The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 28, 1921, Image 4

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nutuiHiiiitttm weswn wy
X Weston High
Weston Bop Wis fast Cam
Weston High lost and won In iU
game with Pilot Rock
night on the local bas-
The (irl lov ruoi
eston It Hut the boy
covered themselves with glory by
A quantity of warm ', clothing, winning Weston 30, Pilot Rock Sii.
underwear ami shoee h been gath- The boys ramc nJ 'u
ered together by the Sunday school ruua, ami recalled to old-time fans
of tha M. E. Church, South, and the historic battles In the palmy
forwarded for distribution at relief days tf yore, when the lamented
headquarter in IVland. Normal was in it prime and once
Mrs. Margaret Rabb of Athena, gave O. A. C. a wonderful fight.
Mr, and Mr. T. L. McDride and son And the .Ut traditions of Weston
Lawrence, Wfr dinner guesta Sunday High were aUo upheld by the local,
at the J. A. Lumsden home, who played in surpassing form.
Misa Frank Harris Davia wa dc- Victorious over all rival in it end
lightfully surprised last week when pf the county, Pilot Rock wa touted
aha received a pretty water color to win and did indeed make a brave
sketch of Crater lakethe work of and gallant showing. But the team
Misa Mabel Colvin, a former member tactics of the defender saved tho
of the local school faculty. day. It soon became apparent that
W. W. Smith pf Bicklcton, Wash., the strategy of tho visitors wa
is visiting at "the noma of his son, based, upon the remarkable prowess
Jay V. Smith. of their lanky and powerful center -
Mrs. I J. Jackson of Weston is he of the embryonic Charley Chaplin,
visiting th week at the home of This boy of the struggling. mustache
her son, Mr. Clay Jackson of Athe- in truly a bird, but Weston clipped
na. ' hi wing on nearly every play.
Nellie and Robert llagar of Pcndle- Coached by wise old veterans from
tan were week-end visitors in town the side lines, Bulflnch devoted his
at the home of their grandmother, efforts .solely to guarding and
Mrs. Sarah Powls. thwarting the Pilot Rock hero, who
At his country residence -cast of t that made some wonderful shots
town Saturday evening Georg Otte when given half a chance. Weston
was the amiable host of a delight- centered its play on Payne at for
ful party, at which dancing and ward, who had a great night and
cards were the chief diversions. Re- justified the confidence reposed in
freshmen ta were served at midnight, him by tossing no lens than ten field
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Al- froals. His colleague. Phinney, alxo
bert O'Harra, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. played with dash and brilliancy.
McBridc, Mr. and Mra. M. W. Peder- In the girls game Jackson scored
sen, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller, Mr. all but two of Weston's points. She
and Mrs. C. C. Osborne, Mr. and would simply reach way above her
Mrs. Ray O'Harra, Mr. and Mrs. smaller guard and calmly tosa 'em
Newt O'Harra: Misses Vira Morri- in. The work of Thoeny and Eagle
son, Wavel O'Harra amd Ruby Price; ton also scintillated, but as a team
Messrs. Herman O'Harra, George the visitors played in more consist
Blomgrcn, Lyle Webb and William ent form and deserved their win.
Fehr. The scores:
Lost In or near the I. O. O. F. Boys Teams.
hal, Weston, a small, black, lowed Weston H. Phinney. rf, 6;
check book issued by The First Na- p,ync, If. 20; C. Snider, rg, 4;
tional Bank of Pendleton and con- Rayborn. Ig; L. Bulfinch, c.
The other night when Weston High
played Pilot Rock High tha old gym
wa honored by tha presence of soma
forty Pilot Rock inhabitant. They
were mostly adulta who cranked up
tha "old linie" and came to aea
their boy win, Hut in pil of
rl-an and fast playing tha boys' team
could not overconia tho Weton
spirit Wa hope that forty Weston
people w ill motor to Pilot Rock on
the night of February Uth for the
same purpose that brought these
fody lnyal Pilot Kockrre to 'Weston
to sea and help their school win.
They will not be disappointed; and
while wa are about it we want to
thank all those pcopla who turned
out and hclted us win last Friday
Copying after the Pilot Rock cen
ter who visited us last week,1 many
of the "bunch" neglected tha more
orless-a-mattcr of form weekly
shave in an effort to cultivate a
"shaduw." (James, my mustache
cup!) ,
A meeting of the athletic council
was held this week for the- purpose
of procuring Idlers for the baket
ball outfits. These will be awarded
soon. ,
The physiology examination was
taken Inst Wednesday. A delay at
the first of the year made the lata
tests necessary.
Among the varioua good omens of
spring the most obvious are those
at Weston High. Long periods
which might otherwise be spent In
profound study are devoted to perus
ing three. Spalding catalogues In
search of baseball euita. So soon a fi
basket ball fadea the horse hide will
again cut tha air on Normal heights,
tiirla' tennis la also making Itself
heard from In school circles.
The High school served coffee,
sandwiches and rake to tha tired
Pilot Rock visitor last week, lest
they feel hungry after their long
drive. Tha sophomore girl sold
csndy and popcorn from a pink and
white booth, during tha game.
Misa Brown, Instructor In English,
ha been ill the past week and la re
reiving hospital treatment at Walla
Wala. ft ia expected that shn will
bo able to resume her post Monday.
The girls' basket ball team I or
dering sweater of barbaric coloring.
These are to be of bright gold body
with mild splashes of rich purple on
ruff and, collar. Skeptic malea who
have no rye' for beauty portend:
"You'll be able U ae m a mile."
But after all, this is probably tha
idea in view anyhow.
IKmpondrary Causes Suicide,
As a result of disKndency and ill
health, Mrs. T. W. Avers, aged 60
committed suicide at her home in Pen
dlrton, Saturday night, ly shooting
herself with a .32 automatic pistol.
Clad in Iter night drrts and bleeding
profusely from the wound, Mr.
Ayroa wa found lying on her bed
with the pistol grasped in her hand,
by a roomer in the house, who was
entering the front door when the ahot
was ft red. Ho summoned a physic
ian, but efforts to save the woman's
life were unavailing.
1 1
With Power Pulley.
OLD PRICE, $890.00
Without Power Pulley.
O. A. Adams
Walla Walla I holding a targe
poultry ahow this week with a splen
did entry list and many special features.
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
One hundred... v 1 50
Each additional hundred 0 75
e . ,
taining some money. Finder will
please return to Brady Howdyshell, jorjan
915 E. Court St. Pendleton Or
Word has been received from Mr.
and Mrs. L. L O'Harra that they are
enjoying pleasant njcetings with
many former Weston folk who are
: i i a 1 1
'""""r - Qamer. If, 9; H. Warner,
on Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Jones, who
are spending the winter in the south
land. They were somewhat sur
prised to find the weather quite cold
.in southern California.
Miss Sabra Nason, county librarian
accompanied by her assistant, Miss
Freda Glover, spent Saturday in
town, classifying dnd indexing non- stroyed the warehouse of the Pilot
fiction volumes in the local library. Rock Elevator Company, a co-opera-The
ladies were luncheon guests at tivo concern, early Sunday morning,
the H. Goodwin home. A considerable quantity of grain that
Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Smith and was stored in the warehouse was de
Mr. and Mra. D. W. Nelson motored stroycd.together with several car
over from Walla Walla Sunday to loads of salt The Ioks is cstimatvd
Pilot Rock W. Horn. rf. 4;
If. 4; B. Smith, rg;
Smith, lg; V. Brecher. c, 14.
Official, Geo. Blomgrcn.
Girls' Teams.
' Pilot Rock Z. Johnson,
Stanton, re; V. Smith, rf.
Qamer, If,
Korpela, 1c.
Weston B. Thorsen, jc; E. Thoe
ny, rc; R. Jackson, rf. 12; E. Davis,
If, 2; H. Rayborn, rg; E. Eagleton lg.
Official, Pody Duncan.
jc; E. QJ W Ll XZS- L-J 1 I
l0: tzJ
rc: A. HI a"1 '
Pilot Roc Fin
of undetermined origin de-
spend the day with the Jay V. Smith
family. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Nekton
are brother and sister of "Jay V.
Before the embers "were cold of a
to be around $75,000, covered by inr
surancc. and a portion of the grain
may be ''salvaged, though in damaged
Great difficulty was experienced in
house destroyed by fire at Prosscr, fighting the fire as the warehouse was
Wash., neighbors had arranged to re- located on the outskirts of Pilot
construct it without charge to the
homeless family.
A petition is being circulated
among Main street property owners
for the paving of that thoroughfare
from the west line of Water street
to the west line of Broad. The doc
ument is headed by Jones & Jones
with a frontage of 140 feet, and con
siderable frontage besides is also
represented. It is proposed that the
Rock and the local fire department
did not have sufficient hose to reach
from the city limits , to the location
of the fire. The flames were well
under way when the fire was dis
covered at 6:30 Sunday morning.
Pilot Rock citizen turned out en
masse to combat the fire, as did farm-.j
ers from many miles around.
The Pendleton fire department sent
its apparatus equipped with chemi-
ten-year plan of payment be adopted, cals and a hose early in the morning.
Confidence is felt that the required and the Pilot, Rock citizens, aided by
amount of property will be signed the equipment, were able to save two
up, as paving will make a much other large warehouses near. '
needed improvement, and put Wes
ton in line with Freewater, Milton,
Athena and Helix all of which now
have paved streets. ,
Ellsworth Woods has received sev-
The farmers' warehouse was in
ruins by 10 o'clock. Pilot Rock pco-x
pie declared that a change in the
wind at that hour was all that saved
the Pacific Coast Elevator company's
eral propositions from oil men wbo warehouse and the Henry W. Collins
would like to lease his holdings near warehouse, which are located close to
Lewiaton, Idaho, for the purpose of the one which was destroyed,
drilling oil wells. Ellsworth is a bit
Wc Arc Offering at this time 80 Dozen Cans of
. At the Following Prices.
A. & L. No. 2 1-2 Standard. .'. .5 cans 95c, case $4.65
A. & L. No. 2 Standard 7 cans $1.00, case $3.35
Preferred Stock No. 2 l-2, extra choice. .4 cans 95c, case $5.50
Preferred Stock No. 3, extr choice . .3 cans 85c, case $6.35
IVe SI Have Some ol W Good
xs ffil (f Tl 5) ii
in doubt about accepting, as he says
he doesn't like to have his land "all
bored up."
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baker of En
Death Calls Mrs. Hilde&rand
Mrs. Louise S. Hildcbrand, be
loved wife of Frank Hildebrand, was
terprise, Oregon, were in Weston fa,le,a utaln. - ,
this week on their way to visit rc!a-hcr late home ,n We8ton' Oregon, at
tives at Enterprise and Oregon City.
Mr. Baker, who "grew up" in Wes
ton, found pleasure in renewing old
time friendships.
Rev. W. S. Payne is again at
Touchct, Wash., having been called
there for another week of revival
meetings. His first scries was very
successful, and resulted ' in 24 conversions.
the age of 62 years and 28 days.
Mrs. Hildebrand was the mother of
nine children, six of whom, together
with her husband, survive.
Mrs. Hildebrand was a natiye'of
grated with her parents to Califor
nia. When but v years old she
came to Oregon and was united in
marriage to Charles Dixon, the first
of four husbands. At an early age
he was rnnvprrl and united with
' Skiing was the novel sport of the the church, and at the time of her
day Sunday at the mountain home of dcath WM a member of the First
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Haney, who Baptist church of Weston. Pastor
entertained at dinner the following storms pays this tribute to her mem
guests: Misses Attress and Thclma OTy: in her death the husband has
McCojfcell and Effie Basford; Messrs. iost a devoted wife, the children a
Jimmie Smock, Oscar Maloon and faithful mother, the church one of
Orval Noble. Following dinner, the jt8 most consecrated and earnest
guests found great enjoyment in the workers."
pastime famed in Scandinavia. The funeral services were held at
Miss Lilian Sheldon and Mr. and the Baptist church Wednesday after
Sirs. J. A. Lumsdcn were guests at noon at two o'clock, where jthe scr-
"500" party given by Mrs. Margar- mon was preached by the pastor,
ct Rabb and Mrs. W. C. Eminel in The remains were laid to . rest . in
Athena Wednesday evening. Weston cemetery.
FoOet Soap, 16 bars lor $1.69.
.All White Laundry Soaps, 14, bars $1.00
Small White Beans, 14 lbs. for. . . .$1.00
Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack v. 50c
Oats, 9 lb. sack. . " .... ..... .. : 65c
Good Toilet Paper, 4 for . . . .25c