O - The Great Joke at Wyoming. HOW THE WAGS SERVED MK. JUDGE fRRIs' HlTSBAXD A'WIFB COM- 3IITTJXG UEII SrOUSE. Correspondence of the New York Sun. J Cn vyexxe, October l.My last trave ia brief the - history ot the pasc of the woman's suffrage ' act irf Wyoming. I will new give & some of the practical workings of woman suffrage and woman oilice hokling. The first action taken under "the provisions of this law was the appointment by the Secre tary, as acting Governor, of Mrs. Esther Morris, of South Pass City, : as a justice ot the peace lor bwcet water county. Mrs. Morris, quali fied, "remitted the usual fee of $5" to the Secretary, and entered upon the duties of her office. Nothing unusual occurred for some days; everybody was satisfied with the Kiew Justice and the new Justice nvith everybody. One day, how- ever the wine- of bitterness was mixed in her cup of bliss, and not withstanding her womanly and rifely feeling, she was compelled to drink it. Iler better-half, who was now left in charge of the do mestic department of the firm had previous to his retirement to the shades of domestic life, occasion ally taken a social glass with his mends, laking ad vantage ot this weakness, some friends waited up on Morris one day, and having made Morris drunk led him into a breach of the peace, then hastened to the esquire's ollice and lodged a complaint with her Honor against her Honor's "liege lord and mas ter," that used to be, and demand ed a warrant for his arrest. Mrs. Justice hesitated a moment on the banks of this woman's Hubicon, hut like Caesar she was equal to the emergency, and promptly crossed into her lord's dominions, and her former master was dragged before her for trial. Morris' head was not sufficiently clear to comprehend the situation, lie began to assert his sovereign rights in contempt of court until suddenly brough up by the officer in obedience to the court's order. Seeing that things had changed somewhat, and that Othello's oc cupation lia'l been at least sus pended, he began to expostulate with the officer, until informed bv that functionary that he had no discretion, but was acting under orders from the court. Vho is the court (hie) ?" in quired Morris. On being informed that the occupant of the bench was the judge, Morris looked at the justice with a puzzled air, scratched his head in an effort to collect his scattered thoughts, and ejaculated, "Her her (hie) you (I tool she s my wite (hie) she is that's Esther my wife Esther you're drunk, or oh, don't bother me (hie)," and he started to go. "Lock up the prisoner for con tempt of court," said Mrs. Morris to the officer. p "What have you to say about it, eh ?" blurted out Morris, stagger ing menacingly toward the judge. "You will find I have all to say about it. Officer, lock him up," replied her Honor. Although badly mixed, Morris began to get a glimmer of the truth, and began a parly. "Now look here, Mr. O nicer, don't bo in a hurry. T didn't mean anything wrong. I want to just talk with my wife a minute. Xow, Esther, what's the use of foolin'; you jist git down out o' there, and go home and behave yourself. I'll tend to this little difficulty myself. Xow go right along; the baby wants nursing. I had to give it to Mrs. Winslow to get it to sleep when I came down. He's hungry, for lie won't use that od bottle, and I don't blame him, either. And what's more, I ain't going to do it any more, now. You hear that? Xow start along." By the time Morris had deliver ed himself of this, his tone had changed as his feelings warmed from that of expostulation to that of command again, and the officer forced him into the rudely con structed lock-up in the rear of her Honor's court,' and there Morris was left to reflect upon the situa tion, and gaze upon the dividing wall between himself and wife as the dividing line between man's and woman's rights under the new dispensation. On the following morning Mor ris was arraigned before her Hon or, and "in the most sober and sub dued manner, and with the deepest humiliation, pleaded guilty, asked the pardon of the court for con tempt, begged its clemency, and then awaited his sentence with hu mility and resignation. Alter giving the prisoner a Caudle lecture as amended by the laws of Wyoming, her Honor ini posed the usual fine and required the prisoner to give bonds to keep the peace, upon which the court gallantly offered to let him go, and Morris vanished. Tin: Eternal Cuy. A "strong minded" thus relieves herself: "Marry! -many! marry!'. That's man's eternal cry. "Marry and settle dmvn." Settle down "into a house "iwo-story back," perhaps settle down into a kitchen, a 0eook-stove, a wash-tub, a cradle! and sa keep settling, settling set tling into a wearv, worn,faded woman on whom the male ini portuner, alien five or ten years of his excluslVe companionship mav look and congratulate himself on having accomplished a successful ruin. Miscellaneous Items- Poisoned rats obtained revenge by running into a well and thereby poisoning an Indiana family. ... - A Jew on seeing a prodigiously fine ham, remarked: "Thou al most persuadeth me to be a Chris tian." A Southern paper speaks of the death of several citizens "from throat disease, superinduced by razors." A correspondent describes Vin- nie lieam in her studio "with her arms bare to the shoulders and her ankles likewise." A Georgian who killed his child, professed a willingness to be ar rested if they would only wait un til he had killed his wife. James Xeely of Ohio, enjoj'ed the greatest satisfaction in las last moments by refusing to tell his weeping family where he had buried $15,000 in coin. A correspondent of the IVe stern Rural mentions a Leicester ram, belonging to E. T. Bryant, of Cal houn county, Michigan, which weighs 425 pounds. One of the best ways of de creasing crime amontrthe members of both sexes is to destroy the be lief (which is steadily spreading) that it is vulgar to work for a living. Capt. Wright, of Franklin Pre cinct, Morgan county, 111., is the owner of a hog which weighs thir teen hundred andjifttf-fice pounds, and which is, probably the largest hog in the world. George Henderson, living near Paynes vilie, Mo., gathered from one apple tree, this year, fifty-five thousand apples, which made forty live bushels. One apple from this prolific tree weighed twenty and one-half ounces. A writer in the Xational Live Stock Journal, who lias studied the peculiar eharistics of the Texas breed of cattle, has arrived at the conclusion that the first cross with them should be the Devon, and then with the Short-horn. In one county of Kansas alone, there are 121 acres of castor beans under cultivation, and Greeley thinks it needs no mathematician to show that the crop will supply castors to every bedstead in the United States. A Xew Hampshire man, when asked to give his consent to the marriage of his daughter, turned with a beaming face to the appli cant and answered frankly, "Yes, yes; and don't you know some likely young man who will take the other?" Teacher: "Mary, dear, suppose I were to shoot at a tree with five birds on it, and kill three, how many would be left ?" Mary four years old: "Three, ma'am." Teacher: "Xo, two would be left." Mary: "Xo, there wouldn't though; the three shot woidd be left, and the other two would be Hied away GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND! rpiIE UNDERSIGNED XOW OFFERS JL for sale, at VERY REASONABLE HATES, Blocks & Fractional Blocks GOLDSMITH'S ADMTI0X TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND, Formerly known as V.ie Ualch Claim. Commencing at L and Twenty-sixth street?, about ten minutes walk from the anticipated street Railroad- on P street. The PROl'KR TV 18 WELL SITUATED, about thrce lourths of it level, no grading required, and is, either for HOMESTEADS OR SPECULATION THE MOST DEnTUADLE TO EE FOUND,' And will be sold on the following One fourth Cash; the balance in six, twelve and eighteen months, with nine per cent, interest "per annum. WARRANTY DEEDS GIVEN. For further particulars, enquire at our of fice, where Maps can be seen. tiOLUS-IIITII lillOS. Sept. 22, 1371:ml Agents Wanted for SATAN IN SOCIETY. IV AN EMINENT PHYSICIAN AND J Erofes-or in one of our large Medical Colleges. It deals fearlessly, but chastely, with evils from which spring physical and moral degradation, and do-restic felicity. It is being reviewedpraised and criticised, by all the leading religious and secular pa pers and magazines in the U. S., and the ver dict of the bkst and most discriminating is, that it is a remnrknble Bk; that it is time ly ; that it is hte.h I; that it will make it iwtrk, and t?' q.Mj't. It is of vital importance to every man and woman in the laud, and is having a wonder ful sale. A cents will find this a rare oppnrtunitv fo make money. Circulars, giving full par i ticulars, with numerous notices of the press, sent tree. A- L. BANCTOFT & CO-, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Take Notice. - ry hooks and accounts are in i irl. the hands of John Myers, Esq., f r col j lection. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me. wi'.l please call on him and m.ike immediate payment. Aiier me expi ration of th'rtv days" from this date, all un settled accounts will be placed in the hands ot an attorney for collection. Those who wish to save costs will please take notice. J. R. RALSTON. Oregon City, Oct. 12, ISTl.ml, GREAT REDUCTION im pr AT 13. L. STORE'S, No.lOT Front street, Portland, Oregon. TTALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CIIAIXS AXD PJXGS, CLOCKS OROIDE WATCHES AND CHAINS, FIXE JEWELRY AXD SILVERWARE. All at New York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY" REFUNDED. "Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf BUSINESS CARDS. 4 CIIAIII..ES E. WARISEN, Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept.lt: ly. JOIIX M. liACOX, Importer and Dealer in STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, Ac, &c, Oregon Cilij, Oregon. At Char man Warners old stand, lately oc cupied by S. Ackerman, Main atrtet. 10 tf JOHN FLEMING, rLiJ4jr DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, IN MYERS' FIRE-PROOF BRICK, MUX STREET, ORKCON CITY. OREGON". Dr. J. R. HATCH, DENTIST, The patronage of those desiring tirst Cktss Ojc nn tioix, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. P. Aitrmj O.ryde administered for the Painless Extraction of Te-eth. Officio In Yeigants new building, west side of First street, between Alder and Mor risou streets, Portland, Oregon. II. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON. Pouxb.vxD. Ork n. OFFKJE Odd Fellows' Temple, corner First and Vlder streets Residence corner of Main and Seventh streets. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since lS19,nt the old stand, JMuia Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Repairings done on short notice, md thankful for past favors. CLARK OREENHAN, City Diayman, OREO OX CITY. B- All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freijrht of whatever des ciiptiou, to any part of the city, willbeexe- cueu promptly and with care. STEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthaus.) No. 17 Front Street, oppo.si.te the Mail steam ship land ing, Portland, Oregon, II. FvOTHFOS, J. J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week S." no " " " with Lodging f oo " " Day l o A. G. WALLIXG?S Pioneer Book Corner of Front sml 1 -r Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. PLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. J.vcon Stitzel. James B. Ui-tox STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Rrokers and General Agents, Corner of Front, and Wash i nylon streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. T U'ill attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate in all parts of" the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 4".-2, Portland. Oregon. iSTITZLLA: UPTON, Otf. Real Fftate Brokers. FOR-SES & "WAIT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. IF.ING CONNECTED WITH REAL 3 Estate Averts of Portland, are prepared to attend to tle PURCHASE and SALE of REAL ESTATE in Clackamas and adjoining counties. A TEAM in readiness to convey purchas ers to ana trom me premises Free of Charge. f 26, l571:tt 53 May JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OR EG OX CITY. tTCeep constantly on hand for sale Midlings, Bran and Chicken Peed. Parties nrchashisfeedmust furnish the sacks. OREGON CITY BREWERY! H I1U 7II3EL, &, STEGE, Having purchased the above Brewerv wish es to inform the pnbli that he is now prewir ed to mannfactnre a No. 1 qnaPtv of prepar LAGER BEER As ood as can be obtained anywherp in th Stale. Orders solicited and promptly fiHed." COURTESY OF BANCROFT dEWS! LOOK OUT FOE GOOD ET5 ASUS! S. ACKEREftAN & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of SPIilXG & SUMMER GOODS, WHICH TilEY OFFER Cheaper tlian tlae Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CHOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, V.OOL wanted, for hkh we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, lS71:tf MAIN STREET, OiiKfjox City, Okkgox. rpiIIS POPULAR HOUSE HAVING Reon JL lately REFUTE I) and FUENISIIEO, the Proprietors are now ready t aoccommo date their customers with II A RD-FINISIIEI) double or single rooms. Thev invite all thosa fond of a GOOD MEAL and a GOOD BED. to call and rive tln-m h f,r tl,.- a,-n confident they c.ir piease everybody, because they ' know bow to keep a Hotel." Prices to suit the times and Everybody, according to ttie rooms r, ccupied. Attached to the House is a BATH ROOM, For the accommodation of csutomers. MERUIAM & FOURMKR, June IT.. lR71:tf Proprietors. jJTEW WAGON AXD Carriage TJlanufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mansions ot his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oregon Takes tins method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that be is now prepared, with ample room, irood materials, and tlie very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle Irom a com mon cart to a concord coach. 1 rv me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbiu" iHMt.lv. quickly and cheap iy done.' " DAVID SMI HI. Opposite Excelsior Market Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKINGTCN. M. DM T ATE OF SAN FRANCESCO, HAS LO-i-i catcd in Portland, Oregon. Ollice : In Holmes' Building, First street (three doors from Ladd & Tilton's Bankt. where he may be consulted daily, and will treat diseases oi me aoove named organs as specialties. All operations upon the Eve and Eai per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers bv permission, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. I)., Professor of Surgery, and Ed win Bentley, M. I)., Profes sor of Anatomy, University- of the Pacific. San Francisco; and for his success in the treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases tieat ed by him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Estes, Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm. H. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. aug25:m(5 Citation. In the Coimtv Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Guardianship of 51. E. fSlover, K. A. Slovor, C. T. Slover and A. J. Slovt-r, Minor Hf irs of Enos Slover, deceased, jp J-. TAYLOR HAVING FILED AN AV--- plication to be appointed Guardian of the above nam. rl minors, children of Enos Slover, deceased, and the Court having appointed Mon day, the fith day of November." 1871. fnr a Wr- imr of said application. Therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon, all persons interested are hereby required to appear on said day in the atrove entitled Court, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said T. J. Taylor should not he eranted. It was further ordered, that this Citation be published four we-eks m the "Oretron City Enter prise." By order of Attest. J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk. J. K. "WAIT, County J udge. County J ( Seal, j Oct. 13;wl JOHN SON & MoCOTN, Att'ys for Petitioner. LIBRARY, fVt- V CLIFF HOUSE, C. W. POPE & CO., DEALERS IN STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA-IERS-COPPER, LEAD PIPE, IRuX PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBBER 1I0SE, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON , WIRE. ; I?Arso a general cssoitment of Hous rushing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, "WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCIXE AND NI;I1T LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPE CO. Oregon City Oregon. ll:lyl s HADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIX STREET Oregon City. O Rett B I ETA A R D TAB EES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T 11 E B A 11 I S S EPF I A EI) With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE ON DRAtGHT. KW Families supplied. c 2 3 NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 91 First Street, i Second door south of his old staud), Portland, Oregon. AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the ait. Nothing but firstclass work done at my new a-nd magnificent rooms, at low prices. AMINE SPECIMENS MILLIxEEY AID FANCY QOOD3 "of tus 4 I FbIRS. m. e. white, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAIRS. "lipiILST THANKING THE LADY V public for their most liberal patron age in the past, she would most respectfully invite their attention to her new styles of FASHIONABLE II ATS AND BONNETS, now on baud and iust received. Dress Making done in the very LATEST STYLE. April 11, isTi.tr KINKEAD1 SAGE BRUSH HAIR TONIC, CURE FOR BALDNESS. THE BEST TONIC DRESSING FOR THE HAIR EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. For Siilo ( 1Ic Erng Siorcs. July 2. ISTLtf STEERS & HIDE5 WhoIesaSe Dealers in TOREIGN AND DOI.IESTIC iri"?cs, J randies, lVhis7ci.es, I?5: No. 40, Fkont Stkket, Poutlaxp, Oregon. Constantly on hand a genuine article of Cutter W iskv. AGENTS FOR. THE ENTEUPUISE. The following persons arc authorized to act as agents for tire Exeebprisk : J. M. Baltimore. Poitland, Oregon. Thomas Boyce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, Hudson & Menet,41 Park Row, New York. Geo. P. Rowell & Cc, 40 Park Row, New York. Abbott & Co., No. S2 & Si Nassau street, New York. Hudson, Menet it Co.. Chicago, Illinois. Coe. AVetherill A; Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.: LEOnDgLOUEY, Prop'r- r LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MIX STREET, OREG0X CITV, OKEGOX. nPIIE UNDERSIGNED KE-. JL sneelfullv announces to his Vl: A I o friends and the tiavelincr public. that lie has re-opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his csutomers with Ovsters, Pica's Feet, a good cap of Coilce or a SQUARE MEAL. LKON DeLOUEY Oregon Cily, Jan. 27, lS71:tf Lost. BOUT THE 1ST OF ArRIL, near -i6- Oregon City, a bay thoroutrh-bred 'fejTl 1 1 Lnmla liirrti o wniotl ,1-l.ifo ct"riTV On i the near fore toot, and the hoot black and white, no brands or other marks. Any one returning c i.l mnn InniHni. i f flTTTl H t 1 OT1 Of WlierP SflC maybe found, at the TMstoniee, in Oregon City, wm oe noerauy rewaroe . AMsnF.V. Oregon City, July 14,1871. JOHN II. SCHRAM. ilanutacturer u eaici m SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc. ITain Street. Oregon Citu. well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the larpesi esiaonsnment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of earlv in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c, having tried in vain everv advertised rpmwlr h a of self-cure, which be will send free to his leiiow-sanerers. Address J. II. REEVES, aepi. i: i j THE GREAT An Infaliible ni.oor rrniFiEii. possess ing rare toah: and Envnc properties a certain cure for khevm.itis..i, toCT, Maii AixiA, and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives the action of tfc tiiAi:vs a.iA uemt.vl oucAxs, radi cally cures Kcnoi'i'L.1, salt bheim and all I'nii'Tivi; nna citaseous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relic' in nYSi'EPSiA, ekysipclas. Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradl rates from tlie system all traces of Mercuria'. Disease, It is PtaEiT VEKXASii.r:,beinsmade from an herb found indigenous in California. It is therefore peculiarly 'suitable for use by Females and Children, as a ts i.ou ii;:it- J li:ai ami KEXOVATOn. Tor Sale by all Druggists. REDINGTQK, HQSTETTCR & CQ Z29 and 531 Market Street, Eaa Trancisco. ect 291y L!NCCLrSBAKERY, BAILEY & HARDifsSC , Seccessors of L. Dilleu in the Lincoln Bakery, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI zens of Oregon City and snrronndinaj country, that they keep constantly on hand and for sale, all kinds of BREAD, CR VCk LBS, CAKES, PASTHY, CANDIE-i AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. The highest pi ices paid for Butter, Eggs and Vegetables. A liberal share of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 23. 1870:1 y it Liva and Let Live." IELTXS & STJtrCKLEIl, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ac., CIIOTCJ- "WINKS AND LIQUORS. ;T"At the old stand of Wortmah & Fields Oiegon Cit , Oregon. 13tf The FLOBF.NCE is the best Sewing Ma chine fM- Familj' use, because it so seldom gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore gon not working well, if informed of if. I will fix it without expense of any kind to the owner. SAMUEL IfflLIi. 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hctel Building", SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEX!) FOR CIItClLARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, lS71:rul0 TO STOCK DKOYEHS. THE HO AD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known as the "Old Emigrant Road," is nv incomplete order for the ac commodation of the traveling public. The bridges on the road have ail been thoroughly repaired, and stock drovers will have no trouble in crossing the mountains bv this rome. aukz-.k i pieijiv oi gooa grass and water on this route, and the distance across is or.ly 50 miles, being the shortest as we'll as the best road across the Cascades. Stock drovers and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this road. Tolls reasonable. JOSLU'H YOUXO, President. Clackamas County, June 1G, lB71;tf HOUSE AND U)TS FOR SALE THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his residence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a good house and barn, with a tine cellar and a good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. J'art payment may be made in stock. For particulars ep ply to GEORGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna2 ISTLtf Blanks. All kinds of blanks can be had at this office Job Printing of every description, neatly executed, at short notice. A. NOLTNER, NOTARY rCBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFF Oregon City, Jap, 13:11 '-- 'HHiisxWneK The Great Medical Discovery t "Pi ht a t -rr-n --.-. VINEGAR BITTEgS, ..v.uoauus Bear testimony to their "vTonder- liuuitw oi xiKHisancis g - vuiauve Jiuects. k tX j WHAT ARE THHYol:? r O TIIEY AKE JJOT A VILTS 1 1 II F A N C Y D R i fi Made of Poor Ilsim. Wii'.-hc-, 1 i t Spirits! and lid'nsc Licjtiorsdwctor -(!.kpir?i and sweetened t picas : the t . to. r.iV.o I " Q Ics,"" Appetizers--," " ncs:or.-.-s," .w.. f..ut the tippler on tj drnakcJiiK-s.--. ar.-.l r:.ft. b-.st ars a true Medicine, niauo from t.ic .-.iH:'.-.; I:u;is t t Herbs of California, free fn::i nil A I olu-lic. Stimiilaius. They aie liiclii! J-AT ii ;.(")( T-rUItU'-IEJS. and 1. 1 1" i: C i V I N i 1 PRIN C I a perfect Ileum alor a:.d !nvigor:r t.f thc System, carrying olTaU poisonous mutter a:nl restoring tlie blood ti ;. li. it'.tl.y -o-,n'.:,t';on. Xo person can take tucsc I'd : crs ai:cordi.i to:ir?e tlon and remain lun unwell. q For InllamisjJitory sin:I Clironic Rlicai matisni iiiul (iout, l :;;. nr lad'., gestiou, llilioas, 1J ciiiill cut unit I:ii:m--mittent Fevers, DiscaM-i ol i'.i - gitmA, liver, Ivitliieys, :in;! Illa.i lt-i, th :o liiii tors have been most fmoesfii!. ?iu-li Din rases arc caused by Viliiited liimid. v.'.iich is generally produced by derangement of tiic I)ier;tiv )rirnii. !YSPi:rSIA Oil INDICJESTION'-. Ilcadaciie.rain in tha Slionldci-.s, Coiiuiu, Tii;!i'f nessof tlie Clicst, Dizziness, Sor.r Eractatioa of the Stomach, r.ad taste l.r tUff Moath 1) Uouj At. tacks, Palpitation of t'.ie lijart, Iiira:!i:::ati-n of 'the Longs?, Pain, in the regions of the K idneys.nal alinndrcd otlier painful symptoms, ar.: the clT Epringsof Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tV.o "torpid liver and bowels, . hicli render them of w.. 'equalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of ? impurities, and imparting new life and vigor u the whole system. FOR, SKIN DISEASES, Krnptions.Tcttrr. Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustuki. Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-llend, sur; Eyes, Erysipelas, Itcln Scurfs, I)iscolorktion tif the Skin, Humors and Diseases 'of the Skia, ot whatever name or nature, are literally du v.p and carried out of the system in chor time br the use of these Bitters. 'On bottle in. wrb cases will convince thc 'tr.os't Incrcyiukins of tla-ir curative ctTccts. . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting through thcsNtin in Tim pies, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it -s!: n you find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and t!i health of the system will follow. FIN, TAPE and other "WORMS, Inrkinjrln tlie system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. "WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. MrDONWI.D CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. Saa Francisco, Caland 32 and3i Commerce Street. New Vork. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Feb. 17 PRIVATE MEDICAL &FD. Quick Cuit'sanil Mode-rate Cliargr Dr. W. KOohertyTs Private Medical & Surgical Institute No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of -L3idesdorlf (f ftw doors below the What Cheer House.) . '('Private entrance on l.eulesdoi fi' street.) Established Expressly to Afiord the Afflicted Sound and Scientific ?ledical Aid, in tln Treatment and Core of all Private -nnd Chronic Diseases, Cases Vaf Scri-ecy ud all Sexual Disorder. To tlie Ailli'tI. DR. V. K. liOIIEUTY returns his si- cere thanks t'o his numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind them that lie continues to consult at his Institute for the cm e of chrorie dis eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidnejs, Diges tive and G'enito-Urinary Ortrans, and al private disease-, viz : Syphilis in all fts forms and stages, Serninal Veaknes and all tlie horrid consequences of self-abuse. Connrr heca. Clh et, StricturiS, Nocturnal nnd Diur nal Emissions. Scxmil iMjihty Diseases of he Hack and Loin?, in'5lahVinai'oln of Ihe Dhidder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he lioj cs that his long experience and successful prac tice will continue to insure him a slmre of public patronage. By the practice of 'many years in Europe and the United Slate, he is enabled to apply the most efficient ,ind suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds He uses no mercury, chnrfics n)oilerate,treHi his patients in a coireit and honorable way and has references ofiiriquestional.de veraci ty from men of known respectability nnd high standing in society. All parties con sulting him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the best and gentlest tieatme at ai d implicit secrecj'. To Females. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sipht, loss of muscular power, palpitation of tlie heart, i rrit;i bility, nervousness, extreme nr inar' dilliculties, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility and all other diseases peculiar to females, she should co cr write at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. DOIIFRTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles and diseases. The Doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician in the State of California. Let no false delicacy prevent vu, but apply immediately and save yourself trom painfu! sufierinps and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families d,ond write or call at DR. W. K. DOIIERTY'S Medical Institute, and tiiev will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's ofliees are so arranged that lie can be consulted without fear of observation. To Correspondents. Patients residing in any psit of theFfale however disrpnf, who mav'des;re the opinion and adviceof DR.DOIIERTY in their respec tive cases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectful ly assured that their communications will be held sacred and confidential. If the case be fully and candidly desciibed, personal com munication will he unnecessary, as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general treat ment of tne ca-e itself (including the reme dies), will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner as to convey no idea of the purport of the letter or parcel. Consultation by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Spcrmatorrhcrn, DR. DOIIERTY has just published an im portant pamphlet, embodying his own view? and experiences in relation to Impotence cr o Virility; being a Short Treaties on Sperma torrhea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this affec t'on, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value to all.whether married orsingla and will be sent FLEE by mail on receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. XT. K. DOIIERTY. M. D., julySoly San Franci-co Cal I Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MY WIFE. Julia A., has left my bed and board with, out provocation, and that 1 will pay no debts 0 that she may contract. MICHAEL PENDLETON. Oregon City, Sept. 20, 1570.wl 5 X X ca a X z " t- x a. a 01 1 :ST v" - .ri 5 " o a t. O