The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 18, 1921, Image 4

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Cash (or ehkkeae. J. R. Reynolde.
Mr. and Mr. Clyde Staggt and lit
tk daughter of Ferndale were Sun
day guesta d the J, M. Ash worths.
Miss Jessie Davla, accompanied by
Miss Mary Yox. spent tho wk and
with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. DavU un
north Water street
Special eervices are announced for
each avtning of naxt week at the U.
B. Church, beginning Sunday evening.
Preaching by the pastor.
Milk customer wanted. Jersey
cow. Marry Bcathe.
A moat interesting featura of tha
conference at tha M. E. Church.
South, was tha abla aarmon Wednee
day evening by Bishop D Boae, A
pacial eong eervke waa enjoyed.
-Th Soul of You" la tha titla of
splendid aaven-raal aupar epeciel to
be acreened at Memorial hall next
Tuesday evening , Feb. 32, for the ben
efit of tha Weston school, Judga
Lindaey and his Juvenile court are
featured. "Captain Kidd and Hia
Kids" U tha comedy offering.
Tha Bachelor CirU met with Miaa
Vira Morrison Wednesday evening
and were very pleasantly entertained.
Superstition waa braved by a tweet
list of thirteen. . Cards, music and
fancy work were tha diversions of the
evening, and a two-course luncheon
waa served.
Sea me for pure-bred Holstein,
Jersey. Poll Angus. Durham and
Guernsey calves. C E. HalL
One of the most pleasant social
events of last week was the dinner
given Saturday evening at tha coun
try heme of Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'
Harra in honor of tha birthday anni
versaries of Mrs. M. W. Pedersen,
Mrs. Albert O'Harra and Mra. P. C.
McCauslin. A period of lively con
versation and congratulation waa
. folowed by the presentation to tha
honor guests of gifts in variety and
profusion. The guests were then
seated at tables made attractive with
spring flowers, candles and heart
shaped place cards, and partook of a
delicious four-course dinner. - A
charming featura of the feast" was
the tiny individual birthday cakes,
topped with candles, placed at each
cover. Those bidden to share in the
hospiUlity extended were: Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. Pedersen. Mr. and Mrs.
P. C. McCauslin, Mr. and Mrs. Gif
ford Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Newton O'Har
ra, Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Harra,
and George Ott
Lost On south Water street,
jeweled comb. Kindly return to Mrs.
J. E. SUnfield.
A most delightful social evening
was given Monday by Stephanie Tem
ple, Pythian Sisters, at its castle
hall. An elaborate banquet was fol
lowed by diverting pastimes.
Iven O'Barra has been kept at
home part of the week by illness.
Athena-Weston -Post, American
Legion, is sending out invitations for
a dance at Weston, tomorrow evening.
Mr. and Mr. G: W. Proebstel, Jr.,
were up from the Thompson ranch
near Pendleton Monday evening and
attended ' the social of tha Pythian
Miss Wilms Harbour, who. is at
tending the Cheney, Wash.," Normal,
is much pleased with her work and
surroundings there and is catering
into the spirit of school activities. A
recent number of the school paper
contained a clever little poem by
Miss Harbour in praise of the basket
ball team.
George Ott was host Saturday ev
ening for one of the jolly card and
dancing parties in which Pea Ridge
residents, take keen delight Time
passed swiftly and merrily until mid
night, when a delicious lunch was
served. The guest list included: Mr.
and Mrs. Ellsworth Woods, Mr. and
Mrs. G afford Osborne, Mr. and Mrs.
Newton O'Harrs, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Lumsden, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Mc
Causlin, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lundell,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Harrs, Mr.
and Mrs. Tim McBride, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon O'Harra, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
Pedersen; Misses Ruby Price, Vira
Morrison, Wavel O'Harra; Messrs.
Lyle Webb, George Blomgren and
Herman O'Harra.
J. C. Dearth, lata of Pendleton
and formerly from the east, arrived
this week preparatory to taking a
position with the Weston Mercantile
Company the first of ' March. Mr.
Dearth is accompanied by hia wife
and infant daughter and they have
secured apartments at ; the E. W.
Achilles residence. He is a salesman
of ability and experience in all de
partments of general merchandizing,
and specializes in window dressing
and card writing. Mr. Dearth pre
fers to locate in a small town; and
has found Weston and its leading
store very much to his liking.
Mrs. Hattie Wilsey motored to
Walla Walla Tuesday evening to at
tend the concert given by Anna Case,
famous grand opera star.
Wednesday afternoon the local li
brary circulated 100 books among its
Wkkk realties) Do Yea. Occupy la
Year Church?
Are you aa attender.or an abet
tor? A pillar or a sleeper?
A wing or a weight?
A power or a problem?
A promoter or a provoker?
A giver or a getter?
A worker or a worry?
X k.wtr nr a hnaiter?
A peacemaker or a strife creator?
A supporter or a sponger?
A soldier or a slacker?
A friend or a faultfinder?
A helper or a hindrance?
A possessor or a professor?
There with the goods or with an
Doce your pastor count on you or
count without you?
Every members should enlist to
make hia or her church one hundred
percent efficient
The church is necessary or unnec
essary. If necessary, then every member is
in duty bound to support it
Support it with presence, money
and work.
If the church is unnecessary, then
it should be put out of existence.
Are you willing to assume the re
sponsibility of no church in your
(By W. R. Storms, Chairman; M.
A. Phinney, secretary.)
Novel Club Party at the Flsk Home.
Mra. C. E. Fisk dispensed delight
ful hoepitality Monday evening when
she entertained at her spacious sub
urban home the Saturday Afternoon
club members and their husbands.
The house waa elaborately decorated
with evergreen ropea, hearts, cupida,
arrows and other emblems of the
Valentine season. Following a series
of novel contests, a Husbanda' Ex
hibit was staged, men of the party
constituting the entries. A commit
tee of judges after careful delibera
tion awarded prizes as follows:
Character, Richard Morrison.
. Most Fine Points, Ellsworth L.
Best All Around Husband, John F.
Most Elevated, C. E. Fisk.
Disposition, Claud Price.
Most Becoming Haberdashery, Hey
Good Looks, Rev. Mark A. Phin
ney. Most Entertaining Husband, J. A.
A moving picture scenario was then
filmed, embodying the following
scenes and characters:
Jack Spratt. M. W. Pedersen.
Mrs. Jack Spratt, Mrs. Iley Winn.
Portia, Mrs. M. A; Phinney.
Shylock, Ellsworth Woods.
Desdcmona, Mrs. C. E. Fisk.
Othello, John F. McNee.
Romeo, C. E. Fisk.
Juliet, Mrs. M. W. Pedersen.
A "Vamp" scene: Theda Bara,
Mrs. Ellsworth Woods; Her Victim,
Emory Staggs.
Antony, Rev. Mark A. Phinney.
Cleopatra, Mrs. J. A. Lumsden.
Popular vote awarded the prize to
the last named act
At midnight a delicious three
course supper was served, guests be
ing seated at tables carrying out the
valentine motif in all appointments.
Compliments are being showered
upon the committee in charge of the
affair, which consisted of Mesdames
Ellsworth Woods, J. A. Lumsden,
Iley Winn, Emory Staggs, Leon Lun
dell and M. W. Pedersen.
The Mystery As Yet Unsolved.
Mrs. Mabel Carmichael continues to
improve under treatment at, the home
of Dr. and Mra. Kennard, and is ex
pected will in due time recover from
the effects of the exposure resulting
from her singular experience on Dry
creek. Mrs. Carmichael is still una
ble to shed any definite light upon the
manner in which she reached Dry
creek, although she has a faint im
pression that she was brought by two
men in a car and put out somewhere
"in the dark," afterward finding her
self in flood water. She left Seattle
Monday of last week, while suffering
raging headache. The train was
crowded, and she was unable to get
a berth. She sat up in the chair ear,
and after passing North Yakima par
tially lost consciousness. She has a
hazy recollection of alighting at the
station in Walla Walla, but subse
quent events, until she encountered
the cold waters of Dry creek, are al
most a complete blank to her.
Louis Dowd Married.
Louis H. Dowd, formerly a lead
ing farmer of Weston mountain and
now of Washtucna, Washington, was
recently united in marriage to Mrs.
Jessie M. Wood of Whitehall, Wis
consin. Mrs. Wood is a sister of the
late Mrs. Dowd.
Mrs. I. E. Saling is reported to be
seriously ill at her home on north
Water street.
woex m mm trail
l alnlsked Macadam Base Tetala Uaa
Thaa Tarty MUce. States Alexander
the Booster For Geod Roads.
With ttretchea totaling under 40
mile yet unfinished, the road work
on the old Oregon Trial from Uma
tilla to Huntington, will be completed
by August tha first, is the statement
mad by A. F. Alexander of Up-to-the-Timea
Magatlne and well known
exponent of good roads building.
Mr. Alexander, who waa in town
yesterday, aaid that Wilson A Co.
has a force of fifteen men at work
on the Cabbage Hill-Kamela division
at present A ti foot macadam base
is being laid, of which the company
has five milea completed and eight
miles yet to finish, which will complete
their present contract, and which will
give a finished road from Pendleton
through the mountains to Kamela.
On the other aide of the divide, there
yet remain nine milea of unfinished
roadway betwen Kamela and La
Further on east, there are small
statches of unfinished road between
Hainee and Baker and between Baker
and Huntington. Including the Wea-ton-Milton
gap and a short stretch
near Arlington, Mr. Alexander places
the estimate at less than 40 milea of
road yet to be finished in the present
schedule of construction pertaining to
the old Oregon Trail and under su
pervision of the state commission, ex
clusive of the hardsurfacing.
Mr. Alexander is familiar with the
entire system of road development in
Eastern Oregon and Southeastern
Washington, and was one of the first,
supported by his Up-To-The-Time
Magatine. to go before the commie-
sion and advocate the selection of
the' Oregon Trial for permanent im
The National Board of Review has
given out its report, in which It gives
the forty best motion pictures pro
duced for the year J020. Of the 40
best pictures aa selected by tho Board
the little Standard theatre has screen
ed 14, aa will be found in the list
following. Two others. "The Devil's
Pass Key," and "The Mark of Zorro"
are scheduled for February 27 and
March 6th, respectively, and othera
are booked .
"Each picture, in a way peculiar to
itself, tells an effective story," says
the Board of Review. There has been
no attempt in the listing to analyse
the unusual qualities or defects of
these photoplaya. Tha following list
is arranged chronologically and not
in the order of Importance:
Mark of Zorro Devll'a Garden
Last of the Mohicans Sin That Was
Ills Girl of My Heart Way Down
East Godless Men Leopard Woman
Over the Hill Passion Deep
Waters Homespun Folks Earth
bound If I Were King Jack Knife
Man Something to Think About
Conrad in Quest of Ills Youth Tha
Great Redeemer The Soul of Youth
Dwelling Place of Light-Jes' Call
Me Jim Crooked Streets Invisible
Divorce Humoresque Fighting
Chance Devils Pass Key In the
Days of St Patrick Bottom of the
World Desert Love Toll Gate Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Down on tha
Farm Shore Acres Treasure Island
My Lady'a Garter Copperhead
Stronger Than Death Cup of Fury
Bloomln Angel Huckleberry Finn.
Laundry work done at home. Mra.
R. R. Riley. S. Broad street
We are agents for the DR.
ANCES. These are recognized by foot
' specialists as the most satisfactory
solution of foot troubles such as bro
ken arches, bunions, etc. They are
so adjusted as to fit comfortably in
the shoe, raising and correcting the
fallen arches to the right position,
equalizing the weight, supporting the
weak portion of the foot .and giving
absolute comfort to the wearer.
Thousands have found in these foot
appliances relief from the nagging,
painful effects of fallen arches and
kindred ailments.
, Much care is used in fitting
these arch supports and we ask that
you call at the store and investigate
Dr. Scholia appliances.
If you have foot trouble let us
suggest a remedy; the testimony of
our customers is that they would
not be without Dr. Scholls' arch
. supports.
WEST0I3 mmm com
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
International Stoclx
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, indud-
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
J. A. LUMSDEN ... Proprietor
P. T. Harbour
Ji .13
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