The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 11, 1921, Image 4

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The proposition to pava Weston's
Main street from tlx west lint of
Water to th west tin of Broad, and
100 feet of Franklin itwt south of
Min. was passed by the council
at special meeting Monday evening
by unanimous vote. All the council
men were prevent, ami Mayor June
The action taken waa in response
to petition of property owners de-
the improvement. r.vcry
Jamea Simpson and Pan McBean
i dinner guest Friday ot Mr
ftnd Mrs. Ernest Ross.
A aacred concert will be given Sun
day evening by the choir of the M.
E. Church- An attractive program
has been nreoared and the public Is firing
;.n.. in..itl in atti-nil. roum'ibiian expressed himself as in
IViuwiy . - "
SWYCMLodge No. 49, Knights of favor heartily of the mow, ami gen
rthiaa, announces the free prcscn- crl satisfaction ha been expressed
tation of the great pictorial drama, ninoo the meeting that Weston has
"Damon and Pythias." at Memorial decided to line up with her progres
hall the evening of February It. sivc neighbors in this part of the
Milk customers wanted. Jay V. county.
5roith. The tyH of paving is left to the
Wm. Beaton, who was recently in- future decision of the council. The
aurod by Geo, House, agent for the cost r
MassachusctU Bonding and Insurance dressing is estimated at t.50 per
Company, received a check for five square yard. In the opinion of an
dsvs sick benefit, day. experienced engineer the rock foun-
aitVr claim went in. Thi. pollicy pro- d.tion already on the street would
tecta vou for a full day ot 24 hours, suffice, with some re-working. Un-
dcr the Bancroft bonding art the
A JlUUk IV V va wm.
tection see Geo. House, agent.
Mr .n.l Mrs. J. II. Tcne. Mrs. E.
property owners may have the priv
ilege of the ten-year payment plan,
by filing the proper notice with the
city recorder. The cost to the city
of paving the street intersections is
estimated at $1000.
The proposed improvement can
be stopped by dissenting property
owners only in the event that two
thirds of the frontage involved is
M. Smith, Mrs. Nelson It. Jones ana
Mrs. Hetty Towers were on a mo
toring trip Tuesday to Walla Walla.
Interest continues in the series of
meetings conducted at the Church of
The Brethren by Elder Barnett, and
rood congregations are the rule.
. ., , f uuras vi i
unaay me eiocr prray.. - v..v v. nted on the wmon8trance.
the largest congregations that ever
asembled in the church. The meet- , v
ings close next Sunday evening. FIRE AT. THE Cl'LI.EY FARM
Mr. and Mrs. Bert LeFcvre of OCCASIONS HEAVY LOSS
Portland are visiting Weston rela- ,t the Sim J. Culley ranch-
tives while on their return home 8tt.aa" on the DcGraw farm south of
from a tour of the coast Mrs. Lc- Weston Thursday morning at about
Fevre is a niece of Mr. H. Wad- 5.30 o'clock destroyed the machine
dingham. sheds and blacksmith shop, a track-
During the lull prior to the spring layer tractor, a combine, plows,
farming campaign, Scott Banister is wagons, grain tanks and tools,
visiting here from his La Crosse practically all of Mr. Culley's farm
ranch. machinery w cnt up t in smoke with
Burglary of the H. A. Brandt the exception of some drills which
store was discovered Tuesday morn- na been left on another place, and
inc. and is supposed 10 nave Deen the loss is estimated at more man
perpetrated at some time prior to io,000. Only the combine was in
the preceding Friday night. Silk aared. One of the machine sheds
hose, silk dress goods and expensive nad been recently built. The fire
gloves to the value of about $150 had attained such headway when
were taken. The burglars opened by the waking ranch hands
the front door by means, presuma- that nothing could be done except to
bly, of a skeleton key, and locked it Mvc, by hard work, the barn and
when they went out The burglary
granary. The farm residence was
was similar to that of the Penney not in danger. The flames are sup-
A delightful surprise party was
given on Miss Pavta and Miss Isaac
son by the Sophomore girla at the
school house last Friday night. The
school went en masse to the cottage
and escorted the honorees to the au
ditorium, where games were played.
Refreshments were served by Miss
Husband at a late hour. The affair
was enjoyed by all
Mrs. F. C. Fitipatrick is still con
fined to her home with a severe cold.
Her sister, Mrs. K. K. Thornton, has
assumed Mrs. Fitspatrkk' work in
tho eighth grade.
Several young ruffians without
vnough brains to go to school, but
with a well defined taste for filching
cakes and such from Mr. Fitspat
rick's office during parties, are due
for a very warm reception given by
the Purple and Cold bunch at their
next visit
the murder was committed. One
The Helix-Westnn gamo scheduled other Japanese witnessed the killing,
for last Friday at Helix waa called Shibata, who bore a neat personal
off on acount of the condition of the appearance, evinced coolness and was
roads. The quintet will play the ralm over the horrible affair, while
battlo off in the near future, how n the custody of officers here .He is
ever. The squad was sorry to hear a Hawaiian Jap and saw service in
that Otis Gould, who has been giving the American army for period of
the team a few pointers, has left for the World war.
Hermiston. George Blomgrvn now ,
has the team in tow and is getting Restraining Order Issued,
real results. Another angle to the now famous
Taylor-Winn rase comes through the
are. issuing of a restraining order to pre-
first vent Winn from carrying out the
mandate of the Oregon supreme
court. The order was signed by
Kathcrine Lucas of Miss Mark's Judge Phelps pending settlement of
room received her reading certift- a counter action brought by Taylor
cute this week. Miss Marks intends against Winn,
to present another of these honors
KLAYKK of jap gambler
Shsia Shibata, slayer of Okama
to, IWIIeton Japanese gambler, will
put up a fight to save himself from
the gallows, and has retained Attor
ney Fred W. Stelwer to defend him.
Saturday morning, after brutally
killing his countryman with m ax,
Shibata escaped from Pendleton on
an outgoing automobile stage, and
came to Athena. He took a room at
the St Nichols hotel and went to
bed. In short time local officers had
been apprised of the murder. The
Jap waa immediately located by of
ficers Dickson and Stone who plated
him under arrest The murderer of
fered no resistance and told the offi
cers that he had about made up hi
mind to return to Pendleton and give
himself up.
The murder is described as being
an especially revolting one, and ac
cording to the story of Shibata was
done in freniy after Okamato had
won all of his money at gambling.
After gambling all of Friday night,
the two Jap retired, and soon after
Commercial Stationery
Wedding Announcements
Calling Cards
Loose Leaf Bill Heads
XJho Weston Leader
Miss Rintoul's first graders
very enthusiastic about their
picture-study work.
Furnished and Trinted at tho Lcador office
One hundred 1 60
Each additional hundred 0 75
posed to have gotten their start from
a forge fire used in the blacksmith
shop the night before.
store at Athena, and is supposed to
have been perpetrated by members
of the same gang.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lurasden were
in Pendleton Wednesday evening
and attended an enjoyable social
gathering at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Scott
' The Weston High basket ball team
goes to Pilot Rock this evening to
play a return engagement with the
school quintet there.
Seven men and two squaws, two
automobiles and approximately 50
gallons of moonshine whiskey fell
into the hands of county and city
police officials at Pendleton this
week. Chief of Police C. W. Avery
and Otis Adams of Weston assisted
in the hauL
Pendleton's city government was
operated last year at a loss of more
than $2500.
"Go and Get It." the great super
special featuring The Ape Man, at
Standard Theatre, Athena, next
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Jasper Morrison of Walla
Walla was the guest of Mrs. R.
Morrison a few days this week.
Mrs. Mark A. Phinney is enjoying
a visit with her sister, Mrs. William
Jorgcnsen of Spokane, who arrived
in the city Tuesday evening.
The Women's Missionary society 1
of the M. Church held its regular Lost-On north WaterSt., a mounted
monthly business meeting at the eifc', tooth, enzraved with the letter B
church parlors Wednesday after- on one gite Bnd the figures 288 on the
noon. It was decided to hold an otner. Finder will please return to
Easter bazaar and cooked food sale Areta Barrett, Athena. Or., and re-
the Saturday preceding Easter, Men. ceive reward
New Books at Weston Library.
The following books were recently
received at the Weston library and
placed on the shelves for circula
tion: Mettle of the Pastures Allen.
. Square Peggy Bacon.
Right Stuff Beith.
Wyndham's Pal Bindloss.
Hunkins Blythe.
Splendid Chance Bradley.
Secret Garden Burnett
American Dillon.
Definite Object Farnol.
Squirrel Cage Fisher.
Follow the Little Pictures Gra
ham. Pa Flickinger's Folks Hoover.
Golden Block Kerr.
Taste of Apples Leo.
Ben Blair Lilibridge.
Sweethearts Unmet Ruck.
World for Sale Barker.
The Preston Vorse.
Klondike Clan Young.
Adventures of Tom Sawyer-Clemen.
gift articles ,
26. Aprons and fancy
will be offered for sale.
Manager Barnes announce the fol
lowing splendid film attractions to
be shown soon at Memorial hall:
"Once to Every Woman," "Under
Crimson Skies," "Confession," "The
Virgin of Stamboul," "God's Coun
try and the Woman." These are all
booked for Saturday nights. The
Tuesday night show will be discon
tinued except on special occasions.
Ernest Haney was in town Thurs
day calling upon local merchants.
He informed his friends that he lives
on the peak of the mountain and is
glad of it as he stands no danger
of being washed away during
wet weather.
The local temple of Pythian Sis
ters is arranging for a social even
ing next Monday, at which a ban
quet will be served promptly at 7:30
p. m. The brothers of the temple
will be hosts to the lady members.
Fire totally destroyed Bunch Bros.,
garage at Adams, Wednesday fore
noon, but the firm' blacksmith shop
was saved. It is reported that the
fire originated from the explosion of
a can of gasoline. The flames spread
rapidly throughout the
tne and Rheumatic Joints that hare re
sisted other- treatments will quickly
improve under the wonderful electric
heat of the
Counties eases have been relieved
via thi new method WHY NOT
Lady and Gentleman Attendants
interior of Wednesday and Friday.
the building, and it
was saved.
is said but little GENTLEMAN ATTENDANT on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
I0RTUNATELY, The council has arranged to
take care of the overflow from the heavy rains,
turning the course from Main street.
Fortunately, The council intends to pave Main street.
Fortunately, Spring seems knocking at our doors and
who would not say welcome?
Fortunately, we have some of the best bargains in
shoes that can be found the country over.
Fortunately, For our customers, our prices are lower
than city prices, saving time and expense in shopping.
Fortunately, We have not waited for others to cut
prices, we have put them lower at the start. For in
stance, we sell bedding at one-third less, many shoes
at one-third less and all our staple lines at one-fourth
less, and the odds and ends of our stock at prices you
will be surprised to find. -
Fortunately, We have had no Flu this winter. Sister,
"Despondency" stopped off for a time but was ordered
to leave.
Fortunately, Our grocery specials have been real ones and there are more for .
this week and better ones. Note the display and prices. , ,
Fortunately, Weston looks fine for the coming season. Picture 'for yourself
cluster lights, paved streets and a smiling populace.
Now let us back the council and make it peppy.
n -