Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, November 17, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. 6.
NO. 2.
)c iDcckhj ventcvprisc.
business rvian, the Farmer
A. riOLTfdER,
FFICE In Dr. Tbessing's Brick Bui! ding
Single Copy one j-ear, in advance, $2
Transient advertisements, including all
. lea-al notices, V sn. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50
For each subsequent insertion 1 00
One Column, one year $120 00
fcalf " " CO.
Quarter " " 40
Business Card, 1 square one year 12
trs Remittance to be made at the rixk o
Snbxcribzrs, and at the expense of Agtnts.
r,W Tlie Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod
ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable
t'ie Proprietor to do Job Piinting at all times
Neat, Quick and Cheap !
Work solicited.
fl Il'in'wit tri nxnetions upon a. Spirit' has.
"An Editor in Heaven."
Such is the caption of an article
which has been going the rounds
rf the papers for sometime, and ap
pears to be something new "under
tho sun " Just as if editors were
Lll V , - - --
not, in the habit of going to Heaven.
We venture to say that a greater
proportion of them goto the home
of those who nave penormeu tneir
jnis;i(n on ear th.than anv other
call poor mortals fill. "An editor
in Heaven." There's nothing
strange about that at all. It is al
most a moral as well as a profession
al impossibility for them to go any
where else. Once upon a time, after
he demise of a member of the
"corps editorial," he presented
himself at the gates of the 'Golden
City," and requested admission.
The' door-keeper asked him what
1m,l lpfn hi occupation on Terra
He replied that he was an
"Well," said the watchman,
"we've got a crowd of your kind
here now, and they all came as
"dead-heads." If you can pay
viinr uinnr(. vou can come in. if
not, yon ihust place yourself under
tin control of a personage you
ruled tyrannically below'." mean
ing the"devil.".
Xot having the. "wherewith" to
go in, our much-beloved brother of
rhe"quill and scissors" posted off."
and presented himself at the en
trance of Clootie's dark domain.
A very dark complexioned gentle-
nif-m Qtnrx sontrv. and asKcu m a
gruff voice: "Who comes?"
"An humble desciple of Faust
was the calm reply
"Then hold on, you can't be ad-
mitted " exclaimed the gentleman
in black, evincing considerable ag
itation' and fiercely scowling upon
Whv not demanded the typo,
who began 1 6 get some what "hut-
fish " and looked around for a
"shooting-stick" with which to
CD '
force an entrance.
"Well sir," replied his sable maj-rst-
"wr let, one of your profession
iu here many years ago, and he
kept up such a row with his form
er delinquent subscribers, and as
we have more of that class of per
sons here than any other, we have
passed a law prohibiting the ad
mission of any editors, only those
who have advanced our interest in
their papers on earth, and even
those we keep in a seperate room
to themselves. You have publish
ed many things operating against
us and blamed the devil with every
thing that went wrong, so you
curt come in. We enforce this
rule without respect to persons, for
our own peaee and safety."
Casting a dull leer at the outside
sentinel, our typographical friend
started off again, detirmincd to
get in "up above." This time he
took with him a file of his paper,
and presented it to the guardian
of the Celestial City, requesting
that it might be carefully examin
ed, and they could see whether he
was entitled to a free ticket. In
due course of time the conductor
came along and took him in, tell
ing him that he had been a martyr
to the cause of improvement, and
that resolutions had been passed to
admit all members of the "art pre
servative" who had abused the
devil below, lie added that as
they were punished enough by be
ing" with the devil, all their future
punishment is commuted, lie fur
ther stated that not one delinquent
subscriber could be found inlleav
on. Tut: Way. An indignant St.
Jt se;h (Mo.) husband, whose wife
kas sued for a divorce, writes a
fi piotest to Judge Adams, in whicn
I lie says: "This damnable thing
Ui Called divorce ha in mv oninion
parted many a man and his wife."
) hatever may have been its effect
in Missouri, that is certainly the
way such things operate out this
Suicide of, a husband at the DeatL
3(1 of his wife.
The Zanesville Courier of the
lbth turnishes the lollowin
ft nor.
tieulars of a most distress! n
v.j iiinn iuu pmce in that city
on Tuesday last: The citizens of
this community were
. .7
at an early hour yesterday evening
by the intelligence of the death of
C. II. Durban and wife, which had
just taken place at the residenc of
Judge Evans, in the sixth Ward,
under the most taid and painful
circumstances the one. d vino- i
the effects of a pistol ball in the
head, fired bv his own hm.d wluh
Ins wife lay dying in the same
room of a lingering disease con
sumption and expiring ten min
utes alter her husband" had gone
into eternity. That our citizens
were startled by the announce
ment would hut faintly express the
feellings of sadness and horror at
the event, and of the sympathy for
the parents, relatives and fremds
of the deceased. The circumstances
of this painful occurrence, as near
as we can gather them are as fol
lows: mil charles n. duruan,
son of our Avell known fellow citi
zen Thomas Durban, Esq-, a vounor
man about 23 years of age, a pract
icing attorney, office m the An
theneum Building, was married
last spring to Miss. Lucy Seaman
After marriage, owing to the fail-
nig ; ucmuii oi Airs, unman, they
reside! at Judge Evans'. The dis
ease with which she was alliicted
was that of consumption of the
lungs. Mr. Durban, from the testi
mony of all, was the most devoted
of husbands, kind, generous, and
noble-hearted of sons. I)r Hall
was the attending physician of
Mrs. Durban during her illness, and
was requested by Mr. Durban to
visit her every day, to spare no ex
pense whatever in procuring her
anything that would tend to Iter
comfort or aid in her recover'
The doctor did, on one occasion,
omit his daily visit for one day,
when, the next morning, Mr. Dur
ban called on him and begged him
not fail visiting her daily untillher
health was recovered or death put
an end to her sufferings. She con
tinued to grow worse, and as the
prospect of her recovery faded
away Mr. Durban grew sad and
gloomy. Dr. fall visited Mrs.
Durban yesterday morning, and
found that
a few days at the most. In the
evening he was sent for again, and
arrived at the bed-side of the suf
ferer at 5:50 o'colck. Mrs. Durban
wished to take some medicine,
morphine and chloroform, prescrib
etl b tll0 doctor when she was
restless and could not sleep, ner
husband asked the doctor about
crivinrr if ovnressino- himself as if
r- o - - 1 o " .
tearing the desire ior the sedative
quoted him to give her the medi
mifftit increase. me doctor re
cine, which he did, at the same
time seeming very nervous and ex
cited. He wallked partially
iround the room with his hands in
his pockets, and finally stopped at
the foot of the bed. The doctor
then gave her some valerate of am
monia, Mr. Durban still standing
at the foot of the bed and seemed
He said to the physician, "Doctor,
for God's sake cant you give Lucy,
(his wife's name) something to re
leive her The doctor told him to
wait, that the remedy had not had
time to act. As the difficulty of
breathing seemed to increase the
doctor told him to bring some un
slacked lime, that she might inhale
it while it slacked. He did so,
and attempted to hold it to her
face but seemed unable from nerv
ousness. She then took a se
vere fit of coughing, when the doc
tor took his place. Mr. Durban
passed to the foot of the bed, say
ing as he did so, "Doctor, can't
you do anything more for her, she
is dying ?" The doctor found that
she would suffocate unless her po
sition in the bed was changed, and
with the assistance of her mother
and Mrs. Evans was trying to
change her position, when a report
rang out which filled the room
with sound. The doctor "-laneino-up,
and supposing that he might have
accidently shot himself, rushed to
him and laid him on the floor. lie
did not breath, seemingly, after
tho shot. Ilis wife seemed fully
conscious of what had taken place
said she was sorry but couldn't
crv. She tried to speak again, but
her words were not understood,
when she died, there being from
five to ten minutes between their
deaths. The ball took effect in the
right temple, a little above the eye.
In his pocket was found a letter,
saying that he could not live with
out her, and if he died first that he
would met her in Paradise. There
were letters also to his parents,
and a note requesting that no cor
oners inquest be held upon his body,
that it was a matter between him
self and his God.
A Vice to '-Common.
It is shocking, even to a hard
ened man of the world, to hear on
the thoroughfares of this and prob
ably every other large city, ex
ceeding profanity of boys and
sometimes girls, not yet in their
teens. The most horrible oaths
glide off their toungs and through
their hps as easily as well rounded
periods from the mouth of an ac-
I COmPllshl orator. It
is to be
i I10P-'d that the great
ol these juvenile swearers are de
scribed by liyron, when he said
of his fictitious characters. "He
knew not what to do, and so, he
swore' Jt is lamentable that this
vile habit prevails to such an
alarming extent among ths young,
but its prevalence with the" older
members of the community is still
more deplorable. Thoughtless
ness on the part of children, and
half-grown persons, may furnish
some slight excuse, but when
adults continually indulge in the
objectionable practice, we fear it
indicates a nature which, if not ir
reclaimubly debased, has lost
much of its original purity.
An article in the l'itsburg
Prt'ovhtyr gives seven good reasons
why a man should not swear:
1. It is mean. A man of high
moral standing would almost as
soon steal sheap as to swear.
2. It is vulgar altogether to
low for a decent man.
3. It is cowardly implying"' a
fear either of not being believed
or obeyed.
f. It is ungentlemanl v. A gent
leman, according to Webster, is a
genteel man well bred, refined.
Such a one will no more swear than
go into the street and throw mud
with a loafer,
5. It is indecent offensive to
delicacy, and extremely unlit for
human ears.
G. It is foolish. "Want of de
cency is want of sense."
7. It is abusive to the mind
which conceives.
Adroitly Hit.
A correspondent of the Herald
and J'reshyter, writing from Min
nesota, tells the following : I have
picked up a little story which I
think is too good a reproof for dis
turbers of the peace in churches to
be lost. A presiding elder of the
United Hrethern Church was
preaching in the neighborhood, and
was much annoyed by persons
talking and laughing. He paused,
looked at the disturbers, and said,
"I am always afraid to reprove
those who misbehave in church.
in the early part of my ministry I
made a great mistake. As I was
preaching a young man that sat just
before me was constantly laughing,
talking and making uncooth grim
aces. I paused and administerd a
severe rebuke. After the close of
the service one of the offical mem
bers came and said to me : "Hi-other
, you made a gicat mistake
That young man whom you re
proved is an idiot." Since then I
have always been afraid to reprove
those who misbehave in church
lest I should repeat the mistake
and reprove another idiot."
During the rest of that service,
at least, there was good order.
Jefferson's Ten Hulks. Jef
ferson's ten rules arc good yet,
especially for those who have the
training of the pupils in our public,
schools. They are so short and
concise, and embody so much of
value, that it would be well if
they were clipped and put where
we could see them often. They
are as follows :
1. Xever put off fill to-morrow
what you can do to-day.
2. Xever trouble another for
what you can do yourself.
3. Xever spend your money be
fore you have it.
4. Xever buy what you do not
want because it is cheap.
5. Pride costs more than hunger,
thirst and cold.
0. We seldom repent of having
eaten too little.
1. Xothing is troublesome that
we do willingly.
8. How much trouble the evils
have cost us that have never hap
pened. 0. Take things always by the
smooth handle.
10. When angry, count ten be
fore you speak, "if very angry,
count a hundred.
It is said that if a tree is felled
while in leaf, and allowed to lie un
til the folirge withers, the wood
will be the soonest seasoned, as the
leaves will draw all the sap before
thep die.
Can. What did the youn- la
dy mean when she said to her lov
er, "YTou may be too late for the
cars, but you can take a buss V
Substitute for Matrimony.
From th Xew York Tribune.
We print herewith "liiton's
lews of Marriage and Divorce "
as set forth by himself. We have
repeatedly printed the same views
(essentially) as set forth at full
length by several eminent writers
on his side, so that we are very glad
to find Tilton's statement a short
Tilton's right to thkk as he does
we do not dispute ; our right to re
gard his doctrine as eminently per
nicious and detestable he seems un
willing to concede. We feel that
just such reasoning as his, instilled
by libertines into the ears of their
foredoomed victims, has filled and
is now tilliiio- lhn nnvtli with in
misery mid morn! ruin Tinhnil
the libertine who beguiles an inno
cent girl into compliance with his
wishes and deserts her when his
passions are sated and she about to
become a mother, stands fully jus
tified by Tilton's premises and de
ductions, lor the seducer would
say, "I have ceased to love, honor,
to ckensh ; therefore, my 'covenant
is tpto Ja:to ended, and I am free
to go where I v:dlP If this doc
trine is not Tilton's, we are unable
to discern the difference.
Til ton sa-s that the
contract "is ipxo facto ended when
ever, instead of loving, they hate,
and, instead of honoring, they dis-
pise, etc.
If Tilton has any form of mar
riage covenant in use among Chris
tians, which pistihes his assertion
we challenge him to produce it.
We never saw nor read, such; we
are sure none such' exist. On
the contrary, all the marriage cov
enants within our knowledge bind
the parties not to hate, despise, or
loath each other. If they do so,
they break their vow ; but this by
no means releases them lroni its
We insist that the men and wo
men who believe in the Tiltonian
marriage covenant shall act accord
ingly. Let them stand up before
the world and say : "We take each
other for husband and wife for so
long as we shall continue to love
each other supremely ; but when
ever this shall no longer be the case,
then we proclaim and will hold our
selves at liberty to separate and
take to ourselves new partners."
Then we shall know exactly how
to treat them. They will be pre-
cisely in the position of every iib-
. i -iiil
ertme who has a mistress, and will
be regarded and treated according
ly. Their assuming before the
world an obligation to cling to each
other "till death do part," and in
sisting on regulating their lives by
one totally different, we unuttera
bly abhor. In fact, no person who
holds with Tilton has any right to
marry at an. ne nas no right to
the honors of marriage while he re
pudiates its essential obligation.
The Union that Tilton believes in
is not marriage at all, but something
radically diverse from that. It is
the marriage a la tacque of Parisian
workmen and grisettes, which is
expected to last a year, but often
disappoints that expectation
Those who hold it superior to Chris-
tian marriage snouid piove tneir
faith by giving it a distinctive
name. Words are things, and mar-
riage is not what any one choose
to have it; but is defined by the was further rumored that Mr. Mur
dictionaries. If the free-lovers are py oniy pretended to relinquish
not ashamed of their creed, let them njs interest in Tammany when he
prove It oy giving a ui&uuiuMiuig
name to "their substitute for mar
-. i i
A young Jewess of Baltimore
named Miss Rettie Jacobs, eloped
on the 10th tilt., with a gentleman
named Allman. The fugitives were
married at Washington and pro
ceeded to Alexandria for a quiet
honeymoon. The father traced
them up to the hotel, and was con
ducted up to their room. As the
door was opened the bride exclaim
ed: "Father, we are legally mar
ried," and burst into tears. The
father upbraided her for her act
and forbade her to call him father
again, as she disgraced both him
and her mother. A dialogue was
carried on between the two and
amid their cries and sobs, which
was only interrupted when the
landlord declared that it was at
tracting too much attention and
must cease. The father turned to
go, and as he did so, cast a fond
look at his daughter, and to her
frantic "Good-bye, father," said :
"I will go home, put crape on my
hat, and mark you on the record :
Died September 19, 1871.' " And
thus they separated.
Flirting. A localjournal states
that in a town upon the Hudson
there has been discovered a young
ladies' society having for its mot-
to, "Flirt on Uirt ever." An ditor's
in denouncemg the ahair The ed-
itor spared not his erring child m
his devotion to truth and common
sense. I
She took it in her tremblinpr hands,
That j)oorly served her will ;
The wave of "life on golden sauds,
Stood for a moment still.
She read the superscription o'er,
And broke the careful seal ;
The precious burden that it bore
She did not read, but feel,
O, earth, so green with Summer now,
O. sky of heavenly blue!
O, mated birds on every bough !
Her thoughts are not of you.
The bum of friendly tones below,
The life of pleasant care,
That swayed her soul an hour ago,
Now rule no longer there.
She knows a love too pure and high
For simple words to speak ;
Its glory glistens in her eye,
And blushes on her cheek.
Its brighter warmth about Lcr lie?.
It fills each human need.
Enfolds her life and glorifies
The simplest word or deed.
lie has no promise to allure,
No fairy tale to tell ;
The skill of honest love is sure
To work its purpose well.
It scornes the flatterer s subtle art,
The worldling's acted lies ;
But storms the fortress of the heart,
And bears away the prize.
Yet brave as spurred and belted knight,
More tender still than brave,
lie lifts his victim into light,
Himself the willing slave.
O, Love, thy kingdom s!and3 secure,
llorn with Creation's day ;
Thy sweet dominion shall endure
When earth hath passed away.
Do Thou Likewise.
From the Missouri Republican.
The Democratic leaders in Xew
York have done themselves great
credit oy tneir promia and vigor
-i . i . i -t
ous action toward the lammanv
ring. The moment that it became
probable that the charges of fraud
in the management of municmal
affairs in the city of Xew York
were not mere partizan devices de-
hi - rnm sole v to break c own orom
ment Democratic ofhcials, the
Chairman of the State Democratic
Central Committee at once inter
posed to aid in exposing the frauds
and bringing the guilty parties to
punishment. It is believed to
have been at his suggestion that
Mr. Green was made Acting
Comptroller; a. Democrat having
so entirely the confidence of all
parties, that the public now rests
satisfied that the doings of the
ring will be effectually and fear-,
lessly investigated.
'm "i 1 : a 1
i no j7emocracy navnrjr iiius
cleared its skirts of all suspicion of
connivance at frauds, tho Uadical
party should go and do likewise m
its portion of Uncle Sam's political
mansion. The .New York Custom
House would seem to need purifi
cation fully as much as Tammany.
The rsew York Tribune continues
its charges against Collector ALur-
U1V. and thev are certainly grave
enough to demand stringent inves
tigation. A correspondent of that
thoroughlj Radical journal in
quires of it about certain disagree
able rumors concerning that offi
cial; that by the aid of govern
ment officials he was enabled to
make large sums of money out of
the government during the late
war; that he has been deeply mter-
ested with Tammany in its schemes
Gf street widening and other lat
j0kS; and that by these operations
"he has amassed vast wealth. The
correspondent also writes that it
obtained the superior position of
L nited States Collector. To this
the Tribune editorially answers,
that the public record of the Ad-
ministration pet is "only faintly
hinted at m the above startling
questions:" and it thereon gives
some astounding items about him.
lie is so much a part and parcel of
the Tammany ring that m 18GG he
voted for Hoffman and the other
Democratic candidates, and paid
large sums of money to secure
their success, in order to enable
the ring to control the city more
surely; in addition, he and "his
crowd." as Radicals, nominated a
candidate in that Mavoraly elec
tion for the express purpose of
having Tammany win. Rut these
political pecadilloes m support ol
his brethren of the ring are as
nothing compared with the person
al shortcomings of which the In
bnne accuses him. To say that he
made hirre sums of money out of
the government during the war
"very faintly hints the extent of
the case;" and it charges as "not
denied" that his transactions were
of such a nature that the War De
partment ordered an investigation,
by which "verv damaging results
were obtained;" that through pri
vate political lnlluenee the investi
gation was suppressed; and that
when the papers were subsenuentlv
called for, it was found that twelve
jiad been burcrlaronslv abstracted
from ticm- (Where did the Tarn
many ring learn that trick of bur-
glary of vouchers in the jS ew
Y ork Comptroller's office?) It also
charges that Mr. Robert Murray
openly boasted that, at Air. Mur
phy's instigation, and on his prom
ise to pay their expenses, he "spir
ited away witnesses to the mat
ters involved in that investigation:
that, besides his share in the street-
widening jobs, "he was admitted
to the notorious and infamous real
estate speculations of Tweed, Swe
ney and Conuolly; to this day and
hour he is joint owner with them
of city property valued at a mil
lion of dollars, and in at least one
transaction amounting to over a
quarter of a millon, he engaged
with them as late as Oct. 15 "l8o9,:
as the records in the City Hall now
lhus high Radical authority de
scribes the man who runs what an
eminent Radical merchant calls
the "venal, corrupt machine" of
the Xew York Custom House.
Mr. Murphy appears in the Tri
bune with an answer to this form
idable indictment, but it is a
wretchedly lame one. As the Tri
bune remarks of it, "change names
and Mr. William M. Tweed
with equal grace say the same
thing." His joint speculation with
the ring's leaders in real estate is
admitted, and the charges about,
the abstracted affidavits are met
by nothing more definite than a
sneer at the witness, Mr. Murray,
and a reference to his own confirm
ation by the United States Senate,,
which, however, as the Irtbune as
serts, never made any examination
into them.
The honest men of all parties
will wait with some curiosity to
see whether the Radical party will
deal with its Murphy as summarily
and vigorously as tho Rcuiocrac'
has dealt with the Tammany ring
which, by-the-by, Mr. Murphy
says "dates its existence" from the
election of Mr. Hoffman, as Mayor
of Xew York, and hence it is not
the Democratic Tammany of an
earner time.
Josh Billings-
We have no more rite to laff at
a deformed person than we have at
a crooked tree both of them arc
God's arketckture.
How strange it iz that men had
rather be flattered for possessing
what they have not, than to be
justly praised for what they pos
Suavity ov manners towards
men iz like suavity of molassis to
wards flies; it not only calles them
to you, but sticks them fast after
they get thare.
There iz a grate deal ov charity
in this world so koldly rendered
that it fairly hurts; it iz like lifting
a drowning man out ov the watter
hi the hare ov the head, and then
letting him drap on the ground.
Exchanging kompliments iz an
other name for exchanging iize.
The greatest thief this world haz
ever produced iz procrastination
and he iz still at large.
Advice to Doctors. Have you
heard of the Rowery boy, who, be
ing cut short in a hard lire by a
sore disease that brought him to
death's door, v. as informed by his
physician that medicine could do
nothing for him.
"What's my chances, Doctor?"
"Xot worth speaking of."
"One in twenty?"
"O, no."
"In thirty?"
"Fifty ?"
"I think not."
"A hundred?"
"Well, perhaps there may be one
in a hundred."
"I say, then, doctor," pulling him
close down, and whispering with
feeble earnestness in his ear, "just
go in like thunder on that chance."
The Doctor "went in," and the
patient recovered.
A green young justice of the
peace out in Illinois was recently
called upon, for the first time,to per
form a marriage ceremony. He
nervously looked through "Every
Man His Own Lawyer," and
"Haines' Township Laws," but fail
ed to find tho desired form. The
crowd grew impatient, and he told
the couple to hold up their right
hends. This done, he pronounced
the following charge: "You and
each of you do solemnly swear that
in the cause now upon hearing, yon
will tell the truth, the whlole truth,
and nothing but the truth ; and
you will love, honor, cherish, and
obey each other during the term of
your natural live, so help you God.
Both answered solemnly, "I will,"
and the Justice charged them a
dollar each and pronounced them
man and wife. ...
If a civil word or two, will ren
der a man happy, "f
wretched indeed who will not giv e
them to him. Such a disposition is
like lighting another man s candle
by one's own, whiclr loses none of
its brilliancy by what the other
No Appeal.
In the cases of Brigham Young
and others, now in the courts of
Utah, it seems there is no appeal
to the Supremo Court of the
united States. In civil cases
where the amount involved is
Si, 000 or over the right of appeal
still exists, but Congress, in rder 0
the more effectually tocarry out
the reconstruction measures, took
away the right of appeal in cases
where life and liberty are at stake.
and tho act being general, Utah
was affected in like manner as the
States lately In rebellion.- The
Salt. Lake leaders are, therefore.
left to the mercy of Judge Mc
Kean and his confederates. Sac.
Could there be a more terrible
arraignment of the Radical party,
than is the above simple statement
of what a Radical Congress has
done ? In civil cases where th8
amount involved is 61,000 or over
the right of appeal exists; but
Congress, for the purpose of carry
ing out its usurpations "took away
the right of appeal where life and
liberty are at sfa.kc". We say
"usurpations" advisedly; for if Con-e
gress did not believe the recofi
struction acts usurped authority
not granted in the Constitution,
why did it fear to allow cases aris-
ing under them, where "life and
liberty were at stake," to go on
appeal before tho Supreme Court?
'lhat such outrages on justice and
decency may be perpetrated, and
the perpetrators not be blasted
with the thunderbolts of God's
wrath, is calculated to shake the
confidence of man in Divine jus
tice, or in the Divine superinten
dence of human affairs!
The political and moral ideas of
a party are crystalized in the legis
lation which the party, when in
power, enacts. The Republican,
party is willing to allow eases in
volving dollars and cents to be ap-0
pealed to the the highest judicial
tribunal of the country, but in
cases involving the life and liberty
of the citizen all appeal is denied,
because the decisions of the tribu
nal might interfere with their
schemes. Comment is unnecessary !
Yrelca XJ-nioa.
Ah o'nt Is arr y in g- 6
Occasionally young men of good
character indulge in gloomy doubts
concerning the average American,
woman, but such doubts can easily
be traced to disappointed affection,
or .perhaps it may be produced by
the horrors of a cheap boarding
house. Marriage is sanctioned by
God and com men sense. It is the
only means whereby a young man
in this country can hope to lead a
respectable and cleanly life. Rut
there are too classes of persons
who are exempt from its joys and
its sorrows. q
If you, young man, arc deaf,
dumb, lame, blind and idiotic, and
if your ancestors have been such, Q
or if you are so mean that your
life is that of a friendless, snarhngo
cur, and you feel that you could
not be anything else, even to your
wife, you can stand aside.
If you', young man, have? conj
ceived that ambition so common
nowadays, of being a "fast man;"
if you have made up your mind to
keep a fast horse and a concubine;
if your ideas of happiness is to
have your hands full of cards and
your stomach full of oyster?; if
you, in short, have made your ar
rangements to go straight to per
dition, without change of cars,
you'd better not marry. You will
spend the money that the honora
ble man lavishes on a home and its O
"light and life." on painted creat
ures who drag your polluted nameo
through every sink in the land;
who will display the jewelry and
gifts you have bestowed on th$m,
and curse you with a glib, round
oath for a spoony and a fool. You,
too economical to marry, will have
plenty to spend on long-haired cut
throats, who will leave you at last,
it may be, to die wifeless, amid
the dust and cobwebs of the gar
ret. Fanny Fern, o
The price paid by Robert Bon
ner for the collection of renowned 0
horses which his stable contains are
stated by a gentleman, who is said
to have received his information
from his (Bonner's) own lips, to bo
as follows: Dexter, f 33,000 Po
cahontas, e45,000,Peerless, 4G,000,
Lantern, 640,000, Bruno, $25 ,000,
Total, $278,000.
Unfortfnate Females. The
number of women of mature years
i. e., above the age of twenty, who
must remain single in consequence?
of the actual disproportion of tHe
sexes in England and Wales is be
tween 300,000 and 400,000. Tho -number
of adult women who really
are single is 1,537,000, of whom 1
230,000 are between twenty and
forty years of age.
Fd Kvcrett, su,uuu, .joe. moii-,
fti 0 000, Lady Palmer, $35,000,
Star 620,000, Flatbush Maid, $35,-
o o
;f .
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