The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 31, 1920, Image 3

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    ww m m m m invtn vTTtTmmw m m m m tex tr.m tri trx tri ia m n H ',7 H Fffl CT ff7 V!
With (iood MuIc In the Home.
N K W K I) I S 0 N
"The riionoicraph With a Soul."
The IU-st of the World'8 Music your
right in your own homo, whenever
you witth.
Optra Hallndn Martiita
Solos J a. Dance Muic
Whatever your preference in Music,
you can have it.
JnveKtiKulo the saving and thrift fea
ture) of the
It U 1) (i i: T PLAN
which makcH the New Edison Easy to
Uuy Easy to Pay For.
Complete Ifomo FurniHliinK Department Store
10-20 Alder St.. Walla Walla. Wwh.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 186
Athena. Oregon . Waibburj. Wah.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
See me for CHICKENS and all Kinds of
PRODUCE. Blacksmith Iron. Shafting
and Piping. Bought right, and for
sale at lowest prices. Do it NOW.
J. R. Reynolds
Water Street (second block north of Main)
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
International Stock
and Poultry Food
- Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
; Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
One hundred . 1 50
Each additional hundred 0 75
Mi.. Vlila Staeir earn up from
Pendleton Friday to .hare In th.
Christmas festivities of Dm K. W.
Achilles household.
Entertaining and appropriate pro
grain wore given at the varloua
Wihton rliurrhft on Christmas, eve.
Muxir, artltii decoration of green
cry, and gift for .Sunday school pu
pil Mil combined to mako tho affair
delightful one for the children.
" (i. ti. Amlru, the fatlii-r of Mm.
Lewi I. Gdlilund of Wclon, died
Monday at hi home at Rnge,
Grant county. Mr. A mini 76
yearn old, and In survived by Mr.
Andru and their five son and five
daughter. He conducted a black
smith (.hop In Walla Walla In early
yearn, but for tho pant two decade
had been engaged In farming and
lockraling In Grant county.
Mini Gladys Ann Edward and Mr.
Ralph II. Unsdale were united In
marriage December 23, 1920. at the
home of tlic bride' parent", Mr. and
Mr. W. 8. Kdward. In Krccwater.
Th,ey will make their home on Weston
mountain, where the young bride
groom I engaged in farming..
Six children, all of them under
eight year of age, are reported to be
ill in the family of William Fchr in
the Pea Ridge district. Two of them
re down with pneumonia.
Krnet and Ruth Smith of Athena
are guct thia week of the Calder
twin, Ada ami Margaret.
Joe Hodgson left Tueday on
buinva trip to Portland, and upon,
hi return will be ready again for
grand Jury service.
For several day following the re
cent chinook Earl Harnett, mail car
rier on route one, wa unable to
make hi round, because of the huge
.nowdrift in the road. He went up
part way, however, and wa met by
mountain resident. Will Bcathe, W.
H. Warfield and Verlin Haviland
broko out a trail from Basket Moun
tain choolhoue to Tamarack church
by uing about 16 head of home.
Wholly unleashed, theae faithful ani
mal followed along after their lead
er In the now a though breaking
trail were a pleasant pastime.
. William Van Winkle leave today
for Eugene to begin the study of law
at University of Oregon. He expect
to devote six year to the task of
earning his sheepskin.
Herman SUgg is here from the
Stagg Sons holdings in tho Rattle
snake flat district to enjoy a Christ
mas vacation. Tho Arm -is operating
on an extensive scale, having plowed
3200 acres, of which about 1300 acres
is seeded. Herman reports abundant
moisture and fine prospect for next
ycur' crop.
An enjoyable family gathering
C'hriittm day at their home in the
Walla Walln V
Mr. J. S. Ross, the host and hostess;
William Ross and family of Wash
fill DA. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosa of
f A If A I
Wood Yard
Hartley. Mr. Hartley, who more than
a score of year ago was a Weston
resident, is now head janitor of three
school buildings at Clarkston.
Mis Alice Dowd of Washtucna is
. tho hnme of her Sister,
uii -
illey included Mr.and M William Gould.
Charles rnipps o
Alvin Phipps of Antelope, Oregon,
...m mtnetn TlllRl1nV of Mr. and Mrs.
Dayton, A. M. Robs and Master Neil wnj payne.
Ross of Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy . E E paust, well known mountain
THE Savings Account means more for the future of the
familv than almost all the advice the world can offer.
n man n riVhr. start urjon the rijfht' course. Give your
, V o .
Ros of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Boy - B Ei Faust( wcji known mounUm a chiia tne assurance vi pCni-c.iv .-..v.-.
Cannon of Athena, James Bradburn farraeI.( s convalescent, after an at- g securing a Liberty Bell bank for it One dollar Will 00 it.
and family of Portland, Jamc Mc- Uck of thc grip, ' g ,
ian anu lamiiy . w ci.tnn of Davton. Wash-
I.umsden were - .
wr. ana r. a. ieton. will oreach Sunday morning
guest, cnnsima u.y a, vne ulu . church
WS.hDnoeroth"yr Butnch. who is " JMaret iria-U of Baker
public schools, is passing the holiday schoolmate, Mrs. R. E.
vacation with her parents, Mr. and Dinner guests at ti. . C. DUJraw
... r p Riflnch residence on Christmas day were mr.
MM;VmVTnnSkiver went to Pen- and Mrs. Andrew Larso i and Mus
dloton Saturday morning to meet Mr. Glenadine Larson of and Mis
and Mr. J. M. Swaggart, who came Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Culley and Uiat
rrhS.v.hCir hme nC'r Bker ST SIS Culley, Mr. and Mrs.
th m.'ITm,. C. C. Nelson were J- E. SUnfield. Charles R. Culley and
he from their home on the Snake family and Clifford Culley were e.
rver for . Christmas visit "ff'iJS Maloney n
PreciplUtion for the year ending of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Maloney m
Bk tocS weather observer. Al- Wash., are spending the holidays a
though 1920 is popularly .upposed to the home of their sister, Mrs. Cec.1
have been very wet year this re- Hyatt . o
cord is only slignuy more m.o V. i,rVM U nler
average annual precipitation of 23.47 and Mrs. Alex McCorkell, is under
average ""'"' . .. n M..Kinney's care with a serious
little Liberty Bell
ank to pat too
little savings In,
is ywrs with a
Savings Account
Uttle Uterty BtU
Bank U put F"
UtUe savbics la,
is years wltt i
Savisrs Acceont
BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop
ft Verity 6 nil nun i fiiv. iiiviirwii oi ( ,
5Sd IZJl SIW IT-'tr Vandpa- .sm
j . j ront in this city. G
rr'wet fa Themo-nth'orrX Mis, Hilda Larson of the Umatilla
SrJ ahowed no rainfall .h.Uver. "SJSTui
John D. Park, old-time Westonian, her sister, Mrs. Roy Hyatt Miss
is with u. again, after a visit with Larson was formerly teacher in the
hi. sister at Palouse City, Wash. Upland school.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Morrison and . Mr. md-Mra. S. E. Key. now re-
daughter of Walla Walla, and Mr. siding on the Gene Wells place , on
Taylor of Richland; Oregon, were Couse creek, are holiday guests of the
guests' for Christmas dinner, of the Joe Key- .
TZh.lA Morriiiona A lynx n8uring four feet from
Richard Morrisons. fey
Walter Price, retired farmer and pf on Wcston mounUin.
leading citisen of Waitsburg, Wash., '
is visiting his cousins, "the Price
boys," at Weston. NOTICE OF SALE.
Miss Mamie Barnes came up from Notice is hereby given that a cer-
Pendleton to spend the Christmas tain Dort automobile, model 0, car
vi:.i..,. ...i.K thi S A Rarnra fiim. Kiv A 1.1834. will be sold by the un-
liuiiuajrs w.v.i .... -
jly dersigned to the highest bidder for.
Charley Price, oldest son of Mr. cash in hand, at their garage in wes
and Mr.. John Price, has been se- ton, Oregon, on Saturday, January
riously ill with quinsy at their home 15. 1921. at 2 o clock p. m.
on the mountain. " Dated December 24. 1920.
on the mountain. MILLER & BOOHER.
Mrs. Amanda Hartley and Frank
Hnrtloy of Clarkston, Wash were "
Christmas guests at the home of Mrs. Laundry work done at home. Mrs.
Will Payne, who ia a daughter of Mrs. R. R. Riley. S. Broad street
of Northwest Scenery.
Made for Framing.
1.50 to $3.50