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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1921)
CT CT P M SI CT M VlVifTt1.iVTf1fXVXVX,nVSViTnT7Ff. !M ( DAVIS-KASER'S JANUARY SALE EIJDS SATURDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 91b You can participate in tho SAVINGS made ubhI Wo by our TKKMENDOUS .EDUCTIONS if you ACT AT ONCE. $300,000.00 .worth of Fine Homo Furnisliir.&j'ure here await ing your Kclections; from every viewpoints-qualify, beauty, style and comp!utenes this is the bluest and finest stock ever shown in the Walla walla Country. NOW IS THE TIME to beautify your home the time to add conveniences of every sort .You'll find HEHE just what you want for every room in the house. After February 9th our prices will be based on Current Market Values. January Sale Prices are Ten to Fifty Percent Lower than New Cottt Level Figures. HEAR IN MIND THE CLOSING DATE, FEB KUAKY !)th. DECIDE HOW TO GET YOUK SHAKE OK THE SAVINGS COME IN TODAY. THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Complete Homo Furnitthinu; Department Store 10 20 Aldor St.. Walla Walla. WaBhington. FLOOR COVER OS J&IGHT in Quality, right in Price. Neat patterns that will add to the attractiveness of home or office. ..ROSS Furniture Store.. I lave You Pntd YOUR BLACKSMITH BILL? I If not why not? J. F. SNIDER HEMSTITCHING DEPARTMENT A. M. JENSEN CO. Hemstitching, IVcot, Chain Stitch- cent list, although BREVITIES Tin' Scholarship n Fund tea at Memorial hall Wednesday, ionsored by tin: Saturday Afternoon club, was a il'iwianl social event ami a finan cial success. Fifteen doll am waa re alixed and immediately forwarded to the state officer who administer the fund. t I'atur Slunaii announces th fol lowing services for next Sunday at the ilaptlst church: Claai meeting at 9:30 a. m.j Sunday school at 10 a. in.: preaching at It a. m.j bap- tiling at 12 m. -, Elder J. W. Darnett, slate evang rlint of the Church of th Brethren, haa returned to Weaton and resumed revival meetings at the lal church. Good interest and attendance are re-' ported. Some of Elder liarnett'a subject are aa follows: Saturday evening, Finding Man; Sunday morning, The Victorious Life; Sun day evening, Caught Uy Sure De tective; Monday evening. Card Play ing, Theater Going and Dancing. Mra. Mary E. Reeve auatained fracture of the wriat Sunday at her home on Water street, resulting from a fall. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ramircs of Rieth, Oregon, and John Neil and aon of Pendleton motored up Sunday for day'a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosa and little daughter were here from Dayton, Wash., the first of the week for a visit with friends and kindred. They were dinner guests Monday of tne F. C. Green. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Dowd motored over from Walla Walla Sunday for a visit at the home of the parent of Mrs. Dowd. Mr. Henry Waddingham was, in Walla Walla the first of the week, visiting at the respective homes of her son, George Waddingham, and daughter, Mrs. E. R. Lieuallen. A truly generous stork left a nine pound boy Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Pederscn in this city. L. R. Van Winkle, Weston's pojt niaster, made a trip to Pendleton Tuesday afternoon his first visit to the county seat in several year. He found that Ben Buiroughs, at least, had not forgotten him. George Kinnear was in town Tues day from Hudson Bay, wherehe has been feeding cattle. ' II. J. Driskcll came down this week from Dayton after a car he had left for repairs on a recent visit Mountain residents wish to give Jimmie Smock credit also for the good work done in keeping open the Wild Horse grade. Jimmie' name waa inadvertently omitted from a re- it is said he has LlJil We are selling 16-inch wood at LESS THAN COST Better lay in a Cord or a Rick, while the Supply Lasts. WOOD Get your Order in, NOW. JONES & JONK - WESTON, OREGON Ing Embroidery, Braiding, Plain Stitching, Button Holes and Buttons Covered, Pleating. MRS. C. E. , FERGUSON Phone '0.18, Walla Walla, Wash. Dr. S. L KDtllARD jj j Veterinary Surgeon y Phone Main 253 t been doing more free road work than any other volunteer in his neighborhood. Mrs. Sarah McDougal suffered a second alight attack of paralysis Tuesday. Her condition since, how ever, has encouraged the hope that no permanently ill effect will fol low. Mrs. Susan Davidson, south Wash ington St., will be pleased to do your washing and plain sewing. Mrs. M. W. Pedersen is being ini- kVYV?VVVAWWS4 tiated Into the mysteries of driving J an automobile and Is making favors Drs. A. D. & R. A. FRENCH OPTOMETRISTS Fttnck Optical Parlors 15 E. Main SL-: Phone 653 Walla Walla, Wash. City praying Leave orders at resi dence (Marsh cottage) -south of Weston Mer cantile. Phone 3G1. GEO. A. LINDEKEN Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1 86 Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty evando Pure White rr3' jcyiiif Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company ble progress. The purchase of a new car quickened, her desire to join the ranks of women motorists. Mrs. William Driskell is able to be out upon the street, after severe attack of heart trouble. Lost On north Water street, a mounted elk'a tooth, engraved with the letter B on one side and the figures 288 on the other. Finder will please return to Areta Barrett, Athena, Or., and receive reward. Flowers and messages of sympathy are being sent to Mis Lurline Brown of Weston High school faculty, who is in a Walla Walla hospital where she underwent an operation week. . Ernest and Ruth Smith came over from Athena Saturday to visit a couple of days with Margaret and Ada Caldcr. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton of Rose burg. Oregon, parents of E. E. judge. It require the defendant to pay to the plaintiff $3522 and costs on the first cause of action and $52 on the second cause. The cooked food sale conducted by Swas-Te-Ka Campfire last Saturday at the Ross Furniture store added about $6.00 to the club's treasury. Misse Blanche Thorsen and Minnie Chapin were in charge of the enter prise. Mrs. Newton "Loveridgc is conval escing from an attack of bronchitis. Will Hall came down Monday from his Weston mountain ranch to shop and exchange view on national is sues with local merchants and curb stone philosophers. Theodore Walden, Roscoe Bcamer, Miller and Walter Rayborn are re-, cent additions to the chorus choir of the M. E. Church, South. Some clever sketches by Sid Barnes have been used lately in ad vertising Memorial hall picture show. - The weather synopsis for the week is, a light fall of snow and oodles of fog. A pleasant family dinner party waa held Sunday at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blom gren. The guests were: R. G. Blomgren and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Blomgren of Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Price and daughter last Catherine. J. H. Williams, manager of the Weston Mercantile Co., made a buy ing trip the first of the week to Spokane, where he met the repre sentatives of eastern houses. He also visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Banister are visiting at the home of their daugh- C. L. McFadden, in Athena. HOW ABOUT YOUR FAItlY? ITlHE Savings Account family than almost all jthe advice the world can means more for the future of the offer. It means a right start upon the right course. Give your child the assurance of permanent financial protection by securing a Liberty Bell bank for it. One dollar will do it A little Liberty Bell tank' t put your little tarings in. Is yours wits a Savings Account, A little Unerty Bell Bank U at yn tittle savings la, is years witk a Savings Account. ..THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON.. BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop Thornton, are visitor at the F. C. Fitxpatrick home; having been called ter, Mr. here by the serious liness or their son. His condition is improving at A Grew some Find, the present time. It is reported that the remains of An event of interest on the social a dead man were found Wednesday calendar for next week ia the Recip- on Dry creek Bt a point above the rocity day gathering to be held at trestle fill, by workmen who have Memorial hall February '5th, under been excavating for a state highway auspices of the Saturday Afternoon quarry. Also, according to, re- club. The Milton Improvement club' and the Civic club of Athena are to be the honor guests. An excellent program haa been arranged and a period of good fellowship and friend ly Intercourse is anticipated. James Compton was a recent vis itor at the home of hi aon, W. H. Compton, in Pendleton. The judgment order in the case of Hey Winn vs. Mose Taylor, re manded from the supreme court, was signed Tuesday by Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps and filed with th county ports, the county coroner was noti fied and Aas taken charge of the body. It was found, the story goes, at a depth- of a few feet. Not a scrap of clothing was disinterred, nor anything else that would serve to identify the remains. The skull had been crushed, and appearances indicated that the unfortunate man had been murdered, stripped of his clothing and buried. Foreign AAwtl.ins Reprewntativ. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION HAND PAINTINGS of North west Scenery . Made for Framing. $1.50 to $3.50 H. GOODWIN $. Dx&xraaisT