The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 24, 1920, Image 1

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U, SJ17,857,509
Cintui Flgurei For Outlying
Possessions Show Total
of 12,148,738.
nml Narti Jom-s of Weston; Professor
Reed and Myron Shannon of Helix;
Prof or Ilndlcy, Mr. Bennett ami
U'on KtvUtr for Athena. The schcd
ii lu agreed uM)ii In us folows: Janu
ary 14, Helix at l'llot Uork; January
21, Hulix at Athena; Jan. 28, Athena
at Weston; Feb. 4, Weston at Helix;
Feb. 11, Athena at Helix; Feb. 1H,
Weston at Athena; Feb. 25, Hvlix at
Weston, and Pilot llorlc at Athena.
. March 4, champion of th district
Washington. The population of the I'lay- Dooble-hcadcr game will
I'nHed States wltb outlying possessions be played .on each date aa each achool
la 117.HT.101, lb outlying possesions represented by a girl as well
totaling 11.141.711. These poweMlona M" "
Watchful Waiting
are: Alaska, 14.111; Amrlrij ftamoa,
1011; Ousm. 11,176; Hawaii. 105.H1;
I'anama Canal tone, 12,161; I'orlo Hiro
1.111,101; military and naval service
abroad. 117,131; Philippine Inland,
The street carnival, sponsored by
the Civic club and held at the opera
house lent Saturday evening, was a
success socially and financially. Tlio
hall presented truly carnival scene.
10.110.140; Virgin Istanda of tbe Unit- lho "''y v'ui" splendor with
d Stales. 14,081.
Ths population of 106.701.771 for the
Continental United States shows a gain
of 11,161 over tbe preliminary flgurea
announced October 7.
Tbe population of tbe atates Is aa
folio we: Alabama. :.14I,I74; Arlaona,
111.101; Arkansas. 1.762.204; Califor
nia. 1,424,141; Colorado. 131.411; Con
necticut. 110.41 1; t)lawar. 221.001;
District of Columbia. 417.(71; Florida.
41.470; Georgia. I.I1S.I32; Idaho,
411.141; Illinois. 1,411.110: Indiana.
I.1S0.110; Iowa, 2,404.021; Kansas. 1.
711.117; Kentucky, 1.414.120; Louisi
ana, 7.111.061; Main. 761,014; Mary
land, 1.441.461; Massachusetts, 1.152,
114; Michigan. 1.641,412; Minnesota,
1.217.126; Mississippi, 1.710.411; Mis
aourl. 1,404,066; Montana. S41.111; Ne
braska. 1.26.172; Nevada, 77.407; New
Hampshire, 441.012; New Jersey, J.
111.100; New Mexico, 160.260; New
Tork, 10.114.121; North Carolina. 2,
111.122; North Dakota. (45.(10: Ohio,
(.761.114; Oklahoma. 2,021.213; Oregon
711.111; Pennsylvania 1.720.017; Khods
the fancy-work booths, Christmas
tree, shooting gallery, etc., in enter
tainment, while the "hot dog" coun
ter, pie and aalad booths and coffee
aiid cocoa stalls did a thriving busi
ness, tho service being all that could
be desired.
Mm. W. K. Dobson went to Port
land this morning to spend the holi
days. Mr. Dobson is reported to bv in
a very poor stato of health, and sh
will visit him at their acreage homo
at Eatacada.
Christmas tree exercises were held
last night at the Christian church,
wncre an appropriate program was
made to the orphanage
pics homo at Walla Walla
institution '.hi week while home from
college or other pursuit. Among
them were Anna Lavender, Irene
Banister, Gertrude Van Winkle, Vira
Morrison, Kendall Smith, Eva Lun
dcll, Jamea Klrkpatrick, Dorothy
IW-bstel, Gail and Esther William
and Wilms Harbour.
A favorable basket-ball schedule for
both boys and girl waa arranged last
week by representatives of the various
school. Prof. Reed and Capt. Robin
son of Helix; Prof. Had ley and Capt.
Krutscher of Athena; Prof. Filzpat
rick, Capt. Phinney and Manager Jones
of Weston, met and arranged the
Karnes. In spile of the fact that the
schedule provides rather a late start a
lively act of contests is expected.
Many of the grade are keeping the
Christinas spirit by giving each other
small gifts and having Christmas tree.
They derive much pleasure from con
structing by their own hands trim
mings for the trees.
Quite a number of Christmas Tuber
culosis Seals have been sold in tbe
Several members of the faculty are
spending the vacation at their various
homes. Miss Davis hss gone to Le
banon, Miaa Husbands to Hood River,
Misa Brown to Portland, Miaa Rintoul
Measure Designed to Protect
Farmer From Declines
In Prices.
Weston's quota of $400 for Enro- Tho high school auditorium waa the
pean child relief was raised on sched- scene of n gay "dresstup" party given to The Dalles, Misa Sheldon to Portland
ulo timo by tho local committee and by the Freshman class last Friday and Misa Mark to Pendleton,
reported In to county headquarters night. Student were attired in clothes uat l.con wi remain in Weston
Wednesday. While a few refusals qf tho vintage of '98 and suddenly a- . .f I "J??"1
. .7" w-r. nw, vith thm rnm.r.l .-Urn, .,. . w me Jr - aa icr gUCBv
ivcn ty me cmwrcn. una were C Y.u , TT , , pf ' p'' Mny her sisteF, Jiss Clair Isaacson of Port-
iade to the orphanage and old pco- tn0 Wcston community seemed to be of tho girls might have been mistaken ,.,.a
mat nero la a cause mat makes im- for boys had it not been for an .
and urgent appeal, which cantonal hairmn dronned and short
eoum n,t no turnou aown wim a clear feminine steps. On tho other hand
conscience by anyone not wholly in- aome bnva mud a nwir i'nK t iAr
different to the call of human suf- girls, by putting skirts on wrong aide u"til ltnUHry W'" when classes will re
iinng. j no ioiai campaign lor luna out and displaying an utter ignorance
wa handled by J. A. Lumsdcn aa to exterior Daintimr and rWir.tino-
m -
Many a young male person found that
his partner for lunch carried herself(?)
t! A
Mrs. II. J. Cunningham, wife of the "'"i'"10
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. electric
ian, was railed to her pa runt's home
at Calgary, Alberta, Saturday, by a
telegram announcing tho death of her
School was dftmissed Thursday after
noon for the Christmas and New Year
vacation. The building will be deserted
Island. 604.117; South Carolina, 1.434.-
724; South Dakota. 436.647; Tennessee win for from lhc noting iyi,
.(,; miaa, s.ssi.ijs; i iso, i
IK; Vsrmont, 212,421; Virginia, t
Two new electric gongs have been 'hlrman' ,Si,,n, f . Cull!.y Fr,f,k
in.t.llnl in t)... rh,l ,,..,. (hi. "C "d J. H. I TKD. TIlOSC who
One is placed over the office door and my eir vnrisunaa money 10 ima with aall the grace of a young hippo-
... trrsna Anl4r ni.ini t 4 .,A k II... . . ar s it
tho other Is placed outside. Current - ilamus. Rcfrcshmente were served
bcrt E. Hoover, are now feeling that
it was welt spent.
John Thomoaon waa in town Tuei-
101.117; Washington. 1.J56.6I1; West day from hia stock ranch on the Uma
Vlrglnla, 1.441.701; Wisconsin. 1.412.- till river. Ho aayt atock Is in good
M7; Wyoming. 1(4.402. condition to begin tho winter. Ho is
feeding hia sheep, but his cattlo are
"OVER THE EQJL" feeding on tho homo range.
. Thursday morning the high achool
Miaa Bella I'ambrun is homo from !?JuJfnt body PnnUd Mr. and Mr.
Walla Walla, where she is student ,la1dlry w,th cut loM truil bowl
ana a cream ana sugar oowi 10 maicn.
Herman Geissel, student body presi
dent made tho presentation speech,
saying in part that these gifts were
presented aa a token of appreciation
from the student body and that a
very merry Christmas wish went with
No New Stores Thin Year.
The J. C. Penney Company havo
Mtsse Kathren Froome and Hate! called off the organization of 1G0 new
Sandorg ara homo from 0. A. C. to store this year, on account of unset
apend their Christmas vacation with tied aommercial conditions. Tho de
relatives, clsion came after arrangements had
Mies Pauline Myrick arrived Satur- been made to promote a large num
day from Portland, where she is at- ber of tho company'a storo managers,
tending buslnesa college, to spend her among them Mr. Emmel of tho Athe
vacation. with relative! and friends. na store who waa slated for big
Mr. and Mm. F. E. Blair of Sheridan store, having for its location, Quincy,
Oregon, are in tho city, guesU at tho Illinois. Mr. Emmel had disposed of
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proudfit, a portion of hia furniture and had
Mra. Blair and. Mrs. Proudfit are sis- niven up tho house he waa' living in.
Tho family will take the Taylor resi-
Prof. and Mrs. J. 0. Russell and donco in tho southwest part of town.
Cash for chickens. J. R. Reynolds.
at a late hour and all went home with
a good-time feeling. -
A number of graduates and former
students of Weston High visited the
Constsntine Back in Athens as King
Athens. Constantine of Greece, re
moved from tbe throne by action ol
too allied powers 1n 1917, and called
back by tbe recent plebiscite to ra
sums bis former status, arrived Ir
Athens Sunday. He came into the cltj
by train and was received at thf
Place do la Concorde.
Washington. Framing an emergenv
ry tariff devlgned to protect 20 farm
producta waa completed by tie house
way and means committee, ji. . j
The filing of the committee' report
disclosed that the measure had beea
made applicable for a period of ten
months from pasaage Inatead of the
one-year period previously Axed.
As finally approved and reported to
the house, tbe bill carries Import
dntie on commodities, which, together
with the rates agreed to in commit
tee and tbe estimated revenue to come
therefrom, followa: Wheat proposed
duty, 20 cents a bushel, eitlmated rev
enue, 22,109,620; wheat floor, 24) per
cent. 1657,000; corn, 15 cents a bushel,
1137,625; beans, 2 cents a pound. 43.
091.760; peanuta, nnabelled, 2-reats) aV-'
pound, 2442,(40; peanuta, shelled, I
cents a pound, (4,405,410; potatoes, t
cents a bushel, (1,560.000; onions, 49
cents a bushel. (7(7,040; rice, cleaned,
2 centa a pound, (2,900,660; rice, on
cleaned, l'4 centa a pound. (236.676;
flour, meal and broken rice, IV, cents
a pound, (5037; rice, unhutled. cent
a pound, (70,672; lemons, m cents
pound, 1881,250; oils, peanut, 26 centa
a gallon, (4,332,420; oils, cottonseed,
20 cents a gallon. (2,479,400; oils,
soya bean, 20 centa a gallon, (3,137,
000; cattle,. 30 . per cent, (5,(51,500;
sheep. (2 a head, (102.4(4; lambs, (1
a head, no estimated revenue; mut
ton and Iambs, 2Vi cents a pound,
(1.656,792; wool, unwashed, 15 cents a
pound, (9,900,000; wool, washed, 30
cents a pound, (28300,000; wool, man
ufactures of, 45 centa a pound, (lly
250,000; wool, scoured, 45 centa
pound, (45,000.000.
in St. Taula achool for girls.
Iley Winn, Weston farmer and capl
taliet waa in the city, Tuesday.
Mrs. Lee Johnson is at Lone Rock,
OHllam county where ahe will spend
the holidays with relative.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lumsdcn were
over from Weston Wednesday night,
attending the Masonic Installation and
son Elmo camo over from Pilot Rock,
where Mr. Russell is head of the high
school, and spent the week-end at the
Snow Stops Street Work. "
The snpw -ialf p,dt'n stop to street
A n r i t. ji ... i'T(ii i ahici iiv ivivva ui uiu
lT.. .i ' mnatn Warren Construction Company left a
u.. V, u c . Portion of Adams street unflniahed,
Mr.. Jrank Snider came over from whun comp!,Ied by the we,thcP t0
.rJ?m ' Jton Thnrisl.y. and qujt work Xwo 0 Jcffrgon
: , 1 I street and a block and lialf, includ
ing intersections, was fininhod, leav
ing a half block on Aduma street to
bo completed later. -
Likes the Old Town.
Wesley Tompkins is over from
Walla Walla, visiting at tho homo of
hia sister, Mrs. A. R. Coppock. Wes
ley, who served in the recruiting do-
Mil ,yk
pe .
"Mm ifi
a.4444 1
a dean ensws
been confined to her homo with illness
for several weeks.
Worth Watta is down from Wash
Ington Stato College at rullman, to
spend the holidays with his parents.
He made the trip home in his auto
mobile. Mrs. John F. Hcrr camo homo from
IfAt IjiL. K.tllfvt.v Mmtlnn l,.vlntf
her eon still at the sanitarium, he P"""'"1 ncpe. auxin.
jec whd wefouni in jour awicase
haing not sufficiently recovered to be
able to leave there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haynio left
for Portland Thursday, where they
will spend Christmas at tho home of
Mrs. Haynic's father, Theodore Rus
sell. H. McCool, brother of Mrs. L. R.
McEwen, has just returned from Val-
tho war, says tho old home town
looks good to him, and ho may con
clude to locate here.
Left for Minnesota.
' Mrs. Win Burden, with her son and
daughter, Martin and Miss Bertha Se
baaky, left Monday morning for a'
month's visit with relatives at Gilman
Minnesota. They were met at Great
, des, Alaska, where he has been lo- Mont., by Ed Sebasky, who will
cated (Ince the close of the war. He accompany them to their old home in
has oil claims In the Northland. tho northern aUte, for the holidays.
Moscoe Froome writes Athena rcl- . European Relief Fund Raised
atlvca from Wrenton, Mass., that he ' Last night, Marlon Hansel!, Lou
is doing well there, where he resides Hodgen and Will Pinkerton, commit
with hia wife and baby. The company teemen soliciting Athena's quota of
which employs him, marketed onjy $600 to the ' European Relief fund,
00,000 ducks, recently. were within (30 of having the quota
Representatives from Weston, Helix raised . The boys did not get started
and Athena high schools met in Supt. until Wednesday morning, and since
Hadley'a office Friday evening and hnve been hustling early and late for
formulated a basket ball schedule for the money, They have been highly
this district Those in attendance successful, and met with but few re
were: Prof. Fitrpatrlck, Earl Finney fusals. '
THIS lens shows some of the dirt that can be
found in any crankcase after a few weeks of
driving road dust, carbon and fine particles of
metal. Such dirt circulates with the lubricating
oil through the engine, together with gasoline that
escapes past the pistons and dilutes the oil.
Have the dirty, diluted oil in your crankcase
drained out nou-before unnecessary wear begins.
We can do that best for you with Modern
Weston Garage
riiller & Booher
Crankcase Cleaning Service convenient, quick,
' economical. We use Calol Flushing Oil, the scien
tific, thorough flushing agent which does not con
taminate the fresh oil. We assure proper lubri
cation for your engine by refilling the cleaned
crankcase with Zerolene of the correct grade.
Make a regular habit of Modem Crankcase
Cleaning Service. It gives better engine perform
ance and longer life to your car.
- OTHER CARS $2.75
Liberty Auto Co.
O. A. Adams