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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1921)
Weston;' Leader i VOLUME 43 WESTON, OREGON. FJUDAY. FEB. 11, 1021 NUMBER 36 DUBLIN EXPERIENCES OREGON NEWS NOTES THREE AMBUSCADES OF GENERAL INTEREST Child It Killed and Civilian! Prncpl Events of th Week Are Wounded During ' Brefjy sketched for Infor Attack., mitlon of Our Readen. Gaining Momentum -fr- Beirut-Dublin experienced three Th nw ,., h(pll at anibusbr. Saturday nmhl. In mm of Mmm w, ,,.,, ,t ,rt. Th, which a four-year old child ... hilled. MW , ,n, nroB,r,y of ,ny Kxploefooe and volleys D ihe auburbe m, wc-d y donalloni ware .o continue lo ra.mb the from , our, tumult of email bain. Bow MMry fv ,,., , inpth w.a Th. tint .mbu.h ... nr.r Marlon fHlm(, by Vort K E H Hro quar. Exploelone were follned by .,, , wh h,T(, .,., com. rlfl. tod revolver fir. Inhabitant l(Wr(J , mwk of ,.,,,, ,n , ouiui i.'oir cenara, wonn pramtrian. were iatnpeed. Thra bomb had been flung al lur ry filled with Tbla preelpl laird an exchange of ahola of eeveral mlnutea. Two civilian wire wounded by bomb ;!lnters, The second ambush occurred on lb south aide, wber lor- rla war bombed Lake region near All. Hood. Ilerause of (he crowded rondillon of ibo Albany echonle. Ihe school board baa derided lo call a special election for the purpose of leaving bonda to provide additional room. Senator Chamberlain baa left in emergency boapllal In Washington ' n-. OREGON NEWS NOTES CATTLEMEN ASK FOR n OF GENERAL INTEREST FREIGHT REDUCTION Principal Events of the Week Charge Prices For Cattle Not aw - - Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Enough to Meet Freight Charges. Exports from Portland during Jan nary bad a total valuation of about $4.95.W. Cottage Grove will have a modern Waablng ton. A reduction la trtigkl ratea waa asked of the InteraUta com merce commiaalon by all of tba largeat cattlemen'! aaaoclatlona of the West. Their apokeaman told the commiaalon The third .mbu.h occurred .hen which he entered mora than five week two lorriw were attacked In the south uarK r,ou' uburb. ' ' ,,l ' " apartment under KYos unton It waa reported ' fara ,r ,c ? n0,,.T' ...... i . ... . . . Tho sale of timber on a tract of land. between 00 and 10,000 acre In ei- FROM OVER THE HILL" that after service In th rathedral and th churrbe Sunday, all male be tween II and 40 year were rounded ap. Several hundred were conveyed to the barrack. There, before liber ated, they were required to give their name and addresses. Afterward tbey were divided Into tent, on Wlnberry creek, within the Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Harm of Wet. will be the musical entertainment of ton, were in the city Wednesday af- the evening. Discussion of some ternoon. unfinished subjects will be followed Mr. ami Mrs. Otia Whiteman and by a social hour at which light re- Caarade national foreat, to Waablng- Mr. and Mr. Irvine or wana waua irejmravnta win oe wrvra. ton milling and timber Intere.ta I In were Sunday gucste at tho B. B. "According to Tcndlcton estimates, ' .f,lII,v,,! . contemplation, according to announc. Richarda home. C5 percent of the Umatilla county WESTON V .OMEN S CLIB HAS meat of the Eugene oflce of the for- Miaa Clara llaynio has been ser- fcrrain crop has now been sold. There LEA&INU KbtllKUClll PAI eat service. iiiualy ill at the home of her parent has been considerable selling since One of the most important events a rium n. miiM lone, to carrf this week. Harold Haynie haa also the first of January. in the history of the Saturday Alter- lce plant before the opening of the th,t market prices on sheep, cattle summer season. ,d wool bad fallen ao low that west. A woman auxiliary to Umpqua ern catIe ralaers and farmer no Post, American Legion, waa organ- longer were able to aell their produce Ized at Roaeburg. for enough to pay freight rates. The Corvallla Country club dlrec- The complaint contended that flnaa- tor bave elected Warren G. Harding clal condition made It Impoealble to, to honorary membership. obtain loana to condition cattle for The aundry civil bill aa reported market properly and that grower to the senate caarlea $400,000 for be- were compelled to sell "for whatever; Klnnirig the Deschutes project In Ore- they can get In an unmarketable con-' eon. dltion." Reopening of the etate lime plant Joining In the complaint were th at Gold HIII waa urged by Marion National Liveetoek Shipper' league, county realty men In session at Sa- the American National Livestock asso- !m. elation, the National Wool Grower Additional clasaroom are needed nd ,her- at once to house ihe Increaae of It waa claimed that Increases due to nearly 3000 children In Portland c"o" 1 schools this term. amounted to 140,500.000 annually to tha cattlemen In freight ratea. rr.U",n:rbJVlV:" lumber fro. the U.( Creek .!, c,M to hi. UkI with illne.., Informed that It any crown forcea Mrs. Hugh Mclntyr is slowly re- ware mbuerad4 wlihtn two nllea of Queenatown on any datta aaalgncd to the group, the men would be held re aponalble and required lo furnlab In formation lo the authorities. Mrs. Charles Keen of Pendleton, noon club was the Reciprocity day above Dexter to the Southern Pacific Hern Hanwtcr naa seen m wi wa a yucsi yesverasy ai vne rreu meeting neia tne aitemoon oi reoru .,ii. .. p.-r. .i.iinn on iha week at his home south of Athena. Gross home inthis city. ary 5th in Memorial hall, when the ' - " ........ . . , ... i . i. '...:.. Natron cutoff, will be built at once, WILSON REFUSES TO PASS ON RAIL PAY a.. . a n t d coveriniT fUT a very vrious illne nt received his Life Certificate irvnilUH W HUUUUVihciii. v s. a-. . . i . SLUMP IN CUT OF PINE PREDICTED tv.',i ,h. .w.( svK,.r I'"ve the Caplingcr placV near town A new telephone haa beeninstalled deU, M. W. Pedersen and Miss Vira During ma ween enomg Jwmtj wt (mI th(g fa the office of Supcrintendent IIad. Morri80n transformed the hall into 1 there wa one fatallly In Oregon ' recently. This much-needed fa- an' attractive living and dining room Spokao. Waah. Member tullla of the Weatern Pine Manufaciurera' as aoclatlon produced approximately 1.- 630,000,000 feet of lumber in 120. ao cording to a report made at the annual Dealing of tb association, held her, by A. W. Cooper of Portland, Or., aec- Last week Superintendent Hadley Milton Improvement club and the ion refue the request of the railroad reived his Life Certificate for Civic club of Athena were guests of Uhnr ,,. . th.. v. ... Voran. one of the organliera of th from pneumonia. " teaching. Th.s certificate is given to the Weston organixation. estlgate railroad executives claims Mount Juno Plume company of En- Will Campbell waa in town Wed- anyone teaching school successively A decorating committee consisting tBe railroad board and declined neauay irom ni rancn. ne wui n- mi uuu uiv.ut.ii.. hcsuwuci v-. wvu 1UDm. .D, mtter to conxre. Confidence was expressed by the president that all questions dealing with railroad labor and management might be left safely to the railroad labor board and the interstate com merce commission. He accordingly In Portland. ,j orm,r nrominent citixen of Athe w- s- Pnce- caled meeting to .,... ,h.t hm .... .nhm,,,ln, Mrs. Earl Grant and daughter Les- .( iied WednewJay evenin(f ,t 5:15 order, and the following program of te,egrm, from them lie, returneo to meir nome m vu..- ot hu home jn portlanl, surrounded " , don. Thursday, after apending a k t l:, t.av n.t. Piano Solo Mrs. Jos. Wurzer. to the state tubereuloaia hoapital at forUht th home of Mr. ,nd ,.. , ',;. ... Address of Welcome-Mrs. W. S. Salem, carried a aafe to an automo. ,, w . . - ; - p . . . airs, waller nooner. ,. .Via ni minitmn nf a Innir wr- 1 w. bile, which had been parnca aom Twentv.four members of the Civic , , ,...., : Vocal Solo-John F. McNee. hom iha In.lltullnn drove . . . : . .. , ... ul ... - ' " ..." , - - l,,K I mil 0 1 1 v . n T M itm ,1T .nil inviu. du lo lndutrUI fVrc1duott trcordlnf Bp""if' to riort prepared by the iatr lij- J .. lt .t Ji.a UMml.alan Tkak O II Pi r 111 mviUFUi. wiuuiipviwu. hw - 1 a J . victim wa. John McKeown. laborer of P"n pi- " r..,. ..., , J,! it ion In tho revenue service, and is were reported In the course of tb week. Unidentified men gained entrance W. D. Chamberlain who recently ciltty is highly valued by the entire employing the club colors, pink opened an accounting office in Pend- school and white, aa the leading color Death Calls A. B. McEwen. scheme. AnHrmv R MrFwcn retired farmer At three o'clock the president, Mrs. to these bodies. The reply of the president to two telegrams seat by the railway labor anions and to one telegram from the H4.f anil h.Hi... Af thm Muuwlaflnn. Th flgurea wera baaed upon Ihe ao- mor ,nn "lle down the highway. t,on extcndcd by the WMton s.tur. The body will arrive in Athena on Selection-Weston Male Quartette Awociation f Railway Executive. wu anaemooa iu qitb una uvtaru ua this evening's train from Portland. MCiNe' Claude wcommendation. of Secretary Payne, it, i iiui rm w i d un:u u i ' . i. .. " wv . . . ..... j ...w ... ,ni. Mmninn irn n imin riiriiuiiii. . . . ... ... . . and there wrecked the strongbox ana .... i ,,M n . ; j usiiiam. i iuai cut or a mine, ana an eaumaie - , , . , .,A . k m-iuwh uuu .. and the funeral will take place lomor- " " ..m .... rfir.-tnr.ri.ner.1 of th. nro,luctlon of the remainder. bulnd " "h that city Saturday, where they en- ,t twn lloeV. The Report of Work of Milton Club- " ,lreenerri ot - ..En Im .hud. ........... ... . - - and 1150 In checks. . jojed the ho,P'ulity of the Weston funera sermon will be preached by A -if a mill. In Malum Ora. gon, east.rn Washington, western .1 f ..,, 1d"! .... . Dr. Bleakncy. a lifelong friend of the Montana and Idaho are membcra of "" do""r',W" !T" Man,KPr B"'nc, f Wosto" Mem" deceased, the services being held in ,k u.ia- t,. c.i ... ih l.,.. Including construction of six bridge , . ,, -Jctlir. -how. announce .u -r .k M.hii.. v. e.t in the assoclatlon'a history. ni tht !8 ,n ' 18 "I?": thnt whcn he ,re"cnU th,t 8ter,inR copal church. At the grave, Masonic MiLton Mrs. S. S. Shields. the railroad administration. It waa estimated that the cut of th. M,r ,t" picture, "Once to Every Woman," he 8eiccg Md Th'e burial Reiort of Work of Athena Club Mrs. Ralph McEwen. ' Vocal Solo Miss McCuIlough of i ASK TO CANCEL WAR LOANS ........... i..i ,.ni. h. . . . ... aaaoclatlon for 1921 will abow a do- "-' ,i "'a w,h introluce "P'"'" ,nKcr, wno wj fce on Mr McEwen.s crease of approximately JO per cent "'"'" ' ZZZ m mn miw tne MS .w . anniversary from last year, or about 1.300,000,000 70th birth- Becretary Houston, However, Refuaea to Name the Nation. "Washington. Declaration By Secre- feet. Only five sawmills, owned by mam be of the aaaoclatlon In attendance at tb meeting, were reported to b In operation. wor. ...... u ....m, p.. CIlUir), materially in the prouueuon HiH gons R B aud A. u McEwen openeo .nu rrj.. . of tho picture. and his dauKhter. Mrs. II. A. Barrett. vortlalng of the work ordered. Readings Mrs. T. A. Williams of Milton. Report of Work of Weston Club tary Houston that an allied govern Mra. H. Goodwin. ment had proposed to the United Instrumental Duet Mesdames state cancellation ot Ita war obli- Mrs. F. S. U'Grow returned Sun- summoned from Athena to his 0mar Stephens and C. M. Eager of jations to this country, a wrangle over Charles J. Sohnabel. prominent at, ,,y frolll a threoweeks visit with bed8jd Mon(J 0n Tuesday) Mr. Athena, srnev of Portland, was shot In th t,.,. ,il,r .,! in S..attle. .. '. ...... . . . . Addrt "v . Aiccwens conumon was reponea vo -- ,: . back and fatally wounded by Joseph Mrs, LoGrow left her mother in im- ttr K. wina.jw Z h.n, sen of Pendleton. C. Poeschl. an ex-clicnt, as ho wai )r0vcd health, and is herself con- alarmjneiy worM again and fa;ied Piano Solo Mrs. Iley Winn. akai.t A kttA an flklAVgatif An that -1.1 LI.. . (.,LUami. . nienKeemn if uaxiAim tAnU . naainai dauico ic cnilPUT ,bout t0 n,or n elcv,or on ,h siderably better from a troublesome (ast unti, the end RAPIDS rOWtn 19 bUUbni third floor of the court house. II attack of inflammatory rheumatism. He , aide itatus of war loans to Russia and Rua- torncy of PorUand. was shot In th hl,r mther and sister in Seattle. McEwen'B condition waa reported to Address Mrs. Edith G. Van Deu- iion embassy financing, and a decision :o divide the investigation as to roretgn loans with the foreign relations corn- Discussion of various topics of in- uittee, marked a session ot the sen- A x i ! I T it. i.v.. h.iH. hi. wiHntt- turn lerel 10 ciud women iouowea. uur- ,te judiciary committee. . . . ....n, tU'd I" mbulance on tne way to Lawrence Tharp is home again af- 8onB and three daughters They are: Jn& the social nour the a"uests were SecreUry Houston said that "one Oregon and wanington Bip,ion ft hoiptai ranccd grievance against ter spending the past several months r b and A L. McEwen of Athena; 8eated 8t tobles centered with pink lovernment" had proposed cancella- Lay Plana For Powr Plant. the ,awyw harbored for more than at employment in Pendleton. He n 'H A garrett of Athena- Miss ttnd white "roations and served :ion bv the United States of loans. Pendleton, Or. Plan to enrich Ore- (en vpar, bJP icsrhl. furnished th recently made a trip to North Yaki- jeM'jca ' McEwen and Miss Thclma 1111 dainty lunch h Mesdames R. He preferred "not to say" what gov gon and the northwest by million of molVe for the killing. ma and is very much taken with the McEwen of Portland. Morrison, J. R. Rowland, W. S. ,rnment. ' dollars annually by the erection of a Representative Hawley of Oregon country across tho river. Lawrence Coming to Umatilla county in an Payne and J- A Lumsden. The af- Recently published remarks ot J. 125.000.000 bydrb-oUctrlo plant at ha ur.ceedod In having four special intends farming tho Tharp land near car, d Mr McEwen engaged in fair serve1 t0 promote friendly rela- 4UBten Chamberlain, British chan- Cmatllla rapids on the Columbia river penB0n bills Incorporated in th stanfleld this year and will soon be- 8heepraising but )ater devoted his tions and sP'rit of o-Pertion in je,lor of the exchequer, that such a took definite shape her at a meeting omnhu pension bill which ha been Rjn spring plowing. time and attention to wheatraising. mportnt activities to be undertaken Pr0posal had been made to the United of 160 delegates from eastern Oregon rcp0rted to the house. They are for The Etude Club is the latest ad- Witft cnaracteristic energy and fro- b 0(8 clubs Presented. About 70 3ttea and refused prompted the ques- and southeastern Washington com- Mrg Henrietta Brewer of Roaeburg, dition to Athena's increasing society ljt ho carved out 0f the Vansycle ,odies were in "endance. Uon that flrew Mr Houstoa'a state- ... Ila. . n . n 1.' I u . u n.ii... J i. u..;... ..1. . "" airs. Bonn nii:rviiu.cjr . onr.nizauuns, anu ia um.iutKu ovio- ,i:lriot . .nlimtlirl farm nf luro-o c. project, as outlined, would re- Grovei Mrt, Caroline Hlnos Willi of ly for the purpose of the study re,, and accumulated a comfortable Th "GO AND GET IT!" nent claim thousands of arid acres In east- Roaeburg. and James M. Berry of Mills music and composers, and the pleas- fortune( retiring a few years ago and rn Oregon and southern Washington, c)tVi B widow will receive $20 ure of its members, who comprise a removing to Portland with members euppiy power lor eiecvr.uv.uuu . v eacn ana tne veteran ju mouiu. group ot lamea wno are uiierestcu 0f his family to enjoy it. and for commercial nae and sv,i.r.l .Id for ddvelonlnc hydro- in mimic. The initial meeting was would make tha Columbia river navl- ...,,i. nnwer at Umatilla ranld. In hold two weeks asro and today a meet College Glee Club rieases. gable from Its mouth practically to ,n0 Columbia, and passage of the ing Ib being held at the home of Mrs. the Junction with the Snake river. was 68 yeara old, died Saturday morn- 6oldlera' Relief Meaur Pasted. ing at his home in Newport, following Washington. Two big relief meat an operation for stomach trouble. He ares were put through the house in a was buried Monday with the funeral lurry Monday. Called up under a sua- Always popular in Athena, the Wil- services being conducted by the Odd pension of rules, a proceeding which Joseph hydro-clectrlc commission bill F. D. Watts for perfecting the or lamette Glee Club more than pleased Fellow and Masonic orders, to both of required a two-thirds vote on psssage, Gilbert W. Phelps, circuit Judge of bv ,h. Oregon legislature, wer ganization.' its audience at High School Auditor- which he had been amember for many the $13,000,000 soldier hospital diu was Pendleton, was elected president ot ,0U(tht at Pendleton Saturday In a Mrs. Fred Gross was gracious Friday evening, when the glee- years. Mr. Ashpaugh was a bache- passed by a rising vote, and tne iiwv tb permanent organixation which la moetlng of government and reclama. hostc yesterday afternoon to the "inrs and entertainers made ior and leaves besides Mrs. Sanders, DOO.000 road fund appropriation won to be known a th Umatilla Raplda (lon enlneer, repre.entatlvea of th Sunshine club and a -number of her their annual appearance here. two other sisters, a brother, and his lasily. Power Sit association. Northern Pacific. Spokane, Portland neighbors and friends at her home Ensemble, the club was at better aged mother. He lived near Athena A Seattle. Oregon-Waahington Rail on Fifth street. The afternoon was advantage if anything, than on former about SO years ago, with his parents. U. S. Firm on Island of Yap. '. All on Steamer Klamath 6avd. ay A Navigation, and Milwaukee most informally spent in social chat engagements here, and the solo men Flooded Streets. Washington. The United States San Francisco, The 1 paaasnger railroads, the ways and means com- and needle-work, and a delightful wer splendid. Especially did Mr. The heaviest ralnfal of the season will not recognise Japan' mandate who were aboard th team chooner mlttee of the state legislature and 200 group of aongs; was given by Mrs. Blinkensop and Mr. Baslcr please. waa experienced here Tuesday after- over tha Island of Tap unless Japan Klamath when she went ashore at Del business men of eastern Oregon. John otho Reeder, who played her own The stunts by Messrs. Emmel,, Rarey ncon and evening. Water from the agrees to accept this government s con Mar 10 mllee north of San Kranolsco, II. Lewis, formerly state engineer, accompaniment at the piano. Mrs. nd Socolofsky were mirth-catching in fleds east and north of town flooded tentlon that the Island should be in arly Saturday morning, were takon and Robert N. Stanfleld. United Gross waa assisted in serving a two- high degree and were sparkling in the streets, but aa the result of recent ternatlonalixed insofar as the cable to Point Arena. An elghteen montha Statea aenator-eleot, were among th course luncheon by her aisterinlaw, effect. Miss DeLong at the piano in street improvement, the flow of water landing station feature is concerned, it aid baby In an ash can laahed to a principal apeaker. Th project pre Mrs. Lula Read. her ifted "0, work and "8 accompan- was controlled to the extent that it waa laid at the atate department lailor'a baek wa on ot tha flrt to pose the development of 120.000 The Parent-Teachers' Association ist prov,ed. to 0ne of the PrinciPal did not flood basements and cellars as be taksn In th breeche buoy from horse power from the river and the meetings are increasing in interest sset3 of tn8 ub in the Pst- In the downtown district Army Recruiting Is Stopped, th steamer, after another member of Irrigation of( 6S8.000 acrea in the at each session. Next Thursday eve- Wallace Ashpaugh Dead. a few basements had a small quantity Washington. Complete cessation of th craw had swum 200 feet through John Dsy project, Oregon, and th njng Dr. F. D. Watts will give a talk Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sanders return- of water in them as the result of the army recruiting was ordered by Secre- th heavy ea to the rock that th Hore Heaven project. Washlngion. A on the care of the eyes. A piano duct ed from Newport, Wash., Tuesday, water backing up in the drainage tary Baker in accordance with tha Una might be made fast. large sum of money already haa been by Misses Rea Allen and, Vera where they attended the funeral of pipe, but no damage was done. direction of congress aa embodied in pledged, and co-operation of the rail- Gross, a vocal solo by Jennamae Mrs. Sanders' brother, the late Wal- a joint resolution adopted ovar Presi- Cash for chickons J R. Reynolds. ada and the government Is sought Roadi and possibly other numbers lace Ashpaugh. Mr. Ashpaugh, who "GO AND GET IT!" eut Wilson "a veto. I