G o O .9. O 0 .C - (L O 'i'.iJgfl o 0 o VOL. 6. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1871. NO. I. o OREGON C TY Tm ivr rri th Yj PR o Sljc iDccklij (Enterprise. A 'DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOB THE Business FVlan, the Farmer And the FAMILY CIRCLE. -TSSfEI EVERY FRIDAY BT A. fiSOLTPJER, EDITOR AXD PUBLISHER. 'OFFICE la Dr.Thessing'sBritk Ruf'ding. -O PERMS of SUBSCRIPTIOX: Siale Copy one year, in advance, $2 50 T ER MS of A I) YE R TISIX G : Transient advertisements, including all leal notices, y srj. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50 For each subsequentinsertion 1 00 V)n.- Column, one year $120 00 Half ' " 0 Q iarter " " 40 business Card, I .square one year 12 g- Remittances to be made (it till risk o 'Subscriber, and at the expense of Agents. BOOK kXD JOB PIUXTIXG. tW The Enterprise office is snpplted with beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod ern M.VCHIXK PRICKS, which will enable Vie broprii toi 'tu do Job Punting at all times Seat, tyiick and Cheap ! tcir Worlc solicited. H transactions upon a Specie basl. Th?M)3t CDrrapt 3dy on. Earth. HOW TIIK LOUISIANA LEGISLATURE HAS UK EN" RUN" TIIK RKKiNT OF j H j A X T I J S W I X I ) I . E S . "II. V. I. P." Cor. Cincinnati Comercial. New Orleans, September 20 The Louisiana Legislature is, pcr l,aps, the most corrupt body that ever assembled cn the face of the earth. It is no. more trouble to buy their votes than to buy spring chickens in the Cincinnati market. m-:ix; a dkn of thieves, tliev have not among them even he" honor that We arc taught is "customary among thieves. Thcy sell their votes, for money or stock in 'some swindling contrivance, on 'as business-like a manner as ji merchant would dispose of a bolt of calico. A gang of negroes will get up a swindle-, and they go into "the market and bay legisla tive votes enough to pass it. If the rogues are deft a fair margin 'after buying all the votes neces sary, they go ahead with the "en terprise ;" but if the votes happen to range higher than the prospec tive profit" to be realized, they drop it and go at something else. In the Capitol has been louna 'a written agreement of some Seven members to "Sell their Vote's to the slaughter-house swindle for from fifty to three thousand dollars 'each. One poor devil sold out for thirty-five dollars ; he had just been elected, and was not up with the quotations. ,1 hen there was the printing swindle, and the levee swindle, and the "Backbone" rail road swindle, and the city charter swindle1, and the militia swindle, and . the registration swinellc, and 'the .1 .ekson railroad swindle, and the N iced son pavement swindle1, and other swindles, as the auction eers say, "too numerous to men tion." - TIIK PRINTING SWINDLE is downright stealing, and steal ing, teo, from a people trying to waddle along under heavy pecun iary embnrassments. In the last three years, in addition to the thieves the people have hael Hoods, drouths and the cotton worm to contend with, to say nothing of their impoverished condition after the war. How much has been stolen by the printing swindle, I don't know,but from an examination of the ac counts filed in the office of the Secretary of State, I should think that the'amount would reach near a half a million of dollars. The legislature thought that the loyal press should be fostered and so it should when elone at the expense of the able editors and passed a law authorizing the "public laws1' to be publisheel in loyal papers, and constituting the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and Speaker of the House aboard to make contracts. I have seen about a hundred of these "contracts" by which the people of Louisiana have been rob bed. To the credit of Gov. War mouth, let me say that he refused to sign the most of them, and the place intended for his name is blank, but Carter and Dunn over ruled him, and they being a ma jority of the "board," continued to make contracts. And I have seen some of the sheets in which the laws were pub lished. The one before me is a fair specimen small, dirty, badly ar ranged, old type, thick ink, poor impression, ami edit eel by a jack is. A man could not read the "Jaws" in it if he should be so in- I'HESE LITTLE NOSE-RAGS sprung up all over the State and published the "Acts of the Legis lature," for which they receiveel bom two to six thousand elollars each. If the paper had but one reader, and lie was the editor, ami too drunk to read at that, it made no difference he drew his pay for bis "services." About a dozen of these papers were actually printed here in the city and sent over to the several parishes vhei;e they purported to be published, and given way. Papers, the income of which, upon merit, would not be twenty dollars a year, drew from the State Treasury from two to three thousand dollars each for publishing what nobody read The printing swindle pervades every department ot the govern rnent, in some form or other, fos tering a thousand leeches upon a wen nign bankrupt treasur). The cost of the city printing is about nineteen thousanel elollars a year, and the Picayune offers to elo it all for four thousand. But no, fifteen thousand dollars must needs go into the pocket of the Iting rriasters. o. 3. duxxt ought to be ashamed of his print ing contracts by which the State is so heavily swmdled. When Governor Warmouth refuseel to go;any deeper into it, it was time for Dunn to stop. Not much bet ter could be expected of Carter, as he is a white man and a member of the Legislature, but Dunn is an intelligent colored gentleman and 'ought not to have lent his name to the swindle. Ife has a continued hankering to be Governor, but a somewhat different course on his part would increase the chances. All the small potato rural editors, into wlvose liands ne has thrown the public money, .wuld split their little throats cheering him on if he should make the race, but be should know that these editors are mere time-servers, who will disappear with then sheets when their supply of plunder is cut oil as it will be some time. When left to make a battle on merit their "journals" will disappear like 1 the morning mist over a mill-pond. By pnying attention to this, and not counting toe largely upon that which exists through fraud, Mr. Dunn might save himself some mortification and inconvenience. After the melancholy exhibit he has made 'of hinrseif, perhaps the country might manage to get along in an indifferent sort ot a way if he should retire from the public service. DUXX HOLDS SEVFPAL OFFICES. I 'don't kn6w how many, but among enormous duties devolving upon him, lie is a member of the Board of Police Commissioner's. As such, last month he brought in a bill against the city for one hun dred and sixteen dollars, "extra service." This extra service is a big thing, and his bills for that swells tfie amount of his revenue considerably. But I think he ought to be careful about this spe cial service business and set the greedy whites an example of pru dence, ami moderation, instead of following iti their footsteps anel taking all the pickings he can get his liands on. He is a negro, to be sure, but no prejudice shoulel be harbored against him by the peo ple of Louisiana on that account, lie cannot help his color. All of , us might have been black for all the say-so we had in the matter. A book was once written to prove that Aelam was a negro, and it has never been proven to the contrary. The probabilities are against the hypothesis, however, for had lie been a negro of average planta tion sense he never would have let Eve fool him and hence plunge the world into so much unhappiness. There is talk among the Demo crats of taking Dunn up and run ning him for Governor against the Warmouth faction. But 1 imag ine that his "printing contracts" will be an iinpeeliment thereto. When a man goes ahead in de pleting the State Treasury, after Warmouth has been scarce! into stopping, he will bear watching. A correspondent of the New York Tribune, whom the editor vouches for, says that a year ago Thomas Murphy leveled a tax on the salaries of the Custom-house clerks, and collected from 30,000 to 8 f 0,000 for political purposes. Every clerk, to the number of one thousand or more paid one-quarter of his monthly salary into the fund. No one dared to refuse for fear of removal. The same screws are being applied to the Federal employees in Philadelphia. The rate of assessment is three per cent., anel if the money is not promptly paid, resignation is ex pected. Appropriate Names. For a printer's wife, Em; for a sport's wife, Bet--ty; for a lawyer's wife, Sue; for a general's wife, Sally; for a teamster's wife, Carrie; for a fishermans's wife, Xet-ty; for a shoemaker's wife, Peg-gy; for a carpet-man's wife, Mattie; for an auctioneer's wife, Bid-dy; for a chemist's wife, AnnEliza; for an engineer's wife, Bridg-it; tor a farmer's wife, Gerusha, A DEAD LOVE. Ilcr love, she said in coldest tones, was dead ; Her face seemed lH:e statnes's carved in stone ; She took, with trembling fingers, from her bands The rings I gave her and laid thcrn in my own. I might have Epoten'many bitter words, For bitter thoughts Were struggling in my heart ; But forcing Dack the angry flood I said, "If it be so, 'tis better that we part.' Does she remember? we had wandered where My iips."firstwhispered love unto her ear; 'Twas in October, in the maple's leaf Wore the rich crimson of the later year. The golden reed upon the uplands gloved And through the fields the narrow path way lined The painted sumac's swaying branches waved Their fiery tassels in the autumn wind. She gave me back my letters, and un clasped Upon her slender wrist the band of gold; And when her touch met mine it seemed to freeze The blood within my bonea, it was so cold. And few and cold the parting words we spoke. So different from the lingering farewells. The sweet "good-by," in which I seemed to hear A distant music, as of marriage bells' Long years have passed since then ; twin roses blush Beside the fragrant garden's graveled walk ; Thecream-white lily.with her heart aflame. Bends low upon her slender, tapering stalk And still I keep the trinkets and the gems. As one might keep some relic of the dead. Sb.;it clos:e within a 'casket from all eyes. The hiritlden souvenirs ot moments tied. I sometimes lift the lid and look within. And .sometimes read my letters o'er again. Seeming like one wlo has a pleasant 'dresun. And, waking, feels a dull, vague sense of pain Such dreams as linger on the edge of night And vanish with the morning's earliest beam. When, rising heavy eyelids to the light, We grieve to find it only was a dream. Yet though our love is dead, like some poor flower Which never more by garden path shall b'.ow, I sometimes wonder if in other ivorlds Deaft love a resurrection may not know, For often when alone, in silent mood And from the careless crowd I sit apart, Its ghost will come with sad and pallid face To haunt the vacant chamber of mvH heart. My Wife's Bridal Tour- When I married my second wife, she "was dreadful set about going on a brielal tour. I tolel her that she had better wait six months or a year, and I'd try to go with her, and she sf.id Vhe'el rather go alone when a woman was travel ing a man vas an out-and-out hum bug. So I gave her seventy-five cents, anel t6ld her to go anel have a good time. I never begrudge money where my wife's happiness is concerned. My first wife never coulel complain of not. going any where, for I'm dreadful fierce to gooff on a good time myself, anel always was. I elon't pretend to say how many times 1 took her out to sec- the sights, anel there was no enel to the free lectures she went to. The neighbors used to say, "It beats all how the Skin ners do go !" When Sinor Blitz was in Skunk ville with his wonderful canaries, he gave my wife a complimentary ticket. I not only sold that ticket for my wife, but gave her half the money. I elon't boast of it, but I only mention it to show how much I thought of her happines. I don't think any man ought to get married until lie can consider bis wile's happiness only seconel to his own. John Wise, a neighbor of mine, elid thusly, anel when I jot marrieel I concludeel to do like wise. But the plan didn't work in the case of my seconel wife. No I should say not. I broached the subject kindly : "Matilda," saiel I, "I suppose you are aware that I am your lord and master !" "Not much you ain't," said she. "3 Irs. Skinner," saiel I, "you are fearfully disorganized. You arc cranky," anel I brandished my new "sixty cent umbrella wilelly around her. She took the umbrella away from me, anel locked me up in the clothes press. I am quick to draw an inference, and the inference I drew hero was, that I was not a success as a re organizer of female women. After this I changeel my tactics. I let her have her own way, and the plan from the very first worked to a charm. It's the best way of managing a wife that I know of. Of course this is between you and me. It's a secret worth know ing. So when my wife said she was bound to go off on a "bridal tour, anyhow, I cordially assented. "Go, Matilda," said I, "and stay as long as you want to ; then if you feel as though you would like to stay a little longer, stay mv dear." She told me to 'stop my talking and go Hip. stairs and get her red 43 1 .1 " a i-.'-I l. .x h i. uauut'i nigni-cap, :inu mat Dag oi pennyroyal for her aunt Abigai. My wife is a very smart woman. She was a Baxter, 'and the Baxters are a smart family ineleed. Her mother, who is going on eighty, can fry more slap-jacks now than half of these primpup town girls, who rattle on the- piano, or walk the streets with their furbelows and fixins, pretending to get mad if a young man looks at them pretty harel, but getting mad in earnest if you take no notice of them at all. Ah ! girls ain't what they useel to be when I was young, and the fellows are worse still. When I went courting, for instance, I never thought of staying till after 10 oYdock, and only went twice a week. Now they go seven nights in the week anel cry for want of mote; then write touching notes to each other through the day "Dear George, de you love me as much as you elid at a quarter past twelve last night ? Say you do, dearest, and it will give me courage to go elowr. arid tackle tlicih cold, beans left over from yesterday." . AVell, well, I suppose they cn 3oy themselves and it ain't for us olel folks whose hearts have got a little calloused by long wear, to interfere. Let them get together and court, if they like it and I think they do. I was forty-seven when I courted my present wife, but it seemed just as nice to sit on a little cricket at her feet, and let her smooth my hair, as it did twenty years ago. As I said before, my wife was a smart woman, but she couldn't be anything else and be a Baxter. She used to give lectures on we men's rights and in one place where she lectured a big college conferred the title of L. L. D. upon her. But she wouldn't take it. "No, gentlemen," saiel she, "give it to the poor." She was al ways just so charitable. She gave rhy boys permission to go bare footed all winter and insisted on it so much in her kind way that we couldn't refuse. She fairly .dotes upon my chil dren, and I've seen her many a time go for their trowsers pockets after they hael gone to sleep, and take out their pennies anel put them in her bureau drawer for fear they might lose them. I started to tell you all about my wife's bridal tour, but the fact is, I never could find out much about it myself. I believe she had 'a good time. She came back improved in health, and I found out before she was in the house twenty-four hours, that she hael gained strength ''also. I don't say hdv I found it out; I simply say I found it out. In conclusion, I would say to all young men, marry your second wife first, anel keep out of debt by all means, even if you have to borrow the money to elo it. What is Tiiixe Age? "Father," said a Persian monarch to an old man, who, according to Oriental usasie, bowed before the sovcr eign's throne, "pray be seated; I cannot receive homage from one bent with years, whose head is white with the frosts of age." "Anel now, father," said the monarch, when the old man had taken the proffereel seat, "tell me thy age; how many of the suns revolutions hast thou counted?" "Sire," answereel the olel man, "I am but four years." "What?" interrupteel the king, "fearest thou not to answer me falsely, or elost thou jest on the very brink of the tomb?" "I speak not falsely, Sire," re plied the aged man, "neither would I offer a foollish jest on a subject so solemn. Eighty long years have I irasted in folly anel sinful pleas ures and in amassing wealth, none of which I can take with me when I leave this world. Four years only have I spent in eloing good to my fellow-men; and shall I count those years that have been utterly wasted ? Are they not worse than a blank, and i not that portion only worthy to be reckoneel as a part of my life, which has answer ed life's best end?" The following delicate compli ment to the President's "intelli gence" will be found in the Tri bune of the 5th idt: Expressions in favor of Thomas Murphy are attributed to the Pres ident. They do honor to his heart, and confirm what we have uni formly urged in his behalf that he has been deceived by Mr. Mur phy, and is utterly ignorant of the true character of the (shoddy con tractor and Tammany partner he keeps in office. A thief recently "went through" Yale College, but finally graduated in the county jail. Practical Hints. To Keep Milk 8,rCct. The 'Soutiern Jhhrmer says that a tea spoonful of horseradish in a pan of milk will keep it sweet for several days. To Whiten ZinchVnt a hanel ful "of the leaves of the James town weed in the pot, anel boil with the clothes. The frequent use of this whitens clothes very much. Snoic-H'rfl dtJee. One "eirp of sugar, one of buttermilk, one of butter, one tablespoonful of soda, the white of three eggs beaten to a froth ; bake in small tins. Bread Cake. Two pounels bread dough after it is raised, one pounel sugar, one-half pounel but ter, four eggs, one cup raisens, stoned, one tcaspoonful soda, a little cinnamon ; bake as soon as mixed. JJridcl Cal:c. One anel a half cups of sugar, half cup butter, one cup flour, anel a little over a cup of corn starch ; half a cup of sour milk, whites of three eggs, very little soela, tcaspoonful extract of lemon. To 'Whiten' Piano JCeta. The ivory keys to a piano which have become yellow may be maele white by washing them with a sponge with eliluted sulphuric aciel. or a 'solution of hyposulphato of. soda, anel expose to the sun. jTendiny Tin Pans. Tell your laely reaelers to menei your tin pans with putty. It is very easily elone, and is much better than to threnv them away. Put .it on the out side, let it thoroughly dry, and they will never have to mend that place again. I have them that I have useel for twenty -years.' Jfow to treat a St?c. The stye is a small boil protruding from the eyelid. . It will usually pass away of itself, but its cure may be hastened by applying a warm poul tice of bread and water in a small linen bag. Apply three or four 'times a daj and each time foment the eye with warm milk and wa ter. Preserved Watermelon Hinds.- Cut the rinds into seiuarcs about ;an inch long ; boil in alum water a few minutes'; then rinse m cold water anel elrairi. Make syrup of equal weight of white sugar; boil until clear. When cold aelel a little essence of ginger, Or, what is better, when the preserves are to be useei add a little extract of lemon. To Clean PeatJiers. Dissolve four ounces of white soap, cut small, in four pounds of water, moderately hot, in a basin, and make the solution into a lather by beating it with a small rod. Then introduce the feathers, anel rub them well with the hands for five minutes. They are next to be washed in clean water as hot as ; the hanel can bear it. The Ear Ache. Generally heat is the best remedy. Apply a warm poultice of warm oil to the ear. Pub the back of the ear with warm laudanum. In case of feetiel discharge, carefully syringe the ear with warm milk anel water. In all cases keep the ear thorough ly cleansed. Belief is often given by rubbing the back of the ear with a little hartshorn anel water. lure Proof Pence. A fire proof fence can be maele by following these directions: "Make a wash of one part fine sand and one part wood ashes, well silted and three parts ground up with oil, anel mix them well together. Apply this to the fence with a brush the first coat thin, the second thick. This adheres to the boards or planks so strongly as to resist either an iren tool or fire, and is besides, impenetrable by water. To Pemove Warts. Pass a pin through the wart ; apply one end of the pin to the llames of the lamp ; holel it there until the wart fries under the action of the heat. A wart so treateel will leave. If the wart is harel, a good methoel is to cut it off with a knife or scis sors, anel apply a little caustic to the roots.; If the wort has a nar row neck, tie a silk thread or horsehair around it, and it will soori drop off. A little caustic ap plied to the roots will prevent it from growing again. To prevent neio icooden vessels from tastinrj of the mood. A new bucket, churn, keg, or other wood en vessel, will generally communi cate a disagreeable taste to any thing that is put into it. To pre vent this inconvenience scald the vessel well with boiling water, letting the water 'remain3 in it till cold; then dissolve some pearl ash or soda in lukewarm water, adding a little lime to it. Wash the in side of the vessel with this solu tion. Afterward scald it well with .hot water, and rinse with cold water before you use it. The reason for this is the ready combi nation of resinous matter with al kalies to form compounds soluble in alcohol. Martial Law- From the Missouri Republcan.J The Presielent has issueel a pro clamation reciting disorelers in South Carolina 'which the J pub lican authorities of that State are either unwilling or unable to sup press, anel warning the elisturbers of 'the peace that if they elo not abstain from their lawless acts he will suspend the writ of haoeas corpus in certain districts and put the rigors of the enforcement act in execution. A el vices from Wash ington state that this warning will in a few days certainly be followed by the more important measure which it foreshaelows a declara tion of martial law. Martial law means the suspen sion of all laws and the substitu tion for them of the arbitrary will of him who wields the sword. It is the final perilous remedy for dis orders that all other measures fail to reach; it is a suspension of the popular liberties, legal processes, and civil proceedings, for the time being; anel, for these reasons, and because it accustoms a people to a loss of their rights, it is held by all eminent writers that it should never be resorted to except in cases of great peril. The administration has assutneel that such a condition of extreme peril exists in South Carolina, now. Whether the facts support this assumption or not, is a question which the public have nothing to do with; it is the Presi dent's concern alone1. A lv publi can Congress has placed the liber ties of tlie country at his supreme disposal,by making him sole judge of the facts, and empowering him to proclaim a rebellion, suspend the writ of habeas corjtus, and ele clare martial law "at his discre tion." This, then, is the product of that liberal, progressive 'and be nign policy which the ad in mist ra tion has given us. This is the re stored Union that we hear so much vaunting about. This is the suc cessful administration that Presi dent Grant has furnished us. The war of the rebellion was success fully closed in 1805", but a new war is assumeel to exist in 1871. Another rebellion, in the meaning of an act of Congress, is proclaim ed in the State where the first originated, and the President puts himself in the harness of war and elrawn the irresponsible sword to suppress it. The man who said "Let us have peace" now declares war. If it be saiel that this lan guage is overwrought, and that the South Carolina trouble is a lo cal and trifling matter, we ask, in reply, why does the administration labor to make it appear Otherwise? If there is no rebellion, why eloes the President assume the existence of one? If the country is prosjer- ous, peaceful, cheerful and content- ed, why elo we hear at u asning ton proclamations, military orders, the rattle ot expectant sabers, and the movement of armies ? If there is nothing in South Carolina that threatens the peace of the country what is the meaning of all this preparation i vre swords bayonets, infantry, cavalry and artillery such harmless things that an almost absolute executive may be allowed to sport with them at pleasure ? Are the liberties of the people and their courts, laws and civil authorities such contemptible affairs that the executive may be authorized to waive them aside on slight provocation, and even, on no provocation r It is well for the people to re flect that six years of unopposed Republican rule have leel to a con elition of things that makes mar til law necessary. If there is not a rebellion in South Carolina so much the worse for the administra tion; it has proclaimed a falsehood, and made that falsehooel a warrant for suspending civil law and the writ of personal liberty. Small beginnings sometimes have serious endings, and if President Grant can, with the consent of his party, proclaim martial law where there is no need for it, now, who can tell what he may assume to do, and what his party may support him in doing at some future day ? Pleasant Sleep and Health. Let parents make every possible effort to have their chihlren go to sleep in a pleasant humor. Never scold or give lectures, or in any way wound a chilel's feelings as it goes to bed. Let all banish busi ness and worldly care at bed-time, and let sleep come to a mind at peace with God and all thcjrorld. AlhTdluilnVnons, Mrs. Clev er said: "A girl now seems al head !" "Yes, till you talk to her replied Mr. Clever. Twenty bottles of whisky were included in the stores of an Indi ana Sunday-school picnic. Secretary Stanton's Dying Opinion of Grant- From Correspondent of the N. Y. World. A distinguished Louisianian was in Boston recently, anel hadn in terview with Senator Sumner, at q his rooms, at the Coolidgo House. During a lengthy conversation with him Mr. Sumner related an interview, the last he ever had with Eelwin M. Stanton, the late Secre tary of War. It took place short ly prior to Mr. Stanfbn's death. Mr. Sumner hael made one of his customary calls. Mr. Stanton rc questeel Mr. Sumnor to cemle near his bed-side. The dying mauo placeel his hand in that of Mr. Sumner's and said: "Sumner, I am going over the river. I shall never recover. I wish to say one wore! to you be fore I elie." m ' Sumner. I hope you are not dy ing Mr. Stanton, but go on. Stanton, (emphatically.) Gener al Grant cannot administer this Government. lie is not eepial to the elutics. Sumner. Mr. Stanton, your statement is broad. Stanton. I mean it as broadly as I state it. Sumner. Why did you not men tion this before the nomination? Stanton. I was busy in my oflice, and was not consulted by the politicians who maele the nom ination. They elid not take me in to their councils. Sumner. But Mr. Stanton, 3-011 made speeches during the cam paign; why elid you not state this fact then? Stanton. You examine my snccches, and von will not finel one word in favor of Gen. Grant for President. I spoke for the Republican party eWy, Sumner. But you say Grant Can not aelminister the Government. He sucecded well in the army, anel the people ga ve him creel it for our success. Stanton, (stretching forth, hi.so hand.) Senator Sumner, this hand supplieel him with men, and mon ey, unlimited. I gave him the eti rection of the affairs. I am dying, 0 Mr. Sumner, and I state this to 0 o you. use it whenever the inter ests of the country elemanel it." At the time Mr. Sumner made this statement about his farewell interview with Mr. Stanton he djd not agree with the gentleman from. Louisiana as to the merits of Geir. Grant, anel made this plain to the group of gentleman who were listeners to the Senator. A Good Thirg. The army-navy nigger bureau in a word, the "reconstruction" machinery for the last six years has averaged about one hundred and forty millions per year to keep it going! Think of that, you poor, deluded "working-men" of the North, so distressed over your eitrht hour rule. Each and every o one of you must give say one hour of your daily toil to the "cause of O freedom," to support an army- u the South to protect the carpet baggers, while they arc "recon structing" Sambo anel making him your equal, forsooth ! But .the army is now reduced to some foily thousand, anel during this present year ten thousand have deserted from this degrading "service" of "reconstructing" niggers into "equality" with white, people. The Day-lhjok has always advised the Southern people to make frienels with the rank anel file, for they can- n not help it; but to regard the com missioned officer, who thus becomes the abject tool of the Abolition lunatics, with disgust and abhor rence. Meanwhile, we are happy te record such a good thing as the desertion of these ten thousanel soldiers, for though it will not modify Northern taxes, it is creel itable to white humanity to fin el so many of the rank and file es caping from a "service" so utterly revolting. JY Y Day-Poole. Rhode Ist.axd Election A Forkignkii not as Goon as a Negiio. In the little State of Rhode Island, remarks (be Cin: cinnati Enquirer, a property qualification in real estate ha3 always been demanded of foreign born persons as a qualification for exercising the right of suffrage. The neijro now votes without it. An attempt has been made lately, to amend the Con stitution so as to allow the foreigner the German, the Irishman, the .Englishman and the Scotchman the same rights as a neTO. But the proposed amendment has been voted down by a vote of G.3GG against 33'M in favor. Republican Rhode Island, therefore, still adheres Id the proposition that, for voting purposes, the foreigner shall beheld not to be equal, but inferior to the negro. At the same time the voters declared against the re peal of the registry tax. This tax oper ates to the disadvantage of the poor and in favor of the rich. It is often made so 0 high that none but the rich can afford to vutew It is also an element of corruption, rich men registering poor ones in consid eration of their votes. These principles of, government are still to be retained in Rhode Island by the votes of the Repub lican majority. o o O O 0 o O o o o o o 0 o G G O o o o o o 0 o o 0 o O o o "Vvv-" T C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY tmnrTOCTTV fYJ? P AT TTHPWTA