood t lie squirrel peeps From out the hollow tree. While one complains of scandy yield. With all his barns aglut, The other in his sunless lodge Contented cracks a nut. Along the roofless woodland aisles The robin's note resounds. And elfish shapes go in and out Among the leafy mounds. But palsied beach and naked elm Will stand in silent woe Till scowling clouds grow pitiful And cover them with snow. Ye! every change that nature brings With deeper good is fraught, Though oft her motive lies beyond The crrasp of human thought. When Winter rears bis icy throne, And lips the trees with snow. In lands beyond the burning zone The fairest roses blow. Greeley's Game- .Y COMIUXATIOX TO DKAG SOU I YI.ER COLE AX FROM RETIREMENT. From the New York .Standard, Nov. 6. The readers of the Standard know that we have always insisted upon regarding the Hon. Schuyler Colfax as a candidate for the Pres idency. Mr. Colfax has denied this, saying that under no circumstances would he remain in public life at the end of his present term, to which we have replied that the Presidency is an ollice neither to be sought nor declined, and that when a grateful people tender him or any body else the office of Chief Magis trate he will accept it. We are confident that Mr. Gree ley, for instance, has a programme for the canvass of the Presidency, which will open after our coming election, involving the nomination of Mr. Colfax, lie intends to de feat General Grant, if he possTfdy can, very much as lie defeated Mr. Seward in 1800, to nurse into life as many candidates as possiblc.and to fall back upon Mr. Colfax as the popular and available man. A more pertinent ill list rat ion, per haps, would be that afforded by the no mination of Mr. Polk in IS 11 and Gen. Pierce in 1S52. It will be re membered that Mr. Polk was thrown into the convention, after the enemies of Van Buren had worried his friends and threatened to defeat the party by withdrawing from the convention and support ing Cass. In 1852 the friends of Van Buren and Mr. Buchanan re taliated upon Gen. Cass and no minated Gen. Pierce, assisted as they were in New York by Mr. Dickinson and Gov. Marcy. The policy of the opponents of Gener al Grant is to defeat 1dm in detail. They intend to build up the opin ion that Gen. Grant is not the strongest man in the Republican party, and if this opinion can gain ground (and there are many able men in the country who are stead ily fanning it into life), the defeat of Gen. Grant will be possible and the nomination of Colfax almost inevitable. Whether Mr. Colfax is aware of this combination or not we cannot sav : but it is certain that he does not mean to be forgotten by the country. For a statesman yearn ing for private life he gives the world his views and suggestions about platforms with singular per tinacity. Pumpkins for Inflammatory Rheumatism. At a recent meet ing of the Xew York Farmers' Club, a correspondent wrote of the virtues of the pumpkin, giving the following instance of its value for inflammatory rheumatism : A wo man's arm was swelled to an enor mous size and painfully inflamed. A poultice was made of stewed pumpkins which was renewed every fifteen minute:, and in a short time produced a perfect cure. The fever drawn out by the poul tices made them extremely offen sive, as thov vrn taken off. I knew a man cured of severe infiam- i rnation of the bowels by the same kind of application. DouBTLEss.-Mr. AVm. Ink of Xew Hampshire is now one hun dred and three years old. If his parents ever dreamed that he was going to be so hard to rub out they would have doubtless have named him indelible. 'Analysis of a Little Man. The following is an extract from the very elaborate, powerful and remarkable speech of Senator Da vis, of Kentucky, delivered at Louisville a few weeks ago : I would desire to give a true an alysis of President Grant, "naught to extenuate nor to set down aught in malice." Endowed by nature with A NARROW AND STERILE MIND; slenderly educated because of in disposition and incapacity to learn; a very small amount of reading, and a- shallow understanding of what he did read, and consequent- iv no general knowledge or inform ation ; a stranger to every CD just, magnanimous or callous, selfish. kind sentiment; and malicious : brave, because of the absence of intellect and sensibility ; his per sistence was obstinacy, lor he had no power of inductive reasoning to free himself from a false position or conclusion. He pledged his word and his honor to President Johnson when he accepted the po sition of Secretary nl interim, as he admitted in the presence of the Cabinet; and having violated the pledge, to escape the consequent shame and dishonor, he publicly and falselydenied having made it. While holding a military posi tion subordinate to President John son as Commander-in-Chief, he en tered into the foul conspiracy to have him removed by impeach ment, and used his influence with the Court to procure its judgment of conviction. He is the only Pres ident of the United States who lias ever accepted the scandal of allow ing himself to be subsidized, and he has given the oitlces and trusts of the people to his subsidizers and their friends nfnt'(( pro quo. He was a pauper when he entered the public service during the war, and his wealth no amounts to hundreds of thousands. The means by which he has accumulated it has prepared the public to believe the charge made against him of belonging to a ring for gigantic plunder, con nected with the acquisition of I)o minico, to be true. He has appoint ed more of his kindred and con nections to oflice than all his pre decessors together, with a general unfitness of his appointees. HE II AS REEN MORE A I IS EXT from Washington City, and has given far less attention to the du ties of his oflice, than any former President, this resulting in part from his greater ignorance of them. During the vacations of Congress, he is rollicking about at the water ing places, large cities, and other points, in quest of fast men and fast horses, boon companions and sensual life, and there is no prudent man, well acquainted with him, 7 A. 7 who would confide to him any im portant private business. He lias no proper comprehension of the great principles of our Govern ment; no appreciation of its true dignity and value ; no knowledge of or taste for the details of its ad ministration ; no fitness for his of fice, or interest in it, except for the adulation and subsidies and revelry and opportunities to enrich him self, his relations, and flatterers which it brings to him. How to Quarrel. The way to quarrel with your wife is to wait until shs is at her toilet prepara tory to going out. She will be sure to ask you if her bonnet is straight. Kemark that the lives of nine-tenths of the women are pas sed in thinking whether their bon nets are straight, and wind up with the remark that you never knew but one woman who had common sense about her. Wife will ask who that was. You will, with a sigh, reply: "Ah! never mind." Wife will ask you why you did not marry her. You say, abstractedly, "Ah, why indeed!" The climax is reached by this time, and a regular row is sure to follow. Ax Exact Match. Two friends met, not long since, after a separa tion of thirty-five years. "Well, Tom," says one, "how has the world gone with you, old hoy? Married yet?" "Yes, and I've a family you can't 7 mi match ; seven boys and one girl." "I can match it exactly," was the reply, "for I have seven girls and one boy." Their Oath. The women of Chicago have founded a new gov ernment, of which this is the oath: "We, of planet earth' solemnly promise to honor and obey the new Government the Theocratic and Democratic Government man the State woman the Church the Church controlling the State." Irregular. An old lady, hear-; ino- somebody say that the mails were irregular, saia "it was just so i f . - .. in my young days no any of 'em." trusting 5 coURTSSY OF BANCROFT Practical HiutV- Chhr IVitioitt A !. To cold water one gallon, put dark brown sugar one pound ; tartaric aeid, one-half ounce ; yeast, three table-spoonfuls, and keep these proportions for any amount desir ed to make ; shake it well together. Make it in the evening and it will be fit for use the next day. If it is desired to bottle this artificial cider by manufacturers of small drinks, you will proceed as follows: Put into a barrel, hot water, five gallons; brown sugar, thirty pounds; tartaric acid, threc-fourtl s of a pound; cold water, twenty five gallons ; hop or brewers' yeast, three pints; work the yeast into a paste with flour, three-fourths of a pound ; shake or stir all well to gether; fill the barrel full and let it work twenty-four or forty-eight hours, or until the yeast is done working out at the bung, by hav ing put in a little sweetened water occasionally to keep the barrel full. When it has worked clear, bot tle it, putting in two or three broken raisins to each bottle, and it will nearly equal champagne. jo JLakc aiiijar at 1 axe Wheels. Molasses, one quart; yeast, one pint ; warm rainwater, three gallons. Put all into a jug or keg, and tie a piece of gauze over the bung to keep out the illo-s and let in air. In hot weather set it in the sun ; in cold weather set it in by the stove or in the chimney corner, and in three weeks you will have good vinegar. JhrriH i)i(l Scalds. A poultice of tealeaves applied to small burns and scalds, affords immediate relief. The leaves are softened with hot water, and, while quite warm, applied upon cotton over the entire burned surface. This application discolors and appar ently tans the parts, and removes the acute sensibility and tender ness. Ganjla for Sore 27irO(ds. Very strong sage tea, one-half pint ; strained honey, common salt, and strong vinegar, of each, two table spoonfuls; cayenne, the pulverized, one rounding tea-spoonful; steep ing the cayenne with the sage, strain, mix, and bottle for use, g:irdin'- from four to a dozen times daily, according to the severity of the case. Health and Success- It is no exaggeration to say that health is a large ingredient in what the world calls talent. A man without it may be a giant in intel lect ; but his deeds will be the deeds of a dwarf. On the con trary, let him have a quick circula tion, a good digestion, the bulk, thews, and sinews of a man, and the alacrity, the unthinking con fidence inspired by these, and though having but a thimbleful of brains, he will either blunder upon success Or set failure at defiance. It is true, especially in this coun try, that the number of contours in every community of men in whom heroic intellects are allied with bodily constitutions as tough as hoises is small; that in gener al, a man has reason to think him self well off in the lottery of life if he draws the prize of a healthy stomach with a mind, or prize a healthy stomach without a mind, or the prize of a fine intellect with a crazy stomach. But of the two, a weak mind in a herculean frame is better than a giant mind in a crazy constitution. A pound of energy with an ounce of talent will achieve greater results than a pound of talent with an ounce of energy. The first requisite to sue cess in life is to be a good animal. In any of the learned professions a vigorous constitution is equal to at least fifty per cent more brains. "Wit, judgment, imagination, elo quence, all the qualities of the mind, attain thereby a force and splendor to which they could never attain without it. But intellect in a weakly body is "like gold in a spent swimmer's pocket." A me chanic may have tools of the sharp est edge, and highest polish ; but what are these without a vigorous arm and hand ? Of what use is it that your mind has become a vast granary of knowledge, if you have not strength to turn the hav. An attorney named Else, rather diminutive in his stature, and not particularly respectable in his char acter, once met Jekyll. "Sir," said he, "I hear that you have called me a pettifogging scoundrel. Have vou, sir?" Jekvll, with a look of contempt, replied : "Sir, I never said that you were a pettifogger or a scoundrel, but I said vou were liitle JZIse." The rising generation in Iowa is hopefully bright. At one of the Sunday Schools in an Iowa town, ihe superintendent reviewing the lesson asked the question, "Why are we commanded to 'gird our loins?'" One sharp little shaver sung out,"to keep our brccchco up." LIBRARY, P 'Here and There " We find the following remarks in'the Stockton JupiibUeun, of the 7th ult., than which nothing can be more true, and no subject should enlist the attention of Americans more readily than the matters brought to their notice. That Americans are paving the way to the establishment of a monarchy to take the place of our Kepubli can form of government by their indifference there is no denying', and the sooner I hoy wake up to a realization of the true condition of things and prepare to throw off the yoke of despotism that is be ing prepared for them, the better ; In the Old World while mon archies are trembling and thrones crumbling ; while nations of peo nle with whom Democracy has been but a dream and liberty a hoped for blessing ; while the spirit of freedom is growing, expanding and spreading over lands where "Royal Blood" has ruled and ruin ed since the dark ages; while the men are asking themselves why they should bow to the dictation of self elected rulers and while the principle of human rights and in dividual liberty is slowly and surely writing the death warrant of Kingcraft, in the very strong hold of the Tyrant ; the land of the people the home of civil lib erty, the country toward which have been turned the eyes of the world's liberty lovers for more than three quarters of a century, and from which has been drawn the inspiration which fired the minds of the eloquent pleaders for the rights of man is as surely drift ing backward. Her people fu-e forgetting their rights, yielding their privileges and surrendering their liberties. And while the people of Europe are advancing toward that point where monarchy ceases and Democracy begins where the right to govern is deriv ed from the vonscnt of the govern ed the people of America are re ceding and with the listless indif ference which like the rust of inac tion is more dangerous than fever ish excitement, look calmly on at the work of centralization of the accumulation of power at the na tion's capitol. Already the Chief Executive may, at will, suspend the civil functions of the Govern ment and declare the entire coun try under martial law. He has this power in the United States. The Czar has no greater over Kus sia, and yet we call one a republic and the other a monarchy. The RemVde Gone. I From tte Greensboro Herald. The American people no longer live under a Kepublican form of government, but a military des potism. This is no sensation or idle assertion, but astern undenia ble fact. That it does not startle the public mind beyond measure, is because an unprincipled and "selfish partisanship blinds the peo ple to a true condition of things. There is not a State in the Union, so-called, but is in federal bonds. The citizens of all the States, by the monstrous usurpations of pow er, arc virtually slaves for, upon the mere whim or caprice of the President, they may at any mo ment be deprived of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, a trial by their peers, and court-martialed. These statements are verified and illustrated by events that are constantly transpiring all over the country, and especially at the South. Martial law in Texas ; martial law in Louisiana ; martial law in South Carolina; martial law in Georgia. If necessary to secure Kadical success, Xew York and other Xorthern States will have a taste of military rule in due time. At present tne weak and prostrate reconstructed States are the principal sufferers. Jv.it the more 'powerful commonwealths will, in due time, feci the tyrant's heel. U"nder the most frivolous pretexts a considerable portion of South Carolina was by Executive proclamation, a few days ago, put under martial law, and many of her best citizens placed under arrest. The consequence is that hundreds are fleeing to other States, and poor Carolina is likely to be given up to the moles and blacks. And yet the American people are singing hosannahs to the men who have destroyed the Kepublic, and vote them a lease of despotic rule. erily, whom the gods wish to destroy the first make mad. The Amherst Standard is respon sible for the following: "One of our sophomores has devised a new way of telling bad news. lie writes home to ids father: I came near losing 37 last week Anxi ous parenf writes back that he i. thankful that the money was not lost and wants to know how near. By return man. -amo Mimm of it lost -$36.' " For the Srong-Minded, At a recent meeting of tho Evangelical Lutheran SynodeiH Philadelphia, the following pream ble and resolutions were aei opted : Whereas, The cry for woman's rights has been renewed by a feftr strong-mimlcd women of frosty sympathies and unnatural ambi tions and aspirations ;ind whereas, these aspirants lor political suffrage do not understand tluat equality and diversity "do by no means ndc essarily exclude one another, or how woman can equal man with out becoming man, or how the sexes can stand on the same level without standing in each others' shoes ; and whereas, we believe that the appeal to Congress for political equality, which has been demanded, ami which will be re newed at the next Congress, if successful, would be prejudicial to the true and dignified influence oP woman, as well as subversive of the divine economy of the house hold ; and whereas, tiiis claim5 to political suffrage is prejudicial to the great majority of the sober and thoughtful of that sex, who con cious of the true dignity of wo man, choose that separats path in which from Eden she has walked side by side with man ; therefore. Kcsolvcd,That, in the opinion of this Synod, the present movement for female suffrage is a reform against nature aiul the Bible, and counteractive of the Divine econo my of the household. Kesolvcd, That we recognize primordial and beautiful law of heaven which assigns to woman ft o different sphere from man ; that law of duality winch runs through the Divine economy; the duality of day and night, of leaf and flow ers, of the hand and of the heart. Resolved, That in the name of the great majority ot women who repudiate this woman's rights movement, and who do not wish nor ask for political suffrage, we express out protest against thexx isting auel persisting appeal lor political cqualit'. The Oldest Inhabitant Gone- An old lady named Mary Jack son died at the County Infirmary at Dayton, Ohio, .recently, who, it h- stated on reliable authority, had attained the remarkable age dfo one hundred and nineteen A'earts, and was doubtless the oldest per son living in that part of the coun try. The records of the Infirmary show that Mrs. Jackson was admit ted to that institution October 23, 1837, her name being third on the list of its inmates after its opening at the present location, and her age at that time was registered at eighty-five years. She was born in Xew York City, and emigrated to the West some time previous to her admission to the Infirmary Very little is known of her early history, as for many years the old laely has been in her second child hood, and entirely unable to give any intelligible account of herself. Until within the last three weeks she has been able to walk about the place, anel was 'always remark able active anel lively for so aged a person. She had attained her "second sight," anel was able tq see to her last elays without glas ses. Her health has been remark ably good, anel she took to her bed without complaining of being sick, neither was there any indica tion of disease to the last, and she died literally of olel age, her life going out like a candle burnt to the socket. It is not known that she had any relatives living in this country. She has been heard to say that her maiden name was Polly Mount, anel that . she was born in the city of Xew York, but no information could be obtained from her as to whether she had any relatives or friends living. If the entry upon the record is correct, Mrs. Jackson was born in the year 1752, and was therefore pne hundred and nineteen years old at the time of her death. Something Adout H'tiv- rPL' iiTn-il.inont Pe rspiea odor pro duced by perspiration is frequently the source ot vexation to peisou who are subject to it. Xothing is simpler than to remove this odor more effectually than by the ap plication of such costly perfumes and umments as are m use. It is oniv necessary to procure some ot the" compound spirits of ammonia, and place about two tablespoon tuls in a basin of water. Wash ing the lace, hands and arms with thfs leaves the skin as sweet and clean as one could wish. Tho wash is perfectly harmless anel verv cheap. It is recommended on the authority of an experienced physician. . . . A woman lecturer says woman'j sphere is bounded on the north by her husband, on the east Jyy her baby, on the south by her mother-in-law, and on the west by a maid en aunt. o o G 0 O Q O o o o o o o o o 9