N'vLEADER WESTO i! VOLUME 43 WESTON, OREGON, FRIDA - ikU.l, 1921 NUMBER 31 ' RESERVE BANKS GUT DOWN WAR PAPER $ "OVER THE Hllr Mm. R, C. Prvstbye returned Tues- lay from a visit with relatives at CANNOT BURN OR ROT AWAY of ?estcFdms" 5 COST OR MARKET 1500 Millions DOCllflt tO 1141 WhiUAsh. Montana Millions, Sayi Federal Report Miss Bertha Murdoch was down from Twin Falls, Maho, whrrcshe In teaching in the high school, for her varation. Mm. E. U. Caton was taken tq Wal la tha flrat of tho week, for medical treatment. George Winshlp haa resumed Tils position ai .bookkeeper In tho Firat National Itank, beginning his duties Monilsy. George vacated tha place when ha rnlUtcd in Troon D, and litre hi rvturn from tha war, lio ha been living on hla homestead in Montana. Mr. Charlrs Bella i ill and under tha cara of Dr. Sharp, from tho ef fects of a malignant carbuncle. Mi Iltanrhe Swaggart .will begin a three years course a nuraa at fct. Wgshlngton. Holdlnga by federal rHrr bank of pspsr secured by o ernaisnt war obligation dacllnad from early I too million at tha open ' lay of lha yr la 1141 mllllnna oa December II, ld lha annual review Issusd by lha fadersi rrv board. At tha and of lha yr, out of a total of ITIl I mllllnna of discounted bills, About 41 par cant wa composed of paper secured by United Bute war ebltgstlons. acalnat 17 per (ant of a told of 3131 1 million bald on tha flrat Trlday of lha yaar. 2 V Tfea nld reserve, according to tho review, shows, llttta chsnge at tha Anthonv'n hosbltal In rendleton. and of tha year, aa compared with tha Mr. Crtnt tr,tbye assisted in condition II months earlier. Although eotching the girl basket ball team eenelderable gold w exportsd to al th ,.hoo gyro durng lbo week. South America and le lha orient early pr, ,ntj Mr. Horace Belknap of In lha year. II li eiptajned. gold ship- n,,1u,, Maho, vaifod during the hoi mania from England In anticipation d.y. ,t th W. S. Ferguson home on of tha maturity of tha Anglo-trench Current street bonds on October II were reapoolbla Miss Allha Chandler of Sheridan In a meature for a ubequent reeov. Oregon, has been elected by tha achool ory, s that on December ! tha board to take tha place in the public mount waa only 11 million below Khool of Mr. Weaver, resigned, tha total abown on January I. Richard Wright and family are vie- Ineraaae la capltalliatlon of ilt- itlng at tha John Wright home In this I Rg member banka and ccelona of city . This i Kichard'a first visit to Raw members were reponlbte In part the old home town for a long time, for an lncrea In lha paid-up capital Attorney Homer L Watt returned Of the federal reserve banks during kit night from a.vilt to Portland, tha year from IT.4 to Ml million. Jamc Hndcrun 1 down from This eorrpondd to an Increase Of Kanton, Alberta, to spend the winter. 4 NEW COUNCIL MEETS AND MAYOR NAMES COMMITTEES The city council held ita Ant meet ing under the new administration, Wednesday evening. Nelson IL Jones, Weston's new mayor, presided. Considerable business was transacted and plans relating to various civic enterprises were discussed. Mayor Jonea announced the appointment of committees as follows: . '. Water II. Goowt. Jt f nnd w. II. (iould. 7 V J i -1 Street J. Wurzer, ifcu and L. B. Davis. Ordinance L. B. Davis. .Smith and W. II. Gould Fire end Police Marvin Price, L. V. Davis and W. II. Could. Finance and Property E.' M. .Smith, II. Goodwin and Marvin Price. Health II. Goodwin, E. M. Smith mid J. Wurzer. Civic Pride W. H. Gould, E. M. Smith and II. Goodwin. Dr. W. H. McKinney was named again as health officer. Mrs. Marvin Price and Mrs. S. J. Culley were ap pointed on the library board. INVENTORY BASIS Important Concession Is Hide On Income Tax. " Returns. Wsblnt'on. Merchants aad maa factor""' adopt "cost or market. iwHrrice E. M. H' over 411 millions in capital tad sur plus of msmber banks. Oregon News Notes Wilbur (Jerking and Elmer Gcrk ing of Arbon, Maho, vinitcd during the holidaya with thuir cousins. Miss Wibiia Harbour and Mrs. Otto V. Purcell. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Crabill of etockjneo of Malheur, Orsnt and H0(mni eamt Up yesterday to visit Harney eountl are already making ,t th, w. J. Crabill homo. They preparatlona for tho annual meeting wi Hm vjtit at tno homes of Olin of the Oregon Cattle i Horse Kaisers' McFeron and Ray O llarra.ln Wcs association, which will be held In Can- i, oo City May 14 and IS. A couple of photographera from Approslmately IIT.000,000 wss dl Victoria, II. C, were at the school bureed through tha Oregon atata da- Ut Wednesdsy and took pictures partment duf Ing ih year 1910, aa eon of the varlou classes, the boys and oared with M.eM.Oo In the year 111. girls basket ball teams, the football according to a report prepared by Sam stpjad and the faculty. A. Koser, eerretary of state. Miss Ada DvFrevt-c will resuino There will be an unusually Isrca charge of the local tclcnhono ex gafbertna of Oreaon newsosner edP change on January 12. Mrs. MC- tors. publishers and writers at lbs Thcrson, who has been tho efficient : annual professional conference. Jan and courteous manager, during Miss , nn (o y of o.;Pauline Myrick to ary 14 and II, at tha university ol DeFreece's absence will Uke a much Portl8nd Business College; Gladys Oregon school of Journalism. netuM rest .... and Anabcl McLeod to U. of W. and riant ani specifications for tha pro. nr Payne purchased the house Mr,grs Andrtf Vern Dudu.y posed 8wamp Irrigation district hava formerly occupied by D. C. Baker on v of Q . Worth Watu t0 w s c been received at the offlreo of lha atata W'" t,wt' nd wove " J" end Ned Ahrens to U. of W. Miss engineer. Tha district Is located neat property on the west side. The TM)lmt Krcttcr who was taking a Enterprise and If created will com- n0UK m course in locial service at Eugene, ov..w.,, wi Kmuin it nome for tha remaider of the term. Clay Jackson Married. 10 H rants are compelling thou-. saods or men to build, but witn labor and materials costing what they do today, a man cannot afford to build a noose that will bum down or rot away. In sheer self defense, be muA build to last Ho must have a house thst resists fire and weather, depreciates very slowly, costs little for upkeep and Insurance, and never goea out of stylo. This house meeta these exacting specifications, giro msy dsmsge. .but cannot destroy It The walla are of burned clay, face brick on the outside, common brick or hoi low tile tor backing; and burned clay la tbe most fireproof material known. Tho Inside plaster Is of gypsum, laid on metal lath; a com bination tnat by actual test will bold a hot fire for one solid hour before letting It get through to the studding The roo: Is of asphalt shingles, another barrier to U Dames Instead of an Invitation to them. Nothing remains to burn 'but the floors and large timbers and did yon over bear of a Ore thst started with these? As for style, some building ni- ' terlala come aad some go, but brick goes on forever; and face brick la tha richest, most varied wall mak ing stuff In the world. The plans are worthy ot the con struction. In front Is a generous porch, going clear across the bouse. From tbst, yon enter a ves tibule and then a haU. flanke by cost closets and containing tha stains. On the right Is the living room, 11 feet by 1. The fireplace Is on the Inner, wall, where no beat Is wasted, and one can ait by It without being In a draft Back of the living room Is the dining room, a little more than 11 leet squsre, with a flno .window group overlooking the garden. The two rooms are virtually one Tho kitchen, 1 feet by 13. Is reached by a cornerwlae route across a largo pantry. The service entrance Is at the side, with a ves-" tibule containing the Ice box.' A short psssage from the kitchen leads to the front door. There are three bedrooms on the upper floor, two of them lighted from two sides and one from three, besides a bsthroom and a big linen Closet This house can be built at a cost ' t'ot mors than 10 per cent greater than that of a stmllsr bousa msde of wood. In Sve years, owing to the difference In maintenance and Insurance charges, the-face brick bouse Is the cheaper ot tho two, add bss not depreciated at all. while the frame bouse is material ly lowered in value. If you want proof of these statements or sug gestions on building, write to the Permanent Building Bureau. In the Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. SOLDIERS' BONUS BILL VALID whjr : as a bele for vsi- all . . a for lilg Income ' U ;) r . ' . regulatlona Issued ft 'i 1 , Vernal revenue. Tho i- ' rlde that the dlf- J t wtbe fall of prices dW Ing -to year may be deducted la arriving at the value of stocks J Secretary Houston and officials ot the Internal revenue bureau were with out estimates as to the difference la . jj revenues which may result from vain at Ion at "market" rather than "coet." - The belief was expressed la some , quarters thst the difference would rus) ;' Into many millions oT dollars. Inter- f . nal revenue bureau officials explained sJ that the law permits of a choke ot basla and under present condition-: ... "market" reflects mora accurately the state of buslneaa condition. To re quire Inventories at a cost higher than "market," It waa added, would be to put a tax oa Investment rather than on Income. Inventories of taxpayera oa what ever basia taken will he subject to la- Tha Washington State Supreme Court Upholds Measure. Olympla, Wash. By unanimous do- clalnn the innrpm ronrt nitslniui th validity of the soldiers' ,nus blIkr'"lwf!f?5S'r"!,l"fTen,le bure a' passed aa a referendum measure at theTw3' w4-wers muat satisfy apectsl session of the legislature In fcurtla of tt wrrectaeaa of the March, 1920, and adopted by vote of pricM dPted. the people at tha November election. Aa a result ot the favorable decision in tho test case brought by the state board of finance to compel the atato auditor to issue warrants drawn on the permanent school fund to purchase tho $11,000,000 bond issna authorized by the measufe, the board will bo calied together at once to complete details preliminary to actual paymenta of amounts due to former service men from this state as provided .by the law. Movies of "Crooks" Banned Chicago, 111. Motion pictures por traying criminals at work have been barred In Chicago. Chief of Police Fltzmorrls announced that he hsd la sued ordera to the city movie censor not to Issue permits for any photoplay that ahowed commission of a crime. O. P. Hoff, auto treasurer, and Got. oraor Oicott Friday alined atata high way bonds aggregating $ 1.500,000. I nance of these bonds waa authorized at a meeting of the state highway com- ; mission held last month. Tho bonds will bear data of January g aad will . draw 4 1-1 per cent laterest. Sale ot 9 tbo securities has not yet boea nego tiated. - Creation of a atato hrlgatioa eon- . mission, with three members having a salary or $K,000 year each, la part of a plan to change existing Ir rigation lawa In tho coming aesatoa of the legislature. Tho legislator cook ing from those sections of Oregon which are directly interested In get ting water on lands now arid, are tha movers back of tho proposal ure. wrlAA ftanrAttlmatfllv SOOA trm. - - ' - - , . I 1 I . II tit, A . Tout are ISO empty box cara stored w"" n' ,ye" Vr . ' ik. v.i. ...j. .!.. tiA ,k.. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hodgon a aa inv ishw f ass vi fjaagvus, svv sat viuvi and polnte on tha eastern Oregon and Bro. gsn branches, and several thousand at family have returned from Umapine,, where on New Years eve the annual Clay Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. aiding, a.o.,ha main Una. There I. ft n "fi" J "gJ2 Frank Jackson, was united in mar- ao movement of grain, lumber or wool. Twenty-four hours' contlnusl rain held In tho community hall. Sixty-six members of the family were present, riage Thursday of last week, to Miss Stella York of Weston. Tho mar- tt'ith almttt ftt-vatntv e-uoatii. One hun. ... ...... ... ta an already watoMoMed soil csus- I"": "T .C-l " .1.. P' wa ine nrvin smnn Mill LV WI'IB HS-ssLa-ii ass. s,iib ad largo alldea which blocked both f-Mfc Tho nmion WM hcld durinf raiiroaa ano wsgon rosos in wncou, the ,ftcrnoon ,nd ,Vening, and danc county. Three slides are reported oa , ,nd mc, were enJoyed. FIetch tha raUroad between Toledo and Elk orchc,tr, 0, Pendleton, furnish- ' ed music for the occasion. Metals valued at approximately $1 Durin(f the pMt fow monlh., Und SIO.OOO, or about 10 per cent of thst tOTA Frooni. hli m,je extensive im- of 11, were produced and sold la pavements to his St. Nichols hotel young couple will reside on the Jack son place, west of Athena. The bride ia a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John- York of Weston. Oregon during the yesr 1M0. accord. property, involving an expenditure of tgintt M claiming a i f Ing to tha biennial report of tha Or ,pproxlmatoly 3,500. . , lne ofrered by the cit Citea Clslmsnts to Appear. The East Oregonian reports that the city of Pendleton has filed suit share ritv for gen' bureau ot mines and geology com Th9 dance and car party given on y,e capture 0f Neil Hart, Jim Owens - 7 . w , . a . ,k Wow ye,r' cve Dy m wv,c c ' ni Jck Rathio, citing them to ap- Benator Chamberlain underwent the WM mucn 0f , gUccess in ever par- p,,. jn y,, circuit court to thresh second operation at Emergency hospb ticulaar. Tho opera house was decor- out thejr claims The city offered tat in Washington, D. C. rrlday. His ,ted In evergreens, and a space rop- 500 for the capture Of Hart and atteadanta ward optimistic ss to tha ed 0(f (or CRrd tables left ample room $050 each for tho capture of Owens outcome, expressing the ballet tbst tht for t0 dancers who trippod to inspir- an(j R,thio. The claimanU for the aanator's recovery would bo early aad ig mMe by tho Athena orcheatra. reward number nearly a score. The complete. from a cozy corner, ladiea of tho club, county's ahare of the reward is also NsgotUtlons bsvs been closed la dispensed, toothsome sandwiches -and involved but no suit has been filed. Portland whereby the Paclflo Sprues coffee to their guests during the eve- - company taxes over a mmoy mm su nine - Chopped Hsnd With Ax. While splitting fire wood at tho ranch Monday morning, Floyd rink. and buildings at Toledo, 14 miles ol railroad and 11.500 acres of timber land formerly the propsrty ot tha TJalted States Spruce Produotton cor poration. Tb price wss glrea out as 11,000.000. Sunnysido Crop Production. Crops raised' on the" Sunnysido, Washington, project last year, ac- rancn Monuay morning, r.oya r.n. J u L u, projcct man. V'ina vorth 8,330,394. With back of his left hand with tho ax he , ... ,k. McCsuslsnd Creditors Meet. The first meeting of creditors of P. ...r--..t-j .ni u 1..1J wound, V. iicvauina .win 09 nvm wirawniw at Tcndleton before Judge Thomas C. Fitsgerald, referee in bankruptcy. Mr. McCausland, who has been farm that valuation the returns per acre was wielding. While the injury Is serious, no oaa reSu .re , M on rnment irrl. pated by Dr. Sharp, who dressed the . ' th. - Return to College Work. Athena young people, attending col lege, and universities have all rcturn- gation projects. During the year 78,938 acres were cropped. Large Wheat Sale, largest individual sale Ing near Weston for several years, is ed to their .work, after spending the The largest individual sale of one of tho first Umatilla county Christmaa vacation at their homes wncat in ine inianu empire took farmers to file pspers in bankruptcy here. Misses Kathren froomo- and place recently at Walla Walla when slnco the drop In the price of wheat Hazel Sanders to O. A. C; Belle Pam George Drumheller disposed . of 150,. He gives his liabilities as 18306.49 brun to Whitman; Martha Hutt to 025 bushels to Kcrr-Gifford at 11.45 and hla assets as $2543. He claims Willamette University; Doris Thomp: per bushel, or . approximately $215, exemption of only $464. aon to St. Helen Hall; Areta Little- 000. TELEPHONE RATES AKD THE DECUIIE EI PRICES The Telephone Company has asked its patrons in Oregon to pay more for their telephone service. It has placed the facts and ngures of the situation before the Public Service Commis sion for their investigation and verification. The increases will not amount to much to individual subscribers, but the aggregate will permit the Company to properly maintain and develop its service. " We have shown the Commission that we are operating at a loss. Our expenses are greater than our earnings. The owners of the property are receiving nothing from their Ore gon investment and he interest due on debts which should properly be-borne by the Oregon properties is not being paid from Oregon receipts. , At the hearing before the Public Service Commission not a fact or figure presented by the Company was disputed or dis proved. The only material contention made was that increases were perhaps inopportune in view of the apparent decline in general commodity prices. Salaries and wages make up 72 percent of our current expenses. We hope they will not Tbe reduced and do not think they should be. In the five years 1916-1920 inclusive, we have increased the wages' of our plant people $307,000.00; our traffic (operat ing) employees, $681,000.00; commercial employes; $98,000.W) a total of $1,086,000.00 per annum. Efficient and contented employees mean good service. It is their due and our desire that their compensation be equal to that paid in other lines of business activity. Adequate service is dependent upon adequate rates. Vho Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.