CO INT Y I'MT 1M. WOl l.l) tlUM.K MHOOI. SVSTKM The following communication re ceived by the local superintendent of school from W. W. Oven ami J. E. Myers, representing the executive committee of the Orun Teacher association, I of WESTON LEADER CLAKK UUU, riklUhi MRS. It. GOODWIN. AuUleat Hit SlHMKirtlON Haiti State Th, Yeir M 00 tluclilcd Sis Month y interest to school patron here: "Mr. Sheldon, in the houm', ha in- tnxlucc, the tounty uu.t e.u. r.o. m,,,, R,.KuUr, per inch 90e ood Intentions. .IJ. mi uiu muien w Tr.n,.iil. iwr inch 2 Three Month , Advertising Kate 1 W u bo TfeeBirylogPo cl Ycnr Dollar Restored dtAwia f toilet t hi ln,,.Tl.v,l fcon. foriH-riod of "V"0 5".?; I -. I' r - rr association, iw-vp. mi vim .. ... lower prices has finally arrive!. vuic the county into time rxiOAT. ret. u, Here the American dollar has tity, un ami county district. The wrain assumed its rightful value only change in the city district i j v that reports and appeal are made and purchasing power. 0 thc Aat, omc.. Th nrices auoted here and "This i practically a rc-ornnla- ... . i. i .h.w.1 in hii 1 m " plain utsurva i. f lhe uU, tustom. ,u sentiment ,... ..... ,.. ., . . . . . i v ... ik. soeiation management, sucn red achoolliouse' for the past cen tury is so striking and evolutionary thut we fully realise it would require the most untiring elTort of the school men of the state to put this thing over. Our watchword, 'For look conservative to the man trie to buy one. whu However, the United State senate ha by no means rendered It own flat house immune while throwing stones at Wilson. Welcome the dy when .Weston's rincial busiuea thoroughfare i aved with omethiii( better than . lOe The departing Russian amhassa---- dor is able to say wllh truth If not , ' profound Joy that "There I no esiiiii t th feiielltc l !. O.t llr like home." etiicend clan mellaiallit 312 stores are the lowest it is possible to put on the kind of merchandise you want to buy. Everv article will remain as priced until sold or lorced by market conditions to change. IT ALL DEPENDS. TIk ueec of the wheat grower' socmtion niankrement such man ngemen. will be in a far better poi tion to make a close study of mar ket conditions than the individual farmer; but even o the shrewdest of We assume that Germany's counter proposal will be based upon th as sertion that she ha nothing left but the counter. Suspender maker are campaign iuir aKainst belt, but there will like ly always be enough of the latter to go 'round, Coat's or Clark's 150-yard spool thc T vi "hooU ihyM, sewing thread, spool 5c 'r?ul 'Zl Coat's Crochet Cotton, ball . .10c 27-inch Outing Flannel, good quality, checks. - stripes and solid colors, yard 19c 27-inch Daisy Cloth, yard. . . .19c 36-inch Outing Flannel, good quality, white only, yard.. 23c 27-inch Dress Ginghams, stand ard quality, yard 19c 27-inch standard quality Apron checks, yard 12c 32-inch high grade Dress Ging county bile while intoxicated, was the fine given Jason Wnnnnssay, an Indian, in the justice court nt Adams, re ports the East OreRonian. In addit ion his license to drive an automo- hams. yard 39c bile in Oregon, was revoked for ono 27-inch Canton Flannel, good quality, white only, yard.. 19c 9-4 Pequot Unbleached Sheeting, vard 57c 9-4 Peauot Bleached Sheeting. vard 59c 10-4 Pequot Bleached Sheeting. year. Kviili'iitlv 1'nrlti Sam Is In bad operators and the wisest of prophet with Kuropc because hi sense didn't have orten taue.1 in ineir inwrprvia- go wj,n ni( j0jar, tion of these conditions. In brief, to . i , retain the confidence and support of Money is now worth more than member farmer thc association will ti,o thing that one were worth have to sell wheat when it is high llor money. and withhold wheat when it is low. 1 1 ., . 1 Compared to the profits or loss from Winter may be regarded over such transactions, the saving to the if it will only keep under. farmer in handling, storage and com- i. il.-l;. mission charges Is immaterial. Ono COMINti HACK. A fine of $100 and 50 days in the commendable feature of the plan, as (By J. N. Y.) iail for driving an automo- unuersiana if, is mm an me xhey are trailing back one by one: wncai is potiieo aim au inv roi-raui-ii --no dollar wheal-tnc lonytoiiar share on a pro rata basis, in accord- labor ance with their grades, in thc pro- The two-dollar hat is here. ceed of the season's operation. And by and by come limping in: Thus if such an association had been The nickle ice cream soda. in existence in Oregon last fall and The twenty-five cent haircut. had sold half of its wheat on the The fifty-cent necktie. men nign marsei wnne reserving m i he tnre-lollar snoes. THE WESTON MILLS will ROLL, GRIND or CLEAN .your Krain, and will tfivo prompt atten tion to orders for anything in its line. International Stock and Poultry Food Hay, Rolled Ilarley, Oatu, Wheat and Millfceds. Chicken Feeds, includ ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone, Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Ftfg Mash. WOOD and COAL j. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor essentials of this advance move ment "We need your help; want your help. We most earnestly request you to write to your representative and senator." 'HI-HSHT" UTHH DRY of mootine of the tommon . ouncil The City of Weston. Oregon, held on the 7th day of rebruary, A. U. VJZl thc following ordinance was dul , ;n passed by said Common t ouncil, vu ara Ordinance No. 265. Si Ponnorpll Rlpnrhpd SheetintT. An Onlinance ordering anil provid ,Tj AKP ins for the improvement of Mail J " " ' - V ' " I " . Street in The City of Weston, Oregon U-4 f eppereil Dieacnea onminx, fronl th0 West line of Water Mreei varA 55c in said Citv to the West line of Broa n 4 d " " ' ' n nik SKffn,, Street in said City; and olsoall that iv-nc"." uitovuu ..vw..., jrtjon oI franklin Street in I he riiy yard of Weston, Oregon, between the Sioutt 10-4 Pequot Unb eached Sheet- i'"e oi .Mam strci .n u . mj cq,, a line running across said Franklu ing, yara stiwt. which said line is a continua . center I in Cine (9) it NOTICE OK lROPOSKl STREET Jother half until spring, the average The eight-cent quart of milk. IMPROVEMENT. return to all its members would have The five-cent shine. Notice is hereby riven that at 11,. auit, satisfactory. Similar or- Thn .InlUr hirt gnniiations for the sale of different The quarter beefsteak, products have been in successful op- The two for-a-quartcr collar, erntion in California, and it is to be The five-cent bag of tobacco, hoped that the association planned The ten-cent movie, for wheat growers in this state will The five-cent pint of peanuts. G0RDW00Di P. T. Harbour PHONE 273 9-4 Pepperell Unbleached Sheet- tion of the East and West : :. j 4 of Lot Six (6) in Block N wig, ';'" The original Town of Weston, Urn 10-4 Pepperell Unbleached fcheet- tjua County, Oregon; and directing intr. vard . 55c The City Recorder for The City of 36-inch Coronet Cambric 19c Berkley No. 60 Cambric, yd.. 23c Berkley No. 100 Cambric. . ..29c 36-inch Bleached Muslin. . .12ji'c 36-inch Philippine Nainsook, ex tra fine sheer quality, yd.. 39c 36-inch Shadow Nainsook, pink or white, yard 49c 27-inch English Nainsook, yard ton would order the improvement oi 23c 25c id streets by constructing thereor ' ' a "hard surface pavement, and it l; 30-inch Plisse CreDe. fine for the omnion of the said Common Coun gowns, undergarments, etc., cil that said improvement should b varA 25c ordered made; mi . Section 2. It is ordered by th 36-inch English Long Cloth, Common Council of The City of Wes vard . 25c, 29c, 39c ton. Oregon, that all that portion oi , ',7" t-: -A Main Street in said City of Weston ,jo-incn wercencu Daiioicaiu, Oregon, lying between the West lint 49c, 59c of Water Street in said City and th n.i.., Tnuola Amen K)c W'est line of Broad Street in sail Barbei loweis, dozen wc d u that rtion of f rani(ijr UOttOn HUCK lOWeiS, 1DX0..10; Street in the City ot vveston, uregon Cotton Huck Towels, 18x36, 2 fe Weston. Oregon, to give ten days no tire of said improvement. The People of Thc City of Westor do ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas there was file with The Recorder of The City oi Weston, Oregon, on the 7th day oi February. 1921, a petition signed b certain owners ot property aDuiunt and fronting on the streets hereinal ter described, praying that tnc torn mon Council of the said City of Wes for. "oc across said Franklin Street which lini 29c is a continuation of thc east and west n m i , ,-w center line of Lot Six (6) of Block Bath Towels, pure white, Iixa;, Nine (9) in the original Town oi each 29c Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon, ac Bath Towels, good weight, 18x34 ffli!JJ&'F&& each o Conveyances for Umatilla County Rath Towels, good weight, 20x40 Oregon, be improved by the cortstruc . i. of,- tion thereon of hard surface pave- eacn ments of a tvne and kind to be se- Bath Towels, good weight, 20x40 Itcted and designated by the Common eacJj jyc Council ot tne uty oi weston, ure- T, M, . V'".', . oo gon, and according to plans and spec Bath Towels, good weight, 22x44 jfications to' be hereafter adopted by each 49c the said Common Council. Rnrh Tnwpls xtra wpicht 24x48 Section 3. The Recorder of The 15atn ioweis, exira weigni, city of Weston, Oregon, is hereby or- each 9C dered to give notice of said Improve- Cotton Sheet Blankets, 54x74, ment described in section two of this ol- 1 fi) ordinance bv posting notices thereof Palr '"'w in three public places in, said City of Cotton Sheet Blankets, 64x76, Weston, Oregon, for a period of ten unj,. 1 98 days and bv publishing the same in , ' ' nV ' i' 'I " Vo 'on' ' oa the Weston leader, a weekly newspa Woolnap Blankets, 72x80, $3.98 per published weekly and of general Wool Mixed Blankets, 66x80, circulation in said City of Weston. . , no Section 4. Inasmuch as there is jjair "- rnp top wr I VM uu -- . .. , , . j tt j L-il nance, an viiiKiKmy in nvicujr nc- Men S Pay Day and Underhlll ciared to exist and this ordinance Bib 'Overalls, heavy quality, shall go into effect when approved ana nolent soions in the national upper 1 19 signed dv tjie oiavor or saia ny oi Dale p . f,., ... Men's Stiffel Stripe Bib Over- Recorder of TheCitv of Weston. flush than an irrigation bill. alls 98c Passed by the Common Council of 7 , . ,ir. i. ou: The Citv of Weston, Oregon, this 7th Little Khody comes to bat with the xueii o vnaiiiuiajr " day 0f February, A. V. 1921 prove to be in all respects the ex pected boon to its members. At all events the association movement i gaining ground rapidly among the heat growers of Oregon and Washington. And all thc rest of aur familiar old friends. Lead out the fatted ralf. Let us hope the worst is over. Furninhed room to let for light housekeeping. Mrs. K. W. Achilles. GO AND GET IT!" "Three men 80 years old or older lave lost their lives in automobile ccidcnts in Portland in thc last 48 lours." Portland Telegram. What ft rt -ight, anyway, has a feeble otto- lofted SWCS SnlDClM BoaTO hat is needed by an automobile? Thc father of 34 children, 24 of hom are living, a North Carolina nan is just now in the limelight. 't is perhaps a little late, however. 'or Walla Walla to import him for he purpose of boosting it .popula ion statistics. Two of thc best advertising medi it)i3 in the state have a combined irculation running well into six fig- ires. One is i he bumlay Uregonian iml the other is just now giving you he tip. " iMtROiNcv rt.err CORPORATION of rtno for ali STEEL AND WOOD SHIPS ANO WOOD HULL BlrtK will b rtwelvfil on prlvsts wm plltiv bnniii in arror.lsnr wllh h M.rrhnt n.l Marin Aft e lh nlflr nf lh l'nllut Htslr Hhlppln lloM, tilt F ir( X. W.. Vhlntnn. H. '. Th ships ifTrrd for ! Inrluile tl rwisl snil wowln (amr. . Th il m(mrs nr Iwiih oil sn4 rial hiiriiTH Th fwarl h rdahllahrd a minimum price on lh vl. Terms on tteel ttesmtr. II pr rnt of lh purrhse prlr a HICKEN See me for CHICKENS and all Kinds of PRODUCE. Blacksmith Iron, Shafting and Piping. Bought right, and for sale at lowest prices. Do it NOW. WILL BUY YOUR OLD O IRON and JUNK J J.R. Reynolds Water Street (second block north of Main) WESTON OREGON In Damages of $10,750 were assessed igainst three Mississippi men for hrowing rotten eggs at a labor or- ;aiuzer. Perhaps they were consui- red as displaying a bad cggsample. ch upon nllvry of th vrl. t pr rnt In s motiihs thrrtr: 6 nr "nt in twrlv months lh-raftrr; I prr rn In It month lhrfir; t pr rnt In 54 mnnih, threnr: hsletir of 7n prr rent in rqunl ml-nnul Inslallmrntii ovrr a prrlori of tn yrara. ilrfrrrnl paymrnta to rarry Inlrrrat at the rate of prr cent prr annum. If "the god of things as they mght to be" were reigning, the three ind a-half million unemployed could et the jobs put up by the profiteers. Perhaps Germany would feel bet- cr disposed toward the allies if they would pay her an indemnity for thc lisappointmcnt of losing the war. Thc esteemed Pendleton Tribune appears to feel called upon to con tribute to the Til Taylor Memorial movement nothing but advice. Europe seems to feel as though he owes the United States dislike as well ten billion dollars, and pre fers to pay the former debt. Talk of a scrap between Uncle Sam and Johnny Bull is apt to be hoarrl nour anrl than an Kiiiir dm a.-li urgent necessity for the Improvement . . . Mf , described in section two of this ordi- trlcs tote the biggest gun. Begins to look as though our som- lent soions in the natii house would rather pass a straight Th tero hundrrH and rlahiv-flv wood. rn atramrra for eal are of frn tllffrrrnl typra, as fullowa: Nln I'aushrrty; avrn trn TmIII: Irn I'rnlnaula; six !'! ho Amrrlmn Klhrrlra: on Alln; on tk ami Orran Navlaiitlon t'ornpany; thlrtrn M.M-lcllan.l; on hunlrl ami Idhlv-aU Frrrla: thlrty-011 llouah; lvn tiraya Ilarlmr. Alan have a number of wooden hulls of varluu types. Terms en Wooden Steamer. to per crnt cash nn drllvery Halane In riual rml-anniial Inatallmrnts over a prrlod of three years. uirta in be aunmlttrd for one or more vmsrla or for any combination of aoov vrl, and must tie anrompanird by err tlhrd ch'i'k madr payable to the I'nllrd fttatra Hhlppln Board for 2Vt per cent of amount of the bid. Further Information may be obtained by request sent to th Ship Salea Olvl. efon, lilt " Street N. W., Waihlngton, O. C. Th atoard reaerv th right to rtjoet any and all bide. Bide ehould be addreeted to th UNIT. ED STATES SHIPPING SOAftD, WASH. INQTON. D. C, and Indorsed "BIO FOR STEAMSHIP (Nam of Shi)."' ' Ship and Sail Under American ru. ffood quality, blue or gray, each 79c Men's Rockford Sox, pair 15c Canvas Gloves, knit wrist, . . .10c Jersey Gloves, knit -wrist 15c Leather Faced Canvas Gloves, knit wrist, pair.. 29c big idea that bv thc use of amnion- Attest: . ,T ' ium sulphate as fertilizer anyone Recorder of The City of Weston may have wced1c., ,awn, Annrove! February 7. 1921. Mr. Chesterton suggests that the inevitable be abolished. We fear that some day the inevitable will abolish Mr. Chesterton. NELSON H. JONES. Mayor. Indorsed. Filed February 7, 1921. C. W. AVERY, Recorder of The City of Weston, Oregon. And further notice is hereby given been charmed to the same extent by the Bryan personality. Leather Faced Canvas Gloves, that remonstrance against the said Although Mr. Harding has called gauntlet Style pair 2.c Tq ?n Mr. Bryan, Mr. Cox hasn't yet wen s uress oiiiru wim u mm out collar, each !8c J. C- PEHHEY COLIPAHY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION (312 Busy Stores) Pendleton and Athena, Oregon Recorder o The City of Weston, Ore gon, within ten days after the. expira tion of ten days from the date of this notice, to-wit: on or before the 5th dav of March, A. II. 1921. Dated at Weston, Oreiron, this 11th day of February, A. D. J921. C. W. AVERY, Recorder of The City of Weston, Oregon. The value of Umatilla county farm lands, now put at 177,176,844, has increased 120.5 percent in the past decade, according to the census bureau. Even this high estimate Do you know why its toasted To eal In the delicious Burley tobaeoo flavor. UCKY CIGARETTE ROW'S th THiIE To Have Your HARNESS OILED AND REPAIRED AUTO TOPS Make You a New One or Repair the Old. GOOD WORKMANSHIP WHITMAN'S HARNESS STORE Phone 122 . . Milton, Ore. you really want Style, Service ui Value You will not npjrlect to look thru our new Line. WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP j R. Lt Reynaud Cash for chickens. J. R, Reynolds. I ft CASH MARKET FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS i HIGHEST CASH. PRICES PAID FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES, PELTS, &c. HASS & SAUER I City Draying Leave orders at resi dence (Marsh cottage) south of Weston Mer cantile. Phone' 361. GEO. A. LINDEKEN Dr. S. L KEHIiARD s Veterinary Surgeon Phone - Main 263