The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 08, 1921, Image 2

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The J. a Penney Company's 312 Department Stores add the strength of
their vast stocks of Dependable Merchandise at lowest prices, to a National
effort to bring Peace, Comfort, Happiness and Prosperity to the people of
this miracle land of America. ....
The J. C. Penney Stores easily accomplish prosperity m their respective com
'munitics thrdufch savings which grow out of elimination of waste of every
We have no losses in bad accounts, no collection expenses. .W buy most
everything direct from manufacturers and thereby eliminate middle men s
profits. ,
We buy for cash and sell for cash and last but not least, the J. C. Penney
Co. Stores are content with very small profits.
Participate in this National movement and help keep the wheels of industry
turning. .
Rig shipment of Indies' Georgette and Crepe de Chine Mouses just arrived
direct from New York. Priced at $3.i)S to $S.90.
Athena and Pendleton, Oregon.
cA Ration-Divide 'Institution
312 Busy Stores
CLARK WOOD, Publuhtr
MRS. It. GOODWIN, AuitUnt Editor
the loss of potential profits, he and
his family are fortunate.
Slrictlt in AJTrnnct
The Year 12 00
Six Months 1
Thr Month! .... 0 60
Advertising Rates
Display, Regular, per inch 20c
Display, Transient, per inch ....25c
Local Readers, per line 10c
nuPAT. Aran, i. - i"
Etar t thi poitolfict at Wtitoa. On o
titcn4-clis miilmitttr.
In getting rid of her monarvh Eu
rope foolishly exempted Old King
Alcohol about the most unbenevo
lent desnot of them all.
The youngsters comprising Wes
ton's bn.teball team, some of whom
are just brvaking into bush league
bull this season, will receive their
date, the new Secretary of State baptism of fire next Sunday at Ath
ena in a practice game, to be called
ut 2:"0 o'clock. Manager Rcynaud
has also arranged a practice game
with Milton-Frcewatcr on the lat
ter' s ground for the following Sun
day afternoon, with a view to giving
the locals as much practice as pos
sible on strange diamonds prior to
the opining of the Blue Mountain
league. Incidentally, both games are
With respect to that Jap-Yap man-
Hughes to the lino set by the preced
ing administration.
There's no improvement in the Eu
ropean situation especially if it hap
pens to be a job with the German
crunni nytpc
' The proverbial April fool pintle ,
lit th High school was held Friday J
aftenioon. Some thirty-live hiking S
pilgrims set out for Rocky ford at
half past one, Frvnchy DuPula' mo-
torryclo was piled to the brim with
"cats," and sent on ahead. After jj
tramping to Roeky Ford the hungry
bunch came bark to llamp Hooher's
grve to satisfy their appotltr.
Mis Husbands displayed athletic
proweM by stumbling and rolling y
down two hundred yards of hill. H
The boys present declare she made kj
It in "nothing flat" An impromptu N
round up was stagel when Ardrn J
Lucas tried to "stalk" ratf; but
having red hair and seeing a bull In J
an adjacent Held, he demurred from J
further bull-dogging. Myrtle Frr- tj
guson won the cream drinking p
contest. jj
Selling storks and bonds by put- tj
ting your arm arond a young lady; S
finding necklaces worth thousands
of dollars by consulting a ouija
board; owning three million dollars
and not being able to do what you
wantall this seems out of the ordinary-
But it happens in the play
to be given, by the High School
Mayers, railed "Mary's Millions."
Everybody wanted to marry Mary,
but Mary didn't want to marry everybody.
No baseball games will be played
by the High School nine until after
the class play la given. The after
noon rehearsals of this event pre
vent tossing of the horse-hide for
awhile. This interim will also al
low Leonard Rulflnch's Invalid hand
to recover, so that he will again be
seen behind the plate.
Miss Esther Husbands, desiring
to introduce color and fragrance into
her High school class room, some
ago prepared a window bo in
which she planted sweet peas.
Thrifty young plants soon appeared,
were duly trained, and are now re
warding their caretaker with blos
soms of delicste tints and dainty
1 6 inch and 4 foot
Slabs and Cordwood
P. T. Harbour - - P2zE
As to the well-known Versailles
The W. C. T. U. will endeavor to covenant. President Harding has con-
pray tobacco out of existence, if it firmed the impression that he smells expected to draw well, and the team
Oregon Hews Notes
heeds the call of Chicago's woman a rat in ratify.
crusader. That Lady Nicotine will
likewise, prey unceasingly constitutes
a serious handicap.
Trouble so far with the country's
much needed building bocm is that it
consists of more boom than building.
"The rural debating society," says
a facetious exchange, "might discuss
whether fat people are fat because
they do not exercise or do not exer
cise because they are fat"
It is only a seeming paradox that
because she jsn't coal'd England is
up against a chilly proposition.
The greater part of the stock of the
Bank of Prlnwllls his been subscribed
and It Is thought the bsnk will open
about the middle of April.
The city of Corvllu roied on a
f 100,000 bond Issue Tuesday for the
purpose of meklng needed eitenslons
to tbe city's water system.
Thirty-eight men and 10 women ob
tained positions through tbe Euione
A Soviet diplomat declares that
Russia is peaceful which we are
willing to believe whenever Satan's
kingdom qualifies as a summer resort.
Europe suffers from such a violent
post-war nausea that even Mount
Vesuvius is "throwing up."
"It may not be an enduring peace
but it has endured a great deal," re
marks the Baltimore Sun.
Weston has such a fair start in it
street improvement campaign that it
.should not permit itself to stumble hjmgel
over any possime Done 01 cuiiwnuuib
If Eutrene V. Debs had only been
elected president he could have par-
The ex-kaiser claims that he didn't
want war, and that he originated the
League of Nations. When he ought
to be lying still, he is still lying.
The king that Greece slipped out
of the dsicard didn't make a winning
needs its share of the money, which
will be split fifty-fifty. A large con
tingent of fans and ' supporters is
expected to accompany the young
baseball warriors, and enemy rooters
will of course turn out in force. The
Twin Cities arc especially noted for
their baseball crowds. The Weston
team has now received its full
equipment with the exception of the office of the United States employment
extra uniforms, which are expected bureau during the past week,
to arrive within a week or two. The There were 401 accidents In Oregon
hoys have been out on the diamond Industries in the week ending March
for practice play whenever possible, 31, according to a report Issued by
and are full of "pep" and confidence, the state accldmt commission.
And after being deprived for an Tbe Pendleton Commercial assocla
entire season of their favoritii pas- tlon now has sn enrollment of 40S.
time, the fans are ready to back and a drive has been started te In
thrm up and cheer them on to vie- crease the membership to 500.
tor'. With a little seasoning, the Lake Ocboco haa a total storaca ca
boys are expected to give a good ac- parity of 47$00 acre fret of water,
count of themselves, even though and the total amount In storage at tbe
they may not bring home the league present time Is 38,500 acre feet.
pennant bacon. The Johnson mill at Reedsport has
you really want
iSlylj, Service
I ad Valw
You will not nt'Klt'ct to look
thru our new Lino.
R. L. Reynaud
- - .. -
Speaking of the convention of the
deaf soon to be held at Salem, Ore
gon, the audience needn't be expected
to believe all that it doesn't hear.
So far Germany's won't has proved
to be stronger than the allies' will.
"Trade follows the flag" but, not,
wo trust, the Red flag.
' By means of rouging their ankles
the belles of Los Angeles arc up
wards of two feet ahead in the race
for fashionable pre-eminence.
Spuds Are Moving
J. W. Bowers is reported
sold his entire crop, 600
Mr. Nudo. IAU the potatoes sold
were field run, and commanded
around $22.00 per ton t. o. b.
The suspicion lingers that beer will
ho nrettv sure to tasto like medicine. - - -
i... - a Lrandview,
dispensed by a druggist.
At midnight in his guarded tent"
the wily Turk concocted a successful
scheme to wipe a Greece spot from
the new European map.
One needs only to read Eleanor
Franklin Egan's articles in the Sat
urday Evening Fot on Chinese fam
ine conditions to realize that, no mat
ter how "pinched" he may feel over
Considerable activity is reported
this week in potato circles, and the
presence of several buyers has been
noted. One of them of is E. II.
Wash., who
went out with Lester O'llarra of the
Weston Mercantile Co.'s produce de
partment and bought about 110 tons.
Among those who sold to Mr. Lafky
were J. A. King, 700 sacks; C. O.
Pedcrscn and A. Abrahamson, 500
sacks; W. L. Smock, 200 sacks;
Matt Mattson, 200 sacks. Other
buyers in the territory were J. M.
Kyle, the diminutive mayor of Stan
field, and James Pearson and Frank
Kudo, aleo of the irrigation town.
And other attractive
Bedroom Furniture.
,3& OSS
S TO St, El
Oregon News Notes
Lincoln county residents are rejoio
Ing over the announcement that there
will bo plenty of gasoline this yesr.
The Oregon Wood Products company
In Salem Is busy turning out broom
bandies at the rate of 6000 per day.
Water now covers half the old bed
of Silver lake, in Deschutes county,
which had been dry for four years.
By action of the carpenters' union
of Astoria, the minimum wage scale
has Iven reduced from 8 to $7.50.
The Jesso Lower sawmill on Bear
Creek, Creswell, which was destroyed
by fire recently, will be rebuilt at once.
The census report for Marlon county
shows that the number of farms In
creased from 3490 in 1910 to S681 In
Jasper Miller, widely known nlonwr
and resident of Benton county for 40
years. Is dead at his home In Dewitt,
aged 75.
The Reedsport Lumber company bis
posted notices reducing wages, making
13.25 per day the minimum for com
mon labor.
The Astoria Flouring Mills company
has closed a deal for tbe sale of 14,
000 barrels of flour to tbe Czecho
slovak government.
Elks in Corvallis have secured
charter for a lodge. It will be known
as No. 1412 and will start with a char
ter membership of 75.
R. N. Ferguson of Oregon Agricul
tural college la mixing 1040 quart of
rat and squirrel poison for use by
Linn county farmers.
Roseburg sgain has been designated
as headquarters for officers of the
Indian superrisorship for California,
Oregon and Washington. .
to have ,,rtcd fitting an order of 10.000.000
sacks, to 'ot ot Bu,p wo toT ,n Crown-Wll-
ismette Piper mills at Oregon City.
Umatilla county sheepmen expect to
pty 10 to 13 1-2 cents a head to shear
ers this season, a decrease of last
year's price, which was 17 1 J cents.
After being Idle for several months,
the St. Helens shipyard bss resumed
work. Thirty men are now busy, and
the force will soon be Increased to 50.
Tbe National Home Economic con
vention for the year 112 will be held
In Corvallis. Leading educators from
all sections of tbe United States will
Governor Olcott has appointed Dr.
David B. Hill of Pendleton and Dr.
Fred W. Haynes of Roseburg ss mem
bers of the stste board of dental ex
At a mas meeting of taxpayers In
Canyon City It wis determined to rail
a referendum on senate bill 253, which
raised the salaries of Grant county
By vote of nearly three to ene.
Albany's taxpayers bare approved the
140,000 bond Issue to provide funds
for building an addition to the Midi
ion school.
Officials of the weights snd mea
sures depsrtment hsve undertaken sn
Investigation of the marking of boxes
and container used in the candy trad
of tbe state.
Earl Gate, manager of tbe Coo and
Curry Telephone company, announce
that the construction contemplated
tor the coming year will be approxi
mately $36,000.
An army siege gun which, under a
resolution of the recent legislature,
has been presented to Bedgwlck post,
O. A. R., of Bstem, bas arrived. Tbe
gun has been turned over to tbe state
by Sedgwick post and will be placed
on tbe stats capltol grounds.
When in Walla Walla
(.Varlin Jewelry Building)
Wkta la Will. WHU (or tni itf
oilr you art wtlcooM It the ItM bm el
mi ltt Room.
imbu wlta or without lath.
Fresh Bread
and Pastries Daily.
O '
I General Blacksmith'g j
J. F. SNIDER, Weston, Ore.
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
One hundred 1 50
Each additional hundred 0 75
mi: ftttek
Water Street (second block north of Main)
Laundry work don at home.
R..K. Riley. S. Broad street