" ",sktw' -. '"' 1 '.. ... ...... "i II)c ISJcchln (EHtcrprist. UjilLi 1 I JL.!J y -gg-J-VKLJ-F. 1 iMIt-MUJUIlJi TOWS' ASD COl'XTI. A l'rutlamatlcn iJY Till- GOVERNOR OK OHKOOX. pursuant to long established cus'om. -,,i in t hank fit '.ness for the blessing- of peace, general ueai.u -u ao.muuui. u.nv ests, exemption jioih i.uusu.w u&.iiyi ujr i ti.m.l nml distrosw: nf d'spasi ire ami "". ' , r. T - which have characterized this State during the past year, I recommend that Thursday, the both day of November, 1871. be ob served by the people of Oregen as a day of -n-neralj thanksgiving and praise to Vhnigb'y God for these manifold favors. r ) Given under my Laud and seat, r the seal of said State, at J Jl, j the Executive office in Salem, this 8th day of November, A. I). 187 L L. F. GROVEIl, ' By the Governor: S. F. Ciia:wick. Secretary of Slate. Pisaitkakkd. One of the contractors, Mr. Jordan, of the work to construct the locks across the river, disappeared very mysteriously last Monday .and it is thought that he has absconded, lie left here last ' Saturday for the purpose of going to Port land to get money to pay tut the Hands, and promised to return on Monday. Af-t.-r he arrived at Portland, he wrote back to Mr. L"id, who Li superintending the "work, stating that he Lad concluded to go to San Francisco and lay the affairs before his sureties. and would leave on the steam 'er mi Monday. lie did not go on the "steamer, and it was ascertained that he passed up ihe valley on the railroad on Monday evening, taking the cars at Mil waukie. It looks very suspicious.and ihe impression is. that he has absconded. We are informed that the contractors are very heavily involved. They a:e in debt at Portland to a considerable amount, and in this city. Mr. Lord, who has endorsed "for them, is said to be the loser of about ;? 18.00!) ; Mr. Charman of this city, about ?.",0U0. and a number ol smaller accounts around town, probably to the amount of ip.j.000 more. They are also in debt on their pay roll to the hands about So'.OOO. This last sum the Lock Company propose to pay, so that the laborers will not lose anything. Capt. Smiih. the Company's engineer, has taken charge of the work and will continue to prosecute it on be half of the Company, as fast as the condi tion of the weather will admit, and in the spring put on a large additional force of men to complete the work in accordance with the obligations of the Company to the State. Mr. Jordan had Won (he confi dence of our entire community, and his conduct has taken all by surprise. We liope the matter may turn out better than it cow appear?. CotNTY CoLiir Pi:ockki:x;s. The fol lowing are t?ie proceedings of the County Court for the November term : The road leading from the M. E. Church in Heaver Creek Precinct, to Canby, was declared a public highway, with changes on Butcher 3 and Waldron's farms. Mr. Wade, Supervisor of road di.-frict No. was ordered to repair the eastern "end of the Clackamas bridge. Daniel d'riur was appointed road Super visor in place of W. W. Cook, declined, for district No. o. It was ordered that a new bridge be built across Butte Creek. Tl.e petition for a road to be located from above the Falls to Linn city, was laid over until next term. Bills to the amount of $1.0C5,2o were allowed and ordered paid. Probate. Notice of linal settlement or dered published in the matter of the es tate of Harrison Wright. lieport ol appraisers filed in the matter of th estate of John Ivlinger. In the matter of the estate of J. B. Wil liams, the inventory filed aid property exempt from execution be set aside for the widow and minor children. , T. J. Taylor was appointed guardian of the children oi'Zetias Slover., In the matter of the estate of J. S. Mc Ammuii, A. J. McAmmon appointed ad 'ministrator. . 'In the matter of the estate of D. II. Good. Mrs. Mary II Good appointed ad minis rairix. Ratiu:!: Lxpkn.sivk. At the bust term of our Circuit Court, the count- jail was very properly condemned, and the Pros caring Attorney ordered the Sheriff" of our county . hereafter, to take all prisoners committed for offences, to the jail of Mult nomah county for incarceration. While our county mised eleven thousand dollars inre last year than the year previous. and had only SI.'JOO of indebtedness, and it had a debt of over ?".()t)0 u pa- the year .before, yet not s cent of cash was left on hand at the close of the year, and we are not affer ten years of extravagant taxa tion, mider Radical rule, in a condition to keep securely the county prisoners What think you of this state of affairs, voters of Clackamas county? Would it not be well to fry a new set of men for your county affairs in the future? An Uoxkt Max. Mr. J. Yv. Morrison. of this city, went to Portland last Sunday, and stopped at the Russ House. When he went to bed, he placed his purse, con taining Slli) under his pillow, and in the morning he forgot it. and left it there. He was gone sometime be!ore he thought of his motiej-, and o:i returning to his room, found the purse gone. He went to the proprietor, paid his bill, and in formed him of his loss, when the proprie tor opened the safe, and told him '-here is your purse, the Chinaman found it.' In most of the Portland hotels that purse would never have come back to its own er. Mr. Ryan, the proprietor of the Russ Hons., knows who to employ around him and he keeps a good hotel. Pkhsoxau Hon. Jas. II. Slater, mem ber of Congress, arrived in tb's city last Wednesday and remained here until yes terday. He is on his way to Washington, overland, and will stop at the various towns in our State as lie proceeds south. Mr. S. looks hearty, and speaks cheer fully of th 3 prospects of the Democracy, not only in Oregon, but throughout the United States. lie informs us that the divis ion among the leading Radicals in the east against Grant is very great, and that nothing but the party lash keeps Congress from un open rupture. Nkw Stoke. By reference to our ad vertising columus it will be seen that Mr. Al. White has opened a new boot and shoe store, one door north of the Lincoln Bakery, where he proposes to keep a full and first-class stock ot custom-made goods in his line, which he proposes to sell at reduced prices. Mrs. White has also her millinery store in connection with the boot store, and wo notice she has received a large new stock of furs and other sea sonable goods for the ladies. Give them a call for goods in their line. IxnesTKiors. A couple of men have been making a hole in the side of the bluff opposite town for the past two weeks. They are in about CO feet. We are not informed what their object is, but suppose they are hunting some "hidden treasure.' We hops they may be rewarded for their energy and industry, if not in this cold world, in the next. In consequence of other engagements, our editorial matter is limited tb.i-3 week Oitositiox Boat. The Carrie cime up from Portland yesterday, and proposes to run from this ci!y to Portland aa an oppo sition boat. She will leave here in Uie morning and return in tl.e evening. The price of fare is fifty cents, and freight two dollars per ton. She lands on the loot of Seventh street, in the rear of Jr.dge Can- field's store. We hope our citizens will j give their support to the Carrie, and thus - protect themselves against the imposition or the company whie h has had a mononn- ly or me river ana land travel, nnd which has shown special animosity towards Or egon City, by raising both passage and freight as soon as they came into posses sion of the P. T. Company's boats. Libekal. The Willamette Falls Lock and Canal Company, btirg in nowise res ponsible for the debts of the contractors, propose to pay about $0,000 cue the workmen for tiieir services. This, while the laborers should get their pay is cer tainly very liberal on the part of tlie Com pany, and shows that some corporations ua e souis. fcaiooi.. Mrs.M.C. Athev will select school in the rooms lately occupied as the Grammar School, oa Monday next. Hours, from 9 to H i o'clock A. M. and lrom 1 to 3 o'clock P. M. For further particulars apply to Mrs. A they either at tue scnooi or at tier residence. fcKitious AcctDiiNT. Sophie, a little (laughter of Mr. J. II. Scht am, while play ing with some children on the hav. fell from the stack, a distance of about "cibt feet, last Monday, breaking her arm in three places below the elbow. The little sujrerer is under the charge of Dr. Bar clay and doing well. Fi.ek Lkctl-i:k. Susan B. Anthony pro poses to give the strong-minded one more chance in this place to night, at the Court House. It is to be a free lecture. W. have been requested to trive this notice and we do it !ur the benefit of th.. l.m-rs who will probably get a divooe case or two through her lecture this eveuine-. Maukkt.s. There is no material change in our market reports this week. Flour is selling at $7.00 ; wheat. $1.25 ; butter. lOcis; eggs, -ID cts : Potatoes. Sl.Ofl: pork from 7 to 8 c's. EiizH and butter ire a scarce article in the market. Bo!;eei:y. Sheriff Warner received a di.-patch vesterdiv. nnfifrb.o- I; n.f three men' had broken into a store at Ger vais the night before and stolen about tnree hundred dollars' worth of goods. No clue to the thieves has been obtained. Dance. As we are writing, a dance is going on at Myers Hall. They appear to enjoy themselves, while wy can't say that we appreciate it just at this time. But we will try and stand if. Hok.sk Stoi.i-.-c. Mr. Logus' horse dis appeared from Mr. Warner's pasture about two weeks agomnder circumstances leading to the suspicion that the horse was stolen . fhi-o. Louis Behrens. an old resident of Lane county, died on the 8th inst. at Fu jene. lie came to Oregon in 18,31, and was formely a citizen of this city, where he resided a number of vears. Makkiki). Our friend Capt. Samuel Holmes returned home yesterdiy from San Francisco, accompanied with a wife. We wish him all the blessings married life is heir to. Camted. Dr. Plummcr had a camp pitched in town durrrg the week, with men repariug the telegraph line. The Doctor looks well and hearty. Ir.r.. Rev. Mr. llines was taken down yesterday with a very severe spell of hem ortharre. We learn that his condition is improving- Recovering. The many friends of Mrs. Reuben Smith will be pleased to learn that she is fast recovering and is now con sidered out of danger. Ox Business. Hon. II. II. GiKrey. Pri vate Secretary to the Governor, h is gone east of the mountains to select a'rul plat 'ndemnity lands, and look after the gen eral interest of the school fund. BoroHT Ocr. We are informed that Mr. F. D. Whitlow has sold his stock of furniture to Messrs. Kent & Milne, who propose to continue the business. Gone li the River. The Shoo-Fly left here last Tuesday for up the river as far as Corvallis. This is the first trio of the sea"ou. A. Vaixed. The railroad running through this county was assessed at $8,000 per mile. We understand that the Railroad Company object to this valuation. Capt. Apperson fov a number of 3eais running on the Yamhill route, has stop pad steamboating and retired under the Assessable Pi; oi'ekty. The assessable property of Ciaek amas county this year amounts to $2,1 17.09 j. No of Polls, 975. Commence!). Work has been commenc ed on the bridge north of the Congrega tional Church. Batciieloh'.s panorama, we believe ex hibited in town two nights this week. The Exteupmsk has a new bead and has begun its sixth volume. We are glad to he ir of the prosperity of so good a Democratic paper. Jlera Id. Ex-Secretary Seward has traveled 72, 000 miles since bo left the State Depart ment. Send to 11. P. Rail & Co., Nashua. N. II., proprietors of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer, for a enpv of their Treaties on the bair. A valuable little book, fnee to all. One Blocker, who owns a field near Gettysburg, winch two Con federate soldiers were buried, ac cording to the Savannah jYews, re cently refused to allow their bodies to be exhumed unless he received payment for allowing them to re main so long, and when this was positively refused, took a set of teeth attached to a gold plate from the mouth of one of the dead men and kept them. This is the mean est man so far on record. A child was born blind in Penn Yan a short time ago. Its eyelids were cut open by a doctor, and the child sees perfectly. n is a mark of the unsuccessful mm that kXS W?y$ never thinks about bo!v hea'th un I it pne. But just as mnclAs nv disease h "vv.,,,;,; sneu, me power of the sv-teai t reyist and throw it en is weakened"; li..UCe tm:eis ail important. Fur dyspepsia, all diseases of the liver, stuinaoa, skin aad Kidneys, and all that Leginin vitiated bio d oo not wait until the trouble is eoatirmed' but attack it by a timely use of Dr. Walter's Culit'oiuia Viuegan Bitters. 1 iir.-.m .-- -- 1 -i riAIiltlKO. On the Oth inst.. at Oakland, California, bv the Rev. E. Walsworth. at the residence of J. J. Gardiner, Esq., Sam. 1). Holmes, son of Wm. h. Holmes, Esq.. ot O: egon, to Mary Belie, only daughter uf J. J. Gardiner On the 12th inst., nt the residence of Mr. John Scott, by C. F. Beatie. .Mr. Carrol J. Barclay and Miss Maitha tcott, ail of Clack amas county, Oregon. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar cicies are selling, m this market : WHEAT White.-p bushel, $1 25. OATS bushel. 75 'jts. POTATOES bushel. $1 00 c!s. ONIONS f bushel. 51 OoC?il 50. FLOUR "jJ bbl. $7 0S(T50. BEANS White, l lb.. -if"V cts. eniDU i iiuil Apples. lh.. .(?). cts i-eacnes. .p lb., lic: Plums, p il) 10 cts.; Currants. 'r lb.. 10(V20 cts. BUTTER lb.. :;5(10cts. EGGS? dozen. irOi.U) els. CHICKENS l dozen. $:5p7,4. t -rr. feLLr Ail Crushed. V. lb.. 2U cts.; Island 'P I"- Bfel2i cts.; N. O.. lb.. 15 cts. ban Francisco refined. D lb . IC-i- cts. TEA Voting Hyson, " lb., si 50 ; Ja an, lb., 90c$i 25 ; Black.. "H ft)., 75c P fa 1 00 COFFEE- 20m5 cts salt -a is.. imn cts. SVRLT Ileavv Golden, rall.. SI 0!) Ex. Heavy Golden. - gall., SI ill i : .'- - BACON Hams, "r lb. 11 cts ; Sides. 11 cts. lb.; Shoulders, 7 Cts LARD & lb., 14 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene, 1 call Linseed oil. raw. 7 gall.. I 50 Linseed oil. boiled. ? gall., $1 50. n t km j tl lb. BEEF On foot. 7 CJ.S cfs. 'A lb. PORK On foot. ifVr.7cts. SHEEP Per bead ."$2 00W,S2 50. HIDES Green, "ft lb.. 5c. : Drv. lb. 124 cU; Salted. 8o lie Uniilcl l5- vi hat you Know, There is an old proverb which says, "Ex perience is the safest guide." To this guide the sick and ailing naturally turn when cast ing about t ir the means of relief. They inquire what a medicine has done for others. betore they adopt it themselves. Of all the remedies and preventives in use, Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters meet the test r:io.-.t triumph antly, and hence its immense popularity- and vast sales. The sufferer from indigestion is sure to find some one among his friends who has been cured of that ailment bv the famou-5 vegetable stomachic. The victim of fever a!:d ague, liver complaint, constipa tion, nervous prostration, or general debtlitv, has only to make inquiry in the neighbor hood where he resid -s in order to discover what this standard restorative lias effected in cases similar to his own. In the published testimony to its merits he will find a volume of j i roofs of its sanitary properties, which it impossible for bis common sense to re.ist. lie tries it, and the effect it, produces on his system adds another to the host of witnesses in its favor, 'lhus, its reputation, founded on facts, not. assertions, continually grows and spreads. Chail.ttans a.ul impostors, some of them mere local tricksters, and oth' ei s who take a some what wider range, at tempt to ti.Tust inio the bands and d .wn the throats of invalids, tl.eir haphazard concoc tions, as substitutes for the tonic wb'ch f r so many years has been a medicinal staple throughout the United States, Spanish America, Canada, and the West Indies, but only succeed to a very limited extent. In this reaso ;iu,' age, the people, having as certained what is really deserving of'lher confidence, dcci.uc running after strange cods." ' Fresh Garden, Flower, Tiee and Shrub, Evergreen, Fruit and Herb Seeds, Prepaid by Mail. A complete and jud.cious assort ment. 25 sorts of either class sU oo. The sixclas;-es (150 packets) for 5 Co. Also, an immense stock of one year grsifred Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Fruit Stocks, Young Fruit, Ornamental and Evergreen Seenlin-s, Bulbs, Poses, Vines, IIous; and Border Plants, Ac. , !tc., tlie most eomplete assort ment in America. Prepaid bv mail. Priced Catalogues to any address, also truile list, gratis. Steds on Commission, Agents wanted. 1'.. M. YV"a!son, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Wa ehou-e, Plymouth, Mass. Estab lished 1 SI-'. " Nov. hj 4v. WIIiilAM DAVIDSOIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. OfiU-c, . ri(. 01 Front Stsctt, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Propertv purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with crreat care and on the most Al) VANTAG EO US TERM S- HOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1371. Kcbccca Degree Lodge No. a, I. O. O. F 2 Sleet on the Second and Fourth J TUJZSDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. i'iuitiioiuah I-ol'e IVo. 1, A. anil A A. M. Holds its regular communica . 'tions on t!;e First nid Third Satur day in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 20th of September to the 20th ot March, and 71 o'clock from the 2"th of March to the 2oth ot September. Rreth ren in good standing ara invited to attend. Dec. 3.1 S70, lly order of V. M. New Toliy. Mew Boot and Shoe Store. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE pectfullv call the attention of the pub lic to his splendid stock of CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies' and Gent's wear, just opened, one door nerth of the Lincoln Bakery, Ore gon Citv. -s All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES kept constantly on hand, at CHEAP RATES, and ordeis taken for the same, to be made in the latest ,ivle, at the PACIFIC ROOT and SHOE MAN'UFACTURY, Portland, Oregon. COTJITTRY PRODUCE Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rates. AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nor. 17, 1S71. ' mi - -r i it ti 1 i J-ke Best are trie Oneapest. U A ac ency of the cei-kb rated f HAS05 & HAMLIX 0IICAXS, CHIOKEEINC- & SONS' PIANOS.' IS NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME, PER--Ma'.K'iitly etab!i.-he,I in Oregon. A lara and complete stock will be kept on baud and sold at tl.e MANUFACTURER'S REDUCED PHICES. These Instruments are well kaowu turoughout the woild, and have received the Highest Premiums Wherever exhibited. "We have UNSOLICITED Testimonials in incur favor from the best musical talent of J-urope and America. BURfi3iLITYy AND LLTY OF TONE, TIIEV ARE UNEQUALLED. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY Warrantedfbr Five Years. Illustrated Catalogues Sent on Application. GILL & STEEL, 87 Front St., PortJancS, AGENTS FOR OREGON riAXO WAKEKOO.M UPSTAIRS, uv. 1 1.: nil cii.v. IVAUIiKX. V. A. FOI'.I3i:S. Attorneys at Law, OFFICE CIIAIIMAN'S KltrCK, MAIN' STREET, OREGON CITY.OIiEGOV Nov. 10, lxl:tf t i9so!ution fit US.SGG. uii. MLU 1J, HAVING LEFT 1IIE tJnntry witiiout aav notice tome I ''.'V an cohcerueu, iliat the part i.ii.i.) ot ljumbol & Stcge is dissolved, and i will not be responsible ior any debts ot his HENRY IIUMBEL. Oregon Cilv, Nov. 1, 1-71. n-do-vl -Snal Settles on-. i roitate--In the Countv (V.nvt .a- ri ,i,mJ vMuiuj. ii me matter of tl.e Estate of Uar l l.son ri..;-ht, deceasi!cl. W itA 11LKD OUE ACCOrXTS AM) voueist irf m Ciiiivt ?ni or,,,!;,.,! tv,. ., ,.,.tO. 4. ,. - "I' A v-l.t. 'Li'Hi:ntl. 1 e (lint !.. ninw.-nt,., ,o mrit uiiy oi tlie leirn Im-l-itiiiuh' cm Uu. tii-r A!oT. ,i ... ..e ii i . i . - . . Y"tl:lJl1'-'- it i, lor the examina tion ami settlement ot the same, when aud where ail mteresred ca:i arnsair :mil ,.v,.,.nfi, if ..... 41. . 1 1 ' X'--" ' JO.?F-rn A. V.'RIGHT, ELIZABETH A. WIMO 1IT, rovlOv.l Administrator: A JVEZRTBSEKl EN PETEES' MUSICAL LIBRAE Y CONSISTING OF FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED With Choico Piano ".Susie. VOCAL COI LECTIONS. Hiection of beauiifu! Sacred ontrs. T) If tilt tit sinil Ilouie, lirisdei. Eclioe.s. and Sweet Sounds. Tiiree AVoUirnes of easy Songs by Wfbster,"I" IVrsley, etc. i V t.oliSesi Lfnvcs . Vol nines I. and TJIL The tun voliinies contain all of T7 S Wi 1 S. Hays' Songs. IV.'t-eJrss dent. A collec tion Dof beantiful Rulladd by Wallace, O i'bom.ts, Keller, etc. j INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS. jg I'jtiry iringc-rs, faL-ic Circle. :ind I oii;:g Pianist. Three volumes uf very eu-v Music for vonn tibivers. J c.tii ii-o) ;nnl JHisu al Kecre- ations. Dance Mine. Two collec-r tionsof moderate iliilicuity. I'le:!".:! u J Jleuiorii s. " A collec- I?of bcantiftd pieces by Wyman, Mack,C lDre.-sb'f, etc, CoI!e:i Cliimes. A collection of tn-iiliant panor .Music by Charles Kinkel. ;:i-iili-tii( Ciema. A 'splend'd coi tion, by Yilbre.'Allard, I'acher, Kin kel, etc. Puici:, 50 per volume, elezantlv bound in clo' li. with trilt sides in t.i iii'i c'.tu . r. ' in uuiims. Adilress, J. L, PETERS, rm Rn.ad-.vay, 7ew York. We would also call attention to Tin: Opf.iia at Home, a collection of over one bundred J ii'.tiinl opera S"ii.?s. I'r:ce,f3 in cloth and lit. Trade price, $ L novltdee"o A MEETING OF TUB STOCKTIOLTlEr.S -A. f tl, Vin.Tri!.fto r'.....,l o.l T V , ' vivxdi fi.uL a v: rv 'ompany will be held at the Cctrmanv'n nffiw. at. Linn City, (.Iresron, o:r Dee-ember 4th. 1S71. ;it icn eioeii a. ra., ior ine purpose ot eleetins Dirce- rs : as also, lor the purpose ot chanciii'r Art idea three and rive of the By-Laws of tlio Company. JXO. X. KING, Nov. 4, lS7I:iw Secretary. Vehkixs' Now School Book, ' The Song Echo," is pronounced the bestT ' work of its t lass for the following JLly reasons : 1 he Music is all Aw and O I-res!i ; every piece is a well known fi Household Melody such as. "Driv- J en from Home." "Write me a Let TTter," Little Brown Church," etc.TT It contains twirc as many Songs as JUL. can be found in other works. The G Music is selected from sixty fourV authors, and not filled up with ont) author composition. Price, 7" cents each, or $7 50 per dozen. Sample copies mailed to Teacherj for 65 cents. Liberal arrangements for in t r od notion . Add l ess, J. L. PETERS, 590 Rroadway, N. Y. sept. 22: ml Keligioas Services. St. Tauls tEpiscopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Selhv col, rector. Services on Sunday at 10$ a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 p. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morn in ''"Services, ." .10. Sabbat;, -elmol, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services 7 o'clock. Rev. E. Gep.kt, Acting Pastor rRiVER MEETINGS. Sunday evening, 5 o'clock Tuesday evening 7 o'clock. 0 M. E. Church, Seats Free. Morning Services, 10.30, Evening Services, 7 o'clock. . SOCIAL MEETINGS. . .. Class Meeting following Morning Servces. Praver Meeting Thursday evening 7 co'ciok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. . . Oregon ItKlge o. 3, I. O. or, O. F. Meets every Thursday even ) -vi-!?-5rs inc at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellnw'a -"- P -- n ' - -s5av.,"??0 Hall, Main s eet. Members of the Order are iovited to attend By order. G. cot and Tlie (My Manufactory of Ladies enl' FIXE SHOES "on Made to Order on Short Notice, Wholesale and Eetail. ew.Stvles l3eing ATacle Daily. DEPOT-AT PROTZMAN, GILLIHAN & O 9 CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND. J UST OUT BOX-TOED OXFOKDS and GAITEES, and the JEESEY TIE, tlio Easiest Fitting Sumnter Shoe Made. Ju'y 1-1, lS71:tf WILLIAIV8 SINCER FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF FURNITURE, ASH, BLIHOS AND OOOE o3 AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. 3- They will also do TURNING, of evry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl i o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackermp.n's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Constantly on hand ARLOR, RED ROOM, OFFICE, KITCHEN "and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Bed steads Sales Room In Dr. Thessing'd Crick, stieet. Main rgO YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OF JL our beautiful and fast crrowimr State. Soon the shrill whistle of the 1 RON HORSE, ;:s he comes smoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of tlie Nation's Wealth atid Industry, will announce the " GOOD TIME COMIXG," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to 1111 the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for a a .active; business life. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a few vears. What the developements of our State will be in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the National usmess College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of yoKti.; men fn!l3' nalilied, and many of whom are now filling high and lucrative po sitions in the Banks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand for Cood Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for as-istanee. No enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at good salary, too. Every facihy is here aifordei to acq iir- SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible, time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student ""will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! i t After having c?rr 'doted the Theory, he is intro'lueed into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiar's- Til. tlil. '. ing mm wun an me minima; ot re-ai business. The -course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Rook-Keeping, Comtnerci 1 Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Oorrespon -ence. Bu.-iness Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory wiin practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the College Of fice. in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE & JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. lS71:yl REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, FOFwTLAND, - - OREGON- GEO. Ii. CUKRY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. 0 Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. . OFFICE No. 14 Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front streets. Feb. 3, JK70:tf Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY Au thorized Agent in Oregon City, and also Agent for the Estate of Daniel Ilarvev, de based. MRS. E. HARVEY. Oetober 1, lS71.m3 Shoe Manufactory ! tle Norther 14 J. M. THOMPSON', C w. FITCH. TNCIVIPSG & FSTCH, Real Estate Agents, OFFICE TWO DOOUS NORTH OF THE POSTOFFICE. REAL ESTATE BOuTJht AND SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED, AND AB STRACT OF TITLES FURNISHED. WE HAVE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT of Title of all propettv in Eugene City, and perfect plats of the sa'me, prepared with great care. We will practice in the diilerent Courts of the Stat-. Speci-il at tention given to the collection of all ch-ims mat may uc piacea m our hands Tenders bought and sold. Legal senStt Ra Fm CAUFIELD, COnXEU MAIX AXD SEVEXTII STREETS, OREGON CIT3T, OS EG-Oil, UeciJer in 'fiY-SOODS & GFiGG: CE0CKEB.Y and GLASSWARE. Also, a full assortment of Milliner and Fancy Goods OF THE LATEST STYLES, JUST RECESVED. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oct. 6, lb71:tf mm WiMTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IX DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AD SHOE'S, HARDWARE. G ROCERIES, . CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market pric. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Triers, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine bis fresh slock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, l&71:tf CHAS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W.SXELL H0BGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DKTJGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW CLASS, VAKXJSIIES, EE USEES. PAIXTEES Materials, ana Ervjjists' Sundries. 97 Front Street, Tortland, Oregon. 00, j EW HARDWARE STORE, CORXET PROXT&STAUK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON, JOMK It. JFOSTEK Is now receiving and offers for Kale, at tbe lowest rates, a full stock of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, llechanics' Tools, Table and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS, Flails, Ropes, Shove! s, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Builders' Hardware and lloo)- Tnrn miDfrs, either at WHOLESALE or It ETA IK. ilay 20, lS71:m3 JOII' Ii. f'O.STEIt. S , GREAT SUMMER TONICs IUgeman's Cordial KllxSr of C allsayji B"rl, a pleasant Cordial which strengthens and improves the Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever and Ague, &c, and a great Reno' -tor and Tonic for inva lids and dcbilituted persons. Hegema.v & Co , New Vork, Sole Manufacturers, bold by all Druggist?. AUCTION A3 D COMMISSION . AUCTIONEER! Comer ot Front and Oak streets, Portland. , AUCTION SALES Of Kcal Estate, Groceries, GenerallTerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Righardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refiued Har and Bundle Iron nglih Square aud Octagon Cast s.eel Horse shoes, Files, Rasp.C saws; s crews, try-pails, sheet iron, 11. G. Iron A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors r A. b. iiiciiAuusox, Auctioneer O OREGON' CITY, OREGON, KETAtL CEALERS IZn BOTS & SHOES,' , . t s 1 also keep constantly on hand r SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. If?" r will also pay the highest prices for Butter, Eggs, and ail kinds of good couutry produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good, merchantable produce. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13. IS71 tf 1 1:1: i:;ru y ot tl-.'is v.ih wladi is li;c j'iV cai assus'e (Ki old . tliMt it is )-c),i iiiiiv r,t to ;is 1.1 :'h stnra.Iard: i.ud it is t!c only ro'irJilc raid i t'p' rtrnti-m l-tv ir-torm's I r: K i IIaiii to its youthful color fill V AI.Mil) m:kiufj: it fri .. ' i J J SCiijl, laid clear,. s.oh, !u.- i avi rtTui silken. by its use, occ-orrjto.s- v.-lulf- It removes all ciaiotloii ariM drunlr-in' , . . i ' uii, ly lt tome iiropci ties, i'iiwoiHs the late li; IVom fa I as i ' l l! 0 in f-;iC5 1 jiO Ji; ir--;i:Ui(lsi. Uv i I S s (".;''!'. c e;ipi!Iai tac L.ui" irrows thicker ;n;l Ix ha hi: less, it restores tli- iiaaids to tiieir i:oiTua! l' and will create a now irrowu 0, ox.ee in extremo old nc It is the most, economical Haiti Dressing over ufit-fl, as it requires fewer fmpHeniicns, :vmi gives tlie hair : splendid, flossy r.t- j'carance. A. A. Hayes, 31.1)., State Assaycr of 3I.iss:iel 1 uset t s, srtys, " The constituents are pure, and careful Iv selected fol- excellent Quality; and I couider it the Best I'ueivviiatiox for its intended purposes." Sold by all Drvygists, and Dealers in Medicines, Prico One Dollar.- BnckinglianVs Dye- FOE THE. WHISKERS. As our Uenewcr in many eases re- -quires too long a tPae, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Vh4sk- fi crs, we have ipared this dye, in one -rcparation which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a cor which will neither rub ior wash off Sold by all Druggists. l'riccP Fifty 0 Cents. " g Msnufaciured by R. P. HALL & CO., XJ-ASHUA, IJ.1T. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, . For the relief and cure of fi.ll derange ments in the stum a' h, liver, and bow els. They are a mild apevientj i av.d au e x-vj! ier.l. p-n rga live, liehig purely' vcpe talilc, tiiOy ccctaiu n. lucnury r mine lal whatever. Much sTifus s-ii-kncs s and mffering is prevent- cu tjv t;ie;r tinicir use; and every family ehouM have tl-.rmon hand for their protection and relief, when reumred. j,ong experience has proved them to i-p tire saf- est, surest, and best of all the rills with which j the market abounds, liy their occasional use. uie uioou is punned, tiie corruptions 01 tne sys tem expelled, obstructions w?uioved. nnI tlie whole machinery oJT lifo restored t-- its healthy activit'. Intemal V;raiis which l;e-"6n!e clogjred and sluggish arc cleansed y Airr'f J'ills, and stimulated into action, 'iliiis iuHtTirMit disease is changeel into health, the valued" which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their suK.ir coating makes them pleasant to take, ami preserves I heir virtues unimpaired lor any k-ij.,(h of time, so that they arc ever fresh, and perfacllv reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the couttiuition, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given en t!:e wrapper to each box, how to ibc them as a. Familv Phytic, and for the following complaints, which theso I'ills rapidly cure: For Jy!p ?xiis or En9l!s-('?io. P.fSlo nt". licinennr and f .n of .8. fj-tit, tipsy Ehould be taken modei at; !y to st inr.ii tlc the stom ach, and restore its hca'ahy t:c and action. For JL,ivr (.'omiiluiHt and Uc various symp toms, JRiI(oi I5-aiSitcIio. fticfe fia"i aclio. jiiuitiific or 4-rcn f4;riwc. Jf5:! ions Colic and EHFiatta !, !icy kh uld be judiciously taken for ea-h ca.-o, to correct tl-.o diseased action or remove the cbslnicliens which cause it. : - For ISriCRfrrv or Ft Zv ri Iitr'a, biu o;iO mild doo is pciicr.-'ily rconi -cl. For lf5?aoit5f. O'tit, travel, nitst5oi of tin llPKit, a:ii In t!:n NiIr. J3cl artd I.fn, they fhould be contin uously taken, as rcqnuod, to char te ih! diseased action of tlie system. Y itii such chuuire thoia complaints diappei-. For I8rrpy aivt T.?vrZ".i-rZ u vl I i ssjr, they should be taken iu lax' aud frrqiient doses to produce the ert''t of a d:.u?ic nurg.. For hnprirpMicn, a lvise doj rhnn'd bo taken, as it produces the desired ef t by sym pathy. As a Dinner V.U , me c:- t. o I''Hs to promote dirrestior n;i I relieve Ihe to-.iach. An occasional dr e . ti.T-pcs I '.ra to.nach and bowels, retores the rpjt;te, ml iuviirovates tlie system. Hence it is often ruTZXirvron- whero no serious fleranoreuient exift. 0'e v ho ft-r-lsi tolerably well, often And.; that dose of these J'ills makes him feel dc ide.-y Petto-, IVooi theic cleansing and renovating eil'e;'tQ-n tlm digastivo t apparatus. rrirr.YitKr r-sP Dr. Jr. C. A-TTTZIt A CO., I'rnHiral C'mnists, XOR i'II, 2rAS3., I". S. A. TOK P.U.F. T'.Y MX, TiT-r,?i?rs t-t-r:?mITj:2E. Smi'liA Da-vis, Portland, "VVliolesale Agmjsfor Ortgon, 1 t 9 .i i . " J X I. 1 ;l