m vi ri vwm V; vsvs w vikWsi:i m rh tamiannxiam n ct ct n ra ?:; niiP.i rt t" t"t r ..DEMONSTRATION SALE.. BREVITIES OF McDOUGALL Kitchen CaWs The First Cabinet made The FineM miide. Tint mot convenient ml substantial Kitchen Cabinet n t' nmrket today. They nave Time l-nbiir -Steps hii.I Fund Mut.-ri.tl . They are Hriglit Mini IWaullful in the Kitilitu I Irunly unit .Sanitary. Ill KIN; TIIK I.F.MONKTKATION JWI.K. Kcry woman who attend the IU iiioimtration will be givrn FKF.K hrr choice of an Aluniinuni Mixing rMmn, n Hand Painted Plate, Gift Measuring Pitcher or a ;ia U-itin Julte F.xtrarlor. No obligation other than a few moments uf your time listening to dvmonslrator In charge. ozrarsr si.oo down putt on' of these nplctiilitl cabinet in YOl'K Kitchen. Ilulance on ray Mutithly Terms. THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Complete Homo Furiiluhiinr Dopurtmcnt Stori1. "Thr House of Friendly Srrrlr 10-20 AhU'f St.. Wnllu Walla. Wu.shink'ton. THE WESTON MILLS will ROLL, GRIND or CLEAN your tfrain, and will give prompt atten tion to orders for anything in its line. IliTERNATlOiiAL Stock and Poultry Food Hay. Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ ing Corn. Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone, Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash. WOOD and COAL J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor JOBWORK YOUR ORDERS NEATLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. TJho Weston Leader Sassafras Senna Sarsaparilla Cascara lanlac Hypophosphites Peruna S. S. S. Herbs Roots Barks Teas BOW IS THE TIE TO TAKE THEM! Protect vour wifa and family In Tha llankara Keservc Life Insurance Co. (jou. House, Weston, Ore. llcv. A. J. Manner hua returned from a three weeks viait with hia parents at Kosvburg, ami will conduct next Hunday'a service at the M. E. ( hurrh, South. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Danitter and Mra. I.. It. Van Wink la went to Pen tllvton yesterday afternoon on mo toring trip. J. A. Murray, iliatrlct manager of tlia Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., waa In town from Pendleton Tuesday, visiting the local exchange. ' Haymond Anderson entertained member of the M. E. Sunday achool, at hi home last Friday evening. Mui : and a aplendid program of game afforded an evening of rare pleasure for the lad liaring in the hoapitality offered. Kcfreahmcn'a, inviting in appearance and satisfying keen ap petite, were the culminating feature of a happy occasion. The guest liat Included; tirant Key, Arthur Slarmer, Edward and Fred Haas, Ordell Pedcr auii, Krnvat llun'cr, Clarence McGib bon. Merman and Harold Lumsdcn, Harold Huston, Raymond Anderton, and George Winn, teacher of the claaa. In a message to Weston friends, Mm. F. I. Watt reports that tbo tliN'tor and herself are enjoying good visits with old-time friend in Coeur d'AU'iie and Spokane. They plan U atop a few day with their aim Worth, a student at Washington Slate College, on their way home. A. J. Procbstel came up from Port land Sumiay to viait bin father, cx Semitor Procbstel, whom- prolonged illness ban reaeh.nl a critical stage. Charles Dixon ha gone to the home of an uncle near Redmond, Calif., with whom he haa employment. Mr. and Mm. II. A. Dowd of Walla Walla are viaiting at tho home of Mra. Dowd'a parent in thi city. Mra. W. E. Driskcll has been re moved to College Place aanatarium t Walla Walla, where an operation will L LlAZJ YOU WILL NEVER REGRET 3 9 BUY HERE and assure yourself of the market price. The market has been declining and we have been giv ing our customers the Benefit of the decline. We are one Firm that has the Business Ability, Integrity and Honesty to give you the benefit of the Best Price ALWAYS. JONES ii JONE WESTON, OREGON be performed today by Dr. Ingram ggHgMflBl for the removal of gall atone. Mra. ' Dri.kell i attended there by her chil- Mi. Ruby Price; treasurer. Mr.. T V UP CR AnDOU .flMINfi ... P01" ,n "e ... . , Z drn. who together with her many Jo-ph Wurur; reporter, Mr.. H. " '' ure jn.ur.nce ut.ii re ox friend, are hopeful of her restoration Goodwin. Mm. L. I. O'Harra was re- your mhentance Ux. Geo. Howe, to health. ceived into memberhip. The SUte Meeting la for Purpose of Making agent. Jack Calder ha. received a me.aage Federation of Women's Club, will Adjustment In Regard U Bonus. . j ....,n..n h death of his mother, hold its annual gathering in Pcndle- Insurance. Disability Claims, Etc ; Mrs. Emily Robertson Calder. at her ton May 31. June 1 and 2. Delegate. home In Hamilton. Ontario. Canada, chosen to attend as representatives The .FyinK Squdron" sent out by Mr. Calder was C4 years old and is of the local organization arc: Mes- th(. ervioe department of the Amer surrived by her husband, four daught-j dnmes J. A. Lumsdcn and M. Walter k.an u.Ki(,n wiu in Milton Fri ers and one aon. ! Pcdcrsen; alternates, Memlames W.S. (Jay afUini00llj uy 6, to confer with Violet Irene Couch. 10 year. old. Trice and C. E. Fisk. Programtop.es a cx.8er,.ic0 mcn. died Friday May 22 at Walla Walla for tho yar won? eiissel, Thc gquadron is coniposed of officers soon after being conveyed to the ' d it was decided to permlue in po- of tho army ublic health servit hospital from the home of her grand- "d noniie problems of the nayy unJ m8rine corps and they aPe parents Rev. ami Mrs. W. R. Storms, 4y. Following the business session, empowcped t0 give information and in this c ity. The little one had been a delightful May-bssket luncheon was M jn g;Ulin(t cIaims against the ill f..r three weeks from an ailment rvcd by Meslnmes Uon Lundell and K0VeJ.nment. This mecting is for thc which wus finally pronounced to be A- G" . . , purpose of making adjustments in sleeping sickness. Thc funeral ser- The Child Welfare conference to Kgui to insuranCe, ,iisabil- vices were held Mondav in Walla be held here May J and 4 promises Uy c)ainlg( mctials and any matter Wall.. The sermon was by Rev. Dr.! be n event of unusual interest whk.h i8 not ck,ar to any fornlcr Bolan snd girls from thc respective Lectures on nutrition will be deliv- sailor or marine- Baptist -Sunday schools of Wallula by Miss Une an .expert from Athena.Weston Pogt of the Amer ond Weston officiated as acting and A. C. Mrs. L. I. 0 Harra .s in ican Lcon will be guests of the Mil honorary pall bearers. Violot was the f nro.ect. and all en- ton Pojit that cvcllintJ. Alt ex.str. Mrs. A. P. " ,,,u "'" - ... . vice men arc requested to tKe aa- s to thank namva date. Motners resiu.nsr in vanta(re of this opportunity to set- lySTtUIaOl; WVlTS TOASTtT claugnier oi wr. ami friends for their' Aural offering, and Weaton and surrounding country are Ue thoir c,aim8 against govtnl. the kindnesses extended. , 7 7 VZa ment. . . , , ... of the instruction offered. L. I. 0 Harra, local produce buyer, i . . . reports considerable activity at the M. Julia B.lyeu of Scio grand Bud aU has turned from freight depot. A few days ago sev- he , pyth'" wtrhood, Touchet. and took a workout yester- eral cars of wheat, potatoes and made an official visit to Mephan.e day on thc local baseball diamond, brick were being loaded for shipment Temple No. 64. last Thursday even- to outside points. At the same time " ""s1" ". r. . a car of distillate was being deliv- by the local temple .and an .nsp.r.ng cred to consumers in tha community J "K"--" in quantities .cording to previous contributed to the pleasure of the . .,.,, occasion. During the closing hour an excellent collation satisfied re sponsive appetites. E. E. FauRt, well known mountain Cigarette No cigarette h the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike Is the toasted cigarette. arrangement. One of thc most beautifully ap pointed entertainments of the social H. GOODWIN, Druggist season was tne miaeeiwneou. fa .g drv, a studebaker six given Monday evening by Stephanie ... . . p . .,;,.. 1- t " .,.. ... lcmpie, ryininn iiisiers, in iivmu of Miss Ruby Price and Lyle Webb, 01 mlSS ivuoy rn. i ..u x..e ctur ..0ut8jde t whose marriage will be solemn.fed f(,,turinK Prisdlla Dcan, fl Manager Barnes has booked that the Law," or May 21 nt Memorial hall. M. Nettleship, merchandise and Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty randi Pure White FLOUR Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in thc Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company Mav 1st. The temple hall was a veritable bower of spring flowers, a canopy of 'apple blossoms having of Wa w been arranged over the center of the . . , . . iVina. tnr room. At . given signal, . mass of j eaf to Ho offered fragrant pink and white peUls came P f o b He nuuenng oowt. enve,uou.B .c Postmaster Van Winkle to nlimented young people. A search .... . . . .... for hidden treasures was then insti tuted, with the result that the be trothed couple discovered many gen erous gifts for use in the new horn to be established. A program of music and games afforded diverting entertainment. Young men of the order presented Mr. Webb with a handsomo electric reading lamp. The bride elect received from her lodge sisters a cut-glass rose bowl, consult with growers in his behalf. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adkins have moved to the M. W. Hansell farm west of town. Earl Barnctt was a visitor in Wes ton Sunday from the Butter creek country. 11c is employed as time clerk down there with a county road working outfit. John Banister jr. and family were viBiting in Weston Saturday and ioikc s.erS . . "V " Sunday from their Helix farm, with mirror reflector. At midnight Stopped Leak With Uis Body. Thc story of the Dutch lad who a delicious two. course supper was the final feature of a most delight ful affair. Mrs. C. E. Fisk extended pleasing stopped a leak in the dike by hold hospitality April 23 when she enter- ing his hand in the hole all night tained at her home, members of thc has been outdone by C. A. Chres Saturday Aftrnoon Club. Nineteen tenson, wntermaster of the Sunny members were present and participate side, Wash., irrigation district. With cd in the annual election of officers, his body he checked a bad leak in which resulted as follows: President, the main Sunnyside canal until his Mra. J. A. Lumsden; vice president, companions could stem the break Mrs. Ellsworth Woods; secretary, with earth.. Twenty - Ninth Annual aT mWlil'll I mIUiaIHIIilirjll li miWI H lll I Hfl ttH inirBBHMBSaBBal Mia County Pioneers Weston, Oregon n w ID COME ol and GREET tbe FRIENDS "AULD LAIi'G SYRE"