The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 31, 1920, Image 4

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Beginning at 10 a. m.
over from
January Clearance Sales
Real Old-Fiishioned "Clearance" With Savings
on Every Article in Every Department.
(Contract Lines Excepted)
rpHIS means that be-
ginning at 10 a.m.
n Monday we offer for a
limited time our entire
j merchandise stock ev-
ery article at a lower
l price than it was marked
ti up to the time that our
$ store closed last Friday
E. L. lilomirrcn was
ullu Walla Friday.
Mr. end Mrs." H. A. Dowd of Walla
Walla were Christmas guests of Mrs.
Dowd's parents, Mr, ami Mr. Allen
Mia. Stella Shaw of llcroiiston was
a Christmas visitor at tin homo of
her mother, Mr. I.etlm King.
Carmen Oliver was up from Pen
dleton Satnnlny and took Christmas
diner with Mr. and Mr. K. U
Frank I. Smith and Mis Gladya
U Smith came up from IVrtlaifll for the
n a I . ill A ... II..
1J. t , Uventier win so 10 t
ton to begin his work next Monday
morning as deputy under Sheriff Zoo
Mr. and Mr. Elmer Tucker ranio
over from Walla Walla Saturday to
share in the palate-tempting dain
ties accompanying the Christmas
feast at the C. F. Bulfinch home.
Tho J. It. Williams family motored
to Athena Sunday to partake of a
sumptuous holiday feast at the homo
of Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Watta.
Prof. F. C. Fitxpatrick is in Port
land this week attending the State
Teachers asociation meeting
Twenty-six fortunate people rvp-
n tho Circuit Owrt of the Slate of
Uregon for I'inaUlla O'unljr,
In tha Matter of tha Estate of Mary J.
Powers, Deceased.
To all Whom it May CoNiKan:
Notica is hereby Riven thst Hettie
Powers, administratrix of tha estate
oi Mary J. Powers, deceased, ha Hied
In tha abova entitled court her final ac
count of tha administration of said
enisle, and said court haa fixed the
15th day of January, 1921. at 10 o'clock
In tha forenoon, in the County Court
room, In tho County Court home at
0ULD anything be
clearer? Could any
thing be finer? Think
of choosing from this
entire great stock the j
largest and finest in the
city at lower prices s
than you would have g
paid Here last f nnaj . Jj resenting four generations partook of
And VOU knOW that these elaborate spread Christmas day at
prices were already the
lowest in the city. $
Tell Your Family! Tell Your Friends!
Spread the news broadcast of this tremen
dous vital thin- everything EVERYTHING
in the splendid A. M. Jensen Co. store
(contract lines excepted) at a freshly lowered
price; beginning at 10 a. m. Monday. It is Won
derful! It is inspiring! It is the real thing! And'
you and everybody should make the most of it! The
time is Monday, January 3d, at 10 a. m.
," A moonshine still, the most com
plete in detail, that has been taken by
Sheriff Taylor in his raids against the cited to appear in court, January
moonshiners was captured in a cave and show cause why he should not be
on the Walla Walla river above Mil- adjudged incompetent and placed un-
Petitlon for Guardian
Petition was filed Tuesday with the
probate court to have a guardian ap
pointed for Roy Key, the young Wes
ton farmer arrested for breaking into
two Athena stores and taking some
watches and jewelry. Defendant is
ton Tuestlay, and with its owner, a
fellow named Benson, was brought
to Athena and turned over to Judge
Richards' court
' Benson paid a fine of $200 and had
a wad of money left. After his hear-
der a guardian's care.
It is reported that $ is generally
known bit those in close touch with
the young man, that for some time
he has shown evidence of not being
responsible for many of his actions.
ing and payment of the fine, Benson His. burglarizing of the two stores
'talked freely to several on the street, here is cited as one instance in par
He attributed the finding of his ticular, for the rtason that he was
still and his capture by Sheriff Taylor possessed of sufficient means to pur- egon
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.
Greer. Choice of duck, goose or
chicken together with the dejecta
ble appurtenances thereunto belong
ingwas offered the merry diners.
Gathered about the groaning board
were Mr. ami Mrs. F. C. Greer, Mrs,
II. N. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. II. Wad
dingham, Mrs. Minnie Walker of He
lix, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendrickson
of Adams, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lieu
alien and Miss Vida Greer of Walla
Walla, Mrs. A. M. Boss, J. A. King
and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Greer,
Mr. and Mr. W. A. Barnes, Miss
Heidenrcich, Mr. Ernest Gillette.
Mrs. Ed. Zimmerman and little son
of Lewiston, Idaho, arc guests for
holiday week at the home of hei" sis
ter, Mrs. F. J. Jackson.
II. C. Fetter and family of Free
water, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Driskell
of Walla Walla and Mr. and Mrs. II.
J. Driskcll of Dayton were here for
a family Christmas dinner at the W.
E. Driskcll home on Normal height.
President H. S. Shangle of Colum
bia cohge, Milton, will occupy the
pulpit of the M. E. Church, South,
Sunday morning and deliver an ad
dress on "Education."
An unusually large number of
Christmas trees were employed this
year to give a festive Yuletide ap
pearance to Weston homes. Among
these who rejoiced over new and
brilliant electric decorations for their
resplendent evergreens were the
Frank Trice and R. L. Roynaud
households. ,.
Master James Ferguson of Pendle
ton is spending the holidays at the
home of his grandmother, Mrs. M. C.
Ferguson, on Weston mountain.
Regular quarterly communion ser
vice will be held Sunday morning at
the United Brethren church, with ser
mon by the pastor.
Miss Vida Creer, who is attending
business college at Walla Walla, is at
home for the holidays.
Elder J. W. Barnctt of Bandon, Or-
will begin a series of meetings
and Deputy St. Clair, to a couple of
boy trappers, who a couple of days
before had been seen by him in the
vicinity of the cave in which the still
was located. That the boys were in
the cave, Benson said he was sure
for a couple of sticks which he had
placed in a certain manner at the
entrance had been disturbed. He be
lieves the boys told of the location of
the still, which was a complete affair
consisting of a large copper tank,
coils, heating appratus, etc.
' The officers say that Benson evident
ly is an expert at the business. He
had secreted his still in a cave on the
banks of the Walla Walla river where
he operated for three months within
40 feet of passing fishermen. The of
ficers brought over several quarts of
moonshine whiskey and some shelled
corn, and before leaving the cave,
they destroyed a quantify of mash.
'.' The jtfjiton-Freewater district ap
pears to be a favorite haunt for the
moonshiners, as this is at least the
third outfit from there that has figur
ed in Judge Richards' court. A man
named Hill was brought before the
Judge Monday for his hearing. He
was fined $150, which amount he said
he would secure at Freewater. He
was returned to the county jail.
chase anything he needed.
The charge of his breaking into the
stores here ha3 not been pushed, pre
sumably on account of knowledge of
the young man's mental condition.
Double Header Basket Ball
Weston High school stars of a bril
liant past were bedimmed by a new
constellation last night in a double
header contest. The alumni team of
girls was defeated by a score of 19 to
12, Jackson being credited with 17 of
the high school points. The boys'
game was fast and exciting. The
confident vets walked away with the
first half, but the superior condition
of. the rookies told and they won out
by consistent playing in the second
twrirn-l ihn final ftnrirn Itoinrr 9.1 f n 99
in High's favor. Bulfinch at center c?: pn'1 no df is tc?urte,i
played a dazzling game for High in
the second half. Emery Staggs, vet
eran of many a hard-fought field in
next Sunday at the Church of the
Brethren. There will be services ev
ery evening next week, also. AH the
people of Weston and vicinity are in
vited to attend j)y John Bonewitz, el
der in charge.
The Saturday Afternoon club will
hold its first meeting of the new year
January 8 at the home of Mrs. II.
This section was visited Wednesday
night with another heavy rain. Snow
wa3 melted in the mountains, and
by Thursday morning Pine creek had
been converted into a raging torrent.
Some observers declared that the
creek reached the highest stage ever
known in the December season, hav
ing usually waited until spring for
its tantrums. The flood soon subsid-
shine succeeded the rain, and the
weather holds a suggestion of spring.
The Farm Bureau meeting con-
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of stockholders of the
Weston Mercantile Company will be
held at Memorial hall, Weston, Ore
gon, on January 19, 1921, at 2:30
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
electing a board of directors and for
the transaction of such other business
aa may come before the meeting.
. Weston, Or., Dec. 31, 1920.
. J. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary.
a remote yet glorious past, ref creed ducted at Weston Monday hy I'rof. U.
the event. Pody Duncan judged . the R- Hyslop of Oregon Agricultural
girls' game, and having taken the college and Fred Bennion, county
pj-ccaution to get his locks clipped, agriculturist, proved to be of much
lost no hair. interest and value. The wheat and
potato growers of the district were
, we" represented, and listened atten-
JOUlt Installation, L 0. 0. F. tively to lectures based on years of
Weston Lodge, I. O. O. F., will hold careful exeprimentation.
joint installation with Rebekahs and The local library circulated 95 books
Encampment, January 6th. Banquet among its patrons Wednesday after-
at 6:30. Come and bring your basket: noon the largest number of volumes
a'l members cordially invited.
If this notice is marked it signifies
that your subscription expires with
the last issue in this month. Tho
Leader is on a cash-in-advance basis,
and will greatly appreciate
prompt renewal.
handled in one afternoon for many
Rev. W. S. Payne will begin a series
of meetings next Sunday, to continue
three weeeks, at tho Methodist church
in Touchet,' Wash. --- '
Miss Thelma Anderson arrived Fri-
your day from Homestead, Oregon, to pass
the holiday season at the family
home in this city. .
chargl" of said administratrix, and
tho exoneration of her bondsmen from
further liability herein; and it was
further ordered by said court thst this
notice should be published In the Wea.
ton Loader, a weekly newspaper, pub
llshed at Weston, Umatilla County,
Slate of Oregon, for four consecutive
weeks, the first imblirntlon thereof
being made on the 17th dsy of Decern.
Iter, 1020. Said order is dated the I3th
day of December, ll20.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Mary J. Powers, deceased.
IVmllcton, In Umatilla County. State h,,,,.!,!,,," rot. Chain Stitch
of Oregon, as the time and place for , " ? in ki.i.
hearing object km, if any there lie Embroidery, Ilraldlng. I lair
thereto, and all persons interested in Stitching, Button Holes and Buttons
said estate are hereby notified to ap- Covered, Pleating,
pour at said time and place ami make Muo - -FRGUKON
any objections or exceptions they have . MRiLC 'J5., F " , , w..w
to the approval of said report, thedia- Thone 9.10, Walla Walla, Wash.
We are in the midst of our
Watch for interesting store
news next week.
Many odd lots to close out.
Many short ends of stock that
will be sold at prices you can
not afford to overlook.
We believe 1921 will be your
best year. The financial re
adjustments will react in your
I WonlercantileCo.