Y r ESTON EADER . VOLUME 43 WESTON, OREGON. rillVl.Y. MAY 13. 1021 NUMBER 49 WINTER WHEAT UOP L S. WOOD, WAR VETERAN nr ANSWERS FINAL SUMMONS OIIUMO AUf nllUL Dandelions I Lumen Kanford Wood, civil VIsId Pxnapfarl fa Ra Nina Par veteran and fur fifty year a r , , . Cent Gruter Thin In 1920. Waahlnston. Th w)ntr wheat ftp forecast at l,04HI,A00 buehels era thin etlmsled month ago, Ih total production being estimated at etuck war real- dent of Weston, passed away at six o'clock Tuesday morning, May 10, at hi late home on north Water atrcet, a fur a lunir illness. Ilu ' we 8U years, right month and ''& daya old. Mr, Wuod wan born August 17, 1H;J7, in Chary, Clinton county, New York, and hm of English and Irish Hi' spent his early boyhood III.XHT.eo bushels by lha department ef agriculture. Acreage abandoned during (ho win tar ls than I per rent of Ida total area planted lest autumn, nun pared with an average abandonment of It par cant during the lt ten year. In New York, Iowa and Minnesota, and saw much service during the civil war a a member of tho Hmt Minneaota Volunteer, lie v. an with this celebrated fighting regiment three year, taking part In many Dattlea and skirmishes, and at the cxpiiatiun of hia drat enlistment rc- Th rrnn ihi. ..r I. almost oar enlisted. In thu Flnit Minnesota Heavy cant larger Ih.n I.. I year, whlla lha Artillery. Ik served with tho latter arre.ge lo ha harvested U It per cant "ganlxatlun until tho rloae of tho more than la.t year. WM Th area to b harvested, la about "," """''' MM.000 arraa or ft par rant lia '"-' " rrnin rirnnntl miw if iimiiap iiim nai m n artuAi tuiiiun juli is HUuot fI UtLAT f V W ORDERED BY THE COUNCIL DCinc occm imn! or ILAUL ULOULUHU.I Wcdncaday aveninc th city coun- eil pasad an ordinance rrferrin flvt MeatUre EXDWted 10 Remllfl charter amendmenta to tha paople, to .... - , ... , nun r oreign Aniirs com- than tha aeraaia plintad laat autumn ad l.ooo arraa or S I par cant mora than tha arreaie barvaatad laat yaar. Aniunir the cnifrement in which Er CD Q rA the departed veteran participated were Dull Run, Hull' Bluff. Siege of Yorktown, Flint 44 ba voted upon at a apecial election to tb be held at tha council room a Fri day, July IS. The action taken waa unanimoui, with Mayor J of tea presid ing and all the councilrnen present. Tho proposed ameno'menta are: First Making the charter conform to the state law with regard to the U nns of city officers. Second Making the charter con form Ui state law with regard to the time and manner of holding elections. Third Raising the tax limitation to US mills on the dollar. Fourth Raising the indebtedness limit for general purposes to $35, 00. Raiding the indebtedness limit for special purposes to (50,000. Fifth Muking certain provision fvr improvement of street and aide- walks and for construction of aewera mlttee For t Month. F" R THE HIL I " "' w.age system. , These amendments I Hill, AnltcUm, .... ..i.ii ',.. , n ii..,i . .,. i, m n,.r coni The May first condition fa Indicative tkkHbur .Uy,bur' Athena won from Touchet Sunday on Woodward, Mrs. M. L. Watt, and trib.ution Joe UanisUT waa in the city from solo by Mrs. Stone. Mr. Foss and Stanncld, yesterday. ' rs. Reeder were hostesses, serving a will be pub lished in the Leader, and also printed in a convenient form for general dis- af a yield of approximately 113 bu anela an acre, assuming average vari ations to prevail throughout tha re mainder of the season. though often in the thick of the fight ing with his Minnesota comrade, he Arrangements have been con urn- Washington. IX O-Aaaouaeeaeat of President Harding' decleloa.to' have American rrpreeeataUvea oa taa supreme council, . the eonfereac ef anbassadors and the reparatlooa eara mission wss followed by IntimaUena from house repnbllcaa leader that ae tlon oa the Knox peace resolution might be deferred nntll the larger economle and other problem an settled. House leader generally ald tha measure would remala wttb the for eign affairs committee for a month, perhaps, or certainly antlt tha Eure peaa situation had cleared. ' Prrsldent Harding accepted the la- vltatlon of the allied supreme couacil that the United Bute be represented at the meeting of that body as welt' as those of the conference of ambassa dor and the reparation commlastoa. Georre Harvey, aewly appointed mated for financing the proposed ambassador to Great Britain, will sit street improvements in Weston on a with the supreme cooacil sad "take escaped without a wound of any sort. c u 'McFwldt.n .ltcnde, th, 4atntr Mon tt tabic cenUred that should be aatUfactory to part a. the representative of the pre!- IIMI VI Ml IHO VtWHi la. II la . . . . W iae WV tmui.il ea)rvBe.a vwtiaiviw.i aw "viv uvi,ia ThU wouI4 indicate a toUl produo- co,V',M ".. bo,,p1 vention of druggist, in Seattle thi. with magenta bird bill, and feathery th taxpayer. .. . . .k Im ,ur l,m wscuse or uiness. un . . tlon I I par cent more than In 1120. 1J.7 per cent lea. than la till, and 114 per cent more than la Ilia. the second day at Gettysburg, the First Minnesota was ordered by Gen eral Hancock to check the confeder ate advance, and in its desperate charge lout 82 percent in killed and woundrd, with none was the highest loss on record us tained by any northern regiment in any battle. Mr. Wood was on de- t ached service at Gettysburg with Oppelo, Upper Blleeta. Insurgent Cushing'a battery, which also made a Polish forcee have crossed lha Oder record losa in men and horses. He and raptured th town of Kosel after 'was a grandson of a soldier of the POLISH INSURGENTS TAKE TOWN OF KOZEL week. fern. lioone Wataon, old time democrat- Athena High School Commencement jjr- anj jir4- farl McConnell and ic war horse, was in the city one day Week will begin next Sunday at children and Mr. and Mrs. John Ban this week from Thorn Hollow.1 11:15 a. m. In the Christian church, jBter jr- amj daughter, of Helix, were Miss Fay Mulr of Portland Is visit- when Rev. Bollen of Walla Walla, jsnn o.,P.t, sUnd,-,'.t th- h0m r inir mt tha homes of Mrs. Charlca Dud- will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon, u. i u - r- nnssinir This ... . . .... . . Ml' v. id. I.J BIN ,.... - .v-iw.w.. "... ... ' v ii.i.iv ' m 0REG02I KEWS ROTES bard fighting. The population la fleeing in panic. Tho French control officer took refuge In the Koiel barracks and th polea opened fire on him there, ac . cording to Interallied eommlaslon re ports. Numerous essusJtle are reported ta have occurred at th Krandrxln rail wy th aermao. after three day' con tinuous fighting. Italian troops declare that they have loat severely la lha fighting with Polish Insurgenta and appear to be greatly Incensed. They are declared lo have shown unkindnass toward Polish prisoner. War of tho Revolution, heuben Wood, who fought with Stark at Benning ton. One of hi sons, A. L. Wood, is a Philippine war veteran. Another, t. L. Wood, was with the colors dur Miss Iris Lowthcr, music teacher, Union service, all the minister in the ha been confined to her home thi city participating. Rev. Russell will week, as the result of having a sever be in charge, assisted by Rev. Low- rase of chirkenpox. " ther and Rev. Johnson. The assoesrr of Uie county est! Scott Fiaher will leave tomorrow for j Plan for the organization of a mtes that If all the old soldiers or Clayton, Idaho, where he will visit a cemetery Association, have proceeded wdovt ta that C0Unty tske th brother and probably b employed for far enough to receive the sanction of exemption a reduction of $100,000 In a time at hia trade. the three lodge now having juris- the Mgessed valuation will be the re Mrs. William Rice is recovering diction of the Athena cemetery. The uu from her recent operation in a Spo- lodges are ready --to transfer ineir n-h Tilth innlturura mil 1rr oitln. kane hospital, and it is hoped will ba property right in tho present cem- hr, nf ennj.' h r-h.-. "" WW UU1- . . - . . 1. ,!,!. V " -" ing the recent great war-trvlng. 0, mu nonw uno u"7 "7? 7 B.u LI . . f PB held Saturday under the however, in China. t v , , , , P" t tariri place, nnder con- awplMt of th9 0regon Pl0Deer atso. Miss France. C. Unsdale became C' McFadden U Improving h.a trol and supervision of the . as.oc.tion claUon ud the 0r Hi.torical o- the bridu of Luman S. Wood in Wa- c?tuP on H" W,th Cy ,r 5T ,ke,P,'nf th mCqWn' or ient of tha United fiute. la the delib eration.'' of that body. Representation at tha conference of ambassadors la Pari, and the re parations commission will be unof ficial. Th ambassador to France wui be the observer on the former and Roland W. Boyden will sit la anofftciai capacity on the latter. Ambassador Harvey will ba era powered to take part la th supreme, council's deliberation and. H It is derstood. will have authority to in itiate such discussion as the president may direct HI. status thus will be different from that of Mr. Wallace and Mr. Boyden, who will act aa observers. atatlon. whan tha Pol, drova out county, Minnesota. May 0, 8ll'!il,lpTu lBGd. They were the parent, of five' . Mrs. Dor. Hall, ai.ter of Bert Logs nient of additional land. Two Clean-up Days. The Branch Line club of Enterprise recently purchased a ISO acre tract of (I. S. ENVOY TAKES -RACE Oil CGOii. L . . . I I . ..mu.akJm.. mtt .M.nnii Hau. m t n . nn ul In. a . I.a n.L . I. f . .... fl 1., n. . .1.... nM 1 S.. liu. lha xi.L.u. k... . ine lunerai iook niace yeairua. im cup us mc omiyuiuru ivi nuic Clark Wil'r w..tnn. M w.rn deceased leave, her husband, five na. One by the Civic club, when on KMlTwyT' :'. by will revive undivided. ttention of the pha L Wood ForJ' for hi fthers new home In entire populace armed with rake, hoe , m' w i .i... the suburbs of Salem. He will re- and shovel. For this occasion, the ... . . " -.. .. v . vi'f V. V' I - . . It" . ... . Hiorca ana ouNincss nouses wiu remain some very closed from 10 a. m., to 1 o'clock p. his homo ni. and at noon a regular picnic din- premises on South Third street, in mr will be enjoyed by the workers. the erection of a poultry house, on a For a general cleanup of the alleys, pretentious scale, indicating a )kt- streets and vacant lots of the city, mnnent venture into that businew. Mayor Barrett has set aside Wednes Mrs. William Winshin and daugh- day, May 2S. The city authorities Say Solicitor General. i.tmiUn ..i r.,.ri .i r. ters, Mildml and Audra, will leave will be assisted m conducting the Washington. Th casa of Henry lliany aUCCMI,jv. tunns In recent Athena immediately after school for cleanup by the Civic club and next ineir new nome near onicm. ex i in. mu muu wwm Hopper and Wa mother, Mrs. Hopper, noucement of organization for the who generally have bean handed over I1'""'" by mule team in 1871 and lo- tur" u 'nddinir to lb. Italian, by their German cap- "'I. ''' Xh Wc"ton ""S' ' HUtZ , M In nrovenfon . tri ' which deceased had since been a rvs- ,"b','"ti Iniprovcmenta to tetrm ideiit. He at first engaged in farm- crrnun tdiii rnr 11 ccdc in n,ul 'M m, of tho rit set- dtbunu IMIAL run ALDCnS tvra Weston mountnin. He was appointed postmaster of Weston in 1878, during President 1 In yen" admin Cenfseelon ef Error Doe not Acquit, Alber. a native of Germany, convict- ill health comnelled his retire- aa in portiana, or., or naving vioiatea ,cllt from ,ctJvJ ifCj j0 w onc th esDlonsc ct. hts not been closed ..f h.. .....n.hM r u,-........ will reside In the Winshin residence nayaworg. through tha recent confession of error Lwlgo No. 05, F. & A. M and on f tollcK strccte. Grocery Store Burglarized, entered In tha aupreme court by tb nerved a number of uccessive'ycar. Thu Athena town team will play the By smashing in the glass of the government, Bollcltor General Ftler as its worshipful master. Ho was a Milton-Freewatcr team on the home front door entrance to the Pure Food .on declared lo a ttemnt. but ha. kindly man, a devoted husband and K"um1 Sunday. Tho game will be Grocery Store, some time Inst night been "merely remanded to the dlstrlet father, a good neighbor and a wor- "in at 2;30' From the showinK that or early this morning, entrance was eourt for a new trial." thv nnriirht rlri.n was made by the team in the Touch- ninac oy a ourgiar v. no rmea me uu used as a camping ground for local and visiting member of the Elk lodge. A suit to test the constitutionality of the law which prohibits tho catching of salmon and other food fish by troll ing off the coast of Oregon In May and June was filed In the circuit court at Astoria. , A deal haa been closed whereby the Great Northern Steamship company sold to the Spokane, Portland A Se attle Railway company the steamship terminals at Flavel for a considera tion of $162,000. Governor Olcott ha. announced that he would appoint Frank S. Word of Portland as -a member of the state board of pharmacy to succeed Clyde G: Huntley of Oregon City, when the latler's term expires May 20. Plans are now under way for another bis hotel to be constructed on the Columbia river highway nesr Dodson, w . u, ,,.-.. - T" . about 35 miles east of Portlan,!. Kf- The uprma court ordered Judg- Impressive funeral .ervice. were team last Sunday, a large crowd is regmer or .id, cnange , Yviiii-ii i inn ucvii icii, uvcr irviu j-eswrr- Nothing else waa taken so far u """"'r. 1 nomesne, Pari.. The United Statea Monday formally resumed her place en the In terallied council of ambassadors. Act ing upon Instruction, from the state department at Washington, Hugh ' Wallace, the ambassador, attended a meeting of the ambassadorial council. The American ambassador waa warmly welcomed at th foreign of fice, where the council happened to be meeting, and was given a aeat at the right of Jules rambon of Franc, the president of the council. The problem of Tpper Silesia waa the subject of the deliberation, of tha council Monday forenoon. ; The council made formal re truest ta Poland to use all possible measure, ta calm the Polish population In. Upper Silesia. A communication wis seat to the interallied commission la Upper Silesia asking it to Issue a formal statement to the Polish people denying that any formal decision has beem taken upon the partition of Upper Silesia as a result of the recent plebiscite. The Postal Telegraph compauy has ; EVADERS TO BE RECORDED a force of men at Astoria making ar- , ',. ,, lent ravaraail. Tha anvarnment'a an. hi.l.l UW.rln f...-,.. ,..., eXDCCted to attend the BCSSlon With - - ' " - . Ml 11VIH- - , Hnti Mr Prlarann avnlalnait- Ml ni-inl hull with k.. T,... A the tHibblO SCratCherS. ' token because the district attorney Loekwood of Pendleton and .ermon Mr- nctt, instructor In Athena discovered by Mr. Stephens, tho pro . a . a ... - 1I..-U kAnl kan tirif?tOr. wno prosocuten Aioer iniroaucea . ny ov. w. b. t'nyne of Weston. "'V. TT r;. i i- irVh At Radtke's Donartment Store en. rangeraents for the erecUon of its pro Congressional Publication to Carry tha tit ttUHingt tarnivi aatiativ l ClCQ tO A 1)0811101 III A-inCOila illKll I i i a. a . . meat he w. alleged to have made male quartette, and the floral trib- l'ho". land. . trance was attempted at the rear of in isis ..ri iis. h.rA th. iTnit. ut... .,,, K.nr..i Auto tourisU are beginning to the building, but the iron- window m.i.. h. w.r il u.. in M.nni ,t- i take advantage of the camping privi- shutters could not be opened, though nan m wm-i rx nw n mHoumv vviiiVkViJa all III in r ------- m-vm . t . i i. .1 ,-,k ...i i4 letrea at tha Citv Park. Auto travel is bent iron bar holding one of the 111 l WW VUVUIh VV IflV iTJVUIIW IliU awvws Messivv w rim VHV OUIVIIIII llbCtl VA " " ' t .1 . . , . eighth. It had been held that the ad- that order. G. A. R. member, from beginning later thi. season than last shutters In place waa bent In the at- , mission of such evidence rendered th Milton and We.ton attended a a '" to the backward aprlng. tempt to pry 'the window open, trial unfair and w.. a reversible guard of honor. Mrs. Susie Gcrking. well known Standard Oil Distillate. error, th. .tat.ment said. -- - haw and sisterinlaw of Mn, Ann Tay- J ' 20,000 gal on. of d.s- , j.,,... ....... ...... . ..... ior. waa seriously hurt in an automo- "late will be received at the local . ... .7 ve"1 101 bile accident las week while visiting P-nt of the Standard Oil company posed new line between there and Portland. Work on the construction will be commenced within a tew days. A larger and better, plant will re place the creamery of the Albany Creamery association, which burned last Sunday morning. While no final plans have been made the director, of the association have decided to re build. The Marlon county court has paid to W. J. Herwig. secretary of the Ore- 1.1 A . r. - -1 ... J ...in . 1. . 1. . . . I 1 x . , nsman v-n.rg.. .- " www was 1.. wowiera way enter. , nenP,Echo Her arm was " by July. 60.000 gallons will bo in Waahlngton. - Characterising tainmcnt and luncheon sponsored by WJi? stock. Distilate has not been obtain. -rot" the char,., m.d. by three lu Saturday Afternoon club May 7 jXrfcsTheTtbTc b' Standard Oil company. K Anti-Saloon league. 996. covering ; Haitian delegates In a memorial to th In Memorial hull. A profusion of r.lt " .Tin. 8 . ..U . 0 e r.,r om tin,-. ,h ,rarf. i ' compensation and expenses of onera- Whit. House, stat. department and purple and white lilac, and whito B V aato CraM Mr Rowing was done by many tractor eongres. protesting .gainst American narcissus made the scene of festiv- JfuXyn owners on gasoline at the advanced occupation of Haiti, Secretary Denby itie. most attractive. About twenty- nu "re. iorge inompson will wave declared that the navy department w.l- five elderly women were guest, of fc"IMtasrJv utmob'le for Albany pnet. corned any Investigation eongres. the club and enjoyed the opportunity whenl Mt; nf M' "SV1! ' ; Wa'ter Adams Uses Farm House. eard to make of condition. In that to meet and engage in friendly chat fr"nd 1riso 0f4,d,d Fe""W8 and The farm house on the Walter Ah interesting; program was pre- , . 7 , '"""''T' Adama place east of Thorn Hollow entail, after wh eh th. luli... w.n. " ' umwnsvuw seated at tablea where covera were nd othcr Point in the vey republic. was destroyed by fire one afternoon 1it wilr. t..-f.t.hf.r wit.h nil it can. The regular meeUng of the Etude tenU xhe blaie , thoUEht to have A Lena Tim to Walt Miv.it ...nfuanr M Inn11lr.1l lha vounc marked bv hand.naintd nlaos rnl musician, "bow do my composition and , individual nosegay, fashioned c,ub yesterday afternoon at the home 8tartej fron, the alove pipe and please yor of wnite lilac, and purple pansier of Mrs. W. C. Emmel was ono of made guch ra,,i(1 progress that noth- "Why. I think." responded Ihe older surrounded by a lace paper frill. A marked Pie"" Pnt to the 20 ing couW gaved except out. mnn. "that they m.y frhnps be played two course luncheon of appetising member" who were Paeni- The buildings. The loss to Mr. Adams is w hen Mor.Hrt. Haydn. Mendelssohn .nd dintio. . .opve., hv plllh mmh. room, were graced with wild flower. ...timated at 11000. N. B. Foster. Mererberr hnre been forgottnn. M Ml.n.M w.u U-.n. k. and .prays from the honeysuckle tree nnrh.m Poster and Tom E..lPtnn. . 1. : . ... ". m.. p p i.i .k - - ... , ,umilus "llenlly?" exclaimed the young mum Cinn In ecstasy, ing tho oldest mother present, ro- Mr' P". E' RuMc11 ,cd the program, who were employed on the place, tlves of that organlxation In conduct ing liquor raids In the vicinity of Salem. . Elimination of the high ' t.restle on the Oswego-Southern Pacific electric line near Portland has been decided upon by the driving of a tunnel through Elk Rock for a distance of 1400 feet. Bida will be. asked within 30 days and it is hoped to complete the project next fall. Mining men of Homestead are tak ing great interest in the development at the Red Ledge mine, 20 miles down the Snake river. A company has been diamond drills on the prop- Names of Slacker. Washington, D. C. The war depart ment slacker liBts, aa issued from time to time, will be published In the Con gressional Record. Hequeet for such publication was made la the house by Representative Johnson, republican, South Dakota, a former service man, and there was no objection. Mr. Johnson said that in hi. opinion, publication of the lists In the Con gressional Record would make of them privileged documents and relieve news, papers or any liability at law la th event that name, appeared rroneou ly. ."Lr nr till then" t celvl Pttcd P'nt uvenir the Bul? '" "Sac5fd M"sic'" An lost clothing and .other personal be- ,hat ,hey "Certainly, but not till then, re- ;... r organ voluntary by Mrs. Stephens. u-i. n,- . 7 marked tbo other. Houston rost .... " "v"".'"" .. .. "?" V worm or erty for months and it is estimated have more than 130.000,000 ore blocked out. Matches In China. One of the things that practically everybody In China can afford to buy Is a match and as the population la estimated at 400.000,000, the number of matches consumed reaches a great volume. Chinese manufacturers have been making matches for thirty years, but they hare never made enough fee their own use so that the deficiency has been made up by Japanese and Swedish manufacturers principally. During the war when the outside sup ply was cut off the activity of the Chinese uiatcb-maklng estabUsiunatjt Incrfiitied considerably as well as th Import of material for match making,