The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 31, 1920, Image 2

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CLAKK wOOD, rubllt
MHS. n. OOOUWIN, AuUtant tdllef
Industry In the extreme Kast Knd ii
ilu to a reity market In the anc
turn of tho esteemed Milton Kaglo
ml the esteemed Frvcwater Tune.
Shower tot Kiss Korrtwn
We ctiUlnh .11 m ist the kinds el hltoii an. aatrenj te espreu
Commercially we have enjoyed the
best year of our experience and so
cially we like you people the very best
You have caused us to feel we are wel
come among you and" we want to treat
you in such manner that you will
know we appreciate this fact
When we fail to prove worthy of -your
confidence you will do us a favor to
tell us so. Come in and stand us up in
front of a good mirror and have us look
at what we. see-. We will do our best
to find out what will please you, and
that pleases us.
We are now taking inventory, and ev- ,
erything is G.c per yard for cash.
K) i -H
P. T. Harbour
are in. Get one and REST EASY
for the remainder of the.winter.
ROSS FiMae Store
Calls 2ou
America's Winter Playgroun
Outdoor life ideal. An endless variety of healthful
recreation, pastime and sight-seeing totiri. Its
thousands or miles of picturesque paved highways
are the admiration and delight of motor enthusiasts.
A real semi-tropic winter paradise.
The Direct and Pleasant Way to California Is Via the
which places at the disposal of its patrons two ex
tremely attractive and interesting routes the
world-famous Columbia River and Shasta Routes,
or through Salt Lake City and one hundred miles
of orange groves in the Sunny Southland.
k clrWs ol rare eeue awl experience! nut exwilcd on tlie
romiiicut, Tlirouifli sleeping -ar ami .liniuir car arcommo-
aauenfe iubkv iuv shmu .
Let our agent tell too nil about It, prenaro our
Itinerary, links your reaerTatlons deliver your
tkketn. supply lntrucUe Caltlorula literature.
A pleasant variation from the all-rail trip to Caliiornia
is the ocean trip Iroin l'ortiaut to Han trancna-w.
fcallinroa the "Koi-e City" or "Ala.ka" ertry filih
day. Connection 111 Portland. 11 u tell you ahoul II.
8. a. Nilson, Agtut. Wettou, Oregon.
Tho Year
Six Mont he
Throo Month
With sagacity hrflttinit tho only
Vint lipKd back into tho deck. Con
' stautliie l qulok to indicate that ho
" 0 W no now n,,,,, 1,10
1 . hand.
Advertising Rate
Display, Regular, per inch
Display, Transient, per liuh
Local Reader, per line
IWIietor tiir ' club, tho hsal r.asl
cm Star chapter end IVa Ridg resi
dent. The engagement of Mis Mor-
,20c And still, wheat hasn't dropped o rism to U I. Ollarra wh rwcntly
.LTm! low that Athena and Weston fanners announeR and many friend re
,10c canm.t roagratulato themselves that W'itMl her at Thursday evening a
they aro not raising alfalfa hay. gathering un sui.sinmm ih'
120 - - i i i -1 1. 1 - their love and respect. 'I ho gifts of
Ono of tho most elaborate shower lloginnlnit January 1st, 1121. we,
ovir tendered a Weston hrldo vlitt tho undfralnncd, will conduit our bus.
v'aa that hoiiorinic Mlna Kliaa Morrl Incus on strictly HO-dey credit bails,
sun. L-lvrn at her homo last Thurs- All bills are duo and payable on the
tiny ovoiiIiik under the auspices of the first of the month following purchase.
( retlit will Do illsroitllimtiti lo an who
allow their lllls to run longer than
the 10th of tho month. On alt out
standing bills not paid by December
:ist, llCO, there will bo 8 per rent In
terest added until ald.
rsinsr nrc 11.
r r Ilia head having been struoh ly a silver, cut j'lass, riuua aim mien P-
Bsitrsesl Ih. .lolius tea.ut..a M frifmt)ti u W)l splendid array, r'ollowing Kor.1 ear for aalo at a bargain
lltcn4 clatl Hsllmllli .. . tVAnnunsIn wsa wouiulwl lit a mriiid of Conif lalulatlons and social A...I.. T
. . vnln..riil,l unit. . hat a HiiU'iulkl lunrhoon was served.
t.i; I t..ul ........ Ik,. hithMrl.k ...... - t
ine puunc oa - . ; . T i jl g Amonir the rucMs invscnt
ie banked uin tho hitherto vulnerable
of tho long-csiaDiisneti T. Mr..aid..nt of a Portland i i I m n'll.rra. All,. it O'.
' - - t " 11VWflll" ' " ' .. .., "
rood name
house of Morris Diva.
The name of ..v., i, t.L.n ,i..,rt.
its pivsident. John U Etheridgo, held t(M, h( hu ukrn iuin,mt.
a.... ii 11. HsuiMH.
little or no signifteairco. The Oregon
an in rieht iii this conclusion: "What
the public thinks is that every dollar
Fred S. Morris has, and every re
source he caa . command, should bo
put at the disposal of tho victims of atpr ,
Morris Bros., Inc. Her tn tho in
terior the absorbing mystery is em- Tno pny M.l j the farm
ing inventory.
I i . . "j ,v i
However,. the Atlantic City couple,
so safely married in an airplane at a
height of 3000 fet, may fall out
bodied in tho question, What became j. turned when the fanner wo
of the million dollars or so that Mor- (r, to luwn t0 n,iUire tho Vf'ee of
ris Bros, are supposed to bo short T wH.t.
VnWs Morris or Ktheridgo cmbei- n i .'. . -J
llarra. Newton O'llarra, P. C. Me-
Cauidin, M. W. IVdcraen, tl M.
.Smith, Nelson H Jones, J. H. Wil
liams, S. A. Barnes, Joseph Hodgson,
W. 8. Price, Marvin Price, Charles M.
Price, Claude Price, K. K. Tucker;
Misses luio Itintoul, I.urline
llrown. Wavel O'llarra. Frank Harris
Davis, Kthel Isaacson, Doris Karoos,
Ruby Price and Vita Moirison.
Religious Survey ol Weston
iled this money and l-t it in setrel
speculation, or covered it up, .it la
possible that the inventory of tho
bond house's assets will disclose a
much wore favorable condition than
early reports would indicate. That
much money coultl hardly bo lost in .j that she isn't getting it.
tho process of buying and selling L, ,i 1
good securities. The concern' profits What we need from congress
The honles of immigrants crowding A recent religious survey of tlie
in from a wet Europe do not seem to City of Weston made ty 9Hs crue
give a damn how dry we are. Myers, state missionary for tho
i l. i ii Church of tho Brethren. Is of conoid-
Having always liked a fight, Ire- erablc local interest. Tho figures are
laml i t lat vlven 11,1 iwrssion for as follows, as furnished by Klder
John Dour witt:
Professor of religion, about 1BH.
Regular church atlemlants, about
is a
on its large volume of business must law that will enable everybody to sell
surely have taken rare of its over- at high prices and buy at low.
head. Mrs. Ktheridgo declares that t , t
her husband has no money. Perhape ' Wo're here to say that Dave Nel-
Mr. Morris will in due time be able ,in for state highway commissioner
to shed some light on thi financial will certainly suit us.
problem. s
Permit us to suggest, Mr. Hard
in its continual attacks on Presi- ing, that Wood Is considered good
dent Wilson, which have not ceased cabinet material.
. .. .. .
since tnc election, me esiecmcti urt-
Irregular attendants, about IP.
Non-professors, about 1M.
Attend sometimes, 40.
t'hildryi In Sunday school, 162.
Children out of Sunday school, 25.
Babies not in Sunday school, 19.
Tho survey is not given as exact,
for tho reason that some families
were not at homo, some were moving
away and others were moving In.
Found Hidden Still
While playing around the J. M.
Banister barn Monday, Raymond
Banister and other boy found a
boiler lid from which emerged a piece
One of the happiest family gather- of copper tubing, some glass Jars and
ings assembled around the Christmas a keg. The outfit was manifestly
banquet board was that held at the part of a crude still, hidden away by
W. II. Gould home, Saturday. Chil- parties at present unknown, and is
.:.., .!, ..-.(h.. Ifnitml Ktnti rlren and trranrk-hildren to tho number now in the poscssion of Marshal
would have acquired a Mexican prob- of 28 were present to share in the Avery. Known for many years an a
lem that would have made England' delightful oeasion. A bountiful din- strong prohibition proponent, Mayor
Irish problem look like a hair-pulling ner was spread at two o'clock in the Banister is now being quiaaed by lo-
match at a pink tea soiree. Often a afternoon, and family reminiscences, cal Joshers as to where he has cached
gonian not infrequently refers in
scornful term to his Mexican policy.
And yet the Wilson policy of "watch
ful .waiting" has assuredly justified
itself. Tired of bloodshed and with
an able man at the helm, Mexico is in
a fair way now to become peaceable
and prosperous. With intervention
at any phase of Mexico's bitter inter
necine strife and there was never
any choice between intervention and
It occasionally hapicns that when
the bootlegger is found in he Is
found out
To Have Your
Will Make You
. a New One or
Repair the Old.
Phone I2Z . . Milton, Ore.
Christmas in the Could Home
Drs. A. D. & R. A. ntraCH
fttacl Oetlul ration
15 K. Main St.- Phone 653
Walla Walla. Wash.
discriminating and instructive critic,
we fear that The Orcgonian permits
itself at times to degenerate into a
common scold.
The Cincinnati Enquirer deals
strongly as follows with a mooted
topic: "If there bad been no Non
partisan Kainie, no Wheat Growers'
association, no American Cotton
Growers' i;sociation, and no Live
Stock Producers' association in exist
ence to encourage their millions of
member, from the very moment
prices began to fall, not to sell their
products on the falling market, bil
lions of dollars in value of those
products could have been disposed of
long before tho present low level of
the markets was reached, and a lare
jokes and stories of early days filled
the hours with pleasure. Those' par
ticipating in the festivities were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gould, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Tucker and family of Hold
man, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Tucker
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Gould, Albert Gould and family, Mr.
ami Mrs. O. N. McPherrin, Otis and
liny Gould, and Miss Alice I)owd of
Washtucna, Wash.
tho rest his mooiinhine factory.
Accused Booze Peddler Leaves
Claude Davis, who has been con
ducting the Tastime pool hall at
Weston, left t'wn Monday morning
in response to a jwremptory request
from the authorities. IIo was ac-
,.f u in,.i Ia cusetl of peddling several bottles of
I"'"""'-'' " " i l. . I.:-. ,
have been avoided. Then notes in
bank could have been paid, and the
situation confronting the financial in
stitutions of North Dakota and other
western states never would have
booze left with him for the purpose
by a traveling man. The pool hall
was closed, and creditors took pos
session of the stock. It was opened
again last night under new manage
ment. Tho new owner is Walter
Webb, .well known local citizen and
Ro- 'urmer Hotel man, who ha purchased
KJfo for
m Mi
Weston, Oretoa
R. L. Reynaud
MWfvr Pirlfoll ttt PACaonhJttim
view has this to say in hi current th.e ! table and fixture from the
issue: "Some have expressed vigor-
mis objection to the Buy a Barrel of
Flour movement and cite in substan
tiation the fizzle of the Buy a Bale
of Cotton movement at the beginning
of the great war. They overlook this
vital difference: The purchase of a
bale of cotton was speculation, pure
and'simplc. The purchase of a barrel
of flour is food in final hands."
Charles Co., Pendleton, to whom they
had been mortgaged, and put In
fresh stock.
r-g-J' JL gBgagaggB.-XlJC'tl, "
Deynaitvai spmrm rhag
If it will help matters any, we arc
To promote pure-bred livestock raft
ing, Klamath Fall bank are offering
Inducement to communities making
the best showing. The First National
bank ha offered a high-class mas
tered bull to the district that first rid
Itself of alt scrub sires and replace
thm with purebred. The First Slate 4
frank to say to the president-elect bank promBC, , regicr
that the appointment of Charles
Evans tiughes as secretary of state
would meet with our hearty approval.
For years two Kentucky friends
have bought their Knots at half price,
nays Oregon Journal. John takes the
left, for his only remaining leg, and
George takes the right.
The well known care exercised by
a Portland bond house in the exam
ination of records might profitably
have been extended to that of its too
enterprising president.
buck of standard breed to the district
putting fh the greatest number of reg
istered ewe ln 1921. To eneoumM
hog culture the Klamath Slate bank
will give a reglrtered boar to the dis
trict In which the largt number of
registered sows are placed during the
next year, and the American National
bank, to promote the grading up of
dairy herd, offer a high-grade bull
to the district making the best dairy
ing record In 1921;
Miami, Oklahoma, breaks into the
first page by meana of an advertise
ment offering caskets at one-third off.
Cheap undertaking to get this town
The poet aoldier sadly left Fiume.
Taking it with him by airplane evi
dently p reunited a problem too diffi
cult for his erratic genius.
We have too much regard for jour
nalistic ethics to even hint that the
remarkable growth of the moonshine
Taxpayer of Multnomah county
will be called upon next year to meet"
the largest tax IS 11 1 that has ever been
presented to them. The total will bo
approximately $14,713,000, or $53.44
per capita, based upon 275,288 popula
tion a shown by the federal census
of J920.
A S'iuash so large that many people
refused to believe It a real vegetable
but thought It was an Imitation made
of paper ha been on exhibition for
several day in the window of Mur
phy's seed store In Albany. It weigh
181 pound.
Dodge Cars
Service Trucks
Standard Makes of Tlrei
Oils and Supplies
Expert Repairing;
All Work Guaranteed
Dr. S. L KEIillARD I
Veterinary Surgeon
f Phone Main 253 i
II a"
City Draying
Leave orders at resi
dence (Marsh cottage)
south of Weston Mer
cantile. Phone 361.
Have You Paid
1 1 If not7 why not?