Weston Deader . VOLUME 43 WESTON, OREGON, Mil DAY, JAN. 14, 1921 NUMBER fcrf DATA ON NAVIES OF WORLDJSGATHERED Grett Britain's Sea Power Oouble That of United States; Japan Third. Washington. Information now In possession of the American govern ment on tho relative strength of the three principal naval powtra, believed to be complete, shows tb present na val ironfth of tbla country to bo bout half that of Orrat llrltalo. hlla mora this doubln the era power of Japan. In flrat lino major ahlpa, hi eluding batlleahlpe and buttle cruiser, tho British navy January 1, 19 J I. thla Information alio, numbered thirty two veaaele of 111.060 tona, whllo Ilia United State pouoaard sixteen ve tola of 436,700 tona and Japan too c aola of IM.xiv tona. Whllo capital ahlpa under construe lloa for tho American navy. Including twelve droadnauihta and six bsttl cruiser, to bo completed In 1033, will virtually offaot tho British preponder UM In thla claaa of vee, tb In formai wo ahowa that tho Amorlran fleet atlll will be greatly Inferior In typo of veaaele regarded by naval of ficer aa of flrat Importance in naval atrengtS. Tbeae typo Include notably destroy r leader, erulaer and light crulaer and crulilng aubmarlnea. Although with completion of the au thor tied building program of tho two countrl, the American navy will ' have only til battle cruiser a com pared with twelve for that of Japan, It will more than maintain a 100 per cent auporlorlty by virtue of It great er number of battleships and aupple nental typo of war craft TIME DEFYING A MAN build a bouao for a homo, but sometimes he must change bis borne, and there fore Is obliged to soil his house, Tho prudent man of moderate mean must make hla dwelling a good investment, which he can sell on favorablo term If necessary. This house pretty nearly guaran tee the owner against loss if be I obliged to sell. It is beautiful out side, both beautiful and practical within. It Is built of common crick, tho Inside is fln'ihed with gypsum plaster on metal lath, tho roof is covered with asphalt shingles. . It I almost Impossible for such a houso to take fire, and quite linpos bl for It to burn down. It coat t inn INCREASE OF 48 IN HOUSE IS PROPOSED . ... Washington. Memberahlp of the house will be Incroaaod to 4R1 under a bill reported by Chairman fllegel of the renau committee to fix the rP- portlonment for ten ye.ra under the 1920 census. The bill Would mean an Increase of 48 over the prrarnt mrm I ...i.i.. v .1.,. ..i,M an r.n. . .. rvaentation. California would make the largeet (In at now members, fir, bringing her total to II. Michigan, New York. Ohio Mid Pennaylvanla would gain . . . L. till I ...... T ...... .ft.- luur ,,.,.,.. ..in ..... Mawarhuaett. Nw Jcrtey nd North Carolina two each; while Alabama, Arkanaaa, Connecticut, Oeorgl. Mary, land, Minnesota, Now Mexico, Okla luiina. Orocon. Bouth Carolina, Tenne ace. Virginia, Washington, Woat Vlr- glnla and Wisconsin would gain one '"'D The basla of repreeentatlon I fled at one member for each I1M79 Inhabl- tanta a compared to J11.I7J aa at present. Charles Grant' Hotel Burned. ' Charles Grant, who lost a rcsaur an. oy nre in siinrna several fvmwm ago, is again the victim of the flro floiid. Hi hostelry, the Summit ho- tel at Condon, waa badly damaged Friday of last week, when flame broke out in th kitchen ami dtspiU the prompt action of the flro depart-, nient, klUhen and dining room were octroyed and other room of tho ho tel were badly scorched. m m.lm e Hi- fiiiiillmr Meant nuier a gnanllue mm liltte Iioh been developed which. In nildition to economising on fuel, give It driver nu unobstructed Tit w of hi work. LOW COST rw w- v very little to maintain. Ui Insur ance charges ar small, and th most careful watchlug tall to show any depreciation in the first Ove years, and almost a negligible amount after that time. Brick bouse built five centuriea ago ar till in dally use. Front a mall porch whose arch way are a moat attracUv feature, you enter th livlug room, 17 V feet by 13 M. At th opposite end of th room is th fireplace. In th middlo of th. Inside long wall 1 th atalrway. At on ido of th stalrcaao la tb dining room. 13 tout uure, and lighted from thru aide. Crossing a little back ball under th stairway, you com to th kitchen, t feet by 13. There 1 no pantry, but a large closet take tb plac of ono. Th kitchen rang la so placed that a alugl chimney carries tho flu for that as well a those tor tho turnact and tb living room fireplace, Opening from th rear hall la a porch 13 feet by H, which can b used as a living and dining porch In tb warm weather. Tb upper ' floor contain thrta bedroom, all of fair its or better, . and with unusual closet. Tber ar also two closet opening from tho ball, and a rather large bathroom.- But tbo most unexpected feature of this floor, for such a bouso, is a screened In sleeping porch over tho llvlrg porch of th first floor. Such a houso Is a first class In vestment, particularly In . these tlmos of high rents. It I cheap to build tho first cost. la not mor tbaa five or six per cent greater than frame construction, an$ In a tew years, tbla 1 far mor than balanced by th difference In up keep and insurance. , If your contractor Is not familiar with flro resistive construction, writ or bavo him writ to th Per manent Building Bureau, In th Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, for suggestions and ad vie. FROM OVER THE! HILL." Mr. Ralph Ilayni liai been cr- iouily ill with tonailitli, thla week. Lorn To Mr. and Mr. Louli Bore' gevln, Jr., January 10, 121, a daugh- . t John R"inour left yesterday for a vU,t with Auburn, W.ah. I'ortl.nd. tU t n n Ut , , reus nutvs (nil lvii duiiiiuii "leiow rem- reaivin oy me way .ii i 1 1 . . -. . ,ue on me niiiwp, wm u wwn. G. W. Dickson ha been ap- ... . ... L . ,nlu " , " VlllCe Wll lliefl Wlin UIV wumy ckik Monday afternoon. Frank Roger, well known Pendle- tn farmer and politician, waa in th . Wednesday. r 1 L Mica Carrie Sharp i at Hot Lake' nitarium where aho will remain for while. Mia Sharp ia recovering from her long invalidism, following Athena, the J. P W. Club, met Wctl influrnza about year ago, and hope m-sday afternoon at the home of Mr. tn Ihnrniitrhlv rwntwratj. Sh visit Churl,. MrFurlanH. whprn a hutiv .jv,,, ( pemPton, en route. Mr. Homer I. Watt and Mr. Ray rnU.rUincd Mri Mr Ar. hur Doug( Mrgi t,uu Rad. Mia Rwl Alu.n MU, jennam,e R0d ,ni Mr . M. L. Wfatt at dinner Saturday evening. Tho anniversary of the signing of National Constitutional Inhibition w be observed next Sunday by th j,! w. C. T. U.. when they will givo , program and conduct th evening aervice at th Christian church. strect lights may be expected soon. specially mad transformer for tho ncw g,tlug system wa chipped out' from th factory in the east on Dec- ember 2-1. Tho shipment was made in a carload lot direct to Seattle, and it ahould not bo much longer before th r.n.fr.er reaehe. its destination. The W.rren Construction comnanv aen. up a lorco oi men zrom i enure ton thi week and finished paving on Adams .trcet Mr. Leslie Gibb. Mr. Swearen- .-tn .ml Mr.. T. D. Tavlor of Pendle. ton, wero guesU at tho W. R. Taylor PrescoU and Dr. W. C. Cox of Ev h,,m Th,.,i.v. Mra. T. D. Tavlor Wah. Tho parents are both left immediaUly aftenvard for Port- land and Los AngelegV u w t Hill I,.. h.nri.l Mrs. W. T. Hill has beenseriously ill the past week at ber home in the north part of town. Mra. Anna Ahrcna, who has spent the winter hero with her mother and brother, Mrs. Hopper and Rex Hop per, will leave next week for Spokane where she will engage in her profes sion of nurse. Miss Hazel Burton writes friends here that she is visiting the Athena colony at Long Beach, and relatives at Los Angeles. Her father. Rev. B. B. Burton joined her there for a short while. Misa Alta Chandler of Sheridan, Oregon, has-been elected to fill! the place vacated by the resignation of Mr. Weaver in the 6th and 6th grades of the Athena school. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Crabill have been up from tho farm at Holdman, visiting tho paternal home in this city. Mrs. F. S. LcGrow left Wednesday for Seattle to visit her mother, Mrs. Bowles, who ha been ill the past week. Increases Surplus Funl At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National Bank of Athena, held at the offices of the bank, Tuesday afternoon of this week after election of officers and board of directors for tho ensuing year, tho surplus fund of the institution was Increased from $50,000 to, $60,000 the capital and surplus of the bank now being $110,000. . General conditions considered,' the showing made by the bank for the past year was a most creditable one. Tho official staff and the personnel of tho board of director were re-elected, as follows: President, W. B. Shaffer; vice-presi dent, M. L. Watts; cashier, F. S. Lc Grow; assistant cashier, Max Hop per. Directors: W. B. Shaffer, M. W. Hanscll, M. L. Watts, F. S. Le Grow and Henry. Dell. Play Basket Ball Tonight. Both the boys and girls basket ball teams of the Athena high school will journey to Pilot Rock, where this eve ning a double header game will bo played, the first of the season for the Athena teams. Tho boys earn com- prima Leon KreUer, center; Herman Geisscl, John Finkerton, Alton Hod gen, forwards; Babe Knight, Mose Banister, Brooks Anderson, guards. ' The players on the girls team include Beulah Banister, Audra Winship for wards; Hilda Dickeson, Lela Shubert Joyce Johnston and Florence Max well, guards; Elsa Ringle, Edna Pinkerton and Mildred Winship, center. , I lose red Gueat With I'arty. Honoring Mr. ami Mra. John Groat who r viaiting here from their home at Brownevllic. Mr. and Mra. Fred Cr0M ntcrUined most pleasantly at their, home on Fifth atreet, Wednt- day evening at 600. Six tablee were Ptad. progrea.ively, by the inter- vniOTj piajrvrs, ucurj( aiiuiiivm - ccivmg me prise ior me nignei . ...Lit-' t r...n-.. ..1 mure, wnue utn iuuicy w cuiiaui- el for winning the least number of j. ,:.-.. K"ra"- " " m i.ou fc 46 uj iiubv Rug iiumjm. aisled by Miss Charlotte and Mauler George Groan, Several number were -given on the piano by Misa Kea Al len and Jennamao Read, cloaing an t-vetiing of pleasure. The New Woman' Club. The new woman'a organization of time was apent with needle and c- lability. An entertaining feature of lhe gjon WM , rcciution by Ma- ter Wendell Booher, and a vocal solo by Miss Hazel McFarland. A delic- iou two-course luncheon wa served by the hostess, aisisted by her daugh ter and Mra. Walter Booher. Four new member were received into the club. They were They were Mr. Samuel Ha- worth, Mr. Frank DeFreece, Mrs Patterson and Mr. Durning. The next meeting, January 26 will be with Mr. Haworth. . F ramiiy Neunion, A tunuf reunion of the relatives WrJ- 1 WM 1,6,(1 r" January 13, at the home of her ifU!r Mr- Addi Rmus in Walu aua, me ram lamny auenaing. SIoM yc hv lPd since the sister and brother have all been together. They arc, Mrs. f n f a wi w i rr - ,."'. : Y'" . ura rnce ox Porce, 'Jh. Ndon Cox of tha mother having been a sis- N' G- BlaUk-of Walla Wralla. You'll Know Him. Sometimes Trouble masquerade as Joy, but we recognize hi in before he plnys one tune on the fiddle, for the fiddle string snap, and the dancers fall down, and darkness drown tho lights. Tlie TELEPHONE COMPANY and WAGES Salaries and wages constitute. 72 percent of the expenses of this company. Out of every dollar spent by the telephone com pany, 72 cents is turned over to its employees in the form of compensation. It is our purpose to retain competent and expe rienced employees. An efficient and contented, organiaztion is the main factor in good service. The deficit in earnings which we have experienced in Or egon has been largely augmented by necessary increases to our employees. It will be of interest to our Oregon patrons to know what our increased expense for salaries and wrages ino Oregon has been since-1916, as shown in one of the exhibits filed with the Public Service Commission in connection with our recent ap plication for an increase in telephone rates. Increase in wages of Plant employees, present over 1916 . ' $ 307,000 Increase in wages of Traffic (operating) ' employees, present over 1916 , 681,000 Increase in wages of Commercial employees, present over 1916 98,000 Total annual increase in wages $1,086,000 Although these large increases ia wages have been made, they represent only approximately a 60 percent increase over pre-war wages, as compared with increases of over 100 percent in many trades and occupations requiring no greater skill or preparation on the part of the worker. We do not think our employees' wages should be reduced under present conditions or under conditions now possible to forecast Vhe Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. BRITISH CENSOR U.J&JESSAGES Washington. Charge that tb Bii tlah government ezerclae surveillance over American cable builne paaalng through tb Brltlah lale and that the atate department bad extended It controverty with the Western Union Telegraph al Cable company to bring In the Cuban government, came up before a eenat committee conaider log cable legislation. Norman If. Davla, acting secretary of '"" nd Newcomb Carlton, prel- dent of tb Western Union, conducted n argument over the Cuban allega tion. Clarence If. Mackey. head of tho Postal Telegraph-Cable company,, told the committee that English aecret erv- Ic authorities were obtaining cople of cable message. Mr. Carlton expresssed reluctance to discus the subject of English sur veillance because "it would make trouble," but at last yielded. "Ten daya after message have been transmitted,' he explained, "our cop le are turned over to the British se cret service, which keep them for a few hour and then return them. No exception I made and tho American oftlclal dispatches, like the dispatches to all other countries to and from England, are Included." Magnet Has Many Use. A bli'tily Important use of a maprjet I that In which it Is sometime em ployed to withdraw small piece of Iron from such out of the way place as the human eye. Another use of the tn,p,lTe forw of ma"' on a much i,ri..iu,.ii...,i. i... put ry Edison In his magnetic ore sepnrntor. In which the ore, previously crushed to a fine powder. Is dropped down a cbule post the poles of pow erful elect ro-inii diets. In passing which the Iron particles of the ore are de flected to one side, while the non mngnetlc stone dust continues umle flccted down the chute. Still another Instance of the .uctlm la j.nu.H macnellzed tac employment of map- oy Is thaUn which tack hammer Is used in the manufacture of strawberry baskets on a large scale in conjunction with a mechanical device which presents the tucks, one at a time and head up. to th? operative, thereby greatly facilitat ing hi work. Laundry work done at home. R. R. Riley. S. Broad street Mrs. HARDING RESIGNS AS SENATORJROM OHIO Retirement to Take Effect Six Weeks Before Inau guration. Marlon, O. President-elect Harding resigned aa aenalor from Ohio, for warding hi letter of resignation to Columbus for action of th newly elect ed republican governor, Harry Tu Da via, who assumed office Monday. Mr. Harding made January IS tb effective date of his resignation, or six weeks before hi Inauguration. In the interest of national thrift. Presidentelect Harding requested of ficials arranging for hla Inauguration to abandon all plana for an Inaugural ceremony. . In a telegram to Mr. McLean,, Mr.' Harding declared he preferred straply to take the oath of office, deliver a brief address and then take tip s duties. He said it would make Itk position very unhappy If tho outlay' for an elaborate Inaugural created the Impression of extravagance. He also telegraphed Senator Knox of Pennsylvania. In charge of th con- gresa'.onal end of the plan, suggest ing that the proposal to erect stand on th cap! to! ground be abandoned. This proposal has been the subject of heated debate In congress. "CHINA EGG" LAW IS VALID Cuprem Court 8ay Stat Ha Right to Require Sign. Olympla. Wash. The xvcal'ed "China egg" law, requiring hotels, restaurants and other places that uee foreign eggs In the preparation of food, or that servo foreign eggs, to advine the public of that fact by a "plainly readable sign" waa upheld r.a constitutional In a decision banded down by the state supremo court. The decision reverse the ruling of 1he Thurston county superior court - the suit brought by .Parrott and com pany, egg importer of San Francisco, to enjoin the state commissioner of agriculture and other state official from enforcing the law. The lower court granted tho Injunction but the supreme court ordered It dissolved, holding the law to be a proper exercis of tho police power of the state.