The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 08, 1921, Image 1

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; Leadei
As a Modern Filipifao Actually Look
French Envoy Told That Sen
tlment It Strongly For
Knox Resolution.
Washington. f. C The Harding ad
mlnUlrtllon Intends to terminate Ilia
war twlweou tbe United Stales and
Oarmaay by rongreialonal resolution,
M. Vlvlanl. French envoy aitroorilln
sry. waa understood lo have been In
form H at dinner at the home of
Senator MrCnrmU k of Illinois.
The ea premier wee also Informed.
II was ald. by senator preaent that
tha program of iba administration doea
pot contemplate entrance if ihn Uni
ted Rtl'ee Into tba league of nation.
The. at tha dinner elated M. Vlvl
anl b4 ham told frankly that It wss
useless to discuss thn ponslbllliy of
American membership In the leasno
of natlona. Moat nf tha republican
member! of tha senste forelfit re.
tlena committee and Colonel Onorze
Hervey, prospective ambassador at lb
court of St. Jama war anionic thoaa
Tba French eovor, who waa accom
panied by Ambataador Jusaorand, waa
;d to have bean Informed that sen
llment of republican leader was r
tually unanimous for adoption cf tba
Kdoi aeparata peace resolution, tub
Jart only to poaelbla amendment from
Ita original form, early In tba apecltl
aaaalon of rongresa.
M. Vlvlanl waa deacrlbed aa appear.
Inf 'reconciled'' to tha situation.
Philippine Rftitfeni
ttaura Oabaldon
Washington, p, C Tha nation's
debt was reduced fTl.SIO.230 In March,
according to a treasury statement
which showed tha debt to be :3.0,
HMT. Of tha total federal obligation
outstanding IJ.7S4.I4I.C00 represents
short tana treasury certificates of In
debtedness, several hundred million of
which Secretary Mellon hoi said w ill
ba retired In April.
An analysts of tha treasury'! flscul
affairs for the last year reveals llttlo
ehsnge In tba amount of certificates
of indahiedness or the floating debt.
The gross debt, however, consisting
largely of liberty bonds and victory
notes, haa shown a dcrase,
Certificates of Indebtedness out
standing March tl, 1020. lotah $2.
(7.2O,000, less than f 100.000,000 be
low the present total.
1130 Wages to Men Totaled by Inter
state Commlailon.
Washington. D. C Railroad wsgee
for 19S0 totaled $.1,733,81.18, the
Interstate commerce, commission an
nounced. Wages for the first quarter
were I79S.61S.S30. for tha second $801.
MS.9S0, for the third I1.052.109.4&1. and
for the fourth IS12.606.78O. with tba
back pay for May and June tinder ihe
retroactive Increase of July 20 amount
ing to approximately $102,419,680 to
ba added In the total.
Reports of back pay, said the com
mission, are not completed and thore
fore the figures are somewhat below
those to appear In the final annual
"Mu-.f tin- 1 1 mi it
of America ln-at
only for tin- free,
rtiim of Ireland, i.f
I'oluii'l mill of tin.
IVci'liu . Nli,iil,,
mill not tuf i l.ii
lll-ICIIll-lll'l- llf
tin- Philippine li
liuiiiy Till wuh tint
quel Ion IIi-i1i-i
C in in I I nil-r
l-iuir.i l.uluil'l"
nf the l'lillli.ln-a
Hlririi iiin-i-tiy
to tin- imnilirr--1
1 1 of tin' 1 1, nine
nf Itepri-M-tiliiiii
In a i.-pi h liicli tvii -l'ii wry
rloeo niti-iiiliiii and ve irt-qneiitly up
platidetl. ' . j
"At one time," Mild Couil:if.l"licr
(.'nlialilon, "('ui(,rc I'imI before It im
I Hum thirty ri-mliiiinii. epr. -.n
sjmpaih) wltli (lie aplrntloii, . r tln
Iriiili ikm..i. If nut a.-iiuilj iiikIiik Unit
laml t arnnl lnii-wrnl.-ncr In Irrlnnd.
At Hint tiim-, uImi Hie Kill.liifiN i-n-kiHHklns
nt your iir mi of tlu
winil of nr. ninny ICuroiM-an n'ni!
lira Imm. anil Amcrlcn tina re. .
J'llivil to iiini(l tho Minn- Ami ji-t
the rial f tin, I'lUpin.- .l un-
hci'ilnl, Mimt then- lip cn-i-iiilniiii,
Iben, In Inii-rnntlnnal jHtlc.-7
My ien. ci-iiilcnicn f tin- Ann-ripen
'niitri-Ka, It Hint -nil l(.-uor im
Imispr the i"'Hti-d re)iiois f a tie
erliiB pi'lr for an linli-iH-nili-nr"
thiit nuliifiiliy IwIiiiirh to iIipiii. Tlii
crnnlliii; f IihIi'Ih-iiiIi-iici- now nffnrda
ihr rnlii d StniPH n cotilon ojrrl unity
to iilvo i i ! world uiianrrnll
proof of im iini-rit.v, It cn!.itpnry
ami Hi nltrtilntii. It will ht- I In- crt-nt-i-nt
ruiinpl.- nt iiiinrr dcallni; In tbe
lil'lory of the nei.
"Ifi not think wo n tmt appre
rlatlvo of ull you bnve iloiu- for us.
We lire. Amrrlcii lum truly treated
Hie KllipliM .rople a tin other nation
linn ecr treuteil an nlli-n men In nil
lilnlnry. Thi lilli mlnt of the Aincr-
lean poll-.v In the rhllllnm linve
bi-en rnn-lMPiitly lnilreil by nltrillini.
Wo know Hint j-oii were n'-tunted In
jmir Inliora ly Hie ili-Mre to ronlrib
lite to our own welfure.
"Ami e love yii n-rluii most of
oil ft nr aolomn irontlM to crnnt
im tluit liirli we liulil ilenrer tlmn life
lleelf our fnteiloiu. Imlcpenili-mit la
our tuiilttnnl lilenl. It mir nil ah
anrlilng iilm. It crti utronper every
limir. Tor tlio Hpirlt of imtliintltm
lieter illea. Much Uf can It be Mill
lined. . We liellovp that w can never
Iiom to do n NtuMy niillnii If we urn
to rely forever mi the miiEtinnlmlty of
the I'ulleil SlntfH.
"A merlin's task In tb: I'l.lllpplno
!lnnW l IIiiIkIrhI, What yon bnve an
ailiiK'il na your Microti oIiIIkiiIIoii In
Hint purt of Hie wnrllvhna ln ful
filled. A Moplp with a medieval
tern of lnxttHillnna hnx lieen trims
formril Into n consclona niitlon, Im
lined nlth all Hint la modern In the
iictlvlllea of nntloua. And If you kIvo
III lii(lcK!ttlelic our crntlluile to Jt'tt
will Increnito a tlioiiKiuid fold: It will
liint forever If you keop futtti with u.
"There la Imt one Issiio In tliu Thll
Ipplne question, nnd Hint la: U tlnrt
ttnlny a Bltilile Koveriintent on the 1
IiiiiiIk? In tho Jonea law you pronilseil
Imlepenileni-o upon the oslalillNlituent
of hiicIi n atiiMe Kovorninent, Voiir
own (Jtivi'nior-tieiiernl . lui
reported that there Inwii Klnble gov
ei'iinifiit In oxlflenrii totlny, ami we
aluo have atilmiltteil plenty of evidence
to aiilistnntliito Ita exlstleiic. Tlieris
fore, wo hope niitl expect America will
now carry out Ita plcdse."
- .ami-iiiira t v'L-i,,TSBgvg.Tgi-jT
' fJ- I J r '
I . " J
. "at.i., '
Congressman Ed
ward J. King
of Illinois.
There are hundrads ef thouasnds of this type ef young men In the Philippinee.
They are to bl tha future rulers of the destinies of the islands.
The nilplno Ims l-n much mltreji-i SCS, anJ only a aniall .'rccntaift! of
...... -...... ........ H-i.i. - .... Al..l ll.l 'l...f hm fiml
rewind I-: tlic l"nlted Siiuee. Tlila Is
liirpe'.y tirc.niitu. the Nmnlay anvpltf
fiieiila linve inmle a aHc!;ilty of pnf
trntlin; tin M-nitnaked luni-t'hriiitliin
hill trllii aa "Uplcul" Klllplno. whleb
Is fur Iroin I tie truth.
The total toptilHn of the I'IiHIh
p(ne iti in.rni.tiMi. f which Si.i:i.',272
hiv Clirlti4iti and cIvlllM-d. and liaie
hecn i for Wfi yenra, HinfttiiiK a cut
turf :iii(1 rclinciiietit that will compare
fiivtimlily w.tli thut of oilier c.nuitrlcs.
The number of non-CtirUtinns Is S"5,-
tliem are unchlllzed. They lire fast
hemming lucated, and will ultimate
ly make e,M)d citizen.
Seventy r cent of the Inhabitants
of the riiiUppiuts over ten years of
age, to tlio Inst censua, are
lltt-ratu. Ik a lilj-hcr ierceiituxe
of literacy than that of any South
Amcrlcnn country, higher tliiiu thut of
Spain, and higher than that of any
of the New liepu'.illca of Euruia) whose
liidepcnilence Is being guaranteed by
the Allies.
.Mrs. 1'rcd Stine of Spokane, visiU'd anl rt-turntJ by the Cold Spring
reda It vi' a in Athino this wwk. road, btcjipint: at the Douglas home
.''.!:. ("liark-a Cntr.t of t'onilon, is in for refreshment.
tin- city, visitiiitr t the homo of her
diuii'htt r. Mrs. Walter Houher.
Mr. tim! Mr. H'.'iiry Thompson
wcr.' ovir frfcm tlieir home on tii
I'nic.tilln river, vi.sitinjr at the home
of Mr. ami Mrs. J. E. Jones.
Win. JlcPherson haa received a box
A. 3, Walker has sulj his residence
propirty on north Third street to
Andy K'jthro.k, and with his son,
Koy Walker, has moved into the Kid
iitr house on Fifth and College.
Clen Kates, formerly employed at
.McFaddcn's Pharmacy, will engage
of choice oraiigcs from his mother in it) the cattle business, having pur-
Verrabella, Calif., and Is distributing chased a hundred head of steers at
them among Athena friends. . fatarbuck. He will range the stock
Athena high school plays bnae ball in the Squaw Creek section,
with Milton high school, thin after- "Way Down East," a wonderful
noon on the Milton grounds." picture has been running at the Alta
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur will tiieutre in Pendleton this week, and a
noon return to their Portland home number of Athena people have seen
after spending the winter in Culifor- it. .v symphony orchestra made the
nia. presentation of Griffith's master
Mr. McElhaney, who recently pur- y,cco effective,
chased the Sam llaworth pool hall, F s u,Grcw received news of the
a moved his family over from d(,ath of his nephew. SUnley
la Walla, and Is occupying the Kemp -y whk.h occumd jn Kcw
York last Saturday. The young
appointed hour la
here: lot tha Phil
ippine be free."
This wax Hie key
note of a peoh by
Cnirresman Ed
ward J.King of Illi
nois. (Republican)
In which h review
ed the American oc
cupation nf the Is
lands from the flmt
diy to the present
time. He declared
thut tbe United
State was honor
bound to grant In-
3cpen!cnce nlthout further delay.
("ftiii;.-esiiinii King Is one of an In
rreaxliig number of Itcputillcang In the
limine who are urging quick action
on Philippine Independence. Mr.
King Is the author of a bill which pro
vides that r.ithln one year the Philip
pine government, under presidential
prttclatnation, may aitaerable a conven
tion nnd frame a constitution.
After the constitution Is ratified by
the Filipino people the President jnay
recnimlzo the Philippine Islands as "a
w'tamte and self-governing nation."
The transfer of authority Is to be
completed within one year. Provision
Is made for safeguarding American In
vestment In the Philippines and for
tli,. providing of coaling stations and
submarine bases In tbe Islands by tbe
f lilted States.
Word from the Philippines is that
the people expect early Independence
and will he sorely disappointed If they
do not get it. ,
"No nation has the light," said Con
grexsman King "to hold another people
In peonage, even though It may be
argued by the professoriate that tbe
condition is simply one of 'tutelage.'
"A little more observance of the
golden rule In national and Interna
tional affairs would soon dispel that
desire for exploitation, the fiercest foe
of freedom In the world today.
"When we went to the Philippine
wo declared before the whole wyrld
that we were not actuated by any self
ish desire of conquest or territorial
aggrandizement, but solely by humani
tarian Impulses."
Congressman King called attention
to the fact that Filipinos are now
raising funds to erect a monument to
Admiral Pewey, which he said wns In
directly a tribute to the American peo
ple ni well as to Dewey. He recalled
the cable that Dewey bad sent to
President McKiuley, which was as
follows :
"In my opinion these people (Fili
pinos) nri; superior in Intelligence and
more capable of self government than
the natives of Culm, and I am familiar
with both."
Congressman King then recited the
Reparations Claims Held to E j
Just In Reply to Note '
From Germany.
Washlngton."The tnlte4 Stat
atands with the governments of tba,
allies In holding Germany responsible,
for the war and therefore morally
bound to make reparations, so far aa) -posalble."
Tbla la tha poaltlva declaration of'
Secretary of State Charles E. Hughe.
made by blm In bis reply to a coa
munlcation from the German govern
ment, forwarded to him under data of,
March 2. x
In bis reply. Secretary of State ,
HuRbea expressed pleasure at Ctf.
tnany'a "unequivocal expression" of ltd
desire to pay to tha limit of ability
and aald: . X'V
"This government believes that It
recognizes In tha memorandum of Dr.
Simons a sincere desire on tba prt
of the German government to reopaat
negotiatlona with the allies on a u-w
basis and hopes that such negotia
tions, once resumed, may lead to a
prompt settlement which will at tha .
same time satisfy the Just claims of
the allies and permit Germany hap-,
fully to- renew its productive activi
ties." The formal statement of the Unites' .
States as to German reparation Is
contained in an exchange of commu
nications with German government of
ficials, made public by the stale de
partment. They are In the form of '
memoranda transmitted through tar
ing Dreset, American high commission
er at Berlin.
Constantinople. The Greeks have t
been defeated by 'the Turks In the ,
battle at Kskl-Shehr, said a communi
cation Issued by the headquarters of
Mustapha Kemal Pasha, Turkish &
tionaliat leader. .
Kiazim Kara Bekir, commander of -the
Turkish nationalists In Armenia,
with his "army of salvation," waa
nesting Sivas.
A Turkish communique said that
the battle on the Eskl-Shehr frontier
lasting nine days hsd been concluded.
Biledjik being recaptured and the
Greoka retreating toward Brussa.
Turkish transports, convoyed by
bolshevik gunboats, have landed part
of Kara Beklr's army at Ineboli.
The allies will refuse Greeks per-
nian, who was 17 years olJ, was the
second son of Colonel and Mrs. Wy
nne, stationed at Ft. Riley. Mrs.
Wynne Is a sister of Mr. LeGrow
resilience on Adams street.
Miss Carris Sharp, who has been
in the sanitarium nt College Place
for several weeks, will be brought to
tho home of her parents in Athena,
next Sunday.
' Mrs. Delia Wright who was re
cently oHrnteil on at St. Mary's hos-
oillclally " l" ing here, left on receipt of the news
niHi.e in ....- for the homc of hu arcnts in Kew
what improved in health. York Citv.
A strong How of water was eiicoun- ',' ... , , , . , ,
l.,.l i th Pnlx.-t Tonoopt well at 1 "c "'K1 "
Major Robert Walsh of the aviation icstlon but that the Filipinos had
corps, of Mathers Field, a cousin of established the specified stable gov
the deceased boy, and who was visit- '.'L'S
grunt the promised Independence.
mission to transport their troops (a
preamble to the Jones law, passed Thrace to the battle front in Aaia
August 29. 1018, and declared it was a Minor by way of Constantinople or to
use the Ismid railway.
The Italians have protested that a
Greek patrol has held up the steamer
Cleopatra In the Black sea. The al
lies have informed the Greeks that ,
they must not blockade the sea.
The Greeks have begun reinforcing
their army. The Greek merchant
marine has been mobilised as trans
ports and it Is expected the Greeks
can put an army of 200,000 In the
field. The size of this array Is being
viewed with alarm by the Serbians
and Bulgarians.
delitilte pledge of Independence. The
preamble stated "it Is as It has always
been the purpose of Ihe peop'p, of
the Ctilted States to withdraw their
sovereignty over the Philippine Islands
and to recognize Uieir independence ns
soon as a stable government can bo
established therein."
Congressman King stated there was
n depth of 3;i2 fect, by the driller, .
Mr. West, The water W of splendid
team started the 1921 district schol
astic schedule by auspiciously win-
Aged Vadar Banker Suiolde With Rifle.
Wlnlock, Wash. Charles Rcldel.
sged T4, pioneer npsrehant of Vader
snd vice president of tbe Little Falls
State bank, was found dead In bis bed
in s room tn his store building ut
Vsder. On his kuees was a 25-20
rarblne rlflo, with whh-h ho had shot
himself In tbe heart during the night,
and on the bed by his aide was n
lengthy note giving despondency us
the reason for suicide.
Family of Seven Die Together.
" ri I -.. -!
Quality and Mr. Conpock will force it irom uraapine ia rr.aay oy
over his premises for irrigation pur- tlie comlortowc score of 16 to 7.
Because they could no longer stand po:.cs with an electric pumping plant. . In honor of tlio 7ith birthday of
the agonies of starvation, a Chinese rinkerton is carrying his arm in Kol)c" Copnocav occurred on
family of seven committed suicide. Tha B j,,,, Ul0 rult of a llorso whlch .Saturday, a family reunion was held
father and mother first bound their . ,.-.. fnlli., ...ith him at his home Sunday, nt which all of
the Main street pavement. "The arm
was not broken, but was severely
sprained in tho wrist joint.
Owitn; to ill health, Melville Johns
will give up farming, ami leaves won
for Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Johns
Seizure ef Liquor Restricted.
! Seattle. Wash. Fedarel prohibition
agents are not empowered to stop snd
search cltlaeni for liquor on the
streets, or In hotel lobbies, unless the
officers sro provided with specific
search warrants. Federal Judga Noter
ar held In a decision hsndod down
here. "" v
five children together, tnrn insnea
themselves to the children, nnd all
leaped Into a rlvor. The sovon bodies,
all bound together, woro seen by U
V. Lewis of 1'ortlnnd. who rocontly re
turned from the faminu section In
North China.
"With 46.000,000 starvlnR. tho situa
tion Is a coloKsal tragedy," said Mr.
Lewis, "aud rathor than soo their chil
dren suffer any lonRer, parents all
throunh the famine lands are killing
their llttlo ones and then themsolves.
There are millions of gaunt, emaciat
ed, half-naked men, women and chil
dren roaming the famine lands, chew
Paving of tho highway connecting
Marslifield with Coqutllo has been
completed, v
Egs were sold In Eugene last week
by producers at 15 cents a dozen, the
lowest price In 12 years.
The city of Salem has purchased a
motorcycle to be used by the traffic
Officer of the police department
his children but one, Alf Coppock, At a special election in Vale bonds
of Pullman, Wash., were present. Of J35.000 were voted for enlarging
They were A. R. Coppock, wife and and extending the water system.
two son."., Frank Coppock and wife,
Wheat 95 Cents at The Dalles.
The Dalles, Or. With the g re iter
part of the 1920 Wasco county wheat
crop still unsold, local mills and ex
port buyers reported that 93 and IS
rents a bushel is tha maximum price
a-hich they will pay. No sales were
reported at these quotations.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Read and son, dinner in the park is contemplated.
Mis-.-. Mattie Conpock and Miss Mar- , The school exercises will be in the
Kuerite Raymond, a granddaughter, nature of a pageant, and Miss Hilda dent to appoint only
Alaakan Wanted for Governor.
Juneau, Alaska. Both senate and
house of the territorial legislature
adopted under suspension of rules a
joint resolution requesting the presl-
a bona fide
the territory.
1 . .Li. Ml ll....b L 41...
im.i iiiue A delicious birthday dinner was pre- Dickenson, chosen for tho character Alaskan for governor of
near future, ami they will probably
make their homo in California. Hint f ' ' ,,',, ... v.. . .. .. ......
Johns has taken over his brother's
interests and will leaso his part of
the land, so it is stated, moving; to
tho fnrm west of town. ,
Lust Sunday a rabbit hunt and pie-
twelve were seated. Queen Hilda I will be attended by a Beradoll Chasers Back In Coblenz.
Practically all of the grade teach- royal court, and the ceremonies pro- . Cobleni. Cart Neuf and Franz Zlm
ers in the Athena schools have been I miso to be a very interesting event mer, Americans released from prison
lng roots and bark, and bunging taua- nic mmr ,lcar the Umatilla rivef
clously to lite, in tne eiiori. in pun AVCf cnjoyed bv Mr. and Mrs. M
re-elected' for another year at an in- the program.
crease in salary. The contenders for honors in the
May Day Fete district track meet will be pupils in
A promised treat in htore is the Aoams, vveswn ano. auw-
tn Bsden, where they had been, con
fined for their part in the attempt to
arrest Grover C. Bergdoll, American
draft evader, have arrived here.:
- ' were enjoyeu u.v aui. wi iuh. w..- t. p""'" - . .. ,;n
.h..nii.ii until snrltli:. The relief or- , .... , -, ... n i t,. n c.,,. ntinnniiPAmt.iif nf wKii'h SCHOOlS. ItXv Qlliereni evenia Will
gatiizations ara stringing hKalnst the md chi(hTn Mrs. Lltla nwl( m,d will be , made next week. Miss be contested under the rules o f dis-
1,1 M Bt. Vl- tin loivsitaa aunuviivji
Tsrlff en Heps Wanted.
i Cacrsmento. Csl. Without dissent
as ststs senate sdopted resolutions
vqueattug congress to Impose a pro
" ctlve Ufilt on hops.
Mrs. Ceo. Cross and Verva Blanche Drake, who has the affair in
nllimtlnn ,ol ni-n rv.
overwiioiuiioB '"', '. " duuirhter.
SZVm I Z 7nry evi-r Oris, Miss Uea Allen, Mr. and Mrs charge, win direct the school activ
greai lamuit . j pik0. Pv Hnnm.r nnd ities and will nlso have tho co-operat-
wani To give so After the hunt the .ion of the Civic and Etude, clubs. An the numbers will comprise playlets
China Famtue Fund," . .. party motored to the Columbia river all day. program with noon picnic and music.
In the evening at high school aud-
and ities and will nlso have tho co-operat- itorium a program will bo given, and
British Coal Strike 8rlous.
London. Signs pointed to the dis
pute between the coal miners and the
government drifting toward the most
serious Industrial crisis tn recent