The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 15, 1921, Image 1

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I i
A Passing Landmark of Old Manila
Oroun Nurse Writes That Is First Under Complete Hi
Executive Insists on Full Pro
' lection ot All Rights ot
United States.
Wehlnginn.Treldeiii Harding In
hit first addreae to rongre nomine
d tbl ha would approve "declara
lory resolution," by congre, "with
qualifications eeaentlal lo protect all
our right," would end the "technical
late of war against (he rentral kw
re of Kurnpe "
Th president added, however, "lhai
It would b Ml lo declare fur separate
treaties of pearf with the central pow
tra on IhK assumption ton that these
would ba adequate, because the alt
tiatlon la a Involved that our pear
engagement cannot Ignore the old
world relationship and ihe aelile
mta already effected, nor la II de
sirable lo do an In preserving our own
righta and contracting our future r
lailnnahlpa." '
Unreservedly Against Legau.
Although declaring unreservedly
galnat "lh existing league f Na
tlona," tha president eaid:
"Tha wleer tourse would seem lo
ba iho aieeptanea of the eonflrmatloti
of. our righta and lotereaia at already
provided and lo eogage under the cxlal
Ing treaty, assuming, of courae. ihnt
Ihla ran bo aallafartorlly rhlrved ly
aurh explicit reservation and ruodifl
ration aa will secure our absolute
freedom from Inidvleabto commit
mot and eafrguerd all our rntll
Interests "
An aaaoclailoa of nations, th presi
dent laid, could not Im founded until
the world waa al peace.
Repeal of face Profit Taa.
fHsruMlng readjustment of tela
lion. resident Harding aald that Hie
country did not expect and would not
approve of shifting of la burden
Starving Chinese Clamor For
Garbage Thrown From
I'linilltliinn Iimi ,c.piilllni; for d rln
linn i. ml mlrery Ion ufiil lo U'k upon
worn mly six week n' In
the famine illatrlcta if North China by
W. A. Hellwood. V. M. f. A. ' ret.iry
and graduate ot O. A. C, who J"1
returned front IH months' eervlce In
Kuxlu and I'liina, uti l who travelled
in dj), coverllilt l.'i" lull'-. UiK'Utth
the famine alrlcken section from IV bin
near Hie imrlheru iMiundiiry. I'i N n
It luat. er the flilm-".' coal.
"Thai lenaluy Journey w.m in- long
horror." aald ' I am haunted
rt by ilia memory of the drawn. .Im
pairing face and the pltlulilo rri- lor
food lit the atarvlng. hiilfnnked tnuti,
women uud children who crowt-l un
der the train window, UftlnR "P ""
arm In deaperalo supplication to u.
every lime the train alowtd up or
aiopped. Thorn aro Chinese
confronted with starvation III the
famine dtatrlcl. and iho daily d.Mth
rate la day. Typhua and
pestilence are adding their loll to that
of wholesale starvation, and rolidi
tlnna are almply beyond any aduquaie
"In ltula 1 havo seen corpse stuck
ed up like cordwood, and many other
thluaa very rhocktna to people, who
tlve ri.mfortalile. well ordered IIvm
lirre In the Vnlted 8tte, l.ut tliene
i-re nnlhlng lo the trnalr il inn Ihiit
were vialhlo en wery Itoud nin
ll. annmlle Journey thr.miih th
famine dlatrlcta of liorUi Clti'i The
rnrpnea were nt elacked up in orderly
f.inhliui a In HueaU The mirUvura
are loo weak and wanted to under
l.kfl I.IIV Ml.h tuk. nti.l ihone who
p.-r!rh are left to lie where liny f.ill.
or nre rolled Into aireama nearby.
AlinnRt at any tl"" 'Oiild l"ok
out and nee !.ndle flint InK In lh
aireaina or llng al t Hie sround.
It la a roinmon ihlliK mr tainim ic-
I.. . (Sl--'
I -a r'V
ui i 1 j w-. :
, Ait "" U
t'isery Stalks Through
North China.
publican Control to fleet
In a Decade.
Tli j l m u'ly diet of ground up corn
rol.a and awect potato vlnea la not
c-jiulu. iva to no Ideal physltul roi.dl
Don Ik altented by Mle Marie Humlu,
Krudui.te nurae, known In Oregon,
v ho la now In charge of the Taylor
.Mi in on i: hoapital. under thn manuK.e
uient of lliu A inert' an Preabytetlaai
tiiianltn at I'uotlnRfii. China.
In a letter written by Mlaa Ruatla
k than eight weika ago to the mem
bera or the 8angrael ChrlatUn Kn
deavor aoclety of the Flral lrbyter
Ian rhurcb In Portland, Mln Kuilln
tell of tha appalling roodltlona
throughout North ("bin, where 45,-
Tliln I a iihiil.irnnh nf the fainaita old Tlrlitro nf Sim In Manila, ft I
now u departed lundmtiilc of the I'hil ppln-. for-ps plo-e hua birn token by f 'O.OOO men, women and children are nf the IImi-M LrldKea In the entire tlrient, the in-w Jnn-a bridge. confronted with atarvatlon and where
The lri.e l-i iimiwd In bnnor of Hit. late CoticresMiiun V. A. Jone I3.0U0 are dying dally. Mla Rustin
of Vlrulnh ilmr of the J'.n biw of wliieh promised the l-'lllplnoa baa been at I'aotlngfu for about lhr
Itnli-IH nik-ii.-.- um.ii the ealiilillnhiiMiit of a atulile Bovernrueiit. yeara and for many montha paat, like
J ! old Ilridjje of Smln l called -the mother of Miuillu'a briiljiK." The l! other mlaalon atUchea and relief
orlelmil l.rlili-e waa bultl of pontoon aoinetiim. betwwn the yeara l."i!0 nnd workera In China, haa been concentrat
ion!, Ik-Ipc known it the llridee of l'oni. Tlio atone l.rlilice ahowu aliore Ing all effort on the taak of leiaenlng the orerflow extending far outalda ef
Wa.hlngton The aUty uventh coa
greaa aaaembled promptly at Boot
Monday at the call of Preiident Hard
ing for Ita firat aeaalon, expected f
continue probably until fall.
Thla congreia la the flrat controllad
by tbe Republicana lo meet under
Republican administration la decade,
Tbe aeaaU previoualy had been or
Kan lied at ita apeclul eaeloa, whlck
began laat March 4. but the houM
proceeded to Ita organization by re
electing Frederick H. Otllett of Maa
aachuaetu, orer Claude K itch in of
North Carolina. Democrat, by tbe over
whelming Republican majority.
Frank W. Mondell of Wyoming waa
re-elected Republican leader, while
Representative Kitchln became tha
Democratic leader.
Senate gallerlea aleo ware crowded.
W'na built iiliont lirtti. It waa twice damui;el by rarthqunkea, and waa oure the Buffering of the famine victim.
purtly di-nioUnlied by a flood.
the doora. Two new aenators, Peter
Norbeck of 8outh DakoU and Hoi a
Buraum of New Mexico were sworm
in by Vice Prealdent Coolldge.
Billa Introduced in the houae Includ-
While Paotlngfu la on the outaklrta
of tbe great drouth ruined famine dis
trict, juat aouth of Pekin, Mlaa Ruatln
wrltea that even there all the mission
and relief stations are literally swamn-
. , , cd with the supplkationa of many d the emergency Uriff. repeal of aomo
Wolm-Kiay. April 20, the citiwna other towns in the county as fat as o,OUMrid mP( 0men and children war taxea and propoaala for new one,
of Athtna uml ull other iiitcrci.1'!, Kames can be secured. The piime wno are kaMad in thin raga, weak acldier bonua and soldier relief, fed-
will Kather at the cemetery for Iho here Sunday will lie called at 3:30, from undernourishment and struggling eral budget, restriction on Immfgra-
iurse of it jrvncrul cleanup of tyic uw'wg to the M'mihc Jawitc-s having desperately to keep allva on roota, tion and federal road building.
Kruiind and iriniiie. ' a net-to with Miltoii-Frcewatcr car- bark or anything that offera austen- Chairman Fordney of the waya and
Ir. and Mm. K. I). Watli are viik lur in the day. The gome will give anee. The situation in the heart of mMBa committee m-eaentimr the r-
Athcna fans an oimortunity to size the famine aecllon, she aaye. U ainiply . . , , tl v
iliOL? in Snokane.
h nil Crus. left Wcdiiciiday for up the home player in action against he'1 the 'pagination,
inil to Midvule, lilulio, where he a taut team.
holds lund iiiti'ivitta. M. Fcnruaon, u pioneer of this
The Athvrui-Wiiiton i'ost Antcri- county and father of W. 8. Ferguson,
can Leition anm time a dunce for Sat- of this citv, died at hi home in Pen
urday niKht, April "J'lrd. dlcton Saturday afternoon at the ape
Mi Ik-He Pumbrun npi-ntnlie wek of 7ti yearn. Death waa the result
end at lie r home xouth of Athena, of injuries received two years atro tato vines. We have all been asked
ice men's bonus proposal, which pro
vides for alternative between caTrtWr
We are dolne all we can" wrltea
Mlhi llustfn. "here in our hoepttal try- PT". Und settlement. Insurance,
Inc to build up the weakened bodlea vocational education and home bull-
of famine sufferers who come to ua ing, left out taxation propoaala, but
in frightful condition. We are getting Representative Gallivan. democrat,
patents who have been trying to live Massachusetts, put in a duplicate of
on ground-up corn coba and sweet po- , bill as it pasaed tha house last
from Whitman, where. kIio i attend- in an automobile accident. The fu- to give until it hurts, and now that t
ImmirraHnn rMatrtftinn, AmMAA am
.... ii .ii..i... r.. . l . . U..1.1 mm.i. -., n.iK tmvn mt m 11 iv m 1,1 nni nam in -
I... I InlJiFMlwl In "allllll tint tf SUCCnmil Willie lhli- " llljf M nooi. IHIUl,. Willi 11 vwio i.vm ..1 -. .v..., . i,4o - - - u ,h . , ntnwmmm In a
:z .. rrint.'m, r.? m ",y urfs:wny wiUe,,t8 'istsx "rxtr:t SZjz?s
J:. fc. ... ,.. Ibia last futllu effort to ai-cutv nuri n hie tl q Jl0on Tuemlay of the county bvW present. r.ptu at our door, in going 10 a soup f .k. ii.i -i.!,.
The govertimant, ne aaltl. was torn- ... , ... imto . ...... . iL ,1. - kitchen where we feed 670 poop a ' percent or me totai Teatdenta of
W..,ed , the repeat of lh. excea. j T ."very bund 'th oT to a day. , was grounded "so "by each nationality, a. found by ,e
profits lax and to abolish the "In- 1 ",l Ldle of men women and call- U? yv"v' , m'rcmi t,u' X , , ' ;C! the poor creatures that I thought they census, waa proposed by Chjtlrnw
, and up.rt ' ,e aeen ly n beside .he hnlo Oro.s came up fr,.n, Brow ns- follow ing ofllccrs wore elected for the wouli meh tbo Uta oM ot me Mon Jobnw ot the Immltto tnm
tion.- in tha preaenl U ay.tem. tZ IrZul that V. be,. duR with -' ttemlm to en year: .Uct Xi. S. Fer- , cou, RBt , and ,.omlng out u wa, , wfckh
orirr rat-lalnn the nre . ..ik. ,r lih the wasted claw-HKO " " v-u.v. - iw hiud m?, i ocy are u nuiiBry dtnt WUlon nva kt nlo.
11 arum
dent reaffirmed hia belief In Ihe pro
lection of American industry.
"It Is our purpose," aald he. "lo
prosper Amerlra first. Th privileges
of las American market lo tha for
eign producer ars offered loo cheaply
today, and tha effect of much of our
own productivity la the destruction of
our self rolls nee which la thn fouudu
tion of Ihe independence and good
fortune of our peoples. Imports should
., .larvlno. T.onc auo all Jer.nn .iros. :c moitucu vo jonii, urauaij,
An.m ,,. . BVt.n na have dtunp- Wnila Walla and buck Monday. board of mauacers were retained and
pruri'd lu this land of horror, except K. A. Itcnnctt i back from I'uitco the new connnitU'emen will probab-
for a few wllif. half-craxed doga tint and ha decided to remain iK-mia- ly be announced by the president at
are dreaded by tho emaciated human mctitly in Athena and do painting and the next meeting,
creatures because they f'Rlit to iH-i-oratinj;. The position he was to Mr. and Mr. B. H. Richards were
tenaciously for food and anmetimca at- lu., j"8W did not niateralize. in Walla Wnlla Saturtiay, and while
tack the children In their desperuto , 0 Su-nhcns nnd there took occasion to visit several
hon Dale and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. .Uhtna people who were hospital pa
Uoirirs and dauKhter (Jencvieve went tlcnts, amonir them Postmaster C. O.
ind Mrs.
llaynie; nnd cold they are desperate. Person
ally I have gone without $3 worth of
milk a month that I uaed to uss, do
not eat butter at all and have only
eaten bread once a day for the laat
three months, in order to give to tho
Representative Youna;, republican.
North Dakota, introduced the emer
gency agricultural tariff, as it waa
pasaed in February. Ita effective
period was fixed aa six montha after
hunger. Everything ealutua naa uenu
eaten except leaves, roots and grass.
.... .... . ..1 .1 1., k.ilnl MVhllluloil
'" .. ".I 1 Wk from U) Walla Walla last evening to hear Henry, Miaa Carrie Sharp
nncrv u-i - ..... : -. ... i. n ; cl...
of tha me uouowsnv conceit, kivcn in mai 1- vowu. ,.j-j .iioi, una omtv
famine poor. Through this personal enactinent instead of ten as in ta
sacrifice I have the Joy of knowing that vetoed measure of the last session.'
three girls who might have been aold Abolition of the railroad labor board
have been aaved from a life of shame ln1 repeal of sections of the trant-
and misery and that one man will bo nrtation act under which It ooeratea
Icen brought home. Mrs. Caton is
son of Mr. and Airs, getting aiontr as wen as couiu oe ex-
kept alive for five montha.
"A friend sent me a check the other
dny and I was able to save a girl from
being sold and she will be put in
school. Things are being started to
was proposed by Representative Tlnch
er, republican, Kansas, Hia bill would
empower the Interstate commerce
commission to perform functions no
.t .v. . .... .... itinin la also used, and most of
pay ineir iir ui vur .wi r - ..... ..
aovernmenl" trwa aro dyln na a result. This vego- tit.
government. . ,. ,, . .nrt m ru nfimi
Agriculture, tbe prealdent aald. was SV'" """ ' l htf miv. in-:.... 11 it ..t t i..,. .urti-.l
menaced with prlcea at pre war nor- n wth water ,t , baked .hfn Mvd esU.r(By( ut tll0 Ke ot two Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pinkcrton were help these pour souls, but there Is a walgned to the board,
malt and being further endangered by , hM htined. Mllllona of t,., u-iti i ..r Tm.sdnv from thpfr farm mr long, hard pull untU the harvest time.
high coat of transportation from farm ch,1Me are living on thla diet alone. broughi lu,ro for buriu) whil.h tukes state Line, and visited at the Will J"" ca,n " h.e bJr Ang l40 )!e
to market through lh Influx of foreign 0n of Iho mor.i pitiable Incidents , tomorrow. treasurer, V. S. Le Grow. The old Ch,n famle nd 8"d "hare,.!n tt?
, innmnv waa the wild clamor wiiiormw. . , . . ... , greut opportunities of saving life and
farm products. of the Journey waa me w n riamor D.ullv Assessor W. T. MeLeod Pinkcrton home in Athena. They -,..,...
SSl; -t 1Mn Tuesday to their two litUe Rrad child- people will aurely be in-
n,.mL,t Hiitf Knowliic BDuroxIniate. check up hia work with the county ten, cmiiircn or tneir late daughter, terested In what we havo to tell them
ly where to expert thla garhuRo to be utsessor. .Mr. MeLeod still has some Mrs. Pearl Johnson, whom they will of the gopel if we are good to them wllef uble. fifteen thousand people
dumped, thousands of guunt, starving territory to cover, before finishing raise as their own. The soninlaw, now In their great trouble." are jytng In the Chinese famine dl
creatures gather for hours In advaneo his season's work. Arthur Johnson, resides in Walla was removed to walla Walla for trict But for the accident that yon wert
Emsrganey Tariff Urgtd.
Whlla he urged emergency tariff
revision Immediately, ho spoke ot per
maneot revision later.
Discussing tbe railroad qtirstlon,
a. u . t , ll . -1 .1 . 1 . . .. ... - ,t.K - 1 ... 1- 1 l! a 1.
rmaionni iianuna aam ihm Bn(1 awiui tne panning oi m num. Asice irom muKin), spienuiu Kiuoe uun, treatment, after Dr Keylor had been
ba "an avowed foundation on which The rnllroad company, to prevent tho j his school work, Dudley Rogers Two hens in Sam Hutt's poultry . . -.fls ,!tv n.
.. .. .j ... ...... . J . .1. .....I. Ihmlni Ihom. . ,. . , ... ... 1 4l. n CUUtU 111 COIlSUUUVlOIl Willi UT.
10 reouijn 11 11 couiu no umiermuuu iruuuu itn.iB i.w... ........., naB iouiki unit 10 pinni a garuen. lie juiu uvcuiueu uic miihv nest, uire ckom
,i r... ai.lvoa iiiwIkf the wheels in the StrUR- 1.' 1. 1.1 . io . Jl, ),.,,.. ...iU '"'
tnai consr wan iiu iivi..u.i
government ownership." and "does not
levy taxes upon the people 10 Cover
deficits in a aervlt-e which should be
If sustaining." Railway rates and
cost of operation, hs aald, must b
reduced because freight ratea had
mounted until "commerce Is halted
nd production discouraged."
Development of good rosds and In
land waterways, the president aald,
vara collateral subjects with Ihe trans
portation question, and besides Indors
ing federal aid to highways, ho urged
congress to formulate a consistent prog-ram.
No matter how "hard up" you may
feel, you are rich in comparison with
the starving peoples of China and
Armenia. You know that yon eaa
easily help fill a few plates on the big
elves under the wheels in tho strug
gle for this garbage, have built fencei
two or three feet from the train, and
the palls are e 111 plied outside this
fonce. Policemen stand guard along the
fence to hold buck tho older and tha
better-nourished people whlla tha chll-
Washington Non-Partisans Aim Refer
endum at New Laws.
; Olympla, Wash. Executive commit
ty member ot the non-partisan
league filed two referendums against
lection-law amendments which the
laat legislature aimed at their tacttca
of electing tbe candldctes on the re
publican ticket.
has by permission, pre-empted a s a diminutive bantam, and nestled
surplus portion of Billie Pinkerton's under the laipcr hen's wing. When
Jell'c-rson street lot the latter left the nest the bantam
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haworth wilr followed her. The two are now in-
leave Athena today by automobile siparaole. The larger hen records
for their ranch near Spokane, where the bantam, and the latter seemingly
Iran and the weaker adult are let Air. Haworth will do his spring plow- regards itself, as a newly-hatched
through to get the first pickings." ing. They expect to return to Athena chicken.
Sellwood also tells of, a desperrtr this fall. Edward Foster, son. of Mr. and
Chlneso mother who tried to sell ,i:m Evwett Zcrba went to WalhV Walla Mrs. Geo. Foster of Union, former . niKtincr Mr. wrv with th
her little throo-year-old daughter for Aist wc,.k Cll(l whm, ho sllbmiUed residents of Athena, where the young office dutL
60 eenta. itocoRiilxliig the fucu or an ,0 m ,wru(ion for B pailirui Bfroct. ,man was educated, in the public school 1
American at tho window of tho tra n, b) ()f tUe cur BlJ hew, whkh liaJ Momlny fternoon at his home in . , ' . ' , ,
!UTl!fh r .l.aMm afflicted him for .omw time. La Grande of tuberculosis. 1 Be- ' Tht! ? tlon
VSitoTSTZ Sut Ho-rr A. Bam,t was called sides hi father and mother, the de- - 'SZZ
ed to Sellwood- that all. Chluraa to I'ortland Tue.sdy by a n.essago ceased loaves a wife and one child. ; tho hours .0 8 a m and
,...),- in thn famine, secilon are ftating that her sister, Alius Jessica Ho was in the cmployof the railroad "wn no"rs
enger lo etl llteir clijldren. particular- McKwen was obliged to submit to h, company for nmmiber of years, nnd
ly to Amorlenna. u hl ineiins that Ktirgicul operation for acute apiHiuii-' was a member of Dolph Lodge A. F.
the child will bo fed und hiive a clumee citis. The patient underwent tm or
After the arrival of the patient at
the hospital, it was found that an op
eration was unnecessary, much to
the delight of family and friends.
Air. Henry is now progressing to
ward recovery so it is reported, and
will soon be able to return to hjs
home in this city. Cleve Myers and
J E. Jones, rural mail carrier, have
born on this side of the globe, one of
them might have been you Weston
Well said. But for the fortune of
birth in a favored xone, one of then
might have been- you. or yours. The.
American public is tired of drives ao
it la often said but it will be yet more
tired before famine gives way to
plenty, death to life, or a chance for
life, and chaos to order, in less for
tunate parts of the world.
Tired? Ot course everybody ia tirei
But others are even more tired ot
hunger, destitution, disease, and all tat
horrors that go with famine and de
struction. Being tired is no excuse,
for closing either ears or pocketa tt
the cries and needs ot helpless people.
Morning Oregonian,
Seattle. Paper Changes Hand. '
Seattle, Wash. The Seattle Post-
to live. uIho that the roturns from the deal successfully, so it is reported,
K,!'! Ta". Second I"'"0" slogan con-
the children left and for them- Pcdleton) rccenUy cosed
selves. , ,., ,
wi-n." won uy mis, 4. s, riT9tuv ui
The purpose of the election is to
& A M. of this eitv Tho Indira u" amenumeiu m me cny intelligencer nas announced editorially
was represented at the funeral, which cllart''r' whioh provides for street transfer of controlling interest in tho
was held yesterdav at La Grande, by aml scwer improvements and the pro- newspaper from Clark Nettleton to
N. A. Miller and Read Hill. cedure in the sa,e of bonds therefor, john g. Perry, a Seattle attorney. . Mr.
conforminsr to the reouirements
. . ., , " AC.IJ VVtb VU.V v. ,uw
..11.(1 U UOV.ll V".ll YVUIUOIT U1.11U
a UWn town Window ocaU- B.-tirl hv hnmliiiB- rnmnnnip. from 11
this city, with tho suggestion of the tifully decorated with the stars and ;;, ,i i,f .k
' Postal Imployea to Carry Gun. motto: "We Together Will." First stripes and trophies of the World im..nt
Six shooter are being honors were taken by Clem AlcCoy War, and for the center niece the 4 1 u ,.
Post-Intelligencer Pubtiahlng company.
added to tho
oters will ballot on a
Chapter 17 I opposed because It P'of" ,,J
equipment of postal em- of Pendleton, who was awarded the splendid phonograph put up fcr dis- jjo 000 bond issue for funding pur
standing price of $5000 $25 for the slogan, "Progress With posal on tho shnro-sellins plan by poses. This bond issue is to take up
require a challenged voter to mn
oatb of party affiliation and mnkn
fldavlt of.t leapt two jeara' previous
affiliation with lh same party. Chap
tar 177 require a voter to take oatb
that ho will support hi named party
lu th primaries.
Athena - Weston American
1,.' has boon put on tho heads ot mall rob- Pel
. hers, undor Postmaster General Hays' Manager Nick Williams will bring Post, the driving for selling shares
'wild und wooiy weai program lor iuS Jloose Jaw league team to Athena is now in 11111 swmsr.
bringing to an end tho wave of rob- Sunday afternoon for a game with - - '
berlea affecting th postul Bervlco. the local nine. The Moose Jaw team Postmaster C. O. Henry was taken
Legion 8nj liquidate the city's general out
standing indebtedness, including im
provements to the water works sys
tem and the new lighting plant.
Et-Kaiaer'a Wlf Die In rloiland.
Doom, Holland Ex-Empress Aug
inta Victoria of Germany died hora
'.er a Ions Illness.
is havintr ita snrine training work- critically ill Saturday as the result Laundry work done at home. Mrs.
Cash for chickens. J. R. Reynolds, out at Pendleton and is playing at of an obstruction of the bowels, and R. R. Riley. S. Broad street.
Forest Protection Week May 22.
Washington, D. C The week . of
May 22 was designated In a proclama
tion by President Harding "ferost
protection week."