The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 03, 1920, Image 4

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    on all World Tailored Suit
Flaal leaactloa. Fricu at low M
tkey wUl U axt Sprlnj.
R. L. Reynaud f
Have You Paid
Save $20 to $30
30 WII
Found On mountain road, gold
framed spectacles in case. Inquire at
this ofliee.
Mr. nn.l Mrs. UeorRO Proebstel Sr.
were dinner truest of Mrs. Katinle
McBiido, Thankscivinir "toy.. Remin
iscences uf pioneer time were an en
joyable feature of the occasion.
Clarence D. Ro of Wallowa eoun-
Jones, mayor of Weston, aaya that
althoufth collection am alow in hi
county, every one is proaperoue and
the farmers are satisfied with tha
past year. Mr. Jono i tfio propri
etor of the largest hardware and
farm equipment store in Eastern
Oregon. It occupies a full city block
and ia new and up-to-date. 'Mr.
Jone in at the Multnomah."
While on a recent trip to town. J.'
K. McPaniel left a mountain turnip
wcitrhinir 10 Mi pounds on the ciuinter
at the Farmer bank.
Weston ha acquired a new v it hum
in N. H. roster, wen anown as a
NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ' Vh !wrov1 ?! mU tnpoTt
discharging- of laid executor and tlio
Notlc to Creditors
In the County Court of tho Stat of i.'liZ. ..Y.ilY i.J ..T.i
Oregon for Umatilla County. mtw, ,hl(U,j ll ',,,
exoneration of hi bondsmen from ,
further liability herein; and It was in u, CUnfy Court of tha Slate or
I coirt that this, iirmron for Umatll la County.
published In tha Wes. ... ... .(.,,... . v.t.t ut A.
ton Leader, a weekly nowsiwr. pub- ' i-w fiita daeaaiwl
ILhed at Weston. Umatilla County. ,l,n'" fl"","'K1 ,,,,.,.., N(1.
State of Oretton. for four consecutive -lu Al l. whom IT Llt v iWmiu
week, tho llrat publlcaiion thereof lea la hereby g Ivm ft j -
bol,, made on tha iWtb day of Noyem- h du V ',' V'"') T vmZ.
bur, W.
Said ortler l dated
November. lULM.
I.. I. O'llAltltA,
Kxmrutorof the Will of
J. M. O'llarra, Deceased.
H.. -Mil. .Isvuf deceased, and all person having claim,
the .nth usyur Bg(lll(l ,M wUt0 , hereby required
to present the ssino with proper vouch
ei allacheil thereto to said executor
at Athena, Oregon, within six momni
from the IWth dav of November, HW
t ty, a former resident or this section, lmun,.m .m n,M.rVatlon farmer.
spent ThanksKivinK wiln nis ton, Mf j.VBU,r js occupying the Shaw
Ernest Rosa, at the family home on cotU(f0 wnich ,urc1RW on Pom
Normal heights. , er,,y 8treiti .
Mm. A. J. Starmer returned Sat- John D(lvi! nwll jn cMtA hom
unlay from a several weeks visit nm cmM w,sh by nig nM,ther'a
Drs. A. D. 4 R. A. FRENCH
ritnck Optical rarlon
15 E. MninSt.- Phone 653
Walla Walla, Wash.
at Athena. Oregon, within six monins
Kxecutor of tha Will of A. I'hlllip,
Iluttor Wrap ordart prompt
ly filled at the Leader ahop.
with relative in Santa Cru. Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Man ia Price wcro
dinner pucsts Sunday at the Frank
Price home..
Practically new Remington type
writer for sale at a bargain. Inquire
at this office.
IVJr. and Mrs. J. Karl Williams,
Miss Ruby Trice and Lyla Webb
motored to Walla Walla Wednesday
evening to aee Henry Ii. Walthall
and compeny In Ibsen'a "Ghosts."
Sunday, November 28, tho wedding
TV.. -.. ...... . 1' Wutiltl lllll
... v.. cf Miss Sylvia C. Banister and Mr.
receive! a new .u , . , . p s,...kli was solemnise, at
J LU11 Mvhiga banks and has arrangcl rf At,wm
t window which prove ex-
Z ceedingly attracUve to local lounj: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
1 If notwhy not?
L. Halseth of the Weston Mercan
tile Co. was absent a few days this
From my
pasture on Wild
Dr. S. L KEflARD !
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone -- Main 253
Notice to Sobscnoers
If this notice is marked it signi
fies that your subscription expires
Dec. 1. 1920. We would I most
gratefully appreciate your prompt
Subscription rates by the year,
$2.00; six months, $1.00; three
months, 50 cents.
The Leader is invariably discon
tinued at expiration.
III Davis
ui,.37i m a ti
m m
Weston, Oregon
Milton, Oregon
......u .... . l,.in.. visit to Yakima. reea aooui tnrrc wevan ,
yMh mou!e-colored lilly branded P T on
Tho City of Weston has closed a fhoulder, and one black gelding.
lcae with the heirs of the Uwis Mar in face, branded J on left
M.Morris estate for ()rt of the Pine Moulder. Reaard.
creek dani site occupied by the city S. J. Cl'LI.EV, Weston. Ore.
1 when the dam was built. - - - . -
. .... 1 ( L ,
i Nelson II. Jones was a recent vis- took meir piace uencaiii a
itor in Portland, where e bought an while wedding bell, where the lm
attractive line of holiday goods for passive ring ceremony wa read by
the Jones & Jones .emporium. Tho Rev. W. S. Payne. They were at
enterprising journalist who conducts tended by Grace Haynie and Harry
the "Those Who Come and Go" col- Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Stacklic left
umn for The Orcgonian ran across Monday for Marshfield, where they
him and had this to say: '"Nelson will make their home.
While Frank William wa en
gaged in leading some horsea, near
town the other day, the bunch came
'into collision with an automobile.
Frank waa knocked unconscious and,
was carried in that condition to Dr.
McKinney's office. He soon revived,
and it was found that ho suffered
principally fronr ahock.
A shipment of books for the Wes
ton schr.ol library was received thia
week from the county superintend
ent's office.
Jack Githcn. well known at Wes
ton, was in town the first of tho week
from Milton, where he now conducts
the business of the Reliable Motor
Repair company. lie is installing a
modern machine Tihop.
Three convivial Weston young men
kfckid upon the moonshine when it
was presumably pale yellow, Satur
day night, and gave such visible evi
dence of its potency that they ran
afoul of the chief of police. As a re
sult, ach was booked to pay a fino
of $5.00 in the recorder's court.
F. J. Greer has taken a position as
salesman in the Jones & Jones hard
.ware establishment.. , '
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adkins entertain
ed thoir children and grandchildren
on Thanksgiving dny, the fortieth
anniversary of their wedding. Ail of
the family were present with the ex
ception of one son, Allen Adkins of
Kansas City, Missouri. Gathered
around the Thanksgiving board wtre
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adkins, Marvin
Adkins and family and John McGib
bon nnd family of Weston; Mrs. Tcna
Adkins a daughter-in-law, of La
tour, Mo.; and a niece, Mrs. Archie
Lyles, and family of Emmett, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Huntsville,
Wash., and Mis Regina McBean of
Pendleton spent Saturday with the
Ernest Ross household.
J. H. Ashworth has purchased the
lot adjoining his residence property
on the south, and will set out a num
ber of fruit trees and berry bushe
to further improve his attractive
holdings on Normal heights.
Mrs. Sarah Rowland was hostess
to the Saturday Afternoon club Nov
ember 27 at the social room in Mem
orial hall. Decorations in pink and
white, the club colors, gave the room
nn attractive appearance. The busi
ness session was followed by program
numbers including a paper on Sir
Walter Scott by Mrs. Fink, and a dis
cussion of Scott's life by Mrs. 1'hin
ncy. Roll call wa answered by quo
tations from Scott's ballads. During
the social hour a light lunch was
served by Mcsdames W. S. Price and
II. Goodwin. Mrs. Emory Staggs was
welcomed as a new member at this
gathering. Mrs. W.' S. Payne will
entertain the club at her home the
afternoon of December 11.
Ferguson Bros. Were among the
busiest of the mountain potato men
last week. They dug and hauled po
tatoes in all kinds of weather, and de
livered 500 sack to The Peoples
Warehouse at Pendleton during the
week. The spuds were hauled with
Service trucks, which proved entire
ly equal to the task, although some
timer, running axle deep in mud. The
Fergusons had an average yield of
more than 120 sacks of potatoes to
the acre from 15 acres. '
Stanley Fink, son of Mr. and Mr.
C. E. Fisk, has been quite ill the past
week, but la now improving.
In tha Matter of the Estate of J,
O Hurra, Deceased.
To Ai.l'wiiom it May Coni-khn:
Notice ia hereby given that L. I. ()'
Hurra, executor of the will of J. M ('
Hurra, deceased, tins filed In tho slmve
entitled court hi Anal account of the
ailminstratioii of said estate, and said
court has lixed the 27th day of Decem
ber, l'JIW, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
In the County Court room, in tho
County Court house at Pendleton, In
Umatilla County, State of Oregon, a
the time and place, for hearing objec
tions and exceptions. If any there be
thereto, and all person interested in
said estate are horeity nolliled to ap.
pear at aid time and place and make
anyobjections or exception they have
We are overstocked on auto robes
' and horse blankets and must have money,
and have decided to close out these two
items at cost.
They are all the famous 5A robes and
blankets and we have them in a large va-
riety of colors and patterns.
Milan's Harness Store
(Phone 122)
(Guaranteed Gold Seal)
SmS&fero- and -
JlVli&JkjPiS) I
25 Reduction Sale
This sale is not a sale of odds and ends, but
merchandise you need.
0 ((j c3i 31 jdi
Pretty Articks-hundrcds of
them-that you will need:
In addition, many lots to
close out at half the price.
This is your OPPORTUNITY.
We shall reduce our stock.
..Weill Have
the mm., i
. In