w M TP F1 ID "O ID Hi In I .Ujjill il o 0 0 G VOL. 6. 0 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1871. NO. o O. I)C iUcckhj Enterprise, DKMOCRATIC PAPER, FOR THE businessman, the Farmer Ani the FAMILY CIRCLE. Issued every fkiday ey A. NOLTNER, 'ikorxou AN'O PUliLISHEK. 'CFFICF-Itl br.fuePsing'sLiiek Building O TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION Single Copy one year, in advance, r2 50 TERMS of ADVERTISING Transient advertisements, including all Ieal notices, i s(. of" 12 lines, 1 v .$ 2 .50 1 00 ''or e.icli subsequent inseiuoii )ne Column, one year hiair " " garter " ' Iiusiness Card, 1 square one year. .$120 00 . ;o . 40 . 12 3 Remittances to be mode at th.e risk o Subic f ibers, and at the expense of Agents. BOOK AND JOB PIIIXTING. 6TT The Enterprise office is supplied with cantiful. approved styles of type, and mod ern MACMXH IMIKSSIW. which will enable the Proprietor to do Job Piinting at all times Neat, Quirk and Cheap ! tig- Work solicited. AH Iliftinfi tr inxarthms upon a Spcci has!.-. Only Thirty Millions- The Radical press have made the most out of tl io Tammany frauds. They have lost us, for tlie time bein.tr, the great State ofXew York. They treated them entirely ras a party hobby as a kind of 1 olitical godsend. J low lenient thev can be on them when they arc "of their own party,is shown by 'their marked reticence whenever a case of Radical rascality is brought to light. Beyond a mere mention mostly telegraphic they are 'generally passed over in silence. The AT V. Tribune' an exception, and, although utterly unscru pulons Hi its misrepresentations ot the ' i .111 1) emoeratie party, will yet man out the truth on the rascals of its own party. It has recently been making some damaging disclos ures touching certain cotton swin dles at the South. It appears, says that paper, that the investigation' oy tne tvinieu oui vm vi Claims in the various claims against the United States for cot Ion seized by government officers during the, rebellion brings out some0 remarkable developments, "which tend to throw additional light on the mystery which has surrounded the sale of cotton by "the government agents shortly after it was seized from the rebels during the war. The Government realized from the sale about thirty million dollars, but the examina tion of the Government agents' books and other evidences, which has been obtained through the prosecution of these claims, reveals the fact thn the cotton was v-ortli ova- twice that auio"t-. It appears that some of the agents at New York disposed of the cotton at 20 cents a pound, when its marked value at the time of the sales was 75 cents per lb. Some of the agents appear to have been in col lision with the purchasers, and the poorest kinds of cotton were shown as sampels of the entire lot held by the Government, the bidders yetting it by this arrangement at the low figure of 20, cents per pound, and subsequently selling it at the market price, thereby se curing a handsome profit. The claimants, however, refuse to base their claims at a figure less than its market value at the time of the ale, and it is feared that the Gov ernment will, in refunding the money for these cotton seizures, be a considerable, loser, especially now that the British claimants tand a chance, before the mixed Commission, of being allowed some compensation for these losses. It is now known at the Treasury that several of these cotton agents defrauded the Government out of large amounts of money. The ac counts show this, but what steps the United States will take to re cover its just, dues have not been decided upon." The attention of Radical orators and writers generally is called to this new development of Radical honesty; and it is hoped that be fore they cease their labors in the .cause of virtue against Tammany, thev will spare a brief moment to the'contemplation of this gigantic theft. Two Government employees at Washington have been detected in stealing the gold and silver seals attached to some half dozen or more treaties. They were messen gers, one at the Postofiice Depart ment, and the other at the State Department, The Radical disease is getting among the lowest sub ordinates. It is well the public buildings are well anchored, cle tliey would be stolen also, in the hunger and thurst after plunder that prevails at Washington. A young man who keeps a col lection of locks of hair of his lady friends, calls them his hair-breadth escapes. The Eifttrciice. From the S. F. Examiner. Since the detection of the thiev ing of Doss Teewd & Co., the Rad ical press all over the country have been loud in their denounciation of the culprits. This is all right. We regard a democrat official thief as infiuitly worse than a Rad ical thief. Ours is a reform party and it is through them that honest administration and constituional government are to be restored, if restored at all. So long as the Radicals retain power we can hope for neither. When a Democrat, therefore, betrays his trust he is twice recreant. lie is not only guilty of an act vile in itself, but ho gives the great criminals who have been plundering the country for years a new lease on power. It is diff'crenthowever, with th.e Radicals. Official peculation and robbery have become so common with them that unless it be bung, lingly protruded upon the public attention, those guilty of it are not prosecuted. Thev are all in the same boat, President, Governors, Congressman, and on down. When one of them is found out by the Democrats and his swindling exposed, then much ado prevails and the unfortunate peculator is persued. Not for stealing but for not skillfully hiding. In the case of the Tammany thieves all the proceedings had against them are by Democrats. The Governor, Attorney General, District Attorney ami Judges are Democrats and could, had tliey been disposed, have shielded the criminals and so covered up their tracks as to prevent open exposure. Instead of doing this, they entered with avenging zeal upon the work of conviction and recuperation of property. The very ablest Demo crats rushed to the work at hand. Not only this, but at theState Con vention which assembled, the Tam many delegates were given to un derstand that they had no place there, and a State ticket was put up of such unquestionable material as to disarm honest criticism. How different the conduct of the oppo site partv. The convicted swind ler Tom. Murphy ruled the roost in their convention. The. honest Republicans under Greeley were ignominiously ejected from the Convention. The contrast between the action ot the two parties was strikingly set forth by no less a Re publican than Col. Fred Conkling in a recent speech before the Nine teenth Ward Council of Political Reform, New York. "Will any one tell me," said the speaker "that it is my duty as a patriotic man, to give my vote at the coming election for placing the Republicans in power simply because they are Republicans V In looking over the list of candidates nominated by the Republican par ty in the interior of the State I ob serve the names of men whose cor ruption is notorious in the last Leg islature, and whose very names stink utterly in the nostrils of every honest man that knows them. Will theprincipal of a government by the people, and for the people, be strengthened by their elevation a second time to power ?" Clear ly not, every good and honest man will say. But what testimony does Mr. Conkling, per contra, openly bear towards the Democratic party ? hear lum: "At length the states man whom I have named O'Con or, Silden, Ilavemeyer, Oitendorf er, Cassidy, Seymour, Church, Kernan and others have arisen in their strength and assumed the command of the great party to which they belong. With this ex ample before us, shall not we of the Republican party emulate their courage and independence; and while they are purging the party of robbers and malefactors, shall not we deserve as well of the peo ple by purging our ranks of mer cenaries and thieves?" The fact is the time has come when we must all strike for honest administration and unrelenting punishment of official thievery, whether committed by friend or foe. One of the earliest Presidents on one occasion said: "We are all Republicans all Federalists" meaning that they were all for the country. In the demand for offi cial reform we must all be Demo erats and all Republicans. We must rise above the mere partisan. We must come up to the emergen cy of a great occasion. The New York thievery is petty lareeny compared with the huge sums stol en by the Federal officials, and through their connivance and the co-opperation of Congress in the pat eight or ten years. And this is still going on. hook at the infam ous revelations in regard to South Carolina, and then see the whole power of the Federal Government loaned to shield the vile thieves who for years have been preying upon her helpless people. Is not this persuit of Ku-Klux a farce, while the Governor net other nigh officials stand convicted before the country of the most stupendious robberies? Things of this kind bring into reproach our popular government. They strike a fatal blow to our free institutions. Tliey proclaim to the world that ours is the most corrupt system ever instituted by man. These must be stopped or we must pre pare ourselves to give up our ex periment of self-government. North Carolina Trials- The manner in which the North Carolina Ku-Klux; trials have been conducted, looking at them in the most favorable light, affords a suffi cient evidence of the dangerous character of the power bestowed by the Ku-Klux law upon the Unit ed States officials, who may be vio lent partisans, and thus incapable or ciomg justice, it lias not been doubted by any sensible man that the Ku-Klux have existed as an or ganization in Xorth Carolina, nor that outrages have been committed by their members. It is not proba able that any one can be found to deny that the barbarities perpe trated by these men merit condign punishmet. It is likely that some of the persons who have been con victed in Judge Bond's Court have been guilty of all that is charged against them; it may be that all of those so convicted deserved their fate; but it is certain that entirely innocent persons, who from person al malice or other cause should be wrongly accused of participation in such offences, taking the North Carolina trials as an example of the way in which the law is to be ad ministered, would have verr little ground to hope that their inno cence would save them from con viction and punishment. What is popularly known as the Ku-Klux law was passed for partisan purposes and administered in a partisan manner. While its object was to suppress the Ku Klux organization, it has been so framed as to render it an instru ment under cover of which Gen. Grant may use the most revolu tionary means to force his renomin ation and election; ior it can be applied to the North as well as the South, and its terrors may be brought to bear against political socities in our own State, organ ized for patriotic purposes, as ef fectually as against the Invisable Kmpire and kindred associations in the South. In North Carolina its j execution has been comparatively mild ; yet even there wholesale and indiscriminate arrests have been made, often without warrant ; peo ple on mere suspicion have been carried hundreds of miles from their homes, denied bail, and kept in prision without an opportunity being afforded them for defence; and in many cases, after long im prisonment, such suspected persons have been set tree without a par- . tide of evidence having been - brought forward to connect them with the offences with which they ! have been charged. For the trials which recently I took place at Raleigh a special jury was summoned, and it is not denied that its members were so-3 lected on account of their political bias. The consul for the defence challenged the whole jury on this ground, offering an affidavit in support of the challenge, and &di tional testimony to prove the alle gation. The Assistant District At torney admitted so says the Ra leigh Sentinel that he had direct ed the Marshal what sort of men to pick out ; but the Court held that the ground assigned was no cause of challenge, refused to hear any evidence on the subject, and disallowed the motion. Judge Bond himself, according to all ac counts, did not even assume the virt ue of impartiality, but degraded his high position by acting in the the character of prosecutor throughout the proceedings. With violent partisans as prosecuting of ficers, and a picked jury, and a hostile Court against them, it is no wonder that these men were con victed by dozens. They may have all received only their just deserts in the end ; butno one can pretend that the manneU' of their convic tion was anything but a mockery of justice and an outrage on judicial propriety. X. Y. V?w. Viutue Rewaim)ki. The Nor wich Hull Jin says : A well-known Justice of the Ptace subscribed five dollars to the relief fund yes terday, and, returning to his office immediately, received the amount for marrying a couple. Thus is virtue rewarded. Another man was requested to contribute, but declined, and within two hours heard that his mother in-law had come to stay a month with him. Can any one hesitate which course to pursue ? -o - . Disgusted. The Comanche In dians are disgusted with the em ployment of colored troops on the frontier, because they are so hard to scalp. DOS'T KE SOUUOIVFUL, JOAIIUXC Oh don't be sorrowful, darling1, Don't be sorrowful, pray ; For taking the year together, my dear. There's not more night than day. Il's'iainy weather, my darling. Time's waves they heavily run ; IJut taking the year together, my dear, There's not more cloud than sun. We are old folks now, my darling-, Our heads are turning gray ; But taking the year all round, my dear, We'll always find the May. We have had our -May, my darling, And our roses, long ago ; And the tine of year is coming, my dear, For the silent night and the snow. For Clod is God. ray darling. Of the night as well as thelay : And we feel and know that we caii go Wherever he leads the way. Aye. (Jod of the nijrlit, my darling Of the night of death so grim; For the gate that leads from life, dear wife. Is the gate that leads to Ilim. EXGAGED. I know fwo eyes of azure blue, Two eyes 1 love to see. Because to one I know they're true, Though roguish Ihey may be ; Two poueing lips my own have met, As we sat side by side ; Melhink I feel their pressure yet, As past thoughts by me glide. Two snowy arms around my neck Have lovingly been thrown, While a cheek so soft, without a speck, Reclined against my own ; Two willing ears have heard some words Their import you can guess ; But the answer to those whispered word: Was sweet to me 'twas -Yes.7' The Elf er Sister. There is no character in the home circle more useful and baautiful than a devoted elder sister, who stands side by side with the toiling mother, lightning all her burdens. How beatiful the household ma chinery moves on with such effi cient help ! Now she presides at the table in mothers absence, always so neatly attired that it is with pride that the father introdu ces her to his guests as 'our eldest daughter.' Now she takes a troop into the garden and amuses them, so mother may not be disturbed in her work or rest. Now she helps the boys over their hard lessons, or leads father's paper aloud to rest his tired eyes. If mother can run away from home for a few days recreation, she leaves home without anxiety, for Mary will tride the house wisely and happily in her ab sence. But in the sick room her presence is an especial blessing. Jlerhand is next to mother's own in gentleness and skill. Her sweet 1 music can charm away pain, and brighten the wearriest hours. There are elder sisters whose pres ence is not such a blessing in the house. Their own selfish ends and aims are the main pursuit in life, and anything that stands in the way of these is regarded with im patience. Such daughters are no comfort to a mothers heart. Which kind of an elder sister are you in the household, reader? What to do if tiik clothes take kike. Perh a ps th ree persons out of four would rush up to the burning individual and begin to paw with their hands without any aim. It is useless to tell the indi vidual to do this or do that, or call for water. In fact it is best not toil say a word, but seize a blanket or a cloak, or any wolen fabric if none is at hand take any woolen material hold the corners as far apart as von can, stretch them higher than your head, and run-J mng bohhy to the person, make a motion of clasping in the arms, just about the shoulders. This instant ly smothers the fire and saves the face. The next instant throw the unfortunate person on the floor. This is an additional safety to the face and breath, and any rema nent of the flame can be put out more leasurely. The next moment immerse the burnt part in sweet oil. Next get some common flour and put it on the burn, about an inch in thickness, and if possible put the patient to bed. Let the Hour remain till it falls off of itself, when a beautiful new skin will be found. Unless the burns are deep no other application is needed. Dry flour for burns is the most admirable remedy ever proposed, and the in formation ought to be imparted to all. Dredge on the Hour untill no more will stick, and cover with cot ton batting. The largest rope in the world was lately made at Birmingham, England. It is about six miles long, five and a quarter inches in circumference, and weighs over sixty tons. It is understood that the Springfield Hyubliccin thinks of buying this rope and using it in an attempt to draw General Butler up to the levil of a gentleman. But it is too short, Courier Jour nal. Gen. Joseph E. Johnson is pre paring for the press a history of his campaigns during the late war. It is a work that will doubtless be looked forward to with the pro foundest interest by the whole civ ilized world. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY -Htidical Financial Record- The New York Vorhl contains an elaborate financial record of the Government under the present ad- ministration, m reply to an address of the Radical Congressional Com mittee. It shows that the nation al finances have been most grossly mismanaged that $109,030,511 had been fraudulently added to the public debt that Johnson's ad ministration was largely cheaper per annum than Grant's that tax es were only nominally reduced to promote sectional interests, and that under the pretended abate ment more than !$62.O0O.00O per annum, was collected than ever before. We invite attention, however, to the following conclus ions. derivable from and which are clearly proved : First That $109,G30,511 have been fradulently added to the prin cipal of the public debt, and such fraud is clearly proven by the offi cial statements of the Ttrasury Department. Second That the interest lost upon money permanently idle in the Treasury, together with inter est paid upon bonds of private cor porations and the fraudulent addi tion to the public debt, increase the annual burden of taxation to the extent of $1S,404,9G0. Third That while capital is plentiful and other governments enabled to negotiate loans at a low rate of interest, the American Government has failed to have its funded loan taken, although offer ing a higher rate ot interest than paid by European powers. rourth I. hat m consequence ot the corrupt and oppressive legisla tion of a Radical Congress, the currency, after six years of peace, is still so far depreciated as to cause a yearly loss to skilled labor alone of 312,000,000, and to the aggregated consumers in the coun-ti-y'an annual loss of $1,0S9,VGG, GG7. Fifth That the Radical Con gressional Committee, through their late address, knowingly and willfully misrepresented the nation al expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871, and that such expenditures have been shown, by official reports, to be -$17,5 2 9,5 OS more than stated in the address. Sixth That said Radical com mittee have falsely misstated the surrdus of receipts over raid A- - above expenditures for the year ending June 30, 18T0,as $110,131, 425 ; that said surplus as shown by the annual report of the Sec retary of Treasury was only $101,001,915. " ..." Seventh That said Radical committee have knowingly and willfully made a false statement concerning the expenditures of the years ending March 31, 18G0, and June 30, 1870. That accord ing to official data, the decrease under Grant was $7,529,544 less than represented in the address. Eighth That for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1870, the civil and miscellaneous expenses of Gen. Grant's administration exceeded by $11,223,995 the entire cost of Bucbannan's government in 1859--GO ; and further, that the civil and miscellaneous expenses of 18G9-80 by $41,302,081. Ninth That instead of the ex penditures of the present adminis tration being $58,482,193 per an num less than under Andrew John son, it is proven by the system adopted by the accountants of the Radical committee that the expen ses of 1SG9--70 exceded those of Johnson's administration in 18G7 G8 by $101,007,430,80, making a difference in the false statement of the committee amounting to $157, 489,053,87. Tenth That the Radical com mittee have, for the purpose of making political capital, most grossly misrepresented the reduc tion of internal taxation by Con gress, inasmuch as they claim the abatement of taxes to the extent of $02,000,000 per annum, which taxes, in fact, have never had an existence. Eleventh That the reduction of internal taxation by Radical legis lation so far as reductions have been made has been partial and sectional. It is proven by official reports that, while eleven Western and Pacific States have obtained a reduction of only $4,135,153, the six New England States have been exempted to the amount of $41, 930,557 per annum. Twelfth That by means of the corrupt legislation of a Radical Congress in 186&, the national Treasury was defrauded of taxes on bonded spirits amounting to $3S,1 80,788, and a rascally whisky ring largely composed of mem bers of said Congress were ena bled to divide as spoils the sum of $18,000,000, A shrewd old lady compares her husband to a tallow candle ; he al ways splutters and smokes when he's put out: ... Gr'aiit as"a Present Taker- The New York Sun, edited by Dana, Assistant Secretary of War during the Presidency of Lincoln, does not like the idea of the Pres ident's being the great public pau per of the nation. In reply to a statement made by Senator Conk ling in a public speech to the effect that Grant had not accepted any valuable present sence he became President, the Sun unearths the annexed bit of truthsome history: In a speech at Albany, yester day, Senator Conkling, with a boldness that does credit to his courage, made the affirmation : "Since Gen. Grant's accession to the Prcsidenc-, so far as I can learn, he has never accepted a costly present from any one." Das Mr. Conkling never learned anything about a cottage by the sea-side at Long Branch, presented to President Grant at considera ble expense to some party or par ties? as not that a rather cost ly present ? Y hile Mr. Colliding is studying into this subject, he might also in vestigate Presidents (J rant's trans actions concerning the house now occupied by Gen. Sherman in Washington. When he was elect ed to the Presidency that house belonged to Gen. Grant. lie offer ed it for sale and sold it for $40, 000 to Mayor Bowen of Washing ton, who paid him $1,000 down and took his contract to convey the property by deed. Alter this was done, Gen. Grant wrote a let ter to a rich citizen of New York, aying that Gen. Sherman was too poor to keep sucn an estaoiisn- ment in "Washington as the Gen eral of the Army ought to have, and that it would be a very good thing it the wealthy men oi the country would give him (Sherman) such a donation as would enable him to live in handsome style. On the receipt of this letter a meeting oi rich men was held there, the President's letter read, a subscrip tion started, and money raised. This fund, finally amounting to about $100,000. was taken to Washington by Mr. A. T. Stew art. Gen. Grant managed it so that out of this mono. thus collected at his oicn solicitation $05,000 irrnt lnto Jib Gicn pocket to pay for the house lie had Just before sold to Jlr. Jienrcnfor $40,000 ; and there upon . Mr. A. T. Stewart, who brought on the money and paid over to Grant the part of it which he chose to take for himself was appointed by Grant to the office of Secretary of the Treasury. Poor Bowen, thus deprived of the prop erty he had bought, at first threat ened to sue for it ; but he was per suaded to give up his contract on the repa3'ment of his money, with the promise that the President would make it all right with him in distributing the patronage of the District of Columbia ; and this promise Iras not been kept. What does Mr. Conkling think of this affair, and the appointment of Mr. Stewart which followed it? Is it a sort of thing which he likes in his candidate for the Presiden cy ? Does he "still adhere to the assertion that Grant ceased to be a Present-Taker when he was elected President ? A Sympathizing Judge Judge Williams of the Criminal Court of Chicago, ? says an ex change, sympathizes with the mur derers of Col. Grosvenor. He in structs the Grand Jury to pay no regard to the letter of Governor Palmer calling for the indictment of Piegan Phlh Sheridan and his CD associates. This is all natural. When this same individual shock ed the world, some two years since, by the ruthless murder of one hund red and. fifty Piegan women, cl i' dren and old men, stricken down with the small-pox in mid-winter, the Radisal press as a general thing, had no word of censure for the hero of the blackest crime of the cen tury. They rather justified him in it, "Troo loilty" in their eyes, iike the king can do no wrong. Phil. Sheridan is crime-stained from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, and what do one or two additional murders amount to? Prssident Lincoln, who ever had an appreciative eye for the sal ient points in the character of men, once graphically described the "house-burner of the Shenandoah" as resembling, in personal appear anee. a gorilla. If his outward form lias such resemblance, his mental attrbutes have still greater. We congratulate the stricken peo ple of Chicago that they have a judge of such boundless philanthro phy that he can symrKithize even with the blackest af murders IXFATCATE-A 3 - ... moMirKT asked tne an unio camj- 1 Uni "H . n-ernblv, because p,raC. i,i nftt set her eyes upon a 1 ' voun" man in her neigh- i Whood without feeling as though I she must hug him to death. 1 f i r I 3ackson and Grant. ihe attempt sometimes made by the supporters of President Grant to compare his character with that of Gen. Jackson can only excite derision in the minds of intelligent people. The Roman firmness of Old Hickory was exercised in the fur therance of what he deemed patri otic snd important measures, while the stolid obstinacy of Grant man-0 ifests itself chiefly in the promotion of mean and ignoble purposes. General Jackson battled vigorously for the rights of the neonlc when he believed that they were in dan- ger from the schemes of the weal thy and powerful; Gen. Grant takes no pains to conceal the con tempt he feels for the pulilic, or his profound and subservient rev erence for the moneyed class. G Jackson was indifferent in regard to the accumulation of wealth he would have scorned to be the re cipient of costly and valuahlepres- cuts from office-seekers while a candidate ior me i residency, or after ins election to the great office; Grant eagerly accepts whatever presents are offered him, whether houses, horses, money, or thorough bred pups, and he has bestowed important and responsible office on those who have been the most lav ish in their gifts. Gen. Jackson was no respecter of persons; Grant's adoration of money is so great that it extends to the posses- o sors thereof, and he bows down before a rich man even as the per verted children of Israel prostrat ed themselves before the golden calf in the wilderness. 0 Gen. Jack son, after eight years' of service in the 1 residential cnair, kit office a poor man, and was obliged to call on his friends, Messrs. Blair and Rives of the Globe newspaper, for temporary loan in cider to satisfy the claims of his creditors ; Gen. Grant, at the end of his four years term of office, will leave the White Ihui.-e a very wealthy man, and instead of requiring pecuniary as sistance from his friends will be able to lend them all money pro vided they can pay good interest and offer him satis actorv secuntv. j j - Taking all things into considera tion, the friends off Gen. Grant wiilc pursue the most judicious course if they refrain fiom provoking com parisons between the destroyer 'of the United States Bank monopoly- 1 mi and the man who basso long been working to effect the annexation ot San Domingo for the purpose of enrici.ing a corrupt ring of avari cious speculators. 1. Sun. rj., O OO On. tearing down a portion of an0 old edifice ofWillscoot, in Oxford shire, England, the workmen came upon an oratory hidden in the thickness of the walls, and covered 0 by the panueli'.ig of the adjacent room. It contained a small library of the earliest Protestant theolocrv. of the time of the Reformation, con cealed, perhaps during the rei,rn of Bloody Mary, when the posses sion of such books would doom the owner to fire and fagot. Among other works are some of John Knox's writtings, and a complete copy of the first English, or Cover- dale's, translation of the Bible. Don't iu: i:ash. A gay fellow who had taken lodgings at a pub O lic house, and got considerably in debt, absented himself and took new quarters. This so enraged the landlord that he commisioned his wife to go and dun him, which the debtor haying heard of, declar ed publicly that if she eaoie he would kiss her. "Will he?"eaid the lady "will he ? Give me my bonnet, Molly; I will see whether any fellow has such impudence!" "My dear," said her husband, "pray do not be too rash; you do not know what a man might do when lie is in a passion. Send your children to bed hap-o py. Whatever cares jpress, give it a warm good night kiss as it goes to its pillow. The menory of this, in the stormy years that may be in store for the little one, will be like Bethlehem's Star to the bewildered 'shepherds. "My father, my mother loved me." Nothing can take away that bless ed hearVbahn. Lips parched with the world's fever will become dewy aain at the thrill of youth ful memories. Kiss your little o child before it goes to sleep. Axothek. A from Maine once quaint fellow called on Presi- dent Lincoln. He had shaken hands with him, observing : "Don't be reared, Mr. Lincoln,! do not want an office." the President; other shake." is ttiat SO "then give e : t . t ?" said us an- Joyitl "You never saw such a happy lot of people as we had yesterday," said a landlady in Indi una, to a newly ana ved guest, - thirteen couples of them." "What thirteen couples just married? "Oh, no, sir; thirteen couples just divorced !" x. 1 if C3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o