The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 25, 1921, Image 1

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7 Did It With My LltlUt Hatchet
Ktreet Improvement in Athena and
tho closing of the Weston-Milton gap
on the Wato highway with hardsur-
Number to Be Admitted Re- ' f "r,y
data. It li expected also that Wes
dUCed tO 3 Per Cent Of ton'a Main atreet will ba paved.
Thaa lira a ilu Uaa March 7th tha Athena eounrll will
Those Alreedy Here. cpn bld. for lmprov(njt ,n(1
-"---- Ing tlx blocks. Thla Improvement In-
Waaclngton, P. C A drastic ma eludes flva blocka on Fifth street,
lira against Immigration during Ibt from tho Intersection of Fifth and
next year waa adopted by ba enale, Main, north to Lincoln street, and
wblrb. by II to I, psssad tho Dllllng- ona block on Currant street, ba
bam Immigration reetrlrilon bill. Tb tween Second and Third atreeta.
bill, It la estlm.ted, would Unit I mm I- Also, contemplated Improvement in
rsnls during (ha next year lo slightly cludia the scarifying and rolling1 tha
mora th.s 355,000. maradant portions of Third and
Tba bill waa adopted aa a substitute Fourth streets, and macadamizing of
for iba Johnson bill passed by tha Fifth atreet north from Lincoln atreet
bouaa. to tha O.-W.R. k N. track.
Before paailag Iba aubttltuta tba The Warren Comtructlon company,
sensta defeated. 1 lo II. a motion to contractor! for SUU highway con
adopt the Johnson bill. struclion, hava begun preparation!
Tha I percent etandard af tba bill, for beginning apring work on tha
according lo commute etlmatee. closing of tha gap left last fall on
woul permit Iba following number the Weaton-Milton aection. The com-
of Immigrants during iba nut year lsny now getting out rock for this p- CD Q M
aftar Iba bill beconif. a law; work, the quary being located on tha
liolglum Mil. Denmark 6441. France Corey-Bam. place, a half mile wait or
mi. n.rh,.nr ft o. 11.151. Blue Mountain station
More than hundred delegates at
tended tha meeting of tha Umatilla
Rapldi Power Site aaaociation, at
Walla Walla, Saturday, when perma-
nent organization waa effected, with U AnfiOUflCel Of KM WM
Will Advise KiW'Ad-minlstratloiL
Gilbert W. Phelps of Pendleton, pres
ident of tha aaaociation.
Prominent men from Oregon and
Washington, representing tha Icgia-
latures and commercial interests of ....
of both states were present and all - Augustine. ria.-PTe.ld.nt-.laet
were heartily in favor of the project -ta nK toUUT T
Representative, were in attendance cU,oa H to U ctbla
from Portland, Spokane. Pendleton, "nlM l-tl---
HermisUm, Stanneld, Echo. Board man " W compoaad of UM
Scattle, Helix, Yakima, Wenatchee, mea:
Paaco, Kennewick, WaiUburg. Day- Secretary of state, Charles Kvaa.
ton, Walla Walla. Athena waa repre- Hughee of New York, ex governor,
aented by F. 8. La Grow, W. R. Tay- Justice of the supreme court, aad co
lor, Oscar Cutler and Don Moore; publican nominee for tba presidency.
Weston by Mayor Nelson 1L Jones. Secretary of tba treasury. Andrew
President C. W. Phelps briefly out- W. Mellon of Pennsylvania, banker
lined the possibilities of the tremend- and financier.
oua power now lying latent at Urns- Secretary of war, John W. Weeks of
tilla Rapids. H. A. Rands, reclama- Massachusetts, ex-senator.
tion engineer of Portland, atated that Attorney-general, Harry K. Daagh-
r- r- U (T il l S58.000 acres of arid landa could be erty of 0hi0( WBO m.agad Mr. Hard-
W V Cn ini li I L.U. watered, atmospheric nitrogen, power ,ng.f pre-eonvnUon campalga.
S for domestic and industrial uses and Po.tmaster-eneraL Will H. Hare
Mrs. D. Scott Fiaher la recovering ,tion of business-house owners, who 'or transportation lines would accrue of Indlana chairman of tba republican
B-lu.rUn7l74. u2 JXgVm TT- Tho company la planning to begin after a very aerfou. Mines, with tonsi. now feel immune from high water rom the developmentof tha rapids. Mtkm colnmlttee.
EPJZ?Stt. hardsurflng by tha nrst of April, litis. . .Uge, owing to improvement of side- Secretary of U. .
Tha' mJS2Z Xn dTbl. ahTfU of ".11 Mr. and Mr.. Ernest Chandler hava .tre"eU. which afford outlet, for ex- Project activitie. addressed the meet
ina maximum numwr esumaien i-a -..i ,,- .hi-h nrnwrlv ing.
from northern and southern Europe " ""W1 IB"'" w m' . T 7 . : . V . . ' ""t s
'". "" VT i..u- .1. t k ...i. is Th. -orth of lnm to reside, while Mr. flowed almoat exclusively through the POane waa wiecieo aa ue nexi
. . ..... .. , one.half miles, and when finished a cart "Engaged By Wednesday, a. play- "
VT nM. ' it sti hardsurfaced highway between Tend- Mr. and Mra. S. A. Damea of We ad by pupil, of Um.pine high school
1T.I nnum.nla l.T. ttua.1. It Hi nnrasunaceu mnin)f
Spain lJ. Turkey In Europe 117. Tur. -nJ W"U W,1U wi 1)0 m1
key In Asia 1795. or 153.HI from Ibat
district. 1
Tba eenate bill provldse tbsl it shall Weather Capers.
navy, Edwin Denby
of Michigan, ex member of congress.
Secretary of tha Interior, Albert A.
Fall of New Mexico, now a senator.
Secretary of agriculture, Henry Wal
lace of Iowa, editor of farm publica
tions. Secretary of commerce, Herbert
ton, were dinner guests Sunday at tha at the Auditorium last night, waa OrCgOU fleWS ROitS
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hemes. well received by the audience. A week formally was cloaed Hoover of California, ex-food admin
Mrs. B. B. Richard, visited Satur- number of the parts were well taken, wlti, , blf atreot demonstration In fatrator.
day in Walla Walla, with her tiater, the characters being .usUined to a ponuni. Prunea were served from Secretary of tabor. Jamea X Da via
Mm. f fY Whifjsman. nnlnfc thmt trmvm aviinrA of the cftst . & nu.t.. i. a tin.i, i-.
HA rtHalniay cai Maat4 ( n ar ran. a I I l-a. al 91 v" 1 ' BrTJl J HCIU gUlCnen UD lOO lirm U U rruilBJ I USA MfS lUIHVlaH UU-Uflt
atn? o7 mcrv.n. anv law or 4lfumU)r,n,nt th",''0n MiM AntM BrrCtt h" W" Cnfln' Wn Ven bUnced ' The the women", auxiliary of tha Span-.b, extoel worker, wbo ha. become tba
laaaf .. un .hVh Lh.d! ihl w X VT. , lo htf homt fhta with lUna toUW $544)0. forty per cent of Amerlc,n WM hlxhest official In the Moom fraUr-
traamsnt axlstlng wblcb forblda the h,.viwt .nowfall of tha aeaaon. and John Bothrock h.. returned from which goea to Athena high school. orlxlnatlna In the .boo of tba nlty. '
dmlsalon of any alien of any nation- tU, ground waa covered with a soft M. .., winr .0iourn ln c-lif. Th monvwlrawer at the Standard . "re orilnt'n "nop.of u' B,v'
aJlir or ceoaranhlral boundary." ,hUa kUnk.t ( ai t atirht inrh. . -u... . . u.t .v Doner plant or tno v. uiametia iron at
- . --....... nia. ineaire wii vappea ior wiiai. vuaiiKs
Tbl. .. Interpreted lo mean Iremy , deep. Tuesday, a "chlnook" ar- Mrl. j0j,n Bani.Ur Jr. and little it conUined Sunday, while the .how
provision, covering the aubjeet of lov rived and caused tha enow to disap- daughter 0f Helix were visiting rel- house wa. unlocked for the janitor
migration with Cblna and Japan ,ar aa thongh by magic. Wednea- ,tjvM ,nd frienda in Athena, Wed- to .weep out. The till conUined one
would not be affected by tba moaeure. day morning, warm spring sunshine newi.y. dollar, mostly in penniea, and the
: WM ending golden invitation, to Th9 vnrelinUc meeting, in pro-. "burglar" made a clean aweep of
our fortunate loin to oomo out and grtu at tho Bapti.t church are being these,
view the beautie. of an awakening well ,ttendcd and are increasing in
Steel worka in Portland, gutted tha
piling foundation and floor
plant, with damage estimated
tween 150.000 and $10,000.
In a recall election held In Polk
county in wbich the road policy of A.
B. Robinson, county Judge, was assail-
at bo-
Oregon Hews Notes
Ed Sebasky write, that much snow
haa fallen in Montana, at tha La
Crow stock ranch near Philipsburg,
Athena Defeat. Weston.
After the indifferent showing made
by the Athena High school boy. team
Mrs. Virgil Willaby and Mrs. Wal
ter motored to Milton
Olympla. Waab. Tha legislature M rabblta on exhibition, tho wh,re h, WM voting,
will ba requested to vast In dov.rnor "lul now "re0D orm,"a
Hart absolute sower of sutiervlslon the Nations! Breeders' and Fanclera
over Iba devaatated area of iba Olym- oclatlon waa held In Portland last sU of Dr and Mrs- Newsom
pic peninsula for tha next two year. week. kcC jteckner, who waa taken to
and lo place at hi. disposal an ada- Th' Southern Pacific company baa Wall ,Mt WW,K by Dr. Smith
quale appropriation lo expend a. ha nnnouneed that until further notice tba ig portd Improving, without the
deems advisable in handling lha sllua- Kaiurnay niitnt special irain irem nw.eMity 0f a surgical operation
Washington. D. C Equal orrortunt-
ed. Judge Hoblnson received a a ua for eitbiena of afl allied nd aaao
Jority over J. F. Ulrich. a farmer of ciatd4 power., whether members of
Alrlle, of approximately 1000 votea. y,, IeMue of BaUoB, or not, to former
The Astoria Chamber of Commerce enemy terrltorlea to bo administered
.... ta. ia.Ai.1 1 " - vucuit o a uui tvm w w uoiiuig-ivtuii
at Helix week before last the local ...!,. week. fOii0Win. K. ,v. ..
. . TT - ) j ' w mv auicw v aauavaava huvivi aaisasa-
basket shooters came back frit-ay 9hm M.i.iun ft PrfiiHnt: Sanhnrn t. im.iB4 i- - ji-
IlQ fllrl. V . , . . . . nr B uatiusa aa iubuicv u pvtA ui m uv U.iaV-
yesterday, to laTt and eht other membe,. of th. execn. p.tch., by the .Uf decent to tho
tion created by tha recent lornido.
Iteeolutlon. to this affect were
.adopted at tho conference of mora
than SO representatives of various In
terests sailed by Iba governor to con
sider relief measures.
That tba problem of establishing ef
fective protection against fire has
ard la of first Importance, with tha
Question of salvaging the down tim
ber of secondary consideration, waa
otn high achool with the comfort
able margin of 32-28. But they had
no snap in winning, at that.
The Athena team had the game an
chored in the home pond in the first
half, which closed in their favor by
Wendllng to Eugene will bo dlseon-
The Lebanon Kloctrlo Light com- of cwci in fina condiUo( having "?r work' pIcnty of 'ouK n eVer
- a . a. a l-.t laL. tlliniT.
panj naa niea an appucnuon wun wintered on chopped alfalfa hay
W . ... x J a. lJ
Hwy gsmu gcumg .or Mon of lfl e 8piced fast
me innioinK scanon. iuh i unu
Weston came back strong in the
the public service commission ssklng ch.rlci ,nd Will Smith, brothers - "" -
. tnr in 12- i- - 1... TV .u:. second half-strong enoueh to gam-
fa at as I at a m I It asuAal 'iff alkrwia lfl a r . t ' I a l A iL.'.
ilZZZ 01 . ' . T . rl. 22 pointa, while the locals dupli-
.r," n .... h.R "'te cated their first half total. 16. The
z::i :: :::: :;' . hM wa. a hustling .csion
town of ,ftcr havinir once enjoyed its .alub- cvcrybody concerned. Tho rooter. The to eight feet at Cornucopia
discovered near the old
Ucoltaburg. Oil la ooxing from the ,ou. climate. Charlca at one time
ground for over 300 yard, along tho w employed on the Ro, Cannon ,2. near there.
tive board, aa tho result of a con- league council at Parle.
troTersy over purse seine legislation. That note waa coached In firm laa-
Burcham Bros., who have the con- guage. Mr. Colby took Issue with
tract for diking the Rainier diking tho British position that mandate
project commenced work last week, agreement, aad treaties were to bo
The right of way ha. been cleared, so considered only by member, of tba
there will be no further delay in the league, and declared tba thai United
work. Tho project aontain. 1300 state, aa a contributor to tba victory
acre. , In the war could not consider "any
The Catholic church at Cornucopia, of the associated power, debarred .
mining xamp 13 mile, from Halt- . . . from participation In the rights
way, waa totally destroyed last Sun- and privileges secured tinder tho i
day by the weight of .now upon it datea."
on the sidelines tossed away the lid. "d 15 feet deep in the mountain.
....... A a a in t V . T
Ik. opinion of practlcAliy ... of tba M ' ranc .a w, worxeu zor nenry OBr- ry yelu
lapreseniativea at mo conference. -" and 'twas a g-l-o-r-Iou. ending.
rrom the reoort of ststa land da- B ix-r cent of tha Umatilla county M, ami Mr. c. t Eairer. Mis.
partment Und Commissioner rln proP nM now bwn ,0,d- Trancia WUliama and W. E. Bennett
Bsvidge .tated that only 2 per cent haa been eon.lderablo selling since motored t0 pcndlcton to see the per
of the tree, bad boon blown down. flr,t of Juary. formanco of "Robin Hood" which wa.
Acting Secretary of Agriculture Ball Acceptance of German Sonde for Debt
ha. Informed Representative Hawley . Suggested By Wllaon.
that the federal government has no Washington, D. C Prealdent Wll-
Johnson is Checker Champion. available funds with which to con- on cleared his desk of another matter
Alf. Johnson'. Athena friend, will ?uct lU5?J tJ ". the Pari. pc eon-
. . . , 1: .v i I jjio.oicui ui nvi rerenca oy aenaing to congresa copy
According to Commissioner S.vldge. one no Np no . declared by all who attended the op- Untan- KIama,h coun,y- t an agreement which be and tho
report lha .t.f I. th. ha.vle.t holder "wntry infwted with .c.b ac- cr8, Wng . very crcdiUblo pro- 'rem the .all. Umon. m flfe
of timber In th. alorm territory, own- wording to word rec.Wed at Bend by duct0. All tte champ, and near chnn p. destroyed the ware into Jun. 11. 1919. and under which th.
Ing 142,000 acrea, or mora than 200
square miles of valuable timber.
Dr. Parsons, United Btatea bureau of
animal Industry expert.
Mra. Sherman and daughter Maude,
will arrive home next week, from
A li Johnson "wallon" K D Lamb noue ot tD9 p,lot Roclt Elevator com- signatories bound themselves to roe-
IHuij, vi luwuuiw u.iiu, u Qmmeafi accepuiice oe uermaa vonua
rhnolcpr irames scheduled yesterday ,ea 10 ,ne P08"" 01 nwmra m ' ru Payment or loans made to Bel-
,... V . w ll arrive nome next wees, irom . r..tM, ni.n in th Pny. waa of incendiary origin, nas c
Approximately 500 bu.lne.. men of r.,ifnmi.. whcr. thcv Bnent the win- hmP'on Este.rn. ?r!gon Z to the of a r.w.rd of 1
sans.- it ... ...U a .1.1.. r " ahAlrnr- rrBmna gtr nann inn vaiUirnav ar
UNDIS CASE CONSIDERED 7.". tor. They .-.returning to Port and Vth. club rooms. I"00 for the arrest and conviction gium prior to tho armlstlca.
th. new city auto camp ground, west y Kfn r .' The final score wa. Johnson six of the man responsime. The agreement and recommonda-
.-,-,! ZSl '"iiIi. r'Ju.!; Goorgo B. Woodward came a. far a. . . . win(S ... . A toUl of 16,039.048 pounds of wool tion. wera read ln congre.. without
Redding in their automobile, .hipping By yestcrday'g game Mr. Johnson can was produced In Oregon during th. comment -
tho car from that point , hereafter be dubbed the champion of yer 1919, according to census tati- The executive made no explanation
The body of June Gaston, a three- aatern Washington, a title ho will tics, Thla i. a decrease, a. compared a. to why tho agreement had not beet
year-old child who wa. sent to tho -,rnKhl have to defend ouite often as with the 18.841,863 pound, produced submitted earlier, except to aay that
tuberculosis sanitarium at Salem by the ame s becoming exceedingly In Oregon during the year 1909, tha the reparations commission "hs. not
Right to Assume B.seb.H Job Qu.a
tlon.d In Congress. .
'W.ahingtOQ, D. C Right of a fed
rsl Judge to outside employ
ment while on th. bench wn. sharply
questioned by membor. of th. house
Judiciary committee ln considering Im
peachment charges 'against Judge
of The Dalles, on Washington's birth
The biggest .till aver conflicted by
the police wa. taken from tho homo,
of Edward Berry, In Portland. Tho .till
turn out 85 gallon, of tlnl.hed whisky the Umatil,a County Red Cross and p-pr ar0und the club rooms and year of tho preceding census. a. yet finally determined the detail.
. , .V who died Wednesday, will be buried new blood l8 constantly being de- Penitentiary official, have ent out ot the Issuanc. of tba necessary bonda
Tha Smvihe-Lonertan company today by the ,ide ' iu ther in veloped. formal invitatlona for the execution by the German government" Ro add-
After Representative Welly, demo- plin, comprigng M ice plant lea Athena cemetery, ino lamuy reswea xhe score wa. quite exciting to the of George Howard, who 1. under cen- ed that tho agreement was not enj-
cr.t. Ohio, had outlined ground, on cream factory, creamery .nd cold ,n Adams' ' checker player, who crowded around tence to dl. Friday, February 25. bodied In th. treaty ot Voraalllas "for
which ha ..ked for Impeachment be- .,iu,i.. ' aamvii hv f tr Mr. and Mrs. George Banister ar- the table where the two were playing Howard wa. convicted January 23, varlou. reMon.
.. - iSCllllies, was aaairoyea vj ... . , t ti..l. r.i:. .. j . k! v t ... a.. -. - . r .
cause oi ina juuge s vi,ouv a year Pendleton, With a los. estimated .t lvcu ' m, aim meio w-o uik wuvus vx wre... , iw i - uimucr v. ucvi.c -v.
contr.ct a. arbiter of organised base- 175 -00
fornia, last Friday morning. They re during the entire game. The first Sweeney in Malheur county on Sep- Representative Hawley ba. mado ar-
ball, member, in.l.ted th.t th. com- h. i,i..- r A.h an iinn ika port the condition of Mr. Hugh Me- game went to a draw but Johnson tember 14. 1920. rangements with th. United State.
mltteo .hould go thoroughly Into the gection of Douglaa county have voted Arthur no b-ttor. With Mr.. Me- lead throughout during the next 11 At a luncheon ln Heppner about 40 civil service commi.slon to bold corn
ea... It will be left for th. commit- a .pe-i,! road tax for the purpoae of Arthur, ho has been over from Bur- to complete the series. business and professional men heard pe-tlttve examinations for candidate.
tea, composed ot lawyers, to decide ouudig road from their neigh- bank, .Uying with relatives at Long . an appeal In behalf ot th. famine suf- for appointment aa midshipman at tha
whether there 1. sufficient grounds to rtiood to connect with the P.clfto Be,ch nd w,s luit 1,1 while thepe- Badly Washed Fields. ferers in China, Morrow county', quota n.val at Annapolia. The ex-
Justify presentation ot tho o.s. to i n,i,wsy. Hostesses for a most plaesant Farmers hereabouts are hopeful Is fixed at $3400 and by unanimous amlnatlon. will bo held at Corvallla,
th. house. qvQ new chea.e factories bav. been afternoon and interesting program on that the succession of snows, rains vote of those present It waa decided McMinnville and Marehtleld on Satu
" added to th. .trlng ot factorle. owned Tuesday, were the members of the and thaws is over, and that spring to make up that amount in wheat to day, March 12.
Crop production' in "tn. sviusmeu. and operated by th. Oregon Dairy' local W. C. T. U. The affair wa. held gUnshine will impart a new aspect to be sent to China. A naval radio compass bearing sta-
valley could ba doubled by the uso men's Co-operative league. On. of the In tho reception room of th. Chn.- the landscape. Neve- have fields Portland', annual .prlng "clean-up tion will bo in operation at tho mouth
of Irrigation, gcoordlng to C. L. Smith, new factorle. I. at Oa.ton and tho t'n been .0 badly washed in thi. neigh- week" may be held earlier in the sea- of th. Columbia river within the next
agriculturist for the Union Paclflp other at Amity. A warm rain Tuesday night, took borhood. They are traversed with aon this year than heretofore. Appli- week and vessel, hundred, ot mile. Mf. 8mitb estimate, thst tho Propos.l to bond The Dalle, for th. .now off in a hurry, with the re- numerous ditches, ranging from a cation has been made to Mayor Baker from tha mouth of tho local harbor
average cost of putting w.ter on tho 1325,000 for construction ot a storage suit that number of streets in Ath- few inches to more than two feet in by tho unemployment , committee ot will then bo able to learn their exact
land of th. Willamette r.lley would ' ro.ervolr .nd d.m .cross Mill creek na carried water at flood stage for depth. Considerable plowing and tho American Legion to proclaim tho positions during tho thickest togs and
range from $10 to $25 an acre. Thla to lncreaao the city's water aupply will several hours. No damage whatev- spring-toothing will be necessary to occasion In the near future, so as to heaviest gales. Tho navy departmant
cost, bo declsres. could bo taken csro bs submitted to tha voters at a apeolal er resulted. Downtown ba&ementa put the sowed fields in shape to be provide odd Jobs for tha unemployed of has Just completed tba now station at
of by .ingl. crop. election March 1. , remained dry, much to the satisfac- harvested in the fall. the city. Fort 8tevens.