The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 08, 1921, Image 3

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Another of the fumoun KDISON TONK-TKSTS
wan given in Walla Wulla at the Key lor Crand
Theatre on Thursday evening, March ,'JI.
On this occasion Mcssru. Colliiw mul t iitcr-
talnerK and singcra of nalion-witli' ivputatiim ;inl
M))ularitv, gave a concert of tin son.-j ihut Ihcy
inve maw ramoiw throu In-nt tin; kind.
Collaborating with them t! New KDISON,
'or which these popular artiils haw ma ,- Kc-rrea-ioriH
in great nunikTH for many yeaw past.
So True to the actual singing ol the prrformcr.s
were the Ke-ereations of their voices thai none
could tell the difference.
You are invited to come to our .store and lu;tr tin;
Re-creations of the songs as sung by Collin. and
Harlan in their concert.
This epoch-making event in musical jichicvrnu nt
proved again the unapproachable superiority of
"The Monograph With a Soul."
An interesting booklet, "Kdison and Music," will be
fent you upon request. Ask for it.
Complete Home Furnishing Dt parlmi-iit Store.
"The Store, uf Friendly S' rvit ."
10-20 Alder St.. Walla Walla. Waliiin'ton.
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
DiTERIIATIONAL Stock and Poultry Food
I lav, Rolled Hurley. Oats. Wheat and
Miflfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn. Wheat, Scratch Food, Hone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash. .
J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor
Vho Weston Leader
, k V.i W. W
Sassafras Senna Sarsaparilla
Cascara Tanlac
Hypophosphites Peruna S. S. S.
Herbs Roots Barks Teas
H. GOODWIN, Druggist
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Wailsbursi, Wash.
American Beauty
, Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold, in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Protect your wlfu and family In Tim
llitiikt'is Keiwrve Life Insurance Co.
IIihiho, Weaton, Or.
J. M. Write, well-known Weston
mountain farmer, U under lt. Me
Kinney' iun with very minful
.miction line i inflammation of the
Jaw fliuKini( the itiiiiivul (if a bad
Mayor Ncln.n II. June mid Coun-
ilim-n K. M. Smith, J. M. Price and
I.. H. I m v i made a colli mitu drive
Tiii"iliiy t'i I 'nylon mid Intermediate
point in order to punt thniM-lvea
hi the iuvinr iin ,-iinn. Tiny fuund
i "iii.ii'ilile dlvermtv if opinion an
l.i tin- type uf piivliiif Li t adapted
In llin iswdn of the mnnllrr townri,
liut wiru further convinced of the
in i-l uf paved Mrei In at Wcnloll if
It iloeii in. I vi ii lit to hetoinu lifiptleaN
ly "pahse."
S. J. ( ulliy uikI hit ranch forte
have been niukinir i;ood proKrcsa .
wih their r print: work. Tliry put U
tit w i uti rjulliir In ri,ii,min:lrii, and'
it Int.. Hrfiinnd it.i tanti faithfully
ami The plow's which went V
through the I'ullev ruui'h fire were '
"ii fur itpaui'd uh to ! rendered
Earl 1 In rm It li.i.i Mt urd leeal
ructoily of Lin lk-yettrl mhi, Karl
U In ml, and the liel arrived In Win
t.m Munduy evening from I'urtland '
t', iv Mu Inn after with his rand
mother. Mm. A. J. urnett.
(iruiiilinu an Winkle and Mr.
Sutuh . Itay went tu Tamma from ,
I'l'iilund rwrntly to -islt Mr., Alary
Snider, !aiit(htcr of Mr. Van Win
kle. Having iiuirered an attack uf
pneumonia, Mm. Kay has ainre U-eii
a patient in Taroma hoiipital.
V. A. Met'orkell nucceeded in
rniiiinir a puldic nubcaription of I1H50 .
for the propoed eliatiK in the Pine
creek rnnd, and lias turned the puper
in to the county court. Of thia
mount $J&0 in caxh wait aubscribed
by Wvhton buMne men and the re
mainder wait pledged, chiefly in
work, by mountain resident.
G. W. Sta'ra has returned from ,
the KiiUli unlike flat district near
Wanhtucna, where he han bein look
ing after the spring opcrtiona of
0. W. SOikk & .Sons. The firm has
finiahed ffecdinK WO aore of fprinu
irrain and had plunted 1300 ami
fact full. The fallnown wheat is
ulK.ut mx inelie hich, and looka very
promising. The uashtucna country
ii soaked with moifiturc to ruih an.
extent that the Stajrtra caterpillar
mid plows mirx'd down in the; field ,
an unuHUiil incident for that section.
After bavin? been lost for three
yearn, a diamond rmg bclonk'inp: to
Mm. R. G. Mlnliicrcn was picked up
from the lawn recently at the Worn
j.rren home, by James Kirkpntrick.
It wai in perfect condition.
Second-hand Overland car at a
bargain (iirun. ( Formerly
J. II. Trice.) Dr. Kennard
J. II. Price ha taken on a hand
Home new car, a Dinpatch Chandler,
with four-pashentrer body. The car
was bought through Or. Kennard, lo
cal dealer, who took over Mr. Price'i
Overland in the transaction.
Kellofrg over-bearing strawberry
plants at $1.50 per hundred. C. W.
The annual election of officers of
Weston Library board was held at
the home of Mrs. S. A. Barnes, Mon
day afternoon. Leaders were chosen
for tho coming; year as follows:
Mis. Charles V. Bulfinch, president;
Mrs. J. H. Williams, vice president;
Mrs. JL "Goodwin, secretary ' and
tteuuuier. It was voted to paint the'
buildim? recently purchased for the
institution, seed the lawn and do
other work of a progressive nature.
The young people of the Baptist'
church gave '. a pleasant surprise
party in honor of Miss Kathleen Pe
tersen, it being her fifteenth birthday
anniversary. The evening was apent
in playing ki"c.s, with music as an
added attraction. At ten-thirty o'
clock a dainty lunch was served by
Mrs. C. 0. Pederson. Those sharing
in the affair were: Misses Eileen
Eaglcton, Ruby Liles, Lavone Pitt
man, Ruth Vannoy, Lily Mae Couch
and tho honor guest; Messrs. Ray
mond Banister, Lloyd Graham, Ma
rion Dickenson, Henry Craigen,'
Ralph Nesbit, Robert Graham, Eu
gene Lucas, Ralph Graham.
F. J. Jackson, who spent the first
of the week at his residence on
South Water street, returned Wed-'
nosday to his farm north of Athena
to look after spring work.
Mrs. Jos. Wurzor has been ap
pointed a member of the library
board by the city couneill. to fill the
vacancy caused by tho resignation of.
Mrs. S. J. Culley. . ' . ; '
It. Waddingham has consented to
act as custodian of tho City park
under the direction of the Saturday
Afternoon club, and will endeavor to
keep tho recreation center in attrac
tive condition during the summer
Mrs. L. I. O'Harra welcomed
company of friends at her home, -Wednesday
evening. ' Music and
cards , afforded pleasing entertain
ment, supplemented by,, amusing
Floors Refinish Yours Yourself
with paint or varnish. We tell how
IT'S timi'lc mittfr, if you
cannot rt a painter, to re
faith any fl or fun, in fit t,
to do the v-oik yourwl.
W'c male tJw finest flniilin.
The)' dry o tr ni'clit, to you
can walk on them in the morn
ing. Ttwy are mad for layiren'a
use as well psinfrr' tliry
flow and prc id raily and tovrr
well. Tlir iKiilt i i MrKith
and Imtroui finish ju-t the
one you want t'i get, altliourji
you -an amateur -dti the
Women can apply thce prod
ucts at well as men.
Fuller makes a famou floor
paint Rubber Cemrnt I'loor
Faint and two famous varn-
iht called ,'Fitfen.or-FIoo,
and "I ullerwcar."
Thry are Fuller! Specifica
tion! for home floor each for
a particular effect .
We make alto a apecial line
of paints, varnishes, enamel,
etc., for all kind of interior
decorating. And we maintain
a Free Advice Department that
wifl ttll you in drtail how to
use thrni. Ycu in:ply drvribe
the article, how finished now,
and the rffrct you want to get
We've specified thee ma
terial and methods for you
after 72 years' experience with
paints and painting practice.
We are one of the largest paint
manufacturers in the United
"Kama ServicoTainfc
VarniahM Enoml
Fun fR
Rubber Ctmnl Floor Paint
t wmiArr, wiitrproot nd dur
able tini tor lloora c4 kitehcni.
cloMta. Auractiir la color sad
Mad ta li cotora.
Also maktra of Honat Paiat
All-purooao Vamiahca, SUkaa
whitc .namcf, FJtcn-fr-Flora,
Waihabla Wall Fimali. Auto
Enamel. Bara and Koof Paiat,
Porch and Step Paiat tad Pio
ar Waits Vud.
Don't think you can't 2d
work like thia limply becauM
you haven't ever done it Fol
low Fulltr Spttificttiam aoJ
yuuH get the right efect . ...
Where to Bay
Important that
you get the right
material to be sure
to go to the right
store for Fuller
Products. Cut out
the coupon below as
a memo to direct
W. P. FalW Cav
Depc a. Sea Pram aim
Fioaear Paiat Maaofactoarara IsT "
It Vaan
BraaclMa la If Cttiea ia taa Waal
Dealen IrerTwtrara
(Cat this oat aad mt k ia roar
ocket book or kaad kag
Poller, moax terricV Paiat
Pndocta are aold r taa dniiTkaa
ia roar ciyri .
JOKES a jo;
Weston, Oregon
lunU performed by Dr. Brown. Jack
Tur and Chauncry Evans, interpreted
by Misisci Waved O'Harra, Doria
Jlarnca and Kthcl Isaacson, rcHfCt
ivtdy. At a latts hour a delicious
lunch was nerved by the hostcs.
Those participating: in the hospitality
t xtended were; Mr. and Mr. Emery
StOKk's, Mr. and Mrs. L I. O'ilarra;
Misws Lurlinc limwn, Ethel Isaac
son, Vira Morrison, Ruby Price and
Duriii Bonus; Mr. Lyle Webb.
Wallace Kelson was over yesterday
from Walla Walla.
The regular monthly business meet
inur of the Women's Missionary aoci-
tv of the M. E. Church, South, was
held Wednesday in the Sunday school
room of the church. It was voted to
Sirve dinners during two days of tho
Pioneer Picnic celebration in June
and committees wore appointed to
'oversee the work. Plans were made
'to properly observe the nineteenth
anniversary of the society's oruani
zation, the eveninjr of April 20th, in
the church auditorium. A public
public program is being arranged.
Contributions will be gratefully re
ceived at the rate of one cent a year
for each twelvemonth represented in
the donor's age. Refreshments will be
served and a pleasant time is as
sured. The Loyal Sisters' Sunday School
clats waa recently organized at the
home of Mrs. A. J. Starmer. Offi
cers were elected as follows: Helen
Raybom, president; Evelyn Sowers,
vict president; Ora Webb, secretary;
Blanche Thorsen, treasurer; Char
lotte Hass, reporter. The second
Friday in each month was selected
as the time of meeting. Helen Ray-
sioned Bill Beaton at his proxy.
The head of each bird pest brought
in and left at the Weston Leader of
fice counts a certain number of
points for the east enders. The eon
test closes next Sunday night
Mrs. C. F. Bulfinch has been vis
iting relatives in Walla Walla.
Home From England.
Clarence Hand and bride arrived '
last week from Manchester, England,
and are domiciled on the Art Cop
pock farm. Mr. Hand expresses
great pleasure at getting back to hia
adopted land, and his bride finds
America much to her liking. Mr.
born will act as hostess for the April Hand says that conditions in England
session. During the closing hour re- are far more serious than people
f reshments were served by Mrs. in, this country are prone to im-
Bertha Sowers and Clara Starmer. aTlne. The list of unemployed
The crow and magpie contest is numbers more than three million, and
on between gunners of the east and clove observers fear that the strong
west ends of the county. Captain undercurrent of bolshfvism may yet
Estes of Pendleton appointed J. H. result in disaster. The government's
Price to look after the Weston cam- Irish policy meets with general dis-
paign, and Jim promptly commis- approval. ;
in mil aaaaaaJ
L i ill
We are prepared to take care of your
every want in the paint line. We handle
the very best quality paints at prices that
are right. You can buy cheaper paint.
However, cheap paint is dear at any price.
Good paint is the most economical paint to