The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 04, 1921, Image 4

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k Milk eutomra wanted.
cow. Harry Beatha. .
Mr. and Mr. A. Laron and Mia
Clanadin Laraon of Walla Walla,
Mr. and Mr. S. J. CulUy and Miae
Marina Culley wore dinner rwib
Sunday at tho G. DeGrew reeiJcnce.
J. C Turner, former Waaton farm
r, wa in town .from rendleton Sat
Mr. Jaa J
Kead raate ap from
rendleton Sunday for
visit with
That eterling aetreaa, Clara Kim
ball Young, will be aean al Memorial
hall, Weeton. next Tueaday evening
in "her aplandid new photo drama,
"Tha Forbidden Woman." Thia won
derfully laviah acraen drama, togeth
r. with rood comedy, will be put
on aa a benefit for Athena-Weaton
Poat, American Legion. -
Mr and Mr. John Maybarry re-
- - -tk r.
7 W&JT
Mr. E. E. Thornton, aitr of Mr,
F. C FrUpatrkk. haTing terminated
a Mveral weeka1 iait in We.ton. ra-
a aeverai week. in i we n,
tamed Saturday to her home ia
Jamee Aih worth to making axten-
aive iniDrovement ia hi Normal
HeighU property. A parking, with
cement curbing, extending along th
entirw front of hi holding, i under
construction. When roa time ar- clergyman of Baker. Oregon, and a
rive, th owner hope to hava candidate for the republican con
achieved ome artitic effcU in grewional nomination at the lat pn
indrM rardaninr. . mary, committed aukida by hanging
The J. A. Lumden mill i doing
quite an xteniv buiine with
farmer of neighboring district,
A carload of rolled barley waa hauled waa wU Known inrougnou mu ec
to Athena thia wek from th local tion aa an able pulpit orator,
mill for hipment to Carl McConnoU Mi Ermna Mclntyr pent th
and John Bantoter Jr. of Helix, each week end at tha home of her pa-
of whom also bought from Mr.
Lamaden a carload of baled alfalfa.
CoL F. G. Locas ia on tha street
again, after a serious illness with
pleurisy. ,
. E. T. Wicker haa moved hi shoe
repairing shop to hi residence
north Broad treet, tha Illness
Mr. Wicker requiring hia constant
presence at home. -
Harold Harder of Milton pent
Sunday with Stephen and Afton Mc-
Intyre at tha Mclntyr farm.
A policy in th Banker' Reserve
Life Insuranc Co. will take care of
your inheritance tax. Ceo. House,
A splendid entertainment was giv
en Friday evening by the Wild Horse
school, district No. 11, under tha di
rection of the teacher, Mrs, C S,
Pinkerton. The pupils bad been very
carefully trained for a prognaj pj
drills, songs, readings and music, an)
one of the patrons describe tha af
fair aa tha best achool entertainment
he ever attended. Mis. Simp.
ton was present from Pendleton, and
selections. A pie social followed th.
exercises, with Tim ' MeBride func-
tioning ably aa auctioneer. The sum
of 119.45 was realized for athletic
Mr. and Mrs. Sid McLean and lit
tle daughter of Dry creek, Mr. and
Mrs. George Phillips and Mr, Gunn
' of State Line, motored over last Fri-
day and were dinner guest at tha
1 home of Mr. and Mrs. J, M Arh
WOrth. ' 1 v.-
S. M. Thomaa of Coeur d'Alene,
' Idaho, is a gaest this week at tha
home of his sister, Mrs. J. L. Sow
land. ,
At the W.' L. Smock farm residence
on Reed and Hawley mountain Sat
urday evening a farewell party was
given to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Haney,
prior to their departure for their
ranch on LaMar gulch. A most en
joyable time was had with music and
dancing, and a bountiful supper was
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gordon were
visiting in Weston yesterday from
their farm near Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Hey Winn left yes
terday for Mr. Winn's ranch near
Winona, Wash., where they will re
side during the summer.
R. V. Jones, senior member of the
firm of Jones k Jones, returned yes
terday from Los Angeles.
To better facilitate tha hardsurfac
ing of the five mile gap in the Weston
Milton section of the State Highway,
tha Warren Construction company ia
moving ita hot stuff plant from Athe
na to Blue Mountain station, this
week. A force of men has been
gaged in dismantling the plant here ,
and the removal of the
has beeg made on truck.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wurzer . were vis
iting in Walla Walla Monday.
Gail Williams came over '; front
Whitman College Saturday to re
late to his parents some of the lat
est pranks of hia classmates. '
Signal honors were won by Gilbert
S. Coffin, who. was born in Weston,
in the national bank examining ser
vice. Mr. Coffin attained a mark of
87.4, which i approximately live
points above the average, in passing
a recent examination for the position
of national bank examiner. He is
lea. than 34 year old, and U a ton
of th Uu F. H. Coffin, forro.r W-
tun merchant and Utr a prominent
grain broker of Portland, and Ida M
Coffin, a daughter of Mr. U E. Sal
in of Ihie tif. Ii had hia eehool
ing in hia profeeeioa In I ha United
Elate National Bank of Portland.
Mr. Coffin ia at preaant in Now York
Walton Mountain .pud art rain
a rvpuUtion abroad aa a good
PcUto. A .umber of mountain
grower are arranging to snip two
- carload Into the Yakima
- which will be ued
ed entirely for seed, placa where ll objection and axcep
ain ;, f . h. tna to tha aaid flnai account and re
. . . . , port will be beard and a aettlement of
and are getting
Weaton. Thvae potato are aelcctcd
Netted Gem. Witl Hall ia hipping
16 ton, and among tha other hip
pen are E. E. Tucker, C. W. Met.
Gu Olaon, Roy Hyatt and Charlea
L. May.
Tha juvenik team of tha Weaton
and Pendleton lodgea of th Pythian
order met in an exceedingly interest-
ing contest in third rank work Mon-
day evening. Th affair came off in
PendUton, and brought a large at-
Undanca from all part of the Py-
tkian rtl.trlrL Tha work i reoorted
to been -plendidly don. by both
team, Pendleton winning th con-
teat by the ecant margin of three
points. RefrwhmenU were Mn-ed
p Pendleton knight
by tnt .no eion
W!?fcU, y2i . L
and Mr. M. A. Phmney. uUmd
a rraciur aiuru7 m uh
abov th ankle joint
A fall occa-
moned til injury.
Rev. Owen F. Jone. EpiKopal
a few day ago in a Portland ana-
Urium. Despondency due to ill
health ccaioned hi act Mr. Jone
ernts, Mr, ana Air, a. j. Aiciniyre.
Mr. and Mr. O. A. Adam ar
moving into the president' cottage
on the achool grounds. Tha cotUg
they are vacating on north Water
atreet will be occupied by the own-
er. Mr.' and Mr. Harry Shick.
Mr. A. M. Roe and ion Neil were
in Walla Walla Sunday, vuiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, R.
J- S. Lieuallen left Monday for
Hot Lake to Uki a coara of treat-
went at the sanatanum.
A on was born Sunday to Mr. and
Mr- C1"1 c- Nelson at their home in
romeroy, nasn.
Pleasinc Piano Kedtal
Mlsi Panlina Bayborn, a talented
jropil in the piano classes of Mrs.
Lilian Fredericks, was presented
recital at the Fredericks home, Sun
day afternoon. Mis Rayborn, who
has not yet completed two years of
good interpretation and very plea-
ing touch. The following program
number wer" nvn nt,re" from
Voices on the Water (Elret.)
Flower Dream (Eysen.)
Black Hawk Waltz (Walsh.)
By the Spring (Gurlitt)
Shepherd' Dream (Heins.)
Merry Farmer (Schumann.)
' Etude (Concone.)
Woodland Echoes (Wyman.)
Star of Hope (Kennedy.)
. rl
, Petit Galop (Forster.)
, Scarf Dance (Cbaminade.)
' Fallling Waters (Truax.)
During the social hour Miss Ray
born was enthusiastically compli
mented on her work. A dainty lunch
was served by Mrs. Fredericks, the
coffee and tea urns being presided
over by Misses Pauline Rayborn and
Emma Thoeny. Among those pres
ent to share in the pleasures of tha
occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Rayborn, Mesdames Achilles, Chapin,
Wurzer, Anna Anderson, Rowland,
Bulfinch, DuPuis; Misses Emma
Thoeny, Minnie Chapin, Winnie York,
Irene Anderson, Frances Davis and
.Mildred Harbour.
i : ' .
Thieves Brea'f In and Steal
The Liberty Auto Co.'s garage
Weston, conducted by O. A. Adams,
was burglarized Sunday night. The
front door was forced open and the
small office safe dynamited after a
hole had been drilled in the door,
which was completely wrecked, Tha
safe was moved by the burglars into
the ladies' waiting room, evidently
with the idea that they could work
en-t4hj ifu ,i,
.4ion 0nl t. . ; - . . ft
jn the Mfe amJ theM burgj8rg
' disdained ta take, although they got
"away with about $5.00 in change left
in the office cash register. Lyle
Webb's Ford car was standing . in
the front part of the garage and this
the thieves evidently tried to steal
for the purpose of making a quick
get away, as the lock was found to
be broken. Foreman Nelson's
epeeder was found next day to be
missing from the O-W. station, and
it is inferred that th burglar used
this a a convenient mean of lo
comotion. No trace has been found
of them, according to last reports. '
notice or nm accouht.
,n (h- Cxxirt of tho SUU of
Oregon for Umatilla County,
In tha Mattar of tha Eatata of Danlal
A. May, Docaaaed. .
Noticb ia NSRtay oivbn to all par
aona whom It may concern inai lua u
May. edmtniatratrix of tha aatata of
Daniel A. May. deceeeed, haa filed her
Anal account and report in tha admin-
titration of tha aaUta; that tha l-ounty
Judge, by order duly made ami entered.
h" lTXL?5 E SlZl
in ,h fnoon aa tha tima and tha
rttuni nurthouaa at laiHliaun aa ma
place wnera an oojocwone ana excep-
J .
the eetata made.
Dated thia th Sd da
Ida L. May.
Peterson, Bi.hop A Clark,
Attorn; for Administratrix.
Ia ilia flaunt tttmri of the Mate oi
ore for VmaUll County.
j th Matter of th Eatata of Mary E.
Enghth, becaaead.
Notici ta hrrbbt citbn to all par-
aona whom it may concern that Jacob
concern that Jacob
Jf ftPfe SgSSZSX
hl fln, tctmlnt nj report in the ad-
miniatratkm of tha aetata: that tha
County Judg. by order dulf mad and
Lt5r!d' It Trty
22nd d.y of M.rch. 1921. at tha hour of
foranoon aa the ima
nd th county caurthoua iat dlton
" ") -.
axceDUona to aaid final account and
report will be heard and a aettlement
of tha aatata made.
Dated thia tha 18th day of February,
A. D. 1921. Jacob Z. Kngluk. ,
Pbtbrson, Bianop A Clark,
Attorney for Admr.
Kellogg ever bearing .trawberry
piantt at per hundred. C. W.
rs raw.
Caah for chicken. J. R.
$11 f 11
(No, 106)
Th Farmer' Bank of Weatonl at Woo
ton, in th Stat of Orison, at tha
eloe of buma r.bruary 21, 1921:
Loana and dlicounta 1212,183 95
Overdraft, secured and un-
aacurad , ,
Bond, mnt warranU....
Hank Ina house
485 64
13,073 78
3.500 00
1,000 00
16.022 93
Kurnitur and fixture...
Other real eetate owned
2.7M M
MO 00
6,181 II
checks and other caah items
... u k.j
wimm wii !
other reeourcoa ....
. 11,906 68
.I3M.M7 M
Capital tock paid in..
, SO, 000 00
.. 16.000 00
jsurpiu. runa.
vlded prnnte. lea x-
Dne and taxea paid ..... 11.676 89
Due to bank and banker ... 8,083 98
individual depoaita subject
to check .T 96.904 87
Demand certificate of de
posit t!W9 96
Tim and Saving depoaita 66,624 60
Notea and billa rediacounted 11.908 68
Bill payabl for money bor
rowed .. 89.600 00
Other l.abiliUaa 900 IS
Total i7 68
sul4 0f Oregon. I
County of Umatilla, ( M'
i, E. M. Smith. Canhler of the
abova-named bank, do aolemnly (wear
th.t th above .tatemant i tru to th
be.t of my k no. ledge and belief.
' e. M. SailTit, Cahiar.
J. H. Prick,
U. W. Staoo.
Subacribed and sworn to before me
this 26th day of February, 1921.
C L. Pinkrrton,
(Sbal) Notary Public.
(My eommiaakm expire Men. 4, 1M4.)
Good aeeond-hand piano for $180
$S0 cah, balance f 16 per month. In
Reynold, quira at thia office.
Our doors have been thrown open to the great
est bargain event ever held in Weston. Not one
article in this great stock packed or stored away or
marked up to meet our extremely, low prices for
this sale.
All goods reduced, marked in plain figures and
just as advertised. The time is now, the place you
know. Let nothing keep you away. Inspect our
stock. The sale is general. The puny prices will
tempt you to even borrow money and come for a
new, fresh load. .
This sale ia prompted by the necessity of raising a large sumjof money.
The conditions for the past four months occasioned by the slump in the price
of grain and other commodities, has so retarded business and collections that
we have been unable to meet our obligations. ,
Every Day Unfolds LT8iv Bargains
We must raise $15,485.17. , We are willing. to sacrifice and sacrifice
' heavily that we may pay our own bills. Many of the items we cannot replace
for one-third more than we are asking, but we mustThave the money and will
continue these prices until the above amount is raised.
Westoo Merc'iitile Co.
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
International Stock
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfceds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scrape and Fgg Mash.
J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor
P. T. Harbour
Be ted