EADER VOLUME 43 WESTON, OltEOON. FUIDAY. DEC IT, 1920 NUMBER 28 ESTON HOUSE VOTES FOR IMMIGRATION BILL Muturt Would ProhJblt In (low of Aliens For Om Yeir. .Washington Th Johnson Immigra tion bill. amended to prohibit nil Immigration for period of ona year, " waa petted by lb bom. It now foe to h Hnil. Th rota wa Jl for tha bill aoJ l acalnat Bli member voted "praa bi." . In tba nt tha bill will ba re ferred to tba IraruUfitlon committee Robert Coppork went over to Hot La It a thla week, wher ha will Uka rouraa of trtatnirnl for rheum tlm. Miat Durla Thompson ia x peeled homa tomorrow from Ft. Helen' Hall, rortlaml, where ah I attend Injr arhool, Mr. M. U Watt lift Wednesday inornlnit to via.lt her daughter at Mill colkgr, California, fih will b baent about lx werka. Mr. Flint John and ion, Dillie, have arrived homa raat of town from IVmlUlon, and Flint now take up th reaponslbilitie of a man of family. Mr. and Mr. Robert Proud fit aro eomfortably eaUbllahed In their new homo on Adama atroct, many substan- Almost a Calamity and action will b deferred until ih eommltt h concluded h..rln. and M covcnent ,mplwtlBWlu h.v niT been mad to the residence Investigated all phaaea of tba I mm I (ration and naturalisation questinne. A number of maaauree on thea tub K'a ar pending In tha aanat and It la retarded aa likely they will bo Incorporated In tha Johnson bill when It la finally reported to tha aeuat for consideration. Tba attltuda of aanat leader wa that no baaty ao tlon ihould b taken by that body. Tba 8lfl amendment exempting brotbara and oiatwro of alien who v become American eltlaen waa approved, 20 to 71. Immediately after tba vol waa an nounced Chairman Johnaon of tb Immigration commute Itaued a tate men! aaylng that tha 12(0 Immigrant Mr. John F. Hrrr la sojourning at Hot Lk In company with her aon, who recontly wa operated on for re lief from an attack of appendicltia. Mr. Wall and Mr. Char lea Dudley thla week received new of the illnca of brother living near Portland who had Buffered a paralytic atrok. John -Muir, another brother, went down to attend him. Mr. Jan Nelaon haa been confined to her homo In the north part af town from th effect of fall which h auaUined aeveral day a ago. Her aon Inlaw, J. P. Matheaon of Portland, recently viaited her. Rev. K. 15. Johnson, th new pastor Jhnr tr i-a JIJ " -i ' 1 " bo arrived at New York Saturday of tfc ipUt ehureh hM arrlved in on tb White Star liner Adriatic bad baen aent to Hoffman Islands bacauaa of typhis among them and that at 3louretr, N. J 11 alien bad been taken from a eteemahlp aufferlng with typhus. Parmer1 Relief Voted by Senate. Athens nd will hold church aervlce Sunday. HI family, who ar resid ing at Bend, will not arrive in Athena for aeveral month. Red and green atreamera, candlea, and red carnations decorated the do mestic science room of the high achool Tb aenato adopted tb agriculture ,Ml FrUjy ,Venlng, when th atudent committee reaolutlon directing tb re- My ,lltcrUincd in honor of the foot viral of tbo war flnanc corporation b um tniihll Caat that presented aa a measure of affording rllaf to ..Wro,n Smith Stepped Out." Tha farmer. guest of honor were tho member of Tb cond cllon of tho molutlon, tho bard, their wive and th which aa Introduced would hav dl- fnnthl coach. ly following Humoreaque. Thia big tcven-rvel super-special which pictur. ixea James Oliver Curwood,! epic of tho North will be exhibited at regular prices of admission, due to th facj that the admission price for "Humor esque" aro 25c and 60c, war tax in cluded. SATURDAY AFTERNOON CLUE' The Saturday Afternoon club met at the home of Mrs. YV. S. Payne. Roll call waa answered with quota tions from Scott' "Lady pf th Lake." After a brief business ses sion a paper on the Waver ly Novel wa road by Mr. Lumtden. -Thi was followed -by a selection from Donizetti' opera, Lucia d'Lammer moor, by Mr. Wurter. -After a ao cial hour, a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Flsk and Mr. Bonnet, as sisted by th hostess. Covers were laid for 1H. Other than club mem ber present were Mixsus Davis, Husbands and Brown. OVERLANDS IN DEMAND. Th Willy Overland Co. announces that it will open it factory on Jan uary 3 with a full force of fifteen thousand workmen. One hundred thousand of the Overland Four will bo required to meet the demand for the coming year. The Four has proven a wonderful success. Better order your car now to be sure of get ting one in the spring. Price now ten seventy, f. o. b. Weston, guaranteed till July 1st, 1021. I have six new cars now for immediate delivery. DR. S. L. KENNARD, Dealer. WESTON SCHOOLS )s4r Many boys in th high school hav discarded tho" conventional crcased(T) trousers for khaki pant and leggin't. Besides giving a military aspect to the "bunch," it reveals many startling case of bow legs and knock knecf heretofore unsuspected. Mis Isaacson, aixth and seventh grade instructor, is in Pendleton thia week, taking state examinations. The Freshman class attained a per fect attendance record thia week, no pupil being absent or tardy during the entire five days. Both boys' and girls' basket ball It-am are jfi fitting trim and ex pect to piny neighboring towns in the near future. A small gymnasium Is being fitted up by the boys of the high school in one of the upstairs rooms. A wrest ling n.nt, rowing machine, dumb bells, Indian clubs and a boxing ring aro numbered among the muscle pro ducers. "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" might be sung very fittingly at the close of each physics period this week. In making experiment on sur face tension and the spherical ten dencies of liquids many bubbles were blown, only to "fade and die" like the dreams in the song. "Brick" Lucas re-entered school last week. He was undoubtedly attracted by the slogan that "every day in school is worth ten dollars," and en tered to pocket his share of "filthy lucre." The old school-house building haa been turned into a gymnasium by the grade boys for. practice in basket ball. CENTRAL PORTION OF CORK DESTROYED Incendiary Bombs Start FImj; Damage Is Placed at Millions. Good second-hand piano for $150 $50 cash, balance $10 per month. In quire at this office. Dublin. Th central portion of tb city of Cork was burned to th ground Sunday night and other portion of tb city wer still ablaze. Th conflagration followed aa am bush of tb military at Plllon Cro Saturday night In which four persona were killed and many wounded. Three civilians war taken from their house and shot dead after tho ambush of th military. Than th fires started. Tier wer bomb e ploslon and firing also was beard, the populace wss panic stricken. A dis patch from Cork (aid that th fir bos was cut, rendering uselesa th effort of the firemen. Two teres soon becam a furnace. The front walla of bouaea wer blows out with bombs. . - . Several block of buildings- hi tho heart of tbo trustees district of Cork were destroyed by fire during th night, constituting tfio eoatliest de struction of property nine tb re prisal began in Ireland. Early estimates placed tb damage at between 2,000.000 and J.000,00 pound sterling. Cork, Ireland. More than 200 build ings aro said to have been destroyed In the fires which Sunday laid wast a great part of this city. Moat of tho fire hav been extinguished, bnt there aro occasional sporadic outbursts of flames. Practically new ' Remington type writer for sale at a bargain. Inquire at thi offietT . ' Laundry work don at home. Mrs. R. B.(Riley. S. Broad street rooted lb extension of liberal credit lo frmr by th federal reserve aya lam. waa amended lo mak tha desir ability of tucb a court only an ex pression of opinion of tha congress. . Tb measure now goes to the house, whsr a nuniber of similar farmer re lief measure ar pending. Win Burden ha returned to Top- penish, Wash., after visiting relat ives in Athena. Mrs. Mea Russell, daughter of tho lato Mr. Vaughn, ia In the city from her horn at Condon. Promptly at 7 p. m., M. L. WatU will feed tho elephant pcatuU at tho Tho aanat Mrlcultur commit! r.rnlval. Saturday night. continued hearlnga with a view to M1U) jj.rtha Hutt is expected homo framing other measures for the relief t,morrow from Salem, where ho 1 of th farmw from th condltlona iu,ndiK Pacific University, brought about by falling prlcea. Improvements are being mado on Houee tpl Wr Law. ln denco property recently pur- Repeal of moat of tb war-tlm lawa acd by Will Kirk front II. A. Bar- was voted by th bouse which adopt- n,tt 4 th Volstead resolution for that pur- Suffering a second paralytic stroke, pose after two houra debate. Tuesday, at her home in thia city, Th vol wa unanimous, 323 vote j(rii jjary Minerva Vaughn lingered being 'caat In favor of It and none unlj Wednosttny afternoon, when opposed, i Th . house, before taking relieved of further Buffering, Sho the final vol accepted an amendment j,t( BUffcred a slight stroke somo providing for inclusion of lb Lever months ago, but recovered to the ex food contrsl act among the laws which tent that she waa able to up and tho reaolutlon would repeal. around the house. Th. resolution, which' now goes to fry those delicious "hot dogs," ih senate, exempt from repeal only Dy pUy La Grow and Ish Watt th trading with th enemy act, th t the Carnival, Saturday night, war flnapc, corporation act and tta jjr, wtats roturncd the first of the amendment and measure dallng Wcck from a business trip to Spo- wlth th Isauanc of liberty and vlo- Kane, and toon left for Portland. ,or3r h0Bia- ',' ' Mr. Rogera Hostess to Club. END INCOME TAX PUZZLES ."g'vfortlv? holidajT sipirit Aid in Praparn. Is Prom,..-, .0 by Commission. when on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Washington. A eotinty-to-county RoKcri WM hostesa to the Star club, campaign by internal rtvnu officer pano ducti aml triM given by Mr. F to aid taxpayer in preparing their in-, D atts Mr. O. O. Stephens and ' coma tag return waa announced of Miss Genevieve Roger, followed by Commissioner Williams to begin thort- reding from Dicken Christmas ly after January 1 and continu until storiM ,y Mrs. W. P. Littlcjohn, led March It, th final dat for filing th8 cnriiitmaa Plrlk 40 th ,mina tatlitlc of income for th year 1920. tion of , beautifully decorated .tree, Revenue offloer assigned to th wj,ch wa brought forth to grace th wprk of assisting taxpayer, CoramUv dining board. Present were drawtf iloner William said, will ba prepared for eacn gueit then followed a dain to antwer all questiona relative to ty conf action of .iced apple pio and exemption nd Income. Mr. Wlllltm eonee, white and pink carnations PENDLETON'S CREATES DEPARTMENT STORE IHEPEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Py To Trd Thi Store, wonderfully brilliant and fairly beaming over with that most Joyful spirit The Christmas Spirit. Thi in the time of the year when we all are as children and the time when the desire to give is the spirit of Yuictide. Naturally we ask where we can shop that we may make the best of our purchases that we mar give with the satisfaction of Giving and enjoying to the fullest The Spirit of Giving. PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE' Where It Pays To Trad THE CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND, THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, extends to you a hearty invitation . to make tho big store yonr shop ping headquarters and enjoy its selection of the greatest stock of Xmas Gifts in Eastern Oregon. declared that tax requirements for th next payment are th tarn a those for 1919. ' Holland, Jugoslavia Break Relation. The Hague. Diplomatic relatione between Holland and Jugo slavia hav been broken off, It wa itaied her. Holland iiaa recalled her minister from Delgrad and haa dismissed the Ser bian charge d'affatra at Th Hague. Th action waa taken a tho result of what tb Dutch foreign office term "a long series of Intuits to tb Dutch government" "BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR." J-BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR." "BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR." lent their charm to tho cene. The hostess waa assisted by Mrs. C. H. Smith. Two Great Pictures. Two wonderful picture will bo ex hibited at the Standard Theatre Sat urday and Sunday. The greatest pic ture of tho year, "Humoresquc," will be given three exhibitions tomorrow on account of tho limited seating cap acity of the theatre and in order to givo all who will bo connected with the street carnival an opportunity to seo the picture. Shows will start cn time, promptly, at' 2:30, 7:30 .cgd 0:30 p.m. Another wonderful plcti.ve ia "Tho Courago of Marge O'Doon." which unavoidably had to be booked in order to secure it at all, immediat "WHAT SHALL I GIVE?" Is Easily Answered Here in Obr Men's Department. You want to give a Man a Man's Gift, and the best way to do it is to como to this great store. We specialize in men's wear of the highest quality and everyone in Pendleton and Umatilla County knows that, quality considered, the PEOPLES WAREHOUSE AKays GIVES tho BEST for the LEST PRICE. Knit 111 SI rilttlSTMAS A HART 8CHAKKNER & MARX SUIT OR OVEUCOAT Everything reduced with a per centage that will make you glad. Send him in and have nim pick out one of these suits'. He'll get the best clothes made. WHEN YOU GIVE HIM GOOD UNDERWEAR You will give health, warmth and comfort. A GIFT OF GLOVES . Expresses the Spirit of the Christ mas Season. Tho Ties and Shirts, Kerchiefs and Sox and Smoking Jackets aro enjoyable gifts. OUR NECKWEAR ITA8 THE . RIGHT KICK Make your selection ' in our Men's Department, where every itam ham harm nvlnrpd to meet the demands for a Christmas with low ' prices. " OLD SANTA HIMSELF would ente -our front door with eyes aglow at the wonderful array of Yuictide Gifts. There are Silka su pees ted aa gifts. There are the Wiwlim Dreaa Goods. A wonderful selection of Holiday Ribbons. Anj unusual lot of Party Boxes. French Kid Gloves for Gifts. The finest of Silk Underwear, Leather Hand bags and Xmas Novelties. Beau tiful Linen Pattern Cloths. The prettiest of all Silk Hose. And to think that wo have greatly lowered the price on all this good merchandise is enough to make us all happy. AN OLD-TIME X-MAS WITH OLD-TIME PRICES j That's good news, and that's the ; vctf thing wo hove in store for you, lor wc vo occn working over time re-marking an enormous stock of Good Merchandise FOR THESE CHRISTMAS TIMES. In terms of the merchant , we would say "Sale," but let's get away from that word during these days, when the spirit of giving is not guided alone by price. Still, let's keep in mind the fact that The Peoples Warehouse is the one big store that has always been foremost with price reductions the store that has ALWAYS met your demands. YOU HAVE ASKED FOR CHRISTMAS WITH LOWER COSTS, AND WE ARE GIVING YOU THE LUttfcK LUSTS YOU WILL GET THE X-MAS SPIRIT IN THE ART DEPARTMENT Extraordinary' efforts have been made to bring together the. best selection possible of those things dear to the heart of the average woman. A visit to this section will repay you many times. Art needlework of all desenp . tions, with an expert teacher in charge who will explain the var ious ways to work up th many pretty things now on display. VISIT THIS DEPARTMENT PENDLETON WOOLEN UlILLS PRODUCTS Nowhere in the entire United States do they make robes in such gorgeous and harmonizing colors, so soft, warm and comfy. Every year hundreds of these robes are shipped to every state in the Un ion, proving their unexcelled pop ularity with all kinds of people. And they ore so practical, to use for a bed throw, a couch cover, or for the automobile, or to take on picnics or outings; they always come in handy. Then why not give one of them this Christmas to someone who .will be sure to appreciate it" Pendleton Robes are S16.50 Pendleton Bath Robes for men or women are $30.00 Couch Covers, Auto Robes, x Steamer Rug and Bed Robes.. at $22.50 to $25.00 Pendleton Pillow Tops and Pil lows $2.00 and $3.00 Pendleton Bed Blankets, plaids and plain colors, at $16.50 to $37.50 Pendleton Crib Blankets, at.... $4.50 to $8.50 Pendleton Go-Cart Robes, each $5.00 We prepay postage or express on all Woolen Mill products. We pack them for you, address them for you and mail them and insure them right in our big Btore. SANTA CLAUS IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT The Selecting Days for Yuictide Gifts Are Here. Tho time is NOW when "you I think of selecting a most appro- Brother or Sister. The finest of Shoes, the most comfortable of Slippers. These are weal gifts that make everybody happy. Such gifts make the giving a pleasure. Warm Comfy Slippers for Fath er cr Big Brother. Her Comfort Gift Our Daniel Green Slippers, the Padded Sole Comfy for Her also. Boudoir Slippers in all the different colors make an Appropri ate Gift. FINE SHOES AS A GIFT A beautiful pair of black or brown shoes or pumps, in either French or military heels, would surely be pleasing to mother, sis ter or daughter. Such shoes we have in a big variety of styles and patterns which will appeal to the most fastidious woman. And . remember that every pair of shoes or slippers bears a sub stantial reduction for a lower priced Christmas. A TRUNK, A SUIT CASE or A TRAVELING BAG Any one of them would make It most appropriate and acceptable Christmas Gift for any member of the family boy, girl, rnan or woman. We'll Shop for You if You Wish CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Jn The BARGAIN BASEMENT Will be conducted along the line of Practicability Practical Gifts along Practical Lines. For MOTHER and the BIG GIRLS ' Waists, Skirts, Dresses and Coats. Silk and Cotton Hose. Get her a good pair of Shoes or Clippers; she will appreciate them. FATHER and the BIG BOYS Will be more than glad to get a pair of comfortable, warm slip pers. And all our slippers are reasonably priced, too. GIFTS for GIRLS and BOYS Will be practical if you select them along the line of Sweaters, Coats, Good Stockiugs; the best of Shoes, Hats and Caps, You will find some practical, substantial Toys, too. DONT OVERLOOK THAT CUTE LITTLE BABY You'll find displayed here Fine Knitted Coats, the Finest Silk Caps, Bootees, Blankets, Wool Caps and Sanitary Toys. This Department is brimming full of good things for the Home. Make your home glad during these Christmas times. IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS . SHOPPERS Our upstairs floore are resplend ent in offerings for Christmas, and the Christmas spirit is there, too. There are worlds of desirable gifts for women and children; in fart, m larffer collection and dis play of beautiful merchandise ; than we presented in any of our 'previous big Christmas stocks, i Visit this Christmas Land where you will find innumerable sugges I tions for appropriate gifts, i We suggest these things that make most women happy. SUITS and COATS as SER VICEABLE GIFTS. SPORT SKIRTS Always Very. Pleasing. A SWEATER Gift De- Luxe. PETTICOATS A Friendly. Of fering. DAINTY LINGERIE Most Welcome Gifts. And every item has received its radical reduction price to conform to your wishes for a lower cost for Christmas. A GREAT ARMY of DOLLS at a big discount. BEAUTIFUL NEW THINGS for the BABY. A Most Brilliant Array of Gifts with the Christmas Spirit will be found on the Second Floor. , THE FANCIEST of all CANDIES KRAI SE'S in- Fancy Boxes HOFFMAN'S in Xmas Fancy Boxes ALL AT REDUCED PRICES Have You Thought About It? EXCELLO FRENCH IVORY TOILET ARTICLES Mirrors Files Buffers Trays Manicure Knives Hair Receivers Button Hooks Brushes Perfume Bottles Bud Vases Comb Powder Jars Picture Frames Jewel Cases A gift from this assortment can be selected as low as 35c and up to $8.00. - T. P. W. SUGGESTIONS What more appreciated gift could you - give ? What would be more appreciated T You've racked your brain for something to givo, so here it is:- A NEEDED and SERVICEABLE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE USE THE SPECIAL SERVICES THEY ARE YOURS Use the U. S. Post Office Branch that is contained within thia Big -Store. We wrap your packages and mail and send them. Use our Free Telephones, use our Free-Special Delivery Ser. vice, use the Mail Order Depart ment, use our Rest Room they are for your convenience and com- -fort. This is the Store With YOUR FREE SERVICES