The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 08, 1921, Image 4

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live employment iih feopW IRRRRfiR
.. i..i.. iy
r rrl nicurew naa cvn sviiua:iy hj
I busy with plowing and seeding at hit JJj
North Water
IrtUilllUNJ frm ,,c,r town. Ho decided to put
v , 2 in i apring crop, and h devoted 74
' air t.i that nurnoaa.
Th Wild Flow dub wa catco A daughter w born Wednesday
Uined by Oma York the afternoon of morninir to Mr. and Mr. Robert
April 8d. Elisabeth Awry and Hopkins at their home on Weston
ArcU Chapin were in charge of th mountain.
tmm finm)xr. heino- contributed Thomas Narkau and family mo-
by Irene, Anderson, Jean Rayborn tored up this week from Pendleton, ffi
iul Aroti Chamn. Soiur and gamee where they have been temporarily lo- fU
wa enjoyed until five o'clock, when eated tince returning from Alberia.
hearty appetite were appeased with They are now moving to Weston
aubatantial lunch. Eliiabcth Av- to reside, and will assuredly be wel-
in w ,... , the oranisa- come. They have secured the Bui-
iton April 16th. finch residence en
Mr. and Mr. W. A. Barnes moved street.
Tuesday to their ranch in the foot
hills, where they will commune with
the aou! of .' Spring while making
preparation for the season's crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles rriee were
guests Sunday at the Frank race .. 1
home, where they chatted in peace The city council held an Important
and comfort and regaled themaclvee meeting Wednesday evening, at
with dinner demonstrating the which the paving question wa di
culinary akill of the hostess, cusstd. Mayor Jone presided and
The pie aupper given lat Friday all the couneilmcn and a considerable
evening in Memorial hall for the ben- number of citizens were present,
efit of the park fund was a pleasant Representatives of tho Standard Oil
event in community life. The mu- Co., the Warren Construction Co.
ical program contributed by local and Carsten & Earls, bond dealer
talent was an enjoyable feature of of Portland, met with tha board,
entertainment. Proceed amounted The ordinance committee wa in
to $23.35. structcd to draft charter amend
A demonstration of aluminum mcnts permitting an alditional bond
cooking utensil will be given in cd debt, in order to meet the cost to
Memorial hall kitchen next Thursday the city of the proposed street, im
afternoon at two o'clock by a rep- provemcnts. These amendments will
rcsentative of the Wear Ever com- be considered at a spec'"' meeting
pany. All interested women are in- of the council next Monday evening,
vited to attend. and will bo later submitted to the
Mis Hacl Duncan and Miss Eve- voter for their approval,
tyn Gordon, teacher in the Cove, A resolution was passed directing
Oregon, school, were guests Satur- the street commissioner to submit
day and Sunday at the Iven O'Harra plans and specifications for the Main
residence.. . street paving, together with esti-
Taken up Last fall, a light-col- mates of the probable cost to tho
red Jersey cow, with halter; about several property owners.
7 or 8 year old; branded 16 on left Water street property owners ex
hip. J. A. King, Weston, Orcg. pressed hearty approval of tho move
Mrs. M. C Eagfcton spent Tuca- ment to pave that thoroughfare. J.
day and Wednesday in Pendleton vi- M. Ashworth reported good progress
iting her father, Mr. Edwin Simp
son, who recently came from Tacoma.
Miss Kathleen Pedersen entertain
ed a number of her friends at dinner
Sunday. Covers were laid for six.
Those present . were: Misses Lily
Mae Couch, Josephine Cowen and the
hostess; Messrs. Ralph Kesbit, Ray
mond Banister and Robert Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gerking and
family, late of Arbon, Idaho, were
guests Saturday and Sunday of Mrs.
P. T. Harbour and Mrs. Etta Gerk
ing. They were on their way to
Grant's Pass, Oregon, to locate.
C 0. Pedersen and family are mov
ing to. their ranch on the Wild
with the concrete sidewalk project on
Normal heights.
Saturday Afternoon Club
One of the most delightful social
evec of the season occurred April
2d, whvn the Saturday Afternoon
club was entertained at tho hospita
ble country home I of Mrs. M. W.
Mrs. W. S. Prico and Mr. R.
Morrison, the two charter members
remaining in the organization, acted
as hostesses. The program topic
for consideration was the Spanish
writer, Galdo. Mrs. W. S. Price
We arc just in receipt of a shipment of new spring
coats, all of the season's newest models-thc dignified
jacket coats, the modish dolmans-all in the rich new
shades so much in vogue this spring; and they are
offered at prices you will be willing to pay. In fact,
this season you can buy a very stylish, serviceable coat
for only $20.00. Some as low as $13.50 and ethers to $27.50.
A most suberb' array of the season's latest creations, direct from the fashion
centers of the West. Come in and let us show you. The prico is loss. Economy is the
watchword this season and your money will do wonders. A competent milliner in charge.
Bring your hat to be retrimmed.
Watch for our advertising matter it contains a message of interest to you.
"There's a reason." We cannot pay bills with merchandise or promises. We. must con
vert into money this splendid stock for this purpose.
The council says "We can do it if you back us." Why not do it now and bring
our splendid town to the front? The council meeting was well attended by interested
citizens who desire to see improvements.
Weston Mercantile Co.
gave a sketch or tne aucnors l ie.
Horse, where they will remain until and Mrs. F. C. Fitzpatrick presented
school opens, .; in an interesting manner a review
Mrs. A. J. Mclntyre is 'suffering of his novel, "Donna Perfecta." A
from an attack of blood poisoning in Victrola concert 1 of choice music
her hand.' ? closed the study period. During the
Miss Vida Greer assumed her new " hour' th !(lic wcre sc,ltd
duties Monday morning as book- f bfc. to enjoy a two-course
keeper for the Weston f Mercantile luncheon embracing delicious and
seasonable delicacies. A color
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lawson were in ""erne if whitc MImw1
Weston a few days ago from their In and tabic decorations, place
; r.i.r ,! Mr. Law. ""Is and refreshments served. Fa
vors, in me nature vi uiuiviuuai
Mr. Law
. anmeaal tm n nnrvival ftf t K
street paving movement' here, where horoscopes, were presented to each
he owns some property. He lately " attend. nee and read aloud
returned from -Texas, his old home ' amusement of the assembly,
state, where he bought a considerable Mrs. Lola Van Winklo and Mrs A.
body of farming land. It lies near C. Gciss were rccorvod ,nto member,
a famous old field, but Mr. Lawson P- Guests present in addition to
looks to profif from that source a. "b?.w f,.lMoslmc
in.wn0! Ho r,nort a Mary C. McNec, Albert O Harra and
.rinmcv in th tim of Newton O'Harra. Mrs. Emery
'Assumption of Allied by Taking
end I Propel.
Berlin. The Germ so government of
ficially admitted having sounded the
Cnlted Stale government with th
View to the assumption by Germany
of portion of the allied debt to
America through th Utter accepting
Texas visited, as the . oil boom ha
about subsided.
Mr. and Mrs. James McLean and
children of Washtucna and Mr. and
guests Friday of Mr. and, Mrs. A. ive,'r'
M. Ross.
Lou Reynolds has-returned from
Tacoma, wher he spent the winter
at the home of his mother, Mrs. W.
N. Snider. "
Mr. and Mr. Fred Greer entertain
ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Stages will act as hostess for the
April 16th meeting.
On March 5th and 15th the club
was entertained by Mrs. J. A. Lums
den and Mrs. Leon Lundcll, respect-
Concerning the Weather.
Residents of this vicinity wcre sur
prised upon - awakening Sunday
morning to find the landscape cov
ered with mow to a depth of three
inches. Hard frosts occurred for
Joe Read of Pendleton, Miss Emma several nights following, and fear is
Wilkinson of Walla Walla and Ed- expressed that apricots and peaches
ward Troyer of Freewater. 1 were damaged. Cherries are found
: The annual meeting of the Weston to have escaped much injury.
Memorial Hall . association . will be ,' About 11 o'clock Tuesday, fore
held at the hall Monday evening, noon a bank of cloud was noticed ap
April 18, at seven-thirty o'clock. The proaching from the northwest. Va-
board of trustees will meet next nous comments wcre expressed as to
Monday afternoon at two o'
the office of S. A. Barnes.
Robert A. Booth of ICuiece, who
torn as state highway commissioner
oxpires ou April II, will be reappoint
ed, according to announcement by
Governor Olcotl.
A medical detachment of tha Oregon
National Guard will be formed In Al
bany. The detachment will consist of German reparation bond In ll.u of
one "rgrnt. one corporal and seven f jh allied obligation. No
first class private. ,ctun negotiation, however. It ws
Approximately I IS. 000 appropriated M(d, had occurred between Germany
at the recent session of the legislature and the United States regarding repar-
will be expended In Improving the atlons.
capltol and supreme court building pr. Bimoos, the foreign minister. It
at Salem this year.' was added, bad explained to Lorlng
Following report that fiend was the Dresel, Cnlted Btate commissioner In
hlrd city In Oregon In the employ- Berlin, the German standpoint con-
mint of alien labor, investigation r earning reparations,
veals enly two men are employed In '.
that city who are not citizen.
The state land board has received a
check for 117,700, covering the pay
ment of $7.59 an acre for deed to land
canceled by the government In io
ralled Hyde-Benson selection.
The Hood River County Game Pro
tective association ha released U
pair of valley or crested quail In out
lying section of the valley.
' Notice of Filing Final Account
In th County Court of the State of
firegon for t'matllla Itounty.
In the Matter of the Estate of Zerelda
C. Price, Deceased.
Notice is heruby given that th un
dersigned have filed their account and
report a administrator of the above
named estate with the Clerk of tho
The bird above entitled County Court, which
,. ,k. ..... , ixmrma nxeu upon u o ciock in in
. . forenoon of May i. 1021, as the time.
An oia itomaa coin, dating back to ,, the County Court room in the
the fourth century, Is being exhibited Courtbou of Umatilla County, Gra
in Eugene by George D. Foster, who gon, a the place, when and where any
obtained the piece wn. .erv.n, with fi"
the Fourth engineer In France. taincd or to anything done by the ad-
Fredorick GolWman, one of the nnnfutralor at any time, may present
earliest pioneer stockmen of Malheur the same and will be heard, and when
Miru wiivrw uiv wiuri win iifinny suitiv
ij. D.
Harness & Saddlery
Auto Triramiuz a Specialtr
Milton Oregon
Calves! Calves!
Start a Dairy Herd
mmm d mm
Ail Yon Waat; Price.' Bight
Good Cows are a
Sure Inccme aid
Mortgage Lifters
Write or See
Weston, 'Oregon
iti, nture. .. iwiirvin, l,lirH county, died at Vale art Thursday. He ,i,i ft8 sceount.
was at hand, while others prophe- " ye" '?' "dl)tt,,t ,ho ,lr,t Thi notice is published pursuant to - kw.V!WVa?WSfS!!PK
A message received yesterday rrom siea a uusi swmi. me ciouu nov- Court made on March 28th. 1021
, New York announced the death of cred over town most of the day and "'7 pr0. v. D- rj.ud April 1, 1WI.
WUliam P. Rowland, brother of Mrs. appeared to be a mixture of dust leD1 c"y ,lbrarJ n" has more than Jamrs H. Frice,
Blary C. McNec of this city. He wa and sand held aloft by a high wind. one-tDlr, 0' h city' entire populu Thomab Franklin Price,
8? vear. old. According to reports, the region to tlon 00 H 1M of book Md nd a . , Administrate
Cards have been received announc- the north of town was visited by a 40141 of helvea.
i'pg the birth of a son, Charles Bob- heavy wind, but in this immediate Insurance companies operating W i C0T Take Vour Home Taper,
ert, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tucker, vicinity atmospheric conditions were Oreon received net premiums of 10,- .
on" April 1st, at their home in Walla comparatively quiet. . ounng tne year mo. accora-
Wslls. The little lad weighed eight Observer Baker reports that the ln to a report prepared by A. S.
and one-half nounds. ' March rainfall was 2.47 inches, Barbur, state Insurance commlwloner.
' Mrs. Fannie McBride, who Is quite which is about normal for that
ill with pleurisy, was removed last month,
week to the home of her grand-
daughter, Mrs. 3. A. Lumsden, In addition to funds proposed to be
where she could receive careful miru- raised In Douglas county by the bond
ing. At the present time her condi- log measure recently Indorsed by tax
tlon is improving. payers, there will be approximately
, In message to her parents. Miss $68,000 for market roads. At the
The Home Telephone company, with
headquarter at Medford, made 2.4 per
cent on It Investment during tha year
1920, according to Its annual report
filed with the public service commission.
Gladys Smith states that the ha re- November election a 1-mlll tax wa
signed ber bookkeeping position in voted for market roads, which 00 a
Portland and is now located in Sa- $34,000,000 valuation, will provide $34,-
Jem, where' she has more remuner- 000. The state will match this amount
The cargo lumber shipments from
tb Columbia river In March were
the lightest for several months. A
grand total of 2,S78,858 feet of lum
ber left the Columbia river difring
the month. - - -
trademarks ami fwrrinfiMuMfttftnif yr no
r.r. hem! BMI1 kvu-hat r rfmCi mnA St.
crlptMm tor ) SIAKOH ami mrt
aiaUMUblNlr. Bufc nfmnnt. ,
you. our trm bnohlvia tail bow, u Invrlrt
,nd wwftttw,iiiy. WrHtnay.
1TINT Lawvaaa.
VU. ...... WV " W V ' I W. W
City Draying
Leave orders at resi
dence (Marsh cottaRe)
south of Weston Mer
cantile, Phone 361,
Geo. A. Lindeken
Drs. A. D. k R. A. FRENCH
Preach Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St.-Phone 653
Walla Walla, Wash.
Cash for chicken. J. R. Reynold.
a 8 ; a
i ilia rutiL
I To hieet, t
i greet and 'treat
I your friends is
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone -- Main 253