0 Q o glje iUetkln (Enterprise i i I IIT I I II 1 ' " " ' T 1 TOWN ASH COUXTY. iukFc-VU. Tbe following are the - rf fhc ocrsons and the amounts "ubcribed to tue Michigan and V iscou ll.i relief fI!11 : 10 00 H SafTairans. $5 00 J0 0'J J W Cochraa, 5 00 10 00 I Selling. 5 00 10 00 E D Whitlow, 3 00 10 00 J L Barlow, 5 00 10 00 L Schonberg. 1 00 10 00 T Fields, 5 00 5 00 W F lligufieldo OU 5 00 Win Canong. 1 0!: 2 50 R Smith, 2 5( 2 50 W 1L Marshall. 5 0i 4 00 J Allen. 1 (h 2 50 J D Miller, 5 0; 2 50 F Miller, 2 0 2 00 Cbas Whallcy. 3 0- 1 00 T Bart'.ett, 5 0 2 50 J D Locey, 2 5 2 00 A Cnnistock, 5 00 4 00 1 UVis.se. 1 00 2 50 J Woittnan, 1 00 2 00 la-cob. - 5 00 1 00 F O McCown, 5 00 5 00 S Aekennan, 5 00 5 00 L T Barin, 2 50 2 50 Eddie Warren, 50 j I Warren. -j x liius.s iker. (j r Church, W C Johnson J T App-'"sua c v ropy. 0 Wade. A J Appersoa. ) S McDonald, Wni Cassiday, A N -Miller, (j T Locey. K Tompkins, I G Cook, V Ilelmor. Cash A II B, Geo Laik. C Friedrich, J Wilson. J M Bacon. J Fuller, 1 Fdadle, A J Cason. A Warner, 1 i-!ir:im. Jn addition to tbe abovo a collection was taken at tbe Congregational Church, arid Messrs, A. Noliner, "Jhas, Warren, S. J). l'op. and ol hets contributed, at the Slate Fair. W. Fish & &u front a con! i i bution as soon as news oi' the disaster was received. A siv--:-: mkxts. T li M. E. Church was reopened last Sunday evening Tor its reg ular ntontbly pirfurnnne. We were not present, bul'k-arn that a full bouse was in attendance, and that it was a success for the boys, who cheered the performer? Instil V- " We suppose persons engaged in petting up these Sunday evening's amnse i!ieiitswou!d be horror-stricken if some one was to have a theater open on that i.i 'ht. et these 'concerts" have all the anmunict; of such, and how any pjrson claiming to have any lespect for the Sab bath can engage-3'- them, is a wonder to -.is. and to most persons who '-remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy." It is n ;t our ;!ac." to judge mortals but these -mnivris" we regard as far more inpiri- ,iis !( '.l.e voiinir than anv theater or pu!- i "u. j)iace of anittsertient; forlhoy is labeled ii s'.i. h. and oarents will keep their chil- .i ;o:n them, while the. concerts -steal ,.f I. n fi.v, f'K. lt..-.-ll o A'i!U. CuSTUACr Lkt. The contract for build in" a bridge and culvert across the hollow ll0r;h of the Congregational. Church, 'on Main street, v.-as let last Monday evening )V the Cits7 Con not I, for the sum of $013. is a m a eh needed improvement, and is-;! l.rr.bablv save the city a little bill of bunages. ir;eo: wmiui-i ''i i"'1!"'-,.,v.- h ave. is where" does Mr. Meidrum get iie i year c :!- lUiC'Y tO UO SO mttCtl WOfK V.'Uli ItliS it is a qe.e.-'.i!':; wh"tt taken into deration what, Huh; has be:i done in nasi vears. Mr. M., fs the right man m the right place, and if tie. has the office three "year-, lie will have a brick pave- tiOUi! ! -j vv a aid to tt d';or of every msu in Ti :e sticci'M and Cai'a'Ope are on V ooai.-! u 1 .. !,.... lt 1 on the n oner river. Tue former up Lincoln, and the litter un the Yamhill J I'aue. ' e iearu wheat along t he WiilameiN s far n:i a.- Lincolti h;is been Pliers -ie srlv ad brm2rat Pwti. anu are ;uixe-a!y waiting ;t- to enable boats to'- or . i. e water ier tip. to ra ks A son oi our worthy .s in iov.ii la.-t Monday. Prerd There n v o a deal was no utuHt'.! di-;iav ot cereuii '.he occasion, and we Hid not see spy c I our Radical Iriends give him that warm jvc-pt:oa due to one who has roy:;! bi Lis veins Had he come Irota ldood Wash- 1. hi ii:-tead of the reservaiion . lh e !. av e U dtiferent. i Pay t l". o e v.'u'. us h.r s.tbscriptio d ask those indebted to caii and pay tip. We havi.1 on our h year. v. h 1 a l.irgii number oi stiocrioers ! v.lic (. uii! much o c li tints. 'e US tol" tue pa-l tiige us by soaar- tug tUe.r Ar;)iTioXAi.TEAc:a:ii. Miss Annie Goo.' h; is been t tn ployed as assistant teacher at i.uy." This makes now five We learn that there are over ed scholars in attendance, and e SeTU .e.ichrs. two hun It thev uro s ;!t comi; i n from the country. Makk-ts -Potatoes sell from the .igons at a dollar p.T br.rdH'l. C tile Kelts are from 43 to 4. Wheat is .t ... . Appies are selling at 37 cents. Willi the excep tion of apples, everything the farmer has brmgs a big price, ana umuv s.i, . Votik.-Mr. I,- receiv d tho first last Kor, .:t of hoes trotn un tue va! Saturday, and now is busily engaged in making "them into bacon and hams. He ! prepared to p iv the btgdiest market price for pork, and wants all he can get, F k lis o n a b- D r Watkins, of Portland, was in town last Tuesday. He c i:ne on professional business in ccnsultatiori witii i.)r. Barclay, in the case of Mrs. Smith who is iving dingeruuslv ill. L vw Finn. It will be seen by a card. hat Mssr Warren c: Forbes hive fornt- ed a 1 i-.v firm. Tl v are bo n clever 'ei- thunen and will attend promptly to busi ness entrusted to their care. oCKtcriNH. o e are in re ceipt ot the proceedings of the last meet ing ot the City Council, but they are re-e-Yved too late Ibr publication m this Due. DtsArf;: tiKi. !t- s:, . partner of me two weeks his ci'v ago. since which time nothing ha beard ol him or his wheteabouts. been BHOKrt. 1 : D.ivton bioke her sha.t ilch has been sent to l'ort- last, Monday, whl land for repairs. i Lie Cai.eope is runtang la ti.e Dayton s place. RltxD.- crs to the -We call attention of re ut Jvertisement ot Mess.r. Gill a a Steele. They have tvervtt.r.i on hand ia the mu.dcU line, and their goods are i3 represented. Give them a call. Rivutrr Low. The river was lower last Monday between here and Milwaukee than it'has been known for a number of vears. The unner rivtor is alo very low. Kii.'.kp. The cow belonging to locoim jtive knocked a i i V LLue trjCK vesterdav evening her legs. Stic was shot; to relelve her of her misery To Sa-t The sfeams'iip Aj ix' is adver tised to leave Portland for Saa rrantvco to-ia rroy, at 5 o'clock p. ra. Dtssoi.rrroN. As will be seen by an advents firm of Hurab- bee a dl d. Dance. There is to be a dins Myers Hall to-night. The '-boys' poet to have a fine time. Gvx Sao?. Mr. A. J. f a-nri has or at t x a gun shop one door north of tbe en house. Is Tim Dr.Y Docx. Tho Albany been placed ia the drv dock for '. repairs. IIeah. We have put anew - head" on our paper in wees. Telegraphic Clippings. NEIV JERSEY ELECTION. Tkentox, Nov. 7. Parker la probably elected Governor by from 3.009 to 5.000 majority. Totb branches of the Legisla ture will be Republican. Newark, Nov. 7. The complete returns of this city gave Parker (Dern.). for Gov ernor. S2S majority being a Democratic gain of over 2.000 over the Charter elec tion of last month. Walsh has been beaten for Governor of Xew Jersey mainly by a defection in the city of Newark. Parker's maioritv is be tween 3 000 and 4.000. Republicans have the Senate but the Assembly is in doubt. - Chicago, Nov. 7. Medill's majority for Mayor is probably 27.000. It s 'believed that mne.een out of the twenty Alderman on the Medill ticket are elected. The b'il ance of the ticket for city and county offi ces is elected by a large majority. Returns from the State are verVmeairre but show a slight vote. Reverse (Re' publican) is elected to Congress by prob ably 20.000 majority. Republicans elect Congressmen at lartre in Illinois. b MARYLAND. Republicans gain several Senators in Maryland, and one-fourth of the House of D .veiegaies is J.epublican. The Republi :an vote in Maryland is heavily increased hough White (Democrat) is elected Gov' c t era or Wisconsin. Wisconsin gives over 10.000 Republi can majority. Both branches of the Leg islature are Republican. MINNESOTA. Sr. Pari.. Nov 7. Returns from seventy-eight cities and town; cive Austin (Re publican) 3.123; Young (Democrat) 1.(505. The vote of Ramsey county and the city of St Paul is not yet counted, and will probably reduce the above majority con siderably. VIRGINIA. Richmond. Nov. 7 Returns are meagre, though enough is known to insure a large Conservative majority in the Legi.-lature. Tiie aggregate Conservative majority will reach 20,000 NFir YORK. N::w York, Nov 7. --The Democratic majoriy in ti.e city is estimated at 30.0t)0. L'dwi;h was generally abae.djiied by Tatntnanv and was badly beaten. From the complexeioii of the returns received from the interior of the State, it seems that the Republicans hive elected twenty out of thirty- two Senators, and will have a majority in the Assembly, Outside of the city the oulv Democratic Senators be lieved to be elected are Traev, of the Thirteenth, 1! ardetiburg. of the F r our- ii-iano. mi.j io o Oi inn wenrv-i r , i Rochester District. In Brooklyn. Rowel! Democratic candi date for Mayor is elected and nearly the entire ticket. The Reform ticket received but few votes. Si gel is certainly elected Register ov r Shaudley by 10.00) to 15. Ood nvijorily. The vote of the fourth Sen atorial District stands thus: Tweed, 10 1 18 Ros.-a. f; ;;:;5. The VYvri'l says returns from the State indicate tin? election of tho Republican ticket by 20 000 majority. As it never rains but it poms, the majority may be even greater than this. We have lost the State Legislature and Republicans will 1 not Sail lar sjort of two-thirds Vote in cither House. MAS A CIlUzETTS. j Washburn carries Massachusetts by a I m jodty of 100.200. and a plurality of 25, ! iim'J to 3o ''00. Out of 250 members in the I House the Democrats have (if. and of -li) Senator. they have four. The Council and all other State officers are Republican. By a combination of Labor R-.doriners and Denmera's. there wii! be a slight gain in the number of Dem cra'ic members. The House wii! stand : Republicans, 17u ; Democrats. C! . NE'.Y YORK NEH'S. Nitw YoitK. Nov. 1. Titree won in. Vic toria Woodiiull, Tennesse Claflin and I Marv A. Leiand. registered their names in the ho to be owed to vote on Tuesday nexr. Nkw Yotttc Nov .).- -Charles O'Conor ys that from three to m ix millions will be rev-overed I ruin Twi;ed. whose aiders and a'lettors will be proceeded e.g linst. a".--! .1, a large majority. Nkw Yon;:, Nov. 6. The office of the Hubotten Lc-'oV;- was gtiittd this morning by unknown parties, it is believed to have been done at the instance of a rival De m era ; i c fac t io n . I Tin ine reno the resignation of I Secretary Fish, and s.iys editorially tnat the country has been aliitcted with rumors i innumerable concerning the resignation of Mr. Fish. These anally have crystal ! ized into the statement; which we have from Washington, in a shape so authentic and ti ustv, or: h v that we are Cumpelled to give it credence. I Seventeen indictm'mfs have been fotmd j against the former Minor. j 'i'he Board of Trade have agreed to j send ten thousand dollars of the recent contribution intended for Chicago to Michigan and Wisconsin. Republicans strongly urge the election of ex Governor Seymour to the Assembly from the Nineteenth District. IVASH1XC TON NEWS. Washington. Nov. 4. The Internal j Revenue receipts for the fiscal vear ! amount to J Is. (500.730. The President to-dav appointedGeo.il. Id arte, of i'emisylvarn a. Minister Resident at Const.uiunop'-e. vice Mov eag. resigned. ! and John Hunt Hawes, for Hakodadi. The (ioverument is in ves-igat ing the charges against Juag Co v, !Ol linu i v u. J!iui.i:i,i. ii ici.iiiou io formerly o! Ind ? -. . . . t , i n ... his c ctbn w;tn the no nr. ties ana pen- sious due the Indian soldiers of the Creek. CIkm ukee a'ei Seminole nations who served nri frontier dtirltig the rebellion It is v i'-i).- i a!le -ed that the frauus amount to I 0 .'0. and some check payment- for boun'y 1 were cashed by tb' A-ststatit Treasurer at S New York noon t! e indorsement ol' dead X r i g ! 1 1 o r h i a i e .-. 1 3 . r s name s bv A Wu.-d.ir.r-fon di-ratch to the jl-.-ni a .-ays the action of the Chief Clerk of the Pen sion Office will be investigated by Con gress. One of the schemes in which he w ts concerned was leasing the Seaton Ho tel, which was s:.Cure-l for three years at 3 10.0 J0. so r; tiil'izn NEH's. Atlanta. Nov. 4. Acting Gov. Con noly's mess ;g? was read to-dav. He says nothing about, the election, and ho: there win oc n o crroirol for further re- consTucioa. IB tays be cannot now ?:eaK ol me u.s bonds, and urge.- vestigalioti c.f the m itter He CO a a se;s t j e PSinirinn ' '. tiono. the pardoning taws, ana promtst u-e ;h power snarrt c t v; au vises tree ,. u.-,ti.,r. o:oosses mix i sc')'ids and urcresi th:i iiT idons of ti Suite should be f r Lfu in -t. BA-Tr40aK. Nov 4. A mass nieeti )g (if the Ueni tic rat io co ne uve party was d-1 t o-tiigh: in Mon;unental Square, to f protest against proceedings in Sou hCir.)- Una under suspension of win of habeas ymr,VJr ,ne vanou. w.,raspa- i ra-l -d. ''my j!i!i'!-ii!! uresiueu. ev- ; T ! era! resolutions were adop'ed. and ad- i dresses d.divered by Messrs. Johnson and j the Mayor and others . C At ba.f-psst 0 I.OlTsVlLi.r:. AOV. ihe aivinr I d or ilea trampled over women and cnt:are-i in i-c.r at . - . - l3 : L A Elevea were kill- on?;l i O CiOCrv i-i-i liTgll. gme ; ca.uma . un mh iovoi m ne Ai .ca . Uon, be t.nfere1 on mhmt of this I r'JPSwt Ckurc!- corn,.r of ti,lh.anfi loik Idge. and a copy of tho same be sent to ! r -"V " 1 " "'"i iue lamuy u, our deceased Sister and also ,-rai : f.i:,,oa eupp.rrootn and tb whole j to the G 1 r,mpr and the weekly E '-'"'. i ui J --" s ;J-i ...i.su-u . urrrrui tor publication, to two narrow stairs on each sude of the t f r p.wrv -i od outright two of them children. A number are more or less wounded. One had his leg broken. The scene was terri ble and heart-rending mothers scream ing over dead children, and husbands in agony over their wives. The column or pillar which gave way proved to have been standing on the floor, between the joints, with nothing under it but an inch of flooring. Atlanta. Ga , Nov. fi. Both branches of the Legislature adopted tho following resolution: Resolved. That Rufus B. Bullock, late Governor of tLe State, who resigned bis office and left the State under circumstan ces creating grave suspicion, is guilty oi high ciimes and misdemeanors. In his letter of the 23d of October, addreseed to political friends among the people of Georgia, be states that the majority of the House of Representatives had pledged themselves to vole lor articles of impeach meat against him, without investigation: that the Senate had determined to unseat a sufficient number of Republican Senat;r to secure bis conviction without regard t. the truth or validity ot the charges; thai, he bad defamed the General Assembly by charges which are untrue; that the state ment in the same letter, that the people ol Georgia recently denouncd or ignored the Constitution of the United States, b false, and defamatory to the people of .he State. On the contrary we assert that the people of this State do'now, as they did six months aro neither entertain hostili ty towards the United Slate, nor deny any person within the limi?so' the State equal protection ot its laws. M ISC E LEANED US. Cincinnati. Nov. 3. 15. F. Randolph, charged with murdering his wife, attempt ed suicide in the Delaware county jail last evening, and then confessed to having murdered his wile Ly strangling iu-r. Lkwistox. Nov. .3. Two girls Ada Brown, of Bucksfield and Anna Words, of If art ford to-day leaped into the deep est channel of the Falls, with their arms interlocked, leaving their clothing upon a rock. Sr. Loins, November (5. A counterfeit, er's den. a few miles from Kansas City, was broken up yesterday. Joseph Reiily and Tom Daliard were arrested. Harry Cole and Josiah Myer the latter the leader of the gang were captured but escaped. A large quiniity of loo's, press es, dies etc., were captured, including one thousand dollars in United States notes and a lot of fibre paper, such as is used by th.i Government. MICHIGAN NEWS. Dktkoit, Nov. 4. The Michigan State Relief Committee have published a circu lar stating that contributions of clothing from the country for the relief of sutfer ers by the fire in that State have been so generous that the stock now on hand and iti transit, will fully meet the wants ot the sufferers. What is still needed is building material, fanning utensils, or money for their purchase. THE NIGGER ON TOP. RoctiEsTEH, Nov. 4. Fred Douglass was unanimously nominated this evening for Republican candidate for the Assembly. MORE RADICAL HONESTY. The World says that the most extraordi nary rumors are in circulation concerning the issue of bonds for the State of South Carolina. Suspicions have been such as to an over issue as to absolutely endanger the solver.ey of the St tte. It is stated that the National Bank Note Company of this city printed twenty millions of bonds, which passed into the p;s-"sion of Mr. Kempton. the financial agent of the I State. Several prominent Sutli Caroun j ians are here, watching the proceedings. Gov. Scott is said to have admitted the printing of bonds, but does not state the object of their issue. It is also stated that many of the State officials are implicated in the misappropriation of money of the State. It is believed that this fraudulent Issue of 520.000.000 has been negotiated, and the money misapplied. The W"vld relates the report n-girding the plundvU i::g of South Carol in a by State officers. It say s Piter iii'onn itiou shows that the churges not only to be correct but even so tempered in the interests of truth and justice towards all as to fall short of thv real eonditioti of aff tirs. The Y:jr'd also alleges an immense is sue of fraudulent bonds by S at' officers of North Car litn, and pmm'ses in a few davs the o ili ial figures regarding both f!"'i;'s C A !. ? FO 11 .V J A i : U San FiiANCtsro. Nov. 4. The fire in the ho id of the bark Whistler having been ex tinguished by pumping carbonic acid gas into the hold r it had n burning three weeks, ihe cargo was examined to-day. and about "0 tons was found so ch irivd that it would turn to ashes on ex- i;'.'Ot L I tO I ' ,1 . I . ii 1 i i ii I J - 1.. i I till t vi'l.ll.l uer is more r smoke. The less datr.eged by heat and lower (hck beams were burned through, so that tho teat of extin guishing the fiamcs and s tving the vessel is regarded as a great one. San FuANctsoo. Nov. 8. Flour Rest brand ? Oregon extra. Ol er brand.s Oreircn. $7f7;7 50. Wheat Market quiet at $2 5002 CO, for fair to good. Barley Feed. $1 S0(7,2 for dark cc ast, good Bay.. SZfij'l 10 ; brewing. $2 05. Oats Advanced to $1 iio(a.l bh. Potatoes Stocks large and prices low. siyoOcts to $1 lor red, and 5101 25 for sweet. On discharging the cargo of the bark Whistler, which was on fire two weeks, it is found that most of it is hardly injured at all. The fire, insfeau of originating m the lime, as first supposed, is found to have started in a lot of second hand furni ture, etc.. between de-iks. winch was al most wholly destroyed. TLu w this was salt, which in a great measure protected the cargo. Read It. We call the attention of our r -.tders to a lengthy correspor o ir first page from Loui-u in i. our Radical friends will have to sav about the robbery in JIAttltlKU. At the house of Mr. Bor.nett, inCrjgn Citv, Nov. .-, 1T1. by Rev. E. Gerry, Mr. Ar.drc-w Vigelius.of iVu llaad, aud Miss D ;ra Bou net t, of Oregon City. At Lodg. reguoir m; g of Willamette 15. I. O. of (;. T.. on th- 4 th ill- tie f-d owia-i resobit ions were a dopt- ed. expressive oi the feelings this I. . !. with reference to the death of Sister S. M. Wnm.ow. v i:;;kkas. an All-wise Providence has removed from us ny ceatii our ieiOvea Stater S. M. WniTi.r.w, therefore be it ""llesoh-oJ, That in the death of Sister WinTi.oW. this Lcigf has lost one of its truest and most valued members one who in the vat ions relations of wife and moth er and a member of this Lodge, has en deared herself to all wish whom she was asiocii'ed. J:r,iceJ. That while we deeply mourn the loss of our Sister, we feel mat. our m. is her to l.er bereaved fami'-y anil fri.,ad3 we exteDd our deepest vm- j ' ' , r.. a (f(!.,.n of resrect to ti tnernorv of oar late Mster, the CUar- j tf r and U-galia be draped ia mournrng j ior fhirtv , lvs K. Kal-cii, J. C. Reel. Corr,ml!lee. ider.ee on We Ik re c ( . r r, o f '! i U ir I'.iM :a e. Literary IctS.t-is. "Palaces and Peisoxs"' is the name of Mrs. Aua S. Stephens' new novel, just pub lished by T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Phila delphia. It will command a very large sale for "Palaces and Prisons'' is an "entire new novel from tbe pen of this talented Ameri can authoress, and is supeiior to her world wide celebrated work, "Fashion and Famine." Tbe scenes in1 thrs no.-el dmr gt eat dramatic power, sul the characters are strongly and str.kimrly drawn, acd are worked up with the skill and power fbr which this authoress is so distinguished. From the first page to the last the reader wilf be enchanted by its absorbing interest and charming style; and when that last is reached the volume will be- laid doivn with regret that the ste-ry is concluded. It will prove to be the most popular book that Mrs. Ann S. Stephens has j-et written. '-Palaces and Prisons" is issnid in a large djodeciaio volume, and sold by all Bookseller at the low price tf il 75 in cloth; or 1 50 in pa per cover; or copies u ill be sent by mail, to any place, post-paid, by the Publicize rs, on rece'pt of the price 4f the work in a letter to them. Reap Thkm ! The address oi' Gov. B Gratz Brown, delivered before ihe National Teacher.-' Association, in St. Bonis, which cieated such a sensation among the teachers and educators of the covu.try is published in full ia the tatt number of the Journal of Ed ucation. Also the eloquent oration deliver ed on the (.ccasion of laving the corner stone of the No; mal School, at Warrens buig. Mo., Aug. loth, 1:?71, by Tho, E. Gfr iet. Editor ,St bouts Republican, and . W. Grand Master oi Masons of M is.-otm. Tln-se. with tbe cuts and plans of school buildings, editorials, official depaitmetit, Ac., make a p;ip-r of great interest and value to all. We are glad to know the circulation of the Jvunud i f Education is over tS.iaiO copies per nil nth. Adire-s: J. 1.5. Merwin, F.ditor and Pnbbaher, Tie Chettiiut r-treet, St Louis, Mo. A I ive Home Journal Notat.le Ciiaxce. Last October, JI- alt and Hume passed into the bands of Messrs. Orange Judd & Co.. of 'J -15 Broadway, N. V tl e well known publish ers of tiie Amtican Agriotdicrht a journal long without a rival in sterling value and cir culation. The marked jniprovoaienis then expi.ctvl to appear in He ink and Home have been fully realized, and it is now one of the ci.olce-t illustrated journals anywhere is sued for the family circle adapted to both the juvenile and adalt people, and meet ng the sp'. cial wants of the housekeeper Specimen copies can be obtained of the pub lUhers, as above. Terms only 53 0 ) a year. Single i. umbers cents. Jl'earth and 'Home and Air.erieatt Azricwturirt together, 4 a year. Ifetter add one or bo! h cf them to your supply of reading; they are each worth infinitely more than the small ccs Cheai' Mcsic. It is seldom th tt cheapness is associate! icilh merit and 7-etd value, but we must make an exception in favor of 1'k tkiis MtsiCAL Mo.miily. This valuable work eou.es to us regularly each month, over flowing with choice new Musi; some fifteen peices in every number. Jt is printed from full-size music-plate.-,, neatly oound, and sells for the modest sum of 30 cents. Tiie publisher oilers to seal six back numbers, containing from f-o to jj petces cf choice new Music, for !. Ad.bess. -I. B. Peters, r,i)'J broaiway, New Yoik. Think of it ! 'Jo to 100 pieces of good Music (224 pages) for $ 1. The rihicncaii Sine!; Journal, alwavs n. welcome visitor and filled with iuterestrnj matter, but the October number new before us, is a remarkable one. It take no step backward but improves with ago. It is puh lished at the low price of one dollar per year by N. P. Hover & Co., Pa i ke.-.burg Chester euui.ty Pennsylvania. Fre-h Garden, Flower, Tiee and Shrub, LVerirroen, Fre.it and Herb Seeds, Prepaid by Mall. A com; lete and judicious ass irt iiicut. 25 soi ts of either cla-s 1 0u. Tbe six classes (150 pickets) for $5 0o. A Is a, an i mine use stock f one year grafted Fruit. Trees, Small Fruits, Fruit Stocks, Young Fruit, Ornamental and Kvergreen Heedlinzs, Ituibs, b'oses. Vines, House aud Holder Plants, Ac. , Ac., t'.ie must complete assort ment in America. Prepaid by mail, l'ri to. Catalogues to any address, also trade list. gratis. Seeds on wanted. Commission, Agent.- It. M. Watson, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed lV,i eiiou-e, Plymouth, Mass. Estab lished lb-lti. " Nov. 10 -ivy. Su'-c'c-s is properly reg.rded as tiie surest p-oof ot inei it. Previous to l:'o, the sale if Da. Walkkk's Vixi;g vr Bit runs were oi ly so much as could be carried about S tn Francisco in a basket by one person, who left the medicine on trial. Since that time, tins standard remedy has ma le its way to ve.y hand' t in the Paeifia States, and is now extending its sales with equal rapidity in the Alantic and 5;iddte States. Tue sile.- are now over 5"5o.oo0 a no nth. And for all d. senses c f the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, skin or blood, the Bitters are a cer tain remedy. t ialtra narninj; Sun, where Billions iitTec'tions and f evers of various descriptions so generally i?revai!, Tarrant's IZCu rvcsctut eltzer Ape litnt lias been successful beyond all parallel. Hence the phicia'ns of the tropics give it their emphatic sanction, prescribing it in preference .to every other aperient in use. Ihe patient-, of c-ursC, gladly acquiesce, for this preparation is one of the m-.st de lightful, as well as mil . J and coolieg cathar tics, chemi-try has yet. devis' d. and posses ses every medical virtue of the far-famed German Seltzer Spa. It is a powder that oub requires the a idition of water to pro dace in an in-tar.t a delicious effervescent beverage, as well as an invaluable medicine. U for iuiil iiKCPt iio:ie but the gcrtr.Ir-C. S0I.D BV ALT. I RfG CISTS. c '4jesaaif Itanium Kestar wrv--t-J ;0;-poitc Thcs. Ci Barnuni lie-tan rant. hai man's 0E.EG0N CITY, - - 0HEG0N, JTEEPS CONSTAXTFY ON HAND AND for sale, CUe :p-r C-ti'i, PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFxIG'E, SITTING ROOM, and KITCHEH FURNITURE, I BUREAUS, LOUNGES', ROCKING CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, BEDSTEADS, WASIiSTANDS, Ac. ALSO, Curled Hair and Pulu Mstnssps ; Pain Pil lows ; Sprintr Beds; Window Shades, Picture Fra-nes, Mouldings. Vc. Special attention given to Upholstery Work in all its tranches. or.rEirs filled with pp.omptxfss. REPAIRING done with neatness and dis- i nitra. j FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER. Goods Delivered to any part of town, J FREE OE CH.VRCK. ! Call an 3 examine f.r yoarselves. 1 June2S, l"!,m3 Pacific Boot and 1 1 -Tlic Only Manufactory of Ladies' and cnt' FI-E SHOES on i-iH.ii'Hjl lioe of Every CIjijs Made to Order on Short Notice, Wholesale and Eetail. jSTew Stvles beiiag Made "Daily DEPOT AT iAIF.IC BOOT A1TD SIIOli: MOUSE, ROTZWi&m, GiLLIHAi & CO , C0HNES FIRST AND HCEIIISON &TKEETS, J UST OUT-BOX-TOED OXFOKDS and GAITERS, and the JERSEY TIE. tlic Easiest Ju'y 14, lS71:tf 'ILLlAfxl SSfiGER FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BUNDS AHD DOORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. Xt; They will niso do TURNING, of evry description to order, With. Neatness and Dispatcl . o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerinp.n's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Constantly on liana ARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Bed steads, ,Vc- Sales Boom la Dr. Thessing's Brick, Main street. rpo YOU BELONG : THE FUTURE OF It mf Vi io ii f i Tn 1 on1 l"it rrr-r-t cr Sit-itt Soon the shiill whistle of the IRON HORSE, j j.s ha con.ea iinoking across this great con- J tiin-nt. drawing after hiru tfcc rich products i of Ihe Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the '-good TnrE rmrTxa." ! ... , when Orecron's own Son3 and Daughters will be called to lill the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BTJSIKESS LIFE. Great changes have been made In the com- ; mcrcia! affairs of Oregon in a few rears, i What the devc'.opements of our State will be j in t'ae future, is a question which depends ! nr.on the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS ! QU. : - i prosperity, the National Business College, of iY.rtland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and ..many of j whom are now lilbog high &nd lucrative po- ; siiions in the Banks, Conhtinz-Rooms and ; tores of our Stat.'. So great is the demand ior Good Accountants, that Business men hare boon .froouent'y i omoeUed to send East for as-istauce. No : enterprising, ttudious Young Man who har, j passed . thrringh the prescribed course of) studies a. tli s MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. Every faciliy is here afford el to acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at TIIE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student will Lave an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After having cirnpleted the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, wh-'ch has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the minntue ot real business. Ti.e course of study en .braces Double find -inrrle Entry Book-Keying, Ccmmerci 1 Arithmetic Commercial Lav, Correspon - r."e. li:i-in ess Penrp.ansh'p, regular and spe -ial Lecture?, etc., etc , combining tbeory w:th practice. . ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of 0 R N ..MENTAL P F.N M AS SHI I, TELEGRAPHY, I'HONOURAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, rail at the College Of flee, in Carters building, corner of Fiont and A ider streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address BeFRANCS & JAMES, . PORTLAND, OREGON. Mcrch 31. l-71:yl REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND. - - OREGON GEO. Ij. CTRKY, DEALER IN PEAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei- ftc.wed Lands. Farm Lnnd. fold and purchasers obtained I for all kinds of landed property. ai -iat) e securities transterrea in exchanef for reil estate. Loans reirntntcd on property, and title' examined and determined. fnnnission3 solicited and executed with fid"!itT and promptness. OFFICE No. U Carter's Building, corner cf Alder and Front street?. Frb. 3, -7C-.tf Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY AU fj thorized Agent in Oregon Cbr, and also Agent for the Estate of Daniel Harpf-v, de ceased. MRS- E. HARVEY. October 1, 1S71 s3 Shoe Manufactory ! the Northern Coast ! I Eitting Summer Shoe Made. J. M. THOMPSON, C W. KITCn. THOrlPSO & FITCH, Attorneys ssi liiw, Real Estate Agents, EUGEW CITY, OR EG ON, OFFICE TWO DOORS NORTH OF THE POSTOFFICE. REAL ESTATE. BOUGHT AND SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED, AND AB STRACT OF TITLES FURNISHED. 7E HAVE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT T Y of Title ot all property in Eugene City, and perfect plats of the same, prepared with great care. W'e will practice in the different C mts of the State. Special at tention given to the c d.eclion of all claims that may be placed in our hands. Legal Tenders bought and sold. senStt R. F- CAUFSELD, CORNER MAIN AND SEVENTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON, I5c;a!er in DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, CE.0CKEE.Y and GLASSWAI1E. Also, a full assortment cf ryiillnen and Fancy Goods OF TLE LATEST STALES, JUST RECEIVED. UOUNTRX FtO)TJCB TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oct. 6, lS7J:tf AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IN' j)rY GOODS ' CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWA re, g rOceries, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITV. PRODUCE of all kinds boncrht. for which I pay the highest market .price, If jou desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and exataiue his fresh stock of Spring Goods. . , , tjl 1 ;lli A IA1.I. A.M) WJVJJUtS YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS , A pril 1 1, lf.Tlrtf I. SELLING. CH AS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CALK?. . GEO. W. S NELL HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES. PAINTERS Jlaltnait, ana Drvagiztii' SundrUs. 97 front Street, Portland, Oregon. XEW HARDWARE STORE COUXKT FRONT & STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. .SO II 3. 11. FOSTER la now receiving and o.T rg for pale, at the lowest rates, a full stock cf BUILDERS5 HARDWARE, SVlechanics' Tools, Table and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS, SMaiis, Ropes, Shoyels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., wt,:.!, - . . . . ,. JlV e bL7erSv,t0 Cal I! and examine w,...a : nf buv- ers of Ladders' Hardware and Ho Trim mines, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Mav 21, 1571 :tn3 JOHN R. FOaTLB. GREAT SUMMER TONIC. liegeman's Cor.lial Elixir or Cally Bi,rk a pleasant Cordial which strengthens and improve the Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever and Aeue. ,4c. and acreat Reno-tor and Tonic for mra l ds and debilitated persons. IlEGcaAS & Co New York, Sole Manufacturers. Sold i bjall Druggie. AUG TIOftAND COMMISSION o A. II. Riclia,rdLsn$ AUCTIONEER"! Corner of Froat and dak streets, Prtlnd AUCTIONS A L3 . : Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMerchaa o dise and Uorses, Evtry Wednesday and Saturday A. B. KicSardson, Auctioneer AT IHUVATE SAl!S English refined Bar and Bundle Iron; English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes Files, Rasps saws J . . bcrewsk Fry-pans, sbeet iron, R.'&. Iron also :- . - . A large assortment of Groceries and Liquori Q A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer JOHN MYERS, OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN o GKOCEUIlE BOOTS &SIIOiES, Si AllDWAKE) ' I also keep constantly on band SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Yhich I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. O , ZTI will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good countrj produce, f will sell as low as ,anjr boose in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. Kir Give rne a call and satisfy yourselves JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13,1871, tfQ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral - - ' ' . - - 'o For Diseases of the Throat and Xjunga, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, .Asthma, and Consumf tion. Among tha great discoveries of modern science,., few are of more real valuo to mankind than this ef k t jj t j nr. fectual remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A vast trial of - its- virtues, throughout this and other countries, . has , shown; that .it doci .' . . , ..s-arciy and effectually The tc'timony of our best citi control them. zen-?, of all classes, establishes the fact, that Ciiekhy I'kctoral. will And does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lung beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous, affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to Hi flower; and cases of Consump tion, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to b be lieved, .were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public-0 may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it,.s,ayes unnumbered lives, and an nraottnt. Of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sorption!.- Every family should keep it. on hand as a protectionngainst the early r.;idmr.crccivcd -attack of Pulmonary Affections, which ar; easily met at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lu'ngs need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid tho distressing diseases whichc$est the Throat and Chest of childhood, CiiEpttr Pectorai is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi ,tudc3 .are. rescued from prcn".attire graves, and saved to the love and affection dntred on them. It acts speedily and surelv against ordinarytsid, securing sound and heaith-restoring IeefK Ho one wilje.suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Ilronchitis, when they know how easily tuey can be cured. (Jritrinallv the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection.. . It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures a memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPARED fit . Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical ad Analytical Chemists. 0 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVEUYWHEEK. Ayer's air v isror . o ' For restoring to Gjay Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual f o r preservrpf the halt'. . It soon restores faded or gray hair to itsooriginal color, with the gloss and freshness of youth, hin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such a3 remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a ri growth of hair is produced. ; Instead of fouling the hair with a. pasty sedi- ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray br falling off, and oonequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Frge from those deleterious substances which mako some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DPwESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C; Ayer & Co.i Practical and Analytical Chemists, S nfsfor Orrgon." H o o o o o O O O o