MORE LIGHT CHEAPER LIGHT BETTER LIGHT TUP COLEMAN AIR-O-LITE gives all the light you can use. It burns anywhere drafts do not afreet it. A child can move it in perfect wifety. You. always havo it where it is needed. It needs filling only onto a week -no chimneys to clean -no wicks to trim, no dirt, no grease, no odor. Gives 300 candle power light for less than one ccntan hour-clear soft light that makes reading a pleasure. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THE COLEMAN AIR-OOLITE Is the LIGHT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Complete Homo FurniHhing Department Store. 10-20 Aider St.. Wulla Wulla. Washington. 1m fjr ffl f'jr t yj jt ffJJ$jffifi fj J'l J ffi ffl fcHJij J,'ii V. Jti liiiUi HSi liSJii m " Jim tni Jmlnt ttu 'i Y 7 i BREVITIES (ExchangeYbur lmes for (tfause's Davis Weston, Oregon 1 1 WW 1 Do you know you can roll lOcts from one bag of Ilnve You Paid YOUR BLACKSMITH BILL? J. F. SNIDER GENUINE BULL'DURHAM TOBACCO Take Your Home Taper. Drs. A. D. & R. A. FRENCH OPTOMETRISTS rrtaca Optical Pailori 15 E. Main St.-Phone 653 Walla Walla, Wash. HMBBMMPBMWIIII'llliaili IIIIIIIIMMIBBBOMaagMWBBMMW X.XZO'OX.XIXTZIXS CONGOLHUMS IGHT in Quality, right in Price. Neat patterns that will add to the attractiveness of home or office. ..ROSS Furniture Store.. Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1 86 Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty oand Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company ' 1'n-tuct your wife and family In The llankara Kewrv. Life Insurance Co. Cm. Houae, Wei ton, Or.. Blevena Lodtfe No. 49, Knight of Pythlae, announces the free presen tatlon of the great pictorial drama, "Damon and Pythias," at Memorial hall the evening of February 21. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Crablll of Ath ena were visiting their daughters, Mm. Olln McKeron and Mr. Ray 0' llarra, in Weston Sunday. ' I'ody Dunran left Monday for Washtucna to pursue agricultural ac tivitlra on the holding, of Stagg. Hon a. While driving hi. rar from Weston to Milton Saturday, Jim Deamer dis covered that hi auto top waa ablaz. The flanira had worked their will to auch effect before Jim made the dis tressing discovery that all he 'could do waa to drive into the flooding waters of Pry rreek and thus prevent tho fire from reaching the body of the ma chine. Hud Heartier waa with him, and had Just been enjoying amoke. It l supposed that aparka from Dud'a pipe cauned the unuaual "conflagra- . tion." Repreaontativea of the Northwest ern Mutual company, Mr. Reynold of battle and Mr. Jonca of Walla Walla, were here during the week adjusting tho lone on Sim J. Cullcy'a combine, destroyed in the recent fire at the Culley ranch. The combino waa in aurvd for 12000, and waa the only ma chine lout in the fire for which insur ance had been written. Gazing at it, Mr. Reynold declared that he had never aeen more perfect wreck in hia life. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Banister, Mra. Carl McConnell and Wood row McCon-. nell returned Wednesday from Hot Lake aanatarium, where Mrs. Mc Connell and her aon had their tonsila removed. Mra. Edith G. Van Dcuscn of Pen dleton, home demonstration agent, hat set the afternoon of February 26 at 2:30 o'clock aa the time when she desires to meet all women of Weston vicinity, to talk over the organiza tion of a home bureau or comumnity club. The gathering will be held in Memorial hall. Hoy Lieuallen drove alowly down from Reed and Hawley mountain Monday and aaid he would like to take the county court for a ride (by no means a joy ride) on the Pine crock grade. He is confident the court would then order the proposed new route opened, out of sheer pity for the mountaineers. Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. H. Beamer re turned Monday from Hot Lake aana tarium, where Mrs. Bcamcr was op erated upon for the removal of her tonsils. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Duncan, with their son and daughter, were week end guesU at the Iven O'Harra resi dence. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kinnear of Milton were also here for a Sunday visit under the same parental roof tree, Mrs. It. V. Compton, who has been ill with la grippe at her home on Weston mountain, is now troubled with an abscess in the head brought on by that malady. Mr. and Mrs. Hey Winn motored to Walla Walla Sunday to spend the day with friends and relatives. A. W. Lundell of Pendleton, ac eompanied by his daughter, Miss Kva; sons, Virgil and Harvey, and Miss Freda Green were Sunday gucttts at the Leon Lundell homo. I. C. Hopkins of Weston mountain is tho proud grandfather of a second young hopeful who arrivod recently at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hopkins near Spokane. Tho boy is a bouncer, weighing nine pounds. Miss Mamie Barnes came up frefm Pendleton Saturday to pass the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Williams were entertained Sundny at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Watts in Athena. Mrs. (X C. , Whiteman and aon, Donald, of Pendleton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Proeb stel, Sr., and Mrs. Lilian Fredericks. Mrs. McLlnden, mother of Mrs. F. C. Fitzpatrick, returned Saturday to her home in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Driskell re turned Friday from a week's visit with the H. C. Fetter family at Free- water. The family of H. A. Street have re covered from smallpox, and the quar antine was raised Saturday from the Street farm residence south of town. Mrs. Street and four daughters were patients, Mr. Street having escaped the contagion. A number of friends and school mates of Miss Velma Banister as sembled at the Jack Chopin home last Thursday evening and tendered the honoree surprise party on the eve of her departure for La Crosse, Wash. A program of music and games afforded diverting entertain ment, and a series of comic letters were written to be opened by the honor guests at stated intervals dur ing the Journey to La Crosse. Dur-. vs?iSJ!5sS U M D E T XX XJ MARKET We are considerably under the market on You may rest assured that we will al ways ,give you the Benefit of the very best price obtainable. We aim to keep our Prices Below he Market, ir respective of what that Market may be. Come In and See Us JONES & JORfE! The John Deere Dealers WESTON, OREGON ing the closing hour a dainty lunch was served. Those who participated in the festivities were: Mises Kath leen Pedersen, Blanche Thorsen, Ruth Jackson, Minnie Chapin, Dorothy Bowers, Charlotte Hass, Lily Mae Couch, Josephine Cowan, Ruby Liles, .Myrtle Ferguson, Helen Ray born and Velma Banister; Messrs. Leonard Snider and Glenn Staggs. Miss Es ther Husbands chaperoned the com pany. A son weighing eight and one-half pounds was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Burtz at their home on north Franklin street. Mrs. V. H. Chastain was over Saturday from the Chastain farm on the interurban, on a business visit. Mrs. Chastain, who is one of the earlier graduates of the Weston Nor mal, is teaching in the Ferndale schools, while Mr. Chastain is mana ger of a drug store in Milton. Improving Dairy Herds. Charles E. Hall of Weston has embarked in a business that prom ises to result in much good to the dairying and cattle interests of this section. He has arranged with "Smith the Calf Man," a leading Tillamook live stock dealer, to han dle the latter's products in this lo cality, and has already received a number of handsome calves by ex press. These are all pedigreed ani mals of different breeds. One of them, a Jersey heifer, was sired by a $1700 bull. Among the orders receiv ed by Mr. Hall is one from Frank C. Greer for five Guernsey calves. The Tillamook dealer lately placed an or der for 80 calves with one man at Freewater. ir you nave trou- FOR PROTECTION WITH a Term Strings Account el $1 or more too. fet .at of oar Liberty Bell Homo Banks to kelp yoor tarings grow. is often said that a dollar is your best friend, and many times it 8 true. A dollar when you need it is a mighty help a protection to your family and yourself. Deposits, large or small, regularly made are the best pro tection you can buy. Start now. ..THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON.. BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop g ibles at home come to KASIIMt fUUL HALL $ We have no trou- bles here. i HAND PAINTINGS of Northwest Scenery. Made for Framing. 1.50 to $3.50 a H. GOODWIN 3 i