The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 29, 1921, Image 1

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NUMBER 13,703,987
Bhoa rt'iMlr mrn In liend have an
nounced a 20 per emit nil In prlres.
" Fsll train In Linn roiiuly appear
2.8 Per Cent Increase In List t8 mnn". wim proa
now ror goog i i a .
Schools Are Making Filipinos
Ah English Speaking Race
Dftnade It Smallest .Eytr
Wthlogfoo, P. C Germany, Aus
tria, Ireland and Ituaala. natives of
which wail up mora than I per rent
nf lbs country' total foreign-born ln
yeara aro, showed hetvy toaai In the
Bumbar of (hair native In lha I'nltad
Htate during lha leal Ian year, ae
rnrdlng lo ranaua bureau etallatlia.
,. The loaaaa aggregated liiioul i.
finn.nno and. wera believed lo hava bran
dua largely in lha world war.
German-barn howd a In of l.
M6. Auatrlan bom Inaa of n,0l4.
IHnhborn a Inaa of JU.&7I and Hua
alan born a Inaa of 2M.7II.
Nolwlthataodlng ihla hn lima,
lha country total for lan born pop
ulation, aa Juat nnounrad In a pre
liminary atatemenl prepared for con
grata, ahowad an Incre of X6M4J,
' or par cant, tba total numbar of
foreign bora being 18.701.117. Tba In
rraaaa waa believed lo have baan lha
mallaat both la numbar and percent
age ever recorded for any decade. In
lha pravloua decade, 100-10. lha In
area waa 8.174.810. or 10. T par canl.
Germany lad aa lha country of birth
of lha foreign bom In lha United
Statea laa yeara ago with total of
mora Ibaa 1.8M.000, and atlll led.
Itbouih Ibt numbar waa radurad to
1 411.311
Tba aiaadlng of otbar rnuntriaa In
lha foralgn born population of th
I'nltad State haa changed aomawhat
from Ian yeara ago. Italy haa taken
terond piece from Ruiala with an In
rraaaa of 244.833 In lha Ian yeara and
a total for 1:0 of l.07.m.
Ruaala haa takan third plara from
Ireland, but ahowad a decree of SO,
7(3. Native of Rul In lha I'nlteJ
Statea numbered l.38f,9.
-Poland haa gona Into fourth plara
whlrh waa occupied by Italy, with an
Inrreaaa of 198.77, bringing bnr total
to i.ur,!?i.
Ireland, which baa ahowad decree!
In aarb deede atnee no, bad largar
decreets during Iba laat deride than
In any prevlou ona, tha loaa baring
baan 311.171. Tha total numbar of
Irlth born In tha I'nltad State In );n
waa l.ftJS.Mo, ranking that country
Waahlngton, O. C Aftar rajorllng
an amendment eaaklng to admit lo tha
United Statea foralgn political refu
gee, tha boute paaaed the Immigra
tion restriction bill aubatantlally tha
aam aa It want through laat aeailon.
Tha bill bow goei to tha tenata, where
republican leaders aald It would bo
patted without delay.
The meaaure la doaigned to be op
peratlve for 14 montht and would limit
tha entry of alien to 3 per cant of the
numbar of natlonala of any country In
tha United States at tha time of tho
1010 census.
Three amendments were adopted by
tho bouta. One would permit admit
alon In axcaas of tho 3 per eent limit
of all aliens subjected to religious per
aecutlan In their native land and seek
ing refuge bare solely to avoid such
Tba second would admit children
of American clttsens under IS years of
sga, Independent of tha percentage of
limitation and tho third would give
preference to the families and rela
tives of American cllitens and ex
service men honorably discharged
from the army or nsvy regsrdlets of
whether tbey 'ad been naturalised, In
determining tba question of admit
alblllty under the restricted total.
Tho Hood Itlver Apple Grower' aa
soclatloo now holds unahlpped but 10
cart of tha 1020 apple rrnp.
Preliminary plana are being formu
lated for tba creation of a union high
thou! district to rroter In liend.
Tha list annual convention of tha
Oregon Federation of Women'a Cluba
will be held In I'endletoo May 11. Juno
1 to I.
Prewar cafeteria prlcea now pro
vail In Roaeburg. according to an
nouncement by prominent restaur
ateur In that city.
Owing tu the low prlrr nf wheat
won) and livestock, only about 70 per
cent of the firm half taiea for Gilliam
county bate been paid.
The ronimlttee on cllj parka of
North llend hat aet atlile April 79 for
the purpose of Hearing, cleaning up
and beautifying the park.
Many of the rural arboola of l.aue
rounly are bandlraped by epidemics
of contagloua dleeeaee. according to
IS, J. Moore, county school auperla
tendent. Reavert In In Detrhutee river aro
becoming ao numeroua that bouaehold
ara on the river banks bava complain
ed of fruit treea killed by the In
duatrloua rodents.
Tba Irrtgon melon and potato grow
ers have org ol ted a telling and buy
lug agency known at the Irrlgon Co
operative Melon and Potato Grower.
hlrh will he operated on a to-opora-live,
non profit hati.
Leading butlnett men of La Grando,
aa welt at the Central Labor council
haa Joined In a demand lhal Governor
Olroft and the atate highway com
mlMlon uae their influence to tbo end
that American labor, and aa far at
poatlble. local men. be employed on
the highway work In Union county.
The Linn county farm bureau, under
the direct tun of County Agent Ileyman,
baa taken up the wool marketing pro
ject with the view of having at leatt
go par rent of tho wool growera of
the country signed up a members of
tha Oregon Wool and Mohair ataocla
Hon by the end of the pretent drive.
Tha 102d annlveraary of Oddfellow
tblp In the United Rtatea waa celebrat
ed In Roaeburg Tueaday by the Odd
fellow' aatoc-lniion of Douglas county.
Member of the order from Gardiner,
Drain. Flkton, -Yonralla, Oakland.
Butherlln, Myrtle Creek. Jllddle.
Canyonvtlle and Glendale attended the
NInety-aevan permits to appropriate
water were iatued by the state engi
neer at Salem during January, Feb
nary and March, 1921. Thete permits
covered the Irrigation of approximate
ly (600 acres of land, development of
10 hortcpower, and tbe ronet ruction
of 180 mllea of canal. Tha estimated
coat of tbo cotinlructlon work waa
$1,400,000. Seven reaervolr permit
were Ittued, covering tbe atorago of
1405 acre feet of water at .in esti
mated construction cott of $::,?00.
'ataat.liBabiat.'.aaSt nj Wtujgia! W-JitJst1 I
i. r rz.
9 1 " - S
r, - " - . t .-r - -," JM.' "
inti rc-ta to his brother Flint, and will
turn his attention to. other pursuits.
Ho haa not yet decided aa to what
butinria ha will enter, but will probab
ly reside in California.
Mr. Homer I. Watta, brida of a
week, has gone to Portland on abort
butint'sa visit, before taking up house
keeping in Uie Watta home on 6th
atntt. ,
Mrs. William Rice submitted to
turtrkal operation last week in Spo
ken?, and ia reported to be recovwring
INDEf-ltllTY REPLY )';
Offers 260 Billion Mtrfct it
Counter Proposals Given )
American Envoy.
Berlin. Tba Garmai eouataratal
Mr, Rice went up Friday, re- 9tMtU on rrpannina war pfwaaata4
turning .Saturday.
Mr. Hcndrickten, a resident of
the Wild Home Mountain neighbor
hood, waa guest at the St. Nichols
hotel over night the first of the week.
to Ellis Lortng DreaaeL tbo Ameftcaa
commissioner bera. and were IsamtV
dlately tranimltted to tbo Uatta4
Tbe ultimate total Indemnity wbafk
She came down for the purpose of Cermanr ,gWes to pay tho allies la
This Is tho type of schoolroom that Is rapidly making an Engnah apeaklng
nation out of the 10,MO,000 Inhabitanta of tha Philippine.
If teacher In public school &4
the rhllliipltirs desires to punlih a
rhllil. the doesn't have to apply tbe
ruler. She tlinply aentencca the offend
ing pupil to retualu away from school
. a few dnjal
This Is the most sevrre publtlimeot
she can Inflict, for Filipino children
lake an almost abnormal pl.-amire In
going to acliool and acquiring an edg
catlon. The all-;'lllplno Irglolttture, In
response to the populec detuend for
"achoolt, and atlll mora echool,l.
constantly Incrennlns Ha appropria
tions for education, but the schools can
srarcely be count nicted fast enough to
rare for the eter-lncrensing enrollment.
The school enrollment la now 2,isn
without any compulsory sttendonc
law. When Dewey nailed Into Manila j
liny there were 2.10ft prlvnte schools!
In the Islunds. Todny there ore 6..'iOO
schools and rullcce. with 17,nm) Fili
pino te.icliei and about 1.0XM other
teacher, 341 of whom are American.
The 1'iilverslty of the Philippines Is
tho center of learning of the entire
Orient, mid Is the pride of tbe Fili
pino "people. It lias an enrollment of
a,Jii student. Santo Tttis unlver
alty of Mntilln, older than llananl, la
smother famous seat of lenrnlog.
Tbo b(Mi s.rtteiii Includes normal
schools, acrirultural colleges, twenty
sern fnrm schools, a iiauticnl acliool
fhey are tnofi grateful to tho United way
Matg.loT, 1 nnn ineir -nmn jiem,
wlileh haa been declared by many eom-
payinff her taxes, having; walked from
ht-r mountain home, distance of IS
Lawrence Knight and Melvin Cop
pock were representative of tho Atho
na school in tho divisional oratorical
contest against Weston. As a result
of the tryout in Weston, Melvin was
chosen to represent the 6th, 7th and
8th grades of the division at the coun
ty contest.
Mose Banister has dropped school
work and is working at Blue Moun
tain, near Milton, on the state high-
Entertain the Etude Hub.
200.000.0O0.0o0 gold mark 4 &0,SO0,S-
000). as sgslmt Z26.000.0O0.OO Uv
600.OQ0.GPO) demanded br tba allies la
their Parle terra. .
Dr. Simon, tbe foreign secretary,
did not present tbe new propoeate to
tbe relchatag because of aa snder
atanding with the American einbaasr'i
and for tba additional reason that the -note
to President Harding aoggeata
that be feet free to query back for
further Information or the elucidation
of any point not dear, before submit
ting the note to the entente.
Tba Germans swggeatetf making tie
annuities is. the payment of Ue rw-
pctent critics to be one of the finest Mrs. C. M. Eager was hostass yes- paratlone flexible, dependent poa tba
10 tne woria wmie mo sysietn leraay aiiernoon at ner nome on Jet
Implanted In the Islands by Ameri- ferson street to the Etude Club,
cans, every cent of the cot bns been Mrs. Robert Proudfit was leader of
cheerfully borne by the Klllplm. kw . mwt intcrMtjnr program, with In
ple Tle hool. are making an Eng. djall mugic f ju ubj ghe
Isb .I.esk ng race of the I l UpU - interegti
recovery of Germaa indastrlea. Aa
International loan was suggestad. to bo
floated immediately for tba pnrpoae
of placing ready cash at tba disposal
af tho entente, but bo sum is named.
Germany expressed bar willingness
It Is declared will continue to bo' Indin " h Mi Iri Lowtber and t0 pedg, Ul, catXoM raveBiioo. aa
-a lullaby by Mrs. Emmel were folio?
are cu " lr'o cumposea 01 me voices
tien Independence Is granted.
"Tbe Filipino bovt and elrls
well balanced, doclla and Industriooa of Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs.
yjBWfiJ J.7 f V M'l . p ;,Jf u-
. ." . . jl ft'
University of tha Philippines which
Haa an Enrollment of 3,500 Students.
pupils," says Junius It. Wood, wht. wns
sent to the Islsimls by the CblcEto
J I Wily News to InvwtigHte conditions
'there. 'To attend school Is a iiri vi
and a school for tho desf aud blind. ,.Be to n Kllipin i child or young mnn.
The Filipino pupil, in addition to, not an unwelcome duty. In tho cities
learning bngllsli oml In addition to ills
regular studies, learn banket making,
ruhroidery and lint weaving, the
trades peculiar tn the island, as well
a the domestic sciences and pedagogy.
There are more position than can be
tilled by the trade school and com
mercial college grndmites. The- trnde
and agricultural school produced SI,
17n,KV worth of goods In 1!)19.
There la nothing that the Filipino
people tnko more pride In and that
McEwen. A delectable salad with
dainty hot biscuits and coffee were
served by Mrs. Mitchener and Miss
Belle Mclntyre.
Graduates From U. of O.
Arnold Koepke of Athena will be
the only Umatilla county student
graduating- from the University of
Oregon this year, reports the East
Oreponian. He is a major in tho
school of commerce. "
Athena Playa at Milton-Free water. ,
The Walla Walla Woodmen of the COUNCIL
World ball team defeated the Athena
team on the home grounds Sunday,
by the score of 10 to 3. The day was
cold and raw, with the result that
neither team played pood balL The
pitching of Parris for Walla Walla
was the outstanding- feature of the
guarantees and further offered to de
liver manufactured articles to tha
allies with the understanding that Gar
many will pay the producers and get
credit on the Indemnities. Germany .
also offered Immediate participation
In the work of restoration in the de
vastated areas; labor and materials to
be -supplied by Cermany and credited
against the Indemnities.
So suggestion waa mada of . Gar-
many 'a willingness to assame tha Is-.
debtedness of the allied powers to tha
United States.
those who work days go to school at very well considering the amount of
New German Proposala to Be Heard,
If on- Hand.
Lympne, England. The allied gov
ernments will be Invited to send repre
sentatives to a meeting of supremo
council next Saturdav ta consider tha
The Athena nine showed up German proposala, if they are received
"Today there la hardly a lmrrlo
where youngster cannot be found who
speak luiigllsli. One-third of the house
of representatives and eighteen of the
twenty-four senators sienk English. In
the next election. In 102, the young
practice the boys have had. Sunday
the team journeys to Milton-Free-water
for a game with tho Eastend
ers. Rebekahs Visit Weston.'
The members of Mignonette Re-
men of tho new schools will be step- beknh lodsre of this city went to Wee
ping Into control, and the first grput ton Friday afternoon to assist Hia-
coal of the public school system will
hove beeu reached.'
The tax of two cents a gallon on gas
oline and one and one-half centa a
gallon on distillate, aa approved at
the recent session of tha legislature.
llorn, Friday, April 22, 1921, to Mr. bout thirty of the club women of Pen-
and Mrs. Curran L. McFadden, a boy. dleton representing four of the prin-
Rev. V. K. Allison arrived in the cipal clubs of tho county scat, drove
city this week from Missouri, where up for the occasion,
he has been in the ministry for tho Mr. I. B. Richards is enjoying a
returned lo the state for tha month of Pt Ihrec y. visit from hia sister, Mrs. Henry
March lDSl, a total of t64.377.64. Farmora aro bringing theif plow- -Fawk, of Los Angeles, who is re-
Forest officials and range users in '"K 10 close, several finishing their turning from a business visit to'Sas
tha craiina aactlon tributary to Fort summerfallowing this week. katchewan, Canada, where she has
B.k h. .nn. on reeord aa intend. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirk are pre- land holdings
Ing to rid the district of unbranded P"" u tur" h fnn or tlle
atock at well as of cattle whoso own- oimimar months, when school is out
era have received no grating permits. S. T. Gore, the Walla Walla con-
Th. c... hrouaht bv Colonel K. tractor, was in Athena on business
Hofer of Sslem against Marlon county Tuesday
Miss Rea Allen, teacher in the pri
mary grades of the Athena schools
was absent a few days this week with
a case of chickenpox. Several other
watha lodge in receiving the
vice president, Mrs. Nettie Whet
stone of Pendleton. The two lodges
put the work on jointly. The Athena
Bebekahs who attended were: Mrs.
Minnie Wilaby, Mrs. Lloyd Mitchener
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn, Mrs. Fred
Gross, Mrs. Wm. McPherson, Mrs. S.
S. Hutt. Mrs. Orel McPhcrrin, Mrs.
E. A. Bennett, Mrs. Charles Smith,
Mrs. R. A. Thompson, and Mrs. Lilla
Takes Tart In Opera.
Mrs. David T. Stone will sing one
of the principal soprano roles in the
Moxart opera, "The Magic Flute"
which will be given in Walla Walla,
May 10 under the direction of Pro
fessor Olsen. Mrs. Stone has a voice
la the meantime. Thla waa.. decided
upon by Premiers Lloyd George and
Briand here.
The United Statea government sHil
not be Invited to attend, aa K Is not
Signatory to tha treaty of Versailles,
ander which the supreme council
meets, but both premiers would wel
come tba presence of American de la
gates. Both premiers are quite agreed that
the Ruhr coal fields must bo occu
pied if Germany continued to default
in payments already due, or cawing
due May 1 and in case of failure to eo
cept with satisfactory guarantees, tho
terms of the document signed at Pari
January 29 by the allied gorerantnta.
cases are reported, but all are in light tho v ,,if ' fK
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Betts cele- form. m.,vi i(. ,,, -
k. , , . hi.jhh, t . 1 , w w4 , . aim ivaiia to
jurs. iieorpe uerxing, jurs. r ,
Csw Worth 1B,000 Diet.
Sslem, Or. Poppy's Dorothea, own
ed by Frank Lynn of Perrydale, and
holder of the world's record for a 8-year-old
Jersey, died here. The animal
nrodured 9M.4 round of buttorfat and
17.800 pounda of milk In a single year, lven to understand that If they went day
and was valued by Mr. Lynn at 1S,
Walla Walla each week.
Exercises at School House.
The cold wind this morning drove
the May Day fete exercises from the
nttiMmlm tn loot tha mnafltiitlnnallt v nf
the dog license law enacted by the ""'versary Mn 7 f t . shown in the request for her take the
11S legislature will ba carried to the l the'r hon' 8th ot Russell. Mrs. W- K. W all, Mrs. Ann ind , jn the B Mrs.
supreme court of the state for final town, with a sumptuous dinner to a Taylor, Mrs. . K. Allison and Mrs. stone8 home dutiM nti the
determination. few frtends. .., ?' , Scott F.sher formed a party at- arduous rehearsals, she consented to
A mats meeting of fishermen and B,or';' Su.Al 24, W21. to Mr. tending the missionary convention in take , secon(,8ry rt) Bnd thua k
compelled to make bu'. two trips to
try will be held at Astoria during tha , ... . .. -v. ...
. ji.01. ,h .. bix automobilos were rciiuntd to one of the sessions of the convention.
.?,?hJiL?1 .modatC the IVmlluton ladies who .Charles Smith, a resident of Ad-
fishing situation and particularly soma ,,, . . ,. . . : , . . ,
... ... ,. cmiio up Wvtlncsduy afternoon to at- nniN. died Saturday and was buried
of the recently enacted legislation re- , , ,, ., . . . ... ... . ,
tend the silver tu given by the Athe- m Athena cemetery, Monday. The
. 11a Civic club. . . . deceased leaves a wife and two City Tark to tho warm enclosure of
At a, meeting hold in Salem at tha Mrs. Burden has received news from sisters, Mrs. Harvey Horn and Mrs. the High school building, necessitat-
call of Governor Olcott. Marlon conn- )or gw) Mnrtin Sebasky, announcing Frank LaFave. He was a member of ing remova of the outdoor equipment
ty flax growers who some time ago hf( marria(t0 to a young lady in Min- the Catholic church. from the nark to the gymnasium,
nesota, which will occur next Tucs- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rogers and fam- where the program is taking place,
dav. - ilv and Miss Dowd were dinner euests This evening an intpitlino- nrmtim
.1. -j- ,nn1 of
anean ana soweu moir huiub ur u- yout carg fun of puplig wcnt up to Sunday "at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of playlets and music will be given
they would do ao on their own respon- the Weston dam for greenery for the W. 0. Read. The elders of the party in the auditorium.
slblllty. This warning was necessary", Kiiwg 0f tho May Fete. were schoolmates in the old davs of '
it was said, because or the ract mnt Apl,lu bios(,oma ma,i0 a protty the Weston Normal school, and many
the state will not have sufficient fundi bower of the reception rooms of the happy reminiscences were recalled,
to pay for the fiax upon Its delivery Christian church Wednesday after- Mr. and Mrs. Melville Johns and
at tha prison plant. It was stated, ,,,,., wn,.n tho ladies of the Civic little daughter left yesterday by auto-
In caso the flax grow- rii, vrp hostesses at their annual mobile for Vancouver. Wash., where
Washington, D. C Repeal af Mkt
guaranty section of the transportation
act. reduction in railroad rates, eoual
of unusual sweetness and power, and , protection for agriculture under tba
tariff and adequate credit facilitle foi
agriculture were announced aa tha Ic
"BUI" Haywood Reported In Russia
Chlcsgo..Ill. William D. ("nig nill"!
Haywood, I. W. W. chieftain, who wai
to hava betun serving s :n yer tent
n at Leavenworth nonltentltry t lit however, that
week, ia now In Huttta. according U er deliver their crop every erfort BnVer tea. Many Indies and a num- they will remain for the summer.
Information reaching federal author! would ba made to liquidate the flnan- jr of business men called during the Mr. Johns has closed his farming op
f.9ii . clal obligation dollar for dollar. afternoon to take a cup of tea. A- orations here, having turned over his
A three-cornered valley golf tour
nament between teams of the clubs
in Eugene, Salem and Corvallis is be
ing planned for next month. Accord-,
ing to the tentative schedule, teama
of the three clubs will meet in Eu
gene May 8. in Salem May 15 and
In Corvallis May 22.
lslstive program which the Americas
farm bureau federation will recom
mend to congress as an aid to farm
ers. The program waa formulated bj
the executive committee of tha tedaa
ation after a two weeks' conferane.
Strong opposition was expressed, tt
any sales tax. to repeal of tha exeesi
profits tax and to any tariff on lum
ber and fertiliser. Another recom
mendation proposed the submission of
a constitutional amendment prohib
iting the Issuing of all tax free aeeurt
ties aa "mora than $16,000,000,000 ia
securities now escape a federal tax."
The federation reaffirmed Its staat
for packer regulation vested In th4
department of agriculture and opposi
tion to any federal excise tax on land
June 1 to June SO, mcluaiva, haa
been tentatively aet aa tha time for
holding tha annual encampment of tha
Oregon national guard, according, ta
a telegram reeaired. at tha effieaa of
Adjutant Geural White.