The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 04, 1921, Image 1

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Oregon News Rotes
111.1 MWhM w i wvvmi ,ar na bw-n ord. rd cloac d. '
A rabbit bunt near Usevlew, In
Supreme Tribunal Holds That wuirn to pepi er engaged. ruit-
ed la id death or 1711 or to pt.
Judge Landls Should Not
Have Heard Case.
Wathtnctoa. Convlctloa of Victor
L. Reraer and four other monitor! of
lh iorlallat party, for violation of th bouaod. drop of about 10
Tbo flt. Helen flour mill bu born
dritroyed by fir with loe of about
110.000, partly covered by Insurance.
llftall price at llend of lath .and
common grade of lumber hav born
aptnnag dbt, was reversod by tha
uprem cdurt on lb (round that
Judg Lndl ahould not -hav btard
tha ault after bla tllilblllty bad bean
Thot convicted with lieraer In tha
per cent.
Tha bll mill at Devltt. which waa
buried laat fall, la being rebuilt. It
will employ 100 men and cut 100.000
fret a day.
On account of a minor operation,
federafcourt at Chicago were Adulph Governor Olcott baa bad an enforced
Oermer. national aerretary of tha abeenca from the eiecullv office for
party; William F. Kruse. editor of the several daya.
Young Boclallat' magatlne; J. Loul Organliatlon of the Oregon Mint
Bngdah! and Irwin St. John Tucker.' Urower' association baa beeo formed
Herger and tha other four were cob- t Eugene with E. B. Wallace of Linn
Tlctad under tha section prohibiting county aa president
attempt! to eaua Insubordination and Mm. Drualiln Mee. a pioneer of Jack-
dtaloyalty r tba naval and military county, who croeaed tb plalna In
(leniences of from ten lo . twenty
yaara Imprisonment were Imposed.
Tba appeal waa brought to the au
prerae court on tha ground that Judga
Kenetiw Mountain tandla had ihown
"personal blaa and prejudice" agilnit
tb defendinta bees ate of their na
tionality. Tb court divided, all to three, Jua
Ucea Day, Pitney and Mcfteynoldi die
anting. Tb majority opinion held that tha
affidavit of prejudice filed by Derger
agalnat Judge Landl waa aufflclent
to bava cauaed bla withdrawal from
the c and that Judge Landla him
If waa not Justified In paialng upon
tba affidavit.
Washington. An attack on tbo pro
poeed agreement .between Japan and
tba United State aa to the atatua of
Japanaa In thla country wai mad by
Ban tor Johnaon of California. Tha
attack waa charaoterlied by Secretary
of Slat Colby In a statement aa pro
ceeding "upon a quit arroneou as
sumption aa to the trend and purpoa
of th convereatlona which have been
going on between Ambassador Morrla
and tb Japan ambassador."
In bla atatament Secretary Colby
. laid that Senator Johnaon waa not
uninformed ai to the course or theao
conversation, "and I am therefor
surprised that be ahqiild 'eel called on
to throw himself Into a defensive pos
ture agalnat dangers which ha de
scribe but which, I am Informod, ha
kaa beeo assured do not present them
. lv.M ,
: Senator Johnson In his statement
laid th plan would In effect "abro
gate and destroy" the alien law voted
by California. It would alio, he laid,
provide aa to Japanese exclusion for
mother "so-called gentlemen' agree-
Bent which does not exclude."
Such a situation he said, waa "In- ,
tolerable" and he added:
' "Consummation of such plan will'
ba resisted." ' .
fell Commltte Roads Fac Bank
, ruptcy Unless Expanse Reduced.
Chicago, III. Bankruptcy threatena
tba rallroada of th United State
snless they are assured immediate
means for a reduction4 lo operating ex
senses, th railroad lnbor board waa
told by tba Association of Railway
Executives. .
General W. W. Atterbury, chairman
pf th labor committee of the road
arganlsatlon mad the prediction.
Th executive assured the federal
sfflclala that If there ware Immediate
abrogation of the wartime national
igreementa Involving working rules
ll&S, la dead at ber borne In Central
I'olnt. aged 74 years.
P. O. Harris, a prominent Ilenton
county farmer, died suddenly at Cor
vail la. Harris waa known aa the bean
king of Denton county.
Approximately MQ0.OO0 111 be spent
this year for Improvement of Marlon
county roads. This Include 1400.000
of the bond lasue voted two years ago.
Marabal C. Awbrey, agd 01 year,
died at iloaeburg last week. Mr. Aw
brey waa a veteran o. the Mexican
war and fought with Fremont In California.
Tb Y. M. C. A. snd various, frater
nal organisation at The Dalles will
conduct an employment office In an
attempt to solv tb unemployment
fieri rand D. Poison suffered t se
vere Injury when a one-pound shell,
sent aa a souvenir from the war tone
In Europe, exploded In the family
home at Eugene.
A meeting of melon growers at Vile
resulted In the forming or an aaaocla
tlon. th purpoee or which la to grow
and market melon and cantaloupe
on a large scale.
Th Lane county court baa set aald
tb sum of 115.000 for an earth fill to
take tb place of th long wooden
bridge on the county road between
Vaneta and Elm Ira.
A alx weeks' course In teacher train
ing, under direction of th Oregon
State Normal school, baa been desig
nated to bo held In Pendleton from
June 17 to August 6.
It. Bruce McPherson of Howell,
Mich., haa sold to the William Mc
Pherson estate a tract of several hun
dred acre of timber land In the south
ern part of Clatsop county.
A resolution protesting to the post
office department against the closing
of the lobby of the Eugene poatofflce
after 9 o'clock at night, waa passed at
a meeting of the city council.
The sale or 1350,000 worth of Jack
eon county road bonds bs been de
cided upon by the count court Bids
will be opened March 3 und nd bids
will be accepted for leas than par.
At a meeting of th Deachute coun
ty court, D. H. Galea, of Terrebonne,
f. H. Hardy of Alfalfa, and W. W.
Van Meter of Redmond, were appointed
director of the Deachute county fair.
A new logging railroad grade, 15
mile In length, tapping a new area of
Brooks-Scanlon timber, haa been com
pleted near Bend. Steel will be laid
on only the first two mile this year.
But one Umatilla county ex-service
man la In the state hospital at Pendle
ton for mental disability, while there
are seven other ex service men In the
hospftal from various parte of the
Mr. Anna Elisabeth Ferguson, one
of the oldeet of Oregon pioneers, died
Uit week at the home of her daughter
In Haines, aged 94. She had been a
resident of Baker county tor nearly SO
Offer Tor SU
Wood Ships aind Wood Hulls
Bids will be received on a private competitive basis
in accordance with the Merchant Marine Act at the office
of the United States Shipping Board, 1319 F Street, N. W-,
Washington. V. C. "
Vessels showing the various types, dimensions and
number available for sale are as follows;'
Avaiuiwe TYTK: IatnatJ d. w. t . .Z
KuH t'ormtimi'lion, 2.
Lensth, S feet;
I. 171
I Trip. Kip. all: I. II. V.t !.: H"Hr, I uao. w
ft ; i. it iM-mh 21 f-vl Inrhee: Uunkr-i i, ;i
: ft.:
07: Daily
. u. t,nii.ri t Mfantt Waft-r Tultea.
Hreadih. 44.fl.: lwnth. 14 ft." In.: Hul
Canaurriptlon. It: Hpeed, .J: dieamlna
! 4S fi.; Iiep". M ft : ilunftlWrWi.C
Kjj ' ; I. II i:, Mi Holier. I bland. Water Tub; Cmruo, Bale,
l-KNINHI'l-A TVI-K: lilinitt d. w. 4.MO: Ifeni'J
'"''"" ":! "Ti""i ..'.:-..;. iiii: L-n.
Turbine Wt; IJollera. I HI and. Water Tube; Careo, Bale, HK.U4I.
rAM'TlHIIKIlllCS TYPK: Pe.lan.Tt d. w .. .; Ifnfb.
IU I 4 in.: Hreaaih. 44 ft.: I".th. 24 ft : llankera-Coal. 4J
iNilly Furl oii.un.ptii.n. '-: Fpl, Ht-amln lladtua. 4 01,
Kna'nea. I Trip Kap.: I. H. V. 1.&i Hollera, I Uland. Wat- Tube,
farao. IUI. III.W4; Oram. J.I.S.S.
AI.I.KN tVi-K; l-sinatl d. w. .. 1,46; length. 174 ft. 4 In .
Hr-adlh. 44 ft. In : l"lth. i ft. 4 In.: Bunk-ra-Coal. 417.1; l"y
Purt" Win Plton. hi HP"d. I. filmln, Kadlu. 4.: Knionea.
1 Trip Mp : I II. J'.. 1.410; Ik.ll-ra, 1 Bland. Water Tube; .aro.
list. I4S.S0I: Oram. 117. 4i4 . . , . .
t H5; iJnilh. lil ft Brdlh. 41 .; Ipth, IS ft.: Dally Fu-l
rsnaumpiton, IOj Hpeed. Knainea. t Trip. hap. att; I. It. V..
I.. I.S7S: Inrth. !7 ft.:
Hunkera-Coal. M; Dally Fuel
inm UMtliii- Mil Knalnre. 1
Trio. Fn.: L F4. P.. 1.4: Boiiere, 1 uaarn ar nm;
nl?4Vpr?.lSd. w. t.. I.ISI: I-enath. m ft.s Hreadth.
4S ft. I In ; Upih. :4 ft : Hunk-ra-Coal, 477: Dally Fuel Cnnump
lon. V. : Pfemlna Kadlue. I.SS4: knalne. iTrlp- J-JI'-
I. ti. P.. I.4: Bollera. I Bland. Water Tube; Cargo, Bale. Ul.tJZ.
Hm-Oli'TYPK: Dealgnated d. w. t.. 4 Wl; length. .74 ft.: Breadth.
44 ft ; Upth, S ft.: Hunk-re-Coal. 00: Ially Fuel ronaumption.
IS pVl. S: Steaming Kdlu. 7.79-: Kngln-a. 1 ! Trip. Kitn : : I. l. P..
I.40: Bollera, I Hland. Water Tube; Cargo. Bale. 147.440; Grain.
OR ATS HARBOR TTPE: TWIgnateJ 6. w. I.. 4.00: length J74
bally Fwl Cfneumptlo), t: tped. 4; Steaming Badlua. I.lll.
Kriifnee I Trip. Km.: i. l. I'.. I.4fl; Bollera, I Btand. Water
Tube; Cargo. Bale, 177.4IT; Grain. 177.447..
TERMS: 10 per cent easrr en delivery. Balance In equal aml
annual neUMmnU ovr a prleel ef thr year..
Bid may be ubmltled tor fmo or more vensela, or for any
combination of veaoels; and must nffomrmnled by cortHlwl check
payabl to the V. S. Shipping Bonr.l for 24 pt'f f amount of the
bid. Bid ahould be aubmlttcd on the buMa of purchnne "as la and
where I."
The Board rrva th right to reject any and all bid.
SEALED BIDS ahould be addrsd to th Secretary of th
Indorsed "SEALED BID FOR STEAMSHIP (Nam of Ship)" and
"Do Not Open."
Ship and Sail Under American Flag '
" nrniiiuv iiiiot niv
Saturday night by neat Job of "Jim- U til (1 Ail I fllUdl lAl
mylng" the front door and escaping
with silk dresses and bolts of silk 00C DM I fl$J PIICYC
goods netting a loss to the firm of tilV DILLIUil ItintiA)
over 400. .
operated from the inisde. Apparent- Reparations and Other lai
ty a flat implement of soma character
was used to spring the lock and the
lower elide bolt released 'from it
position when the doors were slight
ly forced apart. This at least la the
opinion of Manager Emmel who found
tAt- entrance in usual condition when
he entered the store for business as
usual. The spring lock functioned in
customary manner, and it only dawn-
portant Questions.
Paris. FulP agreement on reparav
tlona, German disarmament and all
other Important question before It
bad been reached by the aupreme conav
ell when It adjourned to meet la
don February 21.
A protocol waa signed approving the)
cl upon the manager that his store reparatlone scheme as agreed on br
had been robbed when article in the tne apclaj committee and also the re
silk department were missed. port on the disarmament of Germany
At first a couple of ailk dresses M presented by tb military eommlt
and ilk stockings cameup missing, t).e. Germany must disarm by Jnly 1.
but the loss has increased until it
reaches over S400 in silks, including
a number of bolU of that expensive
This is the third time the Penney
store has been robbed. Under Merl
Robie's management the store was
robbed and also once while Carry
Taylor was at the head of the insti
tution. On the two former occasions
men's wearing apparel was stolen.
Business men on the street are be-
dlsbanding all ber civic guards net
provided flr In the peace treaty.
Germany will be called on to pay In
42 annuities -on a eliding acal JJ,
090,000.009 gold mark. Her export.
In addition, bear an export duty of IS.
per cent for the allies. On th bta ,
of last year's exports thla would give
the ail lea 150.000,000 gold mark or'
12 per cent of whatever money la
which the exports are paid for. Tntta
tt Is f(mtM4 tha flrflt rt mnmAA
ginnirTg to feel shaky over the wave by wm 3so.000.00 go!4:
of store-breaking and robbenea over m.rkt fh- rt . . ., n,M
the Northwest and realize that the
dark street here docs not tend to
protect their places of business.
Drunken Motorist Arrested.
A serious accident was narrowly
averted at the intersection of Main
Seizure of German customs was adeV t
ed as fourth of the penalties adopted '
for violation of agreement. The other
three are: Extenilon of the area of '
occupation; occupation of the Ruhr'
and Third streets Tuesday afternoon, district; refusal to admit Germany t
when George Myrick, in an intoxica- the league of nations,
ted condition and driving a Ford car, Aa to Austria it waa agreed that th
crashed into a car driven by Mrs. D. allie ahould forego reparations, tha
Stone. The impact of the collision coat of the army of occupation and
twisted one of the front wheels of certain other Austrian debt to email :
the Ford and smashed a fender on the Austria to obtain aid more easily. It '
larger car . (The total of gold ;
'Myrick was on his proper side of marka of German reparation payment
Main street coming west, and Mrs. cjied for by the plan would equal as- '
Harris farm Northwest of town, and
will move to the place soon. His
father Al Johnson, with Mrs. John
son will move back to their farm
home, vacating their residence on
A. A. Foss is having trouble with
badly inflamed eye.
Kathleen Radtke has been sick the
past week with, the prevailing epi
demic of srrin.
William Kilgore has aold to William Hunt avenue, where they have resided
Durnirtg, Iota 5 and 6, block. 3, Rich- for several years,
arils addition to Athena. Consider- Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McFadden of
ation $700. Corvallis, visited over Sunday at the
Between weather squalls this week hvimc of C. L. McFadden in Athena,
robins have been chirruping among J. N. McFadden, who is a brother of
the apple trees, where they feast on the Athena druggest, is an old U. of
tho dried and frost-bitten fruit. O. college mate of B. B. Richards. He
Farmers have been longing for purchased a band of sheep at Echo
plowing weather during tho month of before returning home.
February, and now that they have Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cronk have re
February with them, they want the tuned to Athenn after an extended
weather. visit with relative, in the Willamette
On account of tho critical illness of valley. Mr. Cronk has purchased a
Mrs. . Caton, Mr. and Mr. George ten-acre tract of land near Lebanon,
Banister are expected home from with object of making his home there
California, where they have been in the future.. Mr. and Mrs. Cronk
spending the winter. - wore also on the Sound before re-
Exccpting the hard surfaced high- turning to Athena,
way, the roads leading to Athena are Mrs. Donald Moore, who last week
in bad condition aa a result of much was reported ill with inflammatory
rainfall and frosty temperature. rheumatism, has -been in a serious
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Monagan of condition this week from the malady,
Milton, have put in a human bake but is reported better at the present
oven in Athena, being located in tho time,
building recently occupied by Dr. Miss Ethel Hodgen left Wednesday
Sponaglo, dentist. for Hilgard, where she will fill out an
R, A. West, who is drilling a- well unexpired term in a country school,
on the Robert Coppock residence A new school house has lately been
property on Fourth street, is still built in the district where she goes
working through a very hard rock to teach.
formation at a depth of 145 feet. Beulah Banister, captain of the girls
Mrs. M. L; Watts, after spending a basket ball team, had the nusrortune
Stone was coming north on Third
street, and the spot at which the col
lision took place, indicated that she
was aafely past the intersection turn
ing block, within her rights to pro
ceed either down Main or to continue
north on Third.
Myrick was arrested by Officer
Stone, who charges him with driving
an automobile while intoxicated and
with having liquor in his possession.
Up to last night he had not had his
hearing before Judge Richards.
Dentist is Evicted.
As a result of a difference of opin
ion existing between Dr. Spor.agle,
dentist, and Dr. Lash, dentist as to
which of the two. Dr. Lash who pays
the taxes, or Dr. Sponagle who says
he paid his rent promptly, had the
right to occupy the Lash office build-
proxlmately $56,000,000,000 at normal
exchange rates.) '
Washington, D. C Acting Treasur
er Allen announced that a total ef lit,
883.t26.36 in cash and ecur1tle waa
round In the treasury u remit of
the count necessitated by the resigna
tion of John Burke aa treasurer.
This total la about $10,000,000,006
greater than usual and Is accounted
for by approximately that amount of
notes deposited by foreign govern
ments' war loans.
ThA Mrinal mhIi on hand al th tin
nng on Main street, Sponagle's office of the count WM 97410(283.02.
equipment and household enects were The ,Mt preT,0U count. Jb m,
summarily lifted into the street by tnowed toUj , M.gt4jj,.
Deputy Sheriff Lavender, Tuesday mM of wh,ch toUj amount-
afternoon, and possession given to i rf 0 n,WUS),ni.0.
new tenant ' The present count ahowed $4,72.
The two dentists took a whirl t- 553 n ,n cm, $4590,S7a in
court several weens ago ana msn won,
standard silver dollars, compared with
gold coin of $2,505,722.98 and atandard
silver dollar totaling $153,I9J, ta
the decision, since which time, it is
alleged he served notice on Sponagle
to vacate. That Dr. Sponagle took his
time in the process of vacating is ev-
ident and he says he has grounds for Morgan" Gift,
damages against Dr. Lash. Dr Spon- Wa8nlnston.Xne noM mtlnt a.
agle w have temporary office facU- commlttM of tt. who,e '
couple of months with her daughter, of injuring -her ankle during prac
Miss Vernita Watts, in Oakland, Cali- tice this week. "Boots" will find it
fornia. returned to her horrte in Athe- necessary to drop her daily practice
The Oregon nignway commission is nft) Tuesday. . for a lew days.
.... t . . , . . auktivi i.i- iv vv..w. rnra. itov waiinon ta ct t. ttt t ovim ,. xi&cmi. ihwo
. llmVmmMtoJi r,TW n'hw' .hrouh overiiro-''. CoiieKe Mnltarium, where she the organization of a boy's school
It SL?L .t,L,hL ,n the ylclnlty of the CeI,1 is receiving medical treatment. Miss band, nearly twenty boys having sig
tnr month attw to ordr Becomes . . .:, ,k. ;j ,l.i. inti, inininw Th
- senate publlo land committee Instruct- sanitarium. services of Mr. E. A. Bennett may be
Ultimately, however, it was stated,
ther would b need for a reduction
In basic wage If tb cost of operat
ing tb road la to be cut to a point
trbar rate may b reduced.
ed Senator McNary to report on favor
The 11th annual production of the
Pendleton round up was staged at a
loss last September, according to fir
WHaon Refuaa to Pardon Deb.
Washington. President Wilson r
fused to eommut tb ten-year aen
tnc lmpod upon Bugen V. Deb
for violation of th espionage act. Th
lepartment of luetic had recommend
ed commutation of hi entenc to
tak ffct February IS nxU
ure made publlo at the annual meet- Tress building.
ing of the board of director and stock
holder of the Northwestern Frontier
association. A deficit of $2636.63 war
In common with other points in the secured, if enough instruments are
Northwest, Athena experienced a se- secured to insure the organization of
vere wind storm Saturday. Windows a band.
were broken in the fronts of the I. O. Wouldn't it be the safer plan, if
O. F.-K. of P. lodge hall and the not the cheaper, for Athena mercnants
to flood their stores with light from
tv- wiii.n. iT!rifw fri,u plnh their house wires, rather than to turn
makes its appearance at the Athena their stocks over to the burglar who
hih echool auditorium this evening, proves to be a n.fty worker with dark
hi. -ui ii. k.u. ..nv..mi ness favoring himT
Mm Cm. an risultlann. eolith Wash-
ImrtonSt.. will bo pleased to do your audience will greet the club.
washing- and plain ewing.
Athena school nunils have, canvassed nes8 favoring
the city thoroughly in the sale of Penney Store is Robbed, e
tickets, with the result that a large With Main street in total darkness,
dience will greet the club. . as it has been for nearly six montns,
Lee Johnson has leased the Vic burglars had no trouble in forcing an
ities in Dr, C. II. Smith's apart
ments 'in the telephone exchange
Death o( Mrs. Arthur Johnson.
Athena people were inexpressibly
shocked Sunday, to hear of the death
of Mrs, Arthur Johnson of Walla
Walla, formerly Miss Pearl Pinker
ton, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Pinkerton, now residing near
Mrs. Johnson recently gave birth to
a baby girl, and complications follow
ing caused her untimely death,' which
occurred Sunday afternoon in St.
Mary's hospital. She, leaves her hus
band, a little son four years old, the
infant daughter, her parents and two
brother, besides relatives and many
'warm friends to mourn her loss.
She was reared from childhood on
the home place near Athena, before
moving to Milton with her parents,'
where she was married. The funeral
was held in the Milton Christian
church, with Rev. Ortis Harris con
ducting the services, on Tuesday, Feb
ruary 1st. Interment was made in
Mountain View cemetery, Walla Walla
Mrs. Johnson was aged 28 years, four
months and seven days. With her
husband who is in the garage busi
ness, she has lived in Walla Walla
for several years. '
cept a a gift the home of J. P. Morgan
in London to be used aa an American
embassy and appropriated $50,000 for
the purchase of an embassy building
In Paris. . .
Foreign Advertiin R-preaentattve t
Its toasted
Laundry work done at home.
R. R. Riley. S. Broad street
Mrs. jCZeie