The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 14, 1921, Image 2

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    Painless Parker
The Famous Dentist
FF.OPLE living
' hundred miles
lor mow away
eome to my cilice
' to have their teeth
fixed up. I make it
a rule that those
; from distance
shall be waited
upon immediately
and their work be
ranmleted first. SO
they can go back home as
soon as possible.
Years ago I discovered how
to extract and fix teeth with
out hurting, and was so
successful that people
called me "Painless
Parker. My practice has
grown until I now have
twenty-right oftlces,
and all my associ
ates in these offices
have been taught
how to practice
painless dentistry
as well at I can do
it myself. We have
fixed up the teeth
of over million
people, and call our
wav of practicing
"the E. R. Parker System."
If your teeth are bothering
you, "and you want them put
in good shape without hurt
ing, and wtmoui pay
ing a fancy price, come
to our nearest office,
which you will find
located at
WE8TON LEADER. wawr (o ,h, c,rth ,ht) ny otMjr
ClARK WOOD, ruUbhtr pUnrt ,,, ,t u brightest fee
aVKS. tU OOODWIN. AIHM td" , tpiently throws light sufficiently
SUBrTToTnitAm c" nlow.
St. nit m Ant Spokane broker who ahut and
Xhe Year W JW killed Himself after hla firm had em-
Six Months J :H.000 from a client, sue-
Three Montha ......... ,llmr,bly , rksman
Advertising llatea with such an inferior target.
Display, Regular, per Inch 20c -aga.
Display, Transient, per inch . . . ,85c "Farmers of America at last Get
Local Reader, Hr line.... lOe ling Togcthcr.".-Orcg.nilan head-
line. Ami they ought to be able lo
FRIDAY. JA. 14. get more together than they can
em7ht7'"'" vv,r l separately.
(lilt HOllltMltlt.
755 Main Street, Pendleton
'Hl-Heni UTHH
ff if
Iff" DRY
P. T. Harbour
1 We view with alarm the prospect
ive Hearst purchase of thu Seattle 1.
1 ti-htrh limfl Itlthprin m emu-
With ncntle courtesy the esteemed mOT)dMb, ,)ro,Uet of Bound Journal--Orvgonian
chides us for criticising jim
its Briticism of President Wilson ' , , , .,
and suRar coats the pill with a neat "SU. Pankhurst is coming owr
coniplinient. Nathelesa, wo feel the hrnr to suppress bohhcvlsm," says
weight of its iron hand beneath the jm Montague, "but there are lots of
velvet clove." We would like to re- u, wno wuld prefer bolshevlsm."
produce The Ongonian's editorial n. ... i .. t ,.u
In full, since we admire, its English. President Wilson has ever been a
Hut lovely raiment often hides a bit difficult to advise, so we will re
skinny form, aiW the paragraph be- frain from telling him what to do
low discloses, we ween, a grinning with the Lord Mayor-of Cork,
skeleton of error: , , " ,
"As to Mexico, something also ia And who would suppose that a
to be said. It is likely enough the Cork mayor, bobbing up on this side
truth that Mexico sobered down when of the pond, would develop into so
it saw that it was to ileal with a weighty a problem?
sterner hand in America. newer
that is so or not, it is not easy to
see how 'watchful waiting' will re
store to life 500 murdered Ameri
cans in Mexico or give its proper
value to 5O0,000,0O0 lost American
of civil war and fearful carnage, It ,
listened to ObrcRon and'reason. And Portland's show of beautiful cars
to have intervened at any stage of if hotter, perhaps, than Is .the aver-its-
tragic strife would have cost the ,,, f tiMn's show t buy one.
United States ten times five hundred . , .
lives and ten times five hundred mil- Knowing Ben Olcott, we're going
lion dollars. As a nation Mexico is to endorse' his gubernatorial message
but a child, jrropinir for the light of now. We may read it later,
truth, and the policy of "watchful - . . ..
Coneress. refuses to appropriate a
hundred million to enforce prohibi
tion. Anyway, the need is sense
rather than dollars. .
Permit us to indulge the hoiu that
estmcnis. the reports of Lenine'a imminent de-
Mexico sobered down when, tired . KXmaai,tmtfl,
-fl r i$r
fifth Avtnut NtwYork
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tion to orders for . anything in its linev
International Stock
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat' and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn, vWheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor
waiting" has enabled it to dimly
glimpse the truth with opening eyes.
It is not to be expected thst 4 re
publican administration and a re
publican congress will refrain from
revision of the tariff upward. How
ever, this is a work requiring investi
gation, time and care, and every
step should be taken with regard to
the commanding position of this na-
(iencral Uliss encourages disarma
ment, and disarmament would en
courage general bliss.
Although a bit deflated, Cabe
D'Annuiuio may have gas cliough
left for Pegassus.
Again it is obvious thst hard Knox
will discourage league sentiment In
the senate.
Johnny. Hull remarks to Uncle Sam
tion in world commerce as well as and ine jap mat ne sees no arm in
with a comprehensive understanding disarming.
of its industrial and agricultural
welfare. Why thu present congress Anyhow, those army balloonist
should waste time in experimenting didn't fsll out until they got home.
with a so-called "emergency tariff
passeth knowledge, unless the clam
orous outcries of certain self-seeking
interests have weakened its judg
ment. No emergency exists which
justifies a makeshift tariff that,
mode in haste, must ultimately be
repented of, repelled or revised it
leisure. Since any tariff is an-' ob
stacle to trade that shouhU-in sound
economic theory be wholly free, its
creation should be carried forward
with the utmost skill and care.
Wheat Selling at Pendleton
At Pendleton, the East Oreguuian
rcorts sales aggregating 100,000
bushels at $1.50 for No. 1 club. Hut
most of the grain bought, however,
has graded No. 2 and No. 3, soling at
the corresponding lower figure for
those grades.
The jtrain market has bevn showing
a steadier tendency upward of late
and as a result buyers seem inclined
to come into the market A large
number of growers let it be known
AMD WTW MUTTDTCCrC An 0mnna dispatch says the farm- tnnt they would sell when the market
UUIl tlLII IflMl InLoOLd era of the nation's great "bread ban- wct to l so j0T f, ; am aH re-
are in. Get one and REST EASY
for the remainder of .the'winter.
ROSS Furniture Store
ket" are completing a giant organ- . 0f the climb in the March futures
ization for the co-operative market- Chicago, buyers are beginning to
ing of their products. They are not nwl tncir figure,
asking for "remedial legislation." s,.,, 0f SCVeral cargoes at coast
They are not asking for government tcrmin.H liavo lately been reported,
aid of any sort. They merely want charter rates by the U. S. shipping
to be let alone, they say, as other boorj for shipment to the United
business men are let alone. Herein Kingdom have dropped 25 per cent,
is manifest wisdom. Herein also ia from 120 to 15 a ton, and this is
positive evidence against the alleged ono 0f tm! Djg factors in stimulating
demand for the Fordney emergency lht. Mic 0( gram froln this coast for
tariff. consumption in the United Kingdom.
. .j. re j sterling exchance is the
An Illinois wonisn has gone on a tm.r factor which is declared to
hunger strike for 43 days in a futile nve aided the raise in wheat prices
tlTort at forcing her husband to join at Chicago and over the entire coun-
ROW'S tia TEtlE
To Have Your '
Will Make You
a New One or
Repair the Old.
Phone 122 . . Milton, Ore.
rw4' i
Weston, Oreton
z Ilnve You Paid
If not why not? I
the I'entecostal Church of Cod. He
try. Sterling has gone up nearly 25
may lose his own soul, but as she has pjnt from the lowest and if it con-
lost 73 pounds he is evidently gain-- tiliuei rie tho wheat price it is
ing a pretty penny in grocer bills. 8r,( t bound to follow.
Warren G. Harding will be inau
gurated president, with Jeffcrsonian
simplicity, having barred all pomp
and circumstance.. In this respect
Mr.. Harding could qualify as a good
democrat than which we are able to
bestow no higher tribute.
See me for CHICKENS and all kind? of
PRODUCE. Blacksmith Iron. Shafting
and Piping. . Bought right, and for
sale at lowest prices. Do it NOW.
J. R. Reynolds
Water Street (second block north of Main)
Enforcement of the dry, law may
be a "farce in every locality," as as
serted by Congressman Wood of In
diana, but many a luckless wight
with an unaxsuaged thirpt will fail
to see where the luugh comes in.
King Wheat is great, and I'irkcll
is his prophet. The spring options
are moving upward. Let tho floods
clap their hands and the earth re
joice, and letT Old Man Oregon loosen
up his grain' belt!
A Psychologist's Morning After.
I hod two ilnys spoiled by a psypho
logical experiment with mescal, nil In
toilcant used by some of our south
western Indians In their religious cere
ninnies s sort of cactus bud of which
I ho L'nlled Slfltes government had din
trllmfed a supply to certain nifdlcnl
men, Including Weir Mitchell, who
sent me some to try. He had himself
been "In fairyland." It gives the most
glorious visions of color every object
Ihouulit of appears In a Jeweled splen
dor unknown to the natural world. It
disturbs tho stomscb somewhat, but
Hint, according to W. M.,was a cheap
price. I took one bad three dnys ago,
was violently sick for twenty-four
hours, nod had ne other symptom
whatever except that and the katzen
Jammer the following doy. From Let
ter of William James, Atlantic Monthly.
R. L. Raynaud J
Hemstitching, facet, Chain Stitch
ing Embroidery, Draiding, Plain
Stitching, Button Holes and Buttons
Covered, Pleating.
Phono 036, Walla Walla, Wash.
FKiLkll Kibtil I NOTICE OF FINAL settlement.
Drs. A. D. & ft. A. FRENCH
Firaco Optics! Parlors
15 E. Main St. Phone 653
Walla Walla, Wash.
We would almost be, willing to
"stand the gaff" that has Wrecked
the health of President Wilson, in or
il'r to be in a position to refuxc an
offer of $100,000 for a magazine article.
A brilliant "object in the western
sky at twilight in the planet Vends.
AHtronomers explain that the planet
ia now near the greatest elongation
of its orbit, which places it between
rortianir, Or. For manufacturini
and selling adulterated butter during
two 'years In violation of the federal
law, which requires a special license
sad payment of a. special tax, th
Hazelwood company was fined I6QO0
by United States District Judge Besn
TIjo compsny wss convicted In th
local federal court on two counts, and
Judge Bean fined the butter makers
(2500 on each count.
lu Iho i'trcult Court of tho Hlate of
Orwn for tniatllle County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary J.
Powers, Deceased.
To all Whom it May CoNCBKn:
Notice is hereby given that Hettie
Powers, administratrix of the estate
of MsrvJ. Powon. doreaiifwf hia 111... I.
in the above entitled court her final ac
count of the administration of sxid
estate, and said court haa fixed the
ISth day of January, 1U21, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, in the County Court
room, in the County Courts house at
Pendleton, in Umatilla County, State
of Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing objections, if any (hero be
thereto, and all person interested in
said estate are hereby notified to ap
pear at said time and place and make
any objections or exceptions they have
to the approval of said report, the dis
charging of said administratrix, and
tho exoneration of her bondsmen from
further liability herein; and it was
further ordered by ssid court that this
notice should be published in tho Wes
ton Leader, a weekly newspaper, pub
linhed at Weston, Umatilla County,
State of Oregon, for four consecutive
weeks, the firnt publication thereof
being made on the 17th day of Decem
ber, 1920. Said order is dated the 13th
day of December, 1020.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Mary J. Powers,. deceased.
Good second-hand nlnno
. oo cash, balance 110 per month. In-
Cash for chickens. J. R. Reynolds, quire at this office.
; : HIDES. PELTS, &c.