OT HEWS NOTES nmucmPi nr nrurnii iutcdcct ur ULMLnAL inicncoi Ufi WESTON LEADER CLARK OUD, I'vkllihti MRS. K. OOODWIN. AwliUnl tdtler Principal Events of th Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. xi ,, " 1 oo eoinnum ene, and then l ?1-Xntii;::::::::::::::::;:;:.'.'.".";".' o w th widm .f permuting Albany' city Jail tat b con demned as until to houe prisoners. Bounties tor IS bobcats aad four tor- vie were week. Ths city of Sbertdsa ku complet 4 tht sale of Ill.WO of a treat paving bond. Sereral caes of smallpoi and scarlet fevar are under quarantine at La Grand. Mia Either Husband, imtructor in high school, was ill for a few daya thia week, but haa recovered suffi ciently ot b at her poat again. French students are beginning on a new waiter entitled TAble Con- stantine." Tho Pilot Rock basket ball boy vnred their defeat here by over- FUDaT. FEB. 1. SUHSCKIPHON It AIM Strkll AS1 2 00 tuuato men and a rich nation ia oftou hated and envied by leaa fortunate nations. Europe will have to banian he obaeaaion that tht United Statea ia rich and generous enough to flnnnc and restore a war-stricken world. Slie will have to regain her and then he will ae ua to do - what we loaao to do, in our own way. Beyond question, the united Advertising Rate Diaplay, Regular, per inch 20c sui wll( Muk th, r,,myn,t of ita Diaplay, Tranaient, per men ....boo Local Reader, per line 10c Hit 1 . t ! , u whelming the Weston five, 3D to 17. , paid In Linn count, U.t Rk$ floof c fwt ,hortcr e"hM-, than the local floor ana tnc ooye irom hero were hampered by thia differ ence. The fine aportmanhip of the Pilot Rock achool o apparent here wa alao manifested at their own camp. The Weston visitor were en tertained by a quartette and numcr- Wolen. Orfa Witttl. THE CAI1INET "SLATE." The president-elect ha umiuce- war loan to Kurope a easy a poa- iblo. Perhaps it may (onto day can cel aimi of them, llut it generos ity will not be forced by misguided whining. March 1st in New York Senator Chamberlain will be tho guest of honor at the most noteworthy ban- tionably had an ear to the ground, quel ever new in m n-. ., ind it haa been a keenly attentive by the nation a gretet-ln tribute to ear. Here is hi tentative camnci Smallpox ha mad Ita appearance oul Mndwlches. Hardly a car ea- again in Independence, Two bomea are escaped the deep mud on the way over euareattned. and nearly all had to push a little. ' Alhanv'a third annual automobile Many stayed in Pilot Rock over night. bow was held Friday tad Saturday Beside the team the following were f Pennsylvania "slate," a act forth by Mark bum van: Secretary of atate Charle Evan Hughes of New York. Secretary of the treasury A. W. hia "distinguished statesmanship. Our Bob ia apt to And himself stop ping a bit clumsily in Our lieorge' Washington snoes. We do not feel that President Wil son I to be commiserated upon th at the armory. there: Mrs. W. S. Payne, Misses Da- Secretary Oregon City la Industrially prosper- vis and Husbands, George Blomgrcn. of 'M,Mehu8etUt u. the payrolls now aggregating cloae Rev. M. A. ininney ana wni Attorney general - II to IKO.OcO a month. Daughtcry of Ohio. Postmaater general .f war-John W. Week, .pproachlng severance of hi. .fflrf.1 Staggs. Lowell Duncan was lorced to return because of car trouble. The dim rumor that school would dismiss for the summer vacation on May 13 was heard with suppress ed ?) enthusiasm. " The monthly exams were held this arry M. Albany's Shrine chib has been roor gantsed with a membership or SO. E. D. Cusick Is president Perry Titus, aged 10, resident of Clatsop county tor 41 years, is dead at hi home in Astoria. During tb month of January, 23 ar rest, were made In Rosebut and flnea wcckj f0owing c,ose on thc hcel8 of James Stephens, (0 years old. sn old resident of Grant county, was found dead in his bed near Mount Vernon. The egg market In Salem Friday reached Its lowest point in seven years. Eggs sold at IS cent a doten retail. .Will II. Hays of Indiana. Secretary of the navy Frank O. Lowden of Illinois. Secretary of the interior Albert Bacon Fall of New Mexico. relations with a congress that has wasted week of ita time upon an "emergency tariff" bill which it know he is going to veto. Voliva, main squeese of Zion, aaya the sun . is only 32 miles in diameter and only 3000 miles away. On thia baaia the "place In the aun" Gcr- mintf Vtttnlu KMirlflf'iwt ail much to Secretary of agriculturo-Ilenry U gn wouM dtf,r t 30 Mnt, Wallace oi lows. ,r-I v U Ml"-- m f !i (aTisrssSiA WILLIAM 0. TAYLOR AOOUCTION. gj . WlUlam R Tneker, at present county thc mid-semester tests. During the recent trip to Pilot Rock George Blomgren had the team under wing. He prescribed a diet. "I'll do thc ordering for you." aid he. "And don t eat anything else. Secretary of commerce Herbert Hoover of California. Secretary of labor James J. Da vis. Hays and Daughtcry will manifest ly be given their s appointments in payment for services rendered. Hays managed the Colonel Bryan demands the reor ganisation of thc democratic party but may And it difficult to convince a disgruntled donkey that His Mas ters Voice is railing from Nebraska. Faithfully obeying their esteemed and Daufjhtcry is a practical politic- appointed county agent for Crook . th -ugtatory iine for fully j'a" King George declares from the republican campaign, throne that Ireland haa occaaioned him much distress. Belike thia is ...MEMORIAL HALL tuesday EVENING, FEBRUARY 22 BENEFIT OF WESTON SCHOOLS a - a j amhow MattM Yimm PtsaAtl .... . r." r ' "T w ne lu0 "ln"n lrum ' ian of the most oracUcal type whose imin.rv n . move to limit the I fA4iiMsa hfii oty. half the day. After the long trip the 1 ... ,. Ths body of Michael Hoff. pioneer bunch foHowej th o. A. C. man into business man ot Baker, was found In his woodshed, where be hsd hanged himself. Fir losses In Portland In 1920 to taled $1,048,742. according to the an nual report of Edward Qrenfell. fire marahaL The membership drive recently In . ... . . . i . a Pilot Kock resiaurani wnn orwuua of a real feed. "Boiled egg and piece of toast for eight," said Swede. "For myself,; soud. T-bone steak, coffee and pie." And only his huge build kept him from being stabbed with a fork for his T-bone steak while we pondered unca have been closely identified jj(trcsa to the Sinn Feiners. of Mr. Harding. The a 4hopc may be permitted, however, Going out in an airplane and com augorstod by ths Eugene Country club giumiy over our hen fruit and toast. baa resulted In 45 new names neing obtained. , , County Superintendent W. W. sThe overhead bridge acrosa the (jn visited school this week, mak Corote cut-off eaat of Boardman on the fa- ,n examination of the work. Mr Colombia highway haa been thrown Green complimented the students and open for traffic. teachers. Nels Nelson, msyor of Carlton and We are pleased to note that the members ef the board of education, visited school the past week. a long time resident of thst district, dfed at McMlnnvUle hospital, follow lag an operation. ; . . E. W. HcMindes of the State Agri cultural college extension department haa been appointed agricultural agent to her duties B, instructor for Clatsop county. eighth ?rade. Owing to an epidemic of smallpox, measles, lnflnensa aad other diseases, the public schools at Toncalla have Mr. and Mrs. Ross Maloney, accom- , . a .! a panied by Mrs. Rebecca Culley ;w .v v. . . . i 1. TI'.tl Ctnnli, A short courso for Commercial club """" w """ " ' Mrs. Fitzpatrick has again returned in the .. i.ha. nf Oracon will be- held at from Pendleton, k nl.r.ltv of Or sron for one week. his oId poatition beginning March It. With but E families In the parish, Catholics of Roy, in Washington coun ty, are erecting a church edifice at an expenditure of $35,000. The night train service on the Coos Bay line will not be resumed until weather condition obviate the danger of trees falling across the track. Mrs. Martha J. P. Quick, Oregon pio neer, la dead at Halsey, aged 80. Mrs. Quick came to Oregon In 1847 and had lived in Linn county aince 1859. Worthless checks issued in Bend dur ing the past six months cost business men on an average of $100 a month, District Attorney A. J. Moore stated. The Corvallts water commission is Ross has resumed with the White- house-Drumheller company, that he will not carry hi penchant jng back on a burro, Lieutenant Pear for rewarding hia friends and pun- son is in a position to appreciate the ishing hi enemies into the chair of full meaning of a descent "from the the attorney general. sublime to tho ridiculous. In the nature of party government, 1 some such political awards must be The English lord who whipped four expected. In tho remainder of his Irishmen in a Portland cell may have ,.m!ntnnl Mr. Hardinr seems to previously stepped a stimulating have been guided wholly by what he conceives to be the good of thc na tion and the desires of the people, in order to atone if may be for hi two doubtful selections. Mr. Root is highly qualified for the leading port round with John Portland cellar. Barleycorn in a We assume that the width of the Pacific ocean is just about the dis tance that Oregon regards as auffl- JZV: theV. cient to lend enchantment to th. Nip- can be no objection to Mr. Hughes. Pontte. Lowden is an able man who will Ot in anywhere, and what he doesn't ' Every year two billion dollars' worth of intoxicants goes down the neck of Merrie England. We'll say the English swallow is a bird I In proposing to tax her old maids and bachelors, New Mexico is in dan ger of leaving the inference that she doesn't want a single citizen. One difference is that Mr. Wilson has ignored a lot of advice he didn't seek and Mr. Harding has sought a lot of advice he will ignore. know about handling the navy de partment he will not be slow to learn. And placing Mr. Hoover in :he cabinet will be greeted with ap proval by the people, both republi- ans and democrats, no matter with what chagrin this move will be re vived by certain politicians who have done their best to prevent such recognition of Mr. Hoover's great n.hiivf.ments. fl General Wood will not be secre- t tary of war but he will be governor 'general of the Philippines a post of perchance Mr. Cox, Mr. McAdoo or j almost equal responsibility and im- ;,ir. Bryan is more willing to lead the ' portance. And our own Senator democratic party than the party is Chamberlain will be a democratic willing to be led. member of the shipping board. - On the whole, as a fellow printer, Germany, which once took dolight we will be disposed to congratulate in praising her war Bill, now takes Mr. Harding as pretty fair in "make fright at raising her war bill. up" if he goes ahead with this list. - And if he can bring about disarm- Portland Is given occasion for re ament through his proposed associa- Tvt that slides arc not confined to tion of nations or otherwise, we will tB baseball grounds. some day print his picture on our front page. nows tti THE To Have Your HARNESS OILHD AND REPAIRED AUTO TOPS Will Make You a New One or Repair the Old. GOOD WORKMANSHIP WHITMAN'S HARNESS STORE Phone 122 . . Milton, Ore. you really want ail Vain; Cash for chicken. J. R. Reynolds. X You will not npjrluct .to look thru our now Lino. WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP i: R. L. Reynaud N MS. t s S . a ,j 3 Leave orders at resi dence (Marsh cottage) south of Weston Mer cantile. Phone 361. The situation in Ireland distrcssos King George which makes it unanimous. LET US TAKE OUR OWN GAIT. STIFF KNEES starting proceedings for an election to and Rheumatic Joints that have re- Thc guggeatjon that the United Chiropractic Practitioner, authorise a bond Issue of 1100,000 with sisted other treatments will quickly sutet cancei the WBr debts due it Vergil W. Neild, eldest son of Mrs. which to build a new U-lncb pipe line. Improve under the wonderful electric from Europe wouj,j come jn better Delia Winn, formerly of Weston, was Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Woodard have heat of the taste from this side of thc pond. It recently graduated from the Pacific Just returned to Cottage Grove from a HUMAN BAKE OVEN tor Uncle Sam nd not Europe to School of Chiropractic, and has transcontinental motor trip of 19,000 ..... .. l... ,h.j say whether and when he deems sucn passed thc state board examination WHY NOT a course expcaienv. ne uiuvm lor u iikciibc im uoi.ui m miles, which consumed 19 months snd 20 days. The supreme court has upheld Cot poratlon Commissioner Handler in a suit by a Texas oil syndicate, to force him to issue it a permit to sell stock in Oregon. i P. F. Fisher, on the banks of the Clackanus near Oregon City, claims Wednesday and Friday. that M. flock of 180 hens in January GENTLEMAN ATTENDANT via this n YOUT TRY US ONCE NEXT TO HILL'S JEWELRY STORE, ATHENA Lady and Gentleman Attendants LADY ATTENDANT on Monday, States entered thc world war so soon of Oregon. He has established as it could with the support of its offices in thc Bush & Lanu building, people. Granted that w did not win rooms 310-317, Portland. the war, our allies could not possibly WESTON CASH MARKET FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES, PELTS, &c. HASS & SAUER Fff f ff?fw?fwf f f ff fff fffff GEO. A. LINDEKEN ij Dr. S. L. KE1IARD Veterinary Surgeon l Phone Main 253 produced 3528 eggs, and for the year Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 26,632 egg. Hugh Boyle, a citizen of Scotland, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT, and Pedro Hernandez, a Mexican, in have won it without our support. We are able to show a casualty list of 300,000 and a direct money expendi ture of fifteen billions of dollars. on Our allies may have saved us from Teutonic domination, but so likewise did we save them from Teutonic dom ination. The peril was mutual, the cause international, the victory a Jail at Eugene, are In line for deports- ,n county court of tho Staus of common one. The United States may tion. Both are charged with robbery Oregon for I'matilla. County. have grown richer by the war, but so and vagrancy. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary E. did Japan and no demands are made Following Investigations by a squad English, Deceased. upon Japan. Moreover, England has of detectives, one of whom was a Notice is hereby civem to all per- gained in commercial and maritime woman, Wasco county officers have sons whom it may concern that Jacob pre8tig:e and France in coveted tor- made a round-up of alleged prohlbl- gsh. ffSttM tito "h?ef e "spoils of war" tion law violators. his final account and report in the ad- the United States has asked no Jot January wa a hard month on bob- ministration of the estate; that the nor tittle. The position of the Unit cats in Lane county. Seventeen men County Judge, by order dulv made and ed States is that of a rich man snd one woman collected bounties on g.ri'day ofVXK at ShThur of whose aid ha. helped to avert a con. 23 bobcat pelts, thr mountain lions, ten o'clock in the forenoon as the time munity disaster, but whose bounty two coyotes aad one wolf. and the county courthouse at Pendleton afterward withheld is claimed by the Alvin C. L. Chance, wanted on I " lhe place where all objections and community as a matter of right. charge of embezzlement of fund, of -gJ, .'ment Paving complaisant he is de- the Ontario branch of tho Boise Pay- of the estate made. nounced-as Uncle Sam has been de- atta Lumber company, ws arrested at Dated this the 18th day of February, nounced by the thoughtless in London Long Beach. Cal., according to word A. D. 1921. Jacob j. EngusH- -a. .. "loan shark." It is the way . r" efved by Bh.rUf No. of Malheur pETEB80f( Bmor ' th1 TEX- to countr. rBTBism, , Attorneygfor Admr often hated and envied by less for- illSTCsKlyl HICKEN 0 CIGARETTE No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lueky Strike. Beoause Lucky Strike Is the toasted cigarette. See me for CHICKENS and all kinds of PRODUCE. Blacksmith Iron, Shafting and Piping. Bought right, and for sale at lowest prices. Do it NOW. WILL BUY YOUR OLD IRON and JUNK J. R. Reynolds Water Street (second block north of Main) WESTON ' ' - - ' - ' , - OREGON c- , x