The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 17, 1920, Image 3

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(by dean cilin
Ja clean etr
Home Service Work Broadens
to Include CIvHIan
.-- ' . .
H9 l-B. U.lL Lhl tl
Hr I'll i R niH'HTOM
MailKiM Nmlliwaataiii IMvlalun
Aliittlian llril (
All IninK rat purl of tb grant hrtllh
program of llio American lied Croaa.
iindirtoti after (ha luspmislon of
nunr of IU war activities of Ibi or
gnlitlon, If the establishment of
Health Centura witch now ire being
Installed In many communities
Ihromhout in northwest. It It a
motenienl of compelling lutrtat to
lh cltlien of Dili part of ih country. '
The haalth centar aa orgnlid by
tha Red Cross la proving Ilia graalait
. preventive medicine known, at writ aa
protection of grat value In time of
widespread Itlnaaa or epidemic. Front
health renter radiate all kinds of
.-healthful Influence from lha giving
tit proper advice and Ibe furnishing of
competent nurilng. medlral and ur
glral aid. to the Inauguration of many,"
forma of beneficial rxirrlaM eurh aa
community tinging, athletic an1 out
door game, From health center go
the vlaltlng nurie. There are held
Ibe teaching rlaaaea for home nuralng,
children'! clinics end proper welfare
The fled Croat aay Ibat no longer
hall curable physical deformllle
curae tbe Uvea of our children, tt
believe the time la paat when tuber
eutoeia tbould be allowed without
hindrance to ftn Itavlf upon the
tender bod I of our little on. It
. "
I ' ii i - , ;, , ., nil, ii
Care of mother and babe I part ot
the follow up work of tb American
Red Croaa health renter at Bridge
town, New Jersey. Mlaa Anna Miller,
borne vlaltlng nuree from the health
center, la reading a motber't tempera-Jure.
believe that through health centera
eatabllahed In every considerable
community throughout the I'nlied
State, health can be aafoguarded and
therefrom greater bapplneaa ' be
brought to our people. f
Ignorance of dlaeaaea. Ignorance a
to what are the beat mean to pursue
In combatting them. Ignorance a to
tb (landing and competency of cer-
tain medical men the today are
reeponalbl for a vaai number ot
deatha In 'he world. Quack prey
upon our people wlih their glaring
and lying advertisement and In hun
dred of thouaanda of rata Individ
ual abaolutely deceived by their pre
tention paaa beyond the daya when
their Inflrmltlea might be cured. For
tbeae peril the Rod Croa health
center form a aafoguard.
Tb health center being established
become tbe people' club, with mem
benhlp dealgned to reach vast num
ber of the population tlnce member
chip cost but fl a year the annual
Red Croa due.
Another phaa of the peace time pro
gram of tbe organisation which rapid
ly I becoming of paramount value In
the northwest I comprised In tb
Home Service actlvltlc. Designed
originally for the benefit aolely of
dlsab'od icrvlce men end their fam
ine, It ba grown to occupy a far
broader field. Rod Croat welfare
workera look to the Intereat ot for
mer soldier and lallor In hoapllul
and school; maintain personal con
tact with the disabled who are at
borne. Home Service forma the con
ceding link between the disabled man
In hospital or school and hi family.
But Home Service baa grown be;
yond this. In noarly 40 ot the 106
chapter ot the Northwcitorn Division
experienced social worker are em
ployed, and the aervlce la being ex
tended to civilian famllle. In tome
chapter Information stations for the
inneflt ot the general public have
been established. In Raymond,
Washington, the Home Service depart
ment maintain an office close to tha
railway stations and hotel where any
day may be anen tbe visitor Inquiring
for tbe residence ot a friend, or the
genial traveling man asking the loca
tion ot the business house upon which
' he wants to call.
Social Service extends down through
the chapters to the branchoa and aux
iliaries. Several Northwestern chap
ters have brandies which maintain
local Home Service operatives, their
activities being financed through
small revolving funds from the chap
ter treasuries.
Fifty cents of every dollar of mem
bersblD fees stays In tho community
In which It has been contributes It
la that fifty conts which aids In thl
, Important Home Service development
vV Wt HSU) JrJfmJ if ' ' '
Bow many miles have jou driven
your car
HOW many miles- with
out changing engine oil?
Dirt accumulates in the oil of
every engine carbon, road dust,
fine particles c f metal, and gasoline
that hr.s escaped past the pistoos.
This dirty, diluted oil circulating
through your engine causes unnec
essary wear on bearing surfaces.
Have it drained out nwo and
fresh oil put in the crankcase.
We can do that for you conven
iently, quickly, economically with
Modern Crankcase Cleaning Ser
vice. We use Calol Flushing Oil,
the new, scientific flushing agent,
which cleanses thoroughly with
out danger of contaminating the
supply of fresh oil. And to assure
correct lubrication we refill the
cleaned crankcase with Zerolene of
the correct grade.
Bring in your car today. Modern
Crankcase Cleaning Service will
give immediate better engine per
formance. Done regularly it will
lengthen your car's useful life.
FORD CARS $2.25 - OTHER CARS $2.75
Weston Garage
fliller & Booher
Liberty Auto Co.
C A. Adams
i r" ' V ' S
'IT .' kv
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 186
Athena, Oregon Waitsburj, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Channlng H. Cox, who wag sleeted
governor of Maachutta to tucottd
Calvin Coolldg, vie preldnt-lot
THE man who builds a borne In
these times of high cost of
everything, particularly rents,
wants to know that be Is getting
the last possible penny of value for
bis money. The bouse here shown
gives biaa that value, with extras.
Not counting projections and
porches, the bouse I square In
plan, 30 feet each way; and a
square building Is the cheapest of
all to construct and to beat The
broad porch runs almost across tbe
front of the dwelling. A little to
one side of the center Is a door
way leading Into a hall. 12 feet by
13 feet. inches. At the back of
thl hall are the stair leading to
tbe upper floor, and immediately
behind them, the step to the base
ment A short passage before these
sta'rs connects ball and kitchen.
At the right of the haU I the
living room, 17 feet by 16, with a
fireplace In tbe middle ot tbe aide
wall. Tbls room is lighted by two
big plate glass windows opening on
the porch and two smaller ones at
the sides of tbe fireplace. Back of
the llviflg room is tbe dining room,
12 teet by 14 feet. ( inches. At
the right, aa you enter from the
living room, Is a splendid window
group which floods tbe room with
light; directly in front of you Is an
other window looking on garden.
The kitchen, reached through a
butler' pantry. Is 12 feet by 10
feet. ( Inches. Besides the pantry,
there is a large store closet, and
plenty of space for tb usual
kitchen furniture. At the back Is
service entry way, containing the
ice box.
Upstairs are four good sized bed
rooms, enough to accommodate
Urge family. Every bedroom has
windows on two sides, and is sup
plied with a closet There are also
two hall closets and large bath
room; and over ail Is an attie
which gives additional storage
So fine a bouse should be built
to last, and this baa been done.
The walls are of hollow tile,
covered with stucco, tbe gypsum
plaster of the interior is laid on
metal lath, and the roof Is of as
phalt shingles.
This bouse Is a good Investment
at any time, and especially good In
these days of cl'mbing rents. The
first cost is practically the same as
tbat of a frame bouse, but " there
the two types ot construction part
company. Tbe hollow tile house
depreciates very slowly. Is cheap to
maintaij. cheap to heat, impossible
to destroy by Are.
If your contractor Is not familiar
with this type of construction,
write to the Permanent Building
Bureau, in the Chamber of Com
merce, Chicago, and get informa
tion and help.
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Wheat Hard white. 11.55; soft
white, $1.60; white club, $1.64; hard
winter, $1.62; northern spring, $1.62;
red Walla Walla, $1.55.
Oats No. 2 white feed, $40.
Corn Whole, $50; cracked, $52.
Hay Willamette valley timothy. $27
tJ2S per ton, alfalfa, $21 3 22.
Butter Fat 52 5fc
Eggs Ranch, 5758c.
Cattle Best steers, $8.508.75; good
to choice, $808.50; medium to good
Sheep East ot mountain lambs,
,708; Willamette valley lambs, $67.
Hogs Prime mixed $11.50Gll-75;
smooth heavy, $10.7511.25; rough
heavy, 7.60 9.75.
Wheat Hard white, soft white, white
ilub, bard winter, red winter and
Northern spring, $1.60; red Walla
Walla and Eastern Walla, $1.65; big
bend bluestem, $1.70.
Hay Eastern Washington timothy.
$37 per ton. alfalfa, $29.
Butter Fat 52 54c.
Eggs Ranch, 68 60c.
Poultry Hens, dressed 32 40c;
llve, 2735c.
Cattle Best steers, $909.50; me
Hum to choice, $78.
Hogs Prime, $11.75012.25; medium
to choice. $10.75211.75.
Appropriation Bills to Consti
tute Principal Business of
Three Months' Session.
Coeur D'Alen Mint Cut WageJ
Spokane, Wab. Wage reduoUflfi
of $1 a day have been announced fc
all the mine In the Coeur d'AItti
district of northern Idaho except Hi
Bunker Hill and Sull van, etfacUm
January 1, according to lntorniatlQS
received by local employment otfjQUl
Furnished arid Printed at the Leader office
One hundred 1 50
Each additional hundred. 0 75
Girls In the Mission School In China
Pay Only $18 Year for
Their Meal.
It Is refreshing In these days of high
prices to learn Hint somewhere It Is
possible to get one's dnlly4reitd nd
Its accompaniments at a low figure.
The place Is China Tenpsohow, In the
province of Shantung. There. In the
mission school, a girl may have three
inenls a day for $18 a year.
The menu sounds strange to the
school girl of the western world, but
to the Chinese student It Is highly sat
isfactory. Steamed corn brend and
raw turnips that have been kept In
brine and then chopped qnlte fine com
pose the regulation breakfast almost
nil the year. For dinner there Is usu
ally millet cooked dry like rice, and
onie hot vegetable. Twice a week the
vegetable Is cooked with fat pork In
stead of In bean oil as usual. Supper
Is the same as breakfast. Perhnrs half
n dozen times a year, however, they
ceVbrate with more luxurious fare.
Christian Science Monitor.
Washington. The sixty sixth con
gress convened at noon Monday for
Its third and final session. The out
standing events were the attendance
Monday at the senate session of President-elect'
Harding and the presenta
tion on Tuesday of President Wilson'
annual message.
The final session ot the present con
gress opened with only three months
. of alloted official life, ending Just be- .
tore the Inauguration of President
Harding, on March 4 and with an
extra session soon afterward In pros
pect. Appropriation bills will consti
tute the principal business at this
President-elect Harding waa ur
rounded immediately by a crowd ot
senators wben he entered, who shook
his hand and clapped him on the back.
Tho president-elect welcomed his ad
mirers with a broad smile.
Another peace time estimate of
nearly - $5,000,000,000 tor the govern
ment's expenses during the fiscal year
1922 faced congress when it reas
sembled. The exact figures as trans
mitted by Secretary Houston were $4,
653,856,759, an Increase ot nearly $1,
000,000,000 over the appropriations for
the current year, but $211,000,000 less
than the estimates submitted a year
A tentative program ot legislation
In addition to the appropriation bills Is
expected to be determined this week
by republican leaders In conferences .
among themselves and with President
elect Harding.
Republican leaders predict that con-
gress will be forced to work steadily
to complete the appropriation bills by
March 4. In addition, there may be
other legislation for relief ot farmers
and probably a few other emergency
bills. Committees, however were pre
pared to work generally on matters
to be considered at the extra session.
Good second-hand piano for $150
$50 cash, balance $10 per month. In
quire at this office.