The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 22, 1921, Image 1

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' .
Weston' !; Leader
Communication Received Feb.
26 Given Out By Stall
H'eahlngten. To maintain He pol
linn regarding the Island of Yap. ths
American government would have "l
prove not merely the fart." iht Prel
dnt Wlleon mad reservation, tan
rernlpg II. but alao tbil lit auprrme
council "decided la favor of thoae
vl," the Japanese government eay.
In a not under date of laat February
A tumm'i auxiliary of Ihn American
Legion ha lifti iii(,unl..n at Crewell.
Albany la alrraily maktiiK prepara
ilon for two day a' celebration of lb
Fourth of July.
flurglare visited Hank, recently and
looted (ha Hanka Mercantile etore and
Be broil 'a garage.
Work will begin tn-fore June 1 nn
new public arhoul building to bo .
erected in Altany.
Metbodiste of Corvallla ara prepsr
Inn lo bullil 1100,000 rburcb, to ba
rnpipleted within a year.
A total of 6:4 coyote were trapped
and killed by government trapper. In
Oregon during lha month of March.
The Wheeler county fair board la
making preparation for the annual
The World's Most Beautiful Volcano!
Nevertbetesa It It Rarvoir f, Titanic Destructive Powara.
21. mad public Monday by lha alata
department, with other correspondence eihlhlilno at Fossil, Hi-ptrniber 8 and
between tba to government regard
ing Yap.
"It must alan ba remembered." Japan
aya. 'that If a deelalon In favor' of
tba exclusion of the Island of Yap a
question of grata rancern to Japan
and an on which th" Japanea delega
tion Invariably maintained a firm at
tttud had really been made, aa It la
Implied by tba argument of tba United
State gorarantent. at tha meeting of
(the aopreroe eounrll) May T (11).
t whlrn Japan waa not represented.
It rould not but bar baan regarded
aa an act of ntlrely bad faith."
It i to tbla not that Secretary
One Pacific eoaat, on trl-atate and
even state ronventlona ara already
booked for Aatorla for lb summer of
Cooe rounty'a paved highway be
tween Marahflald and Coqullt haa
been romplatad and thrown opan lo
Tha Southern Pacific plana to epend
i at Roseburg In extending lha
railroad yarda and Increasing tba
Tba wool grower of Cooa county
mat In Myrtl Point Monday for tha
purpoaa of forming a pool to handle
ft: . ... . :FT?:
( i , , ... -
- 1 hri ft $ ' w
Ifaghea replied April 8. at tha aama their wool.
time aendlng aim liar notea to tha gov
ernmanta of Great Britain. France and
Italy. II declared that tha t'nlt.d
Rtatea aa nnabla to agra with
Jaoan'a contrition that In order to
Oregon City complalna of a acasclty
of houaea. People ara leaving tha elty
bacauae lhay can find no place In
which to live.
Tha IJnn Coumy Oil, Gaa a Uevelop-
roalntaln Ita poaltlon It would have "to ment company pcta lo have an oil
prova" not only that Prealdent Wltoon
made reaervatlona regarding Yap. but
alao that the auprema council adopted
thoa vlewa.
"Aa no treaty haa ever been cowlud'
ed with th Vnlted Htate relating lo
tha laland of Yap." Mr. Hugbea added,
"and aa no one baa ever been author
Ud to cede or aurreoder th right or
Interenl of the United Btataa In tha
laland, tbla government nmat Inalat
that It baa not loat Ita right or in
teract aa It ailatad prior to any action
of lha auprema council or of tha
tagua of Natlona, and cannot rerog
nlta tha validity of tha mandate to
Japan haa not aa yet replied to thin
communication, ao that to datn the
rorreapoode nee ronaleta of the two
notea quoted above.
drill In operation near Albany by the
middle of May.
Former realdenta of Ioa will meet
t 8alem, June 17. for the annual re
union and picnic of the Iowa Htate aa-
aoclatlon of Oregon,
"tenter Hall, 20, la dead at a
Tallin hoapltal aa a remitt of electrocu
tion and fall from the ton of a Bouth
arn Pacific electrlo car,
A total of llH.noo waa expended dur
ing the month of Marrh In construc
tion, maintenance and repair of perm
anent roada In Gilliam county
Mayan Volcano, now quiet, but which In th recent paat haa taken many
live and daatreyad much property, . The Philippine lalanda are one of th
meet Intareetlng land m th warld far th American Uurlat to vlait
Mount lUyon." In ti province oi Albay. Philippine lalanda. t declared
to b on of th moat beautiful volranoea In the world. No matter from
which aide th mountain la viewed, the cone I almoat perfectly eymmetrlcnl.
The letting of the volcano baa much to do with Ita exqulelt beauty, aa It
rlaea to n height of 7.1M3 feet from a almoat level plain. The peak la vlaible
for more than 00 Billo. Hi regular, bare alone near the top giving rare
reflection from the Illumination of the mm, while at Ita lme la on of the
moat productive and picturesque landncapea to be aeen anywhere in th
world. A magnificent road, 130 mllea In length, clrclea the mountain at It
baae, paiilng through th moat varying aceuery. Moyon baa a blatory a an
active .volcano. It haa deatroyed whole town. The moxt destructive erup
tion vol In 1814, when 1,200 persona were killed. It last came to life in
1000, aendlng a river of lava Into tbV sea at a distance of 8 mllea from tb
crater. Sine then It haa been quiet
With nrarlv all nrcnarationa com- ceivod h wire Wednceday. and hia
ror. jilvted for the Mny Day fete of Ath- brothers, liamp, William, Al and
na high M-hooI and the hoi.iing or t narics uoontr icit Atnena yeaicr-
the track meet on next Friday, April day morning to attend hia funeral
2'J, till will be in readiness for the He lied after a low? nines with
realization of one of greatcKt events heart trouble. Ho leaves a wife and
in the history of the locnl echool'j six Krown children. The funeral will
activities. ' " be "held "at Clarkston.
The eUan-up day at Athena ccme- Professor Fitxpatrick of Weston
euperlntendeot of polk county, la dead
The poatofflo department haa de
clined to reopen the caae of Frank
Btott Myet, former Portland post
maater, who waa removed from office
more than a year ago.
The largest and only completely mo
torized shingle mill on the Columbia
will be opened by the Kelly Lumber
company at Warren ton In a few daya.
The plant will have a capacity of 10,
000 a day.
A force of men ar employed In Im
proving the roadbed of the Jackson
ville railway and putting In new tie
preparatory to rceumlog service. Tba
railroad auspended service as a re
sult or the big anow storm In 11.
AH state, county and municipal
owned motor reblrlca are subject t
license, the same aa private machine,
according to a letter prepared by Sam
A. Koxer, secretary of elate, for trans
mission to officials having Jurisdiction
over the, classes of cars and trurka.
Ray Slratton, a 12year-old boy of
Corvallla. ahot and killed Dick Log
don, after Logsdon bad attacked th
lad' father and bad beaten the elder
titration. A coroner'a Jury brought In
a verdict to the effect that young
Stratum waa Justified In killing Logs
don. To tight tuberculosis In Columbia
county tbe 6L Helena Chamber ef
Commerce sponsored a free tubercm
losla clinic which waa held in the court
house Wedneaday. Free examination
' for the tuberculous, or for all wh
have reason to believe they have been
expoeed to the infection, wa tbe ob
ject of the clinic
Oregon's national guard Jumped t wgtera,
third place In the entire Cnited State
In strength and efficiency as shown In
the monthly report received at tbe ad
jutant general's office from the secre
tary of war. Oregon continue tar
ahead of all Pacific coast and western
slate and In the entire United State
I led slightly In relative strength by
Rhode Island and Minnesota.
Tbe atate livestock sanitary board
recently outlined plana to combat an-
Panama Costa Rica Noti
lied Trey Must Settle Dif- '
ferences Amicably.
Washington, D. C. War btw
Panama and Coata Rica growing avt
of tba boundary dispute will not be tol
erated by the Vnlted Stsles, K wa
learned authoritatively.
Both governments were understood
to have been Informed that tbe ob
duracy of Panama over acceptance ef
tbe Whit award Insisted on by th1
American government, must not hV
mal the basis for U renewal of hoa
tllltle. Official reports recently bav Indi
es ted that tbe peace of th Isthmo
wa about to be disturbed. Panama
waa mobilizing her army while Coata,
Rica waa assuming a bellicose atti
tude and had been assured of support
by Salvador, Hondoxaa and Guate
mala. Tbe American position wag ander
stood to be that the United Bute I
bound by treaty obllgatlona to safe
guard the Integrity of Panama and
that any mov by Costa Rica would
Justify drastic action.
There I a considerable fore at
American troop in the garrison la
th Panama canal ion. This Is sup
plemented by th special aervic
aquadron In Central American water
and the Atlantic fleet la la Cuban
Washington. By an overwhelming
majority the house passed th emer
gency tariff bill, including th aatl
dumnins'. and forelrn exchaniei see-
thrax should it appear in th livestock t)onfc yo,e w 2M fer t0 m
dl.tricta of tbe atate during this .um- uuio.t. rtfteen democrat voted fee
mer. Last year tbe disease waa pre- fnJ n,nfl wpuWlcillll tgmjMt th bL
alent in Malheur county, with consld- Th hm mhlrh ... t th.
crable financial loss to livestock rata
ate, where republican leader hat
Would Aak Britain, Franc. Italy and
Japan to Cnfrnc.
Whlngton, D. C A resolution urg
ing President Harding to Invite Great
yirltaln, Franc, Italy and Japan to
a disarmament conference here was In
troduced by Rapresentatlv Rogers of
Maasachusetts, ' ranking republican
member of tha bous foreign affairs
commute. It alao would declare that
"until a program for th reduction of
armament la agreed to by tbe prin
cipal nations of tba world. Including
lb United State, It I hereby de
clared to be th policy of th congress
that th United 8tia abould hav
navy aecond to none."
Prohibition against tha shipment of
arms and munitions to any country
where they might' be need tor revolu
tionary purpose haa been naked of
congr by th atate department.
at Delia. Mr. Reynold bad taught
ecbool In Oregon for 37 vear.
rne Maiiea city council haa ordered
the Issusnc of $80,000 In bonds for
street Improvements, a aeptlc tank and
the construction of new water main.
Governor Olcott haa announced the
reappointment of William 8. Gilbert of
Astoria aa a member of the board of
regnnta of the University of Oregon.
Warranta drawn by the Linn county
court total I2S2.71S.44 in excea of the
. . ,.i . I It I 1 . 1 J : . L ,t. ....I- .n.kM m.bM
buccchk. A large nuniDer oi citizens or onseDan was scneauu-a wim me o . ,u. .......... t0 jive jt a top place on th
turned otit and the work done by Weston boys for Wednesday evening, pearanee in August, when the ground nd,, impose dutie on appro xt-
tnately 25 important farm prodncta
tlieni made a marked imirovcment in April 27.
the grounds and surrounding. G. W. Dickson recently purchased
Mrs. W. S. Kcriruson in visiting her the cottage on West High street, be
daujrhler, Mrs. H. V. Ihrlknnp, at lonfring to Mrs. Ross Catron and now
N'anipa, Idaho. occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. George Shcard were Infant Son Buried,
visitors Sunday at the Will McCorklc Mr n1), Mrs B,8ine Hnnsell re
home on R.-c.l and HawUy Mountain. tun)(f Mondav to their home near
A. Walker. has. purchased tho m. . Uaho,' after the burial of
Schrhnpf cottflKc in the north part .. . . . t , th Athcna ccm.
or me city, t onsmeraiion, aiuuu.
i.t..rv The nsp was a neculiarlv sad
Mm WHIIiini Rlcn U visitine in i .
potent... re,rce. of the county. In xne mue one w
Stt. the overdraft, amounted to . V Mr, e. m Sm,h of Wt8.
Trip. No. 1 and No. I. Boy Scon,. SSffin, -nt illnes- c
, f Astoria, each will adODt . Jf" jnomM , ' .! "nu aaun,r nounced a case of heart disease; as
of Amerka. of Aatorla. each will dopt of Wc(ttoni viaitinjc nMwt in , . of
an Armeuian orpnan ooy anu appru- Athen thia werk .mnfhKrina The voun oar. of the state legislature, was the Ajwo- .......
prlate 15 month for tne aupport or u. Arvia UMckhn Bnd Vern 1 "r" Tu" -.i.- - elated Oil company, which remitted to Vtl tnAflb btl UiVIUtNUS
secretary oi state ivoxer si4.zjz.ds,
which represented the total tax paid
baa cracked from hot weather.
I Wblle tbe opening of tbe aprlng fish
ing season on the Columbia river, will
at noon. May 1, leu preparation la
being made for the opening day than
at the corresponding time of any pre
vious year in the history of the indus
try. Thia Is due to tbe unsettled con
dition of tbe salmon market and tbe
uncertainty of the prices which will
prevail both for the raw material and
ihe cured product.
First of the large oil companiea op
erating In this atate to report ita sales
and distribution of motor vehicle
fuel, upon which the additional 1 cent
tax waa Imposed by tbe recent session
for a period of six month, antes re
pealed within that period by the gen
eral tariff bill on which the nous
waya and means committee la now at
The anti dumping section of the bill
provide that in the caae of foreign
made goods, being brought Into th
American market and offered for sale
t prices below the coat of production,
there shall be levied in addition to all
other dutlea a, duty that -will bring
their laid down cost up to the level of
the coat of production plus transporta
tion coat. '
Charter Amendment and Bonds.
their reapeetlve warda. Dudlcy re Athena students at U. of Xthenn friends.
Alter traveling more man euoo nines u, receiving special notice nor gooa
hr saa ami land, to nura-bred Guera .-hnlnrhln.
cattle, among them a number of half- Mr. and Mr. Hugh McArthur are A total of 30 vote. wa. polled In
grown calvea, arrived at tbe Paclfle hero from Portland, visiting relatives. t' special city election held Tuesday
International atockahow building at They but recently returned from a on amendment to the city charter
North Portland laat week. The al- winter's aojourn in California. nd funding bond issue. Both meas-
mala cam direct from the Isle ol Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dclbert Clore carried, but three opposing bal-
Ouernsey, off the coaat of England. April 20, 1921, n son. The youngster lots being cast.
They will comprise the entries of an arrived at the home of the grand- Athena Is Out of It.
for tbe month of March under the law.
enacted in 1919 and 1921.:
There were five fatalities due to in
dustrial accident, in Oregon In the
week ending April 14, according to
the atate industrial accident commis
sion. The victim, were Clyde Hatton,
steamboat worker, Portland; Jack
Government Llf Insurance Pay l
en Each Thouaand.
Washington, D. C Secretary MHa
announced a dividend on government
life Insurance of not lesa than 11 a
thousand of Insurance.
The dividend, it waa explained,- will
be paid in cash on the 1706,291.00ft f
permanent converted insurance . tar
which earnings totaling $1, 030,91
have been apportioned. In addittoa)
to the permanent insurance, the o-
Important auction aale of Guernsey-parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor. -rhe gUpp0rters of the Athena ball Hamilton, watchman, Oregon City;
breeding stock that will be hold at th Mr. and Mrs. Emery Achilles are team have decided to withdraw from Nicholas Hoizapfel, miller. Portland;
toek-ahow DUIiaing Tueaaay, April s. in tne city irom vaiuwcu, taano, vis- tne glue Mountain league, t ne e- Frank Monarain. arain handler. Port.
Kx-Empr Burld In Pottdam. Mut evidence of a long-forgotten iting relatives. They were called cj,ion was n,ada after the return of land, and Lester W. Hall, chauffeur. reUrv dd1 out of tne $40,00O,9O0i0Of
Potsdam. Amid th tolling of bell, tragedy, enacted probably In daya of here to attend tho funeral of Mr. 0niar Stephen., vice president of the Corvallls. A total of 405 accident. wrKten by the government on the llvtf.
funeral services for Auausta Vlctorla-early settlement of The Dalle., was Achilles' father. leatruo. from a meeting held at Pend- were reoorted for the week. of soldiers, Milor. and marine dur-
formor Gorman empress, war held brought to Iignt wncn workmen en- rosimasicr u. uenry b.oi me jcton Tuesday, where Athena's sign
her. Ovr th almpl coffin In th gnged In tho construction of tho Co- home in this city from the hospital jng 0f Catcher Beaver of Walla Walla erson of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs.
mausoleum or antique temple in tha lumbla highway near the Deeehuica at Walla Walla. Ho is by no means was protested. Bather than enter the Watts will make their home in Athe-
rlver, unearthed aix skeleton., erh a wen man yet, out is gaming in ieogue without an experienced catch- na.
with the top of the .qull crushed In. health duily. r. Athena fans nrefer to play inde- The bride is a charming young wo-
Wlth the .keleton. were found an old- Lefty Kretzer hat been absent from pendent ball, and will schedule games man who ha. made her home in Port
Pot.d.m palac ground, had been
raised tbe familiar yellow atandard of
the ex-empress and at Ita foot stood
th four .on of th former royal
couple who were free to attend th
.arvlce. Lacking was the presence of
th former emperor. nd of former
frown Prlnc Frederick William,
Ilea In Holland.
fashioned gold watch chain, a rottedschool for several day. on account of on that basis.
Officer Ordered Killing, Say Pothler.
Tacoma, Wash. Roland P. Pothler,
charged with allying Major Aloxunder
Cronkhlt at Camp Lewla In October,
Rex Payne Married.
Rex Paytus formerly of Athena, and
Miss Adrain Hayman of Portland,
were married at Vancouver, Wash.,
April 4th. They were accompanied
bv Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Payne. Mr.
land during the past two years, hav
ing formerly lived at Waitsburg, at
which place her first husband, who
was an attorney, died from the effects
of influenza. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Watts were school
mates at Monmouth Normal School,
and friends look upon their marriage
MeClellan army .addle, euch a. u.ed illness. It i. hoped that he will suf
by cavalrymen atatloned at old Fort ftciently recover to play baseball Fri-
Dalles, and a amall copper campaign day against Helix. '
kettle, used by soldier, tor cooking Charles Dickon. .classic, "A Talc of
whll In the field. Two Cities," being reviewed by the
The number of farms In Oregon and third Eiurlifh clasa in Athena High
.... ...-. tut.
the total acreage m agricultural ana school, will be presented at tne ctana . Howard Mrs. Mallorv and '"';"ui,
horticultural product, combined In the ard Theatre. Sundoy evening. c-LT-i. i the hPPy culmination of a ripen-
year 1920 .howed a decrease when com- - Mr, an(j Mrs. Henry Wood have p0,tland Rex has been n the grocery
pared with aimilar statistic, for the been enjoying a visit from their v,ia. ; .rtnersWn with hi.
1018, confessed to federal authorltle year 1919. according to. the latest a granddaughter, Mrs. Clarence Bur- brother, Floyd,
that h wa ordered by hi. superior rlcultural aurvoy completed recently den, and their two great grandchildren MOMFr i 'WATTS MARRIED
. . I . . . . . . AMMMlMBlm... In th. . . 1 ... --1 t 1 " " -
oy me eieio ik wmuiimiuusi. u jroin inoir nome at nonn i owuer.
year 1919 there were 8,835.698.05 acre. Member, of Mignonette Rcbekah
In agricultural and horticultural prod- Lodge will go to Weston tonight to
lng the war, there wa. in effect Dec
ember SI, 13.362,360,500 of war-
Policie. that have been in fore tJ
years, he .aid. on tbe anniversary date
In 1921, will receive the amount f
two yearly dividends and poltciea in
force one year will receive one yesjw
officer, Captain Robert Roienbluth, to
bring out a loaded gun and "get"
Cronkhlte, wa. announced by Prose
cutor 8eldon, who dlicloscd five alleg
ed confession, made by Pothler. ,
Gen. Wood University Chief.
Philadelphia. Major-General Loon
- ard Wood was elected head of the
University of Pennylvanla, by th
board of tru.t..
ed boyhood and girlhood friendship.
Child. .Welfare Clinic.
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn and Mrs. R.
A. Thompson were out yesterday list
ing name, of little folks between six
TO BOYHOOD SCHOOLMATE months and six years of age, for ex
The marriage of Homer I. Watts, amination at the Childs Welfare
. m i i J -a nr.a. . r a
ucta In Oregon, whllo In tho year 1920 ,it Hiawatha I.odce in receiving well known Athena attorney and larm vnnic 10 oe ne.a
this had dwindled to S.161.336.S9 acres, the visiting grand officer. Mrs. Nel- er, to Mrs. Persephone Pickett of and 4, under supervision ot vt. Boy-
F.rm. reported In 1919 numbered 35.- ic Whetstone of Pendleton, vice- Portland, was an event of Wednesday den of Pendleton, Dr. Smith of Ath-
882, while In 1920 the number of president of the order. Team work evenimr. the marriaire ceremony be- ena, Dr. McKinney of Weston Miss
ranches aggregated 89,813. A gain In will be put on jointly by the two mg performed in the county court Lane, expert from O. A. C. Mrs. u
total acrea In farma from 8.870.617.14 wlges. house at Pendleton. The couple were H. Smith ami other graduate nurses
U the ywr 1919 to 6,778.977.46 wa. News of the death of Elliott (Doc) accompanied by Mrs. M. L, Watts of will be in charge. Mother, are in-
(bown in th report for 1980. "Booher, at Clarkston. Wash., wa. re- this city, and Attorney Will M. Pet- vited to bring babie. to th. clinic.
Demand For Gold Made By Alii..
Berlin. The reparations commisaion
hn. verbally notified the president of
the German war burdens commission
that the gold reserves of th Reich.
bank and other German issuing bank.
must be deposited befor May 1, either
in Cologne or Coblen. aa security for
reparations, it waa semi-offlclally an
nounced here. "
Sitniit Confirm Each AppointaMitt.
Washington, D. C The nomination
of former Repreaentatir Esch of Wi
consln to be a member of th inter
state commerce commission waa con-'
firmed by the senate. Senator La
Follette. republican, Wisconsin. o
possd confirmation. ' '