fovtlvo unless the United 8UUi U a member. vv .Your Telephone.. What does your telephone service mean to you? m In the successful operation of your business is your tel ephone necessary? Does the telephone in your residence prove more than a convenience and perform an important part in the management of your affairs? In fact, don't you -find good telephone service essential in both your office and home? ' The Telephone Company believes you do and wants to supply that sen-ice to you. Telephone properties airenow operated at a loss in the State of Oregon. . Increased rates are necessary to continue present service and attract capital for building new plant needed. Can invest ors be-expected to furnish funds for extensions when the pres ent plant does not pay its way? . Is not the Telephone Company entitled to rates which will enable them to continue to furnish good telephone service to' the people of Oregon, and without which they cannot carry out their plans for development? These are questions of importance and should interest every telephone user, . ' Vhe Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Ill-other Ingalla of th ' Corvalils Gasetto-Tlmes ia air uncompromising republican, and can therefore teach ut nothing of value politically. Yet when ho dipa into abstruse subjects euch aa the subjoined, we drink rev erently at a fountain of .knowledge l "Encephalitis lethargies ia rampant in Chicago. Thia ia not. a prehis toric animal cscajictl from tho aoo aa you might suppose but the name doctors uho for sleeping sickness." However, none of u have been sup posing that a prehistoric animal would escape from the too. Roy W. Ritncr, state aenator from Umatilla county, ia making tho tort of record a prenident of. the upper house that rvllecta credit upon hia constituent and Justifies tho confi dence reposed in hia tact and judg ment by hia fellow solons. : The 522 bills before the, Oregon legislature are fortunately not of the too-familiar kind that most of. us like to dodge. Otherwise there would likely be a pronounced exo dua from the capital. It begins to look as though the graft charges against the shipping board were made by those who felt a bit ptvih because, fhey wtre not in a position to charge anything else. lxt tho only fight in which the Russian Soviet government haa any excuse for engaging be the domestic one which it ill be compelled to wage for it existence. In order to attain hia present emi nence, Mr. Jack Dempsey never fl rank nor used tobacco and likewise prudently refrained from fighting overseas. cAbout One-Eleven 20dttesl5 & M fV pi. iaOCTir .u' i m y 11 wMdm-imirr.. it i JUST an IntlJo word about One Eleven. The American To bacco Company haa served the " public with fine tobnecoa for many years. It commands th experience and aklll to prepare and know good cigarettes. The American Tobatfco Com pany would not give the address of its home office aa the name of ' a new cigarette If It did not nclieve that the blend would please you. FlNALLY- try them . jH n I'D Mk (Kit II rwi Ml Ilk - citj. i r Germany ia called upon to pay the rather imposing sum of fifty five million dollars In gold for the imaginary place she didn't get in the sun. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL SUMMER SESSION The Summer Term of the Oregon Normal School will be held as follows: MOioTECOTTTJa: Regular Courses six weeks, beginning June 27, 192V . Elementary Teachers Training Course twelve weoks, '. , beginning June 27, 1921. " Regular Courses six weeks, beginning June 27, 1921. .For detailed information concerning Monmouth write to ' J. H. Ackerman, Monmouth, Oregon. .For detailed information concerning Pendleton write to H. E. Inlow, Pendleton, Oregon, HI-HeHT" UTJCH DRY WESTON LEADER CLAKK MOOD, fuklUhir MRS. M. GOODWIN. AuhUnt Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATCt Slficliv "I AdfoAnct The' Year $2 00 Six Months 1 00 Three Months 0 W Advertising Rates . ,., Display, Regular, per inch 20 Display, Transient, per inch . ...2oc Local .Readers, per line 10c FKIDAT. FEB. 4, - Ml Cnttrtd t Hit poitoflicc al Wtilon. On Jon ,mondcli mailmsllcr. THE LOG OF THE COLUMBIA. An informative leading editorial in tho Sunday Orcgonian embodies facts of much historical interest concerning another log of the Colum bia, but lately brought to light. The record was kept by one John JJoit, master mariner a man of evident courage and .resource.' We have room here but for one excerpt, re garding an Indian village which Boit, much against hia will, waa sent by Captain Gray to destroy. It con tained some 200 hquses, and the fol lowing description shows that New York and other largo cities arc to have "saint" mayors, ac cording to the Zionists. New York will probably admit that it needs one. a HICKEIM If England, tho United States and japan keep right on preparing lot war, Brother Mars will not be so in Considerate as to disappoint them. ; In tho event of Daugherty'a ap pointment aa attorney general, it will bo Uncle Sam who will have to pay Mr. Harding's political debta. - Although Germany is making do lorous moan, the amount she is asked to pay Is probably less than the amount ahe expected to collect. If Morris Gcst wins his five mil lion dollar libel suit against Henry Ford's paper, the latter will certain ly be a Dearborn Independent. L See me for CHICKENS and all kinds of PRODUCE. Blacksmith Iron, Shafting and Piping. Bought right, and for sale at lowest prices. Do it NOW. WILL BUY YOUR OLD C" IRON and JUNK J. R. Reynolds Water Street (second block north of Main) WESTON ...... OREGON Friend Seattle's street railway in vestment has resolved Itself into speculation as to how ahe is going to get out of the mess. The Inland Empire wisely wants to harness the Umatila rapids 120,000 minimum 'horse 'power and make them do its work. you really want P. T. Harbour PHONE 273 .Yoy Need Your Home Paper and it Needs You THE WESTON ILLS ROLL, GRIND or CLEAN ' ; your grain, and will give prompt atten tion to orders for anything in its line. . International Stock and Poultry Food Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone, Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash. V WOOD and COAL J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor From the newspaper headline, "Furhtinir in Ireland." the last two tne words could as well be deleted as Indians of that early day were more wholly superfluous, advanced in architecture than is . generally supposed: Many railroads are reported to be "Every door that you enter d was losing money. Begins to look now-a-in resemblance toa human and days as though only tho counterfeiter beast's head, the ' passage being were making it. through the mouth, besides which there was much more rude .carved work abont the dwellings, some of which was by no means inelegant. This fine village, the rork of ages, was in a short time totally de stroyed." The Columbia was the first ship to sail the waters of the mighty river to which it gave its name.: It was outfitted in Boston in the lat ter part of the eighteenth century. One of the owners, Charles Bulfinch, a Boston merchant referred to In the Oregonian's editorial, was an ances tor of Charles F. Bulfinch of Weston. But is it considerate of Mr. Wilson to deprive us of an opportunity for reading a $150,000 article? Mustapha Kemal has decided to quit fighting the French and British. Kemal Mustapha hunch. i Style, m id Vahs - You will not neglect to look thru our new Line. WESTON BATHS, BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud I Despite her mendacious Germany lies with apparent inthe bed she has made. habit, effort With wheat market prophets pre dicting a rise, farm profits are re flecting a fall. THE NEED OF A LEAGUE. Whether of no the Big Four of the neace table were rlirht. Llovd Georire David A. Pattullo, soldier and pub-. onjy j, Jicist, sums up tne results oi nis oo- Hervations in Europe in the following excerpt from an interesting article in the Saturday Evening Post: "Whatever path an investigator follows in Europe -whether it bo the trail of the powers' mighty schemes of aggrandizement, their jockeying for advantage, the setting of one na tion against another, the maneuver- Precisely 'where Soviet Rusgiaf de serves to be left is alone. Change Wheat Grading. . An effort is being made to have the legislature amend Section 6123 of the,Oregon laws, proposing to change the penalty on grain grades falling j City Draying f Leave orders at rest- 4 dence (Marsh cottage) south of Weston Mer cantile. Phone 361. GEO. A. LINDEKEN KOW'S tlj TIE To Have Your HARNESS OILED AND REPAIRED AUTO TOPS Make You a Ptaw One or Repair the Old. GOOD WORKMANSHIP -AJEa"W-A."5rs . WHITMAN'S HARNESS STORE Phone 122 . . Milton. Ore. t Dr. s. i mm ing to piay Mtn enas against tne un(icr No. . Tha me..ur. has eon, middle, or the efforts to grab any- 8lder,ble support in this county and thing they can get . away with-it , intenjcti to furnish relief to the leads him. back to the dire necessity gr0wen not a)one of Umatilla coun- of an effective league of nations. tv but of ,u Eastern Oregon, where The prospect without a league ia ap- No j wheat is arce. Under the palling, for the seeds of future wars pnMent sy.tem of grading grain, have been sawn broadcast in. Europe Kty, the t Orcgonian, wheat which since the armistice." . m.itrh an niin,u in tha huh- Ilere is a potent league argument ej( Bn(j weighs 68 pounds or more, ia I Phone Main 253 i rrom tne pen or a trained observer. RrB(ed , No 2. The price paid for And no league of nationa can be ef- thli Jg three centa per bushel lest than for No. 1. Veterinary Surgeon CASH MARKET FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS I HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAD) FOIt LIVESTOCK, HIDES, PELTS, &c. . HASS&SAUER Cash for chickens. J. R. Reynolds. :