w o o o o 0 O o o o o o o o o o f o o o G n G G V-.l O o o o G o o 0 O o O o ? s I ; l - f r X SI)e iDeekln ntcvyxioc. OFFICIAL PAPKH FOB CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Oregon City, Oregon , ; Fr&ay : TJov, 10, 1871. Sixth Volume. With this issue, the Enterprise enters volume six. We made no promises when we commenced the volume which has just .closed, consequently we have no apology tto make Jor any pledges unfulfilled. It ' was oar intention when we took posses sion of this paper, to make it a good and reliable local newspaper, and a faithful worker far the beet interests of the people of our town aUcounty. While we have advocated the interests of the Democratic parky,' Ave-have at ail times watched and on! savored to advance the interests of the entire community. We have tried in our advocacy of principles to be courteous to our opponents, always aiming to be fair and just, and in our war for the principles we hold most dear, we have had occasion within the pa3t year to oppose members of our own party as well as Republicans This we claim the right to do. We do not propose to sanction wrong in our own ranks any more than we will ia the ranks of the Republicans. It has been our aim to advocate principles, and not advance the personal interests of men or cliques. We are independent, and shall at all times be found ready to oppose wrong, let ii come from whatever source it may. No one 13 responsible for the utterances of the Enterprise but its editor, and as long as we have charge of the columns of this or any other public journal, we shall al ways be found speaking plainly on all matters in which the people have au in fteiest. We believe the interest and prosperity of this country depends on the elevation of the Democracy to the administration of our JSTaUcoal Government. The Republi can party has now been in peaceable possession of the Government for seven years. Instead ;of peace and fraternal feeling existing throughout the land, we find there is still a bitter and unrelenting war kept up by the party in power against the helpless and down trodden people of the South ; in every department of the Government we find dishonesty and cor ruption as the rule, while honesty is an exception. The people tvre taxed almost beyond indurance ; we are told that the enormous sums annuilly collected to pay the debt, are faithfully and honestly ap plied to the liquidation of the public obli gations ; but Secretary Koutwell tells u- that the debt on the 1st ot September. 1871, was within Ct. 000,000 as much as Qthe debt was in 1SG6 ; and taking into con federation the many contradictory state ments made by him. it is but charitable to Bay that he has no correct knowledge how much the debt is. This is either a fact, or ha willfully liea to advance party iuter- esta. We leave our Radical friends to de- cide which. The whole machiiKM-v -of our National Govern-rnep-t has become corrup ted. The Republican party has controlled the central government and nearly ail the State governments within tlH past ten years: it has given the country all the im portant legislation within that time: Con gress and State legislatures have become regarded as purchasable property. Thev are responsible lor ttie moral, political ... - ..... and physical changes that have taken place since they came into power. Its power has been absolute. It lias not been satisfied in doing what it had a right to do, but has done all it pleased to do, and if. aftee a ton years' unlimited rule, we find the country afflicted, with unsettled questions, harassed with lucal oppressions, defiled with shameless corruption : threat ened with an insolvency which is averted only by excessive taxation ; class array ing against class in fierce and bitter hatred ; if, as the sum and substance of all these disorders, the old question of self government is revived, wiih serious doubts as to the result of lhe new solu tion, the Radical party is responsible for the woik. The spirit of its whole policy fs and has been, that local self govern ment is a failure ; it Las made the legisla tion of States subject to review by Con gress or the Executive ; it has denied the capacity or the States to legislate on sub jects that had been under their exclusive control from the beginning, and has forced them to give the right of suffrage to (he inferior races, against their expressed and declared will ; and it has proved its own unfitness for self-government which it ha.s denied to the States, by refusing to be governed by the constitutional limitations of its power. This being a partial bill of indictments against the party in power, and bring honestly convinced of its truth. we believe it our duty to war against it to the utmost of our limited ability, and urge upon the people the great necessity of a change. The Enterpkise is on a good financial basis. It has steadily increased in its cir culation and business since we have had control of it. and we have received manv expressions of approval from our friends and patrons of the course the paper has pursued. We shall always endeavor to be worthy of the support of the Democ racy and hope to make the Enterprise a power for good, not only for the Democra cy, but for the whele people. We desire to improve the paper in its typographical appearance during the present year. There are many of our subscribers who are in arrears for their subscription. We would most earnestly impress upon them the importance to pay what is due us. We have not the time to go around and make " collections, besides the expense would cost too much to do so. We Would urge npon our friends iu this county the importance of extending the circulation of the paper. Every Demo crat in the county should feel it his duty to lak,o his local paper. The Enterprise contains as much, if not more, reading matter as any exclusively weekly paper erfe.t.at0 and is tat-refore the cheapest. The following rates will be strictly ad hered to : One- year, ia advance. $2' 50 six months, in advance. $1 23- if not paid in advance, $3 00 per annum We will allow all who pay up before the first of January the benefit of the advance rates. Let our patrons benefit by this of fer and pay up. Woods' Honesty. A short ticse since the Oregonian pub lished, what it claimed, to be a letter from Gov. Woods, -denying certain charges that have obtained general circulation, that he (Woods) had been guilty of appropriating about $5,500 of the five per cent, land m?ney. 2uw, it is a matter in which the people of Oregon are interested to the above amount, and they really would like to know who stole this money. All the other drafts, forwarded before and since, were directed to the various Governors of the State. Woods was Governor at the time these two drafts reached the Depart ment at Salem. Now, will the Oregonian infos in u;3 how this money got in'o Lie possession of other hands than Woods without his knowledge? We think that time will convince the Oregonian editor that during Woods' administration there existed a Tammany Ring at Sa'.tin, and, in proportion to its opportunities, it was almost equal in its stealing pvoclh mes to the New York Ring. It is to be hoped that Grant's Collector at Portland does not sustain the same relations to the Tam many Ring of which Woods was chief, as Thomas Murphy, Grant's Collector of Cus toms ia New York, sustains to the liing in that city. While we are on the question of Woods' integrity, and the Oregonian appears to be his defender, will that paper tell us what amount of money Woods demanded be fore he would "accept the Oregon Central Military Road Did he not demand of the Company the sum of $5,000? And did not the Directors, who are mostly all good reliable Republicans, finally, in or der to get the road accepted, vote into the hands of an ex-Indian agent, 82 500 worth of the Company's stock, to be paid to Woods in consideration of hi accept ing said road .? When the OiwjonLm gets ihioug'i wiih these little discrepancies, we will gratify its curiosity a little more, in the meantime, we will .state that official proof of what we have stated given to the public in due time. will be The Cause of Defeat- The Democracy owe their defeat in Ohio not to the strength of their opponents, nor to their own weakness, but to '.heir failure to bring out their ow n vote to the polls. They have only themselves to re proach for their mislortune. Look at these tacts: The vote for Noves for Governor will not exceed 2:;7,0U0. In IfctiT. four years ngu, tiie Democracy gave Judge Thuruiati 2-17,000 votes. Eva in IfetiS they gave Horatio Seymour 21)8.000 votes. With the natural inei ease there must be 200.000 Democrats, at least, in Ohio. Where would Naves have been if this Democratic vote, or even tlios of Itt'T and 1S5S had been given? Of com: if our h iends will not take the trouble to turn out, they must expect to be beaten. The above extract is from the Cincin nati Enquirer. It tells the whole story, a most truthful one, and one which we. hope will teach politicians a profitable lesson. There was nothing before the -Democrats of Ohio to cause thern to turn out. The platform had it not been labeled Demo cratic," would readily have been taken as a Radical declaration of principles. As to the candidates, there was no difference. Gen. Noyes .was as acceptable as General McCook. Roth were Democrats before the war ; both were Radicals -during the ther e was or. !y this d ereivee. Me Cook left the R ad i crew to tret an office, while Noyes stuck to them until be got one. When the Ohio convention put ia nomination a lute Radical and accepted the most objectionable ieatures of the Radi cals, they presumed too much on the gul libility of the Democracy. Ohio, with a Democratic platform, and a representative of ihj party, would undoubtedly have given a Democratic majority of 10.000. Democrats ihink fur themselves, and un derstand whether an article is pure or not, let the label be Deiuouialie or Republic an. We hypo the lessen thus taught will prove ot great good. Mr. Slater's Stkecii. Elsewhere in this isue we publish an extract of a speech recently delivered by Hon. .las. II. Slater, at Baker City. The portion reported em bodies his position on what is known as the -New Depurlure.:' While we deny the necessity and question the policy of of the adoption of the Ohio platform, no Democrat will object to it as interpreted by Mr. Slater. His position is the true one oi the Democracy7, but is entirely foreign to the position taken by t'.e -new departui ist.s" at the East. lit; denies the expediency of this policy, and comes out emphatically in favor of making the infa mous amendments the subjects of discus sion and advocate their abrogation. As for the necessity of the -'new depart tire"' to convince the. people that the Democrats would not keep faith in regard to the 1 1th and 15th amendments, and proposed to set them aside by foice, is so absurd that it had long ago lost its force. It was not necessary to make any such pledge. The Democracy is a party of law, and will en force all lcgtUy euacted laws until abro gated or decided unconstitutional. Dem ocrats never violate law, and the making of this declaration in the platform gives the Radicals their argument that the Dem ocracy "did intent to set these amend ments aside by force7 as the Radicals as serted, ' but they now repent. and propose to give a bond that they 11 behave them selves, and submit to the laws." Even the Radicals had become ashamed of them selves of this silly and absurd accusation and none bat tools believed anything of lhe kind. Mr. Slater's positiou, as ex pressed iu his speech, w ill meet the ap proval of all anti-departurists. im. Leave. I,y private letter from Hon. Jas. II. Slater, we are informed that he would leave La Grand to-day on his way to Washington. He proposes to come by way of Portland, and thence go over land to California. We belief it is his in tention to stop on bis way south at the different towns and consult with the peo ple ia regard to their wan'i, and if in his power secure such legislation through Con gress as may be needed. Tammany, of course, is no a Democra tic organization ! It is a religious and benevolent society I Oregonian. Yes, just so, with Rev. Thomas Murphy. Grants Collector of Customs, one of the principal exhorters. The Walla Walla Union says that one Jack Moran cut a man's mouth from ear to err at Clearwater Bridge the other day, and also cut his ears off. For this Moran was seized by the people and hung. Speech of Hon- James H- Slater. From the Bedrock Democrat. J Last Wednesday evening lion. James II. Slater delivered a speech in the Court House, on sundry political topics, as had been previously announced. He first touched on the Railroad ques tion : explaining what he had done and hoped to do m its interest, and setting forth the great difficulties lying in the way of success. He next dwelt quite lengthily u what is popularly known as the-Ku-Klux Law showing its uncon stitutionality, its gross partizan character, anil proving bevond a doubt that its ob ject is to keep a'live sectional hatred and animosity, and bv putting the sword m Grant's "hand and investing him with mora than the powers of a dictator, to elect him President at the next election. The discussion of this subject naturally paved the way and made it necessary for .Mr. Slater to give his views relative to the on io resolutions- And as we do not wish to misrepresent him wo give his remarks, on these resolu tious. m his own language, ne saiu . So far as the Day:on or Yallandigham platform is concerned, 1 have from the first regarded it unsound, and very ob jectionable ; but I have not been, and am not now. disposed to impute recreancy of principle to an y who might think differently.'- Jt was these resolutions which tirst received the sobriquet ot "new depart ure." and were embodied in the California platform. The Ohio platform adopted at Columbus by the State Convention of that State. I have been disposed and am now disposed to interpret quite dif ferently. 1 have not championed, and do not now' propose to champion the Ohio platform proper. I have interpreted it liberally in favor of Ohio Democracy. That although they denounced the recent amendments us having been obtained by iorce and fraud, and yet inasmuc h as they had been officially (fraudulently it is 1 t 1 - ..... fl. . .TIL- tit 111 1 M ' true; ueeiareu pans oi mv L.wii.wttmv. and lnasinuct h a.s thev were being en- .crceu ana me- people yciuutiau -" 1 1. f I ...,-oti it I'l.f.uhlifaiis were ever v where- submit ting to the: ii. they (the Ohio Democracy.) "reeoiruized or took notice o! tii-eni "as accomp not that ttiey ac- cepted the principles of these amend ments, in any sense wnaievei ; uui supp ly as de facto law, or law enforced. " That 'as these amendments were not pending before the several States, for adoption or rejection, the Ohio Democ racy regarded them, in this sense only, as no longer political i.-snes and not that the eoiisumated frauds of these amend ments were to be reeved, recognized and accepted, in any sense, as a finality of the questions involved. The- whole dit ference about the Ohio platform is a dif ference as to what it means ( r was in tended to mean.; Whatever may be its true meaning, it eertiiniy is not binding upon any Democrat in Oregon ; nor can it by any possibility be made so except by lhe action of the Oregon Democracy prior to the assembling of the National Convention. There Is no difference among the people a-g to what should be the bioues or the facts out of which these issues arise. All Democrats agree that the 1 ith and 15th amendment, in their inceptiiKi, adoption and principle, are revolutionary ; and that as they were con ceived in fraud and adopted by force and fraud combined, they are void ; ami ought to bo so adjudged. All, however, must admit that they have been declared to be .parts of the Constitution i that they are bein'g enforced by tiie courts and the federal Executive, and that the people of all shades of political opinion tire submit ting. All agree that these amendments must stand until the court of last resort shall, by decree, declare them void lor want of proper endorsement by the several States: or are abiogated by new articles, submit ted to and adopted by the several States, in accordance with the terms of the Con st it tit ion ; ati'l my judgment is that the Democracy everywhere, ;rs in this State at the last election, should afTjrmativeiy dechire in favor of the abrogation cf the 1-iti) and 15th amendments, and press the agitation with the utmost persistency, "the lit!) and 15th amendments, independ ent of all questions of suffrage- to the in-feri.-.r races, is a vital abridgment of the rights of the States, and a direct attack upen their republicanism, upon which the very perpetuity of the Union must depend. Tf.e weakness of the Ohio plat form lies in the fact that it is i;ot explicit i in its teiius. anil needs to be intei pre ted to be understood. There is. however. one point in this platform worthy of coii ' siderati-.m. Ii is thTs : that it meets the i oft re Teatet 1 charges of the Ku-Klux agi- tator.s, that the Democracy ot the north i is in league with a military and secret oi:h-bouud organisation at the south, and fts having a common purpose to resist, by j force iitt'i revolution, the enforcement o! i the iftti and 15; h amendments, with a m st decisive negative. Mr. Slater concluded his e.Tort by dis cussing, tor a few moments, in a masterly manner, the financial affairs of the Gov ernment ; ed. .1 the tueelitig then -.uljouru- 'erritcrles Small-pox has en' Walla- Walla. i re 1 y d i . a i p o a r e d CiMr.p Three Forks. Owyhee, long a military station, was sold u--few for '$J0. days ago It cost Washington Territory $1,031 to transport two prisoners frcm ancouver to acoom. JH'l.- oner c.mfi.ie 1 in t!u? Walla a woman, one of the strong Walla tail was minded kind. Capt. Taylor was shot and slightly wounded by a man at Port Gatublo on the 26th ultimo. The people of Stevens county, W. T. have a petition to the Legislature asking for a division of the county. The Territorial Legislature of W. T. fused to authorize the printing of Miss Anthony's address by a vote of 10 to 12 C. Nye, a resident of Klickitat Val ley. W. T.. says he can count twenty-two houses erected during the past year with in sight of his ranch. The Tribune says it is reported that the Northern Pacific Railroad officials, now at Portland are about to remove their head quarters to Olympia. Persons are squatting on the water front at Olympia fader the impression that the terminus of the North Pacific- Railroad will be on Dudd's Inlet. The proceeds of the fair held at Van couver, for the benefit of the orphans un der the care of the Sisters of Charitv of the ! House of Providence.amounted to $1,301, 50. u,' The Puget Mill Company have located at Puget Sound nearly 3.0 JO acres of land under Tennessee Agricultural Col lege scrip, which has proved to be coun terfeit. Dissensions among the Washington Ter tory Republicans are growing more an ritory more bitter. We guess they will never oe sausaeu uu iiiey tiave ivea Territory to the Democrats. up the D. . C. French publishes a lorn- letter in the Walla Walla SUlesman of the 2Sth ult., renouncing his allegiance to the Rad ical party and giving his adherance to the Democracy. Let them come. The mining excitement at South Mount ain near Owyhee, continues unabated ery rich discoveries are reported, and U is predicted that the district will prove one of the richest ever discovered COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, Astoria Correspondence- Astouia, Ndv.: 6, 1871. Editor of Exterprise : The first month of winter has opened gloriously. Were it not for slight frost at night one might suppose It were early Au tumn. The fine weather has greatly fa cilitated the improvements which are be ing made by Mr. Ilolladay atrd others. Holladay's Wharf is progressing rapidly, and if the fine weather holds, will, in all probability, be completed by the the first of December. It will be 350 feet long by 50 feet wide, with a slip on the inside fo r river steamers. It will join on to the foot of Main stieet, thereby turning the cur rent of trade in that direction. When the wharf was first commenced some fourteen spiles were driven too much to the east, which will have to be removed. There has been considerable speculation as to how this was to be done, as they were driven so fast it is considered impossible to pull them out. but an accident has de monstrated that they can be broken off quite close to the ground, it not below it. The IT. S. steamer, Shutrick, oa last Sat urday, ran into, these loose spiles and broke one off two feet under ground, thus saving the company the trouble of pull ing one spile at least, and also demon strating the practieabili'y of removing the others so as not to impede navigation. Sufficient of this new w harf is completed to enable the many who delight in fishing to resort to it for that purpose. It has superior advantages lor fishing, .as there are from thirty to forty feet of water close to the wharf. Pogies and torn cod are taken here in great abundance, as are smell, salmon, ami many other varieties. And should we ever get a railroad from here to the interior we shall be able to sup ply to an unlimited extent. these luxnries.as well as be the means of bringing thou sands of dollars into the country, and the prospect is that at no distant day this fa cility will ex.ist. Already the lands grant ed by the Government for that purpose have been withdrawn and mortgaged lo a European Company, which mortgage h;ts been duly placed on record in ail the counties through which the road is to pass. The amount tor which the hinds have been mortgaged is a little over four mil lion and a half of dollars. This assurance of the early completion of this road as well as other things, has greatly enhanced the value of land all over the county, and property finds ready buyers at advanced rates on a year ago. Tiie L S. Shubriek has been in these wafers for the past week, removing the iron buoys and replacing them with spar buoys in anticipation of the annual freeze in the Columbia. The spar buoys not be ing near so likely to be carried away with Hooting ice as iron ones. There has been considerable talk of late of a newspaper being started here, but when it will make its first appearance 1 am not aide definitely to state, but in all probability, by early spring the news of this locality will be supplied to the pub lic by means of a local sheet. Tlnre are many other items of import ance to communicate, but as I am press ed for time. I will close for the present. Yours truly, A. O. The Swamp La -v- a . A iuu-f crazy bore, says Lhe Plaiiulealer named Sam Colvor.who seem to be pleas ed with the souna of his own voice, w hich aside from its f asal twang.is by no means mel'.Hhious. ha of late been engaged in peregrinating the State, lee! tiring on tem perance, free love and the Swamp Land Act. yis ct.:ef purpose teemed to be to circulate a petiiicn to ike next Legislature to amend the Act, and to expatiate upon the wrongs committed on the actual set tlers in the neighborhood tf Linrt river and the Klamath lakes, by the claimants taking possession of their home?. Sam is so well known in this portion of t he State, that no reply would have to be made to his nonsense had not the Oregon bin endorsed iiici cr:i published his me morial. Now there is no editor m the State who does not know that by the terms of the Act of March 20, IStIO, ex tending the Swamp Laud Ac, to Oregon and Minnesota, all claims taken under the acts of live ' United States, prior to the State Act of Oct. 26, 1870, were specially excepted from its operation. If they did not know it from the Act itself they might have been informed by the instructions issued to the Commissioners by the board of School and University lauds, of which Gov. Grover is President, and w hich were publi.-hed in all the papers of the State. To show who were the settleis in whose behalf Sam took such a lively interest, we copy from the Jacksonville Times: We charge upon him, without fear of successful contradiction, that he and three or four of his confreres on Link river squatted on state lands, and held the same for years, without paying one cent to the State for them or a mill to the county in taxes, We charge further that this "Col ver iling" fenced in thousands of acres of swamp land to which thev had no shadow i of claim, and used the same for their ben ! efit and excluded bona ji I; settlers by their pretended claims. We charge fcr- tucr that this -Culver Ring ' fenced in and claimed every available spring and water ing place in their vicinity on the west side of Little Klamath Lake and thus gained control of lliousinds more acres or range for their own catlle. to the exclusion of bona fide, settlers. We charge further that w hen setting up their claims to these lands springs and watering places, the -Coiver Ring" well knew that they had no legal and valid claim to tho3e lands, and could not have under the limitation laws of this State, and by their claims tliey knowingly perpetrated a double swindle on the Stale first, by defrauding it out of the price of these lands, which would willingly have been paid by botvx fi le settlers, and sec ondly by defrauding the State out of the revenue due from the taxation of these lands. That they knowingly perpetrated a fraud on persons desiring to purchase some of these lands by informing them that they were the owners, and by lencing them in as such, and that they knowingly defrauded the county out of the taxes due irom these lands if held bv bona file pur cuasers. Wo charge upon the. "Coiver Ring'' that ttey never opened their pious mugs about the enormities of the Swamp Land Law until Hon. J. N. T. Miller, the Swamp Land Commissioner, commenced the sur vey of these lands aud discovered the swindle the -Coiver Ring"" were perpetra ting on the Slate and the people. " The above sufficiently explains the se cret of Mr. Colver's objection to a law which will save to the State so many hun dreds of thousauds of dollars : and we can conclusively show that the larger part of the opposition to it arises from the same source. Enlarged. We inadvertently omitted to mention the fact that the Christian Mes senger, published at Monmouth, has been enlarged. It is a very neat paper, and we wish it success. STA'IB SEWS. Albany is to have iron lamp posts. Wheat is quoted at $1 10 at Corvallis. Corvallis is yet enjoying the luxury of watermelons. Portland is lull of vagabonds and worthless fellows. Eugene City is to have a burdy gurdy house. Rather fast, that. The amount raised at Eugene City, for the Chicago fund Was $206. Jacksonville has voted to appropriate $10,000 for water works. Woik has been commenced oa the new police building at Portlaud. The brick work of the Monmouth col lege is almost complete. Large quantities ef sheep and horses are being taken to Tuget Sound. The city election for Salem takes place oa the 5th of December. Douglas county has already paid her State t ix into the Treasury. Theie are twenty-nine prisoners in the Multnomah county jail. Jack Ryan, from the Dalles, was com mitted to the insane asylum last Tuesday. A thief entered the house of E. L. Bii tow, at Eugene, last Saturday, and stole $20. Lane county has six divorce suits to be adjudicated during the coming term of Court. The boats between Ihi Dalles and Wal hr.a are to run only three times a week hereafter. A nugget of pure gold worth $100 was picked up a few days ago in French Gulch , Raker county. Mr. Hale, who resides near Alb my, attempted suicide on Thursday last with morphine. S1S.S5S 80 worth of real estate changed hands in Ilenton county iu the month of October. The citizens of McMinnville contributed $200, for lhe- Wisconsin and Michigan sufferers. A Coal Ledge has been discovered on Muddy, a tributary of the Yamhill in Yam hill county. New diggings have been discovered on Rogue river, below the mouth of Apple gate. The Dallas Republican says that Nathan Connor tell a distance of thirty feet and only dislocated his wrist. A thief attempted to rob the grocery store of Mr. S. D. Francis, in Portland, last Saturday night. The Commercial Mills at McMinnville have 100,000 bushels of wheat ; the Mc Minnville Mills 70,003. The lands oiMhe line of railroad from McMinnville to Astoria, have been with drawn from market, The Yaqninn mail to and from Corvallis is only to be carried weekly from the 1st of November to the 1st of May next. D. Jacobi has sued A. D. Ilollock in the Circuit Court of Multnomah county f t r damages to (he tune cf $10,000. The O'egnnian says that a man who had been engaged as drayman in Portland, de serted his family last Monday. Work on the new penitentiary will be suspended in anout iwo w eeks, w ncn n will be ready for occupancy. Mr. L. Klernan of East Portland has a sun-dial w hich was made in Ireland dur ing the reign oi Queen Less. Jns. L. Loudon, an old pioneer of Jack son County and a highly respected citizen, died at Jacksonville on the 3rd inst. The Dallas It; vb'icm says there is but little demand for pork in Dallas. Send it down here. Good market at cash prices. J. M. Breeding, one ami a half miles south of Eugene, has sold his farm of 400 acres to a California immigrant for $5.1S2. The Normal school an I Academy at McMinnvtlle. under Prof. Robb, has 115 pupils, and is iu a prosperous condition. Ten persons direct from Tennessee have arrived in Douglas county. They came from San Francisco to the Umpqua by steamer. A man named Patrick Hughes fell off the J street bridge. E tst Portland, last Wednesday night, breaking his neck, caus ing instant death. The employees at Cape Foul weather have donated one 'lay's wages to the Chi cago sufferers, and the superintendent there gave $50. The Yamhill river above Sheridan, is being dammed so as lo carry its waters info a tlitch. which was, intended lo carry water into McMinnville. On the 31st ultimo a grand supper was given to the M. W. Grand Master E. L. Bristow. of the I. O. O. F., by the Rebek ah Lodge of Jacksonville. During the past year Forest Grove has improved greatly. A number of line resi dence have been erected, and the town wears an air of prosperity. A man named John Eiscrley, died from t':e effects of poison, at Eugene last Thurs day. It is thought that the poison was admi lislercd by a saloon keeper. Dr. North, of Empire City. Coos county, informs the 2'laindealer that he has pu: chas"d the material, and will issue a pa per at Empire City in a short time,. The Fanner says that R. Carpenter and S. R. Hammer, of" Salem, have purchased of Butterfield & Son, the fine flock of An- nrom tr.-vits exhibited at the lale.blate I air o p . George Bartlett pleaded guilty to em bezzlemeut at Rooeburg on Monday of last week, and was sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the Penitentiary- Work has been commenced on the new hotel at the railroad ferry landing.in Port land. It is to be the finest in the State. It will cost $15,000 when completed and furnished. Circuit Court for Jackson County con venes next Monday. The Times say: there are about twenty criminal, and about the same number of civil cases on the docket. The Governor has pardoned Chas. Burch out of the penitentiary. The par don was reccotimended by Judge Upton, and Prosecuting Attorney Gibbs, with many others. laigene e Semple ,Esq.. has been appoinl Ihe Governor to the office of I o- lice Commissioner of Portland, made va cant by the expiration of the term of Dr. J. Blanchard. . . , r. The Roseburg Elat.ideaier wjul parties have been visiting Coos Bay to as certain the practicability of constructing a line of telegraph between Roseburg and Empire City. Jud-e Deady has rendered judgement for the'defen lants in the suit of William C McKay against James A. Cambell and others, for damages for refusing to accept plaintiff's vote. On Wednesday night, November 1st some scoundrel broke into the brewery of Mr. John Rast. iu Roseburg, and emp tied all the kegs in the cellar, containing about 250 gallons of beer. Oregon will soon make soap enough for home consumption. The Albany soap factory of Cartwright fc Co., under the management of W. R. McCord, is making immense quantities and a fiue article. There are already over twenty-five di vorce snits on the docket for the next term of the Multnomah Circuit Court. The divorce business seems to be getting as popular as Miss Anthony's doctrine. -A few nighfs ago a thief entered the house of Samuel Cooper, about seven miles south of Albany, and stole a coat feud shot-gun from the same : room in which 3Ir. and Mrs. Cooper were sleeping. From the Dallas FJpuUican: We are informed that John Moore, a quarter breed Indian, of low reputation, married the youngest daughter but one of General Palmer. The young lady is 17 or IS years of age. Says the Oreguniav. : "We are author ized by the attending physician lo state, that the two young ladies at St. Helen's Hall, whom he attended in scariet fever of a very mild form, have recovered ; and that there are no clLer cases in the Institution. Three persons were sent to the peniteng tiary from Linn County last week. J'm Kirk, an Indian, for killing Indian Char ley, for ten years : John Bains, for passing counterfeit money, for three years; ami George W. Saxe, who shot Jack Ilogan, for two years. The sales of real estate in this city and East Portland during the m mth of' Oct.. as shown in the lit published in yester day's issue, compiled from the records by Mr. William Davidson, real estate dealer, exceeds the amount of $81900. So say the Portland papers. Three men were arrested at Yoncalla charged with horse stealing, and taken to Oak Grove, where they were examined ar;d discharged. Two of the parly, how ever, were rearrested for stealing blankets and fined twenty dollars, in default of which they were sent to jail. A Coroner's jury in the case of the death cf John Iserly, who died suddenly at Eugene on Thursday last, rendered a verdict of. death from narcotic poison, administered by some person unknown. Some believe that he suicided, while others think he was drugged. The Eugene City Guard of November -1th says : On Wedneseay evening. Hon. Stnkely Ellsworth attempted to pass from the baggage car into the passenger car of the train, while standing at Junc tion City, and fell through, bruising and badly straining a leg. He barely man aged to get out of his uncomfortable po sition before the train started. The Jacksonville Sentinel says: The surveying party under Mr. Hood, of the Ca'ilornia company, are at present en gaged in running a line from the summit of the divide between the waters of Emi grant and Keene creeks to the 'mouth of Jenny 'creek, near Ward's ranch on the Klamath. They find an easy grade, and it is said the pass is the lowest yet exam ined. It appears that the California com pany is delei mined to pusii across lhe line ami secure the very valuable limber laud lying in the mountains. WKE.sTi.rxti Joe Arres t:-:d. - W rest Un g Joe.'? alias Joseph Thomas, was arrested last Tuesday, at Portland on a charge of perjury. He was arrest-Hi under the name ot James W. Davidson, the prosecution claiming that this is his propel name, and not Thoma, as he claims. The complain ant in (he case ir, D. B. Hannah. It is claimed that he perjured himself by swear ing his name to be Joseph Thomas. Green Davidson was also arrested. The arrest of Davidson grows out of his te.-ti-m my before a Notary Public in relation to the identity of "Wrestling Joe." The prosecution claim lhat Joe" is Davidson's father, and that the accused in swearing to the contrary committed perjury. Tilings are beginning to look rather lively about this little estate business. Raid braids mav have a new cron of hair b Mv.rs: 1! 's Vegetable Sicilian I!,ar lifiicwer, if tiie hair i'oliclce are not entirely cD-sed up. 12c -Ji'icleel ly what you If.iio-vv. There is an old proverb which says, "Ex perience is the safe.-t g-aidc." To this ruide the sick ae ailing naturally turn when cast ing about fr the means of relict. Thfv inquire what A medicine has ibme f .r others, before tlu-y r.d pt it thcTiise'rc-t. Of all the remedies ;ind preventives in use, Ilcstettcr's Stomach Rilters meet the test mo;-t triumph antly, yihtl hence it.s 1 in mens $ popularity and vast sub s. The suffeie-r from indite.-tion is sue to Had soir.e one ar.iouc; his friends who has been cared of that ailment by the faai-.u, vegetable stomachic. The victim of fever a:ul ague, liver complaint, concilia tion, nervous prostration, or general debiiitv, has only to make inquiry in the nt-ighhor-hooil where lie resides In order to di-cover what this standard restorative has effected in cases similar to his iavn. In the published testimony to its merits he will rind a volume of proofs of its saiiitary propeities, wh eh it is impossible for his common serse to resist. He tiies it, and the effect if produces on his s,Tem ituYl-t another to the host of witnesses in its favor. Thus, its imputation, founded on f.icts, not assertions, continually grows and spreads. Charlatans and impostors, sonic cf them mere local tricksters, and oth ers who take a somewhat wider range, at tempt to thrust in'o the hands and duwn the throats of invalids, their haphazard concoc tions, as substitutes for the tonio which f'"r so many years fias Ieoi a medicinal staple throughout the Unait states, rparrh America, Canada, and the West Indies, b :t only succeed to a very limited cxte:.t. In this 'reasoning ago, the people, having a? ccitained what is really deserving of ther con fid nee, uecl:ne runuinir after strange cods." WILLIAM DAVIDS OI-T, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Ofilce, ?io. CI JjVojxt Street, POUT LAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST POIITLANO, i:i the most desirable localities, consisting of" LOTS, II ALP BLOCKS and U LOCKS, HOUSES and STOitES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable unt r-idtiv.it cd LANDS, located in ALL parts the STATE for SALE. of REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great cart; and on the most A D VAN TAG EO US T Kit M S. HOUSED and STORES T.r.Krn LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY rot.. LECTED. And a (ier.nt .il KI V A T A T nri AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in nil tb CITIES ami TOWNS ia the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjforward the same to the above address. jeeo. a, 1871. Ilclecca. Dcsrtc Lodcre A'o..'2-I.o r t.- Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. Oregon L.xlse No. 3, I. o. or O. "F. Meets every Thursday even tug ai o ciocK, in Odd Jr el ow's ii an, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order: x. o. Sialtnomah t....i. A A. MHm A- 1 ana tjonson theSanica- me first ami hi- ---""-- day in each month at rlvf the 20th at 7 0 dock frofr March, and 7 o-Iockf the 20,!l of March', to the 20th ot Z V16 20th of ren ia good standia 6m ! "' Bret!- Dec. 23.1870. ZZ 5dto"tef Y The Best are the Cheapest, THE ACKXCV CF THE CELEBRATE MAS0X & HAMLK ORGANS, CHIOKERING & SONS' TS NOW, FOR TIIE FIRST TIME PPn i Manently established in Oregon. A and complete stock will be kent r,n it and sold at the -MA NU F AC! Ult ' REDUCED PHICES. These Instruments are weT k, throughout the world, and have received th Highest Premiums Wherever exhibited. AVe have UNSOLICITED Testimonials m luear tavor irom me tx-st musical taietit of j-auupe auu America. ron DURIBILITY, STYLE OF FINISH AND PALLTY OF TONE, e THEY AEE "UNEQUALLED. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY Warranted for Five Years. Illustrated Catalogues Sent on Application'. . . GILL a STEEL, 87 '-ront St., Portland, AGEKTS FOE, 0EEG0N- riANO WAUEUOOM UPSTAIR?. Nov. 10: ml CUAS. E. V. ARREV. F. A. IOU1E3. WARR&M & FORBES Attorneys at Lav, c OFFICE CIIAKMAN'SJ DIUCK, MAIN' tTREBT, OREGON CITY, OllEGON. Nor. la, 171 :tf issolution K. cticc. TOXIN 3 ci'ur STEGE. HAYING LEFT THE untrv without any notice tonie.T hereby i.o:ify all coi.eerueil, that, the part nership of Ihnnbel A Siege is rii.-soi ved, SrM I will not be responsible lor any debts of his contracting. HENRY HUM DEL. Oregon Ci!y, Nov. 1, 1-71. riolovt ir ina! Settlors, en . rrobate In the County Court cf Ciarkr.mss C ounty. In the matter of the Estate of Har rison vri-:ht, deceased. r& HA VE i lLKIj OUR ACCOUNTS AND vouchers in said Court and or plied for u fi-aal settlement.. The Court lias jj-t-iaic-i i,i first day cf the Term bcgjun'r' on Til- first Mon day oi' December, A. I;.. ls.71, 'tor the kxaiainu tioa and settlement of the same, when and v. 'mti; all interested caa appear raid 111- cxceylio;; it j.nv they have. joErii a. winmiT, novIOwl Admi ADVERTBSE R3 E ti T. PETEES' MUSICAL LIBEAEY, CONSISTING OF FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED With GhofcD Fiano tvlusic; o VOtlAL C0I LECTIONS. SSiin!n TiHts. A choice od iecrion of bean ilu! Sacred saitis. ii IJ:ilU an;l Home, f'irPS'de Echoes, and Sweet Sounds. Three A o. times f ta.-v Song3 by V.bsier,T lVrsley, e c ' It Ciol.'ieit Leaves Volumes I. and "IVTir. The two volumes contain id JL1 Wi 1 S. Ila s' So;:"-;. Pricelois CJcssis. A collection of beautiful HalLids bv Wallace. s Ihonus, Kelkr, etc. S I N STRU.MENTAL COLLECTIONS. JT I'-j5rj- FIncfrg, Jlnic Circle. Oand You.-ig Pianist. Three volumes IV; of very ea- v Music foryonng players. J. i Peurl ir.i1;s, and Musical E'eerc- Mations. Dunce Jhi-ir.. Two collec-rp tions of moderate difficulty. JL l'lt-jtsa lit Uleisiur i S. "A cotlec- 17 of beautiful p:cees by Wruiau, Mack.Q lDre.-s!er, etc. " Q Oolilcii Chlrars. A collection of brilliant parlor Music by Charles Ki.ikcl. JJrilli.-iiii Gi A splendid col lion, by Yi.brc,;Ai:ard,.l,acher, Kin lid, etc. PitiCK, S-i per volume, elegantly bonnd in clo" h, with gilt sides; Si in plain cloth ; 1 3 in boards. Address J. L, PETERS, 533 Broadway, New York. Vrc would also call attention toTuEOpsm. at 1Iie, a collection of over one hundred bt a .t iui opera S'-.ngs. Price, $3 in cloth and gilt. Trade price, 31. novlotjec2.i fotico. MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Will-tmette Tails Canal and Lock Company will be held at the Company's office, at Limi City, Oregon, on December -1th, 1S71, at ten o'clock a.'m., for the purpose of electing' Lirec- Q tors ; ai also, for the purpose of changing Articles three and rive of the By-Laws of the Com nan v. J NO. X. KING, Nov. 4, lS71:2w Secretary. O J. WELCH, DENTIST. OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, ccrer ot First and ALU r Streets, Portland. The patronage of thoe desiring superior operations is ia special request. Nitrousox ide for the painless extraction nf teeth. J5TArti!icial teeth "better than the best," and an cheap the cheapest. Will be in Oregon City cn Saturdays. Nov. 3:lf Perkins' New School Book, "The SSono Echo," is pronounced the hestTTp work of its ( lass for the followincXJ reasons : The Music is f. 11 Xnn and OFrevh; every piece is a well know n 1 Household Melody such as."Driv- J en from Home," Write rue a Let "Vrter," "Little Drown Church," ttc.TT Jl It contains twice as many Songs a:-LL can bo found m other works. The G Music is selected from sixty fourV authors, and not filled vp with oneJ author's composition. l'rice,7o cents each, or $7 50 per dozen. Sample copies mailed to Teacherj for 65 cents. Liberal arrangements for introduction. Address, J. L. PETERS, 503 Broadway, N- sept. 22:ml o e O O C c o o o G O O O 2 ' Tmv - t tt-iat-ixtt a